Abubakar Gour Eltl Assignment 4TH Sem

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ROLL NO.- 20/40047

15th, April, 2022.
Dear diary

Today I went to our college at 9 am. It was my first day at

college because since I got admission in the college all the
school and colleges were shut down because of COVID-19
restrictions. I went inside and talked to my friends and did
other study related stuffs too. As there were online
meetings,classes since last 2 years I knew each and every
classmates of mine. So there was a bit familiar environment in
my class. But then a miserable thing happened.
After the classes were over I went outside the college in search
of metro station and found one. Inside the metro station there
was a old man standing alone seeking for help. I went to him
and asked if he needs some help. He said “I’m blind and looking
for my grandson who’s gone for generating the tickets”. I said
“let me find him”. I went on to search his grandson. Then I saw
a boy nearly 20 years old generating tickets from the counter. I
went to him and asked that is that old man your grandfather.
Even though the guy didn’t looked right to me, his clothes ,his
accent looked like he was a thief but I ignored that and took
him to his grandfather.
I was getting late as my roommates were going outside so I left
both of them. But suddenly as I entered the metro I saw that
the guy snatched all the things that the poor man had and went
on to run away. My hands started shaking because an utter
mishappening just happened in front of me. The thing which I
feared that this guy is a thief went true. The metro doors were
almost closed I dived and went outside the metro and ran
towards the thief but he was too far as I ran behind him I
shouted somebody catch him he’s a thief suddenly the guard
on the station gate caught him.
There was a bit of relief when he got caught. Now I took all the
stolen things from him and gave them to the old man. And the
his real grandson came and listened the whole story. He
thanked me but inside I was feeling guilty because I was the
one who brought that thief infront of his grandfather.


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