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Arch Neurosci. 2018 April; 5(2):e64303. doi: 10.5812/archneurosci.64303.

Published online 2018 April 19. Review Article

Is There any Correlation Between Executive Dysfunction and

Behavioral Symptoms in Autistic Children? A Systematic Review
Vali Shiri,1 Seyed Ali Hoseyni,2 Ebrahim Pishyareh,3,* Vahid Nejati,4 Mahbubeh Emami,5 and Esmail
Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Musculoskeletal Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, IR Iran
Occupational Therapy, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran
Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience (Brain and Cognition), Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, IR Iran
School of Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Welfare and Rehabilitation, Tehran, IR Iran
Department of Psychology and Educational, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran
Corresponding author: Ebrahim Pishyareh, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran. E-mail:

Received 2017 October 21; Revised 2017 December 21; Accepted 2018 January 17.


Context: The relationship between executive dysfunction and behavioral symptoms in high-functioning autism is of great interest
to researchers.
Evidence Acquisition: This systematic review was conducted among articles, which were published before September 15, 2017 and
were available in scientific databases, including Medline and Embase.
Results: According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 16 articles were selected. All articles showed 4 and 5 basis points
on the PEDro scale and had moderate quality. Also, according to the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) scale, the level of
evidence was poor to moderate among articles.
Conclusions: Based on the available information, executive dysfunction may be associated with behavioral symptoms. However,
further research is required to determine the exact relationship between executive function and behavioral symptoms.

Keywords: Executive Dysfunctions, Autism, Behavioral Symptoms, Systematic Review

1. Context Executive functions include response inhibition, plan-

ning, organization, working memory, problem solving,
Autism is a neurological disorder, associated with fluency, and attention (6). Studies have shown that peo-
developmental-behavioral symptoms, such as qualitative ple with autism have deficits in specific areas of the brain,
impairment in social interactions, language and commu- including the frontal lobes, limbic system, basal ganglia,
nication problems, stereotypic behaviors, restricted inter- parietal lobe, and cerebellum (7). As the frontal cortex and
ests and activities, and sensory processing problems (1). its connections with other brain areas, such as striatal and
Previously, it was believed that autism spectrum disorder parietal regions, are involved in a wide range of cognitive
(ASD) is a rare disorder, with a prevalence of 4 to 6 in ev- functions, the theory of deficiency in executive functions
ery 10 000 people (2). However, current research indicates is formed in autism.
a higher prevalence of ASD, as reported in about 1 per 88
people (3). The behavioral symptoms of autism in children have
Children with autism may suffer from developmental adverse effects, such as loss of social relations, social abuse,
delays in certain areas, such as cognition, social skills, lan- and reduced standards of living, education, and work ex-
guage, and motor skills (4). One of the affected areas by ASD perience. In children with autism, behavioral symptoms
in children is executive functioning, which is the coordina- are very frequent due to behavioral problems, such as tem-
tor of the outcomes of cognitive-motor function and is or- per tantrum, hyperactivity, aggression and physical vio-
ganized by the prefrontal or frontostriatal region in collab- lence, self-harm, and stereotypic movement disorder (8).
oration with other neural circuits. Therefore, promotion Studies have shown that children with autism have deficits
of targeted, planned, flexible, relevant, and timely behav- in cognitive flexibility, planning capacity, response inhibi-
iors can be suitable for these patients (5). tion, and attention (9); these deficits are more severe in this

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Shiri V et al.

population, compared to children with attention deficit- trials were included in this study, while studies on children
hyperactivity disorder (10). with autism and other disorders were eliminated.
Based on the available literature and theories explain-
ing behavioral symptoms in autism, the theory of exec- 2.2. Data Extraction
utive function deficit in autism can determine the ex- The following variables were extracted according to a
plicit relationship between frontal lobe dysfunction and structured checklist, previously elaborated by the authors:
impaired executive function and explain behavioral symp- 1) metadata (i.e., authorship and publication date); 2) de-
toms in ASD considering the central role of executive func- mographics (i.e., sample size, age, and gender); 3) study de-
tions in autism. sign (i.e., open-label or randomized sham-controlled stud-
ies); and 4) article conclusions.
2. Evidence Acquisition
3. Results
This systematic review was conducted according to the
recommendations of Cochrane group and PRISMA guide- According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a
lines (11). Keywords including “autism”, “executive func- total of 16 articles were selected (Figure 1). All articles
tions” (e.g., attention and response inhibition), and “be- showed 4 and 5 basis points on the Physiotherapy Evidence
havioral symptoms” were searched in databases, includ- Database (PEDro) and had moderate quality (Table 2). Also,
ing PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest, and Web according to the CEBM scale for level of evidence, the evi-
of Science. The search was independently conducted by 2 dence level of articles was poor to moderate.
individuals among articles published before September 15,
2017. The inclusion criteria were studies on executive func- 3.1. Planning
tion in children with autism, while the exclusion criteria
Planning involves monitoring, evaluation, and contin-
were studies on children with autism and other disorders,
uous improvement and is recognized as a complex and
based on the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM)
dynamic activity. A person with knowledge of changes
scale (Table 1).
in real-life situations and a future-oriented viewpoint se-
lects an appropriate plan, implements it, and then exam-
Table 1. The CEBM Scale for Level of Evidence
ines its outcomes (12). Generally, children, adolescents, and
adults with autism have damaged planning (Tower of Lon-
Type of Research Scale
don test), which is not eradicated by one’s natural develop-
Systematic review of randomized controlled trials 1a ment (9).
Individual randomized controlled trials 1b Specific tests are used to evaluate a person’s planning
All-or-none studies 1c ability, including the Tower of London, Tower of Hanoi,
Maze Milner, and Stockings of Cambridge. However, few
Systematic review of cohort studies 2a
studies have been performed on planning and its rela-
Individual cohort studies or low-quality randomized 2b
controlled trials
tionship with behavioral symptoms in autism. In a pre-
Outcomes research 2c
vious study, Brian and colleagues evaluated the general
population, using the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function Sys-
Systematic review of case-control studies 3a
tem (DKEFS), Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS), Aberrant
Individual case-control studies 3b Behavior Checklist, Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised,
Case series, poorly designed cohorts, or case-control studies 4 and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule. The study
Expert opinion without explicit critical appraisal, or based on 5 showed correlations between planning and stereotypic
physiology, bench research or “first principles” symptoms and repetitive behaviors (13).

3.2. Cognitive Flexibility

2.1. Eligibility Criteria Cognitive flexibility refers to one’s ability to perform
The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) manuscripts different tasks in response to reposition or change one’s
written in English and Persian; 2) randomized sham- way of thinking (14). Dysfunction in cognitive flexi-
controlled trials; and 3) available data in the manuscript bility is associated with preservation, stereotypic behav-
or upon request for estimation of the main outcomes, i.e., iors, and activity adjustment problems (15). Children
mean (SD) values and response and remission rates. Case with autism have problems with cognitive flexibility tasks
series, non-controlled trials, and randomized controlled and are unable to change their way of thinking in face

2 Arch Neurosci. 2018; 5(2):e64303.

Shiri V et al.

Web of Google
PubMed Proquest Scopus
Science Scholar

124 article was

320 article was first chosen after
reviewed reviewing the
title and

The text of 75 articles

was completely

After applying the

inclusion & exclusion
critetia, 16 papers
were selected

Figure 1. The Search Process

of a changing environment (16). The tests used to as- ship between cognitive flexibility and repetitive behaviors
sess cognitive flexibility include Wisconsin Card Sort- in these children (19).
ing Task (WCST), Shifting Attention Test (SAT), and in- Berger reported that cognitive flexibility is an impor-
tradimensional/extradimensional (ID/ED) shift task from tant factor in predicting autism, which can be used for so-
Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery cial understanding and social competence (20). In addi-
(CANTAB). tion, in a review study by Hilde et al., defective cognitive
flexibility was considered a central defect in children with
Based on a study by Shiri et al. (2015), cognitive flexi-
autism (10). According to previous studies, stereotypic be-
bility deficit in children with high-functioning autism was
haviors and communication/social issues have a signifi-
significantly correlated with stereotypic behaviors, com-
cant relationship with impaired cognitive flexibility and
munication problems, and social interaction symptoms
can explain the symptoms of children with autism.
(17). Brian and colleagues found a significant relation-
ship between cognitive flexibility and stereotypic behav-
3.3. Response Inhibition
iors (13). Moreover, South M et al. and Yerys et al. found a
relationship between stereotypes and impaired cognitive The ability to inhibit inappropriate responses and im-
flexibility (15, 18). In addition, Turner et al. conducted a pulsivity is known as response inhibition (21). There are
study to examine the relationship between defective cogni- several tests to evaluate response inhibition in autism, us-
tive flexibility and autism symptoms and found a relation- ing the Stroop test, Go/No-Go tasks, stop-signal tasks, neg-

Arch Neurosci. 2018; 5(2):e64303. 3

Shiri V et al.

ative priming, and Hayling test. According to the litera- According to a study by Gilotty, there is a relationship
ture, children with autism are deficient in inhibitory con- between working memory and adaptive behaviors; there
trol, while substantial evidence shows that response inhi- is also an association between communicative and social
bition remains intact in autistic children (9, 16). Research skills and executive functioning (29). Therefore, executive
conducted by Stroop test, Go/No-Go task, and stop-signal functioning is strongly associated with play, communica-
task showed no defects in response inhibition among chil- tion, and social skills in autistic children. It seems that
dren with autism. One of the reasons for the variations in data on working memory are contradictory, and further re-
the results of this study may be the application of different search is required to establish any relationship with behav-
tests. ioral symptoms.
Based on a study by Shiri et al. (2015), response inhibi-
tion in children with high-functioning autism is correlated 3.5. Attention
with communication and social interactions (17). Brian
and colleagues found that behavioral stereotypes are sig- Attention is the most important aspect of human cog-
nificantly related to response inhibition (13). In addition, nition and is known as concentration and consciousness
Katharine et al. (2008) found a relationship between repet- about a task. There are different types of attention, includ-
itive behaviors and control for a targeted response, as con- ing sustained, selective, divided, and shifting attention,
firmed in other studies (19, 22, 23). According to the litera- which are controlled by a specific brain region (30). Vari-
ture, repetitive and stereotypic behaviors are related to re- ous attention tests are available for the assessment of dif-
sponse inhibition deficits. ferent attention types, including continuous performance
test (CPT), Stroop test, and SAT (31).
3.4. Working Memory Based on previous studies, autistic children have
Another component of executive functioning in chil- deficits in divided (32), shifting (33), sustained (34), and
dren with autism is working memory. Working memory is selective (35) attention. Dysfunctions in the frontal lobe
involved in organizing various aspects of memory, involv- of autistic individuals and failure in sustained attention
ing purposeful behaviors. Besides problem-solving skills might contribute to impairments in sustained attention.
and growth, communication and achievement of immedi- Considering the relationship between attention and be-
ate goals are activated in working memory. The working havioral symptoms, Shiri et al. (2015) indicated an associa-
memory is assessed by the amount or number of codes a tion between sustained attention dysfunction, stereotypic
person can maintain simultaneously. The ability to retain behaviors, and social interactions (36). LeMonda, R Holtzer,
and process information at the same time is a function of and S Goldman (37), Lopez et al. (13), and South et al. (15)
working memory. have conducted research on the relationship between at-
Based on the Baddeley’s model of memory, working tention and behavioral symptoms.
memory consists of 3 parts: 1) visual-spatial circuit, 2) In a study by Geraldine Dawson et al. on autistic chil-
phonological circuit, and 3) central circuit (24). The cen- dren, it was concluded that impaired divided attention is
tral circuit is responsible for the transfer function between associated with social relations (38). Children with high-
tasks, inhibition of incorrect responses, retrieval of strate- functioning autism require an active attention transfer be-
gies, and strengthening of selective attention. The N-Back tween a class of information and other relevant data. In a
test was used to evaluate working memory. Previous re- previous study, these children showed great preservation,
search suggests impairments of working memory in autis- and fewer complementary classes were reported on SAT
tic children at different ages (25). (39); one of the reasons for preservation may be disruption
Substantial research has been conducted on the cen- in the frontal brain circuits for inhibition of cognitive func-
tral circuit, while other circuits are not accurately exam- tions (40).
ined (26). In a study by Brian and colleagues, working As to the relationship between shifting attention and
memory had a significant relationship with stereotypic be- behavioral symptoms in autistic children, the literature
haviors (13). Moreover, according to a study by McEvoy et suggests that shifting attention is an important compo-
al., working memory deficits are associated with social in- nent of executive functioning. This component can pre-
teraction problems (27). Joseph and Tager-Flusberg (2004) dict the normal development of the theory of mind and
also evaluated the false-belief task in the theory of mind social interactions in autistic children (41). In addition, im-
and executive function tests. Although they could describe pairment of executive functions, including shifting atten-
the variance in communication problems, none could ex- tion and cognitive flexibility, is directly related to people’s
plain the variance in social interactions and stereotypic be- ability to respond and develop an adaptive manner, based
haviors (28). on the situation and social symptoms (13). According to

4 Arch Neurosci. 2018; 5(2):e64303.

Shiri V et al.

these findings, shifting attention seems to play an impor- been any studies on behavioral symptoms and communi-
tant role in the symptoms of autism. cation. It seems that evaluation of behavioral symptoms,
Bishop and Norbury (2005) suggest that impairment associated with executive function deficits, can introduce
of practical language in autism may be due to communi- a new approach for the treatment of children with autism.
cation and social problems. Selective attention and execu-
tive dysfunction may have negative effects on a child’s abil- 4.1. Limitations
ity to regulate behaviors during social interactions (limits Among the limitations of this study was the age of the
on the length and quality of children’s relationships with subjects; accordingly, further research on children’s age is
peers) (42). The ability to control impulsive responses, at- required.
tention to objective stimuli, and appropriate behavioral
and emotional responses are important and require ap- 4.2. Recommendations
propriate response inhibition and selective attention (34). Due to limited studies on behavioral symptoms and ex-
ecutive function, further analysis is recommended. Also,
in some areas, such as planning, working memory, and flu-
4. Discussion ency, future research is suggested.

According to the findings, challenging behaviors, such

as stereotypes, are considered as debilitating patterns in
autistic children (43). Appropriate executive function We would like to thank the Musculoskeletal Sciences
seems to play a major role in the development of cognitive, University of Isfahan for supporting this study (codes of
behavioral, and socioemotional patterns (44). Ozonoff et ethics and approval, IR.MUI.REC.1396.2.043 and 296043, re-
al. (2004) suggest that deficits in executive function play spectively).
an important role in the etiology of autism (45). Happe
(2006) showed that functions of autistic children (aver-
age age, 10 years) improved in the theory of mind within Footnote
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Arch Neurosci. 2018; 5(2):e64303. 7

Table 2. The Review of Retrieved Articles

Level of PEDro Scale Results Procedure Age Control Experimental Year of Resources
Evidence Group group Publication

2b 5 The left inferior part of the orbitofrontal region Go/No-Go test, fMRI, task switching, and — 12 NL 10 ASD 2006 Schmitz et al.
(motion inhibition), left insula (inhibition of Stroop test (7)
interference), and parietal lobe (set shifting) activities
are correlated with EF.

2b 5 CF, working memory, and RI have a significant DKEF, Autism Diagnostic 19 to 42 y 17 NL 17 ASD 2005 Lopez et al.
relationship with SB and RB in autism. Interview-Revised, GARS, and Aberrant (13)
Behavior Checklist

2b 5 There is a relationship between RB and CF, while there WSCT, Gestalt Closure Test, and Group 10 to 19 y 18 NL 19 HFA 2007 South et al.
is no correlation between RB and central correlation. Embedded TestTest (15)

3b 4 There is a significant relationship between RI, Stroop test, CF scale, Autism Spectrum 7 to 12 y - 50 HFA 2015 Shiri et al.
communication signs, and social interaction. There is Screening Questionnaire (ASSQ), and (17)
a significant relationship between CF and GARS
communication symbols, social interactions, and SB.

2b 5 There is a significant relationship between the ID/ED shift test 6 to 13 y 84 NL 42 HFA 2009 Yerys et al.
amount of errors in ED and RB, as well as CF and (18)
nonsocial symptoms.

3b 4 CF versus central cohesion can be predictive of the Central coherence, CF scale, and several Young adults - 30 HFA 2003 Berger et al.
social symptoms of autistic individuals. aspects of social functioning symptom (20)
Shiri V et al.

severity, social intelligence, social

competence, and social functioning
after 3 years

2b 5 There is a relationship between SB, sensory problems, Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised, 6 to 17 y 64 NL 61 ASD 2009 Brian et al.
and executive dysfunction. In children at young age, sensory questionnaire, and Behavior (21)
sensory issues can predict SB in the future. Rating Inventory of Executive

2b 5 Cortical defects of the anterior cingulate cortex Diffusion tensor imaging and MRI 27 to 30 y 14 NL 10 ASD 2008 Thakkar et al.
formation lead to defects in RI, which can cause RB (22)
and SB in autism.

3b 4 Higher-level cognitive-language processes in the Expressive Vocabulary Test, Peabody 5 y and 7 m to — 31 ASD 2004 Tager-
theory of mind, EF, and social-perceptual processes Picture Vocabulary Test-III, 14 y and 2 m Flusberg
are related to the behavioral symptoms of autism, perception/knowledge (28)
including social interactions. unexpected-content false-belief tasks,
and word span, block span, day–night,
and knock–tap tasks

2b 5 There is a relationship between working memory and Behavioral rating inventory of EF, - - 35 ASD 2002 Gilotty et al.
adaptive behaviors. Communication and social skills Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, and (29)
are also related to EF. There is a strong relationship two parent reports of everyday
between EF and play deficits, communication, and functioning
social skills.

Arch Neurosci. 2018; 5(2):e64303.

3b 4 There is a significant relationship between selective Stroop test, CPT, SAT, ASSQ, and GARS 7 to 12 y - 50 HFA 2015 Shiri et al.
attention and communication and social (36)
interactions. There is also a relationship between
sustained attention, social interactions, and SB.
Shifting attention also has a significant positive
relationship with communication, social
interactions, and SB.

3b 4 Defects of social interaction in autism are associated Shared attention and orienting tasks 30 m to 64 m 20 NL 20 ASD and 1998 Geraldine et
with the lack of joint attention. 20 Down’s al. (38)

2b 5 EF was associated with the theory of mind. Emotion perception task, picture 8 to 20 y 20 NL 23 ASD 1991 Ozonoff et al.
sequencing task, appearance-reality (39)
task, mental and physical distinction

Arch Neurosci. 2018; 5(2):e64303.

tasks, brain function task, M&M
false-belief task, second-order belief
attribution, Tower of Hanoi, and WCST

2b 5 There is a significant relationship between the Children Communication Checklist, 6 to 10 y 18 NL 25 speech 2005 Bishop and
percentage of correct answers on the fluency test and measurement of autistic symptoms, problem and Norbury (42)
communication skills. There is a relationship and ideational fluency tasks 18 ASD
between spoken operational problems and social
interactions. Also, the ideation problem is associated
with autistic communication.

2b 5 One’s inability to complete the CANTAB test cannot CANTAB, Autism Diagnostic Observation 6 to 47 y 70 NL 79 ASD 2004 Ozonoff et al.
predict the severity of symptoms in children with Schedule, Wechsler Intelligence Scales, (45)
autism, but is associated with adaptive behaviors. and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales

2b 5 There is a poor relationship between EF and RB. Verbal fluency task, concept generation 7 to 16 y 18 NL 19 ASD and 17 2009 Zandt et al.
task–child version, Rey Test, Test, walk, OCD (47)
Shiri V et al.

don’t walk task, and RB questionnaire

Abbreviations: ASD, Autism spectrum disorder; CF, Cognitive flexibility; EF, Ex-
ecutive function; GARS, Gilliam Autism Rating Scale; NL, Normal; RI, Response
inhibition; RB, Repetitive behaviors; SB, Stereotypic behaviors.

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