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12/7/22, 9:54 PM GLOBALIZATION

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4. Globalization began in?

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12/7/22, 9:54 PM GLOBALIZATION

5. Globalization is 

Mark only one oval.

An uni dimensional phenomenon

A multi dimensional phenomenon

A cultural phenomenon

A political phenomenon

6. Globalization has led to the flow of ideas across

Mark only one oval.


Political parties

Different planets

National Boundaries

7. Which of the statements are true about the impact of globalization?

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Globalization has had an uneven impact on states and societies

Globalization has had an uniform impact on all states and societies

The impact of globalization has been confined to the political sphere 2/3
12/7/22, 9:54 PM GLOBALIZATION

8. Which of the statements are true about the causes of globalization

Mark only one oval.

Globalization is caused by a particular community of people

Technology is an important cause of globalization

Globalization originated in the U.S

Economic dimension alone causes globalization

Short Answer Questions

9. What is globalization?

10. Mention any two benefits of globalization

11. What is meant by flows in relation to globalization?

12. Mention any two negative effects of gloalization

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