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,.,.; .IllIII



All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning

* *

Complete Ne'w~ Coverage of All the Pointes
Entered liS Second Clads Matter at the Post Office at DetroIt. Mich.

H orne of tbe News










01 tbe

Th is Is

Basketball Team???

As Compiled b'y the
Grosse Pointe Nell'S

Thu"d." SECRETARY F.h,u,,'y OF DEFENSE U"bc,1 S. infom,"tion on whi,h In "Cu'e McNam"a's dcc"i"" Penl"gon cen,o'S "ltmd 'pe"fie ,peech" by milil",y PNson n e I ha:-: full prcsidential h",'kioc. M,'. Kcnncdy, ,,,,,,king yesterday at a news COnfel'('nee,/ ,taled th,,1 noilh" he '"'' Ihe Secretary of Dc fen s c "can a~ree to a harassment of inclividuals who arC' only carrying oul Ihe policies diel"led hy their superiors"" The President today invoked "cxecutive Pl'iVi', legc" 10 pmenl mili"',." cen'O'S C,om '''ing ,'nked 0'" thc coals by the Senate sUbcommit-, tee lnvestigallng Defcn" Depmiment een'o'Shil'. 'I,.. Kennedy voiced hi>; support of IVlc~ I ",m"a , f "W hom's ft" t h, Anned S"vices 'uh,ommittee "oled un"nimou,'y Willis L:r\IT-' to Co,", top PentagoIt censor ('Ilee to submit a lIame he I'efu>;cd to rcveal last week under I )ain of possible ('itation for contempt llf Congress,

YOU th Saves Gl:r l .IWoods Scene Of $200,000 Being Attacked by Conflagration Jac k son Paro lee
~_______ Man with P

Investigating Cause of Blaze That Destroyed Sporh Shop and Health ~

Gymnasium A four-alarm a health

long k R

PrisonHRecord S

Followed ROt d Victim aces

off u



escuer ears cream an of House to Nab Attacker

. A Jackson Prison parole,e was sentenced to 90 days, in the Wayne County JaIl for assault and battery, fol..owmg l'

on Friday; February alias De- "-9. Devilliards Wynn,

a h'earmg

b e f ore P ar k Ju d ge C . Josep h B e Ianoer





That's exactly what it is, wIth a few extras in the

form of Children thrown in for good measure, The big gals are m em beos of the Neighborhood Slu b' s Senior


PRESIDENT KENXEDY yost"day oskcd Cong,cs> to cho<b tcr '1 d g i ant a . corporation , for I' t . U 1 ] n g anc maw amrn,~ a \\"orldwicle radio, tC'!cvision and t I h t \I' k ()\'e a IJil
Iion dotl"'s

League F1yerettes. Some of t h e 0f fspring were too small to bring for the picture. There are 22 youngsters l'n all \vhose mothers are members of the team. Shown
here are, FRENCH, sea ted, left to rigb to-CAR OL and MIKE KEVIN and SEAN MALONEY, JUDY,

e ep one ne":Ot'th "r n"l-d,,, or'. I' voting sloek in Ihc pmpo"d Communications Satellite Corp,


I --------------------------------------------~------------

would be offered to the public and to communications firms at not lcss than $1,000 a Share./ with secondary shares available onl,. 10 communication, ""mpanics. th"According to would Kennedy, Corporation make its Mr.

P 0I icy Shi i t Th ree Ch. to R.ecelve BZ d D.rlve arltles 00 L.lmlts P ar k Proceed S fT. rom liXlS Show R ep1 1 enls tes Beaclt Gl'e'sts 'Wh h 0 pens FehIt-ual-Y . 2 M any B an k s l.e 2
tI .I.

villards Long, alias Devillards . ruary ] 2. DeLong, 28, oC 4450 Thi,tieth The fi... beln""d ","'cd hy street, Detroit, was originally i faulty wiring in the hcalth club, charged with att~mpted rape, 1 'was fouglll for more than 1II 0 hut b co au" his vidim'Sj hout" I". Jin'men fm", II" "rcams b,onght ah<>ulh" resWoods, F;n'm" PO"k, Sho,,, "nd cue before harm could be done, Harpel' Wuod~, Approximatc1y Ihe only ch",ge th.1 could . 8.' fi"emen. indndiog off-duty hc pmvcd wos Ihe one. Window Smashed at Paul' C,ly "nl Sl. Cl,i, Shorcs fi,,Park Police Chief Arthur G h' Ph h" Il11en \dlO \'oluntcered thcir Louwe" 'aid Ih.1 Wynn, who I ac s otog rap Y In I It ..i p. "cn' ,,1 tI", ,,'''n e Th '" '''' "'''''d on 1''''01, I'om Fi,her Road; Displays 'wcce eighl piO"e.' oC C"'di"hlJ ..t k"n P,i,on on t J,nu.ry Stolen iug ,quipment u,,'d ff b M k 10, d S t 'th 20 Id go us f' II a ae' Destroyed \1 ere the \"ic 1'anP k a 'j a d d h an ' . omerselk d WI a A ~ -year-o For the second time "n ncv GVI11 <ind Health Club, 19:281 I ho th g'~l ,J _ ,_ ,.I': ar glr, an 0 owe er as ten davs, City police ar- ", Iack; an,d) 9rosse Po,i,nte Sport ~ 'j"ed d vn Somerset Wyn ~ _ ~ S le wa e me. ~ e h rl'ved at 1he scene of a!, Shop, 19~(j:J, :\lack. 1he Sl11o",e wa ""\. 0\ damage was the ?ods Drug.,? grabbed her about the ,n throat burg"larv to find the front ! Centrc, 19291m?llack.\\'lotal dall1~, and eovmd her mouth, hut not plate glass wmdow of a, 'ge w"., "tim.led "t mo" th.n hcfo.. thc girl "" d a ch.ncc store sm ashed, a bn ck 1 ym g ,S200.000 . to let out a piercing scream. inside, and display articlr~s ! _ Lone Victim Treated Youth Rescues Girl missing. '1"lle 011]" \'I'C"tl'lllOr tIle fIre 0 'I 'I Z Norman Beliger, 18, of 329 Paul Gach PhotograIJh". Inl'" 0 ,~ I J an M.,zoda oC 1423 Somerset, Was this week's target for 1'01)- ; 53, OC69 \' emane "o.d, "ho "" Hillcrest, visiting a girl, friend, bc"Y. P.lm Imen Gco,ge B... kx II II as 1\ 1's .' ",. Iml11c'rman, h""d thc gid's mcam and ran .nd Duncan Ma,E"d,cm 'c- I'" Ihc h",lth dub and "ho ''''' out of the house and grabbed sponded to an alarm at 5::10 taken to St John I-Iospltal and

-----B rlC k ------,gall!: A . --

fire declub and rr goods store and caused smoke damane 10 b , ' , : d" 'n d 11 r to'='I...... '? ; an a Maek-SC\'eo r gShoppin~ I Ihe JOln] rrb s "Ill : District on Monda\', Fcb-

i SIJOrtin ,troyed

E nploye'd Rob Store




the girl away from her assail,nt. The youth told Wynn to remain where he was "Or else." Bdiger took the girl, who wos hysl"i"1 and in ,hock to Miss Mazzoda's house, and told hi Miss Mazzoda to call d police, {

a,m. on Saturday, February la, Aniving "t the photography shop. 345 Fisher, they noted a brick lying inside the shatterl'd Cou, hy six fool ,oulh Cmol

treated for ll1,halatlOn of smoke .nd "eam. She "OS t,kcn 10 the hO,~PI"tajby \'V oods 1"al,olman \\ Ilham Duster. The n",1 al",'m e"o" io al

window, observed articles on about. 11;30 a,I11"and C the Woods d display missing, and found a sent all of its equipment k to the

w Beliger then without 'ch she did r e t urn cloy. to rceord .. lopc and of the on thc "ene. At black clouds 00 smoke ,nd ed sidewalk in front spool store. billowing 'l"k of m" Wynn, and under threat of dO-I A second reeordpr tape WiiS codd be seen, and the fireing him bodily harm if he. did discovered at the intersection figbters figured the fire would nott'l obey, held 'd the assailantk of Washington and Maumee. bed- Ofd major proportions tl'and1 l' d t ' 'I d charge. , Robb'e s ""re S"I ar e~J ,um alarms, un 1 po Ice arnve an 00 ra we In secone an lIre Grosse Pointe School for Exceptional Children, Wynn could not have gotten I CIty Pohce Captall1 Andre',\' UNICEF, and Save the Children Federation-these are " . 't d' C. Teetacrt remarked on the' On the sccond alarm, tile the three charities which will receive proceeds from the The first all day and alwaY lf he It,ned, SI t wGas d1S- similarity b'etween the Ga('h Farms sent its aerial ladder c ose d band Ice. g. or on Harper 14lh annual Tuxis S h ow to b e h e ld Fe b ruary 22, 23,an d eve n i n g American Red Duuean y po PatroIm.u W.Iter ,0bhClY ,nd the ,obhery oC truck '. and'1'1, tl' 'd Woods " a . I 24 'n ~J----~~ ~ Cross double unit bloodYork Jewelers 16835 Ken-he- pumper. le 111 a a rIll WI go. mobl'le collection held at Paton were about Ycmo" away, e.J. on Feh,'u"." J. ' brought a pumper the Thc earnings f'om Thu'Sd.y huilding 10 inmose Ihe "hool', Nollingh.m ,nd a block when '. F'n", 'oothet. r'Om from P,,'k thc ' the Grosse Pointe War th cy rocetve d a po I'ICe b' d . In both Instances. a bnclc! ' nlghl's pe,Co,m'DCe w ill be SCl'VICCS. I,md onc C'Om Ihe Sho"s Thc giveo to the School fo, ExccpF"d,y .nd Salu'day night', Memorial lasl Wednesday, t ml. IContmued on r"e 2) , "'It," ,I" >cnl , ""vlCe 'n"k, II d F b 7 liona! Child,en. procecds wi he divide hee ruary ,was an .ou Thi,a Offi", on Hand Thc Ion,th al"rm b,ought ,nS'd M J h Bockslan" twccn UNICEF and S"C the slandmg success, espeCIally P"t'Olman Jam" LaP'all asother engin~ from Harper ",S;I p"'i~~nl ~n~ now mem- Child"n Fedcr~lion. . _ in terms of amounl of blood signcd to ihe Dctcctive B":eau, Wood,. ber of the school's board of UNI,CEF (Uru~ed N~tlOns In~ collected. was in a cruiser at Balfour and Thc City mon~d its equipgency Fund) aSSIsts gov ~rnmen " ~ trustees: "It's wonderful that ternatlonal Ch~ldren s EmerA total of 319 pr"nts "'ere do- Mack, and arrived at the scene 111el1l.o the Farms station, 10 t a group of tecnagers is doing t I d I t ~ l'k - nated and 375 persons regis- at about the same time as the --i gi\'e centralized protcction to e Re ross In .agenel:s, Ihe something 'for children who are t ah an d vcoun ~y ImprovIng tee tered '0 gr've and only 49 \vere other officers. Two cars and. a truck wcrf~ tile City, Farms and Shores. handicapped. This proves that health and \' eHare , . Ch'Ie fL' ouwers saId tl la t th ere F b damaged' on Fnday tl afternoon l.~I sian officials estimate a pro- mitted in the park at one tl'me. f chIldren rejected. Grosse Pointers are 9 "h t Woods Lacks Agreement 2, A pass card is punched for something of today thinks of and mothers, V ove,r0 the world. apparen y an unusua IIy h ea lth y t' the teen other than himself," 'tl was no tdoubt of Wynn'~ inten- driver failed , to see a 1e Ford e ruar y \. en bable overall death toll of 19 all b b th '57 rue, A rC'lluest for aId was sent although mcuc operolinn, orc caeh gucsl ,Howcd. Supporlm. Ind.", Boy lot as ihis ,cp'mnts only 14 lOt",1 u e~a~1e e,;" wfs no stoppcd in a traffic lane ill to the Detroit Fire Department, ,tiH in prugm". Thc bl"t w" City Mau,gcr RobCl' Slone Thc 36 ~ c m b " s of the Through the Save thc Chil- perccnt tumed down in,l"d of ~,~~a ~';;'~' f~c d u,n ylu~t C"'nt oC 18038 Mack. f01' n "d", I,dd" It'Uck, hut appamnllv coused by an OVCt'- iold Ihe memo".s of Ihc coun- school, .. ngmg f<om 3 to 13 dmn Fed"'tion, Tuxis ,uppo,l, thc 30 pmenl rcjcetion thc co c, e ga ,tt" Dol'OIt d"p"tchcr ,1.lcd healcd ed",'cyo,-hell engi,,,. eit, Ihat Co, numb .. of vc,,', yc." old, a.. hoth phys,,,,,Hy a 12 yca, old Pim. Indian boy Rcd C,o" is usuaHy prcpamd was os'aul, and h.ltery. M"garctll~'n"d. 8~9 ],eoo,., Ih,,1 Ihe Wood, had no wo,'king * * * e,'I('ll fc~mI'I~' I'n the cl'ty' llas j and mentally handrcapped. living in New Mexico, $120 will for. Wynn did not hesitate to DetrOIt, at t e whce of Ow I g'e m t ,'tl D tr "t th Friday, February h 9 I been granted park passes, and New Building Planned support him for a year. paying This blood collection served enter a plea of guilty to the"' Ford , fore approval 1 for '01 , " , , was ,P pre aring to bac]- I ale en \\ 1 e assistance ere} f I'AHIS POLICE foug t eom- c,oh Ca mity h" bcen p"mi lled Pmen lly, thc school i> 10- 0' '". ,. I,"0 I'mg, bid " "n 00 44 diffc,'cnt communlly hloud lesser charge ' and was immedi- truck a hit hcr cor ,!omming th,' I mu,~t b e. 0'J j,",mc d f''Om et th c, t 1 I t II1to i' parkll1g space when munist demonstrators for thr. ee to have up to 25 guests a sea- cated in Mill e r Hall behind clothing. banks plus several individuals, a e y sentenced to t le coun y , , ' FIre ChIef La\lTel1cc Dalv. or hours Thursday night, turnmg SOn. Gltcsts have been pcrmit. Christ Church. But future plans e.s f or th e Scan . i ' ce a T'lC k" how b e All the church' blood banks in J'ail for 90 days , the maximum ",_ approxlmatelv _ 30 feet ,forward f' rom tll e I) e t rol t F'Ire 'c omt 1e hlstonc ace - tee one at a time, or 25 in a are being made to erect a new .. ., t I I b Bas ttl ' 'PI 1 purchased at the Village Store the area plus tIle teachers, {l're under the law, the chief said' Into. a :J . M~rcu8rO)6Tr lv Dby m s-ioll. 7 _d en i L on the Hill a!1d at the Campus and policemen, postmen, Junior Wynn, f' the chief said, was troit. The Kmala, wheels 2of,e-the' OUIS~" front ... 1 '. _. z th ti lle once again in 0 a a e- group. --------------, I d I \V. hen 111fol ed of tlus, \\ ,oods m flCld, The 10,000 Red rioters, Take All at Once Shop in the Village from 3:~0 to League and other institution's r~tease ~omg~,nson on pa~o e truck made six-foof skid marks_ Director Of Public Safety Vern who h.d galhcrcd to prot"t th, 5 on .Wcdnesd,ys ",d F"d,ys blood ban~s were "pIen"hed. a" servlO we year> 0 , S"ile)' c.ncelled thc ,id "ou,,1 terrorist policies of French AIThe problem, the city manand On Saturday from 3 to 5, 5-~5 ,years for two ~ttempts of Mrs. Bernard sta~ed that sl1C' because of the time it might geria's far-right Secret Army ager pointed out, is that many They are also on sale at the Center Bank Unlucky crrmmal ass a u I t m Oakland saw the truck comIng and reo tal;>e to obtain the permission O'g,ni"tion, were f; n a 1I y oC thc f.milies sovc thclr guest Gms>c Pointc Memo,ial Chmeh Thc Gros>c Pointe Communi- County, He will .undoubledly m"ined ,Iationa,y to. ,]]ow it Thm w"' no doubt Dc: bealen hack hy 1,000 club- punches,. and org,ni" I.. gc office 'nd f'om Tuxi, memh", ty blood hank mainl'lned hy he retumed to pmou Co, thc 10 p",s. The tmek d"~", Wy: troit would have sent tI1e needb,andl,hing riot police, but not groups fo, picnics on Satu,AIc",nd" Furchak, 19, of and non-memher> p"tidp'lin, thc Centcr to a"ist G",,,c '~st ~f Ihe ,cnle."cc f~, pmolc men Bu,h, 419 S. Llo,d,. Sahs ed cquipmcnl bee.u" oC thc hcfo,c ei,ht pcr>ons, including days, Sund,,, ,nd holidays at 6506 Con co, d, Dct"'it, wa, In the ""ow.. Poinle'S in ea" of. em"gcncy VIOlaion, the. ch'eC s"d. l bmy, N. C.. SOld bc d,d nol emergcney, hut it was felt tl"t lhrce women .nd a I5-yca,-old Ihe waleor'ont p.. k. Cound guilly of speeOing 40 ""i"l UNi,e"ity 8-8947" i, 'YO> nol so fo,tu"'te. Only 12 Long Crunma! Re,""d >ce Ihc Bemard m.. there was sufficient equipment bov lay dcad In Slonc said Ih,1 Thomos Rey- milcs an hou, on Jcffe"on, a the title of thc 26 ,ct va"etl' pints wm don.lcd oC which Wynn hos , enmlOa! <ceoi'd All Ihrce vehIcle, mvo],cd I al Ihc ,ccnc "n,.",,, 'nd time more wm injured and bundrcdss. e s ree ", , . th t t nolds, director of Parks and 30 mile zone, and never having show whose theme is college (Continued on Page 2) dating back to March 1947, were damaged, the Ford most . Armored cars patrolled the Recreation, conducted a survey acquired a driver's license, life. A talkathon stretching over when as a juvenile he was sent extensively. Bush, ticketed for I' (Continued on Page 2) Left Bank area during the day, during the past year, which He was arraigned~ before an cntire school year provides to the Boys Vocational School reckless driving by City police mute but definite evidence of showed that approximately 2,- Park Judge C. Joseph Belanger the string which 'ties the show in Lansing. His record includes officers Richard G. Elworthy de determination to 000 persons l!se the park on a on Wednesday, Febrl,1ary 7. The together, molesting, stealing cars, and an and Donald F. Fritz. posted a I IC -ets i'SSUe stop Gaulle's terror GAS S d ism. Interior Saturday, and about 1,500 on ------IC escape-from Jackson Prison, ac- $100 bond, and is scheduled to I first offense brought a $13 fine, J., 0 OWlnO' /. I"aS 1 !'11'nl'ster ROller Frey charged a un ay, cor ding to Chief Louwers. appear in court on Fe~,ruary 27. _ "' ~ 'Th e average K" d B ernar' d '-J the Communist Party with ina it en d ance at and the second a fine of $75 A,motorist who made a wrong "Ch'Ief Lou We l' s sal'd th a t Inala an~rs. l\tr spiring the demonstration, add(Continued on Page 2) I and two days in the Park Jail. turn and faced oncoming traffic (Continued on Page 2) I were issued \yitness notices. Tickets were issued to 1\1rs. iog that "rarely have such well on a one-way side of Mack ave- -------------------------__ Lynn Ac..an1s. 425 Lothrop, and or"'anized bands of rioters atnue Tuesday night, February 6, Arthur Dranberg, 23226 Wilta;ked the security forces". The A minor accicJ,ent occurred on was arrested by Woods police as lard, 'Warren, on Thursday, FebGovernment issued an appeal J eHerson at the City Park a he continued on without changI'llary 8.

' profits from satellite channel, rentals: firms such as telephone New Restriction Expected and telegraph companies and EI",minate O'''e'rcrowdother authorizcd fOI"eign...'-':I d Y' domestic organizations co and "Ingon Weekends and USe' th(' space rc1ay stations for H I"d International, 0 (' can-spanning f 0 I ays broadcasts. A war e t h a,t the! " satellite system would be a Go\"- ! 1 A POllCY adJustment in I , b ,'minPol-m"le<i moo 0 p 0 y, Iml "t'mg th e n u mer 0f K('nnC'c!y inC'!l;c1ed several pro- guests at one time at the ' ,"ion, designed I~ e Iimm, t e walerfronl park was apthe possibilitv of corporation d 1.. th e P ar k conucl '1 '. prove ,.y ,'onlml by ,my onc slockhold" on February 1" 12 ' in his sUr!r!cstecl "CommumcaTh Monday '1" . S t ",-.. "1 of 1962" e new po ICY WIll e Imllton, ," '.' '. '. '. nate overcrowding of the .\ GAS EXPLOSJO" in a park on Saturdays, Sundays Saarbrueckcn, G e r In any coal and holidays. 111l11e killed 123 persons and has Curtailed, as a result of the trapped 69 othcrs "beyond res- changc, will be the number of Clle,.. S aar Ian ct' nll'ne comml's - gues t s of P ark rest' dents, per~


Foundation fo,r Exceptional Children, UNICEF and Total of 319 Pints "Co 1Save the Children Federation All WiiI Benefit leC+ed in First Double f rom, A nnua IPro d uction Collection Carried On --------at Center



to. -.


ras 1 alnages Two Cars, Trucl~



I '%';


Double 0f fense

Nets Fine" Jail


ITruc k an d ,Car

Confused Dri vcr I U T ff" nar s p ra





--------A ,peed" who t,ied to gel awoy If",m Woods police on h 'L~ T u,,' "y, 'c bruary 8,wou ld h.vc m.dc good his c'capc if he had I not struck I aI curb and t h' t .In,o,t osl cnn '" 0 IS au 0mobile. Pa and Imlmen H,,'old L, n , t ,... "'+ troll Norman l-landley were pa~ 'ng south on Mack avenue lomats 48 hours to lcave the R. 3:35 a.m., when they spotted at E. country', Argentina thus beRapp, '36, of 3974 Bedcomes the 14tn Hemisphere :J;e- ford, 'Detroit._ going north on public to cut ties with Castro's the avenue. 1ncreasingly isolated regime. The officers stated in a reFrondizi's action has apparent:- port that Rapp was traveling Jy' mollified at military leaders tUI a high rate of speed. They who, angry Argentina's ~'e- at 'ncd their cruiser around fusal to vote for Cuba's expul- and gave chasc, at speeds up sian from the inter~American to 75 mil( c; an hour, The offifamily at the recent Punta del cers said Rapp ran a red light Este conferellce, had del1land- at Lochmoor. (Continued on Page 19) At Mack and Vernier, Rapp

for order, stating its inability 10 "lend itsclf to the double . f th a game of the enemIes 0 e n tion, which can only ,h,kc 'cpnblican institutions and mult iu anmhy". ARGENTINA yesterday bro k e diplomatic rel"tions with comIllunl,t Cuba. Thc "ovemmcnt of p .. sidcn right-wing F,ondizi, vielding to I Mtu", military Pre5sure, has given Cuban dip-

Na b Spee der Ai ter, Chuse 4t 75 mph on ley Streets,

InOr ang e

little after noon on Thursday, Feb,u"y 8. Ernest Werner, 26760 Kathy, Ro,cville, wos ddvlug an Intern,tional dump tmck wcst on Jefferson when his foot slip~ ped off thc b.. kc, ,"u,lng the truck toStudebaker the rear by slide into driven of a '50 Olim Dixon, 99 Avc,>, Mt. Clcmen,. N t' k t d . Both cars sustained minor d th rt' s were I lS. d amages. 0 lC e sue ,and e pa les InVOve t th I agreed to settle monetarily beween emse ves. --------PARKED CAR LOOTED Mrs. M. J. Schumacher of 164 Ridgemont, complained to Farms police on Monday, Feb~ ruary 5, that someone broke her car radio antenna and stole a hubcap, while the vehicle was parked in the Grosse Pointe High School lot.

hit a cu,b and almost lost eonIml oC his C", en.hling the 0ff'"crs t 0 cot c h uP' w'th h'm I ,ud fme him 10 ,lop. Lansir. and bl Handley t said they.th we're t h th una eo," c up WI e m,n during Ihc ehasc. H.pp wos ""c,led .nd I.ken to th~ station where he was issued a ticket for reckless driving. The road was very slippery, due to the snow, the policemen said. Lanstra and Handley said that Rapp had been drinking, and when stopped, told them that he was on his way to Nine Mile road, S1. Clair Shores, to get something to eat. Rapp was released on $100 bond pending an appearance beIore Woods Judge Don Goo6.~ row.

ing his course. Potmtmen Al Ahend ,nd B d K 11 'd th ernar e y sal ey were pat'oling Mack avenuc at ahout 9,30 p.m.. when 'hc,y saw H,ns L . H 01e, 37 ,0 f 34501 Mo'av."" . F'aser, at Mock and V"ul" where ht d l' he had stopped for a .. Ig . When Ihc light changed, the office" ,aid, Hole turned C",m the southbound into the northbound lane of, Mack, facing traffic, forcing oncoming motorists to swerVe to avoid hitting him. Hole traveled two blocks, still northbound, when the po'{icemen forced him to the curb. They took Hole to the station where they gave him a ticket for recklcss driving. The motorist Was released after posting a bond of $100, to guarantee his ,appearance in court.

urn Salesmelt to Help Friend :

Stu dents\ an,d'" FIT ty acu

. S t u d c nt, 'nd facutty at B'owncll Juuio, High School h a ve be en b u sy th e, p st {\V c weeks, ,cJltng c'ndy doo,-todoor. Proceedst from II the 9,000 b Id d b oxes '0 , a a 0 ar, ox, will help ,m,1t Karen Dodge, d,ught" of B'ownell social science teacher Herbert Dodge, get well. Two-year~old Karen had been p~aying in the ltitchen of her parent's home, 22823 Allen Court, St. Clair Shores, when a tug at the coffee pot On the stove sent s c aId i n g liquid splashing all over her bOdy. That was two days before Christmas. ' At first it looked as if Karen might not get better. Brownell rallied to help the little girl; pints of blood were donated and

Mrs, Adams. tra\:elmg west Ch"hoix, ""empted to . , i make a leit. turn onto Notre people, Imdmg out ihat h,,: Dame. HCI' '60 Ponti", st'uck Ialh" h.d .ltowcd h,s hosplt,l- D",nb"g', '54 Plymoulh, stop1 t t 0 I'pse, 0f_ ped Ior Ihc 'iop ,I"ei "IOU m'u",nce on fercd to help deC,'ay the mounl- Nolt.c D,me. d.m'ging ihc ll1. g cost of skm grafts, 1 transfuPl~'nloutll'S' left fI'ont. d d k ' slOns an amun -I Jc _ c,oe _ "". Ad.m ." Ponti,c 'u,nu,:cs. . t"incd left rc". end d"m,ges. ' 1 ho,c who eamefo'w,,'d w,th No inju,ies ''Ore repo!'ted. money were t 11.an ked and politely told "no.;', But the students and faculty' BOY HURT IN FALL at Brownell would not take David Constantine, 7, of 1977 "no" for an answer, So they Country Club drive, was on his sold candy, earning $3,700. way home from Mason School And this time the Dad g e s On Tuesday, February 6, when couldn't say no. he slipped and fell at Ve1'11~er _Last Monday, student eom- and Mack. He was taken to the r1ittees went to the doctors, the I Doctors Clinic, Mack and Locllhospitals and the laboratories, moor, by Woods police and paying off the bills. They have tr<.'ated by the family doctor enough money left over to see for a gashed forehead. Five that Karen gets the best of care, stitches wen: needed to close as long as she needs it. the cut.
! 00



Page Two '.

WI:'\'DOWS Richard Rich, 31, Sunningdale. informcd DAMAGED BY VASDALS of 662 I Gx10-inch pancs of a Woods I' window of his hou~c. was set at $;1, It IS police on Wednesday, Febl'lli!ry thilt a pellet gun Was 6. that someone damaged two the vandal. Fenestra Damagc believed (Continued from Page 1) used by was important, the director said. The fire started in the loft arca of the drop ceiling between the gym and the store. There was no fire wall between the two establishments, merely a partition, which accounted for the fire slJreading from the gym to the store. Many Bullets Explode An added danger was brought about bJ' exploding bullets of all calibers, in the sport store, but fortunatelY no one was hurt. An hour after the fire started, thc roof of the one-story building COllapsed. A half an hour later, the biaze was brought under control and in another half hour it was out, excepl for hot embers. The alarm was called in by Noml Archer of 23206 Wedgewood, owner of the. sporting goods store, at the request of Wendel Harvey of 23206 Edsel Ford court, St. Clair Shores, I manager of the store. The latter spotted the red glow in the drop ceiling through a trap door. on the health club's side. Both Phones Dead Whcn Harvey called to Archer to lurn in the alarm, Archer lricd to use the telephone at the rear and in the front of the store, but both phone lines wcre dead. Archer went to the drug store to make the call, and whcn he returned, his store II was filled with smoke. I Archer and Harvey managed to save filing cabinets with store records, the cash register and an adding machine. Two e m p 1 0 yes of a contracting company, who were inslalling new pipes after repairing a steam boiler for Vic Tanney's, said they had noticed faulty Wiring in the area. The employes, Peter Biben, 52. of 18741 Meier road, Rose~ ville, and Frederick Miller, 25, of 19300 Syracuse, Detroit, said that when they were replacing a pipe in the ceiling, sparks flew from the Wiring when they got too close with the pipe. Hundreds of Spectators Hundreds of spectators watched as the firefighters battled the stubborn fire. They were kept at a safe distance by Woods and Farms policemen, who also re-routed traffic. It was disclosed that the actual amount of damage will not be known for several days, but Director Bailey said it is estimated at about $200,000. The fire is being investigated by Del. Sgt. Walter O'Dell and and Det. Leroy Tobian. who said that although the fire eoulrt have been caused by fa.ulty \viring, this is not posi~ tive. The cause could have come from another source, and this is what they are trying to determine, they said.






IS, 19


(Continued from Page 1) Wynn is being investigated by Detroit authorities, since his description matched that of a man sought by Detroit for criminal assaults and attempted assaults.

Park Passes

Blood Drive
(Continued from Page 1) three were owed to another bank and three more were released as soon as collected. It is hoped that at the next bloodmobile visit in this area which will' be at Christ Church in May that more blood will ~ donated to the Center's blood bank by friends and families of those who have benefitted from it in the past and other citizens who wish to assist this community effort. Only if this is done can the Memoriai's Community Blood Bank continue to function and mcet the emergency needs of Grosse Pointers. Has Given Four Gallons An especially interesting donor was Eugene Jackson of Lakepointe avenue who became one of the rare individuals who has donated four gallons of his blood to the Bloodmobile effort. Two hundred seventy-three persons. helped make the collection run smoothly by making appointments ahead of time. However, Mrs. Perry TeWalt, the Center's hard working chairman for this effort, hastened to express her gratitude for the 96 "walk-ins" whose arrival put the amount collected over the 300 pint goai figure. To all who gave and to all




Let Gas dryers do 5 leads of wash for the cost of one in other dryers!
Thrill to fantastic savings with a flame. thrifty Gas Dryer -five load.. of wash dried for the price of one load in other dryers. Be awed by this automatic weight.lifter that handles four thousand pounds of heavy wet wash a year, saves you 42 miles of wash-toting annually. Delight in its performance in any weather, any hour. Just pop clothes in the Gas Dryer ... out they come fluffy-soft and fresh, Remember, installation's free jf you DUY right now: So hurry and see all the eye-opening automatic models at your dealer's showroom or Michigan Consolidated Gas Company. Buy new .. low down payment easy terms.

(Continued from Page 1) the ncw Three Mile Drive park, at Three Mile and Essex. is 59 on Saturdays and 146 on Sundays, the survey showed. Limited to Six The city manager recomDetroit Del. Sgt. Nicholas mended that the guest policy Massong, w 0 r kin g with the be changed, still permitting Women's Police Division, said residential families to have up that Wynn was. placed in a show to 25 guests each season, but up, and was identified by one only six guests per of the' attempted rape victims. allowing family into the park at one The investigation is still undcr. way in hopes that other cases time. Slone informed the council will be cleared, the sergeant said. that not only will this climinate overcrowding at the waterI Chief Praises Pair front park. but it will also bring Chief Louwers praised Bel- about greater use of the Three iger and Miss Mazzado for their Mile Drive park. The latter' is fine cooperation, Beliger for a passivc park, wherein baseres cui n g the victim from ball, tennis and other active Wynn's clutches and detaining sports are prohibiled. This area the culprit until police came; is merely for picnicking and and Miss Mazzado, for retain- leisure activities. ing her presence of mind and The .. council requested that calling police without hesita- a watchful eye be kept on the tion. waterfront park, to nole the effeet of the new guest privi"We of the police departduring the 1962 ment are very grateful to these lege policy season. two young people for their part in making the capture of Wynn possible," the chief said. "These two kept their hpads, and thereby ended Wynn's crime spree before he had a chance to escape to commit other such crimes, perhaps one that might have ended in the death of a victim.

w h 0 vo Iun t eere d theJ'r scrvlce~ . vorkcrs solicias commJ 'tt ee \, . work-I t ors\ regIS t rars, canteen .tt ers b a b YSI ers an d drivers and to 'the professional staff who

I wo .'kcd "

so long and hard.. to realIze thIS '. record colll'ctJOn, .' t I the MemorIa) _...Ass 0 e I a "0 n . WI~ill'S to cxtend Its smcere thanks.

Great Decisions Pro~

"Red China-Third Grcatcst are J, Powcr?" will he the topic for of t!1 discussion to:1ight, Thursday. February J 5. at 8 p.m., when the grou; Foreign Policy Association _ polic, World Affairs Center's "Creat phcr,' Decisions ~ 1962" discussion I baUo, groups meet for the second time area in the J<'ricnd's Room of the: Ba J\1;,:in Library, Kcrcheval and I ..... ord Fisher, and Room] 08. Pareell"s ' the ~ .Junior High School. i gres~. Interested G r 0 sse Pointers: ment

Oxxford Clothes imply


it is

not fair, but you are often

by the kind of clothes you wear.

the refinement eyes of CUSTOMIZED Ci


"This is typical of the fine cooperation between the citi. zenry and the police. When the citizens and police have this type of cooperation, criminals have no chance to s~cceed. "Young Beligel' could have easily let Wynn escape, but he showed he was of stern stuff. Miss Mazzoda, too, showed she had what it takes. Many a young woman might have become excited and confused, but Miss Mazzoda did not. She called the authorities, and then tried to comfort the victim. We are proud of both of them."

A Grosse Pointe Institution


~ li~J~tht!-.....
~~ ~ tf ~ GROSSE POINTE TU 2-8070 1259 Washington

i I ~~
a severe world, whose

you possess

in meeting

the critical judges,

true mark of c

.11 too often, take you at your face value.

worn by discri:ninatL

men the world over.

every detail.
Hickey-Freeman c.\c/llsil'c \I'ith

Clot. in

the HHI

Blvd., Detroit--WO



Mack at Somerset

Ave. at Crane ..A!so ill Cbicag(


French Pr
24 Day
To be persollall J escorted b)' _

Ens. H. Henderson Taking Air Training

MILT 0 N. Fla. IFHTNC1Navy Ens. Herman L. Hendcrson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Henderson of 859 St. Clair, Grosse Pointe, Mich" is undergoing training as a student Naval Aviator at the Whiting Field Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Milton, ,Fla.

~_l 1





lie de France Le Languedoc





,~._--_ .....



..... .....--.... .. ~

1 ,

I: ~ ..



.... ......


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* Built-In ultraviolat lamp freshens, sanitizes clothes. *i~nag-proof. rust-resistant drum dries even the sheerest fabrics.

Five temperature settings that also permit infinite selec. tlons between. Automatic safety shut.off stops tumbling and heat when door opens.

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While at Whiting Field, students are trained in the singleengine, propeller-driven 1'-28 aircraft. Instructhn includes acrobatic and precision flying. followed by the principles of instrument flying and the usi; of radio equipment to navigate while flying "blind." The final phase of training includes two- ;"nd .:our-plane formation flying and air-to-air gu.nnery, during which the stuThe promotion of Wallace J. dent pilots fire at targets being Ehrlich to account supervisor towed over the Gulf of Mcxico. has been announced by Fred J. Upon completion of the trainHatch, senior vice~president of ing, they report to Training MacManus, John & Adams, Inc, A l;raduate of Wayne State Squadron Five at Saufley Field University and University of in Pensacola, Fla., to make carrier 'qualification I and i n g s. Michigan, Ehrlich holds both thereby earning the Navy's bachelor's and master's degrees. "Wings of Gold." He served as ordnance officer in the U.S. Navy during World War 1I and has been in the inRumor mongers need to hear dustrial advertising field for very little of an argument to over 15 years. He is a member pick up some scraps of mis-inof the Engineering Society of formation. Detroit and is active in the Industrial Marketers of Detroit. Ehrlich resides at 1136 Bedford road.

La Cote d' Azur

La Champa , HrGHLIGHTING the provin<
pre-historic France. France, the French Riviera and the wine and gas the country. region, Roman


May 3.
and his

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April 14
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100 Kercheval, on the Hill

Why a Complete Research Department.



It seems that a research department is almost always thought of in connection with a large corporation. You hear of the many companies that are constantly checking the pulse of dealers and consumers and are searching for hetter things, so that you may have a hetter life in the years to come.

The care that skilled craftsmen put into Cadillac's exclusive Fketwood body is a matter of deep satisfaction to every family fortunate enough to own the "car of cars." For a man, there is the appreciation of the fine engineering and workmanship that went into its building: the solid sound he

hears when he closes the door ... the relaxing quiet that surrounds him in its spacious interior. For the lady-there is the loving touch of fine fabrics, fiq.e tailoring, and the many fine appointments found in no other CCir. Your Cadillac dealer can show you how this elegance can enrich your life.


Statistic' appear

Through our New York correspondent, Baker, Weeks and Company we receiyc specialized research services from a staff of experts covering all investment categories. Here at ~lanley, Bennett we also have a well staHed Research Department, that analyzes and evaluates the many stocks and the companies behind them. By having these departments we are better able to serve you in planning your investment po'rtfolio to meet yom needs for a better investment future. Remember our Research Departments are always ready to..serve you, naturally without obligation.

1962. Bl for capi ment. I buying: fessional Whatevrof !vlich plan a research


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S, 1962



IS, 1962




Page Three

lone: and liard to :If<' thIs record collection. :\l;:'l11orial Ass 0 cia t i o)~ he, to cxtenri its slllccre

Greal Decisions Proo-raln ToniO'l1t ~ ~ ~

"Red China-Third Greatest P.(l\\"('r:." will be t he topic for (l1scusslOn tonight, Thursclav February 15.. at 8 p.m .. when th~ Foreign porky Association _ Wor,l(~ AHails Center's "Great DeetslOns 19(i2" discussion l.:rq~lps meet for the second time 1n cthe Friend's Hoom or the ~lain Library, Kercheval and 1; Isl~el:. a~~ R~om 108, Pan~ell's ,lIl1lO! HI"h Schoo!' interested G l' 0 S S ' Point'rs are invited to visit or join one of the l1on-partisL1n discussion groups. s t u d~' United States policy in an informal atmospherc, and submit an "opinion ballot" each week on a specific area of study. Ballot results will be forworded to The Detroit News, the Mithigall dclef~ation in COIlgress, and (he State Depa1'tment .


~ '1


Motliers of 22 Cltildrelt Com.prise Cillb Cage Team

"The F)abby American" has received a good deal of publicity lately, as people who a few seasons ago w 0 l' ri e d about Johnny not being able to read, suceumb to the even greater fear that Johnny may not be strong enough to lift a book off the library shelf. According to the scarmongers, the average American sits his way through life, munching peanuts. popcorn and' potato chips. wa t chi n g Austrians, Finns and Georgians, (from Russia. not the U. S.l compete, on television. [or the discusthrowing championship of the wol'1d. Maybe the. FlyereHes, a group of young women who play basketball at the Neighborhood Club, arc not average Americans. They look and aet average, though. Seven of the twelve team memhers arc married. They have 22 children between them and they worry about not getting the dishes done early twice a week in time [or practiCl'.


Hurt In Park Traffic


;:. ;:]-"'''',- \~:.





not fair, bllt

you arc often

: othes you



thc refinement
, 1C

critiCrtl judges,



true mark of distinction


your face valuc.

, worn by discriminating gentle.

men the world over. Correct in

every detail.
1/1( ~ey-Freelllati
C.\,hllil'/, ll'JI/z

11.1' ill




the Hill


POINTE 2.5191

TU 2-8070

letroit--WO ACH


Ave. at Grand Circus Park .4150 ill CbiC(llJo

Most of them started playing basketball at St. Paul's school, in the elementary grades, and never really stapped. None is a professional gym teacher. The Flyeretles, one of five teams in the Neighborhood Club Senior Girls basketball League. play more for fun than glory, They like to win, (accept c1deat only when it's inevitable). but play basketball pri4 marily because, win or lose, UH'y enjoy it.

All Flycreltes agree that the greatest benefIt they derive from basketball is mental relaxation, "Some days,- after I've rushed around with the housework, I wonder if I'm crazy to take on another thing," says Mrs. French, '~But then I start playing. and by the time I'm finishcd I feel human again." Basketball season at the Neighborhood Club is 10 weeks long ,from January 25 through March 28. There is a $50 entrance fee per team (approximately $5 per person). No special uniforms are required. At present, there are five separate teams in the Senior Girls League. The Flyerettes Is the only group whose members have, for the most part, been associated with the Neighborhood Club Eince ehildhoC1. Many of them learned rudimentary basketball techniques in Girls Gy:n Class, when they were between the ages of seven and 12. They play for the fun of the game, hope their children will play for the same reason. They do not inte'nd to raise any "flabby Americans."

A 79-year-old pedestrian was hit and. injured by a car at BeaconsfIeld and Mack, on Satur d ay, F b ruary 10 . H e was e taken to Bon Secours Hospital for treatment. Injured was Edmond Deneve of 1420 Beaconsfield, who when crossing from the east to the west curb on Beaconsfield, was hit by a car driven by William F. Schneider, 56,lof 3619 Nottingham, Detroit: Schneider, who was making a left turn from Mack onto Beaconsfield. told Park police that he did not see Deneve in time to avoid hitting him. The accident occurred at 7:01 a,m. The motorist stopped hIs car, went to a neighboring bar, and asked someone to call police, then he returned to the scene to give aid to the accident victim. who was bleeding about the head. Police determined that Deneve was legally and lawfully crossing the street when :;truck. Schneider was given a ticket for making an improper turn and failing to yield the right of way to a pedestrian. He will appear before Judge C. Joseph Belnager On March 21. Alfred Straus; 59, of 316i

Mack, at Beaconsfield. FREE ADVICE A warrant was obtained The world seldom suffers for against the driver of the fatai \\ ant of preaching-more praeLenox, Detroit, died in Bon car, Thomas Piehe, 23, of 445 lIce is what it needs, i Secours Hospital on .January Morass road, who is char~ed I 2n 0.f'" InjUrIeS receIve d w h en . <>, with leaving the scene of a I !'oJ (Jthing succeeds like suc. ,. accident. I C,'5S-01' a well-placed rumor. hIt by a car wlule crOSSIng fatal pedestrian --------------------------------~-~-

Pfc George Oliver

Serving in I(orea
FIRST CA V, DiV., KOREA (AHTNC) - Army Pfe, George F. Oliver. whose guardian, Mrs, Margaret F. Oliver, lives at 971 Fisher road, Grosse Pointe, Mich .. arrived in Korea January 28 and is now assigned to the First Cavalry Division. A medical specialist in Headquarters Company of the division's 7th Caval:-y, Oliver entered the Army In December 1960 and completed basic training at Fort Riley, K~n, The 20-ycar-old soldier is a 1960 graduate of GrOSSE Pointe High School.

.."::: ..'.:::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::~~:


r'.' FOR THE



invites you to join his deluxe

Some bring along their chilI dren, the basketball players lflabbY Americans'?) of the fuLure. 1\l1's. Ivan French, ,v110 beII lieves that it is. "good for ~hilI dren to see their moth?,rs 111 a I role 0 the l' than wIfe and mother." warned. her youngI,ste!'..' before the fIrst game of I the season. "Don't laugh at me If I Jail on the floor!" The Flyerettes lost that one, 33 to 29, but Mrs. French didn't i Jail, and her children didn't i laugh. They went home and : spent the rest of the evening drawing pictUl'es of basketball I courts, Now they want to play, I too. I Mrs. Timothy Champine, who had a baby a little over six

Believe It Or Not -

Spring Is

On the Wayl
Spring crccp~ lip on you un-



OrYour Money Back
Buy the

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French Provincial
24 Day Tour
'] 0

PUNCTURED FLAT W. A. Morse of 465 Moran, notified Farms police on Saturday, February 10, that someone had broken into his garage and punctured the left front wheel of his car. He said that there were 15 punctures, apparenUy made by an ice pick, which were discovered by a gas station service man. popularity culof faIrness to


a complete

new wardmorning,

robe that Ollr aJvice

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viting a,wrtment of all-new Spring suits and coats . . . fresh colors, fine fabric~. comfortable t<.liloring. perfect fit.

lie de France La Guyenne Le languedoc La Touraine La Cote d'Azur L'Alsace La Champagne
HIGHLIGHTING the region, pre-historic Roman France, the Riviera and the wine the country. provinces are the Chateau France, Medieval France, French Alps, Lourdes, the and gastronomic centers of



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v,ieeks ago, is back on the team, and lVII's.James Law, whose six children keep her fairly busy during the day, s~enas one It you seek night a week skiing in addition tivate a spirit to dribbling baSKetballs at the others. Club. Mrs. Edward Monahan has only one child ("I've only been married three years," she explains a trifle apolegetically), but hopes it will grow up to be athletic. Other team members include 1\1rs. Paul Geist, Mrs. Peggy Moloney, Mrs. Nancy Gruen, wald, Judy Mosley, Chris Geist, Alice Marshall, Nancy Schick and Alice O'Callahan. All are in their twenties and early thirties. How de the Flyerette husbands feel about their wives' athletic endeavors? According to thc women the men co-opel' ate whole heartedly. Most are quite sports-minded themselves and. as one team member put It. "1 think they're glad to get us out of the house." Another team member observed that the basketball court is a wonclerful place to work off aggressions. "instead of yelling at the kids. I yell at the other tcnll1. :i~ all works out pretty

?7ZeIZJJ wet2t

flame less electric water heater that fits your home. Call on it for shower after shower, for wash after wash, for all the hot water you need. If, any time within a year, you're not satisfied with the heater's performance, call us. We'll remove it and return the full purchase price, including any installation cost!

Ocher exclusive electric water heater advantages: c::r Long life-no hot spots ~ Install anywhere -no flue needed <I free Edison service for electric operating parts when manufacturer's warranty runs out. 162,000 of your neighbors throughout S. E. Michigan enjoy the benefits of electric water heating. You can join them by she pping for your new fiameless heater where you see the H20T emblem-the symbol of an electric water heater retailer.

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Statisticians and analysts across the nation appear optimistic about market growth in 1962. BUT ... the purchase of growth issues for capital gains will require selective j udgment. 1962 will, be a year of more careful huying and, selling ... a year requiring professioilal portfolio development. Whatever your investment objectives, a First of Michigan representative can help you to plan a sound investment program based on research and analysis. Stop in soon.


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the Most Experienced Bank in town


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of $100 or more.

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7"777' 7
7 F




Page Four




Thursday, February

IS, 1962

Thursday, February

! 5, 1962


o II I I'J' IIA 1111~S11onversations C In Arts Offered

~ J

Y~uth Nab~ed

WIthout LIcense SerIes Offel.ed

For~ign Policy

HARRY BRUSH '- runry 13. at the Arthur J. Van Con ti i Eminent foreign news anaA native of Ontario. Mr. Lerberghe Funeral Home and' versa ons . n the Arts, A 16-year'old boy who was lyst Russell Barnes is being Bru;:t, 8:P. of 855 Blairmoor St. Philomena Church. Burial H}62. begi~ning Its fo~th year stopped Jor speeding FelJruary featured in a series of lccturecourt, died Thursday. February was in l\It. Olivet cemeter . as an ?CUVlty ?f DetrOit .Adven- 3, is being held by Juvenile 8. at Cottage Hospital. ~ * * y ture. IS offerIng two Slx-weck Court authorities on charges 'of discussions on up to the minute U.S. for e i g n pol Icy at ~he He is survived by a son, AI. GEORGE L. McBRIDE Conversations in Grosse Pointe driving without a license and Grosse Pointe War Memorial on fred. Mr. McBride, 77. of 461 Mc. this spring. displaying a friend's license as Wednesday evenings beginning Services were ~Ionclay, Feb. Kinley, died Thursday, Feb"The Writer in an Age of his own. Fe b l' U a l' y 14, from 8 to 10 ruary 12, at the Verheyden mary 8, in Bon Secours Has. ,'\nxlety," led by Jay McCorPatrolman Edward H. Bch'rend o'clock, The series will continue Funeral Home, and burial was pita!. mick, assistant professor of of the City police department five weeks through March 21 in Evergreen cemetery. He retired 12 years ago from English, Wayne State Universobserved the juvenile going 35 for a fee of $6. * * * his position as a supervisor ity. will meet on Monday nights miles an hour on Kercheval SatMr. Barnes who is foreign :;EDITII G. DUPIS wlt'1 Cadillac Motor Car Dlvi. In the Central Library, urday afternoon. news analyst for the Detroit A native Detroit, Miss Du- sion of General Motors Corp.. This Conversation wlil atWhen asked for his driver's News held a packed series of puis, of 391 l"eff road, died where he' had worked for 41 tempt to answer how today's license, the juvenile produced lectures at the Center last fall Sunday. February 11. at Bon years. and was an a mat e u r writers reconcile the creative the license of a 17-year-old and is returning by popular desec~u~~ ,H~s~it~1. She was,. 87. \ landscape and portrait artist. demands of their craft with the friend,. Walter Dosin III, 1015 mand to keep Grosse Pointers SUl'\lvors w( lucie a brolner, Among the survivors are his needs to educate, influence and Kensington. and offered it as up to date On the new develop... \lfred J.; and two sisters, Mrs. son, Kenneth L.; two daugh. inform the public. Readings his own. Dossin was a passen- ments in the various theatres. Kenneth R a con and Mrs. tel's, Helen L. and Mrs. Robert and ~iscusslons will illustrate gel' in the car. Exactly what foreign policy George A. Anderson. G. 1.':::les,' and fO:II' gl'andchl'l- temp,orary how llteraturepressures is shaped and eon-' by im-I Be h rend orde~ed both boys .to is. th~ men and agencies con' Services wcre yesterday at c1ren. plicatlons. Focal poi n t s . for the police statIOn. It was dls- cerned with it, and how it is ext he Verheyden funcral Home SCTvlees were Mondav F .b- study will be the books of C. covered, that .the 16-~ear,-old evolved will be thoroughly and St. PUlIl Church. Burial rua!"" 12 ..t the V 'h' dl:, had nevcr acqUired a drive Ii plained by Mr. Barnes who has _ . :\It Ell" ,u er ey en P. Snow, Graham Greene, Anrs work. \\ as ,In. . IOtt eemetery. FlInel'al Home, and burial was thony Powell. Saul Bellow Al- c7nse and was, at the time of had years of experience Ing with government agencies )IRS LIL~I .;;'1; GAY in White Chapel Me mol' i a 1 bl'rt Camus and J. D. Sall~ger. IllS arrest, already. 0;t probation , '. _ ", . cemetery. "Th 1962 St tf PI "for. larceny and drIVmg without both at home and abroad as l\1Js. Ga~, 81. of 360.=Ncl\1Jl-1 * * e ra ord ays. a hcense. well as being both a Washington d l~n ~oad" died Thursday,. FebWILLIA:\I A. PETZOLD, JR, ~e:ol:nd<:uleadt SGurnos sea ftohr y paofl.tn'etre- B.ehrend took. the boy to Ju- news man and foreign correse luary '11 at her home, after a' 8. :\11' ,P e t. Z 0 Id , 6" 0 f 1010 War -Memorial, presents an un- vem I e C ourt. HIS father came to pondent. I ' . ;}, Mr. Barnes ,vil1 then proceed ong I was a nath'c of Chica"o Th I. 1\1"1 d'l'Ive, d'Ie d su dd en- usual opportunity 'Ce j 1 e She ness. to study ill th e po Ii ce s t a t.IOn t 0 collect the and had been a ~Iichigan re;ily Friday, February 9, at his advance the plays to be per- automobi.le and put up $50 bond to examine the workings of our dent for 50 years. living for the home. formed at Stratford, Ontario, for Dos~:n, ~hose parents. had Country's foreign policy in each of the major vital world theapast 19 years with her daugh. . A native Detroiter. he was this summer. Alva Gay, out- gone SkUllg In northern Mlchitres bringing course members tel'. \'ICe' president of Petzold Motor standing Sh'akespearean scholar gan over the weekend. not only more up to date than :\lrs. Gay was a member of ~ales ancl associated with Na- and professor of English at Dossin was ticketed for altomorrow's newspapers but prothe Keystone Chapter, Order ttonal Car Leasing Co. He Wayne State University will lo\~illg an unlicensed driver to jecting the 'future also. of the Eastern Star. .. worked for the J. L. Hlldson lend the Conversation,' designed dnve and display his license; Those interested in taking ad'" * Co. for many years before en- to prepare the participants for his driver's IIcense was held at Survivors include a daughter, tering the automobile business. a better understanding and ap- the police station pending his vantage of Mr. Barnes visit to the Center are asked to enroll ~rQ. Charlotte G. Reeves; four Survivors include his father preciation of the plays. parents' return. in advance by c a II i n g the grandchildren and one greatWilliam A. Pe'tzold, Sr.; a bro~ Fcc for either Conversation The 16-year-old's father stated Center, TU 1-7511. The course grandchild. ther. Thomas T.: and two sis- is $10 and registrations may be that he had not given his son is sponsored by the Memorial Services were Friday, Feb- ters. Mrs. Bernard Clark and made at the Detroit Adventure permission to take the car. was in cooperation with the Adult ruary 9, at the Ciark Ford & 1\11"S. iles M. O'Brien. M office, Rackham Educational thoroughly disgusted with the Division of Wayne State Un i::;on Funeral Home, Rockwood. Services were Monday. Feb- Memorial, 60 Farnsworth ave- boy. and would cooperate with verslty and University of MichiBurial was in Riverview eemeruary 12, at the William R. nue at Woodward, Detroit 2, police in any way possible. gan. tery, Rockwood. Hamilton Co. and S.S. Peter Michigan, Deadline for register-----FRA~"CIS* J*O"CE and ~aul Jesuit Church. Buriai ing is March 2. For more infor~ was In 1\'1t Oli t 't mation or a detailed booklet :\11'. J.o'''ce~ 62, of 465 1\IcKI'n- I 1 * v*e *cemc cry. oJ about the Conversations prol:y. dl?~ 1 hursday, February I' A:\'IY I. WAUGAMAN gram write to the office or call 8, at hiS home. l\1 W TE 3-1400, Ext. 220 or TE Whether you are the boss or He is survived by his \\'ife, I _J. '"rs. au,gaman,. 71. of 195 2-0026. "Japan Today," a comprehis "Girl Friday," a new course Lillian; two daughters. 1\1rs. RFldoemont lOad, dled T~es~ay, color film, will be in Business English and Com- hensive Warren Schultz C1:1d.Mrs. Rich~ ebruary 6, at Cottage Hospital. Mere than 30 other Conversashould be of in- shown by Willis Butler for the ard Hachrien; two brothers, Dr. Born in Detroit, she was a tions in the fields of art, dance, munication Grosse Pointe Branch of Geo~ge Stanley:' ancl Bryan; and five g~aduate of the Children's Hos. architecture, sculpture. crafts, terest to you. Pierrot.s World Adventure Segr-andchildren. pltal School of Nursing and scrv- music and broadcasting are Correct and clear communiries at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, Services were :\Ionday, Feb- ed ~n France as an Army nul'S? planned this year, Leaders and cation in business and manageFebruary 27, at Parcells Junior ruary 12, at Griffith and Wade durmg World War 1. guest artists include such men ment is imperative for successand St. Philomena Church. .She was a member of Ragan- of talent and reputation as ful results in the business world High School. 8 Mile and Mack. Burial was in Holy Sepulchre Llde Post No. 13 of the AmeriCharles A. Blessing, head of the of today, Because management Butler films a complete tour cemetery. can Legion, Grosse Pointe Mem- Detroit City Plan Commission' demands more information in a of Tokyo. the Imperial Palace. .. * * orial Church. and the Society artist, Charles Culver of th~ complete, concise and compregay night life, a Japanese dinL,(;CIEX J. JACOBS of Engineers' Wives. Society of Arts and Crafts; Val- hensive :format; business re- ner complete with authentic "' A native of Brussels. Belgium, ,Survivors include her husband, tel' Poole, associate conductor ports are becoming a necessity. geisha music. Also shown are :'Ill'. Jacobs. 65. of 186 Muir road, Arthur R.; two sons. John A. of the Detroit .Symphony; Rev. This course will be tailor-made Kyoto, cormorant fishing. the clied Tuesday, February 6. at and William J.; a \laughter. Hel- Malcolm Boyd, Wayne State to fit the needs of the student, silk industry. the complete hi" residence. en A.; two sisters, Mrs. Jessie University chaplain; and poet, and can be basic, gencraC or story of culture pearls, HiroH~ is survived by his wife.' Whiteman and Mrs. Alice Os- Sylvia Pritchard, , specific. shima, Osaka, Kobe burgeoning ::\Iarie. and "two sisters in Bel- well; a brother, Edwin Keel, and Conversations is a self-supne\v industries climbing Mt. The Department of Commungium. four grandchildren. porting activity of Detroit Ad- ity Services of the Grosse Fuji overnight at a Japanese Services were Tuesday, FebServices were Friday. Febru- venture which is sponsored by Pointe Public School System is inn, and the famous Glon Fesruary 13. at the Verheyden Fu- ary 9. at Grosse Pointe Memorial 19 great cultural institutions of offering an introductory meet- tival. net'al Home and St. Paul's Church. Burial was in Acacia Detroit. Its founders are The ing with the instructor, Robert Tickets are available at the Churtih. Burial was in Mt. Olivet Park cemetery. Detroit Institute of Arts, The Habermas, to discuss with. in- box office at Parcells the night cemetery. The family has requested that Detroit Historical Museum the terested persons his proposed of the performance. ,. * memorial tributes be sent to Detroit Public Library 'a n d outline for the ten-week proDOROTHY LlJ:SDBERG Cottage Hospital. Wayne State University. gram. The meeting is scheduled

I" I

pay II fine of $8, or serve two daYi. in the Detroit liousc of Corr'!(:tion. TIle fine was Shores Judge John Gillis ac- guilty and was found guilty of paid. cepted a plea of guilty to reck- Improp~r lane usage and imless driving on Lake Shore proper Pessilltists believe that if a passing while driving road, reduced from drunk driv- on Lake Shore. He was ordered thing j~r 't wrong, it isn't right. ing, from Vernon A. Seese of 32425 Berkshire, st. Clair Shores. at a hearing held on Monday, February 5. LA 7.9600 Seese was fined $100 and $10 court costs, with the alfernaand tive of serving 30 days in the Detroit House of Correction. He paid the fine nad costs. DIV. Henry H. Revei of 22579 Eleven Mile road, St. Clair Shores, pled guilty to violating the State Drunk Motor Law while driving on Lake Shore, and was fined $100 and $10 court costs, A plea of guilty from Thomas J. Ryder of 5910 Courville, Detroit, accused po ignoring a stop street sign, South Deeplands and Shelden, was accepted by the judge, who im9941 HAYES posed court costs of $7.50. Earl E. Stuart of 20701 Meier, St. Clair Shores, pled not

Shot-esTraffic Violators Pay

I to

Parcells Bands Givil

Under the baton of Donald I For 0 McNew, a, talented group of! bc a st Par-cells students will present' ":\latt" the tenth . annual Winter Band po d'!Um ~oncert m .the school auditor- in "Ther. mm on Fnday evening, Feb- Koury ruaz:y 16, at 8 o'clock. For this the cl~ri ann.lversary program a wide Waltz" h varIety of numbers will be feaA sp tured to demonstrate the ver- Quartet, satility and skill of the instl"U- take the mentalists. Eyes." Ir. . Mr. Mc~ew, tea c her of Schaudt. Instrumental music, will open Bailey 2 the program with the 65 memFor t bers of the seventh grade Cadet of the' p Band playing a favorite bv of the C Sousa, "The Thundered :\Iarch :, ninth gr This group will also Pl~y ing thei, "Miniature Chorale and Fugue" number by Carter, some' Sfrauss waltzes, blem Me and songs by Charbricr and will als Hall. gian Su other m I popular Santo v. i of con(. dero." ';' with th,. :\1arch" Ticke'







Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Mon. thru Sed.



per yard

the doo

dially L musical





14301 E. WARREN
Corner Lak~wood

Grosse inst.allea
gala din

VA 2-4100


= = = =

Business Course Piel.rot Offers Off ereel Adults Japan in Color

St. CIa. Tuesda) ~leet(' polIce :' tion wa Police : ~1.ac~ac1 was Inst : dent. a. I the Fa I was na: ! dent. i Other : Thomas I'ecordir, I Behren! I secretal I Fire. tr


fashion news for boys: CHAMBRAY Smart red and white gingham checked shirtto coordinate with blue cham-

I Citj~ Fir

bury ar:


br~y denim slack and Jamaica shorts .stitched in contrasting red with belt to match the shirt. Shirt or Jamaica



short, 4-7 sizes. 2.50 S.12sizes. 3.00 Slack,A.7sizes.3.00


8-12sizes. 3.98

Audit ! and Gi ! Cit\.. F: of 'the . Andr, VanTie: i were n: mittee, Fire, i Day: c. gram: gether Boylar, Eberts_ Taylor ::.\la1" (ret.1. pitaIiz~


i\lrs. Lunclbeni: 47, of 453 Touraine road. died Saturday, :February 10, at Woman's Hospita!. Among 1.h(' survivors are two daughters, :;\lrs. Roy Michels and lIIargy; bsr mother. l\Irs. Edna Weins; a sister, l\Irs., :\Iarjorlc Kunct: a brother. Pete T. Weins; and three grar.dchildren. Services were Tuesday. Feb-

* " "

No-Mess Way to Decorate

~ew creamy-thick "Lucite" Wall Paint gives rich, flat finish with brush or roller. Doesn't spatter like ordinary paint. Ko priming or stir. ring. 1"0 messy clean-up. Dries for use in 30 minutes.


NADIA U. ZOTTARILLI Mrs. Zottariili, of 1351 Berkshire road, died suddenly Saturgay, February 10, at S1. John's Hospital. She is. survived by a sister. Mrs. Blanche Bechard, and many nices and nephews. Services Were Tuesday, Fcbruary 13, at Janisse Brothers Funeral Home and St. Clare I Church.

Hillock, Ecclestone New Building Firul

John S. Hillock and E. Llwyd Ecclestone, Jr . both of Grosse Pointe, have formed the new building firm of Hillock. Ec~ elestone & Company and will spe'cialize in the building of custom homes and commercial work. They have opened the exelu. DRIVER GOES TO JAIL sive D. M. Ferry Subdivision ?_ Nicho~as L. Pfeiffer, Jr., of with an attractive colonial ~~36 Dickerson, Detroit, Was home at 12 Stratford road. The sentenced to two days in the firm also offers complete buildWayne County Jail and fined ing ~e'sign, as well as financ;ing S10 for noi. ha'ving a valid services. IVlichigan operator's license and l'Jlr. lIillock has operated a' for 110t having license plat"s building company for man y on his car. He ,vas sentcnc;d years ~nd the ne\v firm ,viII by Park W d . gel' on t.Tudge.C. Joseph Belan- occupy tl 1e sam(' 0 f f ice s at __ e ne:;day, February 7. 19794 Mack avenue.

for Wednesday evening, Feb. 14, at 7;30 o'clock, and will be heid . at Community Service Center, 43 Grosse Pointe boulevard. There will be no charge for this meeting, and those wishing to register for the ('ourse may do so at the conelusion of the eventng. Mr. Habermas is presently sales promotion manager of Radio Station WJR, and for the last eight years has been an instructor in the University of Detroit evening school. In addition, he is a lecturer and freelance writer. He holds a Masters in Business Administration and Marketing; and a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Sales Promotion. Further information may be obtaine d by calling TUxedo 5-3808 or TUxedo 5-0271.

Served Four Generations of Grosse Pointers

..... ,


Pianos to Rent!


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LeonaI' Williarl Donak :'IIartin Joe Lions l' tel' of ties. .1 memb




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tional , the in, I Ret i Xeighb : worth)



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And what could be more enticing than delicious print's ... pretty enough for sleepwalking, and a wonderful item for gift giving. All in girls' sizes 4~14.
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and Fri. Evenings

Flannel Shirts

lined Jeans

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A. Lollipop print, classic broadcloth


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White background with turquoise or pink contrast piping, 3.00 B. Peppermint stick ~altz gown of easy-care batiste cotton. With smocked bodice lace trim. Pink or mint on white, 3.98 Matching Capri pajama, not shown, 3.98 C. Orange slices, blissfully snoozing on

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Any Glass or China Drilled


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of broadcloth andbatiste. Orange with

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We can raise
or lower your floor or table lamp.


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Bowling Alleys


Validated' When You Make a Purchase ..

TU !.1977



'j 7

2 7 7 7



j ,

m. 7r

11,ursday, February
ay, February
IS, 1962

15, 1962




Page Five

, pa~- a fin' of SS, or scrv(' ,() {by" in the Detroit Hpu~l'

" pUJ.cells Bands Giving Conc,~,.t


:' CorreetlOn,


finC' wa:,


rC'sSlll1i~ts bclie\"C' that

llng isn': \\';'ong. it isn't

;;' a lj::r,:

LA 7.9600


u Sat.


Under the baton of Donald For one number there will . :\lc::-lew, a. talented group of be a student director. Gar v Parcells students will present "Matl" Dillon will step to th~ the tenth annual Wintcr Band podium to lead his classmales Conc("rt in the school auditor. in "Theme from Gunsmoke" by ium on Friday e'vening, FebKoury. Ge'offl)' Lyall will b~ ruat,:" 16, at 8 o'clock. For this annt\"E~rsary program, a wide the clarinet soloist in "Gypsy \'ariety of numbers will be' fea. Waltz" by Kinyon. A special Mixed Clarinet tured to demonstl~te the versatility and skill of the instru- Quartet, all eighth graders, will lake the spollight to play "Dark mentalists. Eyes." In this group arc Yvonne 1\11'. l\leNew, tea c her of Schaudt, Sharon Lipka, Ben instrumenta I music, will open Bailey and Sylvia Kra~vchuk. till' program with the 65 memFor the concluding portion \Jf'rs of thC' seventh grade Cadet of lhe' 'program the 77 mcmbers Hand playing <\ favorite by of the Concert Fand, eighth and Sousa, "The TilUndered Marrh.~' ninth graders, will be display. This group will also pl,~y ing theil"' skills. Their opening ":'Iliniature Chorale and Fugue~' numbel' will be "National Emby Carter, some' Strauss wal'tzes, blcm March" by Bagley. They :md songs by Charbrier and will also play "Little Norwe. Hall. gian Suite" by Hanse'n, several other. marches, and a medley of I popular favorites. Miss Sue DiSanto will take over the duties of conductor fOr "Si! Troca. dero." The program will cJosc Wit~, t,~e >spiri~ed "Que'en Cily . Mar eh by Weldt. i Tiekels may -be purchased at t he door, and everyone is co1'per dially invited to attend t his yard musical program, FAST SERVICE

Scout Troop 156 Awards IIonors

Old Eagle Scouts returned to Troop 156 Wednesday night to welcome a new member of Boy Scoutin~'s highesl rank. Nearly a dozen Eagle Scouts -some of them fathers of cur]'(,11t Scouls of the Christ Church - affiliated organi~ation -turned out in a Troop 156 lnldition lo honor William Sulton, 15. of 382 Mt. Vernon. A druggist's son, Sutton, holder of the required 21 merit badges signifying the Eagle rank's wide versatility, was presenteel with the colorful badge by Judge Arthur W. Sempliner. The Eagle Mother Award, symbolizing a mother's stake in her son's development, was given by the ncw Eagle Scout to his mother, Mrs. Robert Sulton, lVll.s. Sutton, long active in school and community affairs, accepted the tiny pin and rose with misty eyes' - a Scouting phenomenon almosl unavoidable at such ceremonies. Her son, a Grosse Pointe High School 10th grader, also stepped into the Troop's spotlight to receive four medit badges Photography, Soil and Water Conservation, Safety and Citizenship in the Nation. Sutton, who is retiring as the Troop's senior 'patrol leader, was roundly applauded-both for his achievement culminating four years of sustained effort and for his service to the Troop. Before the nearly 100 parents, Scouts and guests were served refreshments by the Troop's Ladies Auxiliary, directed by Mrs. Harry Carson, they also were introduced to the new Scoutmaster, John Marhoff, and his assistant, Leslie E. Marhoff, and saw the following Scouts honored: Leslie Marhoff: Auto Safety merit badge. Robert Fleck: First Aid, Swimming, Nature and Camping merit badges. Todd Nouse: Cooking and Camping merit badges. John Donaldson: Water and Soil Conservation merit badge. David Munson; Reading merit badge. Frank Barrows: Slar badge and Swimming merit badge. George Sutton: Star badge and Music merit badge, Eric Sauer: Reading merit badge. . Brent Smith: 1st Class badge and Swimming and First Aid merit badges. , James Moriarity: 1st Class badge and Swimming mcrit badge. Ned Homfeld: 1st Class badge. Thomac; Noren: 2nd Class badge and Bird Study merit badge. Five other boys were promoted to 2nd Class rank. They are Bruce Kasl, David Fromm, Don Moore, Michael Linse and Forrest Withrow. It also was announced that Sutton will serve as the Troop's junior assistant scoutmaster and that William Ludwig is the new senior patrol leader.

On With Those New Platesl

Cinema League
A variety of interesting subjects will be featured at "Members' Slide Night" at the next meeting of the Grosse Pointe Cinema League on Thursday evening, February 22, at 8 o'clock at the War Memorial Center. Mrs. Charles Duncan will show views taken in the western part of the United Slates, including the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Yosemite national parks, Knott's berry fdrm, and San Juan Capistrano. "Contempora" is the title which Mrs. Pierre Palmentier has chosen for the group of slides which she will present, featuring special composition tecniques, unusual angles, and abstract shots. Interesting interior and exterior, views of the

Meets Febo; '22 'Church to Form

Guggenheim be shown . Museum will also

Boy Scout Troop

Robert Downie, III, will show slides taken in ,Japan in 1960, i n c 1u din g scenes in Tokyo, Hiroshima. and hakone National Park. A special feature of these scenes in Japan will be the cherry blossoms in Fuji.


The First English Evan. Lutheran Church, Wedgewood and Vernier, is forming a Boy Scout lroop. Al a mcelin~ held Tuesday, January 23, twenty parents and young boys heard a representative of the the Boy Scouts explain lhe program and proee"Colorado in the Fall" will be dun~s for organizing a troop. presented by John E. McCauBetween 16 and 18 boys from ghey, whose slides will include the congregation and neighborscenes taken on a three day trip by colorama train to Sil- hood ar~ inlcre'sted. If your sen would like to join verton. Another highlight of lhe pictures to be shown will a scoul ing program, they may call Mr. David Larson, TV 1be scenes in Aspen. 4618 who is organizing the Miss Ruth Saul' will show troop. A scoutmaster with his views in historic centers, in- assislanl, will be provided from cluding Gellysburg, Mount Ver- men of the congregation and non, Valley Forge, and Wil. neighborhood, liamsburg. The public is cordially inHa\'e character don't be ,me. vited to attend this program.





9:30 to 5:30

Mon. thru


fii~~z:5t1r .
PRETTY MARILYN DIEKMAN'S smile is a reminder that it's time to get 1962 plates on your car. The deadline is February 28 but avoid the last minute rush and get them on now.








Club Recognized
young men and women in themselves and their work," and "create more interest and understanding in the intelligent choice of business occupations." FBLA membership, unified on the local, state and national levels, is not available separately. There is, however, no state organization in Michigan.

14301 E. WAR REN



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VA 2-4100

6353 E. Jellerson Phone LO 7-5502

Pianos to Rent!

Monthly '.\..


As Low As




The Metropolitan C 1u b of Grosse Pointe, Spirit No. 20, installed officers for 1962 at gala dinner dance held in the St. Clair Shores Civic Center i Tuesday even'ing, January 30. Elected president of the local police and firemen's organization was Joe' Belanger, Farms Police Department. Dun can :\I.acEachern of the City Police I '1 was installed as first vice-president, und Donald Herbert of I the Farms Fire Department was name'cl second vice-~resiI dent. I Others 0 f fie e r s include i Thomas Chappell, Farms Fire, r l'ecording secretary; Edward Behrend, City Police, financial scC'retary:' David Taylor, Park Fire, treasure'r; F l' an k Dansbury and John Onstweder Jr., I City Fire, sergeants at arms. , Auditors arc Albert Yaklin and George Poupard of the City Fire, 'and Richard Priet;~ of the Wao~s Police. . AndreW Teetaert and Robert VanTiem of the City Police were named presidents of committel'S; David Taylor. Par k Fire. is in charge of the Field Day; and the Ficld Day Program Magazine' will be put together b}V Michael Bem, Gene Boylan, Joe Belanger, Jack Eberts, Blair Martin and Dave Taylor. Martin Nielsen, Par k Fire (reU, is responsible' for Hospitalization and Legislation in 1962. Corporation officers arc Leonard Johnston, president; William Mason, vice president; 'Donald Coats, secretary; and Martin NieL,e'n, treasurer. Joe Schmidt, famed Detroit Lions linebaCker, acted as master of ceremonies at the festivIties, attende.d by over 300 members and guests, and Thomas Moore, Metro Club's national treasurer, oHi.ciated at the installation of officers. IRe t ire d Director of the Neighborhoo~ Club Geoi'ge Elworthy was guest of honor. Hit of the e'vening was a Louie Prima-Keely Smith pantomrme skit, with Ed Gleza as touie and Nick S e gad i as Keely. Both men are members of the Redford Police; and Fire Departments.


Grosse Pointe High School's Fulure Business Leaders Club will soon become a full-fledged member of "The Future Business Leaders of America," a national organization, Michigan State University plans to send an installing team for the ceremony. Officers of the Grosse Pointe High chapter include Pam Stahl, president; Bernice Hoslet, vice-president; D 0 r e en Richardson, see l' eta r y; and Cheryl Salomon, treasurer.

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trim traveler,

iaunty headliner
this spring ...our easily packable, beautifully wearable stitched fabric beret. Taking a bright new slant on ,fash'ion, it tops every mobile costume in your wardrobe with.o vibrantair. 8.98

Any Grosse Pointe High student regularly enrolled in a business subject may become anactive member of the chapter.

Main purposes of the Future ATTITUDE Business Leaders organization, It isn't your position in this as stipulated in its constitution, are to " develop competent, ag- life that mak0,s the differenceit's your disposition that counts gressive business leadership," "strengthen the confidence of in the long run.

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Sunday DinneJ. At St. James

The Women of SI" James Luthe ran Church invite everyone to ~='attend a roast beef dinner to be held on Sunday, February 18, I from 5 to 7 o'clock. Tickets may be purchased for _ adults at $1.50 and children at $.75,

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yourown special beauty that begins with a spring-destined hairstyle from Jacobson's.

For the latest in cutting~ shaping, styling or color work/Jet our staff of expertly trained beauticians serve you. Call tomortow.

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TUxedo 5-5848

Reform is the' medicine some University of Michigan librfolks \vant the other guy to arics have book collections of take. more than 3,000,000 volumes.

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We con roise or lower your floor or table lamp.


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17222 E. WAR.REN AVE.
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75.00 Right: Struocks worsted eponge 2-piece suit with short notch iacket, narrow skirt. Wedgewood blue, red. 59.95

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Page Six
The UnivC'l'sity or l\llchi- 119 percent is the' lowest gan's freshm:lll drop-out-rate of all the .state universities. among



. M Philip Laux

Mrs., Ford,


15, 1962

Thursday, February
When the engineer of a tT of thought loses his temper has no control over the throt

Sets Pattern in D. M. Ferry Subdivision

.. ' .. :1::

DOll:lJd P. Schuur

Group to Hear

I~::rge~, ";::'e",

M"~ wahon

and M"

Od,"n S.


RevIew Group ana theIr f!'lends will gather at the War Memorial . ~""'4:i';~~ '*,'~~IifI,''''''''''''''''roSAZi,. Center at 1 p.m. on Friday, Feb...... . ~... _' . '. ruary 16, to hear Harold Glass" ford speak o.n "French Fnrms ~~ .. _'" ,.. '~":'"'' ~:p.< ~) of Old DetrOit." ........ :.:... . _ ... ' i I He is an official of Burton .. .I:.' ....., .. ". . . .. ~~, ~ "i~lj ; Abstract Title Company and ':H. '.:.. ::II' .: . j, . <'.. <'4\; well qualified to speak on such .. >.1' :,,. , .":..:: ;1 .~:: .'" :,.... y ~': an sub]' IIJl .~ ;~~) '4;':.;:'... ',1&:".4"-"'..l..'.f. .?. ;;. .. tions interesting given byect. Devo'nJ' .,. " _ . il:l'. I 'v: _.[J . '.' :::~ will be Mrs. Har. ,', f': H,... , '.:" .'- "',,, ....':.: ;., . .~ 1I&JiM: Jr-loo::.:,,:A;.:.t. .:.~: ..:_.:........ ~: ';>~ I old S Davis l _'_. ;T.-........ .::~. ,:'. ';.: ,.~...::: '.... ""'.... . ~ ..... ..... ,;;.... , ~ ~.:~ ..~~ IU..... .

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'I""'' 'iQ.

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I Acoursea t BerlZI . _ .th your vel"'.! first lesson. From then on you and new lan15uage WI J. , . , . t tor will t31k the entire class time. In no t.ma your pnVi:lLe inS we . .' . . '11 I ocab"larl and grammar Simply by Im:tatlni at all you earn v .him. Want to learn a new I.mguage swiftly? Simply call Berlitz.

.t 's a coursp of action. You'll start speaking your


1.. ;:.. 'I....


Ii'" ~~"...~

.".Zf'[LJ~~;:~~0~;3.: ..:,
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Bundsen, Mrs. Karl R. Crawford, Mrs. J. D. Eichelbargcr,

, ,

L E$~:8.~.;,;::X.:;:":>:::.,,,;.,;:;:~::t::: ~::::;(:::;.:"::.; ..~~::~:i:::::.,::::::;;:~:::,:':':,,:: : ..;.:::::

nue and Lake St. Clair Hillock, Ecclestone & Company, of 19794 Mack avenue, are the designers and builders . There will be only 16 homes in the new subdivision.

_M_r_s _p_a_ul_R_. _G_ey_e_r_, _M_r_s._D_._J_.



This charming colonial house is the first to be constructed in the exclusive subdivision which is being developed on the estate of the late Dexter M. Ferry, Jr., between E. Jefferson ave-

i ,

Office Sp'
On East Jelle Ren: Virginia Mooney


S,vanSOll Elected
Here at Colonial Federal Savings your money earns at the high current rate of 4j~ paid every 3 months on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. As a bonus, saYings in by the 10th earn for the \vhole month. Therefore, if your savings are at Colonial by March 10th, you will earn for the whole month when we pay March 31~



Off 'Y' Drive

The Grosse Pointe Division greatly, meanwhile, the ability of the Hannan Branch YMCA's of the citizens to support the At the annual meeting of the 1962 Partner Membership En- "Y" through program, membersta [f of Bon Secours Hospital, rollment was launched, Satur- ship and residence income has Hobert G. Swanson, lVI.D., was day, February 3, at the "Y," by decreased nearly 50%, due to t"lectcd chief of staff. The other Robert Kenyon, divisional chair- the lower economic, social and ufficers elected are Dr. Vincent man, according to John T. I cultUral status of the newcomAdams. vice-president; Dr. Al- Short, chairman of the branch's ers to the east side area. Hannan Branch serves the inner bert Ceravolo, secretary; and board of management. The Rev. Lyman Stookey, of city from. Mt. ~lliott to the Dr. Gordon Simpson, treasurer. the Grosse Pointe Memorial ~rosse P~mte. lIne and from Dr.. Swanson has initiated a Church, gave the keynote e DetrOIt RIver to Warren monthly symposium in various speech. His subject was "The Ave. phases of nursing car~ whidl Inner City and Our Christian Robert Kenyon outlined the should prove of interest to the Responsibility." enrollment mechanics, stressed community at large. The first Divisional chairman Kenyon the need fo~ giving .ev~ryone meeting will be devoted to introduced his campaign aides, Lhe o~portun~ty to a.ssI,st 111 denursing problems aner surgery CURRENT RATE ~. -has been performed. A panel as follows: captains, T. Clayton v.e~opmg ~h~ lI1!ler CIty s leadersmp . tramll1g programs and of doctors will answer all ques- S pal din g, Doll.. McConachie. Easy Passbook Savings Coddington, William agencIes. The goal for the Parttions from the floor. The mod- William Me~bersh~p~. for the erator will be Dr. James H. Busse, Dan Johnson, Tom Roach ner and John Charriott Grosse Pomte DiviSlOn was set l3lain. Jr. . at $5600 and it was emphasized DETROIT: Kelly Rood at Moross Road DR 2-8877 Team members are: Edward that this would enable the Residents of Grosse Pointe GROSSE POINTE: 20247 Mock at Hunt Club TU 4-5200 All enS wee n Y. Hannan Branch "Y" to establish are invited to the series of lec- Stamman, the eastside tures beginning Thursday. Feb- Charles 1\10nahan, John E. Eng- clubs throughout EAST DETROIT: 15751 Nine Mile S,Jt Gratiot PR 1.8820 Hen r y P r i n g ham. area, such as: Indian Guides. ruary 22. at 2 p. m. in the strum, Scott, Edward Eich- Gra-Y and Junior and Senior Science Hall of Bon S.ecouis Charles Hours: 9:30 Ilil 4:30 (Mack Ave. IliI 4) Fridays open 'Iii 8 p.m. stcdt, Robert W. Kellogg, Jr., Hi-Y clubs. Hospital. Joseph Black, Jr., Richard Koske, Richard Miller, Paul Nash, John Short also explained Carl Scott, Charles Swenson. that a PartnE'r Member is an Douglas Graham. William Grif- adult who joins the "YMCA" fith. Hollis Grubb, Rollin Duen- as a partner with youth, theref'ing. Dr. Arthur Johnson. by making possible the latter's Charles Whitner, Jack Calkins, participation in the "Y's" leadJoe Burns and Dick Spear. ership, recreational and health programs. H ann a n Bra n c h .J ack Short announced the never turns away a boy or girl purpose of the Partner Mem- sincerely interested in the bership Enrollment was to "Y's" program. However, the make possible an expansion of cast side youngsters most often the YlVICA's youth programs STROUD - ELECTRIC - DUO - ART.- REPRODUCING PIANOS are from homes financially unthroughout the east "ide or able to pay the full memberREPAIRED - REBUILT inner city area. This enrollment ship ,fee. Also, Short pointed is vitally necessary to the boys out, the average income per and girls of this area in that youth is approximately $7 while there is no other interdenomthe cost per capita of the "Y's" inational organization actively program. leadership, building stressing leadership training, overhead, etc. is more than $50. character building and religious FACTORY PIANOS - BUILDERS SINCE 1912 emphasis. During the past few years the needs of the inner WA 1-8656 WA 1-6311 city youth have increased

To I-Iead Hospital

24 HOH
Too busy to get
No need to take time c mechanics on duty from '. We work
FREE PICKUP Walhing Polishing Glass Replaced Road Service

& [

Wheels t








E. Jeff~rson at Beacon



Charlevoix at Alter Rd









Values Galore in


maximum INTEREST maximum



Here .is the Peter Pan Annual Sale

Friday, Saturday-February
you've been waiting for! Duping

1.5, 16, 17


this 3.Day



Event nearly every item is greatly reduce~ .. a great bpportunity for moi-hers to save on Infants'. Toddlers' and Boys' and Girls' Clothing and Shoes.

In On.Shoe Del)t.
Boys' Rush Puppies TW
;llllllllllltllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllltllillllllllllllllllllllllllll I



Snow Saits Coat & Legging Sets Parkas

Every Winter

New Easter

Coats and Hats Dresses

Sizes 10-2, 3-8
Values to $10.95

10% Off
Easter Toys

Boys' Corduroy

Paid on amounts on deposit 12 months. Deposits of less than 12 months earn 3~~%


Buck Oxfords
Sizes 13~6t ton and green Values to 511.95

Greately Reduced

10% Off
Girls' Dresses
A Collection at

$6.85 Gloves - Mittens

Boys' Twill Pants

Girls' Patch

Saddle Oxfords
Sizes 12 Yz-4 Regularly $8.95


$3 $4 $5
colors. Boys'



Regular Passbook Accounts with deposit and withdrawal privileges No minimum balance required


Sizes 4 to 12-Four

Dress Pumps
Patent, nylon and leather. Sizes 12!/z-4. Reg, $9.50

Infants' Furniture

Shirt & Slack Sets



Women's CorQuroy


All Michigan Bank customers with regular savings accounts automatically earn this new highest interest rate retroactive to January 1. 1962 Deposits made by the 10th of each month earn interest from the 1st of the month Deposits insured up to $10,000.00 by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Boys' Darktone

By Daniel Green. Sizes 5-9 Regularly $5.50

10% Off
CLirity Diapers

Long Sleeve Shirts







$3.19 Doz.
First Quality Reg. $3.89

Boys' Flannel Shirts

Shoe Boots
Values to $11.95

WIltll JIl1I buJ fill pllICe-settings, yo u .aditfollll $3.00 on

- $2.49

Remember. 3 Days Only



open 'tll 4:30

every we.lfdllY,

Including SA TURDA Y, brdnche.


'tI/ 6:00 P.M., ','dll'

No Phone Orders
No C.O.Do's

Peter P"D~ IIlJC.

17015 Kercheval, in the Village

Let us quo on your Ster before you ~









hz .....

.... ...

'sday, February
---~ -,F{)rd.
. -----

~ --

15, 1962
.P., Schuur




Happiness is strange - the more of it \ve give to others, the mOre we have left.

:\Il'~ .D'1I1:.:1d

, and

:\11'5. Ol'l~,)n

~. \\ hlt(".

When the engineer of a train pf thought loses his temper he ha~ 110 control over the throttle.

IB ar



The big secret of success is to hot without learn to strike while the iron is , gel's.

Page Seven


and Mi'tOrs in Troltble Over Illegal Liquor Sales

According to state law, the burden of proof of the age of the person being served,' falls on the bar owner and his person.nel, the chief said. The. owner and perM sonnel can deny service to anyone whom they doubt to be of legal age, regardless if, that per. son presents any document show. ing that he or she is 21 years of age or over, the chief added.

7 Cases Heard In City .Court


your fin-j

Conscienc~ is watch dog-follow

your built.in its advi~.

1II111l11l1ll1tl1l11l1l1ll1ll1l1~ 0


1111!ll1II1I1II1'1I111111111t11111 1l1l11ll1ll1l1l1ll11ll1ll1l1ll1111111

5:a-~ 5:''Jklng
:"('~ 0:1 f';,'"

.. ")~: :'t' Y~ .. '

, :"55:"'.

your you and

Silk and Parchment LAMP SHADES


e~~,~c C,(1~S t,"""0. l~ no !:\'ie j cr2i'~~--:J" S "";'\' ~y i~,:tating ~~. , ;. ,,'4 .... ,. : y ca'l B"rlitz. , .,.., L'~" e S.\ t:
I , ... ) I





Office ~pace Available

On East JeHerson at City Limits Rental Cheap
Virginia Mooney VA 1-7850
14827 East Jefferson RENTAL AGENT

24 Hour Service
Too busy to get here during the day?
No need mechanics to take time off from work. We on duty from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. have expert

We work w,hile you sleep!

FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY IN GROSSE POINTE Washing Lubricati.,g Polishing Motor Tuneup "Glass Replaced Brakes Relined Road Service Bumping Painthtg Wheels Balanced and Aligned

Check on Our

W'osh and Gas Contract




Two minors, arraigned before Park Judge C. Joseph Belanger on Wednesday, February 7, pled guilty to falsifying identification papers for the purpose of being scrved alcoholic beverages. They were fined $40 each. Guilty were Ann Keenan, 20, vf 2001 Edison, Detroit; and John Zeitz, 19, of 272 Grove, Highland Park, both of whom were arrested shortly after midnight on January 20, sittiIig at a table in the Rustic Cabins, 15209 Kercheval, drinking beer. Their arrest followed a SUl',prise inspection of local bars by Det. Lt. Stanley Enders and a I squad of police officers, who on entering the Rustic Cabins, spotted the girl and boy, and made them confess to their right age. The management of the bar was cited before the State Liquor Control Commission for the offense. The owner had also b'een cited previously for serving a minor on January 12, and another minor on January 13. The surprise inspections of Park bars will be conducted periodically, Police Chief Arthur Louwers said. "Any minor found in a bar, who shows false or fraudulent identification papers, whether it be a driver's license, draft card, or what have you, will be taken to court. "The owner of the bar, wherein minors are served, will be cited before the Liquor Control Commission, l' e gar dIe s s of whether he is on the premises, or not, and that is according to law." Bartenders who accept weak excuses pertaining to identifi. cations presented by minors, will receive no consideration whatsoever, in regard to violations, Chief Louwers said.

Seven cases were decided in Grosse Poi 11 t e City Justice Court on Tuesday, January 23. Raymond A. De Vos, 2073 Brys drive, paid a $20 fine. De Vos was found guilty of speeding 40 miles per hour in a residential zone. A lIen A. Andreshak, 2033 Van Antwerp, and Donald Eugene Keller, 3975 Devonshire, Detroit, both charged with reckless driving, were each found guilty 0:1 a reduced charge of car not under control. Andreshak paid a $50 fine, and Keller parted with $10. Donald L. R 0 u s sin, ~9001 Jack Snowden, 49, of .5251 Woodside, Harper Woods, pled _ Spokane, Detroit, was arrested guilty to a charge .of reckless by Woods police on Thursday, driving (excessive speed). He February I, and charged with was assessed $20. driving while under the influence of alcohol. The case against John Bruderer, 3484 Kensington, Detroit, _ Snowden was arrested by Pa- was d ism i sse d. Bruderer, trolmen Harold Lanstra and Norman Handley, who had re- charged with reckless driving, _ ceived a radio broadcast at 11 pled and was found not guilty. _ p.m., to be 'on the lookout for Richard G. Mountford, Jr., him. 4303 Neff road, Detroit, and The offic~rs saw Snowden Michael A. Salerno, 4619 Lodetraveling south on Mack, weav- wyck, Detroit, each paid fines _ ing from side to side in the of $5. They were found guilty right hand traffic lane, and gave on charges of disorderly perchase. They stopped him be- son, tween Allard and Bournemouth, I and gave a second look. The car being driven by Snowden .apparently had been in an accident. The headlights were smashed and the hood was buckled and partly opened. Prof. Kantilal L. Kalani, of Snowden was taken to the ahmedabad, India, will discuss _ station where he was -issued a the essentials of Hindu religion ticket for violating the State on Sunday evening, February Drunk Motor Law. He was re- 18th at 8 at the Grosse Pointe leased on bond of $150, to ap- Unitarian Church .. The talk, to pear in court on Saturday. which the public is invited, is February 10. the second in the Sunday Eve- _ ning Forum's new series en- titled "An Introduction toWorld Religions~". -

Lake' 5 Silver Shop

invites you to an informal

Police Ticket Drunk Driver


Mr. Arthur LCJke

2 p.m' to 4 p.m.
Mr, Arthur Lake will discuss the exciting historical background of fine silver, china and crystal the important roles they have played; the pride, skill and carftsmanship that have gone into their creation; the beauty and function that surpassed the years. In addition, Mr. Lake will-be glad to answer any questions you may have about place settings or pattern selection. Tea will be served.

= c ='


to Hear

Hindu Expert

Receives Ticket After Accident


E. Jefferson at Beaconsfield
Across from AI Green's

Kid~ies Love to EAT at

VA 2-3343
The Piece


Charlevoix at Alter Rd.
VA 2-4584 ~


the Funny


Gp. Pte.

Mack at Somerset
~I II! II HI HI 111III II I1111111111III 11111111111II 1111111111111HI 11111111111HI II II II 11IIH1111111111I1111111111111l11111. 1I1111J1111111111111J1111J111111/1Il1ll1l1/1I1111111111111111111111111H111111111l1l11ll1l1l1l11l1ll1l11l1l1l111

A ticket for reckless driving was issued to Margaret Mary Noble, 3466 Chatsworth, Detroit, on Sunday, February 12, after she drove her '56 ~'ord into the rear of a '62 Ford driven by William Fur taw, 14466 Scrip~s, Detroit. Furtaw had been making a left turn on Mack, and was stopped in a crossover when the accident occurred.


QUALITY DEl\LER! -------



Regularly "19.98


Hinduism, the oldest living _ religion in the world,' is the faith of well over 200 million persons. A domim: .. force in _ llt India, it is based upon teachings some of which date back to the 10th Century B. C. It recognizes a number of different gods, rullllllllllllllllllllltli each of which symbolizes a different natural force in the universe. Prof. Kalani, who is a Hindu, teaches courses in "The Philosophy of the East" and "The Culture of India" at Wayne ~ State University. Also, he conducts a course in civil service methods for a group of Indonesian students in the Wayne. State Political Science Depart- ment _ In India. he taught lit- erature and philosophy at Gujarat University. He has been in the United States for about

= =



Shop -

17141 Kercheval

II II II II II 11/11111111111II 1/1111111111111IIIt1I III III 11I11/1111111111l111111ItI III 11111111111111 111111II1111111111l1l11l1 1II11l1 IIlll 111111 II IIIt1I 1J!lIIIIIIIII 1111111111111II III II I1I111l1l!lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllli;i1l1l11l11l1l1~ 1

Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Only! Kresge's

Floral troll print on one side, solid color on the other ... and a tremendous value-find low price! 72"x84" at this

~==========_ "

Transistor lRadios

Taken Off Road One Pointe motorist had his

A generous

size, it's ever-

fluffy, lightweight, non-allergenic resilient. and

Blue, pink,

driver's license revoked and another had his temporarily suspended, according to the latest report received from the Michigan Department of State. The report, dated January 26, disclosed that the license of ~ James D. Lindeman of 1618 :=~_ HOllywood, was revoked on JanM uary 23, because of violation of

brown or lilac on white.




III 4111SJ-10tl>





validated when you make a purchase

1111111IHlHlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111111 1II1111lllllJlOIIIII III 1I11J111111II111111l1ll1ll1ll1ll1



'(';.2, 3.8 t:; $10 9S


license suspension, which became The restrictions. effective' on January 11, was applied to Paul T. Pearse of 874 Westchester, and will remain in force until March 10. The reason given was because of an unsatisfactory driving record. During the week of January ~ 21, the drivers' licenses of 570 Michigan motorists were suspended, and those af 149 were ~ revoked, according to Secretary of State James M. Hare. 11111111I11111111l1l1ll~ ~

i I

9 Volt Transistor Batteries

.31 c ea.

Shirt Pocket Size Power packed for superior reception. Vernier tuning. Has leather carrying case, earphone, 9-volt battery.

Buck Oxfords

a modern classic by Raymond Loe"W 4 pc. place-setting Reg. $29.50, NOW $20.G6


1 3-6. Valut;<;.,


G,ee:: :.;1 : 9~



1888lltmmI1 RADIO
2 Transistor


I ..... , ....... '

Sadd Ie Oxfords
s:zc:s ] 2 ~~-4 Rc:;;ulady 58.95


Now you can set the elegant table yourve always dreamed of in Sterling. Choose either "Dawn Star'" or "Discovery" - two famous Wallace 'patterns

that complement either m~ern or traditional decor-

forward.lo~~ng as tomorrow . 4 pc. place-setting
Reg. $25.00, NOW $17.51





PC'en', ny,cC' and ie:)thcr. S'Le, 12"2-4 Re;; S9,SO






Pocket s i z: e, with earphones tery.

2988 88 Phillco All-American $5 2988

7 Transistor

Admiral Portable


Super-sensitive, operates on 4 flaLhlight batteries. New design, high.impact plastic cobinet.

6 Transistor

complete and bat-

Shirt \'ocket size. Operates on ~. AA" batteries. I n c Iud e s earphones, carrying case and batteries.


Ey Daniel
Green. Sizes Regu!::Jrly 55,50

This is a rare opportunity to purchase a complete

service or add to your sterJing at tremendous savings. After February 2'4 these two patterns will be retired from open stock and available only on made-to-order service 'at slightly higher than regular prices.

6 TRANSISTOR. Operates on 9V battery. Earphon(ls, carrying case and battery.

7 TRANSISTOR. Pocket size. Includes earphones, carrying case and battery.

Genera I Electric
ALL TRANSISTOR. Operates on 2 pen.light type AA" batteries. Marked for CONELRAD.




mell Jflll

Shoe Boots
Values to $11.95


buJ four

16-pc. Service for 4: Dawn Star, Reg. $100. NOW$58.04sne ..

VI -,..


Discovery, Reg. $118. NOW $70.64-


Kerch'eval at St. Clair
-in the ViI/age

additional P,OO


salad fork. Prices Include Fed. Tax.

4-pc. pll1ce.settlng consists of pl'CB knil. and fork, teaspoon,


Let us quote
on your Sterling before you buy.

16835 Kercheval in the Village GROSSE POINTE

TU 5-1232


3 Days Only

. ",' ,~~CHIIRGEIT",II 7',

'! -

rt cd



mmrt rt d


9 SN







Page Eight



IS, 1962



15, 1962

Higlilalld Parl{ Conqu_ered Bv Devils in Real Thriller ,.,

By Dan Hall

Sixtlt in Row For GPUS '5'

BI AI Blixit

Ice Cap~ades A'Comin'

CG to. Conduct Boating Course

Unbeaten Record Guarded By Blue Devil Swimmers

The Grosse Pointe University School Knights, led by Alan Hartwick and Dave Huges, edged out a belligerent Detroit Country Day team 52~48 in Country Day's match-box gym on TuesAl tho ugh they have not day. li'ebruRry 6. It was the sixth e1inched even a tie for the title. score at 4i-47 with three n.in- straight win for the powerful the D('vils are in the best posi- utes remaining. A basket and Grosse Pointe team and' their (ion they have hcld sinre the tWOJOUI shots by Ken Witzke seventh win in ten starts. ~tart of the season. 1\\'0 of gav Grosse Pointe a 51-49 The Knights opened a small th('ir remaining 'three I e a g u e edge with a minute to go, but ,~mes are away. including the the Parkers tied it and then lead on the strength of 6-2 jungame at Royal Oak this Friday. went ahead with about 40 see- ior Dave Hughe's sharpshooting. In other BCL action, Fordson onds left. Gary Spade drove in They were not able to widen the whipped Dondero 63-38, and for a spectacular lay-up with gap however and the half closed with the Grosse Pointers in the Wyandotte c 1i p p e d Monroe 36 scconds left. lead 24-20. 61-58. D It II d W Missed Crucial Shots In the second haH the Gountry o ar ay H' 11 d P k . I t The Devils \\",n. to put it 19 1 ~ln . ar ll11SSN ~vo Day squad began to make their mildly. the hard way FridaY'l ~hots \\'1th SIX seconds rcmam- bid. The Knights, s~ffering beHighland Park jumpcd to an mg. Just as t.he buzzer went cause of an injury to captain hand which early lead of 10-5. 'With min- off. a, Blue Devll fouled .Par!:er Alan Hartwick's his shooting, ~ound utes remaining in the first ~enD' Harden. If thIS .. ad hampered quarter, however. the Devils appened. a se.cond sooner, themselves behiild 31-30. at the got hot. Baskets by Jim Seder Grosse POlllte mIght have lost end of the third quarter. and l\larc Lonesk. plus a foul on the frce throw. This was the only time during ~hot by Yic Dhooge and anJim Seder hit two free the game when they were beother basket by Seder in the throws to put Grosse Pointe hind. From the opening of the quarter the Knights final second of the first quarter ahead in the overtime, but fourth tied .the score at 12-a11. Highland Park again tied it at seemed to gain strength from Six fouls by Highland Park 55-55, Lonesk gave the Devils each passing minute. They scor111 the second quarter gave the a 57-55 lead when Harden ed seven straight points before Devils a 31-26 lead at the half. made his fifth foul, and Spade Country Day could take a shot Latc in the final quarter scol'ed a basket to add another in the last period. and held out Parker star Sam Mims fouled! two points. Highland Park against a last minute rush by out with the Devils holding a I made it 59-57. With just see- the Yellow Jackets to win 52-48. -l5-38 e9gc. Then came the fire"l onds remaining, ~pade sank two High scorers for Grosse Pointe works. free throws to Ice the game. ',,-ere Hartwick with 16 and The Parkers s cor e d nine The Parkers scored as..the final Huges with 15. Scoring honors could manage only two (on fOUI/'buzzer went off, but that mere- were garnered by Cary Kresge quick points while the Devils ly lessened tile Devils' margin who .~ot 18 for the losers. shots by Dhooge) to tie the of victory. . :rh ~ last game of the' regular seaso j and. the biggest for the Knights will 'be the game with Maumee Valley Country Day this 'lriday at 7 p.m. The Mohawks will be out to avera,;e a 55-51 (JVertime loss .; to th,! Grosse Pointers suffered To most Austin students. it seemed as if the Friars in January at Maumee. It promhad formed two separate varslty basketball teams. The ises t,) be a real thriller.

The Blue Devil cagers did it again. They beat the powerful Highland Park Polar Bears last Friday 61'~5!J, set themselves up for a share of their to second BCL title in three years. The Parkers have won or ticd for first cvery year for the past 11 years.

MACHADO, the world professional women's figureskating champion who is starring in the fabulous Ice Capades of h161 at the Olympia Stadium, Monday, February 26 through March 11.-

AIIstill Upsets U-D, TIlen Loses to St. Mar~~Five

first team, (a rugged, sharpshooting crew, up set firstplace U-D High last Friday, 62-45. Then, two days later, a seemingly different Friar team was ousted from the Catholic toumarnE'nt~by a 50~44loss to Redford St. Mary.
In Friday's game D-D ran off to an early 14-3 lead. but the marksmanship of forward Rick Pine brought the Friars back to tic the score up at 18-18 at thE" end of the first quarter. After Dan Ste{es's basket put Austin ahead for the first time. 22-20, the Friars ran up a 36-27 halftIme margin and a 45-36 third quarter lead. 'When U-D began to threaten; guard Dan Steffes got hot and. scored seven straight points as the Friars outscored the Cubs 9-1 in the last three minutes. At the final buzzer, jubilant Austin fans swamped the court and carried Coach Carroll, Pine, and Tom Taras :m their shiuldel'S to the locker room, Steffes, senior ~,)-captain, led both teams \\ith 19 po~ts. Rick Pine. a junior, was just behind' him with 18. Center Bob Hitt tallied 11 points. 1.:'-D's Conway had 16.

ReHerve' Cagers B01,:V to Parkers

Tom Taras. who scored seven, was injured in: the second quarment. After leading the league tel', and had to sit out the rest all season. V-D was knoeked . of the game. One of the few clown to thIrd place beeause of b 'ght t ft th f' .,\ustin's 16-point total margin. n spo s a er e. l~st . quarter was the play of Jumor Aftcr seeing that team. the Doug Wir.kworth in the short students and team wcre hope- time he played. ful about the tournament. The Now that the Friars are out F!:!ars out-rebounded and out- of the tournament, Coach Carsh6t top-notch U~D. Pine's first- roll has scheduled games with half sharpshooting, guard Tom St. Thomas, Holy Redeem2!", Taras's hustling defense, Bob' and Benedictine to keep the Hitt's rebounding, and Stef- team sharp for th6 state tourfes's scoring flurry made the nament.

The victory, avenging a 60-59 defeat E'ar~ier this season, put Austin into the Catholic tourna-

team look like a favorite to get By Bill Hagman into the Catholic finals. Then Austin went into the La~,t Friday night at Grosse first round playoffs at U-D Me- Pointe K!I S h 1 th H' h 1",1 C 00 e 19 morial Building. Redford St. land 1Park d rese-rves played a . :\lary. suburban king and owns t rani, seeon quarter and went er of a 10-0 record. outplayed on to hand the Devil reserves the Friars in the last three tl' . wlr se 'v en th 1oss m 12 au t.lllgS quarters to take a disheartenthO b f 4~ 39 IS season y a score 0 j. ing 50-44 decision. Mike Bielawski, a transfer The Friars saw a 20-8 first qu.arter lead disappear before student from Austin was deadly the slow. methodical play of on his jump shots in the first the Rustics. St. Mary's out- quartnr and as a result the scored the Friars 12-6, 16-10, Devil;: led 11-10 after vne quarand 14-8 in the last three quar- te'r. III the second period it was all H ghland Park as they outters. scorer! the Pointers 14-7, to The Rustics first tied the lead :.:4-18 at halftime. ' seore up at 31-31 in the third In the third and f 0 u 1" t h quarter. .It was tied again, quartl'rs the teams matched 40-40. with two and a half min- point~ (11-11) and OO~lQ), as utes left, but St. Mary's grab- they played on even terms. bed a three-point lead to force M.ike' Bielawski led the Devils the Friars to foul in attempts with 17 points and Jeff Von to get the ball. SChW<lrz added 7 in a losing ~ot one Austin player made cause double figures; Rick Pine was Th~ combination of Bowlson high with nine points. and Kovachevich from High-

Ski accidents continue to make news, the most recent one being the cable jumping a shive at Crystal Mountain over the weekend. It appears that a chair' struck a tower causing the able to jump. When the cable jumped it allowed the chairs to strike the ground with considerable force. Before the lift could be stopped it carried about 15 feet which in turn dragged thc chairs dropped along the ground for that dis-

safety rather

inspecions mandatory than voluntary.

Incidents such as the recent wave of accidents often prompt legislators to pass stop gap or hasty bills which in the end may tend to strangle an industry which the state can ill afford to curtail. To this end it is my suggestion that interested skiers write to Gov .. John B. Swainson urging him to appoint a committee of qualified individuals to study the ski industance. try and come up with sensible Five of the injured reql,;ired suggestions which could be us~d hospitalization. The G r ass e P olllce Sk'1 CI u b was a t C rys t a.1 to guide legislators in passing . I bills. M t' t th t. f th o~n am a . e 1me 0 . e accident though none of P . mthe '" * . Carl and Dorothy DeFoe Jured was from Grosse omte. Two members of the ski club, have organized a group of their Judy Huntington and' Norm skiing friends who ski regularStevenson were on the lift at ly at Otsego fOr a European the time. Miss Huntington was House Party. The group which suspended in a chair for' an consists of James Truedell, Mr. hour and a half before' the ski and Mrs. Herbert Bevans, Mr. patrol could lower her to the and Mrs. Robert Humphrey, ground, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drury, Michigan. the leader in the Dr. and i\'1rs. Louis Immerman, nation in the number of ski Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Oglestone areas, is fast becoming the and Harold Stern, will leave leader in the number of lift ac- Detroit by jet on Saturday, cidents. Despite the fact the .February 24. They will spend sport is in its infancy the state two weeks in such places as will be forced into adopting Zuers.. Klosters, Zurich with a legislation which would make side trip to Paris.

P.ointe .


CI b

All for Action

The Ski Club's wind up will be a final weekend ski trip to Boyne and Nubs Nob the week,end of March 9-11 staying at the posh Village Inn at Walloon Lake where tripsters may party. swim in the heated pool, and also enjoy the Inn's own slopes. The entire trip package ineludes round trip transportation via chartered Greyhound bus, transportation to and from 'the slopes, meals, deluxe lodging and chair lift charges is $42 for Grosse Pointe Ski Club members, $45 fo"r guests. There are only 39 places available, so paid reservations should be into the center as soon as possible. The University of Michigan is internationally renowned for its research in astronomy, particu-'. larly for its studies of the sun,


Teams Go to Windsor

On, T~ursday evening, ~eb~ rual"J b, the Grosse Pomte Amateur Hockey League will 't t t " end th ree earns 0 represen the Pointe in State tournament c'ompetition at Windsor Arena. Iil the Pee Wee Division the Ch.ie~~. cQaehed by HarOld Nell pre'sent a sound club. This club 1 0 stanly two games in the regular season and show a very strong forward offense and are well balanced \\';th seasoned players spread among the new .. ) cr youngsters. In the Bantam Division, the League will send the Rebelsthe only unbeaten team in the entire season's play, The' Rebels, coached by Vincent Gillis and assisted by Mr. K e 11 e 1", have assembled perhaps one of the strongest te'ams the Pointe can send into national compe~ tition. The first line consist of Dave Foucher (Captain), Bob Vivers, and Dick Keller. Due to the illness of their net minder, Bill Marr, Dick Welch will take over in the pets, but this should cause litIle alarm because 'little Dickie Welch is pound for pound one of the best net minders in the league, Tom Beltz, Tom DeShriver, both on defense, have perhaps the hardest slap-shots in the league', The Midgets. are represented by Leo Penn's Royals. The Royals led all teams in all divisions in scoring goals this season. They h a v f! fast break - away skaters like Mike Nolan. Bob :VIilIer, and Tom Reed with star defensemen Pat Griffin and Shell10n Smith. The goal tending is in the hands of brilliant Mike Balh:~\vwho has four shutouts to. his credit this season.

I the

youngsters on these tc'ams and everyone is cordially in. v1ted to watch thein in tournat 1 . ~en p ay this Thursday evemng, F e b r u a r y 15, at the

The Center's Grosse pOinte! land Park proved to be too much for .the PointJers as they Ski Club has banished meetings scored 29 points between them in favor of action on the slopes to wind .UP their husy se'ason. to pace the' Polar Bears. 1-------'---_ Following an over--sold weekend trip to the new Crystal Windsor Arena. Admission is 1VIountain Resort it is planning free. midweek trips on Wednesday' Final Standings nights February 21, 28 and PEE WEES March 7 to Holly, .Summit and W L TPts. Dryden, respectively. Chiefs 11 2 0 22 Chartered buses will leave Cardinals 8 5 0 16 the center at 6 p.m. on those Wolverines 7 6 0 14 dates. Hot box suppers will be Ravens o 13 0 0 served on board and after an BANTAMS evening on the slopes the buses Rebels 11 0 2 24 will return at midnight. Charge Eagl'es 5 4 3 13 for Ski Club members is $3.50, Belltemps 5 7 a 9 for guests- $4.50. This is plus a o 9 1 1 nominal reduced tow charge at Hawks MIDGETS the area. Paid reservations for R 1 10 '2 1 21 these trips must be in to the oya s Woods Theatre 6 5 2 14 Center office on the Mondays 4 7 2 10 prior to the trips. For informaFlyers 2 9 2 6 tion call TU. 1-7511. Rangers

The United States Co a s t By Dan Hall Guard's Safe Boating Course is being offered at the Grosse The Blue Devil swimnlers ~.efw;ed to take a back Pointe War Memorial, 32 Lake' Shore road, in anticipation of seat.to the heroics of Grosse Po~nte's basketballers last spring and summer's busy boat- Friday, walloping Highland Park 77-28. The Devils are ing season on the lake and the still undefeated this year. It will 0(' almost impossible Detroit River. for any rival to keep them from another Bey title. The classes will be held. on Grosse ~ointe slammed fIve Tuesday nights be'ginning Feb- events. while the Parkers could I taert IG}: 2. Tompkins (GP): ruary 20 from 7:30 to 9 at the do no better than second in 13. 'White (liP>. Center. They will continue for any event.. . 1DO-yard Breaststroke __ 1. 10 weeks through April 24, finThe Devl1s \~111 take on Royal Schelling IGP): 2. K. Olzmann ishing just in time to release O~k Dondero m the home pool (GPJ; 3. -Stevens (HP). boat owners and prospective thIS Friday. 1 boat owne'rs to get their crafts Bob Schelling set a pool rec100-yard Freesty.e-l. Sherin the water. ard in the 100-ya'rd breast- wood (GP); 2. Bauer (GP); 3. There is a charge for this stroke and the 160-yard medley Bell (HP. Diving--1. Engstrom IGP); 2. course which is a must for new relay team of Jim Walker, Bob John Woods, and Lucas (lIP); 3. Woods (GPl. or prospective boat owners or Schelling, 1fO-yard Individual Medleyusers. There is, however, a Mark Marsh did the same in ,I. N. Olzmann rGP); 2. Stevens small mate'rials fee of $5 for their event. II-IP!: 3. White (HP). adults, $2.50 for young people. Summary 200-yard Freestyle - 1. DeAdvance enrollment at the cen~ 400-yard Freestyle--l. Irvine Meilleme('ster rGP); 2. Smith tier TU 5-7511 will be appreci- (GP): 2. Ulbrich (GP); 3. JereIGP); 3. Cutler rGP!, ated. mias (HP), l/iO-Y:l.rd Medley Relay ]. The course includes a study 40-yard Freestyle-I. Marsh Walker. Woods, Marsh, Sehelof nautical terms, boat nomen- (GP); 2. Bell IHP); 3. Dallas lig GPJ; 2. James, Baker, Jereclature and boat identification. (GP)' r,j;IS, Atkinson (HP). Seamanship is stressed and so 100~yard Butterfly-I. Woods ] '30-yard Freestyle Relay-I. is safety afloat. Students are (GP, 2. Smith (HP); 3. Hoddis Irvine_ H;lbbard, Harper. Brir.k taught the mechanics 'of boat (GP). (G]"); 2. Pfister, l\Iark, Smith, operation 'and the need for oblaO-yard Backstroke--I. Tee- Hipht (HP>, se'rving courtesy on the water. They are taught proper boat maintenance and how to inspect vessels for safety. Everyone will be instructed in the identification of buoys, marke'rs and signals and told News from our graduates in- Trombon('s: Dvid Hein, Bert what to do in case of emer- eludes two items from Yale and Ta \' or, Sandy l'leming, Robbie gency. The proper use of charts Williams College respectively. Sur-dam; Baritone: Sandy Marks; and compass will be stressed. Charles G. Uznikian, a senior at Bas~: Bill Hope; Percussion: Pupils will learn how to read Yale, has been again named to Jol1n EV<Jns, Ken Perry, Holly and use them to advantage and the Dean's List' and is a R2.nking A!Well, a 'ld John Stearns. study how to gelt under way in SchOlar, the latter an honor in'I' .1e n('w Grosse Pointe FM bad weather. dicating that he is in the top radio station, WGPR 008.5), is Everyone will learn the rules percent of his class. Gordon prebenting a serif'S of progran',s of the road on the water which Birgbauer, a sophomore at WHinvr,lving topics of interest to the CQast Guard and Harbor liams, has won a place on the stu(;ents of high-school age, police require everyone to fol- varsity squash team and is also witll the students themselves as low. They will learn when and a writ~r for the campus humor parl icipants. Anne Wood is the how to pass and how to assist magazme. G.P.U.S. representative. Others others in. trouble. They will Mr. David Arner, music in- wh:. take part are Phillip Angell. find out how to load a boat cor-I structor as G.P.U.S., directed a Ca:"ol Johnson, and Steve Park,;. rectly, to maintain proper bal- verv successful band concert in 1.:p comi.ng discussions are ance and how to insure the the school auditorium on Friday, scheduled for the week-ends of sa'fe'ty of their passengers with February 2, at an after-lunch February 17 and Fel;mary 24. proper protective and cmer- assembly. By chance Mme Paul Pn'cise times can be had by cil..gency equipment. Paray was viSiting the school iug the station at 881-0600. Both motor boat and sail bGdi: that as a guest of Mrs. Ruth operation will be included in Lynch, head of the French Dethis very worthwhile and neces- partment, at whose classes she sary course'. had been speaking. Mme Paray Classes are being presented was able to attend the concert I in cooperation with Co a stand c0mplimented Mr. Arner and I Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-12, his players most enthusiastically. S I G--P . t C b . . evera, rosse am e u Chest:r Swall?w (?hief). com-I Soloists were Jerry Bellows on; Scouts were among boys re~andll1g. Reglstrahon w:l1 be the alto saxophone in selections! ceh'ing the "Parvuli -Dei"" medal m the hand~ of. Paul, Benko .. 10- from Cole Porter and Richard at the l,; niversity of Detroit's structo:s ~lll mcluQ. som~ of Green on to the cornet in Henry annual Scout Holy Hour on the Pornte s best known t:~ors Purcell's "Trumpet Vo1lli1tary." Sunday, February 4. and boatman: Frank McBnde, Other members were "The.. , . .. .' Bill Noah Dave Viger Wen- 'V P" 0 t ""Th ParvuL Del. \\ l11Ch means l.oung rmce vel' ure. e "Child of God" is an award dell Phillip, Bill ,\ lard. Chuck Drum l\'Iajor Special" "Anlpar. , , A us t er b erry, P au I LaF on t.allle, tio Roca," and "Give ]\'[y Re-. I given to r CathoIte scouts for i Bob Miller, Pete'r Hnkel and the l' knO\\ ledge of paI'1sh hlS",ards to Broad\\a:y. tor" 2nd 0" wa"s they can comWarren Hardy. J l J , ______ Roster of the band's members Dine their scoutmg Ideals with includes the following: Flutes: the practice of their religion. It Bonnie Barit. Hilda Jongkind, is given only to cub sc'outs. Merle F. Henderson Lisa Hill, Katinka J ongkind; Recipier.15 fro m St. Clare Clarinets: Jolm Go~anty,' .Tim P a l' ish included Christopher Wins Course Honors Jennings, Steve Fischer, Jon Bonamy. Gary Knaus, Lawrence FORT EUSTIS, Va. (AHTNC) Sodersten, Harry Garland, Bill Mar en t e t t e, John McGee, John Viviano -Army Reserve PFC Merle F. Barr, Mike Schneider, '\7an John- Thomas Starrs, Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. son, Arthur Getz; Saxophones: and Albert Welch. St. Paul's medal winners were Andrew 'F. Henderson, 859 St. Jerry Bellows, Marshall Moser; Horns: John Ehrlich, Donald Brideau, David Furton Clair, completed with honors Freneh Peter Caulkins: and John Odbert, and Stephen the six-week marine engine Eric Bruder, Bob Thorpe, David Falk uphEld the honor of St. engine operations and 'mainte- Cornets: Huges, Richard Green, Wayne Ambrose by being the only boy nance course at the Transportation School, Fort Eustis, Va., Pressel, Monty Georgeson, Jeff from that parish to receive the February 2. , Tilley, Roy Pingel, Chuck Gorey; coveted award. Henderson was trained to operate and m a i 11' t a i n the Army's marine engines. Henderson, 25, is a 1954 graduate of Grosse Pointe High School and attended the Lawrence Institute of Tecr...nology, By Appointment Southfield. .

What if an
Uninsured D INJURES Y
Protection from the large, unexpec of injury caused by an unmsure available to all Exchange-insured members for just $3 a year for members livin of the Metropolitan Detroit $4 a year for members livir Metropolitan Detroit area.

This low-cost




$10,000 for injuries caused by hit- .. drivers of stolen cars and uninst: from Michigan as well as other E
and relatives living with you, F. while riding, walking or just sitt home. Coverage extends throughoi and Canada. Get this needed fir) tection now by calling your Excb aentative at the A~to Club!




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Detroit Aotomohil Inter-In~urance Exch. at .o\o{omoblle (;Iub of ~


II~'". $

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GROSSE POINTE DIV 15415 E. Jeffenon

PHONE: 821-8000

I, ~,


~ ~"A':;:

George Measel, Mc:maga

first page of local phone Dooks for offle,

::;" ~ .-



Rifles Handguns

lOX Coats and Vests for <!IIIypes t Target Shooters Supplie Reloading Tcols and Comp'

Jttleda ls Given To Cub Scouts

133~ V

B. McDaniel Co.







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898 St. Clair Ave., near Ma

Home Made Hungarian


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Strawberry Preserve Grape Jelly

Dutch Maid Brand Oid Fa

~"" 'P[

Lessons in

Shooting every Thursday

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Country Roll ,BUTTER ...

Just Arrived ...



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Original Clean Plate Club

Nite at 5:00 P.M.

New and Used Pistols for Sale Ammunitil'n In All Calibres More people own pIstols and don't know how to use them than any other arm.

Hand Se

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Direct from Island Farms in Florida
1/au can always be sure c




21 Mile Road at Gratiot Ave. Also Skeet, Trgp, Duck Towers and Rifle Rr.,nge







America's Leading World Amateur

College Hockey Team

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No stammer in the take-off.
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Direc+ion-Dr. Leonard Meretta

Don Large U. of Detroit Chorus Performers from Detroit Skating Club

Tickets $3.00- 2.00 - 1.00

Isn't it nice that you' can get them both in one car? Wide-Track Pontiac,

ON SALE: Gray's-Kercheval Piston's Arena Ticket

University Club

On-the ..HiH Office



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Pointe can be justly proud

of .



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888 West Baltimore:""'- TR 1..8200




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5, 1962

Thursda .. , February y

15, 1962

.d Gllarded


r-- ~'if an i~ What

<Uninsured Driver ~ lNJURES You?
Protection from the large, unexpected expens~ of injury caused by an uninsured ddvci' is available to all Exchange-insured Auto Club members for just $3 a year for members living outside of the Metropolitan Detroit area. $4 a year for members living in the Metropolitan Detroit area. This low-cost coverage pays benefits up to $10,000 for injuries caused by hit-run drivers, drivers of stolen cars and uninsured (:'rivers from Michii~an as well as other states. You, and relatives living with you, are covered while riding, walking or just sitting in your home, Coverage extends throughout the U. S. and Canada. Get this needed fi~1ancial pro~ tection now by calling your Exchange representative at the Auto Club!




Page Nine

Troop 96 Holds
Court of Honor
'rhe winter Court" of Honor of Grosse Pointe Scout Troop 96 was celebrated at a dinner party attended by 130 boy scouts and members of their families, Monday night, February 12, at Grosse Pointe Methodist Church, Morass road. Mothers, fathers, grandpar~ ents, younger brothers and sisters turned out to take part in and watch the colorful ceremonies in which 37 hays received merit badge awards and investiture In all levels of scouting from Tenderfoot to Life rank. The Court of Honor, consisting of Tad Walsh, chairman, .Jack Mills and Robert Kenyon, presented Life Scout emblems to scouts Bud Kipka and Peter Nyboc~ ' Star Scout badges were awarded to Bob Bunn, Bill Chope, Craig Dykstra and Peter Solenberger. First Class recognition was given to Dave Anderson, Bryan Beasley, Stuart Dykstra, George Kelch, John Kellogg, Charles Parcells, John Svregles, Jr., Mike Thomas and Bob Vanderpool. Twenty-four of the boys received a total of 55 merit badges testifying to special attainment in such diverse fields as coin collecting, citizenship in the community, cycling and corn farming. Active in making the occasion outstanding were Fathers Committee chairman Dr. Kennard Jones, secretary-treasurer Robert W. Kellogg, Jr" Scoutmaster Hal Cornelius and As~ sistant Scoutmasters Ed Bunn, Robert Chope and Fred Thompson. ASp e cia I Arrangements Committee of mothers, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Elinor Maun, provided attractive Lincoln's Birthday dinner decorations. As part, of the ceremonies, Samuel Harris, Neighborhood Scout Commissioner, presented the troop's 26th consecutive an~ nual charter to Walter Pflaumer. Institutional Representative of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, the troop's sponsoring organization.

Space Expert At Town Hall

Laureo( van del' Wal, young space scientist and 1961 winner of the flociety of Women Engineers Achievement Award, has chosen a timely subject for her Detroit Town Hall appe'arance Wednesday, February 21, "Man in Space.~' Miss van del' Wal will appear at 11 a.m. in Fisher Theater, followed by a celebrity luncheon at the Rathskeller Restaut ran . She heads the Bioastronauti G t S T hIe cs roup a pace ec no ogy LaboratorIes and is an expert . tl . , bl f m 1e. engll1een~g pro .ems 0 manned space .. fl1ght. MISS van d er W a 1.concelved Project MIA, (Mouse 111 Able), .Tho ugh. the Los Angeles TImes describes her as "delighted with ideas and inge'nuity," "restless in her quest for kn I dg "M' d W I' ow e e, ISS v~n er a S career had a movIeland start. Sh 'd I he IP~l 1e;. way i ~~rOUgh sc oOd / WtO~Wtg ptat Idm: ats a mo e, ar ns rue or, epU y shcriff and shill in a gambling casino.

Cltb Pack 34
Holds Dinner
Cub Scout Pack 34 held their Annual Blue and Gold dinner last Thursday e'vening' at the Roma Hall. Cubs, parents, and relatives enjoyed a hearty presupper sing \vith Don Hart, star of radio and television. Dcn 4 had the most achievement awards for the e'vening. Invocation was given by' Richard Noyes. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was William Schleicher. ' 'Ent rtal' m t 'd d n en was provi e by me'mbers of the Windsor LI'ght Op . C ' era 0, ilow 10 rehearsal for "Showboat." Don I-Iart an d E'I een Ch'ISh Olm sang ' I selections from "Kismet" and "Showboat." Katy Hart and Bill Davies captivated the audience with their delightful dances. C b B'!I 5 hI .. . t u 1 c elCner prese.ned corsages to the follow1l1g outgoing Den Mothers; Mrs. Ch 1 y M D" M A ar e, rs. leslllg, -rs nderson, Mrs. H 0 f f man, .Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Wolcsko. Also, Mrs. L' d P bI' .t Ie er: ,u ICI y. , CertifIcates of 1hanks were awarded to the following outgoing officers: Floyd Charley, Albert Lieder, William Healy, William Porter, Fred Van Asshe. Thomas Longley, Mil e s Snyder, William Wilkie, William Schleicher and Rose Rosenbusch. New office'rs for 1962 are: Floyd Charley. 2nd tCI'm chairman; William Healy, Cub Mastcr; Tom Clark, Assistant Cub Master; Mrs. Staffel, secretary; Mr. N 0 yes, treasurer; Mr. Shook, ways and means; Mrs, L in do W, membership; Mrs. Charley, 2nd te'rm chief den mother,

Sen. Goldtvater Speaks

Senator Barry G old w ate r (Rep., Arizona), presented by the Women's Republican Club of 'lrosse Pointe, will speak tonight at Masonic Auditorium at 8;20 p.m. Tickets for the talk are still aavailable and can be purchased at the door. , Senator Goldwater, reports Nora M. Mabarak of 1258 Three Mile drive, was one of the principal speakers at the recent Young Republican Leadership Training School in Washington, D.C. Miss Mabarak, who represented the Way n e County Young Republicans at the fourday training school said "Goldwater received what was prob~ 'ably the most enthusiastic ovation given any speaker at the school." Over 600 Young Republicans from all parts of the country met January 31 through February 3 to cutline plans for the


1962 election campaigns, discuss part] philosophy and take part in organizational work courses.

Those who look for trouble' can .find it \\ il,hout much trouble. ,_



refused to take a back (linte's basket balleTs last :'k 77-:28. The Devils are
":11 be almost impossible 1 aClother Bey title.
(GP': ~. Tompkins \ hit~ 'HP'.



('(I-yard Brcaststrokc 1. llmg ,GP': ~, K. Ohmann ) : 3, Stc\'('ns ,lIP'. ('-yard Frccstyle-I. Sher. ),~ IGP): ~. Bauer lGP': 3.
: 'liP'.

As a part of the school, large teams of Young Repub. licans canvassed Washington, and Virginia area precincts to I find potmtial Republican vot-, ers. (A bilI is in process to give Disl;rict of Columbia residents presidential voting priviliges,l -;:'he voter census is a part of a new precinct course being formulated by the GOP to build big city organizations.
'I I


Service Call $4.95
- New

Repair" - Pllrt,

- Cleaning

Hot Wa.ter Tan ks, :Etc.

Jim's Heating Service
PR 2-0780 VI> 9-0105

>;\'Jn~-1. En,:"trol11 (GP': ., ';,s I :IP,: 3. Woods ICpl, f- )-yard Individual :\ledlcy.; Olzrnann IGP,: 2, Steyt'rts
, , :3. Whitc <liP',

Fashion Tailoring . by Alfonso

Your Suit Tcilored in Our Own Shop Special Fittings and Alter'Jtions of All Kinds


~'J-y;lrd Freestyle l.L'r11ees!er ,C;p,:

3. Cutler 'G P ,


1, DeSmith

) I-yard :\ledley Relay 1. l.,'r, "'(lod". :\larsh. SchclIP : 2. Jame,." Baker. Jere, .. :kinson ::IP" \ ;('-yard FrC'estyle Rcby-l. I:C', Hubbard. Ha:'pcr. Brink ~. Pfi"teI". :\lark. S:nith, 1: 'BP',

Loren Huff Servin~ On USS Little Rock

NORFOLK, Va. IFHTNC) _ Lor en J. Huff, electrician's mate fireman, USN, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Huff of 85 Lakc_ shore lane, G r ass e Pointe. Mich., is serving aboard the guided missile I i g h t cruiser USS Little Rock, \v hie h returned to 'Norfolk, Va., Jan, 25, after completing a cruise in Atlantic waters. During the cruise the 15.000ton vessel visited Mayport and Fort Lauderdale, Fla" and operated in waters off the coast of Guantanamo Bay, OUba.

FASHiON TAiLORING 14932 Kerchevel

by Alfonso VA 1.8681






No re",oving ....o.h. Swing.




Detroit A<\utomobile Inter-IlIs .. rlln(~e Excball~e , at, ~\utomoblle Club of lUiehigan


Park Retvards Safety Girls

with dow ticn.


win. r In g




,:. .~








nboncs: David Rein. Bert or. Sandy Fleming. Robbie lam: Baritone: Sandy J\larks' Bill Hope: P('~cussion; ! Evans. Ken Perry, Holly (>11,and John Stearns,
1C n('\\' Gros"e Pointc F:\I ) station. ",G PR n08,5). is cnting a sc)-ics of programs h'il~g topies of inter('st to ents of high-school age. thc students themselves as tcipant.s, Anne Wood is the 'L-S, reprcsentative. Others take part are Phillip Angel!. II .Johnson, and Steve Parks. coming di"cussions are (hIed for the week-ends of 'uary 17 and February 24. ise times can be had bv eill,he station at 881-0GOO~

GROSSE POINTE DIVISION 1541 5 E. Jeffenon PHONE:8~1~8000 George Measel, Manager

h. nr.1 page
of local phone books for office In Ilate cltle,





Rifles Handguns


." lOX Coats

and Vests for llil types of shooting Target Shooters Supplies Reloading Tools and Components
13333 Kercheval

?dals Given Cub Scou.ts

'\'eral Gros"e Pointe Cub It..; were among boys rc,ng the "Parnlli Dei" medal he l:nivcrsity of Detroit's lal Scout Holy Hour on jay. February 4. "arvuii DeL" whieh means ild of God" is :m award n to Catholic scouts for r knO\\ ledge of parish hisz,nd of ways they can comtheir seouting- ideals with i':'a~ti('e of thor religion. 1t ven only to cub scout{ ~(,lpients f I' am St. Clare ish included Christopher lmy. Gary Knaus. L<1\\Tence ~en t e t t e, John :\lcGee. nas Starrs. John Yi\"iano
AI beM Welch.

B. McDaniel Co.

VA '.8200

One hundred Safety Patrol Girls from two Park elementary schools were rewarded for services rendered on Thursday, February 8, by a trip to the Shrine Circus. Patrolman G e 0 r g e Blair, school safety officer, obtained the tickets, and a large bus was paid for by the Parents-Teachers Associatiou-'J of both schools. .Blair said that not much is known by the general public regarding the Safety Patrol Girls, but that these girls do as much, if not more, than the Safety Patrol Boys who help guard school crossing. The Patrol Girls, the officer said, help with the safety program in the school corridors and playgrounds, and when the Safety Boys are rewarded with trips to ball games, etc., during the year and are gone from the posts; the girls take over the FollO\~ in the footsteps of an- street crossing I other and you'll never get sides performing activities, betheir regular I ahead. duties. "The Safety Patrol Girls are just as active in the school safety programs as the Safety Patrol Boys," Blair said. "Both groups are doing a terrific job, and it's only fitting that they be rewarded in some way for their efforts."






Voluntecrs are still needed for awards, publicity and spe. cial events chairmen. Call Mr. Charley if you can serve. The new Den Mothers are: Mrs. Staffel, Den 1; Mrs. Rivard, Den 2; Mrs. Everett, Den 3; Mrs. Richardson, Den 4; Mrs. Clifton, Den 5; Mrs. Atkinson, Den 6. N cw Den Mothers are urged to attend the' five-week Winter Workshop at the Veterans Memorial B u i I din g beginning February 15, from 9:45 a.m. 1'0 11:45 a.m. Call June Charl~y for particulars. MENACE The fellow who sleeps at the wheel today is just as dangerous as the one sleeping at the switch,



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Pre-M ed Club
Goes on Tour
Attempting to discover what it takes to make a physician, Grosse Pointe High School's Pre-IVIed club recently toured Wayne State University Medical School. The 15 club members were told to think seriously before embarking on a medical career, as it takes approximately $16,000 to finance the necessary eight years of study. They were advised not to ~lan on earning money during college because of the difficulty of the studies, and warned that squeamishness and medicine do not mix. The Pre-Meders visited the Me die a I School's Anatomy room, where they watched two ca\:iavers being dissected (a good test of each club member's intestinal fortitude) and lisetened to John Bradfield, husband of Spanish teacher Ruth Bradfield, and Duane Drake discuss medical students' expenses. Dr. Donald Sweeny, the club's patron, has arran[1ed the showing of a' film on surgery for Pre-Med members after school on Tuesday, February 27.

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. Paul's medal winners were, ild Brideau. - David Furton-J John Odbert, and Stcphen upheld tl1(' honor of St. ,rose by being the only boy that parish to recei\"(~ the ted award,


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Page Ten






Grosse. Pointe N~ws


Memorial Center


\VI.at Goes 01.


I ~

Take a good ~ookaround our or ell1crgcllcy-frec of charge. G P . Library som~ time. Look at the rosse Olnte Garden Center and Library. Mrs. Leland Gilmour on duty Tuesday, Wednesday and hundreds upon hundreds of Weekly NC'\\sp;qWl' Heprcscnlali\'C's, Inc. Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A volunteer consultant bocks lining our shelves - fat. WI Fl~lh :\\'enue. New York l~'. New York EHy:ll1t !1-i;IOll slim. oversize, undersize, red on duty Friday, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (TV 1-4594) CIIICAGO O!,'FICE with gold letters. black with ::;:;1 ).;nrUl :-'11l'11;l::l1l A\'C'nuc 1'hol1l" FInancIal 6-2:!14 * * * chaste, white letters. Who wrote -----,----_. ---~----,--~-----------Thursday, February 15 these books? Who are these HOBEHT B. EDG:\\{ EDlTOH and GENERALMANAGER :\L\TTIIE\or l\I. (;OEBEL ADVEHTISINGMANAGER *9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Grosse Pointe Public School's Art people, identificd by one name l'ATH.ICIAT:\L130T FEATUHE PAGE SOCIETY (usually) printed on the spine? TeachersArt Exhibit. <JcUIES J. ~,.Jc\li\[ .. .. NEWS They are authors, granted, but League Glee Club-Rehearsal. <l.\:'\ET :\lCELLEH ~ NEWS 9:15 a.m.-Junior Writing with the Pointe have they any other moniker "\Irrlll'l~ H. BLYLEl, ADVERTISING *9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.-Creative ;\!.\BY LOHl:\lEh ADVERTISING authoress Jeanne Torosian who will teach the plan- - some other specialty by which they are knownor by which they ,TOU:'.; :\leKE:'\ZIE ~~~~ ~~~~ ~. ~ BUSINESS ning, organizing and writing of poetry, short story, earn their bread and butter? Let buted to our bookshelves. Allen .\l.BE[{TA W!LKE ~. CLASSIFIED ADVEH'fISING and the novel and emphasize the var~ous tech- Us face facts, authors must eat, Dt:'ury, a correspondent of the FEH:\' (;HEIC . ~~........... . CLASSIFIED niques of narrative fiction. Students manuscripts and successful literary creativ- Washington, D.C. bureau of the .IOAX:'\E E.\SO:\ .. ~. ~~~. ~ ~ ~ ACCOUNTS will be read and discussed. The eight week course ity is not always constant or New York Times gave us "AdFLOlL\ 1l:\IWI:'\C . ClHCULATION is offered for $13 in cooperation with the Adult lucrative enough to pay the bills.. Vise an d CollSen't" E'nc Seva. ' Division of Wayne State University and University Just out of curiosity, le~ us I'reid, news analyst, produced I of Michigan. Advance enrollment is requested. break down some of our wnters "c and'dates 1960" . . 1 ,an d carl'IeI', I il llC . : l0 a.m. to 11 a.m.-American Red Cross Braille Trans- lI1 t a ather prof'esslOns 111 wI . h they are also well known. Take "In One Ear," "Not So Wild a As far as the :t\eighborhood Club is concerned, its cription-Class-Miss Ella McLennan-Instructor. decision to allow the Grosse Pointe Foundation for Ex- 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-Welcome WacroTl Club of Grosse the educators, for example. Ar- ~ream,". and" " Small Sounds I thur Schlesinger, known as a 111 the NIght. ! ceptioqal Childrcn to crect a building on its property, PointeBridge. professor of history, is also the The political arena has yielded wIll stand. l!owever, there ar~ indications that there *2 p.m.-"A Glimpse of The Orient" a lecture by Mrs. author of many books on Arneri- us many famous names. What mDY be' conslclel'Jble tumult raIsed before the issue is i Clarence McBryde presented free of charge by the can history. Jacques Barzun, a about our own Pn~sident, John complctel\' resoh'cd. Grosse Pointe Garden Center to their members and university dean, has written F. Kennedy, with "Strategy of books on literature, research, de- Peace" and "Why England :x a one is opposing the Foundation as such. Its aims Grosse Pointe guests. and accomplishments have produced nothing but praise. *3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.-Children's Art Class-Mrs. Sterl- mocracy,music and the intellect. Slept"? An 0 the r President, ual side of American life. Even Woodrow Wilson, an educator The sale <lrgument is about the proposed location of the ing Loud-Instructor. new building. which would mean. sacrificing some of the *4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper our own local author, Jay McCor- and historian in his own right. mick, author of "Noverber wrote many sound works, such recreational slJacl' which son-:e factions claim is very --Instructor. '" Storm," is a professor of crea- as "History, of the American badly ~eedecl in the City. Figures have been produced 6 p.m.-AAU .. . 01 Grosse Pomte-Me.etmg-Dmner W tive writing at Wayne State Uni- People" in ten volumes. Wins_,Jndlcat~ng that experts agrec that so many acres of * .' Grosse POl~te Chapter D.C.A.A-Dmner. versity. ton Churchill, painter statesman, 1'('creat1011<11 space are required for every thousand resi-I 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.-Ir~vestment FundementalsIn the field of religion, we ~uth~r" l~as also been pr~1ific dents. and that thc City Ialls far short of this requireClass-Dr. Cednc. V. F.ncke-Instruc.tor. can cite Lloyd C. Douglas,author 111 hIS ltterary output. NIxon. men~. 7:30 p.m.-Parke DaVIS Bndge Club---Bndge. of many fiction titles. dealing Truman,. ?teve?Son and many . . 8 p.m.-Men's Garden Club of Grosse Pointe-Meeting. with faith' Norman Vineerit other polttIcal fIgures, have been . 01 course It stands to rea~on that a community full *8 p.m.-Center Club-Cards. Peale and Fulton J. Sheen both writing, usually autobiographicof apartment houses and multIple dwellings would need * * >I< have produced many inspira- al1~~r viewing thecontemporary a lot more play area than one doITlinated by single homes Friday, February 16 tional non-fiction volumes on polltIcal scene. We could go on ad infinitum. \\'1th :'arcls large enough to supply the families with *9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Grosse Pointe Public School's Art the many facets of Christian living. Monica Baldwin has Bennet Cerf. the book publisheI:' thl'j1'._~\\'nyri\'ate outdoor activities facilities. But every TeachersArt Exhibit. n:um;Ipallt~. ShOL1I.d h;1\'e places large enough to pro- ~'9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Adult Art Classes-Prof. Emil written her interesting "I Leap and his book on humor; E. R. Over the Wall" giving her im- Karl', the local butter and egg nde oaseball ;md football iic1ds. tennis courts, etc. This Weddirre-Instructor. pressions of the world after man, who penned "The Rollickis \\'here the City is said to be lackinrr ~ 12 Noon-Flower . ,..,. *9:30 a.m. to Arranging-Class twenty-eight years in a convent. ing Shore:" thc whole exiting, Charges ha\'c been made that the City has neo'lected 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.-Friday Book Review Group of Grosse The call of the wild blue yon- versatile Gilbreth family, with ~le\'clopment 01 this type of recreational area, d~pendPointe Memorial Church-Meeting. del' seems to inspire many. Both subject matter ranging from mg .too mucn upon the Neighborhood Club property *4:30 p.m., 5:30 p,m. & 7 p.m.-Ballroom Dancing-Mr. the Lindberghs, Charles and tim,: and motion studies,. and b. fIll this need. There is only one school, Maire, the and Mrs. Bill Wilson Instructors. Anne, have given us several famIly managemcnt, to the llvely books. Anne especially seems to "Cheaper by the Dozen." CIty, whereas the other Pointes have a number with 8 p.m.-Iadom Club-Meeting. be the most versatile as an auI have left many fields unplaygrounds that can be used at times by all seo'ments * *~ * thor, with works ranging from explored - Hollywood, scienof the population. "" Saturday, February 17 poetry, Hfe in general, to aero- tists, inventors, musicians. UnThe City.h.as ll? jurisdiction over how the Neighbor- *9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Grosse P.ointe Public School's Art nautics. Antoine de Saint-Exu- doubtedly you, the reader, can ~ood <;:lt~butIlIzes Its property, other than to insist that Teachers-Art Exhibit pery is another poetically in- thing of many more areas and lts bU1ld~~g cod? .is adhered to. When pressure was put 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Chil- spired, both in books on flight, many more examples. And who on the CIty offICIals, to oppose the club's decision the dren's Theater. ("Wind, Sand and Stars") and knows, this may encourage you. c<;)l~ncilmade this perfectly clear, stating that th~ de- :1'9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen his unforgettable "The Little no matter what your profession Prince." Billy Mitchell has given may be, to try your hand at writCISlOn to allow. the new Foundation building to be Cooper-Instructor. erC'ctcd \';{1S stnctly up to the club. *1:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Advanced us his "Memoirs of World War ing! You may well be as suecess1." and Claire Lee Chennault ful as the ones I have menIt is kno\vn that the United Foundation has been Puppeteers-Mr. Robert Rathbun-Instructor his "Way of a Fighter." tioned! exerting some influence on the club which receives *7:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge TO!'-::hDrh.c funds. The UF has indica'ted that it is not -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond, Directors. completely in sympathv with the idea of helpincr to 8 p.m.-Good Companions - English Old Time and *9:30 a.m. - Conversational French - Class - John J. Lakich-Instructor. main.ta.in an institution" that is mainly concerned ~ith' Sequence Dances. 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-Grosse'Pointe Women's Clubprovldmg recreational facilities, and would like to see 8 p.m.-Newman Club-Dance and Cards. Meeting and Tea. more attention being given to services. This doubtless * * * 12 Noon-Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe-Cribhas more than a little to do with the decision of the club Sunday, February 18 10 gJrant Tspace t~ the F?undation. If. the financial help 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.-Grosse Pointe Memorial Church bage. I of t.1e U l1lted :F oundatlOn were WIthdrawn the club Sunday School. *4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen CODper would be hard put to it to carryon efficiently. *12 Noon to 5 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Public School's Art -Instructor. . Teachers-Art Exhibit. ~'4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. - BaJ,let Classes - Mary Ellen Th?re are also those who feel that the Board of 1') 3 Educat1Or: should take the Foundation under it~ wiil'" .... 0 p.m.-Grosse : P~:inte :out~ Couilcil-Meeting. Cooper - Instructor. Clnd provld.e space 1'01' the proposed building. Classe~ Monday, February 19 :i:7p.m.-Reading Dynamics-Class. 7 p.m.-Gr03se Pointe Toastmasters Club-Meeting. were held for a number of years in the Quonset Hut on ~:9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Grosse Pointe Public. School's Art *7:30 p.m. - Memorial Bridge Club..:....Duplicate Bridge t,he old C()l~ntry Day School property next to the High Teachers - Art Exhibit. . -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Walrond-Directors. ~chool, untll that space was needed. With the Founda- *10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Cancer Service and Information *8 p.m.-Gourmet Series #2-Lecture and demonstration t10n now prepared .to. carryon its own campaign for Center-Volunteer Work. funds lor a new bUIldmg, perhaps a suitable site could '12 N *8 p.m. - U. S. Foreign Policy - Russell Barnes - Inbe found on school property. ~: oon-Grosse Pointe Basic Drawing and Painting structor. ____________ ~_ for Portrait""":"Steve DavisInstructor. ______________________ 12:15 p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon * * * Thursday, Febru~ry 22 and Meeting .. *12:30 p.m.-Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge*9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Grosse Pointe Public School's Art Lecture and Bridge for Ladies-Mrs. Andrew WalTeachers - Art Exhibit. rond-Director. 9:15 a.m.-Junior League Glee Club-Rehearsal. *4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper *9:30 p.m. to 11 a.m.-Creative. To the 'Editor: Writing-Class-Jeanne , 1 qUlt being bamboozled by the -Instructor. Torosian-Instructor. As you kno\\', we had a Iire I.garbage area of our literature, Carnegie Leadership-Class. in our home in the Citv of stage and screen, masquerading ,7 p.m.-Dale ~'10 a.m.-American Red Cross Braille Transcription p.m.-Grosse Pointe Nodurnal Painting-ClassCrosse Pointe on the night of as "daring art forms." As Edi- >;<7:30 Class-Miss Ella McLennan-Instruct{)r. Steve Davis-Instructor. February 5, which could }lave tor Jones says. "We have Art-Class-Mrs. Stirling Dancing-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson *3:45 to 5:15 p.m.-Children's been a total disaster if it had reaehed the stomach-turning ~:7:30p.m.-Ballroom Loud-Instructor. -Instructors. not been weil handled by our ;oint. L.ei's.hav.ethe guts to say *4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.-Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper local Fire Department. c. book IS dIrt, 1f that's what we *8:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Men's Chorus-Rehearsal. -Instructor. . I had noticed from time to think of it." In other words, * * * , 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Numismatic Society-Meeting . ' ll'ke seep, h time that there are <a great we don't have to be courage of Tuesday; February' 20 We can have the *7:30 p.m. - Investment Fundamentals - Dr. Cedric V. *9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Gros$e Pointe Public School's Art many Monday mornmg quarter- our' .f W Fricke-Instructor. backs who find it ail too easy brai~on;~c lOns. . e can Use the Teachers - Art Exhibit. *8 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Cinema League Members' Slide to criticize our Grosse Pointe ,e conscwncp. and the *10 a.m.---:,Service Guild for Children's Hospital-Voluntongue God gave' us Night. In c 1u d e d will be "Cherry Blossoms" by departments and I am taking. . teer Work. . this opportunity to express my .E~ltor J.ones does not confine Robert Downey, "California" by Agnes Duncan, 10 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.-Beauty Counselors, Inc.-Meetings admiration for their profession- ~lS Jerem1ad to the subject of "Historic Shrines of the United States" by Ruth "':""Luncheon at 12:30 p.m. al competence and judgment. oooks: stage and screen. Every Saul', "Contempora" by Elfrfeda Palmentier :md and Painting for Portrait The weather was severe and ~mertcan who reads it will be *12 Noon to 3 p.m.-Drawing "Hong Kong to Bangkok" by George Cossaboom. and Life-Steve Davis-Instructor. this fire could very easily have In turn shamed and inspired. Interested Grosse Pointe picture takers are cordially 1 p.m.-Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe - Cards. gone beyond control if it had Sineerc1y yours, invited free of charge. Pointe Garden Club-Luncheon. not been for the good manageEdward A. Eichstadt 12:30 p.m.-Grosse ment which \vas ex h i bit e d 1.5324Mack Ave. *2 p,m.-"Michigan Buried Treasure". A lecture by Mrs. Bruce Re~aud presented free of charge by the throughout. * * * eaChe1 If you care to print these The Editor Grosse POInte Garden Center to their members and comments I am sure that the Grosse Pointe News: Grosse Pointe Guests. personnel concerned would apCongratulations to you for *3:45 p.m.-Brownie Troop - Mrs. Norman Parent preciate it. reprinting as an editorial the Leader-Meeting. Fresh from' a very stimulat'Very truly yours, speech of Editor Jenkins Lloyd 6:15 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Optimist Club-Dinner and ing January conversation with By FRED KOPP, R.Ph. Emory cM. Ford J ones to the Inland Press Assn. Edwin Holmberg, a visiting Meeting. 2 Woodland Place Should we not clean our own 6:30 p.m.-Kiwanis teacher in the Grosse Pointe Some people seem to feel Club of Grosse Pointe, InC.-Dinner * * "'* doorsteps before attempting to school system, the Grosse Pointe that prescriptions are outand Meeting. Dear Editor: reform the world by imposing Ministerial Association is look- rageously priced. The truth of the matter is ::', upon it our brand 01 miscalled 6:30 p.m. - Exchange Club of. Grosse Pointe-Dinner ing forward to its February 21 yeaI' the average this; Last American and Meeting. , You showed a fine spirit of "democracy"? meeting at the Grosse Pointe bought about 3 prescriptions public service by reprintin~ the *7:30 p.m.-Saf~ Boating a?d Se?-manship Cour1?e. A ten Woods Presbyterian Chrch. Respectruliy. for a total cost of around address to the Inland Press As. ~eek practl.cal co?rse In baSIC seamanship presented . At 8 a.m. on that date the $7.50. An average of less George M. Zimmerman. sociation by Jenkins Lloyd In c~~peratlOn WIth the United States Coast Guard area ministers will meet to than $3.00 per prescription. >;< * * J Olles. ('<1 itor of the' Tulsa AUXIlIary, Flotilla 12-12 for new and prospective hlfar the Rey. Mr. John Beams, Sure, some drugs cost a 101. To the EditOl: Tribunr. but I am sure it was So do television tubcs-for boat owners. Graduates receive certificates from the chaplain at Harper HospitaL Mr. the same reason. They're ex1 wa'nt to congratulate you on not as widelY read as it should United States Coast Guard. Instruction is free. How- Beams, long interested in the pensive to manufacture. New ha\'e bectt. 'Only three out of reprinting ,J c n kin s Jon e s' ever, there is a materials fee of $5 for adults and relationship of doctor and minis- and imp l' 0 V e d production 50 Grosse Pointers whom I speech as an editorial in the ter, will speak to the. group methods, how eve 1', bring $2.50 f,)r young people. . Grosse Pointe News on the 25th questioned had read it. Let's concerning the philosophy and prices down. Penicillin, for Tempera Painting Class-Marcella give it a longer run by inform- of January. I read a reprint of *8 p.m.-]~vening example, costs only' a small methods of fruitful hospital ing your readers that attractive, his speech shortly after Jones Churchill-Instructor. calling. His topic for the meet- fraction of what it did when ':easy to read reprint~ have been made it to' the Inland PTess *8 p.m.-Adventure in Greece with talk and film by ing is: "Do's and Don'ts of Hos- it first came out. Your pharmacist has a professional published by the Macomb P:.<b- Associ&tionlast fall. I sent off C~arles M. Rice, President of Athens College and pital Visitation." drugs and can lishing Company, Mount Clem- for some copies and circulated His presentation and the en- . knowledge of They are fairly sl1des and commentary by George M. Primeau. The tell you this. ens, :\Iich. Single copies are one or two around my list of Grosse Pointe public and their guests are cordially suing discussion will be a part priCd. You get what you fr('e, largel' quantities four friends, and I am more devf the breakfast which will pay for. We are always invited without charge. lighted ti an I can say to see ccnts each. follow devotions at 8 a m. The pleased to serve you. that you arc * * * Rev. Mr. Andrew Rauth, host This address is a timely and in support of adding your voice 950th or a his thesis. Wednesday, February 21 pastor, will lead the men in ofThiS is the advertisements serIes rou~jng call for Americans Jdltorlal ap. ~armg 1n this paper each week SinClerely yours, *9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Grosse Pointe Public School's Art their common mediation at that again to take up '.. e challenge h Teachers-Art Exhibit. time. Richard Durant of individual responsibility and II
---,-----~_._~-. __ . ~ . . accident
:-':l'~~"'C':' :-'11l'inC:<lTlI'rcss Association and Nalionnl Editorial :'\,\TlO:-':,\L ,\DYEItTlSISG R1'.:I'R1'.:SE:-':TATI\'E As,Ol:iatloll

Entered as second.class matter at the post office, Detroit, l\li('hi~an unclpr the Act of March 3. l8fl7 ' NOTICE: Please caU for lost articles at the office. ... \ddress all mail. subscriptions. change of address, (Forms 3579) They will be held for thirty days. ----~ .__ Hospital equipment available for free loanFU'LL v PAID .~IRCUL.'" "'ION -l. '-'.:-1..1. ern t C Iles, w h ee Ichairs, heat lamp and hospital beds. Phone TU 2-6900 Blood available to Grosse Pointe l'csidents in case of


Your Library
by Jean Taylor
Guest Columnl<;t

~r E Ji-IItl '""I
B~' Roberta


nw on

-----\ \ \

15, 1962

Virginia Leonard

The lawyer, too, is well represented. John Donaldson Voelker. a past Michigan Supreme Court Justice, produced the immensely popular "'Anatomy of a Murder," as well as "Small Town D. A." Louis Nizer has a new book out, "My Life in Court," reminiscences of somc of his most interesting cases. But besides this new title, Mr. Nizer 'has also to his credit a book on oratory: "Thinking on Your Feet," and "What to Do with Germany." I Newsmen too, have comri- I

WE HOPE your mailbox was stuffed with valentines yesterd~y. Hearts remind us that in February we have a real heart month. This is it ... American Heart Month. Every y(~ar more than 920,000 Americans die from heart disease. So-o-o-o when a Heart Fund volunteer calls at your home on February 25 give as generously as possible.

Spots of Color
hit Pointers right in tr.e eye in the Dants this week. Cyclamen snapdragons ... daifodils ... lilacs ... rosebuds carnatiom: ... and other Spring flowers ... all fake take care of the winter doldrums ... gosh! they even smell like the reaPthing.



fabrics covering the "shoestotes" in the Dants are dirt resistant and not bulky ... the better to carry our shoes in this sloppy weahter ... they are priced around three dollars and fifty cents. ~
000 ~

Two Sides to Argument

The Hill
salutes the Boy Scouts of America this week. Flower Show, February 23 thru March 4. Pick up a clerks that serve you.






:::>f William Lake, High Sheriff of Warwickshire, appei;lrs on the pair of Armorial Lowe::toft platters, ::irc2. 1790, in the antique collection of the League Shop. A divine teapot ... oriental gold fish designed ... greens and oranges, circa 1780 and tagged 125.00 is another charming p:ece. The cover~d creamer by Worcester, 1775 costs thirty-five dollas. If you dote :)11 antiques, you'll lov(~ these.



the"\Villiam C. DenIer and Co.'s "adven'~ure in interior a design" at the Greater Detroit Builders Home and'''> Flo~er Show, Febru8:l'Y 23 thru March 4. Pick up a :;peclal advance sale tIcket at DenIer's, 77 Kercheval.

"I certainly_


"an't see any reason for traveling long distances to ;hop", she said. And we agreed that the money you spend at home stays at home to help-cbuild a better community ... we Lke the courteou~.i neighborlY clerks that serve you. .


Your search
[~r. real estate may be ended soon. ES'i)ecially if you VISIt the Real Estate Companies, on th~ Hill. There are more good buys . ~ . mere heip and infomlation than ever before. See Champion Real Estate ... T. Raymond Jeffs . . . Maxon Bros. . .. Tappan Real Estate ... C. W. Toles ... Johnstone Clnd Johnstone for efficient service.

Just whal1' the doctor ordered," is what you will always rret when you depend on lhe integrity, skm and expebn_ ence of the pharmaci~;ts at Trail Apothecary Shop. Yihere :y~ur health is your first concerr.., buy the best lJ1 medlcmes . . . dru.gs and sundries' here on the Hill, at number 121 Kercheval.


COME and BROWSE at .


Decorative Items

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and Philip


East Jefferson

Between HOURS: Daily 10 to 5


Letters to t IIe Editor

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The Quilter AgE~ncy

Homeowners and Business Property

Retirement and Group Plans

TR 3.2005

Thomas R. Quilter, le.L.U.

300 1.8.M. Bldg. 7700 Second Blvd.



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I 111



IS, 1962




Pd,~e Eleven

Mrs. David C. Turner

123rd Birthday For Boat Club

The celebrateDe'troit 123rd Club will its Boat birthday during the month of February. On Friday, February 16, the men will celebrate the Boa t Club's birthday at their Annual Stag Dinner, for membe'rs only, honoring 25 and 50 yeal" members. Edwin T. Taylor will be the chairman for the event. At this occasion Daniel 'M. Carne, the club's president will pre. se'nt 25 year scrolls to Grosse Pointers Alonzo C. Allen, G. H. Bobertz, .Jr., Lewis M. Cromwell, Henry G. Gildner, Carl E. Hassel, John C. Manning, L 10 y d R. M"rentette, W. C. Standish, Jr., Dr. A. H. Whittaker and Burt T. Wehying, Jr. Edward Henkel of Berkshire road, a 50 Y'ear member, has been asked to cut the birthday cake. ,

Miss Weber Bride Of Dav.ld C TUl'rner I

Speaks Vows Saturd~y irJ St. Ambrose ~hurch with Reception Following at Statler-Hilton; After Trip to New'York Newlyweds Will Live in \Vhittier Rd.
In S1. Ambrose Church Saturday r:') )rnin~ Terry Marie Weber, daughter of the Walter F. Webers, of Barrington road, spoke her marriage vows to David Charles Turner, Jr., son of the senior Turners, of Washington road. ..~----~---,------ .. , 'The bride wore a w hIti~! best man for Iw bridegroom tissue faille gown designed and lhe ush("'~, \\'('re W;,tlter with a rounded neckline, a i Hichard Weber .James l-oole ,b 0 d ice of Chantilly laC('! Turner and (; cOr;:;c Kenneth and lace panels on the full Okiey, skirt which fell into ,l i 1"01: her d:H~,hter's wedding cathedral train. and ~he recepl il)ll at the Stat. A lace crown caught he:' Jcr~Hl!ton :'-lrs, WeGer ,chose a chap.cl length veil and she car- whIle ,boucle ~hc;Jth WIth gold ried white roses ,and ivy. ;.mbrOldcrcd . ;:,ccc:;sones, :\1rs. The maid of honor, Mar;' I urner \\'~S ll' a J1~elol1 wool Catherine Hecncry and the al. sht'ilth \111 h 1 dtd11ng ., acccstendants Sharon Agnes, Susan sories, Turner and :\1ary Alice Mcn. For tra\'cJin;: to Xcw York zell wore royal blue salill the bride \\'0'"(' a gold and sheaths with overskil'ts and car- brown suit. When the newly1'ied gold Fugi mums. weds return 11ey will make David Francis Weber Wa:; their home in Wlllttier road,




Anotllcr Pointe

of Vie\v
By Patricia Talbot
The lady of many hats with the pipeline direct to Hollywood's greats will begin next iall's Celebrity Series. Film columnist Hedda Hopper 'will be the first speaker in the lecture series sponsored by the Bon Secours Hospital Assistance League. Miss Hopper's date is October 11 at the Esquire Theater and following her on November 8 will be Richard Gump, artist and designer and president of the famous San Francisco store. On December 6th the speaker will be one of the biggest names in musical theater-Lehman Engel, composer. conductor and musical director of 150 Broadway hist including "Do-Re-Mi", "Fanny", ",lV'onderful Town" and the soon to debut "I Can Get It For You Wholesale." Leslie Hanscom, literary critic of "Newsweek" will be the January 10 'speaker and on February 14 Celebrity Series patrons will hear Dr. Leland Miles, humorist, TV star, author and lecturer. News correspondent Pauline Frederick will climax the series on March 14. Miss Frederick has covered the Korean War. the Suez and Congo crises, the national elections, the Nuremburg trials and the United Nations. Ticket sales for the 1962-63 Celebrity Series begin this spring. Mrs. John B. Hastings. of Roslyn road, is Celebrity Series chairman. Final speaker for this season's series is famed health and beav.ty authority, Gaye~ lord Hauser, who will speak March 8 at the Esquire Theater.



Glee Club


Each Mondav at the University Club area alumni of Dartmouth College gather around the luncheon table to discuss what's doing at their alma mater. 8 Last week's session was devoted to talk about the coming concert of the Dartmouth College Glee Club, set for March 18 at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Robert J. Grow is handling patron tickets and other Pointers working on the concert are, Robert Flood, Jr., John Walton, ,a'homas Candler and Albert Dixon. The Glee Club sang here two years ago and for this spring's concerts there will be a spate of parties both in the Pointe and in Birmingh:am before the 7:30 o'clock per.


Home Names
Ford (Continued

is retiring as president on Page 12) of

William Clay




2711 East Jefferson, Detroit 7, Mich.

LO 7-6100

Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30

Ot the present time, therc' are 30 members of the Detroit Boat Club who have been active for 50 years or morc. We'dnesday. February 21, t:-Je ladies will gather for a Birth. MR. and MRS. ROBERT JAY day Bridge Luncheon. of Lakeland avenue left Sunday fol' a three weeks' vacation in Co-chairmen Mrs. Sheldon L. Jamaica. Drennan and Mrs. Roy C. Jen,:. ,{:~~,)i kins assisted hy the members announced by the RevercnG.'.1 A:'-1.ES BL:LKU";Y and :'-1RS. '" >I< >I< of their committee Mrs, Leland Paul J. Hickey, director. I BEl' ERL Y GRE:~X are among JOHN SCHMULT, of LochW. Foster, Mrs. G 0 I' don A. ':~): < ."':\:::',:;:0& ': .. '" : the Pointers who will mark the moor boulevard, is serving as . Mitchell, Mrs, Paul L. Nagel, ,-photo by Bcntrice Zwaan The MiJital'y Department of! 25th anni\'ersa,:-~' of Tobe-Coa senator of the Ferris Institute Mrs. Frank A. Reid, Jr., Mrs. the Lower School of Howe' burn SchOOl for Fashion CarIn St. Ambrose Church Saturday, TERRY MAR.IE All College Student GovernArthur O. A. Schmidl, Mrs. Military School has announced eel'S in Kew YOI''';: this '\VednesWEBER, daughter of the Walter F. Webers, of Barment (ACSG). Sehmult, who Milton C. Selander and Mrs. the promotion of ROBERT D, da~' at a dinner at the Stat!errington road, became ihe bride of Mr. Turner, son of represents Hallisy Hall, is tJ':te Clarence B. Slocum will deco- TRAFTON to Private 1st Class Hilton, the senior Turners, of Washington road. son of MR. and MRS. E. R. rate the club in pink, 'blue and He is in the 8th grade at Howe SCHMULT. It * green. The welcome mat at the' and is the son of MR. and MRS ' '" >I< >I< intendent of schools, William 1 PLACE. of Wedgewood, and a cntrance will be bordered with WARREN L. TRAFTON of i :\lH. and :'.lHS, LEET E, DE:\C. Harris, sophomore at Alma College, is flowers. In the lobby, a large Westchester road. BON N IE STUHLDREHER, ; TON (CAROL ROBEHTSON J, '" * '" I one of 10 candidates for Snow birthday cake made of flowers daughter of MR. and MRS. L. * * * : of Edgemere i{oad, announce Working on thc Mercy Col- Queen. The queen reigns over arrangc'd in wicker baskets will G. STUHLDREHER of Loch'V'l F" I nt' i" 't : the birth of a c1~,ughter, HEIDI I len en IS ns 1 u c <; ll,:> - i JOAN on Fel)! Dan' 9, 17 I thc events of the annual Snow compliment moor boulevard, was recently lege Mardi Gras February the flower filled year cosmetology students gIVE" . named to the Dean's List of and 18 are ANNE CAREY, Carnival, to be held February baskets which will be center- their annual hair style show " , of the THOMAS 23-25, Webber College, Babson Park, daughter pieces on the dining room here February 23, their mother>: !llAE\'E BL:R\ S. daughter of .. -I< >I< Fla. CAREYS, of Westchester road; Lables. will be ho:]ored guests, The stu- !11K and :\In~,. THO:\lAS F. MAT H 1 L DA McKINNON, LIEUT. and MRS. ,T. T. dent hair stylists will vie lor BUR~S. of Hi'.-]rd boulevard; '" * JOHN M. FINK, sOn of MR. daughter of MRS. HELEN Mc- TIERNEY (the former Diane E. KI 'COELHO of Brazil and JAN styling honors and. as a spe. DIANE DE SCIIHY\'ER, daughand MRS. GEORGE R. FINK KINNON, of Buckingham road Nau, daughter of MR. and MRS. SODERSTEN of Sweden. cial feature, will introduce their t('r of the nCTuR DE SCHRY:: GAY TOUCH- W. CLYDE NAU of Willison of Cloverly road, has been and MERRIE >I< >I< >I< mothers, VERS, of Three \lile dri\'e, and chosen as a member of the cast TON, daughter of the GEORGE road) announce the birth of a . One of the participating BAR BAn. A BERSCHBACK. of the 21st annual Mask and TOUCHTONS, of Hidden lane, daughter, GABRIELLE DIANE, SUELLEN SLOCUM, daugh'-I coeds will he PAT SCHUCH of Whittier 1'0,"(' were named on February 9. The Tierneys tel' o~ CLARENCE B. SLOCUM, whose mothe~, ~1.n.S. F. M. to the honors ht at .:\larygrove Wig production at the Univer" >I< Home from son STEPHEN'S are presently slationed at Mi- ?f. :r-Ittle~tone road, has been SCHUCH, of Bourncmouth cir- College. sity of Pennsylvania. l111tlated mto. the Gamma Beta cle, will be among the specia: Fink, a graduate (I~ the Taft graduation from the Art Center sawa Air Force Base, Japan. chapter of SIgma Kappa, a 50- guests " >I< >I< >I< School in Watertown, Conn., is School in Los Angeles, Calif., cial sorority, Western Michigan . '1'\10 Grosse I'ointe studcnts a senior in the College of Arts are MR. and i\1.RS. JOSEPH S. JAMES M. SMITH, of Lake* '" ~ \H~re graduated from Hillsdale SHERER, of Ridge road, who land avenue, and D. V. BRACK- University, Kalamazoo. She is and Sciences. LESTER l\lEL VIN. ELLIOTT. C0 IIcgc on _I' b r 1ary 13 a t tl 1C a sophomore in the elementary ,, '. _ 'e also spent some time in Hono- EN, of Whittier >I< '" >I< road, Were education curriculum and a of.1 oural~e .1Oa~, ha,s be;~ <JP~ second semeste,' com'ocation. lulu. A Grosse Pointe man will elected board members of the 1960 graduate of Grosse Pointe p.oll1ted N~1 th\\eslem Un~ve~ JOH~ SMITH. son of ::\rRS, preside at the banquet for the Michigan Heart Association at High School. '" I Slty AlumnI ,Rege,nt for ~lclll- .JOH~ 'IV, S:\lIrI-r, :\lcI';:inlcy Wayne State University's ninth MR. and MRS. NORMAN a meeting at the Detroit AthIe. * * ! gan by Ul1lverSlty PreSIdent a\'('nue. received a Bachelor of annual Joint Pharmacy Seminar PREBLE, of Cambridge road, tic Club last week. 1\ Dr. J, Roscoe Miller. As offi- Arts dcgrce in Histor~' and a slated for Tuesday, february are vacationing in Naples, Fla., >I< >I< .'IR. and MRS. HILARr HER- cial university representative l\lichigan Provis onal Tcaching 27 at the McGregor Memorial for three monttls, Home is MRS. HAROLD D. BERT MICOU, JR., ~f Moran I for a four-year tenn, ElIJaH will certificate in EI.'mentary EduConference Center on campus. road, ,announce the bIrth of a i supervise the alumni program cation, He is nc \1' teaching in '" '" '" BAKER, of Lincoln road, after He is DR. STEPHEN WILSON son, HILARY HERBER!, II!, in this area. the Delroit are,:l LINDA STROH was home of Washington road, dean of last week-cnd from the Knox a 10-day visit with her son-in- on February 1. Mrs. MICOU IS Elliott was prcsident of the. ", ' , (,ERALD IUJ:.ELER. son of Wayne State University's School School in St. James, L. 1., to law and daughter, the ,JONA- the former JOAN. SATTLEY, Detroit Chapter of NOl'thwes-: THAN F. BUTLERS, of Rye, daughte~ of MR. and MRS. tern University Alumni from I MR. and ::\lRS, OTTO TOB,ELof Pharmacy. visit her parents, the EDWIN N.Y. HALE ': SATTLEY.of Tonnan- 1958 to 1960. i-Ic is a membel ! ER, of Bedford road, recelv~d R. STROHS, JR. Mis. Stroh '" '" * * >I< >I< COUl: p:ace. Paternal grand- of the Detroit Athletic Club. : a Bachclor of ",rb degree 1Il MR. and MRS. RONALD S. with sons, PETER and BILL, MR. and MRS. H. LYNN mot~er ~s MRS. H. H. IVIICOU * * '" I Economics. , MARLOW of Devonshire' road will leave March 16 for Sara_" IVhile at I, i lsdak, Smith announce the birth of a son, sota, Fla" where she will be PIERSON, of Vincennes place, of herby road, at their >I< * >I< MRS. EuGENE P, H~ ~ h.. \\'as affiliated \ 'jth Kappa SigJOHN STANLEY" on February joined by Mr. Stroh and Linda. who are wintering home in Pompano Beach, Fla., Among the students entering INS. of Renaud road. WIll b.= ma Kappa fl'al crnit~.: Tob('I('I" 3. Mrs. Marlow is the former '" >I< '" SHIRLEY JOSEPH, daughter Skiing at Nub's Nab over the will welcome the CHARLES B. Hillsdale College for the sec- hosess to the GROSSE POINT.c was a member of Delta Tau of t,he current GAR.DEN CLUB Tuesday at Delta. Both arl' graduates of of MR. and MRS. JOHN L. week-end were MR. and MRS. CROUSES, of Provencal road ond semester Grosse Pointc H i;::h School. JOSEPH of Willison road. Pa- H. JAMES GRAM, of Moran this week. After a few days a cad e ill i e year is DAVID 11 O'clock. with the Piersons the Crouses COWLES, of McKinley avenue, * '" * ! * * ternal grandparents are the road. wIn go onto the Hillsboro Club STANLEY MARLOWS 'of St. >I< * * MRS. D. D. SCHUR and I '" '" '" C, McMIL- to complete their four-week Clair Shores. The election of GEORGE T. daughter, GRETCHEN, have! CHARLES FIt ED E R I C K The WILtIAl\l vacation. II returned from a CI uise to ""Jas-; El\H\10NS, son 0 r :\1H. and ;\'1RS. LANS, of Kenwood road, with " >I< >I< - IGGINS, of Thorntree road, as t HAROLD H. El\1~10XS, .JR .. of >I< '" '" JAMEf. SENDO, driver edu- DOUG, AMY and PHILIP, I Radnor circle, and JA1\1ES MR. and MRS. CHARLES E. president of the Board of Direc- sau. cation teacher at Grosse Pointe spent the week-end at Otsego tors of Catholic Social Serv* >;< * ! EXLEY, of Rivard boulevard, High School, recently partici. skiing. ices of Wayne County, has been GAIL BIEDERMAN, l\lRS. i (Continued 11);1 Page 15)' with the junior Exleys, of pated in a panel discussion on * '" >I< Rochester, N.Y., will fly to "Problems Confronting High DR. and MRS. JOHN REm Trinidad next Saturday. School Driver Education" at BROWN of Chalfonte avenue >I< '" * M i chi g a n State University's and DR. and MRS. WILFRED Two members of the Grosse Kellogg Center. The panel, NOLTING of Emory court west Pointe Toastmasters Club will part of the National Home left Tuesday for a week of rest, be judges of the Mid-Century Demonstration Council Con- sun and Dixieland music at the Toastmistress Club's Annual ference on Traffic Safety, was Prince Conti Hate'!, New OrSpeech Contest which will be conducted by the MSU Traffic leans. held at the Cannon Recreation Center Program Of Continuing '" >I< '" Center on February 19 from 1 Education and Cooperative ExLIEUT. and MRS. ARTHUR until 3 in the afternoon. HARtension services. Serving on the E. JUDSON of San Rafael, RY CHOUINARD and ROGER panel with Mr. Sendo were Calif., announce the birth of a c LE0FFLER of the Grosse state superintendent of public son, JEFFREY ARTHUR, FebPointe Toastmaster's Club will instruction DR. LYNN M. ruary 12. Mrs. Judson is the serve as judges. BARTLETT, the Honorable former Gwen -Thimm, daughter '" * >I< Lucille H. McCullough ,of the of the JOSEPH THIMMS of LEONA WEIER, head of Michigan House of RepresentaK~rby road. Mrs. Thimm left Grosse Pointe High School's tives, and Allen Park's super. yesterday for California and a social studies department, acfirst glimpse of her new grand- companied six foreign students son. to a recent Constitutional Con. " '" >I< >I< ventiotl session at Lansing. Among the recipients of Doc- Making the trip with her were tor of Education degrecs from IDA LUBIS of Indonesia, MIKE Wayne State University last ELIASEN of Denmark. HELGA Thursday was MARGARET M. HIPP of Austria, and TUM ATANGUS of Barrington road. THAKORN of Thailand, all students at Grosse Pointe High, and >I< * * BARBARA PLACE, daughter two AFS students from Grosse of MR. and MRS. HOLLIS Pointe University School, VIC-

Short and

to the Pointe





Famous Make Girdles

Fine jewelers since 1861

usually 8.50
Save money right now on the girdle you'll need for a fashionable spring shape-up! It's firm nylon-cotton-rubber power net that trims inches away. comfortably thanks to He1anca nylon lining. \Vith specially re-ihforced tummy panel either the pull,on girdle or pantie style with detachable garters. Black

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14K gold bezel on stainless


fed. tax included


or white in S, M, L. Average length only.

Moil and phone orders filled

W;~ight_l{ay ,
Northland, 1500 Woodward ond 17051 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe. EL 6-3040. Extended Accounts

82 Kercheval on the Hill

GROSSE'POINTE-Kercheval Ave. near Cadieux

TUxedo 2-3700



21 East Adams DETROIT


Page Twelve




Thursday, Februar~~' IS, 1962

Thursday, February I!.

Society News Gathered from All of the I)oirltes

Memorial Church 'Officers Installed
Rev. Bertram Atwood Presides over Ceremony Staged by Womei':'s Association; Committee Chairmen Also Appointed


Betrothal Told From Another Pointe of View

(Continued from Page 11) the Protestant' Childrens Home in Cook road and her duties will be taken over by Mrs. Edgar A. Guest, Jr. Other offic!iI's elected at the ,mid-January annual meeting include Mrs. Richard E. Cross, Mrs. W. Warren Shelden, Mrs. Douglas'T. McClure, Mrs. John R. Stearns and Mrs. Lansing M. P~ttm:n. '"



YWCA Elecl's Nelv Officers

Grosse Heus Walter president,

a recent meeting Pointe l\'Iemorial minister, Fred Mrs.

of the \-'lomen's Association Church, the Rf'v. Bertram installed the following fiiSt vice-president, Mrs. assistant

of deMrs.


In Alps


officers: William treassecretary,

\V. Adams:
second Mrs, Edwin Morang;

H. Pflaumer; Treasurer, Mrs.

\'ice-president. S. Ross; recording

T. Krebs:

E. Kathanicl

l\Irs. Stuart \V. George: corresponding secretary, Mrs. James A. Cameron; registrar, Mrs. John R. Stearns. Following the installation ..~-----._-------:\1rs.. Ad am s . announc('c 1 t',1e!I ('arC'. :\Il's. ,Tames S. Clark; sew. commlttee chalrm('n. to s('r\'(' ling. :\lrs. Char1l.'s E. Kelly: knitf or 1962 : n 0 n1 I ~ a t 1 n ):;. 'I ~'S. I ting. ~lrs. 'William F. Eaton: . :' La_\\TCnCC1. Rllb~. membCISlllp. ! Detroit Presb\'tcrial 2\Irs. Fran_ :'III'S. Walter H. Pflaunwr: pro-. eis C. H 0 S ~ C l' a n' c e' United IVI l::ram, 1'5. W'll' lam 'f . K re b s: Church '.Yomell. i\Irs. 'Dennis 1 Wallace christian education. ~lrs. Paul :\. Temple: better literature for HykE's: devoti.ous. ~Irs. Arl- ~'ollth. 1\-1rs. Da\'id P. Janscn: In~ton F: Leckltder: E'cun:cni- Goodwill Industries. 1\11'5. Ken-I c~1 . miSSlOns. 1\1:s. lIenr~ R. neth :\1. Reirhle: Red Cross. Kre,der; fellowshlp. l\Irs. Pen'y :\Irs. ,Tesse V. \\'orbovs: T.V. and A. Penz: Finance. :\Irs. E. Xa- :\Iotion Picture Co'uncI!. Mrs. thaniE~1 ?Iorang; initial contact, Edwa:-d K. lleglir; Y.W.C.A .. :\Irs. ,~: Hur;'3t Montee: litel'<l- :\Irs. Thatcher I\'. Rea: mailing. ture. ?viI'S. Frank G. Raphael: :\Il's. Gren B. Jillson; United missionary cdll<:ation. :\Il's. H Foundation. :\Ir5. Fred F. l\'euSanborn Brown: m u 5 i c. :\lrs. malin. Arnold \V. Lunzersh~us('n: n(jtional missiollS. :\lrs. Edward F. Chairmen of the Assoeiation's GehMg; publicity, :\Irs. Halph L. affiliated groups for the year Bleich; sewing and supplics. ",ill be': e\'cning. \Irs. Selma E. :'III'S. Charles E. Kelly: soci:l! Bacheller; f (' 110 \\' s hip. 1\11':0. education and action. :'III'S. Ra\'- George :\1. Bolton: Friday book mond H. Wrrtz. . r~\'ie"'. :\lrs. Leland F. Carter; . . ser\'ice g"uild ~Irs. Charlcs E Commlttees concprned \\'Ith! Swenson. ' local church service will han the following chairmen for the coming year: dining room. :'III'S. Commission~ arc not paid on

i\-IALECEK, daughter of Frank * * 1\1. l'vlalecek. of Moross road, Tea for Bennington and the late Mrs. Malecek, to E. Davies. This Thursday Mrs. Davison Pierson, of Kercheval The bride.elect attended the avenue, will open her home for a tea sponsored by the :Jniversity of Michigan where Benni.ngton College Alumnae Association. she was. a member of Alpha Sally Wolter, a Bennington student, will show ~oJor Delta PI. campus and answer quest,ons fro~ Her fiance is the son of Mr. slides of th<: Vermont students. and Mrs. Eric'Davies, of Dear- prospective born. He attends the UniverCo-hostesses for the tea are Mrs. Pierce Smith, Mrs. sity of IVIichigan where he is J. Warren Johnson and Mrs. Harry Winston, of Birminga member of Phi Delta Theta. ham. On hand will be current Bennington students from the Pointe Corlis Cubberly, Julie Doyle, Marcia O'Connor, Brook THy and Judy Trowbridge. Southeastern Women

Home from a flying 17 day trip to the ski slopes of Europe are Mrs~ Alfred L. Marks and Mrs. Frederick S. Ford, Jr., both veteran skiiers. They flew to Munich and rented 3 car to drive to Kitzbuhel, St. Moritz and the Klosters, jetting home Sunday from Zurich. This was Mrs. Ford's first trip to Europe although Mrs. Marks has been in past seasons. In mid-March the Fords will take their children Susan, who is 3_ student at Ethel Wa!ker School; Ricky who attends a preparaAnnouncement is made of the tory school in Boston and Robbie, ,a GPUS scholar, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor C. Ad~ ler, of Severn road, announce ('ngagement of SUSANN M. Aspen for a ski vacation on the Colorado slopes.

the engagement of their daughter. MARY ANN LOUISE. to James Harold De Young. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold DeYoung, of Grand Rapids. Miss Adler wm be graduated from the University of Michigan this June and her fiance is an alumnus of that university. A summer ned. wedding is plan-

Mrs. Bernard L. Hundll y. I year tcrms were Mrs, Thatch112940 5t. Mary's avenue,' '\as cr W. Rea. Sr., 817 Harcourt elected president of the. Y we A road. Grosse Pointe; Mrs. FcrI of Metropol)tan DetrOIt. aild nand W. :Vliller, 16J 95 Ashton 1 four persons who have m;l'!e road; and ~1!~:~ Samu~l ~1il:cr: significant contributions to t 1e J3rownell~ ]6:)~;) WarWIck ro~d. advancement. of youth werc as the fIrst, s,~cond a~d thIrd named honorary Y-Teens at t'le i ','ice-presidents, respec~Ivcly. (j9t.h annual meetinJ; of t he ~e:\'1 rs. .J ames, H. Lal:d, ] 117 troit YWCA held Saturd<y. Bishop road, Grosse POinte, was February 10. at the Veterans' namf~d re{'ording secret;~r:.'; an".! Building. ;\011":". H. I I\Iemorial citations as honorary King 1';,ul UP, Alexander. ~03 Given ;;\'('11 correspondIng" Y-Teens by Phyllis Lindbla(~c .. scc'ri:t:Jry. . . president of the 1\-1etlOPolit 111 ;'III'S. Hodenc:k G. Shuster. Y-Teen Council were Miss !\',d. ,:H07 LOlJgff!!!ow avenue, Was lie Watts. spon~or of the NeUe! ell,('tcd trea,urel'. and !\lrs. EdWall.ts Concerts; 501 Littm2n. i':arri J) Quint. 13~J9.'jBirchcre~~ regional director, Anti-DcfaIT.;l- . drive. a'o~istant treasurer. tion League of B'nai B'ritb:. j':.jpf'tr'ri to l1rl'('-y'car terms ~s the Rev. Joseph BrockingtclJ,. f'baJrrncn of stdndll1J2: coml1lttpas10r of Vemon Chapel A.:\1 E. : tf'PS Wf'l"r:: . Clmrch; and Miss Annetta B. \ll's .. J ;Jll1/' , L Dickson, 1:~2:3 Eldddge, YWCA met.ropolit.Jl1: K('nsin;.zt.on l'i);;d. ~;rosse Pointe executive director. ' P:.rk. blJlldll1l; mall1tcnancc and Mrs. Hundley. elected ffJl' a. purc!l:Jsing: \Jrs. Leo P. j{jehone'.year term to head t 1C . arc1son, J!-)fJ2) W;;'Tingtoll drive, YWCA of Metropolitan Detroit. : !)y-Irl\'.'s: ~JI'~) Arthur E Dlesucceeds M,rs. Frederick ko! f, :! I l1a".thorne r 0 a d. Schumann, 1100 DevonsJllre 01'0S:)(' POll1tc. nominatioll'; road. Grosse Pointe. \Jr~; ErI~.JT' A. Hahn. 271 :\lcOther officers cho~en for or,e- : KinJ!'y an'n JC:. pubik affajr~

Rosary AI Plans Dinr

Star of the Sea Church to tAt Country Club to :
School anc
Members of the Rosar\ Sea Church will hold thei; dance at the Cr:untrv ( February 2~. The annual dim-:er dancf benefits the Star of the Se<

Girls' the

Hi.c;h School

and thE





aJ1d thE


,2,rade schi)ol and for mam oarish functions. Proceed~' will be used for i'u :'n.ishin.~~ and equipment for the ne'l,\

building which \VE're open. ed in the Fall of 1961.

A pre-Lenten highlight of the :-acial season for Star of thESea parishioners and the i J friends. the party will feature <social hour at 7 p.m., followed b, dinner at 8. and dar..cing fro;' 9:30 to the music of Al Navar ro's band. The party is beinE: arranged under the chairmansh ip of l\Irs .James Aiuto and 1\1I's. Stanle~ Pyzcynski. They will be assisted by the following c()mmittees Club a 1'1' a n gem e:1 t s. l\lrs Thomas ?vIdlahon; Tic k e t::;. 1\lrs. Edward Doyle and :\11'5: Richard Jantz; Invita~:ions. ::\lrs .John Ortman and Ml's. Stanlej Jursek; Reception, Mrs. Marior Thompson and Mrs. Clyde Easeerbrook; and Publieity. ~lrs. Richard Long. Reservations and tickets which are $18.50 per c:>uple, ma~ be otained by calling 1vlrs. Edward Doyle, TU 1-863:::. . Some of the men',bers anc friends who have rn ade early reservations are: ::\11'. and Mrs.

::;;;:::;;:;;;;;;; ;;;;::==;;;;;;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;--------~-- --------_._-'_ --_._--- -- -- --- -~-- -- ---..~~-

Plan Musical Program

The Southeastern Woman's Club will meet Monday at 12:30 o'clock In the parlors of St. James Presbyterian Church. After the business meeting Harold Koch will give a musical program. Best way to carve a tombstone is to chisel in traffic.

Jazz Evening

Church Kitchens Subject of Tfl1k

Julius Simmons and Miss Ryan of the Detroit Edison Co. discussed the planning of ehurch kitchens when they appeared as guest speakers at the monthly program luncheon of the Women's Alliance of the Grosse Pointe Unitarian Chur:h on Tuesday, February 13. Since the Unitarian COI:lgregation is now planning the building of a new church on recently acquired property on MallrnE'e ave., this subject was of especially g:-eat interest to the A~liance women. The luncheon, with a Valentine's Day motif, ' .... under the as supervision of Mrs. A:lthony Miketinac, Mrs. Gordon Campbell, and Mrs. Richard W. Allen. right gif!;for you. And to s::art you on treasured family silver. we:offer you wonderful savings on Basic Seu in precious International Sterling to enrich your living foreverl
All Patteml: Made In U.S.A.

Paul R. Erickson; housc. :'III's.: arguments Walter R. l\1cAdo\\'; nursery; made.





Devoted jazz fans Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McFadden have plan~ed a mid-March treat for like minded musical patrons in their McMillan road home. They have invited a group to hear a special combo and share a subscription dinner. Some of the guests will be the Marion Scotts, the Francis Brossys III and the Jack Stephensons.

Fete Theater


Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson, II entertained Saturday evening in their East Jefferson avenue horne at a dinner honoring Bill Bendix, George Scott and Mrs. Scott (professionally Coleen Dewhurst, Shakespearian actress) . The theatrical trio are currently involved in the Theater of Mic~ig.an Corp., re~ently org~ized .by M~. Scott, and premIermg Mr. BendIX and Ann Hardmg thIS Thursday evening at the Shubert in "General Seeger."

A Distinauished -'


2906 E. ..:
Spacious apartmc with 4 bedroom: joining heated ga ~ Mr. Molc)ney. re:,

Church Circles Plan Sessions



\ k/



The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Grosse Pointe Methodist Church will hold its next Circle meeting on Tuesday, February 20. The program for both the evening and afternoon Circles will be. The Churches and Public Affairs. The afternoon Circles will meet at the members homes at 12:45 as follows: Alpha Circle Mrs. J. F. Connors, 19274 Rockcastle. will be the hostess and she will be assisted by Mrs. J. K. Lockwood and Mrs. W. S. Dey. Mrs. George Scotford is devotions chairman and the program will be given by Mrs. R. Lehman.





.S '"




'" c: '" '"

LE'lWIS ar~



Afternool1 I P.~


Esther Circle - The hostess will be Mrs. Delbert Ryan, 489 Cha1fonte, and the co~hostess will be Mrs. James Hagen and Mrs. Clifford Boyd. Mrs. Lee Palmer will lead devotions and the program will be given by Mrs. D. Schneider. Martha-Mary Circle Mrs. Kenneth Hollidge. 1051 Audubon, will be the hostess and she will be assisted by M.rs. Karl Sims and Mrs. Frank Welbon. Mrs. Kenneth Leipprandt will lead devotions and Mrs. A. Bamsey will give the program. Naomi Clrck - The hostess will be Mrs. Hugh Delfs, 419 Touraine. and the co-hostess will be Mrs, Robert Stevenson and Mrs. Walter Banish. Mrs. R. W, Van House wiii lead devotions and Mrs. Willis Bullard will present the program. Ruth Circe Mrs. Charles Zentgraf. 77 Sunningdale, will by the hostess and she wiII be assisted by Mrs. 'Charles Ne~dham and Mrs. Carl Cordier. The program 'yill be given by Mrs. Carl Blanchard.

One-oj-A-Kind Designer Originals at Unprecedented Savings

Tues., F~



Phone WO 1-5158 -




.1' IiWE L E R S A ~1D STElaE~

S I L \' E R S M LT H S GL! .. SS

Detroit 26, Michig2.n -

Store Hoan 9:)0 ro 5:00

The Bdl",,;e ....B I,mare, B"lleair. aorida




We Are Selling a vencal and Custor Also We Are Sellin of Desk! Chairs, et'
Mahogany dining room suite Living room chairs Sofas End tables Four poster bed Mahogany desks Credenza Paintings by well kno' Sh~ffield tea sets, tra Umoge, cut glass. Sarouks, Kermans Ke Hamadans, (all size





The evening Circles will meet at the members homes at 8 p.m. as follows:


. .I

Doris White Circle The hostess will be Mrs. James Carlin, 234 Ridge Rd., and the cohostess will be Mrs. Philip Koerner and Mrs. Carl, Lanz. The devotions will be led by Mrs. E. F. Arnold and the program will be given by Mrs. W. Bullard. Rebecca Circle - Mrs. Fredriel Rector, 1829 Allard, will be the hostess and she will be assisted by rs. Paul Reed and Mrs. Roy Siewert. Devotions . chairman is Mrs. Frederick Rector and the .program will b'~ given by Mrs. D. Schneider. Susannah Wesley Circle-The hostesses will be Mrs. Chester Homuth and Mrs. Jack Neely. Miss Ethel Osborne will lead devotions and the program will be given by Mrs. Carl Blanchard.


i~ JQ~h~~lAR.

GtOi~~ 504

.J3u, ~

,.~tU~~~ o! the, lJolton-:PUA.~ ,5~ \\~cheuJ cd 51. C1~ g,,~~PcVr.t...


On View Frida Descriptive Catalo~l





409 E. J!
F. Du Mouchell~

For further'info)-ma



IS, 1962 +- Thursday.


15, 1962

":' \\',




Page Thirteen

.Woman's Page
Pia ns D nner Da nee
el II


by, of, and for Pointe 'V.omen

II March Bride
Film Premiere
To Benefit UN
Looming just over the horizon is the Detroit premiere of ".Judgment at Nuremberg" at the United Artists Theater at 8 p.m, Wecinesday evening, February 21. With the knowledge that this event is the only "reserved seat" performane~ as well as a benefrt which will support the American Association for the United Nations. under sponsorship of the Greater Detroit Chaptel', carly bids have been winging their way to the Detroit Chapter office, 1132 Was},ington boulevard. Governor S w a ins 0 nand Mayor Cavanagh have lent their names as honorary chairmen for the occasion along with Mrs. George W. Homney, v'ho has a -Photo by Craln-e similar role in the Women's Mr. and Mrs. Claude A. Grein- Committee. er, of Lakeshore road, have anLocal celebrities, Fed e I' a I nounced the engagement of their Judge Theodore Levin, Walker daughter, LA FRAY CONSTAN- Cisler and Walter Reuther, as TINE, to William Gorman Taylor h 0 nor a r y co-chairmen, ?re at a recent cocktail <lnd dinner stressing the importance of the party in their Delray Beach, Fla., film, reflecting man's inhumanwinter home. ity to man, and urging attendThe bride-elect attended the ance. Convent of the Sacred Heart Just back from New York, the and Grosse Pointe University C. Henry Buhls of Vendome School. She has been studying Place already have their l.ickets art and sculpture the past year and will have as guests on the with Professor Ferenk Varga, 21st Mr, and Mrs, Thomas PadHer fiance, son, of the G, dock. Thomas Taylors, of Beaeoh Hill, Mrs. Henry P. Williams. alattended the University of De- ways Ln avid first nighter, will troit and the General Motors attend with Mrs. G. O~den ElInstitute. A March 5 wedding lis. And for them it will be that dale has been planned. usual "scats on the aisle, please -and about a third of the way

terms \\ Nt' :\Irs, Thatrh. 1:(';\, ~I'., 817 Harcourt d. (;1'o",.;e Pointe: 1\Irs. FCl""d \\". :\1i11('1', 16193 Ashton d: and :\11'::. Samucl :.Iiiler : \\ :1l'; i. l(;,,~.') \\' arwick road. t!ll' 11r"I, sc('ond and third . "pre"Hicnts. respccti\'e1y. : ". .J a I1H'S J 1. Laird, 1117 ,,':,,;> rO:ld, Grosse Pointe, was . "",: rrl'orctin~ s('cretary; and P,nli I!. c\ lexander. 4C3 ,~ ;1\ CIIUI'. ('orrespondinl:: ,.' !,(lill':'l('k G. Shu:,t('r, - L"I~C:lcilo\l' avenue, Was ','d t:l'd"urrr. and :\Irs, Edd l) (~u \l1t. 1ggg:1 Birchcrcst

Rosary Alt ar SoCle ty Plans Retreat Woods Church

The Women:s ,Association of the Gro~se POInte Woods Presbyterian Chureh is planning a day of retreat at the church fl"{;m 10::!O a.m. to 2:30 p,m. on February 27, ! The program entitled "The Door of Hope" is under the dilvIembel's of th-e-R-o-sa-r-y-"A'-l-t-a-r-S-o-cietv of Star of the rection of MI's. Neil Van Oose Cl1UrC1 \VIOL h ld 'h' elr tra d'ItlOnal all-pans , h d'mner I ship and spiritual life. steward1 'II . . tcnburg, secretary of ... )('a ' dance at the Countr:v Club on Saturday evening, Mrs. Leslie Crane will be February :24. c__~_ , ... _~- -~---.1 one of the principal speakers. :~ , 1" T " I . ". IIr Shc will be the worship leader I he annual dinner dal1ce .\1 bred,; F lISleI, 1\11, clnd 1\M 1 ilt both the morning and after-' s. ".. , Ho ert l'av or Mr. and rS'1 c . heneltts the Star of the Sea T., . -.;.. , noon st'SSlOns, Mrs. Crane IS 1S 1\11. MI of l-" 1S' H' 1[,;,1 t ...Cl100 1 and t l'le ! ,,,lint's D D,lllahe.. 1\1' Rand D s. t he wife of lhe minister rlr ) I h E' . . . , , 01tl ana er, IS. . . an- L'lkeshore Presbvterian Church .':..~~ mna:;;;1l1m used by both I aher, ;V1r, and Mrs. William C. SI' .. 'b" f 'I N" .h I 'h t l h ' ... le was d mem el 0 c 1e J a. ,e lig selloa ynd t C i Honey, 1\11'.and Mrs. Peter Koe- tiona I Executive Committee of .~:r<l~lesc:lwol. and tor many: nig. 1\[1'. and Mrs. M. F. McCaf. United Presbyterian W 0 men ;Jansh lunctlOns. Proceeds; fl'cy and Mr. <Ind Mrs, C. Brad- fl'om 1958 to 1961. will be used for lurn,ishings ; ford Lundy Jr. Another speaker will be. the <lnd equipment for the new I 1\11'. and Mrs. Thomas Mc~a- Hev, 1\11'. Ed \\'a 1'(1 D. Auchard. buIlding which were open-: hon, !\II'. and Mrs. Rush Coffll1, pastor of Orchard Lake Comeel in the Fall of 1961, ,]\!r'. and IVII's. James Northrup, munity Chureh. Mr, Auchard 1'1\11'. and 1\1rs. George Brooks, will conduct the Bible study, A pre-Lenten highlight of the ~Ir. andl\lrs. David Gamble, MI', which will be on the Book of "oeial season Jor Star of ~he and 1\Irs. John Ortam and Mr. Romans. Sea parishioners and the i I' and Mrs. Joseph Louisell arc The l11usieal part l)f [he profriends, the party will feature a more. ! gram will consist of lVII'S. Lasorial hour at 7 p.m., followed bv ------throp P. Morse, organist, and dinner at 8, and dancing fro~ a trio of singer~, Mrs. Thomas 9:30 to the music of Al NavarClark, Mrs. Chenoweth .J, Wat1'(\'" banel. ,C-' son and Mrs. Bruce A. StewarLI T1H' party is being arranged e'lVC0l11,ers The. morning session will under the chairmanship of Mrs, ! OP?l1 wIl~l a hymn, then a wor,Taml'~ Aiuto and Mrs. Stanley I The Grosse Pointe Newcom- ship per.lOe! concluded by ~rs. P:;zcynski. They will be assist'i Crs Club has chosen Saturday, ~rane, fo!lowed by a medlt~cd by the following committees: I February 17, as the date for tl?n perIOd .. MI'. Auchare! s Cluh a r l' a n g C 111 e n t s, l\Irs. I their next progressive bridge, Bible. study \~'III be part of the Thomas ~Icl\Iahon; Tic k e t s, As is the custom, the group mOl'nlcng sessIOn. . :YLrs. Edward Doyle and Mrs. will I1wet to play bridge ,It A Simple lunch WIll be served Richard Jantz; Invitations, Mrs, the homes of the committee at noon. ,John Ortman and Mrs. Stanley members. ' The .afternoon session \\'.i1l Jursek' , Reception " l\1rs 1\lariol1 Af tel' an e\'enll1g 0 f cal'( Is open With a hymn by.. the tno, . . Thompson and !\Irs, Clyde Ease- they will meet at Stouffer~ fO~lo\~'~d b~' a wo;:sl~IP ~?rvlce c1'b1'ook; and Publici tv, 1\1rs. .tl If" l' ht r I b~ l\It s. Crane. 1 hIS \\ 111 be '. c< Eas all( 01 a 19 suppe, followed bv a Special ComRlt hclrd Lon". 1\1 I .". R I t 'V t . . , 1 1', ane 1HI'S. ,,0 Jet' a CIS munion for \Vomen, adminis~eser\'atlOns and tIckets, are in charge of this party, tered by the two ministers and which ~Ire $18.50 pe,r couple, may :\11', and Mrs. George Aldrich, elders of the church, be otall1ed by callmg Mrs, Eq- Mr. and IvIrs. Earl George, Mr. The W 0 men's Association ward Doyle, TU 1-8632. and ~I.rs. Len ,Price,. Mr, and urges all womcn to come out Some of the members and IVlrs. I homas 10sea,m an~ Mr. for' this day of retreat, which frIends who have made early and ?lrs. Jerry Wl'lght WIll be wll! pI'ove' to be a.day of spiritreservations arc: "-'II'. and Mrs. among those attending. Hal renewal. Reservations arc nec('ssary only for those who plan to attend the lunch. Call :> TU, 4-8810 to make a reservation, The nursery will be staffed A Distinguished Residence near Downtown the en tir_c_d_a_y_. _
, f>

.More Restaurants On Gourmet Series

Roostertail and Hawthorne House to Share in Demon~ strating Preparation of Outstanding Dishes at Lectures in Center
Detroit's famous river-front restaurant, the Hoostertail and Grosse Pointe Farm'; own favorite landmark, the Hawthorne House, have b(~en added to the group of top-flight east-side restaurant:, sharing and demonstrating the preparation of the spet:ial dishes for \vhich their chefs are noted, on the Gro~se Pointe 'Nar Memorial Center's current Gourmet S('ries t.aking place at the Center, 32 Lake Shore Road on Wednesday evenings t11rough March 7. . --~ - ~- - ~ --~--- - - ._--~ The opening evening. the stl'dte Veal Se<lloppini and the Golden Lion's chef Louis d"lieious des" e rt Zabaglione made of egg yolks, sugar, almJoseph demonstrated stuf- olld cre:lIl1, :\Iarsala wine and fed pompano and Chinese v,milla ice cream. Hil\\thornc pepper s tea k with the Huuse. about to open a new Center's own Mrs. McGinty gClUrnwt shop on their first also'sharing her recipes fhor will introduce this same for avo'eado and shrimp' e\ ('ning SlJme ?f the exotic reels a 1a d and demonstrating I j)('S to be available there. the preparation of Swedish i Tl:e series will be brough.t to cream cake. cltmax l\Iarch 7 when Little

St ar 0f th e Sea Ch urc h t 0 H 0 Id All Paris h Party - b . 24 t-e At Country Club to Benefit New Girls High School and ymnaslum


:l .... 'l"'ti'lnt


.... :,'C to ti1rer-~ear

t.. ,'t';



':':::,':, (.r ~:,l!ldil1g commit:.' .\::n,., L DIckson. 132~)

, '>I::.:t(ll~

(;I'o:-s(' Pointe " ;l,:.!dlil'.; ;:~.Ilnt('nan{'l' and : , ' .",::... \lr,. Leo 1'. Hkh('d': ];1:1~1 \\'arrindOIl drive, '.' \1"" .\rthur E Die10,1[i.

. -: .. ., .



1';ddlC McGrath,


," . ','
,'\ .l\

1LI\\ lb,'! 11(' I' CJ a d, !'u::1!,.. nOlllinatlOns;

\. 1l,I!1I1.

~:(:_ .. :'







Mr. ancl Mrs. ErnesL John Grates, of Lochmoor boulevard, mlnouncc thc engagement of the i r daughter, PATRICIA ELLEN, to Benny Ditta, son of the Nicholas Dittas, of Coplin avenue. The couple will be married April 28 in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.


Brid!!e By N


W '. Cl b olnen ~ It T S F.I


erest to


I, Ill,




by dtsign

Garden Court Apts.

Spacious apartment now available






'with 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and ad. joining heated garage. Mr. Moloney. res. mgr., lO 7.3365



P,M., Evening 8 P.M.
Evening 8 P.M.

Tues., Feb. 20th


W_ed., Feb. 21st



[ L \' E R S ~f I T H 5 :; L.A,. S S

StOre HOL:r, 9:30 to 5 ro Floeid.

,1"~ -




We Are Selling a Fine Home of Provencal and Custom Made Furniture. Also We Are Selling a'.Complete Suite of Desk, Chairs, etc.
Mahogany dining room suite Living room chairs Sofas c End tables Four poster bed Mahogany desks Credenza Victorian dining room chairs Ladies and gents chair Pine cupboard Louis VI settee Bedroom suites Breakfronts

Ann e DeArmond Leete, daughter of the Alexander P. Leetes, of Lakeshore lane, will be m a rr i e d February 24 in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church to Dr. Frank Hubbard Parcells. Last month the first of several parties for the bridal pair was given by Dr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Schmale in their Ann Arbor home. On January 27 two of the ushers' wives, Mrs. Nathan P, Segel and Mrs, Warren S, Kennison entertained at a luncheon at Kingsley Inn. Dr. ahd Mrs. Max L. Gardner, of Devonshire road, were hosts at a dinner on February 2 and on Februar.' 10 Mrs. Bert A. Treiber, Mrs, Richard D. Anslow, Linda Anger and Carol Paklaian gave a champagne party in the Treibcrs' Whittier road home for the couple. Last Sunday the bride's aunt Mrs, George De Armand Hutson, of Bishop road, gave a lincn shower, On Friday, February 23 Dr. Parcells' mother Mrs. Russell H. Lucas, of East Jefferson avenue, and Mr. Lucas with Mr, and Mrs, Charles A, Parcells, Jr., will give a dinner at the Country Club preceding the wedding rehearsal. Mrs. Charles.A, Parcells, Jr., will cgive a luncheon and personal shower' in her Cloverly road home this Sat~rday. .

Members and guests of the Grosse Pointe Woman's Club will meel at 1 o'clock on Wednesday, February 21, at the War Memorial Center. Mrs. Edward D. Trowbridge, program chairman for the day, will introduce Mrs. George C. Wedge, who will show color movies of the Grace Bentley Camp for crippled children. Mrs. Henry Zdrodowski will give the narration. This camp is sponsored and maintained by the Michigan League for Crippled Children. The members \dll find this film of special interest as the camp is one of the charities of the Grosse Pointe Woman's Club and to vicw it give'S each one an opportunity to observe at first hand the excellent work done for the children. The tea chairman is Mrs. Arthur L. Watts, JI'., to be assisted by Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Mrs. Lloyd Beemer, Mrs. Oscar Dodson, Mrs, W. R. Frizzell, Mrs. E. F. Gehrig, Mrs. Richard Huegli, Mrs. John Koob, Mrs, James Lloyd, Mrs. Fred Roberts, Also assisting are 1\1rs. Lawrence Ruby, Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Mrs. William Stuck, Mrs. Malcolm St,irton and Mrs, Carson Wallace,


Mrs. Joseph B. Schlotman will have a party of four and of the Consular Corps there will be the Austrian Consul The COn-COl'j Study Group and Mrs. Norman H. BirnkranL Harry Gregory Bradlin will of the Grosse Pointe Branch of the American Association of host a party of 10. dining toUniversity Women will hold its gether prior to the premicre. Among them will be Miss Adele next meeting on Thursday, February 22, at 9;45 a.m. at the Hu~bner, James V. Votta, Florence Sisman, Dr. and Mrs. Drinhome of Mrs. Taylor Seeber, aId L, Golden, .T. Earl Pitten213 Merriweather road. All AAUW members are in- gel' and Miss ,Jessitte Whinnery, vited to this important study Dr. and Mrs. Z, Stephen Bohn. The David L. Gambles, Mr. meeting. Subject will be, "Is the Convcntion Making Con- and Mrs. George Brooks and structive Progress in the New the ,Joseph W. Caskeys will dine together at the Statler-Hilton Constitution?" before going o'n to the theater This meeting next Thursday will play is in preparation for the Con- where the Gambles Can Study Group's bus trip to host for the evening in the abLansing to watch Con-Con pro- sence of Chapter President Mrs. Warren B. Cooksey and Dr. ceedings. The trip is scheduled in for Tuesday, March 6, leaving at Cooksey who arc sojourning 7;45 a.m. and returning by Puerto Rico. 6 p.m. A few reservations are still left for this Lansing trip. DAR Chapter to See AAUW members and friends Films of Williamsburg are cordially invited, Call Mrs, Miss Dorothy Lewis will cnAlfred Taylor, TU. 2-4448 for tertain the General Josiah Harreservations. mer Chapte'r, Daughters of the American Revolution in her home this Saturday at 12:30 o'clock. Assisting Miss Lewis at the luncheon will be 1\1:rsc Alice Cowan, Mrs. Harriet Steinke, Mrs. Belle West and Mrs. Anna Pe'arson. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes Lutton will show color slides of historical sites in Williamsburg, Va.



Feb. 22

Hilrrv's Restaurant .' will trv to . . . . prevIOus appear- " tl 1e R oos t..4'I' e1 lal IS preparIng f or out-do their .. . th e gourme' t mem b ers t.ol1lg 1t . , allces on the gourmet senes. 1 Wednesday. Fe b l' U a r y ] 4, a i Thi' Center has the Detroit scampie SO'Jp followed by' Edison Company .to thank for specially t I' cat e d tournadocs ~he excellent equipment set-up and baked Alaska. One of the 111 1 he demonstratIOn. Pointe's most noted young hosAll gourmet class members tesses, Mrs. William Edgerton \\.tll cspecial1~' appreciate the Lane, has also consented to tasting tab 1 e s following the share her delicacy, curry of cooking demonstrations and will chicken with the gourmets on c1,crish the valuable recipes this same program. ,\'!lich will be given for each On February 28. Sehia\'i's I di"h who s e preparation hag Italian Restaurant will demon- I bc.en demonstrated.

1\1['1 os C'h e Ik a, c 1 . f I I lIe

c Iff 1('





34 individual f~r fashions in magnificent Iv1ink. Robert's styling and quality sale priced to clear!
Jackets, Stoles and Coats

NOT vibration, massage or surgery, these results were achieved

For details Call or write


Detroit Sorosis will meet Tuesday at the Cloverly road home of Mrs, William J. Willis at 12:30 o'clock for luncheon. lVII'S. Max Williams will speak on "The Blueprint for Peace,"



Also Gro:;se Pointe and Birmingham





Phone: TU 2-0406 VA 1-0359

_ 16601 E. WARREN, TU.




~. a1 I

Let us assist you with your

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plans for ,that .all important wedding day.


i 11:
" ...

I j>
~. ~. ~';.



S ~

Paintings by well known artists. Sh~Hield tea sets, trays, candlesticks, Limoge, cut. glass. Sarouks, Kermans, Keshans, Serapes, Hamadans, (all sizes to select from).
On View Friday thru Monday Descriptive Catalog Available Saturday



~ {:I
-" c ;;<-7

l"our dUJi.ct! of ooriou.s pap~r "fork" ,~ylaand siJ:u.





'l:. ~i ", ~.


Lawrence F. Du Mouchelle, Auctioneer and Appraiser'

i~~ ..
" F,'


This attracive colonial home is conveniently located near schools and is situate'd on a 'beautifully landscaped 7S-foot lot, The first floor contains a vestibule, large entrance hall, library paneled in wormy chestnut, living room, dining room, breakfast room, well-plar.!1ed kitchen, a lavatory and screened porch. ~ On the second floor there are 4 bedrooms (IS'xl?' 9", 13' 3"xI4' 6", 14'xI4', 11'3"xI2'3") and 2 bathrooms, A fifth bedroom and a bathroom are found on the third floor. In the basement there is a recreation room wiih a fireplace and complete bar. The property includes a 2.car brick garage, and a copper sprinkler system simplifies the summer task of watering the lawn. For further information call. .

ask for

:J;((j1J8'Jl t!Ji){I/}(j, .By NATIONAL Select your wedding invitations, anno~ncements and accessories with complete confidence as to


and correctness of form.




74 Kercheval On-The-Hill
TUxedo 5-4100


For further'info'rmation,

call WO 3.6255


- ~-

, I

-:r-~"-~~~~~----~-----------4"', -----

.....-_~~~ __

Page Fourteen




Thur!iday, February

IS, !962

Thursday, February I ~.
People worry more over what! they suspect - not what they

Society News Gathered from All of the F-ointes

Bridge Party to Aid
Dominican Sisters
GPHS Girls Get 'Follies' Parts

Troth Told

To Be Wed Bridge Club


Annual Dinner Planned By Gamma Phi Betas

D e t r 0 i t arCa alumnae flf Gamma Phi Beta Sorority will hold the'ir annual dinner meeting Tuesday, February 20, 6:::0. p.m., at the home of Mrs. Ro')ert Anslow of Kenwood court.

Nine Grosse PoInte High School girls have been selected to sing and dance their way through the feminine speaking Auxiliary Has Set March 16 as Date for Benefit to Raise roles in "Follies of 1962," scheduled for March 24 and 25 Funds to Furnish Habits for the Novices; production. Auxiliary Elects New Officers The talented students, chosen are Members or the Auxiliary of the Dominican Sisters from 50 who auditioned, Elise Backinger, Sydney Koof the Sick Poor have set March 16 as the date of a vach, KI-is Anderson, Cindy benefit dessert bridge party at the convent in Boston McDougall, Judy Cann, Norecn Theucrkorn Kltt~T Kahboulevard. ~--'--------"-Hch, Joan Gray and Maureen Th t '11 . lather new officers of the Clifton. e par Y 'WI r a 1 s e Auxiliary from the Pointe arc Chorus line also funds to buy habits for the J.\"lrs. W~lter E. Tomicic, M"s. been announced. parts have girls Over 100 no v i c f' 5 who are being Cyril J. Burke, M['s. Emmet E. auditioned. and 16 were finally trained at the Novitiate of Tracy. vice presidents; Mrs. chosen. They are Julie Allarthe Dominican Sisters of George Van Antwerp, Mrs. Har- dyce, Barb Wrede, Barb Heels, Elaine Harrison, Diana Hasthe Sick Poor, Mariandale, ry J. Mack. Mrs. John Roney sig, Kris Falk, Pam Petri, Bet'h Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. McK.Y. and Mrs. Frank Weston. Nicholson Sally Pool, Robin Callum of N. Edgewood drive. David and Teddy Argy. Four announce the engagement of Xewly cledcd president of The board meeting of the will be alternates. their daughter, MARY MARthe Auxiliary is Mrs. Charles Auxiliary will be held Friday "Follies of 1962," a musical Gura, T. Fisher. J'r. The convent is I February 16 at 11:30 o'clock at come'cly set in the roaring 20's, THA, to John Terrence son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. located in the home of her late the convent followed qy a gen- will include student acts of all Gura of Peoria. Illinois. parents. 1\lr. and :Mrs. Walter N'al mecting. Sister Mary Chris- descriptions. Miss McCallum attends BradO. Briggs. topher will show slides of the ley University where she is Si"ters caring for the sick. With affiliated with Chi Omega the care of the sick the Sisters Sorority. provide indigcnt families, reHer finance was graduated gardless of race, color or creed, from Bradley University last with bedding, food medicine June and is a member of Theta and the nccessities of life. Chi Fraternity.

Lists Winners

Dad-Daughter Party Planned

Friday, Sotu'


-~e .. "Y



Founders G-roup Center to Hear Heads Selected Talk on Geology

The Activities Committee of Founders Society, Detroit Institute of Arts, has elected 1\'11'5. Frank Banks Ware of Washington road chairman for the years 1962 and 1963. Other officers include Mrs. Joseph Bayne of Touraine road, vice chairman; Mrs. Walter E. Simmons of Merriweather road. cOl'I'esponding secretary; a tJ d :VII'S. David Sutter of Pine cow't, recording secretary.
t he'

TU 5-8091


17427 Mack Ave.

Grosse Pointe Garden Cente'r will present Mrs. Bruce Renaud speaking on "Michigan's Buried Treasure" T u e s day, February 20, at 2:30 p.m., as the finale to their Spring Lecture Series.



'\,-aieh repairing
All Makes



I Pointe

Garden Club to Meet

15233Kercheval, at Beaconsfield

PORTEKA staff membe:-

Mrs. Renaud. holder of a B.S. and M.S. in geology from the' University of Michig~n, h.'l,s been associated with the Texas Company, the Standard Oil Company of California and the Geological Survey Division of the Conservation Department. At present, she is le'during on the staff of Wayne State Univcrsity, and for the Ford Foundation Continuing Education Program. The Pointe Garden Club Mrs. Renaud will show magwill hold its luncheon and nificent color slides, transportbusiness meeting at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial on Feb- ing her audience through three ruary 20 at 12:30, and then will billion ye'ars of time over 500 attend the spring lecture spon~ miles of MictJ.igan. sored by the Garden Center. The lecture is complimentary The hostesses will be Mrs. to Garden Center members and Adam Cook and Mrs. Paul G. their guests. Hykes.

Grosse Pointe Memorial Center Bridge Club winners have been announced. February 5: North and South, Betty Tuer and Jessie Cook; Mildred Michael and Elsa Reddaway. East and West: Ruth uogers and Marilyn Reed; Ruth Arbury and Helen Schwartz. February 7: North and South, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hollinger; Ellen W a I d r 0 n and Frank Sparks. Mrs. John Pringel and Mrs. John Tompkins; Mr. and Mrs. J. Melton. February 10: Nor t hand South, Philip Leon and Donald Hocevar; Harry Smith and The engagement of ANN Charles Seeley. LOUISE SPENCER to William East and West; Margaret! Thomas Marsden has been anMorang and Nancy Graybiel; nounced by her parents, Mr. James McMahon and John and Mrs. Edward M. Spencer of Priebe. St. Paul avenue. n.1r. Marsden is the son of Mrs. Harold Rivard of Grosse Pointe and William E. Marsden of Trenton. N ..J. The bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Michigan. Grosse Pointer Mrs. Charles Her fiance attended Michigan State University where he re- A. Dean, Jr. was named chairceived his bachelor's and mas- man of the Navy League Ball by Mrs. John Lavrakas, presi. ter's degrees. He is a member dent of the Detroit Women's of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. An autumn wedding is plan. Council of the Navy League, at a cocktail party and luncheon ned. at the Women's City Club, Monday, honoring the new officers and committee chairman. Pro Musica Concert Date for the June ball will Set for February 23 be announced later. Assisting Mrs. Dean will be her co-chairThe final Pro Musica con- men: past president Mrs. Wiland treasurer, cert of the 1961-62 season will liam Bachman, Mrs. Frank B. Nair. (Mrs. Dean be held on Friday. February of 23. in the Detroit Institute of is one of ,the vice-presidents Arts Lecture Hall. The pro- the council.) gram will be given by the Other Grosse Pointers servworld - renowned Beaux Arts ing as officers and on the execuTrio. tive committee are: Mrs. Emil secreAmong the hosts and host- C. Grob, co~sponding tary; Mrs. Bert Wi eking, chapesses for the occasion are Mr. and ~1rs. Arnold Pate, Mrs. lain; Mrs. Fred Alger, Jr,; Mrs. Thomas Fisher, Mrs. Benjamin Charles Holden, Miss Margaret Mannebach, Dr. and Mrs. Wen- Waren, Mrs. Aaron E. Wilcox, dling Hastings, Dr. and Mrs. executive committee. Ray Will and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Luyckx.

The First English Evangelical Luthen:n Church, Wed~ewood and Vernier, will havc a turn-about this year. Instcad oi the usual Father - Son and Mother-baughter ban que t s, Annual reports of office!'~ and committee chairmen wJI Pastc)!' Paul Keppler says, there banbe given. The finance comml t- is to be' a Father-Daughter tee will propose gifts to aid a quet. This will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the church teacher of mentally retardl'd February ] 6, at children locally and to the on Friday, 6:30 p.m. sorority's national philanthropy, that of maintaining tv/a The Chairman of thc hanquet summer eamps for underpriv 1- is Frank Andre with David Laredged children. son in charge of entertainment. Del e gat e s to the' eighty- On the program are the Swiss eighth International Conven- Bell Ringers from Salem Memotion at the Monmouth Hot,-1, rial Lutheran Church and an Spring Lake, N. J. in .June \\'dl act called ":\lagic Barrel." Carl be elected. Foss has e:hargc of tahle set-ups Any Gamma Phis new in t:le and Louis Orth of tickets. Ticarc'a arC urged to attcnd. and kets are priced at $] ,50 for and 75c for children may call Mrs. Anslow at TV adults unde'r 12 years of age, 5-6212.

Moy's Co
Egg Roll, Subgt! Fried Rice, S Pork including ond Beverage.

Free Pair of CH(

with each dinner Friday

Jefferson ane1
0" ~ Pion A Pe

% Mile south of 9 Mil.

PR 2-6662

There is





Mrs. Dean Head I Of Navy Ball I












LO 7-4656


17125 E.
at Cac


Please Nole:
We are not, in an with any other re~ same or similar nam its suburbs.
in the Pointe Italian and A CHOICE WINE



have formed the new building firm of ... Hillock~ Ecclestone & CmupallY BUILDERS

I Annunciation



I To Serve Chicken Pie

The Annunciation Altar So. ciety is 5ponsoring a George Washington chicken pie luncheon and card party on Thursday, February 22, at 12 noon, in the parish hall, Agnes and McClel1.an avenues. Mrs. Edward Halpin and Mrs, William Neuman are co-chair.men. Everyone is cordially invited to attend. BACK - SLIDERS

w .A .
, \


His originality

of COllcept and freshness

of idea


to produce the trends _of tomorrou'J today.


T'J 1.7597

183'18 MACK



This is the time of year when the bottom falls out of most of lour good intentions.

Other hosts and hostesses include Miss Bernice Conley, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Connor. Mr. M. D. Dimitrievich, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Gehringer, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Hart, genMrs. F. R. Matthews, Mrs. Fred eral chairman, and Mrs. Wayne Pittack. Mr. and Mrs. John Pop- E. Long, general ,vice-chairman, pleston. Mrs. Holden Sim~s of the women's entertainment and Miss Lillian Hogue. committee at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club are planning a 'gay time for all at the black-tie dinner-dance and fashion show ~c this Friday, February 16. The B. Siegel, Company will present the "Look of Femininity-Spring '62" with Miss Heller commentating the fashions. LOVE NEW ACCOUNTS Mrs. George M. Brooks, party chairman, assisted by Mrs. Bill O. Brink and Mrs. Joseph W. Caskey have planned a patriotic theme for Washington's Birthday with inverted Uncie Sam hats; containing red, white and blue flowers as table centerpieces. Red, white, and blue streamers and balloons will canopy but are really pleased when the ba1!room while couples dance to the music of Al Naour old cust9rners call us varro and his orchestra. back ... especially Mixed bridge and gin rummy facilities will also be available after trying for those who wish to play others. cards. Early reservations included Mr. and Mrs, James N. Mot.schall with a party of 10.' Also entertaining a party of 10 are Mr. and Mrs. William M. Schmidt, while the Clement A. Penne1ls and Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith have reservations for 12. Among others attending will be Mr. Gustav E. Nyquist, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Gostow and their guests

Patriotic Theme For GPYC Fete

with offices at 19794 Mack Avenue Gro~se Pointe, and Telephone 881-4335
Now Open

All Year

Not an Auction All Items Priced

To Hold Benefit For Kingstvood

The Kingswood School Cranbrook Alumnae Association has taken over the Fisher Theater for a performance of "Rx Mur.der" on Friday, March 23. Starring in the new mystery are Joseph Cotten, Agnes Moorhead, Thomas Mitchell and Patricia Medina.' Heading the Grosse Pointe ticket sales is Mrs. Harold .Lynch Jr., with Mrs. James Flim, Mrs. Richard Noyes, Mrs. Harry Stutt, Mrs. Elliott Phillips assisting her. Mrs. Paul Wheaton of Birmingham is general Chairman and has Mrs. John Dixon, Mrs. Robert Neumann, Mrs. Clark Matthews, Mrs, John Lovett on her committee .. The Ellen and Catherine Wall ace Memorial Scholarship Fund will be the recipient of the proceeds from the evening. Break faith with your fellow man. and you'll seldom break even. Face the future with confiden'ce - forget the shadows of the past. \


O~Leary Ca

Take .advantage of our

Household Furnishings


for better HEALTH . and glowing YOUTH

Estate of Mrs. C. H. Davis

480 !'-Jeff Road
Grosse Pointe. Mich.

as a new memt

Saturday, Feb. 17, from 10 a.m.

Mr. Angoft wa:

divisions of Ge

Party Wigs,

to purchase
or rent

\ Fine Custom Made Wigs

We've had years of experience in the making of fine wigs. You'll be pleased with our creation of a style and color for your particular beauty.

Mr. Lee, F. Carney

1981 Longfellow Ave.
(House is for sale)

He will be plea





Sunday, Feb. 18, from 10 a.m.


Maier & Werner

Two Beautiful Salons to Serve You
17670 Mack
At University

H. O. McNierney

David D. Stalker, Inc.

424 Book Building 1-9085

15311 E. Warren
Near Beaconsfield

TU 1-7297

l'U 1.3'190





.... .Jl



= ....

Page Fifteen

, February

15, 1962



1SI 1962




( 'cj

People "-orry more over what \ The real hustler who doesn't they suspect - not what they find a way to success goes to know. work and makes a way. .


Libl"ary Movie

Starrin:g Garbo
Greta Garbo in one of her greatest roles. that of Marguerite Gautier in Dumas' classic, "Camille." will be shown free to Grosse Pointers at 9:15 p.m. Friday, February 16, in the main I'eading room of the Central Library.

Men Gardeners Meet Feb. 15

Boerberitz- Weathers

Short and to the Pointe

(Continued from Page 11)


lad-Daugh ler
Fir~~ Enr:li~h E\";l~l;':(" i-

)artv Planned




Our lveek
Friday, Sat"rday

end special
and Sunday Only

Ycrnicr. \I ill h:lH' ,I tlli;;; year. In~IC';l(i (,f ll~~lal Fath[-l'-Son an:'! .,,:h('r-DaIlRhtC'r h an q \! (': " : -t,l;- Paul h('pplcl' ,.ay". t!~(';."

; :1-:111011\




'(' hc a FathC';-.D;ltlChlCl' banThi.., \\:11 hI' hC'ld Il1 t~lC ,.i(l\\."hip li:dl of :h(' ('hun';, Frida~. Fell:-uary 1:;. <it .) p.nl


Egg Roll, Subgum Chow Mein, Fried Rice, Sweet and Sour Pork including Soup, Dessert
and Beverage.




Free Pair of CHOP

with each dinner Friday,

Saturday and




} . 1:1 eh.]~~-:l-~ cr~tr:.t:lln'11cr~: of

~~:(" p"t)~r~lnl :1:e i11l~ ~\\

E. Jefferson

and Marter

to 11 p.m.



:\1:1.:-(-r" LU~;~l\L:::


S.dclll :\ll'mnC:-1tlrt':~ ..t!HI tin


Milo south of 9 Mile Rd., St. Clair Shores PR 2-6662 Open Doily frem 11 a.m. Plan A Party Now!

The board of directors of Standard Federal Savings and Loan Association has elected Wolter J. L. Ray chairman of t.he board and Robert J, Hutton. of Devonshire road, president.

\ ~l::t~\l ":\Lt"::l'



t,lh~e ~et-tli)~ r : LO:l:~ ():.th pI' :~t'k('::, t let ...... a~'t' 7':-:ll'd :1.: S~ .-}{) f\):~

\ ......... h:l~






There is only




T 1'\' IH Jl

~.1 .... _

LO 7-4656

Pizzeria and Restaurant 17125 E. Warren

at Cadieux


Please Note:
We are nof, in any way, connecfed with any other restauranfs with the same or similar name ... in Defroit or its suburbs.
LAMBARDI'S ... VV'eli known in the Pointe area for Fine Italian and Ameri(an food.

IVIr, Ray, president sin c e 1946, succeeds Howad C. Baidwin, who has resigned as ~chairman but will continue as a director and general counsel fOr the association. Mr. Hutton was former1" treasurer. The board also announced the following execl'.tive changes: Four new vice presidents inelude John Beauchamp, in charge of appraising; John P. Ray, in ch3rge of branch operations; Thomas R. Ricketts, personnel and public relations; and George Stra'chan, in charge of accounting. Wilson R. Paxton, formcr secretary, was named secretary-treasurer. Thomas L. Beckett, William R. Barnard and Richard W. Gale Were named assistant vice presidents. Standard Federal Savings and' LA' t' D t 't' oan SSOClalOn. e 1'01 s oldest, was founded in 1893. Current assets of the association now exceed $200,000,000. The main office is located at Griswold and Jefferson, and . there are seven branch offIces in the metropolitan area.

Sue : Adams, home service consultant of Marysville, 0., ASHLEY LA UVE, son of MR. will speak on "Frame for Your and MRS, HENRY D. LAUVE, Home" when Men's Garden of Sunningdale drive, have Club of Grosse Pointe holds its been named to the honor roll annual "Ladies Night," Thurs- for the second marking period, day, February 15 at 8 p.m., at it \\\as announced today by Dr. George D. Kinkade. Dean at Grosse Pointe War Memorial Avon Old Farms $choo1. The film version of the great Center. A merchandising major in French novel. a poignant story Emmons is in the Fifth Form of a Parisian' "lady of the college', Mis!? Adams started her and Lauve in the Sixth Form world," is the current offering career in. San Francisco. She at Avon Old Farms, a college of the Friends Film Forum, next joined the travel industry. preparatory school for boys in sponsored jointly by the Grosse presenting a variety of pro- Avon, Connecticut, Pointe Public Library and the grams to women's and men's >I< Friends of the Library. clubs throughout the country. THOMAS ROBERT ANDRIS, She had her own radio show in When the film was previewed Ariz., in addition to son of MR. and MRS. THOMAS in 1937, G~rbo was hailed by Phoenix, making numerous guest appeaF- ANDRIS, of Clairview, has won critics as the greatest Camille admission to Michigan State ances on radio and television. yet, though different interpreUni versity's Honors College, a Miss Adams is presently emtations had been presented by such famed actresses as Sarah ployed as a consultant and traby one of the Jenny Lind Club Hears Bernhardt and Eleanora Duse velling lecturer lawn products com- Music with Dessert on the stage, and AlIa Nazi- national panies. He'r specialties are lawn mOVa on the screen. Members of the Jenny Lind In the motion picture to be care and rose production. and a shown here, Garbo's co-star is J., Arthur Shimmin, vice- Club met for dessert Robert Taylor as Armand. Sup- president and program chair- muscial program at the home of porting them are Lionel Barry- man Ot the Club, will be in Mrs. Walter Wood in Renaud more and Laura Hope Crews, charge of the evening's 13, pro. road on Tuesday, February gram and will introduce the at 1 o'clock. Garbo's portrayal of the role speaker. . Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. of Marguerite differs strikingThe' Club will also honor its Tore Franzen and Mrs. Robert ly from those who had preare members of the Vincent R. Peebles ceded her. She is anything but six past presidents, February meeting committee. a martyr to man's selfishness. DePetris, Thomas Robitaille, Instead, she is gay, dressed in John R. Dice, now of Ann height'of-fashion clothes, lik- Arbor; Elmore Frank, Ralph S. Grosse Pointe are'a, and tlle'ir mg the kind of life she leads. Lombard and Harry G. Shorr. wives as well, are invited to Her love for Armand is at All male gardeners in the attend this meeting. first a thing of wonder to her, and later an all-consuming passion. In the climatic death E. Jefferson ot Beaconsfield scene, around wru"h Dumas Grosse Pointe Fils built the drama, she lies VA 2.2870 in bed with only one thoughtthat she will die before she can see Armand. When he comes, NOW PLAYING thru Sat., Feb. 17 she gets up to try to make herself beautiful, but sinks back. On the point of death she gives . +4. Armand a brilliant smile full Of the wiSh to go on living, ac.; :::":/;~~ in E." .':J!' cording to one of her biog. f~ """'1 With All The _: .j ...,'..:....... .' . ,....~" F.. ~ ','i ;., , raphers. A prize-winning film from ~ '~'~.Y,. P.d ~ And Power .' N rr . Argentina, "Dark River," an (Pi Of HIS Academy .. ,......... ..' ...-- ... n._ e;;pose. of conditions on pla~l'~a. .".' Award-Winning :0-,.# tlOns III that South American country, is scheduled for the Performance In March 16 Forum showing.

* *


Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Weath. program for undergraduates of ers, of Linhurst Avenue, an. of their superior academic ability. Each nounce the eagagement Honors College student, in con. daughter. Lynn Carol, to Gerald Warren Boeberitz, son of Mr. sultation with a special adviser, and Mrs. Albert C. Boeberitz of may work out a program in Stephens road. which, among other advantages, all requirements for graduation The bride-elcct is a graduate -other than total number of of Michigan State University credit hours-may be waived. and a member of Zeta Tau Alpha. Other Grosse Pointe M.S.U. Gerald was graduated from students who have just been admitted to Honors College are: Grosse Pointe High School nd his Bachelor of KAREN J. ANDERSON, daugh- received Science Degree from Lawrence tcr of CLARENCE ANDERSON, Beaufait; and AI\~N C. V AN- In~litute of Technology. GOETHEM, daughter of LEON An August 18 wedding is VANGOETHEM, Brys drive. planned. "

Mar-Ino' .,





17447 Mack at Neff Road

Fish & Chips

: 111

Slight charge for

. 3


Oven Hot Deliveries Open Daily'

~ .111

TU 2-3277
to 3 a.m.


Su..."1da:ys 11 a.m. -




'8 .Jt . ; ',.;,,; arrGl.ft'lAr t&t. - n:"/



OF 1962

With the World's Greatest Skating Champions

Ronnie Robertson, Cathy Machado, Bobby Specht, Lynn . Patsy Finnegan, Alan Konrad, ~'Sandy Culbertson, Romayne & Steele, Freddie Trenkler, Eric Waite, Labrecque Marshall, The Old Smooth. jes ond the World Famous Ice Capets and Ice Cadets.
-it -it

firm of

48th Semi.Annual



River Ave.

, building ..


8,:, Company

Hours~ 12-10

:RS Carry-out
ointe, 881 -4335 IF\

TU 5.9100


Friday Saturday Sunday March

The date of the last Forum presentation of the 1961-62 season has been advanced to April 13, when "Power Among Man," a motion picture showing what the United Nations has done in four countries, will be shown.

"The Bridge On The River Kwai.



smart alec ... ~



':"W-.J.. ~

2.3-4 Adm. 75c

Council Ignores Boat Club Plea

At a special meeting Monday night, February 12, the Grosse Pointe Woods City Co u n c i 1 agreed to retain controversial Seetion 6 of its proposed ordinance On boat doe k age and mooring facilities at the lake front Park. Section 6 provides that the oldest boater, in terms of use, may be "bumped" from his dock by any newcomer who has waited two sea son s. without success, for dock space. M e m b e I' s of the Grosse Pointe Woods Boat Club had vigorously protested the inclusion of Section 6 in the proposed ordinance, stating that such a "bumping" system discriminated a g a ins t long-time residents and boat-owners. The City Council will vote on whether or not to accept the entire ordinance n ext Monday, February 19, at its reg u 1 a I' meeting.

Week Nights 8:00 P.M.

iltlt.Md 1/1.. UNITED I!1JARTISTS

Three Shows Saturdays

Two Shows Sundays

1:00, 5:00 and 9:00 P.M. 2:30 and 7:00 P.M. No Show TUOlsday Evening, March 6
Prices: $4.00,

?4 Mack Avenue

(cading Exhibitors ALL FOR SALE So ;lOp"lar in Grosse Pointe



Fanny Hurst's


Now Open

the Years, the East Side's

Susan Hayward-John Gavin

Feb. 18

CHILDRENHALF PRICE 12 and under Mon. through Thurs., 8





Tickets On Sale at Olympia and Grinnell's Downtown

Enclose self-addressed envelope whIm ordering

liThe Millionairess

by mail.

All Year


Finest Steak House

Equally famous for Chops, Lobsters and Chickens

Steak House
Lake Shore Drive

Cocldail Lounge
24937 E. Jefferson PR 5-9299

At 10 Mile Rd.






.0 ..




Now Playing
Jl ,. I!



Hayward-John Gavin in Fannie Hurst\S

"Back Street"

Mr. Howard O'Leary, Pres. O'Leary Cadillac, Inc. takes pleasure in announcing

in Color


Matinee Only
Stooges in

Furnishings ~

ill l.1



"Have Rocket, Will Travel"

. All Items Prici::d





C. H. Davis I

Mr. Ted Angott

as a new member of the firm, in the sales departmenf. Mr. Angoff was formerfy wifh fhe Buick and Cadillac divisions of General Mofors.


Con.gratulations, Bern.adette!
.Young savers, like Bernadette Wadzinski (pictured) deserve hearty congratulations. And our branch managers never. miss an opportunity to encourage these youngsters. ' It's especially gratifying to find so many young people among First Federal's 147,000 savings customers. . As they add to savings, these boys and girls develop character and build important habits accounts are welcome-here at Michigan's largest and strongest sayings association. As little as $1.00 opens an account earning 4% current rate, compounded quarterly. Savings are insured t<. $10,000 by FSLIC, a government agency. BE MONEY AHEAD saving at
Of .. , 'M,,,'

if Road

nte, Mich.


7, from 10 a.m.

~~J~~ir~umSun., 25 - 2:20 Feb.

SWAN LAKE (Act II) NUTCRACKER, CAPRICE $2.20, $3.30, $4.40 Dntn. Grinnell's & Masonic Temple

=. Carney
for sale)


He will pe pleased to see his friends af





~,from 10 a.m. DueTED BY ,

. I


of thrift,
How about the younger members of your family? Encourage them to save where their





lavid DJStalker, Inc. ! I 424 Book Building I


17153 E. Jefferson

Phone TU 2-0102
Hours: Sun. thru Frl_ 12:30 Noon to 9 p,m. Sat., 12:30 Noon thru 11:00 p.m.

.d 1-9085

16719 Mack, at Yorkshire

" ...... , ........ ,::i

Kercheval near St. Clair Grosse Poinle

2 blkl. from Outer Dr.












.~,_.W '-~~--.."....



fh" /

'w' ",U'N,~'"-"-

Thursday, February IS, 19

~ ,






Chorge Ads-12 wcrds tor $1 00 Cosh Ads--12 words for 90c IOc each odditionl'll word


Call TUXEDO 2.6900

3 Ttunk Lines
GREAT PROFILE JR. - Jolm Barrymore Jr., who apparently "shuns barbers, is met by his wife, former Italian fashion model Gaby Palazzolo, on his arrival at Rome aU'Port, and the photo seems to support his denial that the couple, wed in 1960, were olannIng on divorce. AWAITING TRAGICWORD-FrIends and relatives of miners trapped underground await news outside the Luisenthal coal mine in the Saar village of Voelklingen. (Rad'lOplwto) LINER 5TATIONS CUNNINGHAM DRUGS
1fl941 Kl'rcheval TU ~9698 at Notre Dame


at LoC'hmoo STATIONS

203]3 Maclr Ave 1'U 4-3100 !'lEW8 SALE8

L 2 LBS.TO 1,700 LBS.-Two Kodiak bear cub~ i')u).; : r:": r. ,': . ing much as Cincinnati :~oo Oll"ector Wilhaln HrJif M daughter Kimberley feed tllem. TheIr mvther, ,,-ru'~serJfrum hibernatiun by the blessed event. tned to k.;) ~:-:,,:'"; I',', . lots of PEOPLE get angrl at being awal,,,r,":rJ:! T'JweIgh two puunds each nlW, and 1.t tlv,,,. f';r:- r".'

Grand Clrcul! Majestic BjdJ;

Park news Stan<1 News Stand




Alden Park Manor Camerons GIft Shop, Wayburn & Jeff Park Drugs. CIty L1mlts


WIll hit 1,700 pounds uf pnmurc:al




MlUer Pharmacy Kercheval Sullivan Pharmacy and Kercheval LoUJI' Party Store



are about a hundred to or e agamst tha t, ~;.',,, t1' ~~ '7', v are kept in an incubator .. md have to he b:"::j>c-:: 'l:;-'" ',,:

BeaconsfIeld on Charlevoix Dame Damp ~otre


Knuff's Pharmacy Notre and Kercheval Cunnmghams Drugs Notre and Kercheval Notre Dame Pha:"Tna~. and Kerchev'!l

NARROW ESCAPE-A few days befort' Jayne MansfIeld and husband ~hckey Hargltay had thelr narrow escape from death when theIr boat o\"erturned on a water sklmg trip in the Bahamas. they visited For! Lauderdale. Fla., and were photographed at thIS slg'htseeing telescope.





Pharmacy, Eilll





Kercheval Schettlers Drugs. P'lsher Rd AnO Mawnee KInsel Drugs Mack and 7-M1Je Woods DnJ.gs Bournemouth


,. ,

Center. Mack and (7 Mlle Rd I

I I'



Grosse Pointe Pharmacy Mack and Eiuntlngton Eiarkness Pharmacy, Mack ana, Lochrnoor Eiow~:d Johnsons Mac!.t and

Goronflo. Mack and AnIta Arnolds Drug. Mack, and Haw" lliorne I Bob's Drugs, Mack an<l Roslyn ,



'~~', ,,"-




" 'CUBA, 51' - Cuba's Mario Garcia-Inchaustegui tells the U. N. Political Committee that the U, S. has made the Organization of American States an .'annex of the State Department" and has laid groundwork for "future aggression in Latin America."



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..., P..... .

56-MILE DRIVE-Rancher John Cawrse and daughter Jeannie lead their herd of 1,288 calibearing Herefords through Mt. Vernon, Ore., on a 56-mIle drive to winter range. It took five days, over snow and ice. But it averted loss of calves in trucks or cattle cars,

Bnggs Drug Store. Mack ana: Touralne Rands Medical Service Pharmacy Mack ..nd Moran Blue Cro6$ Drugs. Mack and Net! Blue Eim Pharmacy Mack and Blue Hill Oevonshlre Drugs. Mack an<l I DevonshIre L & L Phannacy. Mack ana ~e8 consfleld Col.Jny Patent Medlcme. 15645: Mack


)o-p--.. " ............~.


Marter RO

Arnold Dru~s Jp.fferson




DISABLED WWI veteran ur- I gently needs car to earn living. Does any charitable: person have one cluttering up garage that he would be willing to sell on low payment basis; or donate? Veteran, P.O. Box No. 2015, DetrOit,! BEING READIED,WEATHEIlOR NOT-Here Is Lf;e Thor-De:-..a booster bemg readied at Cape Canayeral, F;a., to send :r.3t TV-eqUIpped Tiros weather satellite Into orb::- A s~'s:er:J of s~te1l1tes is being effcrted for long -ran~e fl1r('r~ ~:.~~,


Hawaiian Guitar; Spanish and Multi-Kord. Master Course ROLAND GUILLE?1ET Formerly ,,,-ith the Victor Recording Co. Residence Studio LA 6-8136 WA 1-5110 PIANO. organ, voice, theory Pre-school through universi~ leveL Walter Mueller, 482 Co lonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. GROSSE POINTE CONSERVATORY Staff of Professional Teacher~ PIANO, VOICE. VIOLIN, THEORY Beginning students through artist leveL 20758 Mack, near 8 Mile TU 4-9843 TU 6-235 TEACHER 'of piano, conserve. tory graduate, beginners speciality, 1410 Bishop. TU}. edo 2-2659. PUNCH AND JUDY MUSIC STUDIOS Piano, guitar, classic guitar, banjo, aceordian, violin. 15 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms TU 4-4440 Res. 372-8994

'BASEMENT' ACCOMMODATIONS IN ANTARCTICA-Arched steel roofs the "city under snow" at the new Byrd Station in Antarctica, where the Seabees are digging eight inter-connected tunnels 20 teet deep. The new f~ilitieg will house scientists. research equipment and other personnel and supplies. The older Byrd Station had to be abandoned because five years' accumulation of snow threatened to collapse it.

$1,000 WARREN-TV Eddie Rose, 23, a part time engineermg student, displays a S1.000 check he received as first prize in a John Birch Society, essay contest on why Chief Justice Earl Warren should be impeached. He is from Mar Vista. Calif.

<4i.titMw~~ .. '






YOUNGESTON RECORD-Mary Frances Croooy jumps into the pool in North Hollywood, Calif., pops to the surface, then climbs out and gets a kiss from her mother Kathy to show you part of her test in becoming, at 2 years old, the youngest person on record to pass the Red' Cross beginners swimming test. In order to pass, Bing's daughter was required to jump into deep water over a &W1mmer's head, dive into deep water, t10at at least 10 seconds on her back, and swim at ll'ast 40 feet.

SET COPTER SPEED RECORD-.:\"', Y Lt. Robert \V. Crafton (right) of San AntOnlo, Tex .. and his CO-pilot. Marine Capt. Louis K. Keck of Seymou~, Tex., set a world helicopter speed record of 210.6 miles an hour at Stratford, Conn. The old record was held by a Russian Mil-5, which flew 199.4 mile. an hour, The Americans flew a Navy Sikorsky HSS.2.

BLIND MAN FILLS'ER U~-Gl;hK,1 by r:;s ~eel..'l~-F~e liog Poppy. blind Everett D. :.!L'IlC:l'~l!:,::l ~,)c's :~t'\l::~ -:::I:h~S l,:,: at a fillmg st:J.tion III L'1c!lS:13,Pl';;S. Ind: '-ie's t'E't'n 011 :1:e ]Vb
sLx years. pumping g':t~ohne. \\":l'~n~ \\"':n,-:::."c'l,-:s. r:::>.k;r:g change, et~ If the gs..~o 111(' h'\'("} \.-\..)!Ht'$ ~,,-"l ~;~; \.1~~1.~ S:~T:QUnt, he asks the customer wl:.it it lS. Ht"S b01':~.... :.:c',~c';::Y once. :.t

PRIVATE TUTORING -IN YOUR OWN HOME All subjects; sll grades. Adul and children. Certified teac. ers. Call: DETROIT AND SUBURBATUTORING SERVICE KENWOOD 7-4653

I'"'' ,



MRS. LOUIS ~1ARICK, DiRE TOR. Tutoring by degree teac ers available in a~ subjects t grades bi~b school, college li adult education. 339 ~errtvveather

'SPY' DRONE-Ryan Aeronautical's new flexible wing plane is shown bcmg launched by a Jeep during tests Marine Corps' desert facility at Twentynine Palms, It Is remote controlled, and can carry photographic ment tor reconnaissance behind er.-emy lines.

drone at the Cali!. equip-

KIDNAP WINDUP - Wandra Edith Smalley, 23, daugl1ter of a New Mexico state senator, and one of her kidnapers, Richard C. Banish, 24, are shown in Kansas City. Mo. after she managed to call police. Banish and another man, Robert Runge, 23, commandeered her and her car in Deming, N. M. Runge left them, was caught in Iowa. Banish was letting her wire home for return money when she blew the whistle.

Grosse Pointe Farms

THATTITANSKYSHow-Here Is one of the patterns of light which awed people from Virginia to Southern Florida when the final Titan I of a 47-shot series was launched at Cape Canaveral, Fla. It soared up 600 mIles, and down the mIssile range 5,000 miles. Next, Titan II. bigger. Both are bigger than the Atlas, the 360~000-pound thruSt orbit1n2' vehicle.

HEAT POLlCy-V1Ckl Smith fans herself with weather insurance policies at St. Croix, the VIrgin [sl81~ds, just to, remind you that t.'1e hotels there payoff any day the mean temperature drops below 70. Hotels say they have not had to pay in 23 years.

PUTTING ON ARIAS-l\~rs. J3cqueLI~(' K,":::,',:\ \\ ,'.,:~ Il merry smlIe 8.S she ho ,tesses teenagt'l's l'( (,.,: ,; :-:"tll:\tlC corps m 'Washington Itt a \\'hite Hous,' t',': :,': n;:mee of Mozart's comic opera' COSI Fan Tutt!." H~'n' :;!H' IS With Birni Beni (Don Alfon!io in the opera), and daughters of Vice President and Mrs. Lyndon Jolmson, Lynda Bird Johnson and Lucy Baines Jo~son. This is the reception after the opera, with cookies and milk in a supporting role. The cast was from tl,e Metropolitan Opera. Studio.

r _.'


TUxedo 4-2820
LOST: Change pur sew ".oney and solid gold (' rings with topaz and rub1 Vicinity of the "Village," F day, Feb. 9th. Reward, 6-0029.

- .- -..... - .... _.

--... '~1

Thursday, February

15, 1962




Page Seventeen

.A~:,,. . .
. ':~~.




Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly


CALL TUxedo. 2. - 6900

6A-FOR RENT ( Furnished)

Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly 8-ARTICLE~ FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES





::::h.'lrge Ads-12 words tor $1.00 Cash Ads-12 words tOt 90c IOc etlch tldditionol word

4A-HELP WANTED ( Domestic:)







wo Kllc,ak bcar cubs look lil,\? nutll:1 2,'0 DIrector WIlham Hoff and ~ them. TLe:r n~lltlJer. aruused from -".~ t";,'~,:. tr~Ld :(l I,ll] them. (\\'('\l.
-.:". :1t





'i;,.y reach --~" tl: ['J":':tl: l::aJ t-:'I'''('lt~'.

, 1:""".




0;;e apliI1st ttat. sa.\'s Huff. Tilt.y .~. 0:Jd !,~,,'e to be burped when fed.

, ,


,. *



~ER OR NOT-Hc',,
at Cape Canan~ral. ~:~'r "a:"ll1te m:l'
t~:'TI: ~rr1 for


L'1e Thor-Delta

F::1.. to send that O;'i)lt ,\ ~ystem of



~ ~..


.~ :~:~'~~E:J\~~::~i~~::;
our -:~*~.f'.~, :\ ~.~~":

,;~:r~:..~~~~ ~~.'~~'. :,':" ....~




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"<:~:;;i:1;;';"~;"" ':...".' ..::' .'



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,;: "'~'A~:



. _:~ ~~u~~A>";. ~"7-~ ~

.~L.:~ "~

: Up-GUIded J, ~lendC'nhall

his SeeIng-Eye dog goes abuut hiS duties at eJ:anapolis. Ind. qe's been on the j0l> za~o]me, wipmg wmd"heJds. making by le\'d ~Ont""


to an ulld an1uunt,

what it is, He's b0t:n cl:eated unly once.

':;-'~ <

-Mrs. ,!d.cqueL:'l(' K':nn"dy Wl'a!" 11 hostesses v:cn?;:'fTS of t!-:I; ,Jlplomatlc I at a \Vl1ltp H"'lse P!'l.:'unllanr-e at L "COS] f<'an Tl1ttl" H,.!'l' she IS WIth nS0 in the opelaJ. and daughters ot

rs. Lyndon Johnson, Lvnda Bird JohnJolmson. This is the' reception after es and milk in a supporting role. The the Metropolitan Opera Studio.

NEFF, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, GARAGE apartment for two garages, porchei. Heat opgentlemen. Four rooms with LINER STAnONS tionaI. Adults, TU 5-2209. 2 car gar age. Furnished . CUNNINGHAM DRUGS Windmill Pointe Drive area. EXPERIENCED girl wi she s DUPLEX, upper 5 rooms. Ex11\941 K.!"rchev:ll at Notre Dam .. 5-SITUATION WANTED VA 2.9817. TV 5-9698 I and trans. cellent location work, eleven through dinner. HARKNESS PHARMACY portation. $135 month. TU B. McDANIEL CO. Grosse Pointe reference's. TY VACATION duty, invalid and GROSSE POINTE, V ern i e l' 20313 Maclr Ave at Lorhmoo 5-8531. 13333 Kercheval VA 1-8200 4-6731, Willa. maternity care, domestic help. 1'U 4-3100 Road. 4 rooms, private. Heat, NEWS SALES STATIONS Licensed, Bonded, Hegistered WOMAN, age 53, desires day MARLBOROUGH 910. Exceputilities. TUxedo 4-4744, FIREPLACE WOOD, $12 cord nOwto-.:TOWN AREA work. Re!'erences. Call 824tionally clean. 3 rooms and CARELS Grand Circus Park news Stann delivered, this week only. TU 8807. bath. Adults. $70. VA 4-1368. ALTER ROAD and Mack, near "ta1estlc Bld News Stand 4-1056. BABY SITTING AGENCY Grosse Pointe. Nicely furnE JEFFERSON TO CITY L1MIT~ CALL US, VE 9-9066 HARCOURT ROAD ished apartment for one or EXPERIENCED woman wants Alden Park Manor Camerons Gift Shop. Wayburn two adults. $80 per month, SEE and HEAR the new Kraday work. Mondays, Tuesdays, Almost new deluxe s.econd floor COUPLE wIshes work. Cook&. Jeff kauer "Virginian" piano cusmain floor $85 per month. Wednesdays, Thursdays. Ref- a partment with 2 bedrooms, 2 Puk Drugs. City Llmlb ing, cleaning, driving, painttom detailed to fit under winTelephone VA '1-2818 or VA e'rence. TU 3-2896. baths, family room, gas heat '~ROSSE:POINTE: PARK ing. Refetences. Call Saturdows, beautiful as a wall 1-8985. :'.IlI1er Pharmacy Wayburn IIno a nd central air conditioning. day, Sunday. VA 2-3729. Kercheval WASHING and ironing. Experidivlder-a new, modern exT. RAYMOND JEFFS Sullivan Pharmacy Beaconsflelr1 GROSSE POINTE Park area. 2 pression of the best in piano BABY or invalid sitting. 75c enced on shirts. Will pick up. nnd KCT'cheval ~ TU 1-110Q 81 Kercheval bedroom upper, heated, $100. Lotts' Party Store on Charlevoix design. Also pianos imported hour, $10 da~. 20 ye'ars nUI'sRcferences. WA 5-9122. LAkeview 1-5007, PRescott I from England and Germany. ::;ROSS~ POINTE: CTY in~ experience. VA 4-0022, LADY WANTS washi'ng and GROSSE POINTE, 3 bedroom Knuff's Pharmacy Notre Dame 6-0787. Grosse Pointe Piano Center, upper, $125. Inquire, 414 Caand Ker..:heval Fnday, Saturday, Sunday. ironing at home. 4352 MaryCunnlnghams Dru~s Notre Dam.. dieux. 14932 Kercheval, VA 3-1355. PAINTING, wall was hi n g, land. TUxedo 5-5226. and Kercheval ~B-P.OOMS FOr{ RENT Notre Dame Pharmacy. ~otre BLOND Oakmaster dining room POINTE. 4 room ~avestrol~gh cleaning. odd EXPERIENCED cook, tempor- GROSSE and Kerchev,!1 LARGE pleasant room. Em. set, versatile pieces. Good apartment, heat and gas inJobs, chImney repairs. PRo ary or cook for party enterGR.OSSE POIN I E l=ARMS ployed man or woman. Charcondition. Lad y 's bowling Trail Pharm:lcy. Kercheval on 5-7280. taining. 331-0267. cluded. Stove, refrigerator levoix-Somerset. VA 4-2570. ball, new. Occasional chair, the Hl1l Farms Dr\.ogs. FIsh!!! Rd and DEPENDABLE optional. Adults. VA 2-5052, $20. TU 1-6588. nurse desires IRONING in my home. TW LARGE sunny corner room, Kercheval Realtor. Schettlers Drugs. [l'Ishcr Rd and work. Can live in. Goud refer1~3477. Farms area. Kitchen priv"'laumee FIREPLACE WOOD ences. Call 832-4025. Kinsel Drugs. Mack and 'I-Mile ileges, good transportation. POSITION wanted by capable 16836 ST. PAUL Rd BIRCH-$20 Woods Drugs Center, Mack and colored woman. Nurse, houseReferences eXChanged. Call NEAR NOTRE DAME EoUTnpmouth 17 Mile Rd) keeper, or invalid care. TY between 6-7 p,m. TV 4.1882. Your Girl Friday HARDWOOD-$13 Terrace, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms GROSSE: DOINH WOODS 8-8454. Delivered and placed Grosse Pointe Pharmacy Mack and bath on 2nd floor, maid's 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT Secretarial Service and Huntington JIM SPENS Mime'ographing NEAT, experienced girl wishes quarters on 3rd floor. Gas heat, Harkness Pharmacy. Macll IIno Lochmoor -condition, garage in- 19818 MACK, air conditioned New Baltimore, Mkh. work. Cleaning or baby sit- excellent How<:d Johnsons Mack and 8. offices. Good parking facili. cluded. Mr. Bliss, WOodward RAYMOND 0-0056 Mrs. Coleman TU 4-6442 ting. WA 1-7194. Mile ties, telephone answering serGoronflo. Ma.:k and Anita 1-0321. . __ EXPERIENCED girl wishes day Arnolds Drulot. Mack. and Haw. __________ shoes, size vice available. TUxedo 4-7102. MEN'S BOWLING thQrne 3 BEDROOM lowe'r flat. KenPRACTICA::' nurse wants home work or mother's helper. 10~. TU 6-1234. Bob'! Drugs. Mack and Hoslyn nursing, 12 hour duty. EDge WAlnut 3-8762. singston, south of Warren. OFFICE SUITES or SINGLES DETROIl AREA HOSPITAL BED, com. pie t e. TU 1-2829. water 1-8021. Air-conditioning and utilities BTlggs Drug Store. Mack Bno COOK, experienced pantry, doTouraine furnshed. F'ree parking. Cost $225. Excellent condiRands Medical Service Pharmilcy NEED a baby sitter? The Sitmestic or restaurant. Own GROSSE POINTE TERRACE 20930 Mack, Grosse Pte. Wds. tion. TU 4~5417. MacK and Drugs, Milck and Net! Moran t ers Cl u.b PR esco tt 7 - 0377 . transportation. Home nights. Blue Cross 1700.0 Maumee, corner Notre 875-8593. ALBERT G. COUVREUR Blue Hlll Pharmacy Ma"k and Licensed and bonded. Dame. ConvenIent to shopping Blue Hill _ WANTED AMAZING! REAL ESTATE center. Decorated 3 bedroom Oevonshlre Drugs. Mack and FHENCH governess .and resi- EXPERIENCED white woman OLD CLOTHING Home trial plan on new Conn Devonshire , unit with gas hpat, stove. reTU 1-3000 wan t s Mondays, Tuesdays, L & L Pharmacy. Mack and Ke.. dent children s com p anion. Organs and new pianos only BEST PRICES PAID and garage. Open f rigerat()r Wednesdays. Phone 824.8998. conS!leld 15"'5 European, age 22 years. In $3 .. weekly. busi. KERCHEVAL "Village" daily. Adults. Col,;,ny Patent MediCine. '" thl S coun t ry f 0 u r mon th s. FOR MEN'S SUITS Mack ness district. One or more RELIABLE COLORED woman WOodward 3-6585 East Detroit Conservatory TOPCOATS AND SHOES 51 CLAIR SHORES Current "family" returning- to rooms. TUxedo 2-7252, TUxwishes day work or by the LAMBRECHT REALTY CO. Arnold Drugs :VlitrtcT Rd RnO Paris. Extensively trained in \ of Music TUlsa 3-1872 edo 5~0518. week. Own transportation. '''J~fferson child care and can assume 22933 Gratiot, nr. 9 Mile 3 BEDROOM ranch: Near pubExcellent Pointe references. A telephone call will bring us complete 24-hr. responsibilOFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE. WAlnut 5-0187. PRescott 5-8001 to you immediately lic and parochial schools. , A-PERSOt. ALS ity. Degrce in child nursing. Grosse Pointe's finest busi$105 month. TU 2-9362. References of course. Room EXPERIENCED ness location. Tracy Building, colored woman BIANCHI silk mist wedding WANTED: Bench saw for home DISABLED WWI veteran urand board plus modest salary. 128 K ere h e vaL TUxedo wishes day work. $9, carfare. gown, size 10. Latest sheath use. TU 1~0266, GROSSE POINTE CITY gently needs car to earn Call Evelync: 775-2937. 1-5007. City references. TY 7-0706. style with attached train. 549St. Clair, 755, near Kerceval. living. Docs any charitable BOOKS bought in any qUBntity. 6693 evenings. WANTED room and board by ~-FOR RENT Nt:w duplex-2 bedrooms, large 6G-ST~RE FOR RENT ,Entire libraries, book cases, person have one cluttering up kitchen, stove, refrigerator, tile refined white gentle~nan in (U~f"r"ished) art objects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, garage that he would be will. G RQSSE POINTE. B ri c k, 2 CHILD'S yellow feeding table. bath. full basement, garage, exchange for light part time 1670 Leverette, WO 3-4267. $15. TU 5-2773. story, 3 apartments up, 40x65 ing to sell on 10\'; payment APARTMENT on Cadieux beLandscape and snow removal services. Excellent references store with removable partitween Harper and Morang. service. $150 per month. basis: or donate? Veteran, DECORATED bedroom; mahog- PING PONG table, good condiand bond. DIamond 1-3007. tions, 2 lavs., full basement, Living room, kitchen alcove, GEO. J. KUSHNER tion. FOrest 6-1789. any corner shelf. Excellent TU 1-8400 P.O. Box No. 2015, Detroit. gas heat. Many uses. Lease bedroom, bath, hoated. hot condition. Occasional chair. SECRET ARIAL SERVICES STEINWAY, Mason-Hamlin or with option to buy. VA :31. GROSSE POINTE Farms. 294 w ate r, stove, refrigerator, 884-0607. TELEPHONE ANSWERING Baldwin grand piano wanted. 2-5052, Realtor. Ridgemont. 4 be'drooms, 2 full parking, $87.50. TUxedo 5. MIMEOGRAPHING 731-7707. FRENCH Provincial kneehole baths, gas htlat, 2 car garage. 6523. 2A-MUSICAL DITTO desk, bronze desk lamp, maNewly decorated, $180. Call 20'x20' with lavatory. Ideal for '" INSTRUCTION PHOTO-COPYING SOMERSET - U 1 t ra modern hogany grandmother clock ll-AUTOS for appointment. TU 6-1349. barber shop, beauty shop. etc. FOR SAL,: seven rooms, between Vernor 1875 Hampton, corner Mack. (electric), German m a nt 1 e SIMCA 1960 2-Door Hardtop, Village Letter Shop Hawaiian Guitar; Spanish and and Charlevoix. Gas heat GROSSE PTE. GARDEN APTS. clock; pair game bird prints, ALBERT G. COUVREUR Multi-Kord. Grand Large. Grey, l;eater, 643 NOTRE DAME TV 4-7064 included. VA 2-5082. 21441 SLOAN DRIVE fruitwood frames. TV 4-1676. REAL ESTATE Master Course l' ad i 0, whitewalls. 13,000 One and 2 bedroom apartments. AVAILABLE. Young man, nine ROLAND G UILLEMET TU 1-3000 Laundry facilities, automatic gas miles. $725. TU 2-9318. LINCOLN ROAD years insurance office manFormerly with the Victor USED heat, parking area. agement experience. Familiar 4 bedrooms, 2~ baths Recording Co. '59 SIMCA. Must sell, job re7-WANTED TO RENT Consoles and Grands with general office proced~ TU 4-8947 Residence Carpets and draperies Studio quires driving companj' proure, taxes, payroll, and perSteinway grand. ebony $995 LA 6-8136 WA 1-5110 duct. New battery, good NEFF LANE, 2 bedrooms, 21 LADY desires modern 3-room Brambach, walnut PURDY & EDGAR sonnel handling. TU 6-0754 $795 tires. Ideal second economy apartment in Grosse Pointe, feet of closet space, air-conafter 6 p.m. Acrosonic, ebony $745 PIANO, organ, voice, theory. car. $500. TU. 2-3172. diti-oned, completely carpeted. near shopping ann transporGROSSE POINTE FARMS. 3 Wurlitzer electric $295 Pre-school through university Private basement, g a l' age, tation. 886-1535. SECRETARIAL SERVICE bedroom single. Terrace, den, Antique square grand $475 JEEP. 25,000 miles, Heavy duty level. Walter Mueller, 482 Co$150. No children, r.o pets. disposal. Near schools. transHamilton $795 snow plow. $695 or make of~ TELEPHONE SERVICE WANTED furnished 34 bedTUxedo 4.3207. lonial Ct. N., TU 6-1090. portation. Park privileges fer. 15422 Mack. THESIS PAPERS Terms - Delivery - Guarantee room house with guarantee TUxedo 2-2659. ROSEMARY GANT TV 4-3930 CADIEUX at JEFFERSON for 5-6 months occupancy. G ROSSE POINTE SMILEY BROS. WO 5-0031. NEFF 517. Contemporary up- 4.room terrace. 2 bedrooms, gas ROLLS ROYCE ., CONSERVATORY POINTE college boy transferDET.-5510 Woodward nr. Xper, 2 bedrooms. $175. Im1958 seven passenger limrir.g schools des ire s work mediate possession. TU 5-4100 heat, garage. Mr. Bliss, WOod- RAILROAD official, wife, three way. Open eves., except Sat., Staff of Professional Teac):lers. ward 1-0321. young children, desires one Sun. 1-5. TR 3-6800. (available full time) to April. ousine. Mulliner 'body. AirPIANO, VOICE. TOLES REAL ESTATE year I e a s e, four-bedroom conditioned. 2,700 miles. HOMER WARREN &'CO. TU 4-2434. VIOLIN{ THEORY Birmingham 115 S'. Wdwd., house, Grosse Pointe. -Vp to cor. Maple. Open eves., Sat. 'til Absolutely spotless. $16,000. Beginning students through MACK at LAKELAND G ROSSE POINTE PARK, 5 $200, phone WOo d war d TUxedo 1-5864 GROSSE POINTE'S UNUSUAL 5:30. MI '7.1177. artist level. roo'm tipper, newly decorated, See these lovely 1 and 2 bed1-6420, 8 to 5, M 0 n day SECRETARIAL SERVICE $85. Heated. Adults. EDge20758 Mack, near 8 Mile room apartments, large living through Friday. DOUBLE bed, che'st,' vanity, TR 3. 1959. Light blue . wire water 1.0876. TU 4-9843 TU 6-2359 Letters, Re~umes Composed room. plenty of closet space, complete, $50. Marmot stole, wheels. TU 4-2372. Dictation Taped by Telephone TWO BEDROOM single. Pointe G.E. stove and refrigerator, air$30. TU 1-5436. conditioned. Free parking, park TROMBLEY. Or Harper Woods. ResponsiUp per. 2 b~dTEACHER 'of piano, conserva- I : i~~;~~~:n :;:~~f~~Phir:g 1955 BUICK Hardtop. White HI-FI including record changprivileges. Call 867 Lakeland or rooms. $200 month. ble couple will give excellent w:\ll tires. 2-door. Very clean. tory graduate. beginners a Electric Typewriting WOodward 1-0321, ext. 43, for NEFF. er, FM radio, amplifier and Must see to appreciate. $250 Upper and lower flats. care. $110. TU 5-1441 evespeciality, 1410 Bishop. TUx- Postage Meter, Bulk Mailing appointment. auxiliary speaker. PR 2.0297. cash. WA 1-1137. 3 bedrooms each. $155 inc1. ning. cdo 2-2659. Ideas to Take Out heat. GROSSE POINTE area. 2 bedELECTRIC stove, 1 year old, '61 PONTIAC Catalina 4-door HESTER "WRIGHT-IDEAS" room upper, like new, heated , TROMBLEY. Upper flat. 3 bed~ 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE automatic oven, etc., perfect PUNCH AND JUDY H a r d top. Power st~ering, BATCHELOR $95. LAkeview 1.5007. PResrooms, 2 baths, Gas AC. $210 MUSIC STUDIOS power brakes, Hydramatic. condition, $85.000. Fire'place DROPLEAF dining table, Lancott 6-0787. month. formerly at 643 Notre Dame Spotless, per feet condition. Piano, guitar, classic guitar, set, brass, $12.00. Lawncaster County maplE! by TUxedo 2-6034 MAXON BROTHERS Private 0 Wn e r. $2400. TU banjo, accordian, violin. sweeper, $15.00. tu 4-0835. Drexel, seats 12, $50. 2 matchKELLY GARDENS TU 2-6000 4-191S, 15 Kercheval, LICENSED masseuse. Trained ing armchairs, each $12.50 BEAUTIFUL 23045 Kelly Road, 1 block north Persian carpets. Grosse Pointe Farms duplex, 3 1958 F LYMOUTH 2-door hard-j physical therapist. T l' f! a t- of 9 Mile. E. Detroit. Nev' 2 264 MANISTIQUE TU 1-2307. TY 5-5468. TU 4-4440 Res. 372-8994 rooms and bath. Refrigeratop. '8 cylindel'S. Good condiments given in home. TYler bedroom luxury apartments, airtor, rang'(:, disposal. ,TU 4- ESTATES tion. TUxedo 4-0669. . bought and sold. MOVING. Baby buggy, $10; cond~tioning, G.E. kitchen, dis5-7487. Jewell. 0128. Complete or odd pieces. An2B-TUTORING bath table, $2.50; small crib , posal, wall to wall carpeting tiques, silver, china, furni$3; large dining table, $25; 12-AUTOS WANTED laundry and storSA-SITUATIONS WANTED throughout, 20935 VERNIER RD. PRIVATE TUTORING ture, .Oriental rugs. Hugh C. Drexel b l' e a k fro n t, $75; age facilities in basement. In, IN 1 Block East of X-Way DOMESTIC Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO dresser, $20 bed, complete, WANT CORVETTE 1958 or '59, cludes heat and water. Near X~ but wm consider an~1;hing. YOUR OWN HOME Now renting - New luxurious 6-2500. $40; chest, $20; stove, gas , WOULD LIKE to place my ex- way and Eastland. A d u Its Private individual will pay 1 and 2 bedroom apartments All subjects; all grades. Adults $15; 9x12 Oriental rug, $80 cellent laundress for other Sl!own by appt. TU 4-3524. cash. Call TV 1-6910 before Large rooms and closet'l. ComAARGOT 'W. HANSEN'S and children. Certified teachTV 5-5367. jobs. Please call Mrs. Robert Feb. 18th. Grand River Art Gallery ers. P. Scherer, TU 4-0H15. noon 330 RIVARD Boulevard. 5 room pletely carpeted, Heated. Latest GENERAL ELECTRIC stove upper, heated, range, refrig- kitchen appliances, including HOUSE OF DISTINCTION Call: any day. to and refrigerator. Good condi- CAR FOR transportation erator, garage, adults, $125 dishwasher. Plenty of conveni- Pictures - Paintings school. Privately owned preDETROIT AND SUBURBAN tion. $75 for both or will sen TUxedo 2-7854, evenings. ent rarking. RELIABLE. experienced woCustom Framing ferred. Call after six. LakeTUTORING SERVICE separately. TU 4-2174. man wishes cleaning, Tues~ 7422 Grand River , CHESTER P. JANKOWSKI view 7-6795. ALTER ROAD. E. Jefferson KENWOOD 7-4653 daY, Thursday. References TUxedo 1-9098 2nd blk. N. of Blvd. PORTABLE Singer sewing maattractive 5 room upper brick Call VA 1-5165. WANTED: 1955, 1956, 0)' 1957 BUILDER ' OWNER Close to Expressway flat. Electric stove, refrigerachine, Relax-a-Cizor. Bot h COMMUNITY Chevrolet, Ford, or Plymouth, tor, garage, landscape servand TY 7-6322 TV 8-1160 excellent condition. Best ofin good condition. Private. TUTORING SERVICE EXCELLENT shecleanerdays. laun6A-FOR RENT dress wi s Best ice. Adults. VAlley 2-6611. fer tak'es. TU 2-1430. TU 4-0609. AUTO DRIVERS! Only $7.54 MRS. LOUIS MARICK. DIREC(Furnished) Grosse Poi n t e refercnces 739 HARCOURT. Lower 2 bed quarterly buys $10,000.20,000 TOR. Tutoring by degree teachCall TR 2-7694. 6 PIECE mahogany bedroom rooms, 11/2 baths, fa mil y COUPLE or individual. pving12F-RESORT PROPEnTY Bodily .Injury and $5,000.00 !:rs available in aU subjects for sui t e, $80; mahogany step rt>om, $225. TUxedo 2-3090. room, bedroom, private bath Property Damage Liability. des ire s FOR SALE grades hi~h school. college and A~l COOK, cleaner, table, leather trim, $20; ma~ TUxedo 1-2376. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fri Gat' age. All conveniences adult education. hogany coffee table, glass top , 320 ACRES, Houghton Lake days. References. Call Friday , Grosse Pointe Manor TUxedo 5.7097, evenings. 339 Merriweather $20; child's desk, $10; maple a l' e a. 5 bedrooms, barn, L A R G E Gothic Grandfather Saturday. Sunday. WA 1-6613 Grosse Pointe Farms CADIEUX ROAD, BETWEEN dresser, mirror, $25; high crystal clear trout [Stream. $35 clock. Chimes. TU 2-1733. Mile area. 3 KERCHEVAL AND ST. PAUL JEFFERSON.ll chair, $10. TU 1-642l. per acre. Af~er 4 p.rn. PR OPENINGS FOR TEACHERS DOMESTIC HELPER, compet. bedroom, brick ranch. Base EXPERIENCED RE.WEAVING 7-0559. 3 BEDROOMS, 11;2 BATHS cnt, reliable. Grosse Pte. ref folding dining TUxede 4-2820 ment. PR 8.8071, VA 4-4992 moth:holes , burns , tears. Rea. FURNITURE: erences. $40 five days. VA A beautiful, spacious 6.room table .in cherry, lilmost new. son<.'ble. Est i mat e s. Quick 4-9172. terrace apt, for the discriminat . 1010 N. RENAUD. Immaculate Cold Spot in' excellent condiFLORIDA service. PRescott 7-4381. 3-LOST AND FOUND 2 bedroom ranch. Lease to . ing. Garage, garbage disposa 1 tion; Kenmore gas range; AnGIRL with good Grosse Pointe DeSoto Rd. May. 15th. $200. TV 5-4100 3 PIECE bedtoom suite, single tique chairs with ,square SARASOTA-3604 LOST: Change pur s e with references desires days. WA and fine'st in schools, shopping Nearly new stucco. 2 bedrooms, and transportatiOn. $175. backs, pictures and other TOLES REAL ESTATE bed, modern. TU 1-6119. money and solid gold ear. 3-1215. Corner odds & ends. un76 Mallina, 2 baths, new furniture. TU 5-1172 WO 2-4607 lot. . rings with topaz and rubies. IRONING DONE in my home . FURNISHED FLAT. 2 bed KNITTERS-Will assemble and TU 1-4227. rooms, modem kitchen. $125 block your sweaters, etc. , 3 SACRIFICE-$15,OOl) Between 7 and 8 Mlle, on' 105 MAPLETON. Attractive Vicinity of the "Village," FriSMALL maple desk, chair , month. Call after 5 p.m, TU shorten your knitted dresses Ford Expressway. TUxedo bedroom house. $150. Sho-wn VA 1-4345 day, Feb. 9th. neward, TU 4-9289. . Reasonable, quick. TU 4-4677 tabl'e lamps, sofa. TU 1-2829 5186. by appointment. TU 1.5878. 6-0029.

TUXEDO 2.6900
3 Trunk Lines

BABYSITTER. Occasional days LADY wi she s Mondays and FIVE ROOM upper. Good loca. GROSSE POINTE PAR K. 4 tion. Adults. Good transportand evenings. Vicinity F!'lTY Wednesdays. Willing to work. room upper income. Newly ation. Near e h u l' C h. TU school. 75c hour. TU 1-6804. Experienced. References. TY decorated' and furnished. TU 1-1109. 5-7700. HOUSEKEEPER to live in. I 4-1936. _ Care for pre-school children while mother works. $20 per week. TU 1~5075. LADY desires good cleaner, Call 922-6787. days: fast honest, worker.

REDUCING vibrator table from Hudson's, like new, lh price. TU 5-1156 or VA 3-2051. CUSTOM GUNSMITHING Franchised Dealer Colt, Ithaca, Browning Bausch & Lomb Winchester Advisory Center Re-Loading Equipment and Components

GORGEOUS imported embroidery, many' items from MadA WOMAN KNOWS eria and Milano, call ')'U 6Muir Rd., 229 2 bedrooms 1305. Barrington, 912 .. ,.4 bedrooms 5 bedrooms UNDERWOOD typewriter. $25. Berk3hire, 1222 Bishop. 1014 ,5 bedrooms TUxedo 4-0522. Chalfonte, 324 Ranch BA-oFFICE EQUIPMENT Lakeshore Lane, 576 Ranch FOR SALE Belanger, 315 Ranch Hawthorne, 992 Ranch TYPEWHlTERS and add i n g Brys, 1544 Semi-ranch machines, new. rebuilt. Rea. Whitehill. 10500 Semi-ranch sonable prices. Natlvnai Of. Harcourt. 792 Flat fice Equipment, 16833 Harper ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN I at Bishop. TUxedo 1-7130, TU 5-6063 LO 74706 I JOHN S. GOODMAN BB-ANTIQUES TU 5-6065 FRENCH Hav:~and dinner service (broken). Good bUJ-'. TU BY OWNER. 336 McKinley in 1~6588. the Farms. 3 bedroom English colonial. g~ baths, 50 ANTIQUE SHOP, primitive finft. lot. By appointment only. ished and unfinished. Glass, $29,500. TU 5-4124 . china, ironstone, 20933 Harper. TERRACE HOME 403 RIVARD BLVD. 9-ARTICLES WANTEiC Five bedrooms, 3 baths. Living WE BUY old gold, jewel.!;! and rOOm 13'6x22, diniing room 13x I silver. Vogu~ Jewe).ers, 22377 14, pantry and kitchen. 2-car Moross Road. gara~c, gas heat. More room for the money than any house -------------WE WISH to announce that in in Grosse Pointe. Price $21,750 the future we will accept. cash to mortgage. Also can be sold on land contract with low sma II household furnishcarrying charges. ings, pictures, lamps, drapMcKay VA 1-8113 eries, bedspreads, n u I' s e l' y Nights-TU 2-4732 equipment, and miscellaneous . bric-a-brac for resale, in adNEFF 878-880 dition to women's and chil1951 custom duplex. Owner's dren's clothing. Lee's Fash- half no\-; vacant. Gas fhw 'heat, ion M:art, 20339 Mack Ave., carpeting, new I y decorated. Recreation room; wide, deep TU 1-8082. lot. Mr. Doyle, TUxedo 1~3760. BOOKS PURCHASED for cash. SILLOWA Y & CO. Entire libraries or fine !;ingle items. Midwest Book Service, 4301 Kensington, TU 5-2450.




GROSSE POINTE WOODS Nr::W 3 bedroom 1J,.2 bath colonial. Living room, dining room, 10x15' kitchen with built-ins, gas heat, full basement, copper plumbing, aluminum siding. 40x120' landscaped lot. OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5


1145 KENSINGTON-An older brick colonial on 87x163' lot. Built-in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1~'2 baths, recreation room, 2-car garaHe. Near schools, churches and shopping. A good family home at a faii' price. 20065 MAR FORD COURTCustom built center hall semi-ranch: 2 ~win size bed. roms, famIly kitchen, expansion attic. Attractive price. 439 MADISON Near Chalfonte. Delightful center entrance co Ion i a 1. Excellent Farms location. 3 bedrooms, large living room, enclosed ten-ace, garage. Owner transfen'ed. $22,500.00. 511 BARRINGTON - Delightful brick ranch. 2 extra large bedrooms. natural fireplace, carpet~ throughout. To close estate. 1238 LOCH~100R-Center hall colonial, 10 years old. 160' lot, family room, 2lh baths, attached garage. Perfect condition. A luxury home in a prestige area. Under $45,000. 1120 TORREY-To appreciate this lovely rambling ranch you must go inside and see the spaciousness and charm. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. l\lany unusual features. 84 VENDOMEr-Immediate occupancy. Lovely French Normandy. 6 bedrooms, 4lh baths. Near St. Paul's. Excellent value. Terms. 2175 ANITA-3 bedroom brick built 1951. Excellent condition. Recreation room, fireplace, 2-car garage.


I ----

TU 4-5700 LAKECREST LANE, one of the few contemporary homes in the Farms. 30' living room with high beamed ceiling, 3 be'drooms. 2 baths, utility room. Quiet location neal' S1. Paul's. BERKSHIRE, attractive Early Alilerlcan Colonial. 5 bedrooms, 3lh baths, paneled library, breakfast room, 75' lot, near schools. COUNTRY CLUB LANE, near Farms pier .. Handsome Cape Cod in spotless condition. Large bedrooms, 2 baths,' near Kerby school.



74 KERCHEVAL TU 5-4100




Page Eighteen




Thursday, February

15, 1962



IS. 196

~ I ,. "'1:_ .....


I '" I

Headlines of
5..,. ...,..


Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly


CALL TUxedo 2-6900


Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly



Kappa Kappa Gammas PLA YER PIANOS. Steinway PATCHING AND NEW and Duo - Arts I' cpa ire d, BEST CARPET CLEANERS GROSSEPTE. CITY I To Have Sale Tuesday OXFORD ROAD GREENBRIAR 51 bought. sold. Fred' Merry. faeBrick colonial. Four bedrooms, , CLEANING DYING .\n unusually fine centcr hall ,tory piano builder since 1912. new 3 bedroom, 21,6 The Detroit Alumnae A;.:;ociaonc bath on second floor; 2 Builder's colonial custom built for presWA 1-6317. ' REPAIRING bath ranch with 14x26 ft. birch Lion of Kappa Kappa Gamma is rooms and bath on third floor; Those interested in hearing TUXEDO 2-8375 '>cnt owner. 3 good bedrooms, having a white elephant sale, :.bout family room. One block PROMPT HOME SERVICE lavatory and :'Ilayl'oom 01' paneled a unique educational COMPLETE piano service. Tunnew glass enclosed terrace, gas Tuesday. February 20, from 10 plan supported FREE ESTIMATES "What-have-you" on first floor. to Lake Shore and Shores recby two coun21 P-FlJRNITUR': REPAIR ing, reuuliding, refinishing, h~at, sprinkler system. a.m. to 2 p.m. at the home of 1ries in Athens and in see'ing INSURED Choice location, Walk to schools, reational facilities. de-mothing. Member Piano c U S TOM upholstering. A Mrs. Francis M. Dewey. of it film of this endeavor park-, shopping; Deep lot. plus T, RAYMOND JEFFS Technicians Guild, R. Zech, TU 2-6556 H. J, KRI.EGER splendid 'selection ot deco. Lake Crest lane. 731-7707. ('njoying a most interesting BY OWNER 81 Kcrchc\'al TU 1-1100 rative fabrics. Expert need. Proceeds from this sale open travelogue TU 2~9113 of the Greek main. 391 WASHINGTON ROAD lepoint mounting. Estimates to mmebers and friends will land ?'1d islands are cordially 21A-GENERAL SERVICES 211-PAINTING Call for AppL-TU 5.0357 AND DECORATING' cheerfullY g i v e n. Ewald, be used for the rehabilita1:ion invited to the Grosse' Pointe 13929 Kerehev:tL VA 2~8993 project. 54 MEADOW LANE-By owner. CARPET LAYING War Memorial, 32 Lake Shore . OWSER LE.\ 'lING CITY ALL AROUND painting and NEW AND OLD 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Choice load. the evening of Tuesday. CHAIRS RECANED, dolls re:\1ust s!'ll because of business de'corating. Paper removing. Stair Carpet Shifted location. Public and parochial Alpha Chi Omega Plans February 20, at 8 o'clock. paired. WA 1-2710. relocation. Grosse Pointe Pal'k Work myself.. Good referRepairs of All Types Charles Rice, president of Ilcar Windmill Pointe Drive, schools walking distance. One Bridge Party Feb. 23 ences, Page, VA 2-7348. BOB TRUD}l;L J,thcns College', will tell about be2.ut~ul 6 year old center hall 21Q-PLASTERING of the "Farms" most desir" TU 5-0703 ('ntranee Colonial. 4 large bed-' the work of this institution and Alpha Chl Omega Alumnae able locations, $27,900, TU Mack-Harper-Cadieux Areas SPECIALIZING in r e p airs, P:Jlnting and Decoratinq rooms or 3 bcdrooms and den. film of the will sponsor a Helping Hand show a professional 5-5094. Suburban Maintenance cracked ceilings made like $9,800 to $13,800 Best of Grosse Pointe References :l full baths, 2 half-baths, loads c-ducational process then;. The Bridge h.:ncheon on February new. "The Price Is Right," Builders and Developers Associates of closet space. Large paneled @ Interior Exterior ' students at Athens College in 23 at 12:30 o'clock at the LakeVAlley 1-7051 VAlley 4-3022 crest lane home of Mrs. A. O. Greece' are the beneficiaries . family room, new carpeting, BROWN lNVESTMENT' CO . of "No Job Is Too Small." ~ree. Estimates GROSSE POINTE .. draperies, newly decorated, also ' TU 5-25\)) one of the most interesting and A. Schmidt. One phone call for all home JOHN R. FORTIER 21S-CARPENTER WORK some :'Iew furniture for sale. experiments in eduFor reservations call Mrs. J. successful Shown by Appointment maintenance problems. PR 7.3551 Approximately 26000 sq. ft. of cation ever con1ucted. S, Ladendorf. TU. 4-4826. Licensed Bu!ldets 2 STORY JIM SUTTON living area. 21"2 car attached WEDGEWOOD /i;XPERT paintJng, paper hang. It began in 192.) \vhen le"adTU 1-8444 PR 6.3038 garage, plastered. Low down Between Oxford and Shoreham 1677 BRYS 978 Balfour, $51,500 ing by mechamcs. free estl. illg Athenian citizens asked Carpenter Work, Repairing & 21T -DRESSMAKING paYIHcnt. BEST OFFER. Private 1229 Balfour 34,900 LUGGAGE, mates. Van Assche, TUxedo trunks, zippers, American educators for help in Remodeling, Attics, Porches, buyers only. Shown by appoint- 20162 WEDGEWOOD-Beauti1005 Bedford 45,500 4-1187. VA 4-1492. EXPERT alterations, re-modelestablishing a school that would sample cases repaired. Golo ment. Garages. _. . . . .. 28,000 fuI four bedroom colonial. 2]/2 865 Bedford ing; your home, by the' day. c"(emplify the best of American stampinf:, cu-tom built lug. YAlley 1-5838 35,000 TU 4.2942 bafths, paneled family room, 1127 Bedford Pointe references. VAll~y 2- principles girge. Travelers l'runk Co .. GEORGE S. DALLY and' technique's and ,... 50:000 custom kitchen, dining room, 742 Berkshire 0416. 10323 Mack. Va Ill'y 3-0048 PAINTING, DECORATING at the same time retain the best 52,500' living room. attached garage, 766 Berkshire Additions. Alterations Valley 3-0047 Wall washing and patch plaster. 01' the Greek tradition and GROSSE POINTE FARMS HEMS altered, $1.00 straight; culture. 1018 Bishop' . _. . . . . . . .. 49,500 ing. Serving this community Kitchen Mod~rnization ~ewest Subdivision $2.00 full. TU 5-8898. 37.500 20167 WEDGEWOOD - Ranch. 427 Chalfonte over 25 years. DRYERS VENTED The aim of the College, EARL COURT Or Minor Repair 44,500 3 large bedrooms, living room, 1047 Devonsire VA 4.8004 SEW ING alteratIons, a d u Its \~ h i chis re'ally a secondary Off Moross near Kercheval Free Estlmo tes 46,000 dining room, family room, cus- 911 Edgemont $15 Complete and children; hems. zippers, s<'hool offering work from ele179, 3 bedrooms, 31,2 baths, Licensed Contractor 1080 Fairholme 29,500 PAINTING, papering, wall tom kitchen, first flOOr utility 5 Yrs. Experience plain drapes. Blankets bound mentary grades through the 29,500 $60,000 room. All landscaped with patio. 1339 Grayton washing. Basements sprayed. TU 1-7455. FRANK J. ST. AMOUR junior college level, is to seek 16213 E. Jefferson 38,000 LA 7-0533 or TU 1-4162 Satisfaction guaranteed. Pres. 187, 3 bE'drooms, 31,2 baths, Ollt the leading minds of young l'U 2-8324 TU 5-5791 ALTERATIONS and dressmakcott 1-7608, Walnut 5-5715. S54,000 20164 WEDGEWOOD- - Spaci- 868 Lakeland , , . . . . . . .. 41,500 Greece' and educate them in the 564 Lakcpointe 39,500 21C-ELfCTRICAL ous colonial. Custom kitchen, ing done in my home. TUx189 4 bedrooms, 2~,~ baths. ways of democracy inhe;-ent in REMODELING 42,500 paneled family room, 4 bed- 151 Lewiston SERVICE edo 5-3188. $49,000 CUSTOM, PAINTING both their land and ours so ,.. 45,500 rooms, 2]'2 baths. dining room, 1297 Lochmoor BY A CUSTOM BUILDER EXPERIENCED RICHARD KIMBROUGH FINE PAPER HANGING dressmaking tbat they may become the lead231 McKinley 25,300 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS living room. Walking distance For quality of workmanship and BUILDER TU 2-2593 from schools and churches. LICENSED and INSUl~ED and alterations in your home el's. of the. Greece ?f tomorrow. 324 McMillan _. 29,500 APPLIANCE CIRCUITS materials, see Our model at 87 or mine. WAlnut 5-7344. It lS a very pr~ctIcaI program PROMPT SERVICE 625 Middlesex _. .. 44,500 J. F. TROMBLEY GROSSE POINTE FARMS Webber Place, Grosse Pointe for sending Umted States dol65 Moross ',.......... 31,000 OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 Hamilton Court-4 b'edrooms. KP.A1jSMA~JN ELECTRIC Valley 4-3227 Shores. Open daily 2-5. 21 U-PlUMBING ' lars to solidify N.A.T.O. and 1070 N. Oxford ,37,500 2 baths. paneled library, lav., butress democracy. COMPANY 836 Pemberton 35,000 WALTER H. MAST CO. LICENSED mas tel' plumber P. JANKOWSKI COMPLETE decorating. Paperscreened terrace. Ncar public On the same program, Grosse 762 Sunningdale 39,500 TUxedo 2-5900 hanging, insured, guaranteed. schools, St. Paul parish. TU 4-7657 . TU 2-1400 R e p a irs, remodeling, etc Pointer George Primeau wID 800 Sunningdale 55,000 Al Schneider. TUxedo 1-0565. HUGH CHALMERS Guaranteeri electric sewer show e:.:cellent color pictures 813 Trombley 40,500 21 D-cLECTR:CAL TU,4-4040 H, F. JENZEN BUILDING ,.-.PPLIAUCES cleaning. Cal Roemer, TV. of the' Aegean area visited by 1030 Yorkshire 42,500 ERNEST A. BOCK Home and industrial repairs 2-3150. the English Speaking Union 1048 Yorkshire 32,500 SPECIAL VALUES Painter and decorator; quality HOOVER - EUREKA Additions. attics completed 804-806 Trombley la:,t yea I'_ IN 21V-SILVER PLATING OPEN 2:30 - 5 and color matChing, the finest! Porch enclosures.. recreation (2 family) ,.. 45,000 AUTH. SERVICE Served Grosse Pointe homes tor rooms. garages repaired. 16933-37 Cranford GOOD HOMES WASHINGTON-Come by FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY SILVEH & GOLD PLATING I 0 y~ars. GUIDE. POST (duplex) 42,500 ru 1-9744 TU 4-3011 Sunday and see fOr yourOXIdi7.tng and Repiiirlng The man who has doubts aHARPER VACUUM W685 Woodmont 3 BEDROOMS self why we believe this ni 1.6905 B-2 STORY Brass PolJshmg & Lacq uerll1g bout anything should give his 17176 E. Warren TU 1-1122 CUSTOM MODERNIZATION tastefully decorated home 638 Birch Lane $41,500 J ,=welry RepairIng. Engravir.g conscience the benefit Of the PAINTING, paperIng, paper 562 Anita (Tri-leve1) . 53,000 We do not have telephone Additions, alterations, recreais one of the best buys in 2000 Country Club $21,500 doubt. removed. W a I I washing 853 N. ,Brys : . 33,000 or home solicitors. tion rooms and kitchens. Free town. Large modern kitchLEEBERT 323 Merriweather $26,900 20743 Christine Ct. Neat, reliable. Work guaranestimates. en. Carpeted and draperies. 646 Peach Tree' $48,500 SILVERSMITHS (tri-leve1) . 27,500 teed. M~rtens. 122 Muir, TV G e n e l' 0 U s sized library. 747 Rivard _$27,500 61 Colonial WE WANT TO BE l45Ull CHARLEVOIX THE BARLEC CO. . 37,500 2-0083. Family sized bathroom. 1 Blk. east of Chalmers VALLEY 1-8146 1161 Fairholme . 3'6,000 4 BEDROOMS AUTHORIZED SERVICE For I!'in!'lr Painting 500 Hampton . 44,500 VA 2-7318 1311 Cadieux $27,500 FIRST OFFERING & Decorating 255 Hillcrest, _. 34,900 POINTE VACUUM L&R 809 Lakepointe $32,900 334 Kerby . 33,700 21Z-lANDSCAPING :\IAPLETO~ ROAD-Most con~1019 MACK TV 1-1014 997 Lakleshore ., $57,500 CHARRON Custom Construction 23 Lakecrest Lane . 53,000 venient location obtainable FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY BUILDING REMODELING P~INTING CO.' 407 Lothrop . 26,900 RANCHES and priced in the low twenLandscaping Complete Kitchens . PARTS 1419 Nottingham . 21,500 NEW - REBUILT Satisfaction Our ties. 4 bedrooms, 2 up and 260 Stephens $45,000 Family Rooms i:aeh i 0 b receives our Lawn Maintenance Guarantee 2 down. Paneled recreation 10:71 N. Renaud $44,000 I-STORY Bathrooms 21E~CUSTOM CORSETS PR 8-4778 DR ,1-3098 ~ 0 e cia I attention ... room, new furnace. Low "FOR SERVICE Recreation Rooms 2368 Allard 18,500 d 's sur i n g you that we taxes. SPENCER CORSETS THAT SHOWS" HUGHES BF:tOTHERS, paint. 1177 Cadieux 37,500 5 complete kitchens on display. dre working for YOU R lndivId4ally deSIgned, light. ing and decorating, wall 175 Country Club 72,000 See and browse at best i n tel' est In the Call 791-3636 BY APPOINTMENT weIght foundatlons and sur. washing, expert paper hang. 1218 Hawthorne 24,000 evaluation of YOLr own gical gar men t s, over 26 PR 1-5050 FOUR STAR ing, free estimates. 5293 30140 Harper 16 Moorland 53,500 323 MOROSs-Just a skip 'from years experience. Ma u d e ope e i d I requirements. Yorkshire, TUxedo 2-9750 1351 N. Renaud 37,800 , Kerby school, the bus, and LEE A. Vv'ALKER lANDSCA,PING - B 11 n n e rt, 368 McKinley. REALTOR or TUxedo 1-76~7. 11370 S. Renaud .. _. . . .. 29,500 Brownell. 4 bedrooms, 1~2 Gros~~ Pointe, TU 5-4027 or ROB'ERT M. PA.LNAU 54 Roslyn 38,500 baths. Screened and ja!TREE TRIMMING, TOwnsend 9-3317. TU 4-6200 294 Stephen " 42,500 ousied porch. All brick REMOV AL, SPRA YING. DONALD BLISS DOING all types of. carpenter 471 Touraine ,. 18,500 with honest 2-car garag~. 21 F-STORMS AND Dutch Elm disease spraying, PRINTERS Decorator I work, remodeling at tIC SCREENS <;abling. THOROUGH COVERAGE ON Exterior Interior rooms. porches. Small or bIg 383 LIl\OCOLN Like Field LARGE Early American LITHOGRAPHERS OTHER CROSSE POINTE Free estImates. I Free Estimates jobs. Estimates free. TUxedo Stone Cape Cod arch istory, 3 bedrooms, B-2 baths, ALUMINUM COMBINATION WO 1-3969 TU 1-3950 HOUSES 35 Years in G..P. 5-5892. tecture? This 3 bedroom, 2 panelled family kitchen aUli DOORS ... $21.88 432 Mechanic Street CAL FLEMING TREE bath gem has a large storrecreation room. Tel' I' ace. Stop in for a time saving list TU 1-7050 1" Thick - - Standard Sizes age room up which could SERVICE Rotary Offset Printers tailored to your req~irements Hardware Included be turned into a fourth New carpeting, .Many extras. E. A. WANDREY, decorating. from our comprehensive Grosse b~droom. B e aut if u 1 condition. Must ALUMINUM COMBINATION Pointe catalog of photographs painting, interior, exterior. CONSTRUCTION sell. TUxedo 4'0038, after 4 and small floor plans. Or, after 305 RIVARD - Price reduced WINDOWS ... $8.95 Fabric, vinyl wall covering p.m. COMPANY Friday noon, for a list of houses 6 or more to $21,900 whiClh makes ea. specialists. TUxedo 5-3049, which are to be held open Sunthis Dutch colonial espe. Additions and Remodeling of up to 46 V.I. after 5 p.m. day from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. ae types expertly done. cially attractiv.e. Entire Custom built 3 heating system, bath, and BEDFORD Family Rooms. Kitchens COMPLETF: decoratIng service. bedroom brick colonial. Many kitchen have been re-done, Remodeled Recreation Interior and exterior paintSpacious enclosed terrace luxury features. Screen & Storm Sash, Inc. PQrches Attics ing. Paper removing and Rooms faces ohto large fenced, BROTHERS, INC, Converted Dormers Gar17328 Mack TU 1-6130 paper hanging. Wall washing. PROMPT SERVICE yard. TOR R E Y HD. - Semi-ranch h 1 2 6000 Workmanship guaranteed to ages Rell)odeled. with Cape Cod e'ffect. 3 bed- 83 Kerc eva TU Free Estimates and Planning 21G-ROOF SERVICE be the best. For estimate, COXSIDERED one of the bet- room and 2 full baths. 13A-LOTS ":OR SALE Service. FHA Financing. call ter locations in the Pointe, Serving the Grosse' Pointe area TU 2-5900 ~ END GUTTER CLEANING for over_ 3~ years , this imposing colonial in NOTTINGHAM-4 DEAL DIRECT WITH . WILLIAM FORSYTHE family brick MIDDLESEX BLVD. - 80'x200' 'U .. -~ .u ... ~ "~ ~~ WITH GUTTER SCREENING the S h 0 l' e s exempliiies BUILDER VAlley 2-9108 for sale by owner. TUxedo Specializing in gutter work, roof "gracious living in the .flat. TU 1.1024 " repair. 30 years experience. 4-7058 or TUxedo 5-2051. WALL washing. Interior paintsuburbs." Enough bedrooms CADIEUX-4 bedroom terrace, Fully insured. Low priced. Serving the Pointe Area for the family plus 2 for gas heat. 2~6 baths. l I ing. ' Ceiling tile. Wall prtnel- ADDITIONS ALTERATIONS live in help, Es~ate si'zed ing. Odd jobs. PR 7-3452. Family rooms, porch enclosures, RICHARD WILLERTZ I I . CHALFONTE, Gro~se PoInte lot near the Lake, BALFOUR-Center hall eolonmodern kitchens, attics convertFarms, 190x250', fronting on TU 1-8170 or TU 4-3930 LEO P. KISTNER ed. 267 1\11'. VERNON-In the heart ial, 4 bedrooms and den. Country Club of D e t r 0 i t Interior painters, exterior. $18,000. COMPLETE MODERNIZING ROOF REPAIRING of the l"arms with 2 full. SEVERN S . 10 Free estimates, work guarLICENSED & INSURED baths a den and 3 bedpaclOUS . year VERNIER, Grosse Pte. Shores, Expert on leaky roofs, gutters, anteed. Rates reasonable. entrance coloma1. I'ooms' . L'a ",e S ere e n e d old center decks, caulking. VEnice 9-2220, 50x150', $7,200, Custom' work and color. HELMER Business Machines LAkeview 1-6427. porch, bas c men t party RIDGEMONT _ Cozy bunga- BIRMINGHAM, PRescott 7-5876, PRescott TUxedo 4-0522 Westchester Rubber Stomps 7-5853. room. All this house at only low, gas heat. Under $10,000. Sub. 134x140' corner, $7,500 21 H-RUG CLEANING $25,500. (t Wedding Invitations HI G H L Y SKILLED Scottish MARTER RD., St. Clair Shores, Fine Pnnting Service Cabinet Maker and Craftsman RADKE CARPET CLEANERS 407 LOTHROP - Vacant and WEDGEWOOD 3. be'droom 21J-WALL WASHING 58x160' $4,700. specializing in custom kitch- Carpets, rugs tacked down asking to be moved into. brick ranch, family room and ADDING ens. $850 or less. Remod{!lor loose, upholstered furni- WALL WASHING. Experienced, $26,900 will do just this den, 2~2 baths. ALBERT G. COUVREUR ings, pane1ing, formica, etc. ture expertly cleaned and f l' e e estimates, reasonable MACHINES for.) you. 3 bedrooms, 11;2 REAL ESTATE . moth-proofed in your home. rates. VAlley 1-2232, LAkeALL JOBS baths and a library. YPEWRITERS HAMPTON-4 bedroom ranch. view 7.6103. Free estimates, reasonable Beautiful workmanship guaranFamily room, gas heat, 2 car atand TU 1-3000 prices, DRexel 1-3133.' WHAT A LOCATION! Easy tached garage. teed. Fre estimates. TUxedo Sales walking distance to _all 5.0278, WALL WASHING and schools, shopping and bus PAINTING & DECORATING TACKED DOWN CARPETS Service DORTHEN Custom built 3 GROSSE POINTE Park, 2 lots HOME improvement, moderniservice. 4 bedrooms, 2 full bedroom brick ranch, 1t-2 baths. REDUCED WINTER PRICES corner Lakepointe and Avon, AND FURNITURE zation, quality workmanship by , baths. Nestled on the curve date, 75' x 177' e'aeh. Private-ELMER T. LABADIE cust(}m builder . in Radnor Circle where owner. TU 4-5747. IDA LANE W. - Brick ranch, ERNEST G. MOELLER traffic is light. Priced in the large rooms, terrace, gas heat.. Typewriter S~r.vice Co. TUxedo 2-2064 thirties. TU 2-0421 Our New 1:acatioh:


Center Offers

(Continued from Page 1) ed .Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Carcano'g resignation .and ordered an immediate, open break with Cuba. A few hours after. Argentina announced the rupture, four "Molotov cock-I tails" were hurled at the subur.1 ban home of a United States 'I embassy official.

crs hou sign lent 2,00 been geri'


(';reek Program

* ~ ..

' BfaWn - "B"" It



JAYNE MANSFIELD and her husband Mickey Hargitay were back in Nassau today, after spending a wet, frightening, uncomfortable night on a corill reef. The HargitaY5, accompanied by a Florida h0tel promotion man, left the Bahamian resort capital to gO waterskiing Wednesday afternoon; Jayne fell off her skis, somebOdy saw (or thought they saw) sharks, the boat capsized, and the party: \.... ound up on the reef. Hargitay, who left his wife's bedside to refute charges that the incident was a publici,ty "tunt, told newsmen: "Anyone who would think this un would be very stupid."

, l POl a 1.] cur, ed year is t b~t dISCI lIt taU Inte i corr Clf i cbc i pIa. I piie era, I;rs pial' s~u

.. *

Saturday, February 10 see! FRANCI~ C A.RY POWERS,' secl Amelican U-2 pilot sentenced I cas: to serve 10 years in a S(lviet'l ~ns jail after his reconnaissance ~~g plane crashed inside Russian 11 y. territory on May 1, 1960, while cate he (Powers) was on an espion- I weE age mission for the United J pub States government, is free. The, 32-year-old pilot was handed A over to American authorities: bv at 2:52 .a.m. this. mormng. on: t the GlelUIcke Bndge connect.: fin ing East and \rest Berlin. In I I ~ exchange, United States affi- i P ~' cials released convicted Rus- ~I sian SPy Rudolph Abel to the or Soviets" The dramatic trade, are biggest conceSSIOn Kennedv has exp, wrung from Khrushchev 'since se~l he (Kennedy) took office, was' a~ announced a't a hastily-convened: t e early morning \\'hite House I ~o~ news conference. Fredet ie L. I \\ ~L: 1Il P~or, a Yale studcnt arrested! last August while touring East hon Berlin, was released to Ameri-' SOUl can authorities at the Fried-; a 0' erichstrasse crossing point at! ince approximately the same time! an Powers gained his freedom on! "pi~ the other side of the city. Bot











GEORGE ROMNEY will seek the Republican nomination for governor of ~lichigan. The American ?-lotors chief made his not unexpected decision public toda;r' at a press confcrence in Detroit's Veterans Memorial Building. Romney. who is requesting a leave of absence without pay from the Al\1C presidency, stated that he would take no "active personal part in the campaign" until his work as state Constitutional Convention delegate is finishcd. In an apparent reference to the 1964 presidential race, the automotive executive added that, as gubernatorial candidate, he will have "no interest in any other, position. in the state or natlon--elecllve, appointive or otherwise."
.. .. ..

taxe pro' pe'r' ~: nat', Bire Lit:. B'rr gue t l' (; gro" chc.( ma: 3.0l' Te}: of~. mel~ i"'a 1 l~st che:' lic and
mu} t



FRENCH POLICE t 0 day raided a heavily - populated European working-class district in Algiers, seizing 192 weapons an darresting 21 residents. Over 3,000 government peace offic-


S Khr


GUll)E TO (;001) SERVICE,



Electrical Ilepairs Appliance Circuits ~

-~. ~ U'

Land Cont for Sale

Excellent Grosse Poin

Approx. $62,000.

EIJectric Co.

MACKAY - VA 1-811:
Do You Prefer Price -






TOrti TaylOle I~
The Otlly Buick Dealer on th,

Grosse Pointe Gab TU 2-5300




I ~~r~':~a: 0
~0391 l\lack Ave . In the

Earle Richards Service

Es+eblished I

THE LAKE at your front door. This newer home on Lake Shore Drive was designed for famlly living. All first flOor rooms afford a view of the lake. Too many extras to enumerate. Over $100.000.

BERKSHIRE-Spacious room home in Windmill Owner leaving city.

5 bedPointe.




SUNNING DALE C u s tom' ranch. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2 lavs., 2 natural fireplaces. HAMPTON -'3 galow, gas heat, bedroom bun11,6 baths.,

FROM OWNER. Four bedroom, 21;2 bath. Up to $30,000, In Pointe. TU 1.7575. 1-6575.



LOW COST MODERNIZATION - REPAIR Cabinets, kitchen, bathroom, recreation room, add it ion s, storm sash. Quality workmanship.

; 3 ! 31 E. JEFFERSON


Next tc the Savarine Hotel

VA 2-3560




male, 9 CARPET




Service on.Screens and Storms Brick Wa~hing Expertly Done Basement Painting

LA 6-5501

Old Jewelry Re-designed Rings Sized Same Day Diamonds Checked Free Highgrade Watch Repairing

Fast 24 Hr. Road Service

Alter Service Center

Alter Collision Service



~ ..


ANITA _. 5 room bungalow, full attic, finished basement.

YORKSHIRE Terrier, weeks. TU 2.9531.

DRESSMAKING, alterations, slipcovers. draperies.' Experienced. WAInut 4-5518. EX C It U S I V E alterations by Marie Stephens. Quick service on hems. (Furs). TUxedo 5-7610.

VA 2-4584

!i ,

100 Kercheval TU 4-2228

TU 2-2100




.. ,

': :'..


: ,.:::.,

Alfred E. Zier
-in Alger Theater Bldg. JEWEtER & GOLDSMITH 16437 E. Warren TU 1.4980


PIANO TUNING and servicing, . guarante~d. Walter Mueller, TUxedo 6-1090.

TUXEDO 5-5700


TU 4-0136

Shoe Repair
~79 Fisher Rd., Opp. High


#*' ~I'


20705 MA




._ ....

~ ~._. -

7 7





" j

;day. February 15. 1962

Thursday, February

IS, 1962




Page Nineteen
study of Book of Mark using the commentary by William Barclay as a guide.

Headlines of the Weel{

(Continued from Page 1) cd l"orcign Minister Miguel .\ngel Carcano's resignation and ordered an immediate, open hrcak with Cuba, A few hours (ter Argentina announced the :,upt4re, four ".Molotov coek::111:-" were hurled at the subur_ ~,.lll home of a United States l'il\hilSSY oft'icial.


Cl'S participated in the fivehour house-to-house search designed to curb increasingly' violent FLN-OAS clashes, About 2.000 casualties have already been recorded throughout Algeria since January 1, 1962.




Center Offers







Those inten'ste-c! in hcaring ;,:)()ut a unique eliacational 1 ;an supported h\' two eoun- D , ' t "lCS In Athe-ns and in ::-e("in" , film of this endeavor !1IU~ ,:uoying a most intcrt'sting : ".,\'cloguc of thc Greek main. 'nd and isl:mds are cordially :;\'ited to the Grosse' Pointe . ':Ir :'Iie-morial, ;)2 Lake Shore 'ad. the ('\"en1l1" of Tllesd3Y, f ',':)ruary ~O. at 8 o'C'1ol'k. (':1arlC'" liicC'. preside!;t of \ :nel1s Collc"e'. \\ ill tell auout c' \\'Ol'k of tIlls Illstit ution and : ow a proiessional film of the ',lle-atlOnal T,rol'c"" there. The " ::cie-nts at Athens Collc~e in ; ;'CCC'C are t h(' bcnC'ficiaries of "'e' of thl' most intercstin;:; and I"'l't'""ful cxpcrinH'nts in' edu;.: ion ('\'('J' l'(lrlducted, I: bC'~an in 192,) when lc'ad1-:- Athenian citizcns asked ,:ncrir:m edUl'3tors for telp in stablishin" a school that would xf'mpllfy the best of Americ3n r:nl'iples and techniquc's and I ,hc sa111e time retain the best f :h(' GrecK tradilion and uhu!'e. :li::1 of the ColleNe . h Il' h i" l'Cdll~' a s('cond;~-,,: ~hi:)Ql offel'in~ wl)rk from el~lentary r;radcs through the m:o:' ('01lr,ge le\'e1. is to seek u: thr leadinc: minds of young ,;'c'Cc'C" and rdurate them in the 'il~" (\; c1e:nOl'l-:lc'y inherent in el::: their land and 0UrS so 1::: Ihey may become the lead:'S of Ihe GreecE' of tomorrow. i:; il \'('ry practical prop'am ~;, ;-.cndi:1" l'nited Statcs dolII'" to solidify X ..\,T,O, cad ut;'C',;:; dC'Inocral.'Y. t \:1 the same program, Grosse Dinter GC'orge Primeau will 10"'; cxcellent color pieturcs [ ti:c Aegean area visited bv IC Enc:lish Speaking t:nio~ t .,.: : car.

,1.\ y=,,~ :\lA:-;SFIELD and her !ill~band Mickey Hargitay were hack in Kassau tOday, after ,pCIHhng a wet, frightening, tint Ilmfortable night on a coral ""d. The llargltays. accom;Jdilied by a Florida hotel promotion man, lrft the Bahamian !'('~l)rl capital to go waterskiing \\'''dnesday afternoon: Jayne 'l.;i off 11<'1':-kis, somebody saw : ,t:' thought they saw) Sila1'ks. ;.1(' hDiI! eapsiled, and the party '\ <'\lIlti up 011 the reef. Hargitay, \\ :1<1 lC'ft his \\'lfe's bedside to ~,'('! ute rharges that the inci'.;l';lt W~IS a publicity stunt, told :1,.\\,.111(':;: "Anyone who would lflitlk this up would be very

GrWE - POST Tile man \\'ho has doubts a,tll anything should give rug nl"C'iencC' the benefit Of the





WO 1-3969
432 :\lechanic Street

?'c;a~y 07;5e~ pr';ters




TU 2-5900


:Iectric Co.



the Pointe Area

The program will he 011 Civic Highway lmprovement-"Michigan Miles To Remember" mlue Star Memorial Highway). ' an 1e-nation summit confere'nce on disarmament be held Mal'ch 14 in Geneva. The Russian leader's, proposition came in a letter to President Kennedy, replying to a February 7 note ham Kenne'dy and Britain's Prime Minister H a l' 0 I d Masmillan, that was handed to Secretary of State Dean Rusk at 10 a.m. Sunday by acting head of the Soviet embassy in Washington Mikhail Smirnov:--tupid." sky. " " of< The letter, said to be' quite Saturday, February 10 mild and friendly. suggested rH,-\:':CIS GAHY POWERS. that the 18-nation disarmament ,\::1CrtL'an v-:? pilot sentenced talks which have long bee n !" ,Cl've 10 years in a Soviet scheduled to open March 14 in ',Ill after his reconnaissance Geneva be' elevated to foreign I':a:w erashecl inside Russian ministers level. The Un i t cd ;callory on :\lay 1. 1960, while States is expected to veto such :;(' ,PO\\'l'rS I was on an espiona summit conference, sin c e ,l~'l' mission for the United the're is no time for foreign .... .Itt'S go\'crnmC'nt, : is free. The 'I * '" * ministers to make adequate ad,:~-I car-old pil?t was har:d.ed A FOUR-MAN TEAM headed vance preparation. K h I' us hpI l', to :\l11en('<ln authontles b' D t T M C h che','s message indicated that .,' ')':1" a 111 this 1110rnlllg on' ~ c 1'01 sayar avanag he was sending his proposal to '. -'.-.'" ,. ': is this weekend completing tile . :](' (dCI!llc'ke Bndge connel'!- I '. " ail countries involved in the i:l:: Easl and We"t' BC'r!in, III [1;lal ~~t<~llS of I~ prop~sed tax prese'ntly scheduled meeting, \.... liln:..:l.. unitC'ci States d (~ffi- p ~n .n wou prOVIde $60 but Kennedy seems to have gotl,:I1" re!cil:;eci cunvicted Hus- millon Il1 new money annuall'y ten his letter first. ';,In ~p\' Rudolph Abel to the fOI' the Wayne County-DetrOIt ,; *' * ~<1I'lCIs.The dramatic tracle. al'ea. The proposed legislation, FREDERIC L. PRYOR, held hl~;:('"t l.'Ollt'esswn KC'nnedv has expected to be ready for pre- for 5~'2 months in an East Ger1\ all1'" irom Khrushchev 'since sentation to the City Council ~ ' returned Sunday he 'Kenncdy I took office, was an d county a f ficials carly 111 man prison, dIHlOII!:('C'dat a hastilv-con\'('nrd ' the \\'(.('k, is based on a City- to his family'.s home near Ann . b ("Ir!\' rnornin" Whitc House' Ct. .oun y In com e t ax, \V h'Ie h A I'd 0 r. The 28-ye'ar-old postconfcre;l.'e Frec!clic would yield an estimated $24 gr~ ~ate student, who w.ants p"\'~r a Yalc st~ldent arrestcci million for Dctroit and $36 mil- o~lr 'to resume ~ .normal Illf~'" k ;'I'~t ~ll"'ust wh-ile toul'in" E,ast lion for the County. Unofficial \tVI thma ue ~tO 0f fSletlatlcomp amt , . , ",. " , 0 e 0 v 11I. ech' 1 a es . governBe;'lll1, was released to Amerisources say the plan caUs for ment _ l',lll authorities at the Friecl-' a one percent flat rate tax on '" ". eI Is co~fm7ment. ertchstrasse (Tossing point at income> within the county. with mThel C IS an, 0PPOI tUOlty to. approximately the same time an additional one p e'l' c e n t ~ke ~ lot of ch:ap prop~~anda l'ol\TrS gaincd his freedom 011 "pig-gyback" lcvy on Detroiters. slammmg East Gcrma.ny, PrytiJe othC'l: sidr of the city. Both per'sonal incomc and cor- ~:/Ol~ re,l;ol't<;r at W,1110~v Hun '" ... pOl'ate net p.'ofits \\' 0 1I I cI be I pOI t, don t do It ll1 my taxed, but thc plan is said to cas~; ~fte.r tomorrow. forget (~EORGE RO:.\I~EY will seek e. Plyal, f~eed at th.e s?me pl'O\'ide a measure of relief for I he P.C'publican nomination for pc'rsonal pl'oper.ty taxpayers. tIme as U-2 pIlot FranCIS Gary l.:O\'emor of .:\Iichigaii. The Pow e I' s, assume's he was a ... .\merica;,; :'Ilotors chief made "bonus," but the New Yo l' k h!" not unexpected decision I :\IICHIGAN IS THIRD in the Daily News published a report public' today at a press con-:nation in number of John indicating that non-diplomatic fe r.:f' nee in Detroit.s Veterans I Birch Society membcrs. Sol 1. ncgotaitions b I' 0 ugh t about .\lemorial Building. Romney, Littman, cl ire eta r of B'nai PI'Ydl"S I'elease, \I'ho is rCCjuesting a leave of B'rith's Anti-Dcfdmation Lea'i< ... * absence without pay from the gue, said Saturday that the conBRITAIN'S PRINCE CHARA:'IIC presidency, stated that he t r 0 ve rs i a 1 organization has LES, rushed 50 miles by ambulwould take no "active personal grown in Michigan fro m 22 ance to London's Hospital for part in the campaign" until his chapters in 1959 to approxiSick Children, was operated on It ork as stilLe Constitutional mately 70 secret groups with succe'ssfully for acute appenConvention deleg~te is finish3,000 to 6,000 members. O:11y dicitis early today, The 13-yearrd, In an apparent reference Texas and California are ahead old heir to the English throne I the 196~ presiden.tial race, of Michigan in terms of Society complained of some pain beI~H'automotlve execu~1ve adde? membership. The ADL's Michfore c hap c 1 services at his t.nat, as ~ubernat~,rlal. candligan Regional Advisory Board school Sunday morning, and f1iltC',he w111 have no lI1terest last week denounced John Birbecame quite ill in the' afterlit any other. position. in the chers as a "threat to de'mocranoon. Queen Elizabeth, immedqilte or natlOn-electlve, ap- tic life in the United States," apprised of her son's poinlive or otherwise." and warncd against "the rapid iately condition, was kept informed of .. "' * multiplication of front groups the operation, and the boy's rI1E:-':CH POLICE to day created by the Birch Society." father. on a tour of Sou t h rillded a heavily - populated >lo >I< *' Ame'rica, was notified by cable. European working-class district Charles' condition is reported Monday, February 12 in Algiers, seizing 192 weapons SO V lET PREMIER Nikita as satisfactory. an darresting 21 residents. Over * * * has proposed that 3.000 govcrnment peace oHic- Khrushchev Tuesday, February 13 A FULL REPORT on U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers' disclosures to government investigators who have been questioning him in secret has been requested by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.. Acting chairman of the Senate group John J. Sparkman m., Aia.) announced yesterday that he has w r i t ten to Secretary of Excellent Grosse Pointe Properties State Dean Rusk, stating that preliminary arrangements to i' obtain details of the Powers' story have already been com[I pleted. Sparkman noted that, I immediately following Powers' t capture inside Russian territory and the subsequent 1960 trial in which the American flyer was sentenced to ten years in a Soviet jail for spying, the Foreign Relations Committee conducted high-level c I 0 sed door hearings on the incident. Public disclosure of Sparkman's Do You Pre f er ')'rice - ~ - O("?-JerVlce, ; r letter to Rusk was apparently designed to stop Congressional Committee squabbling over who gets to question the returned flyer. Th,ee members of the

U-2 PILOT FRANCIS GARY POWERS has vanished behind a United States f(overnment sec'llI'ity curtain. Powers, rcleascd yesterday after almost two years of Soviet imprisonment, is bclieve'd to be in the States, but official sources refuse to disclose his actual whereabouts, It is understood that he will talk to the press after Central Intelligence' Age n c y agents complete the i I' interrogation. CIA would like to know preC'isely how and why Powers' plane came down, and what the pilot was able to see bc'fore the cl'ash. Rumor has it that Powers was delivered via Ail' Force plane to Dover Air Force Base. south of Wilmington, Del., and immediately taken to a supe'rsecret hideaway in an isolated section of Maryiap..d's lonely castern shore. where he is now answering que'stions and waiting to be reunited with his family. The White House has indicated that it will be at least a week before Powers confronts public reporte1's.

b meeting at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial in Friday, Feb- I ruary 23, FIRST CHURCH OI~ The hostess will be Mrs. SidCHRIST, SCIENTIST ney E. l"erriss, assisted by Mrs. Kerby School Denis J, Alison, Mrs. Robert E, 285 Kerby Rd. L. Berry, and Mrs. Elmar A. Sunday-10:30 a.m" the naWooten, ture of true happiness will be

~~::~ill~~: G~:e:lllb iChurch

brought out Sunday at ,Christian Science chun.h serVIces. Selections from the Bible in the Lesson-Sermon on the subject "Soul" include these verses from I Chronicles (6): "Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord, .. Glory and honour are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place:' One of the citations to be read from "Science and Health with Key to thE:' Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy states (p. 57); "Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist aione, .but requires all mankind to share it:' . CHRIST EPISCOPAL 61 Grosse Pointe Boulevard Rev. Erville B. Maynard, Rector Friday -12 noon, Men of Christ Church luncheon at Mariner's Church, the Rev. George R. Whitney speaking on "The Problem of Alcoholism."

Village Garden


Students Raise lleading Speed

Grosse Pointe High students avcrage of 132 percent since 8. enrolled in Mr. Andrew Balas' December Instl'uction, class, 8 p.m. S t u d y of reading lab cl~sses have inThe 18 class members report _ fundame'ntal Luthcran beliefs creased their rp.ading speed an no loss of comprehension, al~ with the aid of Dr. Beck's book though average reading speed services. Church school is in "Bible Truth:' ~ ent from 262 to 607 words per session. 10th grade. 11 a,m, - Wor-ship minute, a survey of comparable '" * *' T u e s day, Wednesday and Service, Church school for crib t('sts given Oi. December 8 and Monday - '" 8 '" * Confirmap.m., senior high: 5 January 16 revealed, Average Thursday: Women's Prayer Re- room through tion Classes for Adults in the search Croups, in Lounge, 9:30 p.m. - .Junior P.F. meetm~; comprehension rcmained at a Parish House. 7 p,m,-Scnior High P.F. meet. lit.tlc over 84 percent during a.m, 'tile same pcriod. *' Mission G l' 0 U P ing. *' '" *' *' *' Tuesday - 10 a,m" Holy ComThursday: Monday, Feb/'uary 19: 1 p.m, One student's speed jumped munion, 10:45 a.m., a study Pro- visit to Georgian Court Con- Women's Bowling League, almost 550 percent, from 222 gram for the Women of Christ valescent Home, 1 p.m. 20422 Mack avenue. 6:45 p.m,\\ ol'ds per minute to 1,440, and Church conducted by the RecMen's Club Bowling League. another's climbed from 298 to tor. A sewing period will be held POINTE MEMORIAL 19748 Harper avenue. 7 p.m'_II 008. in the undercroft at this time, . United Presbyterian Church Girl Scout Mariners In Social .:\1agazil1e articlcs on popular followed by a luncheon. 12:15 in the USA Hall. I factUal and biographical topics p.m., Men's luncheon in the Pal-16 Lake Shore Road ish House, Mrs, George Root * * '" I ~ ere used as test samples, with Ministers: Tuesday, February 20: 10 I short quizzes to determine comspeaking on World Medical ReBertram deHues Atwood ~.m,-.Friendly Serv~ce projects prehension. . lief Organizatio:l. 3:45 and 5 Ben L. Tallman p.m., weekly classes for 8th Il1 Pl'lm,ary roo.m. b;3.o p.m'.1n add.ition to improving Lyman B. Stookey I Graders in the Parish House, Cub S c 0 u t dJl1ner 10 SocIal, tl1eir rcadmg speed, ::\lr. Balas' Richard W.. Mitchell 7 p.m., High School Students' pupils leam study techniques THURSDAY - February 15: HalL Discussion Program in the Par* '" *' and test-making, They aTe CUT4:15 p.m.-Girls Choir. ish House. Wednesday, February 21: 9;30 r(~ntly perusing Preston and 8:00 p.m.-New Member Class a.m. - Bible Study Class in Botel's "How to Study" in their *' '" 7 p.m" Meeting '" Wednesday"':" '" *'February 16: 1 Lounge. 1 p.m. - Senior Six- efforts to develop work habits *' FRIDAY of Boy Scout Troop 156 in the teens in Lounge. 8 p.m.-Pruequivalent to their mental ca- . p.m. - Friday Book ReviewUndercroft. dentia;l Committe'e in Lounge. parities. War Memorial

'" '" '"

*' Ad *' I t *' u Wednesday:

Friday 12 noon to 12;30 p.m., Men's Prayer Group in the Conference Room of the City National Bank.




*' '" ...

Weekly Holy Communion will be held as follows: MOIl,day, 8:45 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 10 a.m.

Speake'r: Mr. Harold Glassford, Subject: "French Farms of Old Detroit." Devotions: Mrs. Harold S. Davis.







Land Contracts I for Sale


Sunday - 8 a.m., Holy ComPOINTE METHODIST munion: 9:30 and 11:15 a,m., 211 Moross Road Morning Prayer and Sermon. Coffee hour will follow both James D. Nixon ----. Alfred T. Bamsey Senate Armed Services Com]\:Iinisters mittee have already indicated Sunday, Feb. 18. 9:30 a,m., that their group would like to Worship; Church School;_ Adult interrogate Powers. Classes. 11 a.m., Wars hip; *' ~ *' Church School thru Sr. High. ... THE UNITED STATES yes- 5:30 p.m., Jr, High MYF. 7:30 terday informally I' e J' e c t e d p.m., Sr High MYF. Soviet Premier Khrushchev's 'i< *' * Tuesday, Feb. 20. 12:45 p.m., proposal that an 18-nation disAfternoo-n Circles. 8 p,m., Eyearmament summit conference b e. h e ld nex t man th' In G eneva, ning Cirel-es. * * * addt~g .however tha.t such a Wednesday, Feb. 21. 8 p.m., meetmg may pOSSIbly t~ke Official Board. place at ~ later ~ate: Turmng >I< *' *' down Klu ushchev s bId, SecreThursday, Feb. 22. 6:45 p,m" tary of State ?ea~ RUS~ o~served that U-2 pIlot F, anClS Bowling League. 7 p,m., Youth Gary Power.~: I:elea~e had re- Choir. 8 p.m., Chancel Choir, * ",' *' moved. an lI"1'ltant between the Umted S tat e s ~nd the Friday, Feb. 23. 4 p.m., LuUSSR, but had done httle 1.0- the'r Choir. 6;30 p.m., "Guys ward actually settling the cold and Dolls" Men's Club Dinner. war. Khrushchev, in a letter * Feb. '"24. 10 a,m" *' to President Kennedy, had proSaturday, posed that the already-schedGod and Country Award class, uled Gcneva talks be turned 11 a.m., Confirmation Class. into a full.seale foreign ministers conference, and that Big ST, ,JAMES LUTHERAN Three representatives should McMillan at Kercheval remain in Geneva "until conGeorge E. Kurz, Pastor crete results have been obtainW. Staab. Chancel Asist'tant ed- ho w eve I' long this may R, Schmeling, Youth Director take." , ! Sylvia Grubb, Deaconess '" *1' b'" 1" Thursday: Chancel Choir 81 p,m. 'V e d nes d ay, 'e ruary... GEORGE ROMNEY has rc... * 'i< signed as chairman and presiSaturday: Children's Confirmadent of American Motors Corp. tion classes, 9 a,m. Chape1 Two mp,n have been elected to Choir, 9:45 a.m.; Junior Chair, take over Romney's double re- 10:45 a.m. sponsibilities: Richard E. Cross, * * AMC's general counsel since Sunday: 8:30, Holy Commun1954, becomes chairman and ion Service;, 11 a.m., Service-chief executive officer; and Roy Second sermon to be g i v e n Abernathy, executive vice-presicovering the "Ten Commanddent and general manager of ments." Bible Study class at the automotive concern, takes 9;45 a.m. Nursery at 9:45 and over as president and chief op11 o'clock. Everyone' invited to erating officer, Romney will our Roast Beef Dinner, 5-7 p.m. continLle to serve 'as a director * * * of AMC, and was elected to the Tuesday: Men's Res e a I' c h new post of vice chairman of Group, 12 noon until 1 p,m. at the board; he was immediately Marincr's Chapel. Beginning given a lcave of absence from the vice chairmanship to seek the GOP gubernatorial nominGROSSE POINTE ation,

SATURDAY - February 17: 10:30 a.m.-Senior Choir . Atwood. 9.30 a.m.-Baptism 9;30 and 11:15 a.m,-Chureh School. 3:30 p,m. - Great Decisions. 7:30 p.m.-Tuxis: Russia Today. MONDAY February 19: 7;15 p,m,-Boy Scouts. 8:00 p.m.-Trustees. 8:00 p.m. - Special Projects Committee. 8:00 p.m.-Mission and Stewardship Comm. 9;15 p.m.-Men's Bowling. POINTE CONGREGATIONAL 240 Chalfonte at Lothrop Ministers Marcus William Johnson Arnold Dahlquist Johnson Sunday, February 18: 9:30 a.m.-Worship Service. Church school for crib 1'00111 through

*' *

Policemen and Firemen

Applications are bein~ accepted until February 23. 1962, for future positions in both the Police and Fire Departments, Employment is to be made from eligible lists following examinations. Applicants must have a minimum of high school education, ~ between the ages of 21 and 27 (or 29 years, if having cortfpleted two or more years of military service). Applicants must be at least 5 feet, 9 inches in height, with proportionate weight. Apply Police or Fire Departments, Pointe Farms, 90 Kerby Road, Publishcd February 15, 1962-Grosse City of Grosse

*' *'



~rosseit)jIinf1? fark
InvitatioltJ to Bid
Sealed bids will be recdved by the City Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Park until 10 a,m., Thursday, February 22, 1962 for the spraying of approximately 1500 private elm trees and 4,000 city. owned elm trees for the control of Dutch elm disease. Proposals to be made on prop usa I forms and accom~anied by a certified check for not les:; than 5% of the amount of the proposal or an accepted bidders bond. Proposals to be plainly marked on outside of I'm'elope "Proposal on Tree Spraying". Grosse Pointe Park reserves the right to wah'e an:.' informalities in any bid and to accept or reject any or all bids. Proposals will be opE-ned in the CO'Ul1cil chambers of the Municipal Building. 1~115 East ,Jefferson Avenue on Thursday, February 22, 1962 at 10 a.rn.


lVe hold that man is good and we are confident that man call be trusted to work out his own destiny. IVe hold tbat from hi-rtb, man is elldowed witb capacities to grow in, wisdom and i,l stature, to live tbe good life in keeping witb tbe will of God. John RuskIn Clark
You are cordially invited to visit our Sunday morning services at 9 :30 or 11 o'clOCK. ThIS Sunday Rev. Hammond Will speak on "The Cent,-al Teaching of Jesus."



City Clerk






17440 E, Jefferson

(jrO!ist Joilllte farms

Summary of Minutes
February 5, 1962
Meeting was called to order at 8:00 2.1\1. Present on roll call~ Mayoi' William F. Connolly, .Jr., Councilmen Henry E. Bodman II, Wiliam G. Butler, Thomas K. Fisher, William C. Kirby, Ledyard Mitchell, Jr., and Edward C. Roney, Jr. Absent: Mayor None. William F. Connolly, Jr., presided. of Jar.ilary 15, 1962,

211 Moross Rood


Sunday Services Sunday Schoal-Illfants' Room Wednesday Testimony Meeting 10:30 a ,:11. 10:30 a,m, 8:00 p.m

Approx. $62,000.00 at par





" '."" The Grosse ~i~te


9:30 Worship; ChurchSchOOl for Nursery thru 6lh grade Adult Classes. 11;00 Worship; Church for Nursery thru HIgh. School Senior


Memorial Ohurch
. -=A
~~i~~k:r~~~~~e~~~ Bertram de H.



285 Kerby Road, at Beaupre ALL ARE WELCOME



MACKAY - VA 1-8113 - TU 2-4732

"I ~'2

VOll are invIted tu use tne


Minutes of the regular meeting w~re approved as submitted.

Get Both!

TO~I Taylor BDi~k!, Ille.

Tbe Drtly Buick Dealer on tbe East Side oj Detroit

I : Ben Atwood L. Tallman , Lyman B. Stookey Richard W. Mitchell ~ Ministers .._,.::;.... .~ Morning Worship --<: 9:30 and 11:15 Church School 9:30 and 11:15

Christian Science Reading Room

19613 Moc:k Ave. Grosse PointEi Woods Open from to a.m, to :'l p,rn
dally except Sunday~ and Holidays. Thu1'5daya and Fridays until 9 p.m .



Students from the Brownell Junior High School Civics Class were present and welcomed b:l' the Mayor. The Controller's Report for the month of December. 1961 the Financial Report of the General Fund for the peri~d ending December 31. ] 961. and a Report of Sick Leave taken by employees of the City during the calendar year 1961 were received and ordered filed. Consideration of an offer to purchase t.hirty feet property on Muir Road owned by the City was deferred the meeting of February 19, 1962. IVlr. Alonzo J. O'Connor was awarded the cOlltraet operate the Pier Park ConcesslOn for the :>'ear 1962. of to to

Grosse Pointe Cab

TU 2-5300


LA 6.3000

St. Paul' Ev.

Lutheran Church

SI. James
Lutheran Church'
Kerehevol TU ot MeMillon 4-0511

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Grosse Pointe Farms

14710 KERCHEVAL AVE.,. One Btock West of Alter SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 a.m, and 5:00 p,m . Sunday School - 10:30 R.Ut. Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meeting-ll p.m. Reading Room 16348 East Warren 2 Blks. West of Outer Drive 'Veek DflYS - 10 a.m, - 9 p.m. Wednesdays - 10 a,m. - 7 p.m. Sundays - 2 p.m, - 4:30 p.m.





We Invite You

To Worship

l; :'tiack Ave.

In the Wood.




19 I7

8;30 9:45 11:00 11:00


a.m,-Worship c.m.-Sunday school c.m.-Warship c.m.Sunday School

(Atlcs 1-8)
Charlos W. $llndrock Pastor v, Mandsager Vicar

Services-8;30 a,m. and 11 a.m. (Nursery - 11 a.m. Service) Sunday School--9:45 a,m, Kindergarten - 9:45 and 11 a.m. Bible Classes - 9:45
a.m, Rev. George E. Kurz, Postor

Bethany' Christian Church

(Dtse:1ples of Chrtllt)

The Gr.osse Pointe Congregational Church

240 Chalfonte at Lothrop Grosse Pointe, Michigan MINISTERS Marcus William Johnson Arnold Dahlquist Johnson 9:30 A.M.-Worship Service Church School fnr Crib :oom through 10th grade. 11;00 A.M.--Worship c;,,~er"i('e Church School for Crib Toom through Senior Higll.

Communications from the AFL-CIO" requesting consideration of a wage adjustment and certain fringe benefits in behalf of the Public Works Department, were recei~ed, The bid of Cal Fleming in lhe amount of $319.75, being the low bid for the trimming of trees on City streets, was accepted. The bid of Shock Brothers in the amount of $1,050.00, being the low bid for the pl.mting of thirty trees, Was accepted. The bids of Shock Brothers - 011e in the amount of $3,975.00 for the spraying of nublic and privately owned 'troes for Dutch elm disease; the other in the amount of $125,00, the cost of two surv('ys both being the luw bids, were accepted. The budget of the Inter-Illunicipal .the calendar year 1962 was approved. Radio System for

Mr, Monrad

5901 Cadieux Road At Linville Serving Grosse Pointes


rle Richards Service Fast 24 Hr. 'Road Service



Every style of Fence erected fot you

KENNETH BRADY, PASTOR 9:30 Church School 10:45 Worship 6:30 Youth Fellowships

lter Service Collision

Center Service

VA 2-3343

First English

VA 2-4584


Ev. Lutheran

21001 Morass Postor

10 nu

Rd, at Harper McAsh



Chain Link AU-Steel and Rustic Styles


Vernier Road ot Wedgewood Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods

E. Arthur

A communication was received from the National Bank of Detroit, requesting instruction as to blocking off the driveway which runs from Mack Avenue to their parking lot during hours when the bank is not open for business. The matter was referred to the adminig'Lrative staff for a report and recommendation, On proper motion made, supported meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. and carried, the


, :W .. m 1:00 p.rn,

Sunc1a.\' School

Shoe Repair
179 Filher Rd . OPP. High





9:30 a.m. Sunday School,

11 :00

Evening Welcome



Willia.m F. Connolly. Jr. Mayor

Published In the Grosse Pointe issue of February 15, 1962. News,

Dawson F. Nacy City Clerk

Church Worship
TUxedo 4-5862



Page Twenty







IS, 1962

Pointer of Interest

Favorite l?ect/)es




C~Of)d Taste
People in The



Counter Points

A tunnel was hollowed under Lakeshore road frLlm t he cd~e of "Dn-brook." the Truman Newberry estate to the lU11:'; boat'dock in the early days of this century. Thi~ enabled 1\'11'. Newberry cmd his friends to, cross to 1:1<"' dock and board the steam yacht "Truant' for the daily run to their Detroit offices. . . ?\Irs. Harold}!. Emmons, Jr .. remembers tracmg the l':l~h 01" the tunncl ,'n \\'alks with her dog during the ~ctn~n1C'r "f 1917. Her memories of the Pointe in those d~l\''; 0r0 Lound up with vacations on the estate 01 her n:mdrnother. 11rs. Willi~m K. Anderson, who 11ad sold l~c:' white pillared summer home to Hugo Scherer and retired tll another home which she built on the cow l)asturc of the estate, which became 70 Moran road.
'Yillialll K. ;\nd(,l"soll, h<:'r husbann, was born in
0"'('11:- horo. Ky .. of a pion('cr family in 18.17, wen t to th.e rnin'rsit:1," of ~Iichigan and was graduated in 1868. After

a y('ar at the tJniyersitv of Berlin he return~d to Kentll~'ky where hi~ father ~\.as president of a savings bank. 1n 1~77 11(' came to Detroit and became invoived with, the :\h':\IiI1an-~e\"bcrry interests, which in those days I encompassed a railroad l'ar company, a steam forge, by Patricia Talbot railroad ('ll'\"ators and shipping-. which he rents and maintains Due 10 his closc association with the McMillan When Harold Neff left the eighth grade at the old himself. The Neffs have three and :\ ewherrY families he became intercstGd in the Cadieux School and entered a downtown shipyard he married children, one son who , f had no idea of becoming Grosse Pointe High School's is bringing up his own family Pointe and huilt his summcr home herc on the foot 0 chief engineer. Ships were his 'chief interest and he in St. Clair avenue. :'\Ioran road. helped build the Walkerville and Belle Isle ferries, The Anclersons had one child, a daughter, Catherine. Great Lakes freighters and the "South American," Drives 15 Miles to Work _\ Lic:~ett classmate (I~ }\lrs. Colburn Standish, she often which was t.he passenger boat of its day. Mr. Neff drives the 15 miles . I t h t' f' h h I ates Mrs -------~-----to work every day, is home by C:ltcrtall1CC, a (lUSC par les . or er sc oo::n . . 1\11'. Nef[' e,'II11C to tIle HI'gh' 4:30 to take his wife grocery t y w h en School '.0 oversee the furnaces, ing station at the foot of Fisher shopping. He doem't plan much ~:~ll1c1i~h recalls one impromptu mid-winter par t!lC hl1use was clost"d. ancl the girls had to wear trousers ('leetl'ical power plant and gen- road and d e,l i v ere d them travel for retirement ycars alto keen warm. \Vhen 1\11'. Anderson was appointed con- c[",ll maintenance of the build- throughout the Pointe by bi- though he would like to go to q: 1 to I-Lll10\.C'r. Germanv, in U:97 bv President \\lilliam ing in HJ3Q and he has been cycle. He also caddied for memo California to s~e his daughter. :\!cKi:llc,\' the couple rC'iltec1 tile sutmTIcr. home. He r~- I there. ev.er ~inee, ~o\v retire- bel'S of the Country Club whose But he will miss his cozy 0[t 1.1 rnf'd in 1900 ,Hlci wc'nt hack to bankmg. After h1s ~1ent IS l111mll1ent,\\ hen scho?l golf course ran across the pres- fice ncxt to the high school's . \' Ii ~,. I Ivl A d - b.It t.h [S over for the semester In ent high school athletic fields. giant bpoming iurnaces and he elea t h I)e tore \ or c ,,' ar U1 .e ,June. He attended the sn1all stOlle ~ 1 1 t,'S.t- tl n erson ; S h bd will miSS the S\IIdents he has 1,('use ,It -;-0 lloran l\ roae ane \\,1ll1 19')9 t c l'erers M' 1e. su 1Al t IlOUg I1 I1e I'Ives In M1. Presbvterian church Wh1'cll\vas watched for' 30 years. His own . .1 f 1 t \" Ie cd some 0 leI' proper v 111 ,~ 0 or m er[1- I CIemens III a mo db' . oi Memorial, three children are alumni of . \ . - I' : ern nc k the forerunner \\ caLder 1 nac.. rClneh house he built himself, and was married there. the school. :'\Irs. Anderson \"as Cornelia Cook, daughter of his roots are dcep in the Wi.th Horacc Dodge Looking baek over the years Joseph Cook, whose fathcr Abraham had owned the Cook Pointe. for. he is a m.ember of He recalls his Sunday school he believes there have been farm \"hich hec<Hnc Indian Villag-e. Her aunts Eliza the same pIOncer fanllly as t.he. days when Horace Dodge was only two real crises in sehool 0wen,' W } late Norb dNeff, k former C't a member of his class. often was maintenance, one the day the city and Jane. ,,'cre both the wtyes ' Jo I of 111 10 I f tl . _ "II age. Jane manager an c cr a 1e 1 y l'eques t e d t 0 Ieave cIass f or h'IS e It. rica I power pant bro k e I ~uhdl\'Hl('d the Cook farm to ma.ke the VI of Grosse Pointe. ec o I1 t t [ tl tl t t antics, and was an enthusiastic down, the other just a few ,W(,ll to ( a qua~1l s 0r;\' 0 IHlmm~ Ie tree s ree s, lIe was born in a house in traveler on the annual Sunday' years ago when the high school Semlllole. IroqUOIs and Burns. Thcre were only two 51. Clair avenue, still owns two school outing to BDb-Le. Later annex caught fire, Indian names hecause she couldn't think of any other houses there. As a boy he swam ft I . th h' tribes and had to settle for Eurns. ill the traditional 'swimming a er severa years 111 e S 1pAlthough his job is mainly yards, Mr. Neff, who began supervisory toelay, he is not , . f 1 d . hole at the foot of the Dexter 0 k t 14 b f :.It'~. I,m mons has many ~emor1es 0 1cr ~ys In Ferry property on Jefferson, w r' a. ,was a memo er 0 unaccustomed to rolling up his of th,e mamtenance crew WhIChde. sleeves and mending a burst t \ P 0111t e_ II er mo th er marne d Charles Fredenck 'rememb,'rs ,1(, < his father Julius livered and worked on the b . I ' , Owcnsboro. K~... and the couple lived with their two Neff, H.g'hting for the city park f bID d ht th e D I Oller or rep acmg a washer III dau~ht['rs. Barbara and Betty, with 1\lrs. Anderson in when he was a council mel11- p~li~e~u~e ~e;:ll~a~e 'was fir~~ a dripping faucet. ).1"1'(\11 road. Alter Mrs. Frederick's death the house bel'. three days before Christmas. He oversees the work of 19 v:as sold and subsequently rented by the new owner. Early School Days A short, spare man, with a department members; recalls h~ 1955 the house was in the news when reports revealed He attended a one-room kin- WISPof white hair and an cUm when number, When amongcomes ' . . that he was one June half it \\';)5 llscd as a "baby farm." The property has since dergarten near Doerr's Inn , b I' . d 1 b b 'ld ME" t where O'Leary Cadillac stands twinkle in his eye, hc is apt to lie will say goodbye to the oeen su C 1\'1 ec v a lU er. rs_ .mmons S1Ser, remember the old days nos- boiler room, the huge furnaces, BC'tt~., had her \\'edclin,~ reception in the family home- today. In those days these pre- talgieaU". He believes in hard the pipes and pDwer plant. In 1 classes were ,steac1. 5h' e 1S nnw l\tr11'5. F ran' k C ons t'an t" ... 1 1ne, o'f E nge 1 "chart" 0 Ischools, "because called work and accepting what life his well deserved retirement - sch 0 they WOl)c!. l\.J. taught us from charts, I sup- brings, remembering that he he will have the consolation of In the twenties when IVIrs. Emmons \vas a girl, pose," recalls Mr. Neff. won out even when he lost his a job well done in serving the shipyard job during the de- Grosse Pointe SchooL system b(!aL dncks still stretched out from the great estates. His memories include the old pression. Three years ago he fOr 30 years. ~ ' l\[rs. Emmons recalls an excursion with her governess Joseph Berry house with its built his 1'111. Clemens home, _ to the dock near her home where she went fishing. Her orchid greenhouse and foot taking six years of vacations TilE DIFFERENCE catch was an old shoe. She has inherited a fine collection high stained glass window, for and weekends to complete the Pride can be an asset or liaof photographs of the da~'s when the Pointe was growhis father was 1\-1r. Berry's job. Now he anticipates the bility - it holds a few up and . gardener. Mr. Berry kept.a bear golden years working on his throws a good many others down. lP.,~ up. on his property and when the acre of garden and sprucing 1------------~-------------------------. animal escaped from his steel up his S1. Clair properties cage he was lured back to ------------' II captivity with honey. Nearby, I 'Y '" 'on the site of the War Memorial today, was the barn for by wboozlt the Berry's magnificent carriage horses, for everyone in Jim Krausmann. Owner Grosse Pointe before World Electrical Wiring John Frazer, whose family was chronicled in last War I had horses. and Repairing \\'eek's history column recalls the familv founder, his Harold Neff collected newsgrandfather, "Thomas W. Frazer, well. The Scotsman _p_a_p_er_s_a_t t_e_r_u_rb_a_n_\_v_ai_t__t_h_c_i_n came to Kc\' .. York from his studies at the University ' lor the Executive' of Edinburgh with a letter to, the famous John Jacob G,'o.ue Poiute & East Side DR. M. L FINE Astor who hired him on the spot to build a New Yorkand Professional Man tn Dctroit-to Chicago railroad in ] 8.18. The first Mr. You have undoubtedly read accounts of the awesome damages Frazer was a tall severe man in a Prince Albert coat frequently awarded in liobillty with a gold headed malacca cane who often reprimanded suits-one of the hazards faced CHIROPODIST his grandson with the \vords, "get up and get doing." in today's life_ 20867 Mack TU 1-8989 Normal liability protection afJohn Frazer himself has become a legend in his own Grosse Pointe forded by "standard" policies moy time, The Pointe real' estate entrepreneur has for many not be enough to protect the person of means from the threat of years strolled out each dav with a fresh white carrfution court awards that could be finanIn his buttonhole. This y'~ar he pinned 489 carnations cially disastrous. on fellow members at the Detroit Club in an annual first Now we can proyide the security of high-limit liability protecof the year ceremony.
J l'

Contributed by By PAT ROUSSEAU Mrs. William E. Bokram Sale-ing Away ... top coats, tweed costumes, day~ 4 or 5 lb. stewing chicken time wools, cocktail dress('s and long evening gowns. 3 cups water stalk of celery There are about thirty models from The Walton-Pierce 1 slice of onion Custom Collections. don't miss t.hem! 1 tsp. salt. 4 peppercorns Sauce: No Matter If''bat . yow' fas1Jir)fl personaLity may he, 1/4 cup chopped onions "yo//. can fllifill it t!! Irt'ing, 82 Kercbez'dl on-the.H ill. Every 1 c1Dve garlic, minced smart WOJnaf/-knows bow she wants to look and The Irving 3 % cups tomatoes 12-14 stuffed olives Sbop bas w01tderful clotbes fo satisfy ... for example, the 3 or 4 oz. can mush- Camisene lounging costumes from Italy are made from the rooms finest silk . have tbe 1lewly cut over-top alld slender pants. % cup green pepper strips They come in unique colors and desigl1s. % tsp. basil 1 tsp. salt * * % tsp. pepper I Did You Know ... that fashions of the wi::-started in Egypt'! 1 lb. noodles Women used them for the same purpose as hats having them Place fowl on rack in large in different styles for differcnt occasions. Today, Leon suggests l,ettIe. Add water and season- a wig as a perfect beauty aid for the busy modern woman III ing. Cover tightly and steam 3 a hurry-hurry world. Hc has the finest wigs and ten years ot to 4 hours. Cool and remove meat in large pieces, reserving experience in caring for them. Nino, who is Master of the Wigs will style your wig to perfectiun. broth. Combine salad oil, onions and garlic and cook in heavy skillet until soft and yellow. Add balance of vcgetables and seasoning and continue cooking over low hcat about 20 minutes. To finish casserole skim fat from chicken broth, measure broth and add water to make 5 cups. Pour into four-quart saucepan. Bring to boil, add 1 tb. salt and package of wide noodles. Cook 15 to 20 minutes until tender. Drain and place I-n sIlall ow t wo-quar t casscro I e. Arrange chicl{en on noodles,' pour over saucc. Bake in mod. erate oven 20 minutes. Serves

Right Now ... at. Mutschler, 20439 Mack Avenue, you can see the model kitchen that they will exhibit at Cobo Hall during The Home and Flower Show that opens February twenty-third. I1's American Patina in the Williamsburg tradition. The handsome wood finish and color scheme will cause a real stir at the show.

Practice lVlJat You Preach ... u'e keep ollr Notre-Vite bottle right 011 the kitC:'el1 table. Tbe NoIre Dame Pbarmac1' d d 1 ' reco!Jl11lell e t/Jem as a u'ell bal(l1lced QlIe-a-da,. formula and 1 u'e /Jat'ell t 1111.oeda dal' 1elf



Plan Feb. 21 Benefit



Dominican High Sehool Alum-I' nae are sponsorir,g a fashion show Wednesday. February 21, I in thc school auditorium. Proceeds will be used for the scholarship fund. I Tbe Filler IForkmambip



mixing a specialty

PRo 1-1148

See our complete

As American as pUT_'1pkinie p is the phrase, "Doctor knows best." We:ul remember this truism from childhood. Yet, in this enlightEned day, some people. relatively few in number, attempt to diagnose and treat their own illnessell -a dangerous practice to say the least. Only your physician is qualified to diagnose and prescribe. When medication !s - required, our prescription department is equipped to serve your needs.

,'-ho. ,,,-hel-e and whatnot

N ew '


G & J Electric Co.

TU 4.2138









Only TimeMProved


TU 1-5688


121 Kercheval

the bill

Pint 'Size

Quart Size


This Sunday YOU may slice into a loaf of home made hr('an ami p~>ur you~ 0\\'11 coffee for a small fee in tll{' Lothrop home of the Kryn Nagelkirks. The bread and coffee fete is to raise funds for a YMCA drive which needs mon~y to equip the nearby Y branch which services at least 10,000 boys each year, few of whom can provide the $30 necessary to maintain the cost of the athletic program at the Y. W. Harden, a Grosse Pointe Chapter member of the Questers, tha'c interesting antique club, brought to last week's meeting a pair of white satin wedding shoes 50 years old. The dainty sllppers belonged to Mrs. Harden's mother and she tripped down the aisle in a size F2, which is a real surprise to today's brides.

Sprin9 Tour
lSL~~~' ~ Mar. 10 L y



$697 ~~~~

tion through the INA Executive and Professional Policies, just introduced by Insurance Company of North America. Limits of one million dollars and mare are oyailable at moderate cost. Telephone us today for more information.

Your Friendly Host LEO. G. HENRY

hearted ALL THE WAY Same let Det.-Honolulu New Prince.s KaluJani Hotel Round Trip Frllm Detroit Exten.ive Sightseeing Trips Dinner at Rayal Hawaiin Thrilling Crui.e to Pearu Harbar Many Other Intore.ting Featur.:s Slay Longer-If You Wi.h


Mr. Businessman:
Racquet & Sport Shop
Grosse Pointe's Own Sport Shop Question: Answer: Why do you purchase Fire InsurClnce? To reimburse you for loss, of co~rse.

Mrs. Harold

26. Mich.

410 Buhl Bldg. WO ........ ~ 1-8705

on the Hill
TU 1-526~ TU 1-2262 But, how about the aftermath? The loss of PROFITS OVERHEAD. SALARIES, olld the like, that goes on whil; you are out of business? THAT could be 0 GREATER .LOSS to you than the FIRE! You can build a fence around such a Hazard thru BUSINESS INTERRUPTION INSURANCE that protects your Gross Earnings, Profits, Overhead and Salaries which will be paid to you until yOll can relocate and resume operations. The cost of this type of protection is NEGLIGIBLE! It's less than tr.e cost of s,mple Fire Insurance Premiums. Obey that impulse! Call LS for 0 quotation. and SLEEP WELL.





; Re'erVCltions phone TR 1-1790

Silver and lapidary craftsman is Mrs. Stuart ,,,ho this past 'week has arranged a fascinating of such art at the Women's City Club.




WOo 1-7075

St. Croix~ Virgin Isla:nds

New shopping center being built. Openings the following stores:
Western Auto or Firestone PhClrmClC:Y Television, Radio, Refrigeration Women's Retail Clothing Men's Clothing Marine Supplies Hardware & Electrical Supply Rental Service Bakery Beauty Salon Barber Shop

George, display

available' for

Overheard since he went



PILFEaIN GS in an Allentown, Pa., restaurant: "Ever on that diet he thinks he's a little thin


Major fund raising firm is accepting applications from men of high caliber and excellent character account executive trainees. Must be wjlling to travel, public speakers and detail conscious. Age to 25 to 35. Replies confidential. Present personnel aware of this ad. Send resume to
Box N15



Applicant agency: "I'm sneaky."

* *


17864 Mack Avenue
Bet. Rlv:lrd Blvd. and Wa~hington Rd. Grosse Pointe 36. Mich.

for a job with the government intelligence brave, intelligent, loyal, resourceful-and

Floor manager to adjustment clerk as angry complainant waits: "The cu~tomer is always right,. Bens~n. Misinformed, perhaps: mexact, bull-headed, fIckle, ]gnorant, even abominably stupid; but NEVER wrong."

If you ~re sincerely interested please send a complete resume of your business experience.

Phone: 886 2353



Pointe News

P.o. Box 84. Allen Park, Mich.

r'Our Patrons Sleep Well"



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