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ALP Intermedio 4

M – Hello, Bryzeida. How are you doing?

B – Hello Miguel. It's good that you invited me to dinner to talk about our problems. I have a
problem that worries me.
M – Why? What happened?
B – I’m not satisfied with one aspect of my life and I wish I could make things different.
But first, can you tell me how expensive is this restaurant? I'm short on cash and I need to save
M – Oh! I have the same problem, but don’t worry it's cheaper than you think. Tell me, what’s your
B – Well, my boyfriend has lied to me for many years and I haven’t realized it. We opened a savings
account for our marriage and he spent all the money gambling. He told me he was looking for a
way to strike us rich. Can you believe it? He lost all our money for that idea. I wish I would like
things to be different.
M – Oh Bryzeida, I’m so sorry.
B- Worst of all is that I don't know if I must to marriage with him. I can't trust in him again. I wish
that I could turn back time. If he hadn't lied to me, I would feel safe marrying him.
M – I understand you, but on the other hand If you would turn back the time, you just could
recover your money, but he could lie in the future.
B – It's true, he is not a trustworthy person. Well, I'm so sorry I forgot that you i forgot you invited
me to dinner because you wanted to talk to me. Forgive me. Forgive me.
M – Don’t worry. If I had known about your problem, I wouldn’t have bothered you.
B – It’s ok. Can you tell me how your new job is going?
M – Well, I wish I could tell you I'm fine, but I'm not really.
B – But, I remember a year ago you were very excited about your new job.
M – At the time I thought it was a good idea, but I was wrong.
B - Why?
M – Well, the company has been in financial trouble recently and started making budget
cuts. They no longer pay me the bonuses they promised me and now my salary is not
enough to pay the car loan that I recently bought. Oh! If I were a millionaire, I would live
without worries.
B – You shouldn’t waste money on expensive cars. That’s so bad. But tell me what have
you thought of doing?
M – I know that my old job still hasn't found my replacement. I wish I knew why so I could
talk to my ex-boss.
B – If you had the chance to talk to him, what would you say?
M – I don’t know. In fact, I wish he would call me and hire me back. I never got to know
him well because we worked together for a short time. If I could read minds, I'd know
what he thought of me and if he'd hire me again.
B – In my opinion, you should open your own company.
M – That’s true, but I think this is not the time to do it.
B – Why? I could even help you if you want
M - It's a great idea, but then again, this is not the time.
B – If he had super powers, I would turn back time to let you know what will happen in the
future and prevent you from quitting your job. Let's call the waiter to order something to
eat and continue thinking about how to solve your problem.
M- Waiter!

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