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*reflexion of any pointe at a hyperplane is a translation of that pointe in the perpendiculare direction

by twice distance between the pointe and that point

GL(n): generale liniaire group

*WEYL GROUP: is a finite sub algebra of GL(2) generated by reflexion σ of α

send k number of α to k number of -α by reflexion σ of α

*CARTAN MATRIX: is a matrix build by simples root pi, of size n*n for lie symmetry

of rank n, diagonnales éléments are aguale 2.

*representation: (representation of a lie algebra is a solution of that correspending lie structue) is a


mapping from the abstract structure of a lie algebra to a concrete solution ( number ,matrix ,
differential operator )

with the preserving of origine structure of li algebra (braket concept)

*adjoint representation: is a representation mapping from the lie algebra L to the genrale liniare
representation gl

with dim(gl) = dim (L).

*gl(n): dim = n*n

*sl(n):tr(X)=0 dim=𝑛 − 1

+su(n):tr(X)=0 X+𝑋 =0 dim=𝑛 − 1 (reél algebra) : generators is complexe but

element are reél.
( ∗( ))
*so(2n):tr(X)=0 JX+JX(+)=0 dim=

*representation space: is a representation of sl(2) when the element of sl(2) , e ,f and h are
represented as a differentials operators

*matrix representation: : is a representation of sl(2) when the element of sl(2) , e ,f and h are
represented as a matrices.

*rank: is the number of diagonalizable generators.

*dimension : is the number of all generators.

*cartan algebra : is a sub-lie algebra generated by the diagonalizables generators ℎ

*Root-system : a sub Euclidian space flowing such a condition:

- don’t contain 0

- the only multiplies number of 𝛼 is ±𝛼 .

-if 𝛼 was a element of the root system his reflection is olso a element of the root system.

-if 𝛼 and 𝛽 two element of a root ⟨𝛼, 𝛽⟩ element of ℤ .

*simple root :
*euclidien space : is a vector space with the scalare product define by scalare product <
⟨x,y⟩=def∑i=1dxiyiand the metric is the crochet de cronecker
* rank sl (n+1) = n

|𝛥| = dim 𝑠𝑙 (𝑛) − 𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑠𝑙(𝑛)

 Character table : it two dimentional table , describe the character of the conjugacy classes in
the group,

⟨𝛼 , 𝛼 ⟩

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