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Political and Governmental System in South Korea

Arranged By:

Aprilia Mutiara(412020518015)

R.A Sheilah Dyah H.A(412020518077)






Chapter I

A. Beckground

The estabilishment of a state must have the the elements that from it, namely the
territory,the people, a sovereign government and recognition from other countries. One of
the main elements is a sovereign government. A government must have system,both in
the form of its formation and its omplementation. The system of government can be
interpreted as a study that focuses on the relationship between country with is
people.based on this, the government system can be divided into monarchy,aristrocratic
government, and democratic governance.1
South Korea is a republic which is divided into 3 systems of government, one of
which is the executive which is held by the president with a term of 5 years and Is
assisted by the prime minister who is appointed directly by the president with the
approval of the National Assembly. The president plays a role in the head of state and has
very important role in the country. The president has full power to give direction to the
Cabinet and other advisory bodies, as well as the executive branch, as well as the
executive branch. The president is the main government.
South Korea has the official international name Republic of Korea. This country
has a real name in Hangul (Daehan Minguk). South Korea is a country located in Asia
East which covers the southern part of th Korean peninsula.
Long ago before 1945 South Korea and North Korea were one country. After the
end of world war II which was accompanied by after the surrender of japan to the allies,
Korea was divided into Two namely South and North Korea. Where does South Korea
adhere to democracy liberal, while North Korea adheres to communism.2
The purpose of the government system is to maintain the stability of society to
maintain the behavior of the majority and minorities, to maintain the foundation of
government, the maintain political, defense, economic and security forces, so that it
becomes a continuous and democratic system of government where the community
should be able to take part in development of the government system. In the history of its
development, system South Korean government adheres to presidential system , where is
President is the head of state while the prime minister is the head of state while the prime
minister is the head government.
The presidential system is where the head of state and the head of government is
the President. In this system the instituition the executive and the legislature have their
respective posistions, the president and the government should not be troublesome and
Pamudji, Government Comparison, (Jakarta:Bina Aksara, 1995), p.3
Boer Mauna, International Law Definition of Roles and Functions in the Era of Global Dynamics,
(Bandung: Alumni, 2011), p.34This country directly adjacent to North Korea

not accountable to parliament. In presidential there is known state supreme
this system the president and the vice president is elected by the people for a certain term
of office in accordance with the constitution. In carrying out his duties, the president is
assisted by ministers who are appointed and report directly to the president. 3

1. How the Political system of South Korea

2. How is the implementation of the Government Presidential instituition in the
Republic of South Korea?

B. Research purposes

1. From this paper, the author wants to discuss the South Korean political system.
Which previously had not been widely known and in order to increase knowledge of
how politics exist in South Korea itself.
2. From this paper, we will discuss the government system in South Korea, as we know
South Korean politics is in the form of a presidential representative democratic
republic, so this discussion will explain in detail how the government system in South

C. Benefits of research

In this study is expected to provide the development of a theoretical study of the

political system and government in South Korea.
Can provide educational knowledge and is expected to be a scientific contribution
to International Relations as an insight, which is included in the study of the Asia Pacific
region itself.
And this research can be useful for those who need information about the political
system and government in South Korea.

Thamrin and Nur Habibi Ihya, Constitutional Law, (Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah UIN Research
Institute, 2010), p.79

Chapter II
A. Political System In South Korea

In this explanation, the author will explain about the political system in South
Korea. Republic of Korea politics or what is known by another name for South Korean
politics is in the form of a democratic republic, which has a presidential representative,
the president in South Korea is the one who leads everything, namely as head of state and
president can adopt a multi-party system.
South Korea system of government is a constitutional republic with a strong
presidential system. South Korea law combines elements of continental European civil
law Anglo-American law and classical Chinese thought. The president besides being the
head of the military command. The president also has executive power and can appoint
the prime minister with parlement approval. (Korea, 2015)
South Korea has a pluralistic, democratic and presidential system, the president is
elected by popular vote (election) every five years, for one term only. The president
appoints the prime minister and has the right to relieve him of his duties. The president in
South Korea acts as head of state. And the prime minister acts as head government. The
legislative body is held by a representative council which serves for 4 years. South korea
has several political parties, including the following: Saenuri Party (NFP), Democratic
Party, Progressive Freedom Party, Liberal Democrats Party, Korea Renewal Party.

B. The implementation of the Government Presidential instituition in the Republic of

South Korea

The president is holder executive power on the system presidential government

and mechanisms control is carried out by representative institutions people,thre are
democratic and legal mechanisms for impeachment is a legal process through court and
prosess political accountability before people or people’s representative institutions or
with a combinations of the two (Hamdan Zoelva,2011:p.15) .
South Korea adheres to the system mixed presidential government where in the
Presidential system President as power holder executive holds power as heads of state
and heads of government, theoretically the position of the president in presidential system
of government stronger than the prime minister in the government system parliamentary,
its is natural because the system the presidency is mean for gave birth to a government
that relatively stable over a period of time (fixedterm office period) is different from
presidential system of government mix where in the system there is a mix between
systems presidential governmnet and parliamentary (Hamdan Zoelva,2011:p.30)

Presidential mix and parliamentary, that’s because ist’s good Neiither the
president nor the prime minister fully responsible forparliament but parliament only can
file an impeachment motion president or prime minister and impeachment verdict is the
authority the president’s constitutional court direcly elected by the people for a period of
the time five-year term is head of the state and the highest responsible assisted state
executive power by the prime minister and the counsel of state parliamentary featurs of
the government system South Korea looks at approval parliament for prime appointment
ministers and parliamentary recommendations (national assembly) for dismissal President
and prine minister, both president and prime minister only can be terminated by
mechanism the indictment in the form of a motion from parliament and the impeachment
verdict is carried out Constitutional Court (Mohd Burhantsani,1990:p.55)

Chapter III
Summary and Closing

The conclusion of this discussion is that South Korea is a Republic in the form of
a country. And this republic is divided into 3 systems of government, namely the
executive which is held by the prime minister and the prime minister is directly appointed
by the president. The president in South Korea is very important, and the main organizer
in this country. And the president in South Korea has full power to provide direction to
his subordinates or the cabinet and other advisory bodies, as well as the executive branch.
From the discussion on this paper, the author aims to thoroughly discuss the
political system and government in South Korea. We hope this paper useful for readers
and can add new insights about the political system and government in South Korea.
Hopefully from here, the author can make it better than this paper assignment and can be
a lesson in the future regarding this task, thank you so much from us.


Maulana,Boer , Intenasional Law Definition Of Roles ans Functions in the Era of Global
Dynamics,(Bandung:Alumni,2011),p.34 This Country Directly Adjacent To
North Korea

Pamuji, Government Comprarison,(Jakarta:Bima Aksara, 1995),p.3

Thamrin and Ihya,Nur Habibi, Constitutional Law,( Jakarta: Syarif Hidayatullah UIN
Research Institute,22010),p.70

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