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Exercise 1.

Reading Comprehension Task

Name: Caro, Engelo John Gabriel V. Date Submitted: July 15, 2022
Course/Section: GED104/A3

Instructions: Compare and contrast each pair of terms related to Aristotle’s

Nichomachean Ethics as discussed in this section.

1. Instrumental Good - Ultimate Good

Both are forms of doing good, however both differ in the motivation of doing
good. Instrumental good aims to do good to achieve a certain goal, whereas
ultimate good is doing good for the sake of the good.

2. Pleasure - Happiness
Both are forms that good can manifest in. The difference is that pleasure is
not rooted in the idea of the ultimate good, on the other hand, happiness is.

3. Virtue - Vice
Virtue is a method of achieving the ultimate good in an effort to achieve
ultimate happiness, whilst vice aims to achieve the instrumental good in the
pursuit of pleasure. Both are methods to achieve a certain good.

4. Intellectual Virtue - Moral Virtue

As is stated by their names, both are forms of excellence, with intellectual
virtue being achieved through education, time, and experience with its key
being that of wisdom while moral virtue stems from one’s character and being
guided by understanding.

5. Science and Technology - The Good Life

Taking into account all of the comparisons made, both Science and
Technology and the Good life are necessities in the lives of the modern man.
Science and Technology being a means to achieve the good life and the good
life being the ultimate goal of the process.
Assignment 7. Field Study
Name: Caro, Engelo John Gabriel V. Date Submitted: July 15, 2022
Course/Section: GED104/A3

Instruction: As a take-home task, inspect the packaging of a food item that

you regularly consume. Cut out the part of the packaging that shows the
nutritional label and paste it on the space below. What sugar, disguised in an
unfamiliar term, is found on the label? Research on the definition and effects
of the hidden sugar you found on the label.

Hidden Sugar on the Label
Also known as table sugar, is one of the most commonly used sugar in
commercial bread. This is because sucrose has a great balance between
sweetness and water absorbing properties that make it ideal for a vast
majority of foodstuffs.

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