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Shannon ‘Rorospace ‘Sub-Module 3.17 "These notes and diagrams are compiled by Shannon Aerospace Maintenance Training Organisation and although comprehensive in detail they are intended for use only with a course of instruction. When compiled they MODULE 3.17 are as up to date as possible and amendments will NOT be issued”. AC GENERATORS All pages contained in this training manual are to be considered issue (zero). Any Future revisions to a page shalll have the issue number printed on the relevant page. For Taring Purses Ory B1/B2 MODULES ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Wan. SubMedute 2.17 AC Generators {AR 66 Syllabus ‘Module 3 Electrical Fundamentals Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generators Bi Level 2 Rotation of loop in a magnetic ld and wavetonn produced; (Operation and constriction of revolving armature and revoWing field type AC generators; ‘Single phase, two phase and three phase altemators; ‘Tnvoe phase star and delta connections advantages ard uses; Caloulaton of line and phase voltages and current Calculation of power ina thee phaso system; Permanent magnet generators. 82 Level 2 lation of loop In 2 magnetic leld and waveform produced ‘Operation and construction of revolving armature and revolving field type AC gonorators; ‘Single phase, two phase and three phase altomators; ‘Throe phase eta and deta connections advantages and uses; Calculation of line and phase voltages and current Calculation of power in three phase system; Permanent magnet generators. a For Train Purpocos Only No ome. Table of Contents Gonerating AC Magnitude ofthe Induced Volage Generator Construction ‘Ganorator Operation Generator Operation Cont, Airralt AC Generators Generator Classifications ‘AC Generators(t) ‘AC Genorators(2) Brushiess Aternator Brushioss Altemator Charactoristes Producing Three Phase Current Votage Regulation ‘Three phase connections Generation of Three phase ‘Sum of Instantanous Three Phase Voltages Star and Dalla Connections ‘Three Wie Star or ¥ Connections Four Wire Star or ¥ Connections Line and Phase Voltages and Currents ‘Star Connected Systoms ‘Star Connected Systoms Cont ‘SummaryfExercise ‘Comments on Exercise Power in Theeo Phase Systems Exereiee ‘Sub-Module 3.17 Page Issue 1 3 5 7 ont 18 5 7 19 2 23 25 a 29 3t 33 35 37 Fr Training Prpotns Only ‘AC Generators \oase. ‘Generating AC ‘Although ltemating curent may be generated ina numberof ways, the most basic means of obtaining ac is by using an electromechanical {vice known as an ae generator or altar. ‘An ac generator produces an alternating voltage which in turn ‘develops an altemating current through any load (resistor, lamps, ot.) thats connected tothe gonerater's output terminals. Basically an ae generator produces an ac voltage by causing a loop of ‘wire fo tur within a magnetic field. The relatve motion between the ‘vite and the magnotc file causes a voltage tobe induced within the “This voltage changes, in magnitude and polarity, as the speed and lracton of th wire changes, in relation tothe magnetic fel. Electromagnetic Induction ‘An ac generator produces an alternating voltage because it makes use ofa fundamental but important process known as electromagnetic induction. Electromagnetic Induction i the process of inducing @voitage within a ‘vite oF conductor by moving it through a magnetic fol, “The voltage developed across the conductor shown below results becauso ofthe relative motion botween the conductor and the ‘magnati ines of force, This relative mation must exist in order for a ‘voltage to be produced. Bi/e2 MODULES Sub-Module 3.17 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators ‘The conductor may move while the fled romains stationary othe corructor could be hel stationary while the field is moved. father ‘conan would eause a votlage fo be produced. If thore fs no relative motion, no voltage Is prosuced. “The voltage produced within the conductors general reterred to as Induced votage. This vatage is induced within the conductor ragardese of whether there fs current flowing through the conductor or not. Infact, a continuous current cannot flow through the conductor unless thero isa complete circuit. ‘You can use the lft hand generator rule, Hustratod in below, to determine the dretion of current fiw or tho polaty of induced voltage, within a conductor. \When your left hand is postioned as shown, your thumb indicates the direction ot conductor motion, your index finger points in the direction ‘of magnetic fux, and your mile finger, which Is bont cut from tho palm at a 90 dogree angle, points n the direction ofthe induced, current. For Tearing Purposes On Page 1 Shannon ‘Rorosrace ‘Sub-Module 317 AG Generators “er pe Voltage induced in a conductor by movement in a magnatic fal For eing Prpoes Only Page 2 Wass, agnitude of induced Voltage “The amount of voltage induced ina conductor is determined by several factors. Fist, the induced voltage Is affected bythe strength ofthe magnetic fal A stronger magnetic fed wil resut in more lines of fore per unt area, ‘This means that there are more lines to cut andthe induced voltage Is. Increased. When the fed strength is reduced, fewer nes of force exist and the induced volage decreases. Induced vetage also depends on the spesd conductor movement. The {aster the conductor moves, the greater the induced voltage. This is because the faster moving conductor cuts more lines of force, in a siven period of me. When the speed ofthe conductor is reduced, few lines offroe are cut per unit of time and, the induced voltage decreases, “The length ofthe conductor within the magnetic ld also affects the Induced votage. The longer the conductor, the greater the induced voltage. The longer conductor must more lines of force as it moves through the magnetic eld, A shorter conductor intercepts (cut) fewer lies of force, and induced voltage is decreased, “The angle at which the conductor, cuts the magnetic fl, also affects the induced vottage. When a conductor moves ata rght ange (90 degrees) with respect tothe magnetic field, as shown in the previous tiagram, maximum votage is induced. When the angle between the field and the direction ofthe conductor motion decreases, induced vottage decreases, This relationship is true regardless ofthe dlrection ofthe induced vatage, ‘B12 MODULE 3 Sub-Module 3.47 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators Remember, the amount of voltage induced in a conductors affected by the folowing four factors: 1. The strength ofthe magnetic fold, 2. The speed of conductor movement 3. The length ofthe conductor in the fl 4. The angie at whic the conductor cuts the et E Lv.Sin6 (vots) “Atthough these four factors effectively state the conditions, which affect ‘the vllage induced in a conductor, itis possible to formulate one simple ro, wich takes all ofthese factors into account “Tis simple rue i stated as folows: “The votage induced in a conductor ls creetly proportional to the rate at which the conductor cuts the magnetic nes of force. Page 3 For Trang Purposes On Qo rere, Sub-edue 317 — BASIC AC GENERATOR Page For Taino Purposes Only * Wass. ‘Gonerater Construction ‘An ac generator is shown inthe diagram below. it consists of a wire Toop called an armature, which Is mounted so that rotates within a ‘magnetic eld. “The magnetic field exists between north and south poles of a magnet, The magnet used for his purpose is commonly referred to as a field magnet. “The fleld magnet ie consiucted so that it produces a strong, concentrated magnet fed between Its poles. Itcan be ether permanent magnet or an electromagnet. ‘The electromagnet is preferred in applications whero a high ld strength is required to produce substantial oulput power. “The ac votage induced in tho rotating armature must be extracted at the ends ofthe wie oops, which form the armature. However, the ‘armature constantly tum, thus making fmpossibi to permanently attach any wires, oF leads, directly tothe armature. For this reason, itis necessary to use some typeof sliding contact at teach end of the wire loop. As you S00 In the dlagram below two ‘ylindrical metal rings aze attached tothe opposta ends of the loop. “These metal ings are called ‘Sip Rings. ‘An extemal circuit or load, is connected to these sip rings through ‘contacts, which are held agains the rings. B12 MODULES Sub-Module 347 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators. “The contacts are made from a soft but highly conductive material (usually cazbon), and ae called brushes. “The brushes slide against the slip rings as the armature turns. The brushes serve as tWo stationary contacts fo which an extemal load can ‘be connocted. “The brushes are the output terminals ofthe gonorator. Simply stated, the ac output voltage is applied from the armature, ‘rough the brushos, to the load. Pages For Train Purposes On Xo arenes. (81/82 MODULE 3 ELECIHIGAL FUNDAMEN ALS: Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generators ee Pet Load Resistor Page 6 For Tring Purposes Only 17e2 MODULE 3 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS ‘Shannon [Kerosrace Sub-Module 3.17 AG Generators Generator Operation Inorder to function propery, an ac generator must be operated so that is armature retatos, at a constant speed. {As the armature rotates, inthe magnotic fel, one side moves down ‘through the magnet ald while the other sido moves up. itis Important to not that, curing each complete revolution ofthe ‘armature, each side must movo down and then up through the fad. Furthermore, each side ofthe armature alvaye remains In contact with its respective brush, through a spring, Keoping these considerations in mind, we wil now examine the basic action that takes place during one complete revolution ofthe armature ‘Aa armature is shown in our specific postions in igure A. These aro intermediate positions which occur during one complete revolution of the armature. [Notice that one side ofthe armature ard its associated ap ring and brush are bia, the other sce is white. ‘The two colours are used to help you Keep track of each side of the armature Also, a resistive lod is connected to the brushes 60 that a complato Circuits formed. The complete crit allows current to flow through ‘the armature tothe load. “The output voltage is monitored by a voltmeter. Notice thatthe volmetar is connected across the load, For Tring Purpoeee Ory ‘Assume thatthe armature starts rotating ina clockwise direction, from ‘tha intial positon shown in Figure A. Notic that inal the black side ofthe armature ison top and the white side is onthe bottom, {As the armature moves from this stating posiin, the black sido ‘moves from lft oright, and the whito side moves from right olf. However, Both sides are moving parallel othe lines of oreo (no lines are ct) \When a conductor moves paral to the fil, he induced votage is 2210, Notice tht the votimeter, which is connected to the brus Indeates zero at this time. | the armature rotates from the poston shown in Figure A, tothe postion shown in Figure B, the black side moves down through the ‘ied while the white side moves up. The opposite side of the armature therefore cus the magnetic ines of fore in opposite directions. ‘The potaty ofthe voltage induced in the black sido wil be opposto the polarly of tho voltage induced into the white side. However, the voltages induced in each side are series-aiding and the two sides ot the armature form a complete loop. ‘These induced votages are equal invalue ‘Therefore, the voltage which appears atthe brushos, is equal tothe ‘sum of the voltages, induced in each side. The polay of these Voltages are show in Figure B along with the resulting currents. Notice that the seros-aiding volages produce a curent that crculatos through the armature andthe lead Page 7 we ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS. Sub-Mlodule 3.17 AC Generators ey GENERATING AN AC VOLTAGE Pumnans Onty Page & Qa. Generator Operation Cont. ‘As you examine Figure B, notice that the armature is horizontal. ‘ther words, the biack and white sides of the armature are cutting the ‘magnetic nes of fore, at right angles (the fastest cuting rato), resulting inthe maximum induced votage. ‘At this time, the output votage applied tothe loads atts maximum ‘Value, aa indicated by the votmeter. Iti important to note, that the Dulput voltage does not suddenly jump from zero to raximum. “The output voltage increases to a specific rato. As the armature rotates rom the postion ehown in Figur A, tothe poston shown in Figure Bit cute the magnetic ines of force, at an ever inereasing angle, unt maximum votage is obtained. “This causes the output voiage to Increase smoctly from zero 9 its rmaxrnum value. \When the armature rotates from the postion shown in Figure B tothe position shown in FiguteC, itcuts the magnetic ines af force at a slower and slower rat. \When the armature reaches the position shown in Figure ©, the ‘opposite sides ofthe armature are moving paral to the ines of force ‘and no flux lines are cut “This means that the output voltage decreases from maximum to 260, again. From © through to A, the second half revolution is completed. nly here opposite voltages are induced in the loop sides from that in the fret hal revolution. eve2moDULes Sub-Module 3.17 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AG Generators, “The efoct of this thatthe curent through the load reverses, rection. ‘One complete revolution (360 degrees) is mado up of a posive (010 180 dagrbes) and & negative (180 to 360 degrees) alternation. “These two alternations comprise what is called a cycle of ac. ‘A ie of acs the combined tine that takes to generat the postive ‘and nogative temations. “This is also defined as the period of an ac waveform. “The ac generator just desorbed isthe simplest deviee that can be used to generate ac voltages. “The ac generators used to produce electrical power for commercial applications are more complex in construction. However, all ac {Generator uiize many loops of wir, within their armatures, to Increase the induced votage toa much higher value. “Those generators may algo contain more than one pai of neth-south, ‘magnetic poles. When mare than one pair of poles are used, one revolution ofthe armature can produce mare than one ac voltage variation For Traning Purposes Oty Pageo Bim? MODULES ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS. Shannon Aerospace ‘Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generators a Page 10 1762 MODULE 3 Qwarseee. SubModule 3.17 Producing Three Phase Current “Three phase current is produced in exactly the same way as single phase alternating current except that the generator has three col \wound stator 120° apart instead of one. Rotating the otor develops an altemating curent of equal potential in ‘ach ofthe three col. ‘Athough at any one moment the potential is maximum in one ofthe colt willbe less inthe other two cols ‘Should the rotor be inthe exact vertical position we have maximum, induced Electro Motive Force (EMF) in the top col, whereas the lft land right coll aro Inducing loss EMF. ‘Should the rotor be turned through 120°to the right, then the right coll wilinduce maximum EMF etc. {As a complete cycle ofthe rotor produces a ful poriod of atemating EM, the three EMF's wil be in oppostion by a 1/3 of a period or 120° advanced, For Teaning Purpose Oy ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators Page 25 17B2 MODULES ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Noam ane, 7 AG Generators Three-Phase Systems Lt | mace tol J seaet eee Lead connections for 3 Yalaced 3 cit Page 26 Aware. Voltage Regulation ‘The efficent operation of aircraft elotrical equipment depends on the fundamental roquirement that the generator voltage at the distribution busbar system be maintalned constant under all conditions of load at ‘varying speeds, within limits ofa prescribed range. Itie necessary, therefore, to provide a dovico that wil roguate the ‘output votage of a generator atthe designed value end within @ specified tolerance. ‘There are a number of factors which, ether separately orn combination, afect the output voltage ofa generator, and ofthese tho fone which can most convenionty be conoid i the fad cralt ‘current, which ints tum controls the flux density. ‘This regulator must also maintain the correct value of exciter shunt field curent when no ac votage corrective action is required (steady sate output). In the figure shown, note that a pair of connections iabelad ac sensing ingut foods voltage proportional tothe ac generator output vliage tO ‘the ac volage regulator. Note also that a portion ofthe excite’ feld current flows through @ ‘hoostat, Px, then through the exter shunt field windings, and aly back othe exciter amature, Obviously, the excter supplies dct current ois own cont! fl in adsion the ae gonerator fel, as determined by the setting of BX “The soting of xis controlled by the magnetic strength of contol call. For Tring Purposes Oo B1/e2 MODULE 3 Sub-Module 2:17 AC Generators The magnetic strangth of Lin tum is controled by the vokage across resistor A. Tho voltage across Ris rected dc, and is proportional to the ac line voltage (Rectifiers are devices that change ac to dc). “Thus, the essential function othe voltage regulator isto use the ac ‘output voltage, which tis designed to control, as a sensing inuence te contrl the amount of currant the exter supplles to lis own contol fil. ‘A. deop in the output ac voltage wl change the satting of Pin one ‘rection and cause a rice in the axcter contol fold eurant. ‘A tise inthe output ac voltage wil change then setting of Px in the ‘opposte direction and cause a drop inthe excter contol fed current ‘These ltr two characteristics are a ckop In the exciter contol ld current, ‘Those latter two charactorstios are caused by actions within the votage regulator. Pago 27 Q sm BVB2 MODULE 3 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS ‘Aerospace ‘Sub-Module 3.17 AG Generators [AG VOLTAGE CONTROL CiRCULT ke SENSING INPUT AG. ut POWER Contact, oureut FIELD TERMINALS) ‘EAGER GENERATOR ae GehERATOR ~ Pane 28 ima MODULE ® Nwareeee, swsannasst tae sree seeeueningusesima st ‘leprae ta ‘outputs can be constructed, Alrraft and industrial generalors ‘generally have three phase outputs. “Three phase power generation is advantageous forthe following 1 Athree phase generator produces a higher ouput than a simlar ‘820 single phase gonerator. 2 Totranemit the same amount of power atthe same voltage over ‘tho same distance, requires less conductor material hana single phase systom: 3. Three phase motors can be used. Those have high, uniform torque and can be self starting, 4 Three phase generators can operate in paral! with tle acy. 5 Twovoltages can be made availabe. By using three loop inthe rotor ofthe elomentary generator shown In Fig simple three-phase generator is created. The throe loops have ‘been symmetrical placed 120 degrees apart. In a simple three ‘hase generator each loop would have ls own pair of slip rings. Slip tage are omitted from this clagram for larity. For Taring Purpeees Oy ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators Page SubModule 3.17 [AC Generators Bi/B2 MODULES ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS YW. shannon 'ieroupace ELEMENTARY THREE PHASE GENERATOR Fo Thing Purposes On Page s0 1/82 MODULE 3 \oasee. Sub-Module 2.17 “Goneration of a Three Phase Output ‘The Fig bolow shows three similar loops placed 120 degrees apart. Each ofthe loops has 2 pir of slip ings to “pick of” the generated ENF's. The slip rings are not shown for tho sake of clay ‘The trae loops have been positioned to rotate within the magnet field produced by the permanent magnet. “The phasos are normally identified A, 8, and C, and are normally colour coded red, yellow and blue respectively. ‘Tho loops inthe diagram have been identified RR, YV1 and BBt correspending with colour codes red, yellow and bli. “Tho 1 sulfix identifies the ‘Start part ofthe loop. ‘Assume that when the EMF direction is from ‘Start to ‘nish’ the EMF 's postive and when the EMF direcfon is from ‘nish to ‘Start is nogatve ‘Assume the oop is rotating anti-clockwise within the magnet fed. ‘With RR, inthe Start postion shown (0 degrees), no EMF is, produced! Having rotated through 90 degroas the EMF wil have buit up toa ‘Once the ioop travels through one revolution, a full cycle wil have ‘been completed, as shown by the sold line wavetom. ‘Since al three loops are turing together the Yt and the BBY loops will ech have producad thelr own waveforms, but the Y¥t EMF wi lag the AR1 EMF by 120 degrees. Simiarty the BB1 EMF wil lag the YY1 EMF by 120 degrees. For Tring Purpces Only ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators Page BvB2 MODULE 3 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Sub-Module 3.17 AG Generators, GENERATION OF A THREE PHASE OUTPUT Feetnit Mnsnean te Page $2 1/82 MODULE 3 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Woame, 2, buneauoos — ‘Sum of the Instantaneous EMF's is Zero Fig. 2 shows that at any instant, the sum of the EMF ofthe threo phases ls Zoro, At time P for instance, P= Py-+ Py. Ityou measured P, and P, and added their lengths together you would see that this equaled the length of P. ‘Sinos P, and P, are both negative and P, és positive the regutant Inetantaheous EMF wil be zero. tte three phase generator was connected toa balanced lead, on ‘other words a load offering the same opposition to current flow for leach phase, then the sum of the instantaneous currents would also be For Tring Purposes Oo Pages (B1/82 MODULE ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Araneae eae Subodue 317 ‘Ae Goneatre ‘This page has been intentional left blank For Taring Purposes Oty Page 34 BAB2 MODULE 9 \oanze. an Sa In a practical three-phase generator, windings are used instead of a single loop and the number of lip rings can be reduced from sx, by {sing the methede of connection shown in Figs shown, Delta or Meth Connection (One method of connecting the windings is shown below. ‘This is known as "Mesh of ‘Delta’ connection “The numberof sip rings ls reduced to three by connecting the ‘Start end ofthe winding to the ‘irish’ end ofthe next winding. “The phage currents I flow through each individual phase and ine ‘currents I flow in each output ine For Taring Purposes Only ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Birm2 MODULES ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS. Shannon ‘Korospace Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generators WYE STATOR DELTA STATOR 2 conductor windings Page 35, supose Only fve2 MODULE 3 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Shannon Aerospace ‘Sub-Module 3.17 AG Generators ‘Three Wire Star or '¥” Connection ‘The Fig below shows the three windings connected in the form of a Star or’ In his caso all tho "Start onds ofthe windings are connected together at what fs riown asthe ‘Star of Neutra’ pont. “This method of connection is known ae a three wire method For Traning Purposes Only Pages 81782 MODULE 3 X Shannon Aerospace Sub-Module 3:17 WYE STATOR Y er ay, of conyers osama windings For Trininn Purposes Only ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators Pago 28 1ve2 MODULE 2 LW, Shannon Aerospace ‘Sub-Module 3.17 Four Wire Star or "Y" Connection ‘Another method of Star connection isto use four wires connected as shown in Fig below. “Theso a0! = Vyas A Ving ‘The voltage across a single phase, known as the phase voltage V,: the voltage across two phasos known as th ine votage V,. ‘Modern commercial aircraft power systems normally use three phase gonerators. ‘These are usually arranged as four wire systoms with the Star pont jarthed or grounded. “The aircraft sructure would then act as the fourth wire ‘Three phase loads such as components containing three phase ‘motors would normaly be connected tothe three phasas of tho generator busbar. Single-phase loads would be connected to one ofthe phases ofthe busbar ‘The dstbuton ofthe single-phase loads across the tree phases is ‘normally arranged for an overal balance’ For Traning Purposes On ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AG Generators Paget Shannon Aerosrace ‘Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generators Page 40 Fr Trang Purposes Only vez MODULE 2 Ware. Sub-Module 2.17 Line & Phase Voltages & Currents for Star Connected Systems| ‘The ne and phase currents are one and the same, Therefor, fora Star connected system: - ‘To examine the relationship between te and phase votages for @ ‘balanced’ system itis necessary to construct a phasor diagram ofthe citeut bolo. “The phases are identified simply as A, B and C. \, represents the vottage across the A phase and V,, represents the voltage across the A and B lines. ‘Tho relationships between V,, V, and thir respective line voltages wil be identical. ‘The vectors VV, and V, represent the individual phase votages. Toifnd the ine voltage Vj, which I the vector or ference of V, and Vitis required to draw ia ‘dotted vector, equal and opposit to the soll one, ‘This will create an angle of 60 degrees betwoan V, and our dotted V, vector, a8 shown below. FFocTeaning Purposes Orly ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AG Generators Page: Shannon nbrospace Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generators ners 3 For Tahing Purposes On aed Bupa MODULE Agazes. Sub-Module 3.17 Line & Phase Voltages & Currents for Star Connected Systems ont, 1 now the diagonal is completed by drawing a paralelogram, the agonal wil rprosont Vg. “The diagonal has eplt the 60 degree angle into two equal 30 degree angles 28 shown below. “The dotted fine drawn between the ends of V, and V, would cu Vj, exact in hat. Hal Vay forms one side ofa right-angled tangle. ‘Therefore: - \, V3¥, (We can therefore say fora Star connected systom: - For Taring Purposes Only ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators, Page Noe. er a LINE VOLTAGES OF A WYE-CONNECTED THREE-PHASE -9URCE Pago 44 For Tring Purposes Only ‘81/82 MODULE 9 Shannon Korosrace Sub-Module 2.17 Tine & Phase Voltages & Currents for Delta Connected Systeme In the Fig below the line and phase votages are one and the same. ‘Tneretore, for a Datta connected syst: ~ Mew To examine the relationship betwoen line and phase currnts for a ‘ualancedt system itis required to construct a phasor diagram forthe ‘cit shown below. ‘Tho phases aro dentiiod as A,B and C. |, land | represent the Individual phase curants. ‘The lne current for phase A willbe a combination of, and , ‘The line currenta for B and C wal be combination of, and i andj, and | respectively. For Tring Purposes Only ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Pago ‘Sub-Module 3.17 AG Generators For Taring Purposes Oa Pago 46 Wan, (anes, susuamase “Summary of Relationships between Currents and Voltages in Star ‘and Delta Systems In Star connected systems: - D YaVsy, In Dota connected systems: - \ avs, Exocciee ‘An aiteraft gonerstor has a line to in voltage of 200 vot. ‘Whats its phase voltage? For Training Purpotes nly ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators: Page Wo Bom. ene ‘This page has boon intertionally left blank For Training Purposes Oo Ld B17B2 MODULE 3 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Shannon [Rorespace Sub-Module 3.17 AC Generator Comments on Exercise ‘Modem aireraft generators normally are Star connected, so we have to Use the formula fora Star connected system. V.=13,V, therefore V, =V,/¥3, Inthis case: V, =200/1 2 = 115 volts approx. For Training Purpess Only Page’ \o gene. anes, suse nc tomar ‘This page has boon Intentional lft lank For Training Purpoese Only Page 50 Qwaeee. cunuoassst ara ann —— ee ‘TOTAL POWEF V1, Cos ¢ watts Ina Star connected system where V, =V3 V, and =, by substitution aves: TOTAL POWER 3 V,1, Cos 9/3 watts 3V,1,.Cos ¢ watts ‘na Deta connected system where = V8, and V, = V, by substlution agai gives: TOTAL POWER =13 V1, Cos ¢ watts For Training Purposes Oo AG Generators Pago oe ge. stots a7 — ‘This page has been intentional tet blank Fe Tring Purposes Ory 81/82 MODULE 3 Shannon [Reroarace Sub-Module 2.17 Exercise ‘Anawer ine folowing questions. Be as bref and concise as you can. 1 2 ‘Stato the advantages of using three phase systems. Which colours used to dently the B phase ofa three-phase system? ‘The phases of a tree phase generator aro spacod.. dogroes apart ‘What sthe eum ofthe Instantaneous EMIe in a three-phase system? ‘current of three amps flows inthe Line of a balanced Delta system. What ls the phase current? ‘State the formula for calculating the ine voltage in a Star systom. How much power Is consumed by a balancad tree phase, purely resistive load, ifthe in wotage fs 200 volts and the turret flowing in each Ine is 2 amps? For Tring urpotse Only ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS AC Generators Page

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