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1224. CORCYRA, ACARNANIA, AND CEPEALLENLA JOHN LEAGUE 24. COROYKA, ACARNAMIA, AND CERN: bencur ug. sometines been claimed, given that ii par ed by reference to democracy ‘undoubiedly there—eg, ‘into the land of Coreyra or a J rly apa riy Koperpadan 5 énd vie Ropeypatan an olgah corrrponding clauses i ports the vew thatby this alice Coreyrabe 53 61}, From the absence of Coreyra fio a2 we may of Coneyra vat b 9375/4 before the ces ©. M, Faber, fauna esarton ave hed ae (Wine are to). Resolved by the amwehtai In the archonship of Hippodamsa (35/4). Ncophon propose 1 Alc iver shall be nccepted whew silver and asthe pl 425, ATHENIAN LAW OW APPROVERE OF SILVER COINAGE, 475/4 5 pyooresBiaysyone 8 8 ene [S]eln}a [Spade] eoayérras és 78 baaoripior. of 8 Belaulolle ucpvres Bxaforewn 3]- + XPM Bpoxl nat. ra] rérreolau P whys ri6 vole npoorérmuras. ds rosie nari 78 yeypanycva, tea rnyplian 582s of Ukr. re vuow vb wa xaraBriva dy (éo]- iho7 Seieoyrwaietv Srey iletpel Sal cord 25. ATHENIAN LAW ON APPROVERE OF SILVER COINAGE, 95/4 ‘or doesnot approve in stall be beaten by the he pore te dew wih ty ‘Agora and the rest of the ety to the convener of the people fo the he exposes. Ifthe seller isa slave-man of a slave woman, he shall be beaten with fy ass with the whip by the arcs commissioned in cal any ofthe arto doesnot at 144 Write up this law on a stone ste an put 5 1625. ATHENIAN LAW ON APPROURKS OF SILVER COMAGE, 375/4 uerafi ri rpamebin, du Megat 8 np Bev rig orig rot Hocain THe okie napayyedire 0182 murat focveyndoran és ry, Jrbe vde vénor, xaBedérerd ypaugareds 1s Boal 1 wero Maton The oe a ATIOGBRCTAL ii), da without final 9) 6 rare Theat, Gramma 642. century Alhen tried to requir ll members League 1 use Athenian silver coinage (MAL 4 igueira, The Pave of Monoy hae recealychaleng 0 far st orb Uae member to tue silver coinage of the presence ofthe council. Ab. Pl ine coins tendered there. For foreign coins sign se below; for examples of the cutingthrough of coins which rejects a base or counverfit see Suoud!'s pl 25 It appears thatthe bronze coins oned by Aristophanes (Pgs 718-37 with schol. 725, Be. Bi5-22), ined in the years ofthe Pelcponnesian War, were it fact ser plated ceis with a broner ‘ore (easeret by J. FH. Kroll, GRBS ev 975, 920-4, agnit Giovanni, GRAS jet to aging ess, 3 public ave (IL 36-4, ‘The loge tu demo were three members of the coun from each ofthe te tees 25, ATHENIAN LAW ON APPROVERS OF SILVER COINAGE, 375/4 417 {he sdeof Poseidon, The secsetaty isany decree writen ona srcontrary to this we scretary ofthe council shall demolish it. Ia, pass of half tes special importance ofthe com rade Athen al stipes to enforce the regulations (Ak, Po special corarmarke ef sion amor, Ak. Fl. lea bu emparou fA el |, but in ts broader sete, of ofc in general. For the allomeat of ‘courts the emis to whos with east introdure se lt 95. Bsengea of ncn who fallin their duty isan instance ofthe proce lad cw in Ade. Pol 4 78 wh have the sgh is» standard formal ‘tom egw p, Dem. xx Mid 4), denoting al czens who are ‘her rightaand have notbeen subjected tina for aly cA ol 6 _unqualied juror: asin all cases of arirasmen a choice had to be proposals of proseentor and defend i forhesalary ofthe man purchase, his aw coromitethe tate o extra expe: the money fr the current year deel and make re, L 47-9 nthe cause ordering publication are Parallel our eranlation isin accordance with Strouds commentary (pp 1825, ATMENTAN LAW ON APPROVERS OF SILVER OOEKAOR, 375/4 25. ATHENIAN LAW OW APPROVERS OF EILVER COINAGE, 975/4 { the ourth century see SIG" 218 CURB a4 = IK Kaen 16 30-30. 105,16 hstextallecerences 1400 (eg. MELB, 86= IG? 102, 104 ~ law (eg. And | be rendered invaldoy ich an appropriate context would be 402-399 (box of counter he Heltonpedaninventories fom 398/ tion that they have been cut at rcuied by this law, thal, as suggested by Stroud, 76-7, the Lacon from wh was the approver Sup, hinking that Athen wil not retuned butnot approved is an obiacle ‘Martin concentrates ‘his specaized task will without the due process tow other demas saves we sociated wih Fe 26 sulP Athenian law taxing Lemnos, Imbros, and Scyros, 374/3 Gods. tn the archos ext. Fi Beaks 08 afou™ "4425 9.24.2 Selene condyle eee

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