FO Lesson 9

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Room service: breakfast box, laundry service

Understanding some guest’s requests

When guests book breakfast box, let’s ask them:

 Their room number
 Delivery time and day
 Quantity
 Their allergic information
 Other requests

An example dialogue booking breakfast box by phone

Receptionist: Xin chào, receptionist. Trang speaking, May I help you!
Guest: I want to order/book breakfast box.
R: May I know your room number, please?
Guest: 187.
R: How many boxes would you like?
G: 2, please!
R: May I know the delivery time and day?
G: Tomorrow at 7a.m
R: Yes, May I know your allergic information?
G: I can’t eat garlic/dairy products( milk, butter made from cow.)/ soy
R: I will write them down. Would you have any request?
G: Can you write a sentence “ Have a nice day” and stick it on the box/ put it in
the box. I want to present them for my friend.
R: Certainly./Absolutely Yes.
G: Thank you.
R: You’re welcome.
Laundry service:
G: Excuse me, I have some clothes need to be done/washed.
R: May I know your room number?
G: Room 156.
R: Yes, in the bath room, there are a laundry bag and laundry form under the
kimono. Please put the items in the the bag and tick on the form.
G: Ok, when can I get them back?/ When can I receive them?
R: Often within 8 hours with regular service. And if you would like to take soon,
you can use express service, delivering within 4 hours and we surcharge 50% of
the total bill. What kinds of service would you like?
G: Regular service, please.
R: Yes, I will get someone to your room to take it right now. Would you have any
G: No, thank you
R: You’re welcome. Have a good day!

Other requests:
I will go out now. Can I have someone clean my room now?/ Could you ask
someone to clean my room now?
Can you keep my key?
May I take the room key?

Yes, the maintenance/ housekeeping attendant will come to your room now.
DND do not disturb: không làm phiền Meeting room: phòng họp
Manicure and pedicure: bộ móng tay Letter of confirmation: thư xác định đặt
và móng chân phòng
New words:

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