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cf>lllfC'lll 3lTW
cfilllfc-lll am~~-~ -q-?[ ~5(453)/~/~/ 2022/53133
25.11.2022 cf> am dll~'{-Jl(1'13TR " "Harmonized Diagnostic

Assessment of Dementia (DAD) for Longitudinal Aging Study" under Dr. Laxmi Kant Goyal, Associate.
Prof.&Head Department of Geriatric Medicine." cf>~~ 3l1t:lR tR Field Investigator cfi (One)
llG q,J" w ~ cf> lflup, 19.12.2022 -q,) m1<1 tR ~-m~ wrr
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2022/55065-66 12.12.2022 cfiT w ~ ffl sa '3cffi

~llfticif>I-< 3Tfim 20.12.2022 <ITT

~ .$.{~?.:f. .... / ~.5(LASI-DAD)/~/fllS-ll..-ll/2021 ~ .!.1 h.~J.2022
J.lfa~fq q,l" izq 3llcHllcfi cfil4cll51 %:
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3. ~, tjcjfll~c cITT TTP '3cffi cfiT tjcjfll~c IR
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4. Dr. Laxmi Kant Goyal, Associate. Prof.&Head Department of Geriatric Medicine & Pl
5. flC'llt=.:cblx/~ ~~cbC'l ~ , I
6. M ~ , ~Hlill4 Plli?!cb I
7. M "f!"ITTO, 3ITT10 ~1-il'ql4 I / _/

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