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INTRODUCTION a) . x i ——Oitling —ones_ fair is _one_of the most importan things, if we sant _to take cave of ovr hair. Tt is — ~“Nexy—necessary that hair is given_-proper__treatment which would mean “A—Massage with seme of the oil that is most _ beneficial «Having wight kind of oil is “exy_important Many of us have _a@ heetic schedole «due to which, oiling and Washing ovr haiv holds the last _ prioxity. TF you want to have a healthy haty and One—vahich last longer -viling is the best remedy - aadaw hae ee te ey 1S_ mainly dominated by the ~haix_oi\_segment , which constitutes ovey hate of the Overall market - Coconut O11 comprises lard of the dotal_macket and the balance Comprises. the _non- greasy perfumed_oil) purchases have a wide array of options, REASON FOR SELECTING THIS PRODUCT Purchasers _ of haix_oif fave a —wide array Of option to select ranging from light, heavy» Cooling types. Flaiy oil purchase is a decision ___ vohich purchasers evaluate carefully - Tn country — Nke_‘India where the hair care market is rousing Ata rapid pace, various types of hair oils —Are_being launched becomes important fer both store and Company to understand Shopper preferences . Shopper were explored +o find their preferences and this. was. followed by factor and cluster analysis to understand the dimensions involved . his paper_strives_ to understand behaviour of shoppers. in terms of. purchase preference , freqvency of vse, brand loyalty Reasons - _ DETERMINING Your Hair’s Porosity —_=> Hats vohich ave _ very porous. cof ll_easily Absorb most Anything that you place on it ——>Thease_ -2f_colovring your hair > highly porous ——haix will take 40 the colour very well —=>Tf you just straightened Your hare and want et Straight. for next & days , a porous head ———Probably won't be able to go a few hors ——_Untill__ hair yeverts 2B: Know Your Hie Texture ——> Heir texture actvally yvefers to the thickness —of individuals hairs > Thickly textured hairs will stand the addition of heavier better and oils while thinner Lextuved ———haiv_moy find better. Z-ExPerimentT Apriy_ -A__Small__mmount or drops +o your ~hoixvill_bying _a_ineredible results to your hair. Since _your_haty isn't uniformly —one_type. Experiment \s__cextaintly the key -Thexe's no need to buy — Galions__of one. particular oils , you can _have_one — Sachet pf ovr oi|__because it brings goodness of 5 beneficial oils. eee _ BRANDING Branding is A process of assigning a _ distinctive name or a symbo] +o a product by — which it is to be known and remembered. Tt creates a positive perception of a = company: Effective branding helps companies __ differentiate themselves from their competitors —_ and Build a foyal customer base- = NAME OF TuE PRODUCT ——___ And ——__ LOGO ~ —The Company “NBTURE & CARE” launched -this__product with the_name “STAR SHINE” STAR SHINE TAGLINE NOURISH YOUR HAIR WITH NaTURE As__ ovr company is targetting the masses bf the income levels and wants ovy hair_otls_to not ~Just_be_used_by the urban _exorsd but_aleo by rural ~srousd_and__people with comparatively less Income. Who -is_0%_in _Tndia can easily purchase ~The brand name] loge, tagtine _is_vegistevecl «The reason behind the loge is that__blue_is a _oniversal__cotour and very positive - Even HPeeple with colour blindness can identify it: Qux_motive —is_to_make__pur oil popular to the masses at an affordable rate with best quality possible Bajaj Hoiy Oi) is the key brand in -the Bojay Corp Ltd and isthe leading brand in the haiy oi! Tk is the second biggest hair of! brand_in teyms of valve «Tt is the largest brane] _ tn the ‘India and in light hair oil category ancl Cuvrently owns close 1o 607. market share inthe _ light hair oil seqment- Ti has Great health benefit in terms of healthy skins Almonds prevents_ premature Appearance of wrinkles and dry skin aswell. Today. South preferg Bajaj to fulfill dual benefit of it. Te | gives__a non-sticky feel__and_helps You with an _| ease while applications and_its formula 2Dague ——Dabur =a name a_brand, Away of life for billions of people access the globe . From its humble beginnings in the bylanes of Kolkata way back in 1$@4 , Dabur has today emerged_as a* dye India aArvansnational with Portfolio of Prodvets that has no just won the trust of consumer in_over6o countries but has became an inseparable partof theiv datiy routine .Dabuy -rankecl_as_the n0.0 Special social brand of Tndia oat the click Asta_ Summit Dabur -ranked os the mot trusted _branel__ in Healtheare and Personal care category in the brand trust. yeport aoia- Tis products are available _in_more than 60 countries and span categories including hair care, skin cave Dabur India Lt. engages inthe distribvtion_| of fast_moving consumer goods + 3.PARACHUTE A_ movket leader inthe category and one__of the oldect brand. Parachute Coconut Or today stands for_purity and. yality. Over the years) the brand has Seen alot of innovations fs) in Packaging 2Stzing » Parachute enjoys enormous loyalty in urban, Semimvrban and rural market. Para eil__is made from natural ingredients that have_been. cho sen Specially keeping In mind the delicate nature of — childven's hairy Brand has Sought to remain relevant and differentiated through a slew of initiatives In packaging and communication. This brand fas__mostly yeached 4o every home through its Oppetizing advertisements via vadio, News paper, television. etc... FR is__beavtifully diversing its _prodvet and have a __ wide range and collections in the gection ef of) and it has led a_predominent Space in_every congumer 4 Emam ———Fnami —Limitect_ is_one_of the leadsng “And_fastest growing _personal_and healthcare busines & 3n_Tndia_, with an €nviable__portforlio_of household Pi 5 brands established in_tat4 swe have a portfolio 2fover 250 products based_on ayurveclic fexmulation_-Emami's —eurvent. operations comprise move—than 60 countries » Emami after years of research -has__brought a break-through in hair-oil - a unique ombination_of 7-vils that will vepaiy haiv damage this_extra_ordinary oil , co-created by Thdian ane “Tntexnational__hatr expert» Ti reduces hair fall upto -2b%_and__makes hair stronger. Eventhough this brand fas its ups and downs_, it still_vwithstand Ts ~£ssence_of formela and ingredients. Still the rooted Customers for this brandis the marketing Sources -te_the__upeoming- generations. 6 HIMALAYAS ———Himataya’s oir O11 prevents hair fal\ j-And._stimuiates hair growth -Tt is enriched with the goodness of cingaraja__ard _Amateki which Strengthen +the root shafts and prevent, HAaiv fall. Himalaya hevbals is a mange of cent per7 natural and Safe prodvets with rare herbs collected from the foothills. of -the Himalayas «Fach product with rare herbs collected from the foothills of the himalayas. | Each product combines the best of ayvrveda with the Lyears, of dedicated research. Batch to Baich , its performance and complete pvrity and safety are assured through —the application of advanced pharmaceutical echnology- Eventhough iis movketing ways has veached few areas and few sections but it majorly reached | through doctor’s__yecommendation MY PRODUCT RANGE '\ Star SHINE SacueTt (smz, iome) STAR SHINE AMLA LEGEND too ML NOvRISH YouR HAIR 3.StaR Sune “Coconut Heir Or (50M, toomL) lOomp : STAR SHINE COCONOT HAIR OL Nourish Your 4 NAT STAR SHINE Coconut HAIR OI mR WITH DRE Any 4 Stare Sune Scare Theenrie ” (Som_, 190m) THEORIE, Star SHINE ScALPE THEORIE Novrisa Your upie with STAR Sune’ w 7 - = 7 4 — one” Hae On —A_unigye combination of 5 vifs that will I-Xepair haiy damage - This extradinary oil, co-created by as A Alan Mair Experts 7 Provides incredible nevrishment —haiy without weighing it down. This oil with a pleasant fragrance can be vsed on hair types. Tr. . H—_lhis hair veduces hay fall upto azy. and Qo7- Stronger \W_ThE Power OF 5 Ous Gwes Amazing Hair Benerits ALMOND OIL: tay vitamins of A 1BLDande that! H-resendition and soften hair, making it grow strong ond healthy. Almond soothens your Scalpe ana help in Hremoving breakouts. Ti_is also a versatile oil that Hpromote heart health » Stabilize blood Sugar COCONUT OIL : Rich in. _neinevals ond proteins i moisturizes hair, reverses _haiy. damage and keeps free from__flakes_ AML OIL! Rich in _Vitamte _C. and_minexals_it_| Prevents thinning, premature graying and promotes __] hair growth. These contains anti-oxidants _,all of which Might contribute to_cetlular xegeneration_and promote —_| healthy circulations 40 the lolood'vessels in the scalp: OLIVE OIL * Rich in anti-oxidants and minerals si roots, promotes hatx growth and Fightsdandrvf. TL fas anticinflammatory propertie Tt can_even lower visk ef _ cardiovaseulay. diseases TOTOBA_ OIL: helps nutrients within retain moisture and_ the hair, Preventing hair loss and_ Protecting from external. damage like vy Rays, Gadgets lights. Tt ts vsed topically to Encourage _ regrowth of hair in people LABELLING v OILS OF ALMOND,AMLA TOIOBA, OLIVE, COCONUT | | Star Suing |The oil is create by Tadion Hor ever Provides incredible PRourishment to hoi Jwith goodness of a natural ingredient a IReseaveh proves this | [ onl *Repaivs rough naif | *Rovides sitky texture. / | FGives mona geabitity / and detangic Prevent split-ends [Copying Last. is in OFrENse Tngrvedients: Pave ffinum ligvidem, /Cyclopen tosiloxane ,secamum, indicum , perfurme , olea serorea I (olive eit}, Cocos aucifera (coconut ei) immonisia chinensis Cfojoba seed cil, uns Amygdatus dulcis csweet almond iI}, Phylianthusemblica Lamia geed it Oil), Mineral of (23-21%) ,vegetabte oil, Gar) == : —= NET Qrv: 100ml |MRP: (Inel of all tax) —: Batch no VH BYBILL «= \M-F-D #it-12.02 = \Use before 24 month —p From med >= Store in cool Avy place oy HAIR OW For external use only LABELLING Label is a port of -the prodvet or a 1ag attached divectly to the product, which earvies, be information about the product ox the seller: Label may _small_slip_or_a_printed__statement to denote its nature - Labelling. is the process of attaching ov putting labels on ‘the product -It_ can be simple tag, descriptive abel container in which the product is kept ts Known as. package. Package or Packaging refers to act ef designing and producing -the container oy wrapper ©f _a_product. Under this process, the container _is -designecl__in_such_a manner so that ‘the consumey_does_ not -face_any difficulty while. Sing ie, goods are packed mip -Appropriate containers for protection. from_Spoilage , leakage, breakage and. for convinient handling. PACKAGING - | “THREE LEVEL. OF PACKAGING 1!) Peimary Pack age |__ TE vefere the immediate packing of the | product: Tt vemaing with product when itis used. Ty is the package in which the actual product is | contained forthe _ protection. 2. SECONDARY PACKAGE These ave additional packing which gives |mmore protection generally Consumers —‘throvo that When they start vsing the product such as cardboard box companies. haix_oi\ bottles used to keep ovy. ee STAR SHINE | 5 IN ONE 4 DAMAGE contRoL 3. TRANSPORTATION PACKAGING These ave packing used for showing cur customer a undamoged product at last stage of distribution -Tt helps in storing Oy transporting the qcod ond previde protection to goede like cordboryd bores used to shift between com panies ~PRICE OF THE PRODUCT —— The _term price denotes the money value_of A “Product or services -Tt is. the amount pf money. the -Sellex_is_asking_ for the__product _he offer for sale or the Amount —ushich buyers are 40_poy for it« Price is_an_importont element inthe Marketing mix of a firm and affects other Components of the marketing mix. The price of the ikem is different for the wholesalers, vetatlers_and customers» Customers commonly buy theiy oils in the numberof units » but wholesalers byy in bulkg - ‘Product Whovesaiee = ReTAL LER al ciao | | Customer Sw one | 48 | 5a | [Coconut Ou) "SB oe Ama ou} te | as — Scone Taerang) “10 | US | (35 | Our _company— has_ comparatively very low prices as we want_to_esinblish ourselves._in. the market SELLING PRICE OF COMPETITOR'S PRODucT SELLING PRICE 1: PRRACHUTE 2. DABUR AmLA 3B HIMALAYAS Hr OiL 4:-BatTatT Atmonp Drop |B Emam Hair OL CHANNEL OF Dis TRIBUTION ——Place_etement of marketing mix refers to distribution of products to make them available to CUS tomer for Purchase uw Channel and consumption Of Distribution ove set Of Firms and —thot take title oy Mssist_in Avansferring title H+opowticular goods ©y Sevvices MS it moves from ‘the Producers. to the vitimate consumers ” Selling Directly to Consumers Th_is_ the Youth oy path along which products flow fe The. product that mone _ point Of. production. 10 ultimate consumption. ne have choosen is Non-perishable Product thot ig why it could be distributed through long. channels. “Two level channels ig most Suitable channel for. the distribution of my Product :Faetors that determines the choice f channel depends vpon following S0) Valve of the product line —_) Product Complexity = ©) Nature of the ‘Prodvet x This avoids Overpriciag AS we ave new Company and want to establish sfond for Ovrselves, WAREHOUSING _ Ware housing provides time _and place_ubility for ‘ava—materials and finished products allowing firms to jUSe customer service as @__ dynamic value-adding compe tikve| tool. Warehouse “Provide the trans portation interface Provided __foy 2 Order-picktng space, provide for_storage spa |__& The company fas appointed clearing and forwarding agents in various states. like Tamilnady H The goods will be dispatched +e voholesell er Gnd_retailers through the _clistributoxe TRerfore, the Stock willbe placed in the warehouses of various State under thelv corresponding clearing and for warding _agents__of'__ the company . SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON LABEL |_*The__societal__conce pt_needs__to_be fulfilled by pevery_business, to protect and Sexve_the society and environment: Our _ company._ products promote xecyeling |_2 Package -has__been made out of xecyecled plastic JH 7. of ovr mer. goesto_neble cause of educating poor. | __*®_Oure -cemnpany also. Spreads awareness xegarding the -———impextance of edveating the givt child PI 4 g Mainly vse road transport for trans porting our products tothe vartevs _ agents. Ov “company, Starshine." will be able to —_dvansport 10 thousands cartoons per month, }—-- APproximately. 15. lakhs haty ofl bottle HK \nle hove —even branches in various states, Managed by collegues _and_headaqvarters 5 these — H—___will help in transporting pil _to cities and _wrals | GRADING a _Grrading is the process of Sorting individual units of _a__product into well-shaped or well=defmed -classes_or grades of quality. The goods are Graded into_dif ferent standards - Standerds reflect _clesirable | features of a product in terms of tts design , weight, s+ Tt also involves _dlivision into classes PROMOTIONAL TECHNIQUE. Promotion isthe process of communication with the | potential buyers involving information, permission andl inflvence_- Tt ineludes all types_of- _personal_and_impexsonal Rapio. ApvertisiInG___ A_cotchy jingle and_qyick tag line can enhance a radio ads effectiveness- Matching the Station you choose your target demographic is key: An urban Station is good tp reach youth aged 2 to 24 And a Contemporary statfon_aged_25 to b4.| Print Ano GeaPHic Aets Mepin Many vetailers pre fer_advertising—ia_local_newspape becayse it provides maximum flexibiiity in terms of budget ) timing. Readers can also get move impact From the Same messaqe- TELEvision ADVERTISING [t_is_an_impoxtant promotional. |_whieh reaches masges_and_it_ S_€conomical +00. Our company _has_also 4'4__howing —a_cPlebrity - Since | television is a sprimarily —visval_metium_, advertisers Ppsal__-to__your senses through attractive sights empany haste ups enajox_institutions. The ntative vil) __ the free sampl| he _shudents in different ools Isle will. be giving ovt many catalogues of ovy uct» Thistechnique is very helpful_for_beqinners ag creates. direct_public relation and communication. way of this project, we understood -the mportance of marketing miy for the success ~of any nowledge. The introduction of anew product in Market ig a tedious _procees -Aftter_detailed analysis, it encluded__that_the marketing ef hor oil is very teable—in India but to stay above Ahe competition nd _must have its usp, nee _it is a consumer geod _& sound promotic “would _ prove every effective in promoting sales. good quality product with the right Pricing vill Captive a huge market Share-

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