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Course : DITU2343/62
Year : 2(2021/2022)
Training Period : 10 WEEKS ( 18th JULY 2022 - 23rd SEPTEMBER 2022)


Period of Training:
18th/07/2022 – 23rd/09/2022

Submitted By:

This Technical Report for Industrial Training is submitted to

Faculty of Information and Communications Technology,
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
In partial fulfilment for Diploma of Information and Communications

Faculty of Information and Communications Technology

Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Industrial Training corresponds to career development that is important for future

employment as the completion of the degree program's course. Many people remain

sceptical of the existence of industrial training, claiming that it is no longer relevant to

the learning process learned by university students.

As a result, this report will show how the statement is completely incorrect. Concepts

and theories learned at university are still relevant, as evidenced by the elaboration of

learning outcomes such as how concepts and theories learned in university are applied

in the workplace, how systems, techniques, and innovation learned in the workplace

can be related to the field of study, and how this industrial training specifically has

improved the basic interpersonal skills and knowledge required by industry.

Benefits of industrial training and recommendations are also discussed at the end of

this report to emphasise the importance of this industrial training programme and to

improve it for future purposes.


This report details the work completed while interning at Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn

Bhd in Kelantan, Malaysia, under the supervision of Mrs. Farizan Binti Jafar. The

report should begin with an overview of the tasks completed during the internship

period, complete with technical details.

The report must also elaborate on future works that can be justified as an advancement

of the current work.

I did my best to keep the report simple while remaining technically correct. I'm hoping

my attempt is successful.

Nur Fatihah Binti Zuazni.


Industrial training is one of the necessary requirements that UTeM students must fulfil. Each

UTeM technical student must complete a 10-week industrial training programme. This

industrial training was conducted to expose students to real-world work experiences and

broaden their perspectives on their respective fields. Aside from that, this industrial training

requires students to put what they have learned in their UTeM courses into practise.

The report summarises all of the work completed during the Industrial Training. This report

contains industry training information beginning with the organization's information, technical

reports, to record works performed during their training period and their summary, as well as

some comments and suggestions for future improvement. Finally, this report will be presented

to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for evaluation, and UTeM will use it to learn

more about the students' work during the training period.

This training gives good experience to students in the field of web development and

administration . Finally, trainees get the opportunity to learn more about promotion and


First and foremost, I express my gratitude and praise to God for his guidance and blessing

throughout my entire industrial training, as a result of which I was able to complete this report

that was assigned to me in order to fulfil a condition for being awarded a Diploma in

Information and Communications Technology by Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka.

Special thanks to Manager Department, Manager of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd, Mr.

Azhan Bin Ariffin for giving me the opportunity to do my industrial training in his company. I

would like to express my gratitude to my industrial supervisor, Mrs. Farizan Binti Jafar as the

Supervisor of Training Department for her support, and continuous guidance throughout my

industrial training. I have gained so much knowledge and experience. I am very honoured and

happy on the explanation, teaching and knowledge that I have gained as an intern.

Aside from that, I'd like to thank the management and staff of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd,

particularly the operators and technicians, for sharing their knowledge, experience, and training

me to this level, as well as for their sincere cooperation, support, and valuable advice. During

the ten weeks of industrial training in this company, this provided me with an entirely new


Aside from that, I'd like to thank the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) Industrial

Training Unit for assisting me with the necessary paperwork and formalities in order for me to

successfully complete my training. I'd also like to thank the lecturers for their help in providing
exposure to the training term, preparations, and guidance on how to complete the final report.

Ts. Dr Norharyati Binti Harum is responsible for the marking of my industrial training. Also,

my colleagues in this company department who are in the same trainee session as me helped

me with attachments tasks and projects. I'd like to thank them for all of their assistance, support,

interest, and helpful advice.

Finally, I'd like to thank my family and colleagues for their comforting support. I'd also like to

express my heartfelt appreciation to my friends who discussed and even shared their ideas and

opinions, which were outstanding and helpful. I will never forget all of your assistance and

advice, which I will fully implement in any suitable assignments. I would like to thank everyone

who has contributed to the success of my industrial programme by providing support, advice,

and assistance. Thank you incredibly much.


NON-CONFIDENTIAL DECLARATION BY INDUSTRY .......................................... i

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................
PREFACE ...............................................................................................................................
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES ...............................................................................................................
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS...............................................................................................


1.1 Introduction.................................................................................

1.2 Duration and Place of Training ...............................................

1.3 Objective of Industrial Training .............................................

1.4 Scope of Industrial Training.....................................................

1.4.1 Documentation ...........................................................

1.4.2 Multimedia ..................................................................

1.4.3 Support ........................................................................

1.4.4 Programming..............................................................

1.5 Benefits to the student ...............................................................

1.6 Task Timeline (Gantt Chart) ....................................................


2.1 Introduction of Organization ..................................................

2.2 Organization Background.........................................................

2.2.1 Mission........................................................................

2.2.2 Vision ..........................................................................

2.2.3 Objective company ...................................................

2.2.4 Working Hours .........................................................

2.3 Business Orientation .................................................................

2.4 Organizational Chart ................................................................

2.5 Function of Department ............................................................


3.1 Introduction Training ................................................................

3.2 Technical 1 ...................................................................................

3.2.1 Task Specification .......................................................
3.2.2 Implementation and Solution Method..................... Photoshop Software .....................................
3.2.3 Knowledge and Skill Gain .........................................
3.3 Technical 2 ...................................................................................
3.3.1 Task Specification .......................................................
3.3.2 Implementation and Solution Method.....................
3.3.3 Knowledge and Skill Gain .........................................
3.3 Non-technical ..............................................................................

4.1 Problem Statement .....................................................................

4.2 Task Specification .......................................................................

4.3 Implementation and Solution Method .....................................

4.3.1 Develop Ekronik Website ............................................... Design ..................................................................... Develop ...................................................................

4.4 Result of Task/Project ................................................................

4.5 Advantage, Disadvantage and ...................................................

Suggestion for Task Improvement

4.6 Knowledge and Skills Gain ..........................................................


5.1 Contribution Towards Organization .....................................

5.2 Conclusion ..................................................................................



A: Items Checklist Verification

B: System Documentation

C: User Manual

D: Others

Table 1 – System Configuration ............................................................................................

Table 2 – Operating schedule of KIGSB ...............................................................................

Table 3 – Department Functionality and Description ............................................................



1.1 Location of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd

1.2 Task Timeline

2.1 Company of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd

2.2 KIGSB Organization Chart

3.1 Adobe photoshop loading

3.2 Adobe photoshop interface

3.3 Design text banner

3.4 List product under KALA Shop

3.5 Office telephone

3.6 Photostat machine

3.7 File storage room

4.1 XAMPP downloading

4.2 phpMyAdmin localhost

5.1 Website system

5.2 Working space

5.3 Jelajah Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia 2022

5.4 Majlis pelancaran Go-Digital

5.5 Kala Shop seller list

5.6 Industrial Training Feedback form


UTeM Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

Sdn. Bhd. Sendirian Berhad

IT Information Technology

Kpay KelantanPay

ICT Information Communication Technology

KIGSB Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd

PKINK Perbadanan Kemajuan Iktisad Negeri Kelantan

SEDC Kelantan State Economic Development Corporation



1.1 Introduction

Industrial training is a significant component of university extracurricular learning. Before

receiving a diploma from any institute of higher education, students must complete

Industrial Training. Students will be placed in government agencies or the private sector

for a period of 10 weeks to expose them to a real work environment.

Students are given the opportunity to apply all of the knowledge and theories that they

have learned throughout their university studies. Students can also be exposed to ways to

communicate effectively, expanding relationships between workplace partners and the

people around them, fostering teamwork and good relations with industrial workers, all of

which can result in a sense of responsibility to a trust (work) and balance, as well as from

all angles.

Students are also given the opportunity to learn new things from the industry that are not

taught in universities.
1.2 Duration and Place of Training

The UTeM Industrial Training Program is a 10-week industrial training programme that must

be completed between 18 July 2022 and 23 September 2022. Furthermore, UTeM allows

students to select which company best meets their needs and expectations. For the main

requirement, the organisation must be an IT-based company, or if it is not, the company must

have at least an IT role or an IT Department.

As for me, I chose Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd as my internship placement for the entire

10-weeks. The intern is required to work every Sunday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5.00

p.m. The company's location are as follows:

Figure 1.1 Location of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd

1.3 Objective of Industrial Training

The goal of industrial training is to provide students with hands-on experience in the real

world of business. The main industry here is IT, which has gradually developed in

response to the new era and latest technology around the world, as well as in response to

customer requirements and amendments that change dynamically.

Besides, the goal of industrial training is also to prepare students for future employment

who choose discipline on the job. Industrial Training enhances academic materials studied

at universities by allowing students to practice what they are learning and develop key

professional attributes.

Industrial training should provide students with the opportunity to be more disciplined in

working in professional technical organisations, developing an understanding of business

functions and organisations, interacting with the group with other professionals and non-

professionals, using technical methods such as design and problem solving, developing

technical skills, interpersonal and verbal communication both written and well.

Industrial training also assists students in connecting the theories learned in the classroom

to the workplace. Other than learning the theories found in lecture rooms, industry

training allows students to observe, understand, and participate in actual work. Instead, it

allows students to put their knowledge and judgement to the test by carrying out their

responsibilities. Furthermore, cooperation and communication skills with other employees

in the department are essential for establishing a good relationship that benefits the

company's image. Students can also build trust, responsibility, and self-confidence during
this exercise because it is the best platform for students to train themselves in the field of

work later.

Furthermore, it can introduce students to the department's organisational structure or firm

of industrial training grounds and recognise the role of the position in the organisation. In

another light, students will gain knowledge indirectly and then apply it in real life.

Knowledge and experience are required to develop the interpersonal skills required to

train students to write a complete and organised technical report as a reference and

preparation for future work.

The objective of Industrial Training Programmed are:

- To present students with a practical job environment, common practices,

employment opportunities and work ethics in the related field.

- To develop the understanding of the application of concepts and theories learnt to

the workplace.

- To improve the skills and experience of students in a particular profession in their

chosen fields.

- To establish the mutual understanding and good cooperation amongst students and

employees as well as understanding the work culture and challenges at the


- To provide the student an opportunity for professional, practical teaching by

experts in the field of practice of the student.

- To reinforce strong values of honesty, transparency and self-confidence as well as

improving basic interpersonal skills and knowledge.

1.4 Scope of Industrial Training

Students at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) must complete industrial

training as part of their studies before graduating. Students have the option of completing

industrial training in any workplace, whether private or public. Depending on the course

being studied, the scope of industrial training varies by faculty. However, the company

reserves the right to modify the scope of the appropriate training in accordance with the

faculty's determination of the scope of industrial activity.

The scope of industrial training includes involvement in website management, which

improves administrative skills and knowledge of paperwork. Students can also use their

knowledge to develop and improve the system's efficiency. Students can improve their

knowledge and experience in a real-world work environment during 10 weeks of

industrial training.

1.4.1 Documentation

The following is a list of documents completed during Industrial Training at the

Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd.

• Information of project ( EKronik )

• List of Dun’s

• Designing website interface

• Structure project information

1.4.2 Multimedia

The following is a list of multimedia projects completed during Industrial Training;

the majority of the designs were created using Adobe Photoshop and Canva software.

• Design banner

• Design banner text and etc.

1.4.3 Support

The following is a list of the support tasks performed during Industrial Training:

System Configuration Specifications

Hardware Laptop: Lenovo

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU

@ 1.60GHz 1.80 GHz

System Type: 64-bit operating system, x64-

based processor

Software XAMPP

MySQL (Database)

Visual Studio IDE , Visual code

Table 1: System Configuration

1.4.4 Programming

The following is a list of programming tasks that are performed during Industrial


• Php in developing website

• MySQL to connect page with database

• Design some interface website using

1.5 Benefits to Student

Industrial training has provided me with the greatest number of advantages available.

During the 10-week industrial training at KIGSB, I learned a lot of new things. Because the

methods used are so different, I believe the benefits I learned are unlikely to be learned in

a classroom setting. Classroom learning emphasises conceptual and theoretical

understanding, whereas industrial training emphasises application and practical concepts.

However, this does not negate the importance of theoretical and conceptual learning; rather,

the learning and knowledge gained during practical training will allow students to relate the

concepts, theories, and concepts. The application of learned assumptions to practical

training. Furthermore, this exercise will make students aware that the concepts, theories,

and assumptions they learned in class are still important and relevant in this digital age.

Moreover, by participating in the industrial training programme, students will be able to

adjust to the real world of work. This is critical in providing students with knowledge,

experience, and an overview of how administration is carried out in the real world of work.

This practise also helps students avoid 'culture shock' when they enter the real world of
work later on. As a result, this industrial training programme is critical in providing full

benefits to students.

Furthermore, industrial training will indirectly hone a student's basic interpersonal skills.

Students must be able to communicate with their colleagues in order to complete their

industrial training. As a result, their communication skills will improve because they will

need to communicate not only with their employees and supervisors, but also with

external parties in order to complete a project. This will then encourage students to work

professionally. Furthermore, students will learn how to be a trustworthy employee with

high integrity in the workplace.

1.6 Task Timeline (Gantt Chart)



2.1 Introduction of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd

This chapter focuses on the introduction of the organisation and department that was assigned

during practical training at the company Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd. This chapter also

includes information about the company's history, departments, and the experience and

knowledge gained during industrial training.

2.2 Organization Background

Figure 2.1 Company of Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd

Address : Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd,

L3.07, Pusat Transformasi Bandar (UTC), Lot 378 Seksyen 16, Jalan

Hamzah, 15050 Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Email :

Telephone : 09- 741 4370

Facsimile : 09- 741 4372

On July 25, 2011, the Kelantan State Government through the Kelantan State Economic

Development Corporation registered KIGSB with the Companies Commission of Malaysia

(SSM) under the Companies Act 1965, with the company's equity fully owned (100%) by the

Kelantan State Government (PKINK). The KIGSB went into full operation on 1 Muharram

1437H, or October 14, 2015.

The Kelantan State Government has appointed Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd as a One Stop

Agency (OSA) and Strategic Partner of the State Government for the development of the

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, which plays a role and is

responsible in planning, coordinating, and monitoring all ICT and digital Kelantan State

programmes, projects, and development initiatives.

2.2.1 Mission

To strengthen and strengthen the development of ICT and digital which is capable of

making Kelantan a digital country in line with Islamic principles for the prosperity of

the people.

2.2.2 Vision

To being the leader in ICT and digital in Kelantan and competitive at the national


2.2.3 Objective Company

I. As a One Stop Agency (OSA) and Strategic Partner of the State Government

in ICT Development in the State of Kelantan

II. Implement the State ICT Roadmap under the Information Technology

Management Division (BPTM), Kelantan State Government Secretary's Office

III. Escalate ICT-related issues to the relevant state government or central

government agencies
IV. Provide consultation services to departments/agencies of the Kelantan State

Government related to the planning and implementation of ICT projects

V. Promoting and attracting ICT-related investment to the State of Kelantan

VI. Promote ICT-related products and services to the State of Kelantan

2.2.4 Working Hours

Of table is a below:



8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Sunday - Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. (Lunch Hour) 8 Hour 45
2:00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Friday to Saturday Weekend Holiday

Table 2 : Operating schedule of KIGSB

2.3 Business Orientation

This subtopic will specifically cover KIGSB activities in enhancing the state economy.

KIGSB mainly focuses into three parts which are Business Service Centre, Entrepreneur

Service Centre, and Economic-related Programs.

Because of my time with my host company, KIGSB, I've learned that KIGSB is a marketing-

oriented company that does a lot of marketing through ads and brand placement. During my

10-week training, I was indirectly working with the marketing department for data entry

work, and my Head of Department, Mr. Azhan Ariffin, would occasionally press on

marketing our department's own brands, KelantanPay and

2.3.1 Company Business Activities

Among the company's core business activities are:-

i. Planning, development and monitoring of the Kelantan ICT industry

• Conduct security integrity auditing activities of towers and telecommunication

transmitter system structures and related tower structures throughout the State

of Kelantan

• Smart City development through the provision of a conducive digital ecosystem

• Realizing a Mini Silicon Valley that includes Cyber City & Digital Entrepreneur

Township, Kelantan Technology Park – Kelantan Science & Technology Center

and Innovation Hub

• Monitor the rate of internet penetration, the provision of broadband

infrastructure facilities and telecommunications network facilities in Kelantan

ii. Provision of ICT Consulting & Training Services To Government And

Private Agencies

• IT literacy program training and computer classes for parliaments throughout

• Digital Entrepreneurship / E-Commerce Seminar And Training for youth who

are interested in business, especially online business

iii. ICT Products and Services

• Electronic Payment Application System (E-Payment) that is KelantanPay

• KALAShop e-commerce platform for Kelantan bumiputra entrepreneurs to

market and sell products online

• Digital Advertising, Multimedia development and graphic design

• Business matching between Kelantan ICT entrepreneurs and external parties

• Implement initiatives to patent products produced by the people of Kelantan that

are identified through innovation competitions or other approaches

iv. Promoting And Attracting ICT Related Investments To The State Of


• Collaborating with various parties for the purpose of attracting investors to

invest and carry out ICT operations

• Implement ICT-related investment promotion programs such as obtaining MSC

Status, Innovation Hub, Co-Working Space and others

• Collaborating with various parties for the purpose of improving ICT-related

infrastructure facilities

In addition to carrying out its role as a One Stop Agency (OSA) and State ICT

Development Strategic Partner, KIGSB also provides ICT-related services to various

companies and agencies, as below:

• "Kelantan Digital Initiative" Project Management Consultant

• Management Consultant for the "Multipurpose Billboard" project

• Licensed Antivirus Supplies

• Development and Maintenance of Websites and Systems

• Computer and Server Operation

• Supply of Licensed Hardware and Software

• Advertising and Multimedia Design

• Billboard Rental Management

• Event management (Carnival, Expo, Seminar and others)

• Support services to Smart City/Building/Home

KIGSB believe the effective use of ICT applications is one of the most important

factors to drive the economy and development in the future by providing integrated

solutions that will directly benefit the people and the country.

2.4 Organization Chart

I was assigned to Information Technology Department lead by Azhan Ariffin as a

Chief Technological Officer and its Head of Department in which the department consists of a

total of 8 employees. IT Department was established for the purpose to ensure that the KIGSB

technical support flow smoothly.

IT Department is where I learn and share all of my knowledge and wisdom. IT Department

has existed since 2011 or so, with only two IT support personnel, not including IT
infrastructure. Beginning in 2020, the IT Department will grow by adding a new team, the

development team. KelantanPay development team is in charge of all development and

production and until recently added EKronik, a hospital management system.

Figure 2.2 KIGSB Organization Chart

2.5 Function of Department

The KIGSB IT department primarily supports technical issues such as laptop or computer

problems and cloud printer setup. However, with the addition of a development team, the IT

department is also working on the main project KelantanPay, a payment gateway system, as

well as EKronik, a hospital management system for all government hospitals. In addition to

KelantanPay, the IT department works on bill settlement for every bill purchase made with

This section will briefly describe the function of the IT Department in the Kelantan ICT

Gateway Sdn Bhd, as it is the primary location for students to serve during their internship

period. During my industrial training, I worked as a trainee for System Development on the

project hospital system of EKronik. The following is a summary of the project department's


Experts Projects Determine strategic alternatives and build complex programmes

from integrated projects. Proper planning and control are required

for support management.

Contributors and Assuring that the project is up and running, implementing operating

Expertise project updates based on head decision, hardware monitoring, and


The software design and development workflow include tasks such

as project coding, modification, debugging, testing, and


Table 3: Department Functionality and Description



3.1 Introduction Training

This chapter summarises the weekly work progress activities that occurred during the 10-week

industrial training period. The activities recorded in the weekly online logbook will be

explained in greater detail in this chapter. I was assigned to perform various tasks on a daily

basis during my 10-week industrial training at Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd Company. The

KIGSB is divided into several parts, including training and IT service. During my industrial

training, I was assigned to develop a website and monitor the company's business website as an

3.2 TECHNICAL 1: Design a simple banner

3.2.1 Task Specification

For this internship, we must have our own laptop and Adobe software so that the

supervisor can easily assign us any tasks that related with designing . For the

first week of my internship, my supervisor assigned me the task of creating and

designing a simple text banner. Before start create the banner, I had study about

what is banner. A banner is a long piece of cloth or a flag with a slogan, logo,

symbol, advertisement, or other type of message printed on it. They are used in

advertising, demonstrations, public events, and protests.

3.2.2 Implementation and Solution Method

I was assigned to create a simple text banner at the start of the task. First and

foremost, I was given the task of downloading and installing Adobe software on

my workstation. Since I formatted my laptop during the early semester, I need

to redownload the graphic software once again. My supervisor assigned that I

need to download Adobe Photoshop as the primary software for designing the

text banner. Adobe Photoshop Software

Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor for Windows and

macOS developed and published by Adobe Inc. It was founded

in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, the software has

become the industry standard not only for raster graphics editing,

but also for digital art in general. Although Adobe discourages

such use, the software's name is frequently used as a verb (e.g.,

"to photoshop an image", "photoshopping", and "photoshop


Figure 3.1 : Adobe Photoshop loading

Figure 3.2: Adobe photoshop interface

By using Adobe Photoshop , it’s allowing us to create and edit raster

images with multiple layers, as well as import images in a variety of

file formats.
Figure 3.3: Design text banner

3.2.3 Knowledge and Skill Gain

One of the most important things that I can gain from doing this task is newfound

knowledge. This can include knowing how to complete tasks related to my

desired career path and honing existing skills.

From doing this task, I can learn how to create a simple text banner. Moreover,

I can gain my knowledge on Adobe photoshop software. By doing this task, I

know how to edit raster images with multiple layers, as well as import images

in a variety of file formats.

While completing the assigned task, I am also able to improve my

communication skills and computer software skills . It is because, during each

step of the designing process, I interact with numerous staff and officers from

various departments. So, it is critical to have good communication skills,

whether verbal or nonverbal, to ensure that the process runs smoothly. Also, I

have improved my designing skills by using Adobe Photoshop Software.

3.3 TECHNICAL 2: Check and update entrepreneurs under KALA Shop

3.3.1 Task Specification

KALA Shop is an online marketplace for Kelantan entrepreneurs. KALA Shop

stands for Kelantan Authentic Lifestyle and Arts. KALA is a trademark for

promotional and entrepreneurship programmes managed by PKINK (SEDC).

Traditional Kelantan foods are among the items available at KALA Shop. I am

responsible for checking and updating the entrepreneurs under KALA Shop on

a regular basis.

3.3.2 Implementation and Solution Method

For this task, I divided the solution into two methods of how I implemented this

task. To facilitate system monitoring, this method follows the order of what

needs to be done first.

1. Always check and update Kelantan entrepreneurs under KALA Shop

Figure 3.4 : List product under KALA Shop

2. Contact and answer call from KALA Shop sellers.

Figure 3.5 : Office telephone

Welcome KALA Shop sellers to your business with friendly and branded greetings.

Greet them by telling "I am a representative from KIGSB. Ask the seller when they

can meet with our executive to discuss about their shop on the website .Set date and

make an appointment with the seller.

The goal of this task is to ensure that KALA Shop entrepreneurs are not left out and

are easy to contact.

3.3.3 Knowledge and Skill Gain

This task will teach me how to manage a website as an administrator.

Besides, while completing the assigned task, I can improve my

communication skills. It's because at every stage of the update process, I

interact with a large number of staff and officers from various departments.

As a result, good communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, are

critical to ensuring the process runs smoothly. Furthermore, I have improved

my management and administration abilities. In addition, my

communication skills with officers, coworkers, customers, and surveyors

have improved.
3.4 Non-technical

Non-technical task or indirect clerical work such as, taking files in the file storage room,

photocopying, printing, binding and compiling letters, sending letters to other departments,

management of KIGSB and entrepreneurs under PKINK are also done during the training. The

following procedure is being performed:

1. Photocopying letter and sending letter

Figure 3.6 Photostat machine

I was also assigned to photocopying the letter to be sent to the management of KIGSB and

KALA entrepreneurs.
2. Taking file in the file storage room

Figure 3.7 File storage room

I was also assigned to retrieve files in the file room. I also need to ensure that the completed

files are officially closed and returned to the File Room.



This chapter will go over of the project that the student was involved in during her industrial

training. Keeping in mind the organization's strict rules and deadlines, the detail elaboration

will be written based on the following contents. Each project's description and problem

statement will be explained, followed by the task specifications. There will be details of the

problem statement, task specification, implementation and solution method, task results,

advantage and disadvantage, and suggestions for task improvement, as well as knowledge and

skill gain that student get from the project.

4.1 Problem Statement

Because the hospital is associated with ordinary people's lives and daily routines, I decided to

work on this project. Manually handling the record takes time and is prone to error. The goal

of this project is to automate or make online the process of day-to-day activities such as

admission of new patients, discharge of patients, assigning a doctor, and finally booking an

appointment, among others. I did my best to make the complicated process of Ekronik System

as simple as possible by using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. I

attempted to design the software in such a way that users would have no difficulty using it and

that further expansion would be possible with minimal effort. Despite the fact that I cannot

claim that this work is exhaustive, the main goal of this project is to perform each EKronik

activity computerised rather than manually, which is time consuming. I am confident that this

system can be easily used by non-programming individuals while avoiding the possibility of

human error.

4.2 Task Specification

My industrial training began on July 18th and will end on September 23rd, 2022. As a trainee

at KIGSB, I was expected to work during office hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. But, on occasion,

I began working a little early and usually ended up working past my office hours due to the

commitment of the work, which was mostly ad hoc work that was outside my job scope. My

job description consists primarily of developing the EKronik System. Ekronik is a hospital

management system that citizens primarily use to book and register appointments at

government hospitals.
The first task of my industrial training as a newcomer to system development is analysis and

downloading. Analysis is the process of breaking down a complex topic or substance into

smaller parts in order to gain a better understanding of it. For this project, analyse is a method

of researching the topic of Ekronik. My supervisor has provided more details and specifications

of parts that must be searched before analysing EKronik, which is a large topic. The task entails

analysing a previous intern student's website system. The information for systems must be

analysed to determine what it has for systems, what the differences between each system are,

and what it is and is not for systems.

4.3 Implementation and Solution Method

I was given the task of creating and designing a login and registration form at the start of the

project. First, I must download and install XAMPP and Visual Code onto my workstation. I

then asked them how they install visual code into their workstation; apparently, they use a

different operating system than mine, which is Windows, and they use macOS for their

development workstation. Because of different OS issues, they advised me to use XAMPP

MySQL as a localhost server.

Figure 4.1 : XAMPP downloading

Figure 4.2 : phpMyAdmin localhost

I can set up my local database with Xampp Mysql.

4.3.1 Develop Ekronik Website

To begin developing a system, there are a few steps to take that represent the

general order for website development, but the last step is suitable for project

results, which will be explained later on in the next topic. Design

I need to design the interface before I can write a single line of code. Although

I know what a user will do with the website system, I should take a step back

and consider how the user will interact with it. The design and the

function should be clean, simple, and powerful, with a focus on the website

experience. Develop

Once the design is complete, all I need is the software to turn system concepts

into reality.

i. Write the Homepage code

Homepage was created as a dashboard for EKronik system.

ii. Create User Module code

There have a few options for user before they want to access the system.

First and foremost, user need to login first. If they did not have the account,

user need to click ‘Daftar’ link at the bottom form. User was known as

iii. Create Dun Module code

This module is known as ‘Pejabat Dun’ and the main function for this

module is to arrange the patient/user to book an appointment and also to key

in user data.

iv. Create Admin module code

Admin module was a little bit hard for me because there have a lot of error

when I’m doing this project. Besides, there have a lot of functions in admin


4.4 Result of Task / Project

This project's outcome will also include the development of a website. Something similar

happened with this project, there was a lot of trial and error when running the system. This is

to determine which errors or elements in the PHP code were not corrected. However, this issue

has been resolved by follow the step.

The project's outcome can be viewed by visiting the website page, as this is where all of my

work will be deployed. Seeing my work being used by the public gives me a sense of

accomplishment. Looking at something you created and seeing how it was accepted and used

in the community is very satisfying for me.

4.5 Advantage, Disadvantage and Suggestion for Task Improvement

Advantage: I learned new things as a beginner in web development. Understand how to build a

website using a web system. There are numerous free coding tutorials and videos on YouTube

that demonstrate how to code. The keyword for curtain coding can be understood from the

beginning. Learn how to set up other languages and update data via the website.

Disadvantage: Web development can be difficult at times and requires a lot of coding. A lot of

time must be wasted to discover the error, especially if you are a beginner. It is sometimes

difficult to determine which website coding is best to use because there are so many options

.There are many different types of coding that can be used.

4.6 Knowledge and Skill Gain

Throughout the project, I had the opportunity to learn more about Web development by using

PHP as the main language. I also had the opportunity to create interface, databases, and so on.

I also know how to run the code on a real system. Doing my training assists me in identifying

my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also means that I have learned a lot. My

training strength is that I am a good team builder. Aside from my primary duties, I also

collaborate with other staff members. One of them is teamwork. Responding to group

discussions and expressing my own opinions Inquiring if there is anything I don't understand

or am unsure about on a specific topic of discussion. I am cooperative and willing to work with

anyone. Aside from that, I am approachable and adaptable to various situations.

My training weaknesses were that I am not comfortable working in a stressful environment.

Working under pressure or in a stressful environment should be my strength, but I am losing

myself due to body stress. Working under mental pressure is fine, and I can work without any

deficiencies, but when accounting body fatigue and mental stress combine, I can say I've lost

my motivation to work for the day. Furthermore, I am not very good at receiving verbal

information and require visual information to understand the higher authority's order. As a

result, I must take notes on every word said by my superior about what has been assigned to


I gained leadership skills after completing industrial training. When completing any task, I must

be accountable and set clear goals to ensure that I can be trusted with another task in the future.

I'm also capable of motivating and directing others, such as new fellow practical students, to

complete tasks assigned by staff. I also assist them by providing guidance on how to complete

any task. After a while, the staff had come to rely on me and my friends to work together to

complete the task. I've learned about taking responsibility for a team's direction and actions to

ensure that we meet our objectives.

Furthermore, working and evaluating myself teaches me a few skills that will come in handy at

my host company. First and foremost, working with people from various departments has

helped me improve my communication skills. I can clearly issue a variety of understandable

and speakable commands to the staff, depending on my formality. Furthermore, because I

primarily programme, I have improved my programming skills. I learned a lot of things along

the way, such as website development and web design, that I had no idea about before beginning

my training. Both of these skills are advantageous to me because I can use web development
from web coaching to start my own startup company or to enter the business world. As for

website design, this is a fantastic opportunity because it is my primary focus and I am

considering going freelance after completing my training.



This chapter will discuss the report's overall conclusions. In addition, the writer's contributions

to the organisation will be mentioned. The chapter will begin with the author's contribution and

then conclude with the overall report.

5.1 Contribution Towards Organisation

Despite the fact that my contribution to the organisation could not be measured in terms of

profit in this tenth week period, I have been playing my role well for the entire training period

and have become an active team member to participate in all projects assigned by the

supervisor. All of the projects were given full attention and completed in a timely manner. I

believe that my contribution to Project EKronik System and the Kalashop website under

Kelantan ICT Gateway Sdn Bhd has a positive impact on the company's development.
5.2 Conclusion

This training programme provided me with in-depth knowledge of the scope of system

development and administration work. The government provided me with a legitimate working

environment. Students not only learn the general scope of work here, but they also have the

opportunity to implement the scope of work with their own strengths and abilities during

training. It is advantageous for me to be in the System Development Unit, where I can handle

various systems and improve my skills and abilities.

After completing my industrial training, I was introduced to the world of programmers and

administrators. During my training, I will learn more about the overall process of completing

each system. I also prepare myself to be responsible and innovative in ensuring that the task

assigned is completed successfully in order to increase the staff's trust. Furthermore, tasks

indirectly help me to learn independence, self-discipline, consideration, confidence, initiative,

and problem-solving skills. That's because I need to ensure that my job does not interfere with

or halt the next process. Delays in processing files can cause problems for customers,

employees, and surveyors. Furthermore, my communication skills improve when I

communicate with others, as I must communicate with staff from other units to resolve any file-

related business.

When I made mistakes during my training, I received criticism and advice from supervisors and

staff. The guide has increased my work efficiency while also expanding my knowledge and

skills. In addition, the various tasks I have completed have helped me to improve my innovation
management skills. It also aids in the development of my management and leadership skills,

which I learned in theory. Finally, the activities I learned during industrial training will help me

face challenges in the workplace in the future. The real world can boost student confidence,

help them develop soft skills, and increase their chances of landing the best job after graduation.

‘Benefits of working in system development company’

‘The important of training and development in workplace’

‘Guide to website development’

‘Software developers’

‘How to set background color in HTML’

‘How to create table in PHP code’

‘XAMPP setting’

‘How to insert image in html’
‘How to Create sidebar in bootstrap’

‘The effects of industrial training on students’ generic skills’

‘What is Photoshop?’

‘How to create banner using illustrator’

‘Definition of Web Development’

Interface Design of Project Involve


E-Kronik System

Website Homepage

Hubungi kami form

Pemohon’s Button

Pejabat Dun’s Button

Admin’s Button
Pemohon Page

pemohon login form

Pemohon Register form

Pemohon Mainpage

Pejabat Dun page

Pejabat Dun login

Pejabat Dun Mainpage

Profile Adun
Tambah Pesakit Form

Admin JKTPK Page

Login page Admin

Register Admin

Admin Mainpage

Figure 5.1 Website system

Trainee working space

Figure 5.2: Working space


Trainee involve in company event (Jelajah Aspirasi Keluarga Malasysia 2022)

Figure 5.3: Jelajah Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia 2022


Visit Pasar Besar Machang for ‘Majlis Pelancaran Jelajah Go-Digital’

Figure 5.4: Majlis Pelancaran Jelajah Go-Digital

KalaShop website

Figure 5.5: Kala Shop sellers list


Industrial Training Feedback Form

Figure 5.6: Industrial training feedback form

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