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Thick slices of fruity bread, dipped in a sweet egg mixture and sizzled until crisp.

Serves: 4 Preparation time: 5 Minutes Cooking time: 10 Minutes

You will need

y y y y y y y y y y

2 medium eggs 300ml semi-skimmed milk 50g caster sugar Zest of 1 orange 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 4 thick slices of fruity bread or pain de campagne bread 25g butter 1 teaspoon sunflower oil

cing sugar to dust utter to serve (optional)

Method 1. 2. 3. Beat together the eggs, milk, sugar, orange zest and nutmeg. Place the bread in a shallow dish and pour over the egg mixture. Heat some of the butter and oil in a large frying pan and shallow fry the slices of bread, two at a time, 2-3 minutes on each side. When golden brown, remove and drain on kitchen paper. Repeat with the remaining bread. 4. Serve with maple syrup, a dusting of icing sugar and a knob of softened butter.

Breakfast muffins Serves: Makes 12 muffins Preparation time: 15 Minutes Cooking time: 15 Minutes

You will need

y y y y y y y

400g self-raising flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 80g soft brown sugar 100g raisins or chocolate chips 2 medium eggs 500ml milk 4 tablespoons sunflower oil

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Method 1. Preheat the oven to 190C, fan 170C, gas 5.


Sieve the flour and cinnamon into a large mixing bowl. Mix in the brown sugar and raisins, or chocolate chips.

3. 4.

Break the eggs into a jug and beat with a fork, then add the milk and oil. Beat again until well mixed. When you are ready to bake, put 12 large paper baking cases into a 12 hole bun tin, ideally with deep, straight sides.


Quickly stir the two mixtures together but be careful not to overbeat. It doesn't matter if you can still see some flour.


Spoon into the paper cases and bake for 15 minutes until well risen and golden brown.

Banana Smoothie Serves: 2 Preparation time: 5 Minutes Blend 2 ripe, peeled bananas with 3 tablespoons porridge oats and 150ml semi-skimmed milk until smooth. Stir in 1 teaspoon honey and pour into a large jug. Add another 150ml semi-skimmed milk and stir well. Divide between 2 glasses and top with chopped banana, a sprinkling of cinnamon and a few porridge oats.

You will need

y y y y

2 bananas, plus extra to serve 3 tablespoons porridge oats, plus extra to serve 300ml skimmed milk Ground cinnamon to serve

Strawberry Whizz

ry whizzing together a handful of fresh strawberries with a lower in fat fruit yogurt, a small banana and a crumbled

wholewheat biscuit for a healthier breakfast smoothie to start the day. You will need

y y y y

Banana BGTY fruit yogurt Wholewheat biscuits Fresh strawberrries

Bacon and Egg Italian salad A fresh tasting salad with bacon and pine nuts. Serves: 4 Preparation time: 5 Minutes Cooking time: 30 Minutes

You will need

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180g pack Sainsbury's Fresh 'n' Ready salad 4 tablespoons French dressing 50g sundried tomatoes in oil, drained and finely chopped 200g Sainsbury's Be good to yourself smoked bacon medallions, cut into strips and pan fried until crispy 50g pine kernels, toasted 4 medium size eggs, hard boiled and cut into 4 with a wet knife 50g croutons

Method 1. 2. 3. 4. Toss the salad in the dressing and sundried tomatoes. Add the warm cooked bacon strips and pine kernels. Arrange the salad on a plate and top with the quarters of hard boiled egg and the croutons. This salad is delicious eaten with warm slices of ciabatta.

Toad in the Hole with traffic light veg Batter and plump sausages baked together make a great family supper. Serves: 4 Preparation time: 10 Minutes Cooking time: 45 Minutes

You will need

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1 x 454g pack thick pork sausages 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 x 125g packs basics batter mix 2 eggs 300g basics frozen peas 60g tinned sweetcorn, drained 167g ( x 335g) pack cherry tomatoes, halved

Method 1. Preheat the oven to 220C, fan 200C, gas 7. Arrange the sausages in a large ovenproof dish or baking tin. Pour over the oil and toss to coat. Cook in the oven for 15 minutes, until the sausages begin to brown. 2. Meanwhile, make up the batter mix using the eggs, following pack instructions, and pour into the hot dish around the sausages. 3. Return to the oven and bake for 30 minutes, until the batter has risen and is golden and crisp around the edges. 4. Meanwhile, bring a saucepan of water to the boil and cook the peas for 3 4 minutes. Drain and mix with the sweetcorn and cherry tomatoes. Serve immediately with the toad in the hole.

Emmental and Bacon Tartlets Serves: 12 Preparation time: 15 Minutes Cooking time: 15 Minutes

You will need

y y y y y y y y

250g puff pastry 4 slices smoked back or streaky bacon 284ml carton double cream 250g Emmental cheese, grated 2 medium eggs, beaten Freshly ground black pepper Pinch of nutmeg Rocket to garnish

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Method 1. 2. Preheat an oven to 200C, fan 180C, gas 6. Roll out the pastry and using a cutter, either cut out rounds to line a bun tray for 12 tartlets.Or make 6 larger tarts, lining individual flan tins. Prick the bases with a fork and then chill the cases whilst you prepare the filling. 3. 4. 5. 6. Grill the bacon and cut into small strips. Mix the cream, cheese, eggs, bacon and seasonings together. Divide the mixture between the chilled pastry lined moulds. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes or until set and nicely browned. Serve garnished with rocket.

Cook's tip: These tartlets can be made in advance. Store chilled until ready to serve. If you want to serve them warm, place on a baking sheet and reheat until just warm.

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