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Pedagogic ai Activismy "= Pedagogic Paternalism Maria do Mar Castro Varela “Bdueational disadvantage cannot be cured by relying on education within the school.” —Ivan Illich, Deschooling Society times of increasing violence, in times of grow- poverty, in times where mass migration has be- e a metaphor for the failure of decolonization the political right is globally gaining ground, ‘question of education is more than pressing. The ion of education must scrutinize both content form and also those to whom it is addressed. is education understood to be in Europe now? is this linked to the European civilizing mis- ? How is knowledge produced? And who is in position of the knowledge producer? Each of questions directly indicates that education is within the realm of the political. To postu- this in neoliberal times is radical in so far as is actually encouraged to keep education and ities distinetly separate. As if one had nothing to with the other—or should not do so. However, position still—indeed more than ever—deter- whether a person is granted education and, ‘so, what kind of education. It is well known that Germany children from migrant families leave with lower average grades than children from -migrant families. Critical studies also show not. that racism hinders children of color from ac- fring knowledge and/or enjoying an education also how this happens. Not all people have the opportunities to participate in education, and quality of education clearly varies considerably. ‘well-equipped private or free schools may be le to some, children and young people from ian migrant families have to be satisfied the very worst state schools. In such a context, and social development is only possible .e who receive sufficient inspiration and sup- outside of school or whose resilience is unusu- strong, For proletarian migrant pupils, failure at [MARIA DO MAR CASTRO VARELA ~Bildungenachicile lassen sich nicht ‘abetelen, wenn man sich auf die -Erzichung in der Schule verse." ~Tvan Mich, Entachnlung der Geselischaft {In Zeiten zunchmendee Gewal in Zeiten wachsender Armut, in Zeiten, in denen. lucht zur Metapher einer gescheiterten Dekolonisicrung geraten ist und rech- te politische Gruppen weltweit immer ‘mehr an Territorium gewinnen, ist die Frage nach Bildung eine, die mehr als. kommen. In den Sehulen werden sod fir den globalen Kapitalismus notwes digen Arbeitekrifte reproduziert Widerstand gegen denselben méglich verhindert. Wie Althusser betont, ‘nur Brhaltung der Hogemonie ‘Ausnahmen ansgesprochen wiehtg wegen die ertikale Mobiltteiniger niger durchaus erwinscht ist. Das talistische Narrativ braucht le Belspil ‘vor :Tellerwiseher_in zum/aur Mil ‘onir_in” schaffen kann, Insbesonder ‘und an sie glauben, Mitfatalen Eifektes idagogische Interventionen sin smachtvoll und durchdrungen von ge ‘waltitgen Momenten. Die gut ge plldagogische Erklirung, die eigentlidl nichts weiter als cinen pidagogisehe ‘spaces—in order to also shake this powerful colonial cation in post-colonial times. ‘A supplementary education compensates for a anistic education which is aimed at only a priv eged minority while the majority is not reached. is concerned not with the replacement but with ‘transparent inscription of subordinate knowledge nto the prevailing landscape of knowledge. For is to succeed both the “teaching machine” and canon must be constantly called into question. se who appear socially predestined to assume positions of “knowing” and “ruling” must learn question their knowledge, while those who are atically distanced from education must have ss to an education which puts them in a posi- on to articulate themselves politically and contin- redefine themselves. For Spivak an education the humanities is of the greatest importance In this, she follows The Souls of Black Folk ‘WE.B. Du Bois (1903), who had thought deeply out what an education for freed slaves would to look like in order to give them a chance to recognition as citizens with equal rights. In his jinion, such an education would have to edueate extend their thinking in order to emancipate em effectively from the submission they had ed and the repression they had suffered. It is humanities in particular, according to Spivak, ch allow the imagination to unfold in such a way a different thinking is possible. Literature, for aple, Spivak argues, isin a position to take what oric by surprise and as a result to intervene course of things. It is bafflement of this kind is capable of transforming the hegemonic . If something new enters the spaces of the terror of racism, sexism, or classism, the of the everyday becomes possible. ‘Education is an “epistemological project” which, ‘to Spivak, can be described as an “uncoer- re-arrangement of desires.” [MARIA DO MAR CASTRO VARELA Paternalisrmus darstell,impliiertim- ser dio ,Platzzuweisung”. Pidagogische Ratschlige welsen den Lernenden die Position zu, den sie in ihrer nahen Z3- kunftbesetzen soln, denn die Pidago- sik interveniert auch und insbesondere in die Welt der Imaginationen. Welche ‘Zukinfte ertraume ich mir? Was kano, ‘ch bewirken in der Welt? Will ich Ma- nager_in werden oder die Welt veria- ‘dern? Die Welt der Imaginationen be- stimmt zu einem grofen Tei de eigene Handlungsmacht. Begeiren und nicht-dominante Zulkiinfte ‘Fir Spivak bleibt ein epstemischer Wandel an die Etablierung einer sup- plementierenden Bildung gebunden, die auf beiden Seiten der kolonialen GGrenzziehung stat¥inden muss. Anders als diejenigen, die glauben, dass nur Subalterne das Ziel eines Bildungsakt- vismus sein sollten, pliiert sie fir ein ‘Zusammendenken der unterschiedlichen ume, auch um die machtvolle kolonia- Je Grenzziclung in postkolonialen Zeiten sn Schwingung 2u versetzen ine supplementicrende Bildung Kompensiert eine humanistische Bil- dung, die sich nur an eine privilegieste ‘Minderhet richtet, wabrend die Meht~ hbeit von dieser nicht erreieht wird. Bs ‘geht ihr nicht um den Ersatz, sondern cher um ein transparentes Kinsehreiben, ‘von subalternem Wissen in die hegemo- nlale Wissenslandschaft. Damit das Ge- Tingen kann, miisen die teaching macht- ne und der Kanon bestindig hinterfragt ‘werden. Dicjenigen, die gesellschatich ‘dazu bestimmt scheinen, die Postionen der ,Wissenden" und -Herrschenden* ‘2 besetzen,miisen lernen, thr Wissen infrage zu stellen, wihrend dicjenigen, die systematiseh von Bildung fern ge- halten werden, Zugang.2u einer Bildung crhalten miissen, die sie in die Lage versetzt, sich politiseh zu artikulieren ‘und immer wieder neu 2u erfinden, Fir Spivak it cine gesteswissenschafliche Bildung dabei von héchster Bedeutung, Sic folgt hier deen aus W.E.B. Du Bois! Die Seelen der Sehvearsen (1903), der In this, desire is identified as being socially pro- duced. The processes of forming a society, the as- sumption goes, produce subjects with a specific desire: thus the notion that, for example, there is a natural desire to educate oneself can be exposed as an ideology which is determined by racist, sex- ist, and classist stereotypes, which claim that people are poor because they are “stupid” and “lazy” Viewed from a post-colonial perspective, educational pro- cesses and institutions play a central part in subject formation which stabilizes anthority. They produce the “bourgeois intelligence” of “imperial subjects” just like the “efficient bodies” of workers and ‘“subor- dinate subjects.” This is why the de-univeralization of imperial knowledge forms an important strategy in the process of decolonization. De-universalization means that knowledge which is claimed to be uni- versally valid is questioned and at the same time the power effects of universalization are made trans- parent. Here post-colonial studies make profitable use of the poststructuralist tactic of deconstruction which exposes the (social) text to intense scrutiny, thereby questioning the apparent harmlessness of knowledge as well as of knowledge production. As Spivak notes, the point is not to claim that there is no truth but instead to make transparent how truths are formed. ‘What's more, this also attacks the learned selec- tive amnesia as a result of which deconstruction ean also be described as the work of memory. Decon- struction is therefore, in Spivak’s words, a “re-read- ing.” Ignorance and forgetting emerge as the other side of knowledge. For this reason education must be outlined as an operation which sees learning and unlearning in connection with each other. While classical educational approaches see their task principally in terms of closing gaps in knowledge, a pedagogic activism—in entirely opposite fashion to pedagogic paternalism—particularly addresses ignorance produced through education—a lack of MARIA DO MAR CASTRO VARELA sich extensive Gedanken darber g ‘macht hat, we eine Bildung, fir bef ‘Sklavinnen ausschen misste, die ds «eine Chance geben wiirde als gleich rechtige BirgerInnen Anerkennung: finden, Eine solche Bildung misste ‘ner Meinung nach ihr Denken ausbid ‘und erveitern, um sic so effeltv ans cerlernten Unterwerfung und elitr Unterdrickng au emanzipieren. Es 50 Spivak, die die Imagination de ausfichern, dass ein Denken des An ‘ren mélich sind. Die Literatur etwa, Siva, st in der Lage, das Historische: ‘iberraschen und in Konsequenz in d ‘Lauf der Dinge zu intervenieren. Es diese Verblitfangen, de die Strukturtransformieren kénnen, etwas Neues die Ritume des allt ‘Terrors von Rassismus, Sexismus of lassismusbetit, wird die Revol des Alltags miglich. Bildung ist cin epistemelogisch Proje welche, Spivak fled ale sit bestimmtem Begebren hervor: kann erwa die Vorstellung, es gebe e natiriches Begehren sich zu bilden, deologieentlarst werden, die won tischen, sexistisehen und klasistish Stereotypen bestimmt wird, nach ‘Mensclen arm sin, weil ie damn" faut sind. Von einer postholonialen. spektive aus betrachte, sind Bildu prosesse und ~institutionen sentra ormicrung beteiligt. Sie produzicren irgertiche Ineligens” der imperial Subjekte® wie auch die ffizienten Bev er Arheterinnen nd ta dass Wissen, von dem behaupret wit cs sel universal gig, hinterfragt und gleichzeitig die Machteffekte ledge which is socially rewarded (“sanctioned ce”). Apedagogic activism will therefore always ques- the universality of knowledge and the harm- of educational processes in theory and in etice. Changing structures is just as important n the perspective of post-colonialism as the ex- ination of the knowledge which is passed on. If ‘margins step into the center of the “teaching chine? if those who are already stigmatized as noved from learning” when they enter the edu- institution express contradictions and the demic canon is confounded by deconstructive then a positive questioning of (human- ) education can be felt, as Spivak describes in tside in the Teaching Machine. Ifthe aim is to de- onialize thinking then the mind must constantly shaken. Every situation is unique and calls for Jal tactics for which knowledge must be made ble. Spivak describes education in subordinate spac- .as unendingly weaving invisible threads into an. existing texture. The pattern which results m this cannot be determined in advance and the are simultaneously workers and the mate~ to be worked. The consequences of historical ence are tentatively and cautiously overwritten egy of taking away from them the authority of their marginality, the centrality of their marginality, through the strategy of careful teaching, so that they come to prove that that authority will not take them very far because the world is a large place.” —Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Outside in the Teaching Machine MARIA DO MAR CASTRO VARELA Universalisierang transparent gemacht ‘werden. Postkoloniale Studien nutzen bier gewinnbringend die poststruktu- ralistische Taktik der Dekonstruktion, dic den (sorialen) Text einer intensiven, Hiinterfragung aussetzt und damit die scheinbare Harmlosigheit von Wissen ‘wie auch von Wissensproduktion in Frage stellt. Wie Spivak anmerkt, geht cs dabei nicht darum, 2a behaupten, es sgebe keine Wahrheit, sondern stattdes- sen darum, transparent u machen, wie ‘Wahrheltengoformt werden. Angegriffen wied tberdies die elern- te slektive Amnesie, weswegen Dekon- struktion auch als Erinnerungsarbeit be schricben werden kann. Dekonstruktion ist in Spivaks Worten also cin Wieder sen” (re-reading). Ignoranz und Verges- sen erveisen sich dabel als die andere Seite von Wissen. Daher muss Bildung als ein Vorgang skiaziert werden, der ‘Lemen tnd Verlemen in einem Zasam- ‘menhang sieht. Wirend Klasssche Bil

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