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Describe someone you know well

I. Appearance (height and build) hair What does he /she look like?
to be of medium-height
to go bald fast
striking feature – that you cannot help noticing, has an unusual and attractive face

II. Character What is he/she like?

 considerate: always thinks about other people and their needs
 warm: sy who shows positive feelings to others and makes other people feel good
 reliable: you can rely on, sy who keeps their promises, be there for you when you need them
 honest, straightforward: say what they think, but not in a rude way, they are honest, easy to understand and
easy to spend time with
 funny, have a good sense of humour: sy who can make others laugh
 fun to be around, entertaining: people enjoy spending time with them
 cheerful, positive, optimistic be in a good mood, smile

Note: Always give an explanation or reason! Add details and examples! Add adverbs: a little, rather, really, fairly …

 unkind, inconsiderate
 dishonest, unreliable, insincere
 selfish, self-centered, self-obsessed – they only think about themselves, don’t care about others
 moody, grumpy unhappy and negative
 humourless, dull

… can be a little ….

Sometimes I feel that …

III. Talking about your relationship
We’ve known each other …. (for about 5 years /almost our whole lives)
We (actually) met …. (at university / when we were babies, before we could even walk / at a mutual friend’s party )
We get on …. well because … (we have a similar sense of humour / we have a lot in common, we like the same films,
the same music, etc.)
We get on …. (quite well most of the time) although we argue sometimes, too.
We get on all right but we aren’t close. We are just very different people and we don’t seem to have too much to talk
We get on well because we have a similar attitude to life and we always have lots to talk about.

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