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Procedure title –Instrument processing

Objectives; - at the end of this procedure the trainer will be able to

perform instrument processing
Necessary equipments; - PPE,(utility glove ,apron, face mask, eye
goggle ,) large pale (3) it must be labeled
Clean water in large pale which is enough for procedure
Disinfectant solution (chlorine bleach, formalyhdaid, gltaralyhdaid if
any available )
Powder soap (Omo) ,tooth brush ,large clean towel ,towels for wrapping
the item ,sterilization material( autoclave )
s/n Tasks /activates to be performed
1 Collect necessary equipments for procedure yes no
2 Bring equipments to the work place and ready your self
3 Bring the used (item w/c are ready for
decontaminations)to working place
4 Done self-protective equipments
5 Prepare chlorine solution by using first pale and label it
how to make 0.5% chlorine solution from 5% bleach there
fore to prepare 0.5% ch soln from 5% bleach mix 1 part
bleach and 9 part of water
6 Prepare soap solution by using powder soap ( use second
pale for soap solution ) label it
7 Then prepare a clean water by using third pale and label it
8 After you prepare ch souln ,the soap soln and the clean
water make sure about the labeling
9 Submerges all used item ( items w/c are ready for
decontamination ) in the ch soln for 10 minute
10 After 10 min remove all items immerse in the soap
soln ,disassemble them and rub by using tooth
brush ,while rub pay attentions for interior parts and
hinged areas ,rub the item under the water to prevent
11 After you rub all item by using the soap soln socked the
item in clean water and rinse them thoroughly with clean
water, make sure about item are properly rinsed.
12 Spread the large clean towel on the table and put the item
on towel and left them to dry by atmospheric air.
13 After drying pack the item by using the proper packing
techniques and pack the some item together and tie by
using wire then do not miss to label the item
name ,ward ,and necessary information
14 Chose the types of sterilization depends on types of item
and setup if you have autoclave use
121 deC (250de F) 20 minute for unwrapped and 30
minute for wrapped item.

15 If you have oven use

170de c for 60 minute you can chemical sterilization if
16 After sterilizations the item open the autoclave or the dry
heat oven and cool the items before you trying to
17 Avail items for using or store the item in the proper place
18 Return equipments after finishing each procedure

result satisfactory O unsatisfactory O
Evaluators name _______ sign___________ date_______

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