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Method · April 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35905.86884


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1 author:

Benha University


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Method Statement
(Flexible Pavement)



2.Scope of Work



5.Materials & Tools

6.Plant & Equipment


8.Prior Activities




Page 1
1- Purpose
To ensure that the bituminous pavement layers are executed safely and in
accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/ control
activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works are inspected and
conformance is verified and documented.

2- Scope of Work
a. This procedure is applicable to the following works associated with the
b. This method statement outlines the procedures to be followed in construction
of the bituminous pavement layers.
c. It shall be carried out in the site area of the project according to Technical &
General Specifications and approved drawings.

3- Definitions
CM Construction Manager
PE / SE Project Engineer / Site Engineer
CS Chief Surveyor
ITP Inspection Test Procedures
HSSE Heath ,Safety, Security, and Environmental
T.S. Technical Specifications

4- References
Technical and GeneralSpecifications.
Project Quality Plan.
Project Safety Plan.

5- Materials & Tools

Warning tapes
Temporary signs
Safety Barriers
Traffic Cones
Grade Stakes


Page 2
6- Plant & Equipment
The major equipment used for this construction works includes, but are not
limits to the followings;
Asphalt Mix Plant - Bituminous Mixture Mixing
Dump Trucks - Hauling Hot Asphalt materials
Asphalt Paver - Spreading & Leveling
Water Bowser - To fill up the Rollers and clean the surface
Bitumen Distributor - Application of bitumen materials
Hand Sprayer - Bond Coat Spraying
Survey Equipment - For setting out
Steel-Tired Roller - For compaction
Pneumatic-Tired Roller - Secondary Compaction
Steel Roller - Third Compaction and Smoothing
Plate Compactor - For edge compaction
Core Cutting Machine - Core Cutting for Testing
Crew Cab & Service Cab - Labor Transportation & Service works
Air Compressor - Clean the surface
Rolling Straight Edge - Measure the tolerance
Hand Tools - Rakes, shovels, hand compactors, leveling and
smoothing tools, Pavement saw machines, heaters, cleaning tools,
hand brooms, small vibratory compactors, liquid asphalt painting, and
all other tools that may be needed.

a. Approved safety plan procedures shall be strictly followed.
b. Where possible hazards may arise from filling activities, the necessary
safety measures will be taken to prevent accident or injury at all times.
This may include barriers, warning tape/ net, signage, watchman, and
proper lighting.
c. Where work upon existing services may be required, the necessary work
permits and safety equipment should be obtained prior to the activity
d. HSSE will enforce that Personal Protective Equipment be worn by site
personnel at all times during construction activities.
e. Provisions of adequate cool drinking water, shade, and salt water tablets
will be in place.


Page 3
f. Plant & Equipment will be provided back-up alarms, lights, and all other
applicable safety devices.
g. Prior to the commencement of any activities, the workforce will receive an
induction talk on the project site safety requirements. This induction talk
will include both activity safety issues, as well as general safety
h. Safety engineer will ensure that Personal Protective Equipment is worn by
site personnel at all times during construction activities.

8- Prior Activities
a. The Surveyor will locate and mark all live services that are present in the
site (This includes above ground services as well as buried services).
b. These services (Electric, Telephone, Gas, Oil, Chemical, Water, Drainage,
etc) will be clearly marked using stakes and warning tapes. Near these
services, special precautions will be undertaken and coordination with
the Engineer will be carried out to avoid any damages during the filling
and compaction process.
c. Any existing service if exposed during previous excavation will be clearly
marked, protected, and properly supported during all activities.

9- Procedure
9.1 Binder Layer (Asphaltic base course)

9.1.1 Prior to the placement of bituminous base course layer, the sub-base
course will be cleaned and prepared by removal of dust and deleterious
materials by air jetting or mechanically sweeping or by any approved
means. The cleaned course will be afterwards lightly made wet prior to
the application of the prime coat.
9.1.2 An approved priming coat of grade MC-1 shall be applied to the non-
bituminous sub-base layer at the rate of ( 0.65 to 1.75) liters per m 2 in
accordance with Technical specifications. Prime coat is a cutback
bitumen spray that shall be applied (50~70 oC) to all surfaces of the
crushed aggregate base course. Blotter sand is used to correct areas with
excess prime coat materials.
9.1.3 The Bitumen Distributor shall be calibrated before use. The distributor
shall be self-powered and full circulation spray bars adjustable laterally
and vertically. Heating and Mixing of bituminous materials will be
carryout accordance with T.S.


Page 4
9.1.5 Sufficient time (48 Hour Min.) will be allowed for the curing of the
prime coats before placing the following bituminous pavement layers.
9.1.6 The asphaltic concrete mixtures shall be transported to project site by
strong clean trucks with smooth steel surfaces. The surfaces shall always
be clean and free from any oil or dilutes or any materials which may
affect the properties of asphalt mixtures. When necessary, the surfaces
may be sprayed with a thin layer of lubricant to prevent sticking the
mixtures with the surfaces. The transported asphaltic concrete materials
shall be covered at cold times or in case of the mixing plant is far away
from the project site to minimize the heat loss of the mix.
9.1.7 The asphalt cement is used in hot asphalt concrete mixes and some
surface treatments. The asphalt cement shall conform to the requirement
of the Standard Egyptian Specification , which classifies asphalt based on
viscosity; or shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M-20, which
classifies asphalt based on penetration grades. The asphalt cement shall
be of 60/70 penetration grades and grades of asphalt materials shall
conform to the requirements in Table 1 (Otherwise Specified).

Tack Coat RC-2 Wearing (*) cm

Prime Coat RC-1 Binder (*) cm

Base (*) cm
Sub-base (*) cm

Flexible Pavement Layers

(*) Thicknesses According to Approved Drawings


Page 5
Table 1 : Quality requirement of penetration grade asphalt binder
Penetration Grade
Property 40-50 60-70 85-100
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
Penetration at 25 ° C,
T- 49 40 50 60 70 85 100
1oogm, 5sec.
Viscosity at 135 ° C (ASTM
- 120 100 85
Units of kinematic viscosity T- 201 240 200 170
Flash point, Cleveland oven,
o T - 48 232.2 232.2 232.2
C, min.
T - 179
Penetration, of residue
T - 49 55 52 47
percent of original
Ductility of residue 25 ° C T - 51 100 100 100
Solubility in
T - 44 5.99 5.99 5.99
trichloroethylene, %

9.1.8 Placing and compaction of Binder bituminous layer will be carried out in
accordance with T.S.
9.1.9 Asphalt lay down will proceeds from start to end direction along the Road.
Placement of Binder course shall begin along the centerline of a Road or
on the high side of areas with a one-way slope. The mixture shall be
placed in consecutive adjacent strips towards the uphill direction of the
Road as opposed to the downhill direction.
9.1.10 The paver will setup include the cut wooden blocks for the paver screed
to rest upon at the start of each paving day. The wooden block will reflect
the actual loose thickness of the asphalt concrete before compaction.
Normally setup the paver to 7.5m width lane with screws. However, it
can be adjusted depending on the available paving area.
9.1.11 Depending on the available area, pavers will maximize to continuous
operation. Every control point will be checked for elevation at the
beginning of the works and while processing the work.
9.1.12 Two separate equipped work teams will execute for asphalt placement at
adjacent lanes in echelon simultaneously.
In order to minimize the formation of cold joints, two running pavers
shall keep in a constant distance (D – Fig 1) in longitudinal direction.


Page 6
Fig 1 : Lay Down Plan

9.1.13 According to the above Fig 1, Paving shall be conducted along the center line
until complete the available working area and follows the sequence from center
to edge.
9.1.14 The temperature of the mix (139 ~ 163 oC) will be checked in both the hauling
truck and in the paver hopper and recorded. Temperature of asphalt materials at
laying site will be control.
9.1.15 Placing and compacting of mixture will be uniform with minimum stopping and
starting of the paver. Placing and compaction shall be in accordance with T.S.
9.1.16 Once complete the compaction, string line shall be used for first lift of
bituminous surface course and then survey the grade of that lift. Provided grades
of that lift of bituminous base course meet the tolerances in accordance with
9.1.17 Thickness and cross slope will be controlled by one gauge man with the
Asphalt paver, which shall be equipped with measure, depth stick and ruler.
9.1.18 Transverse joint shall be saw cut and carefully removed and painted with
bituminous tack coat before new material is placed against it.
9.1.19 The longitudinal joint in one course shall offset the longitudinal joint in the
course immediately below by at least 15 cm and 30 cm Max. (Otherwise
Specified), however, the joint in the surface top course shall be at the centerline
of final pavements surface.


Page 7
9.1.20 Transverse joints in one course shall be offset by at least 3 m from
transverse joints in the previous course. Special care is required to
avoid longitudinal pavement construction joints along the car gear
wheel path.
9.1.21 Any irregularities such as unevenness and/or deficient thickness that
appear (before initial compaction) will be checked visually and by using
rolling straight edge. Then immediately make the rectifications. The
mixture will be loosened by raking, and as the case may be, material will
be added, to correct the irregularity. Undue surface coarseness shall be
remedied by the addition of finer material via hand sieves. Rolling
straight edge will be continuously used to check the evenness of the
9.1.22 Sufficient compaction equipment shall be provided and compaction shall
continue until each lot of asphaltic concrete pavement is compacted to
an in-place density within ninety two to ninety-five (92% - 95%) of the
theoretical maximum density determined from AASHTO T-209 for all
layers calculated based on three to five (3-5) percent air voids, and the
compaction level of ninety-six (96%) of Marshall density (Otherwise

9.2 Surface / Wearing Layer (Asphaltic wearing course)

9.2.1 Prior to the placement of bituminous Wearing layer, the Binder layer will
be cleaned and prepared by removal of dust and deleterious materials by
air jetting or mechanically sweeping or by any approved means.
9.2.2 An approved bitumen tack coat of grade RC-2 shall be applied to the
binder courses at the rate of (0.25 to 0.35) litres per m 2 or as ordered by
the Engineer.
9.2.3 Sufficient time will be allowed for the curing of the tack coat before
placing Wearing bituminous pavement layer.
9.2.4 Placing and compacting of mixture will be uniform with minimum
stopping and starting of the paver. Placing and compaction shall be in
accordance with T.S.
9.2.5 Every pass of the roller should proceed straight into the compacted mix
and return in the same path. After the required passes are completed, the
roller should move to the outside of the pavement on cooled material and
repeat the procedure (Fig 2).


Page 8
Fig 2 : Correct rolling pattern

9.2.6 Whenever it is possible, longitudinal and transverse joints shall be held to

the minimum practical number. The new asphaltic concrete layer shall
overlap with the adjacent layers by the minimum of three (3) centimeters.
9.2.7 Contact surfaces, where asphaltic concrete mixtures are placed against
concrete or curb stone and gutter, bridge abutments, retaining walls,
drainage facilities, a cold pavement joint or metal surface, shall be tack
coated properly in accordance with T.S. Shaping and dishing to the sides
of catch pits shall be carefully carried out to the profiles shown on the
approved drawings. In places inaccessible to the rollers, compaction shall
be achieved by suitable vibrating rollers or by plate compactor.
9.2.8 After final rolling the surface shall be smooth and true to the established
crown and grade. Any low or defective spots shall immediately be
remedied by cutting out the course, or planning to a depth of 50 mm ( or
Full layer depth), at such spots and replacing it with a fresh hot mixture
that shall be immediately compacted to conform with the surrounding
area and shall be thoroughly bonded to it.
9.2.9 The surface of the finished pavement shall be free from depressions
exceeding 4 mm as measured with a three (3) meter straight edge
(Otherwise Specified). Tolerances of Wearing Layer shall be in
accordance with T.S.


Page 9
10.0 Responsibilities

10.1 The CM will coordinate with PE / SE and ensure that the necessary
resources to implement the approved method statement have been
allocated to the task.
10.2 The PE / SE will ensure that the site preparation activities are conducted
according to the approved method statement and all in-situ tests are
10.3 Quality Control Engineer will ensure that the materials being used are in
accordance to the project specifications.
10.4 The HSSE officer along with his team will ensure implementation of all
HSSE procedures related to the nature of the works being carried out and
in accordance with Project Safety Plan.
10.5 The CS along with his team will ensure that all levels, coordinates and
stations are accordance with the approved drawings.


Page 10

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