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Discrete Structure

Tutorial -4 (Graph Theory)
1. Explain Euler Circuit, Euler path, Hamiltonian circuit and Hamiltonian path with the help of
diagram. State the necessary and sufficient conditions for Euler Circuits and Paths. How is Euler
Circuit different from Hamiltonian Circiut?
2. Define complete, cycle, Bi-partite, complete Bi-partite, Regular and Planar graphs with suitable
examples. Why K3,3 and K5 are not planer?
3. Draw the following graphs: (a) K5 (b) C5 (c) K7 (d) K2, 3 (e) K3, 3 (f) C6 ( g) K5, 2
4. Define the terms “Graph Coloring” and “Chromatic Number”. What are the chromatic numbers
of graphs in Q. No. 3?
5. Define Tree. Discuss its various properties and applications.
6. Define terms “Spanning Tree” and “Minimum Spanning Tree”. Explain the application of
Spanning Tree.
7. Use Dijktra’s algorithm to find the length of shortest paths between vertices ‘a’ and ‘z’ in the
graphs below.
b 8 c b d
2 1 4 3 3
a 3 4 z a z
5 2
3 3 4
d 3 e e
(i) (ii)
8. Find minimum spanning tree of following graphs using Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms.
b 1 c
4 5 2 2
b 1 d 4 h 3
a d
4 3 3
2 3 5 2
a f
2 4
3 h
4 e
3 7
e f
(i) (ii)
9. Define level and height of tree. What is full m-ary and balanced tree. Give suitable examples.
10. State Hand shaking theorem for undirected graphs and use it to prove the theorem that an
undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree.
11. Define Network Flow. State and Explain Max Flow-Min Cut theorem.
12. Find the Maximum Flow in following Network flow graph. (Given weights are the Capacities)
b 1 c

2 3 6

(Source) a 2 4
6 z (sink)
3 3
5 2

d 7 e

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