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COMSATS University Islamabad Lahore Campus

Sessional-II – SPRING 2021

Course Title: Mobile App Development Course Code: CSC 303 Credit Hours: 3(2,1)
Course Rana M. Ajmal Program Name: BSE
Semester: 6th Batch: SP18 Section: A Date: 20.5.2021
Time Allowed: 90 Minutes Maximum Marks: 15
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:

 Avoid overwriting and cutting.

 Read the questions carefully.

Submission Instructions:

1. You may solve coding question on your computer and then copy in the word file
2. Please make one world file as a solution and post in Google Class Room
3. The name of the file should be as follows

Problem Statement [15 credits]:

Consider a live API server that give the list of users as response when the API end point
( is sent an http get request.
page: 1,
per_page: 6,
total: 12,
total_pages: 2,
data: [
id: 1,
email: "",
first_name: "George",
last_name: "Bluth",
avatar: ""
id: 2,
email: "",
first_name: "Janet",
last_name: "Weaver",
avatar: ""
id: 3,
email: "",
first_name: "Emma",
last_name: "Wong",
avatar: ""
id: 4,
email: "",
first_name: "Eve",
last_name: "Holt",
avatar: ""
id: 5,
email: "",
first_name: "Charles",
last_name: "Morris",
avatar: ""
id: 6,
email: "",
first_name: "Tracey",
last_name: "Ramos",
avatar: ""
support: {
url: "",
text: "To keep ReqRes free, contributions towards server costs are appreciated!"

and, further one can get the detail of a user by sending a get http request to the API end
point (<id>).

Write a React Native App that should consists of the 2 screens: List Screen and User
Screen. When the app starts, it should display List Screen. Use Navigation API for
managing screens and routing.

List Screen:
1. Send an http request to the server when the App starts using useEffect React Hook
[2 Credits]
2. Parse the http response and save in React state using useState React Hook
[2 Credits]
3. Display results (only fist name, last name and email of each user) in the FlatList
[2 Credits]
4. Show the activity loader while data is being loaded
[1 Credits]
5. Show error message if there is an error while loading data
[1 Credits]
6. When user clicks on any user, its detail will be opened in a new screen called User
Screen. Pass user id as routing parameter.
[2 Credits]

User Screen:
1. Extract user id parameter from the Route.
[1 Credits]
2. Send an http request to the server to get detail of user using useEffect React Hook
[2 Credits]
3. Display detail of User (all fields and avatar) in User screen
[2 Credits]

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