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Détails du jeu 

Le nom du jeu : 
Lego treasure hunt

Le nombre de joueurs : 

Les matériaux : 
   Lego, Dice, Math Questions

Comment jouer : 
1. 1.
Each  player receives a Lego character and a dice

2.2.   alternate in rolling dice and get a number from 1-6. If they get 6 they can roll again.
3. The players use they Lego characters to advance a Lego board for the number of dots on they have
  they rolled a dice
4.There are five stops to the finish line, when their character get to each stop, the players pull a math
6.   they have to answer correctly to advance
5. Also, when the players answer their math questions correctly, they get treasure rewards

6. The treasure rewards can be exchanged for the points from 1-5 depending how difficult the math
question is.
7. The players can use their treasure points to advance their Lego characters

Comment gagner : 
  The winner is a player who gets first to the finish line

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