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Recursive Techniques:

1. Recursion Tree
2. Fibonacci Sequence

Graph Traversal Techniques:

1. BFS (Breadth First Search)
2. DFS (Depth First Search)

Minimum Spanning Tree: (Types)

1. Prim's Algorithm
2. Kruskal's Algorithm

Single Source Shortest Path: (Types)

1. Dijkstra's Algorithm
2. Bell-Man Ford Algorithm

All Pairs Shortest Path: (Types)

1. Floyd Warshall Algorithm

Dynamic Programming Techniques:

1. Edit Distance
2. Knapsack 0/1 Problem
3. Bell-Man Ford Algorithm
4.. Floyd Warshall Algorithm

Greedy Algorithm:
1. Prim's
2. Kruskal's
3. Dijkstra's
Types of Graph:
1. Directed
2. Undirected
3. Dense
4. Sparse

Properties of Sorting:
1. Stable
2. In-Place

Comparison-Based Sorting:
1. Iterative Sorting:
a) Selection Sort
b) Bubble Sort
c) Insertion Sort
d) Heap Sort

2. Recursive Sorting
a) Merge Sort
b) Quick Sort

Non Comparison Based Sorting:

1. Radix Sort
2. Counting Sort
3. Bucket Sort

Search Algorithm:
1. Linear Search
2. Binary Search
Quick Sort: Most Efficient and most used Algorithm.

Insertion Sort: Fastest Algorithm for sorting very small arrays.

Insertion Sort: Runs much more efficiently if the list is already sorted.

What are the types of linear data structure?

The types of linear data structures are Array, Queue, Stack, Linked List.

Trees, graphs are non-linear data structures.

 An Array is a collection of data items having similar data types.

 A Linked list is a collection of nodes, where each node has a data element
and a reference to the next node in the sequence.
 A Stack is a FILO (First In Last Out) data structure where the element that
is added first will be deleted last.
 A Queue is a FIFO (First in First Out) data structure where the element that
added is first will be deleted first.
 A Tree is a collection of nodes where these nodes are arranged
hierarchically and form a parent-child relationship.
 A Graph is a collection of a finite number of vertices and edges. Edges
connect the vertices and represent the relationship between the vertices that
connect these vertices.

 There are basically four flowcharting structures:

• Decision
• Repetition
• Case
• Sequence.

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