MSBA Report Template 2022

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Capstone Paper template is on the next page ….

Please, do NOT CHANGE FONTS from given ones in the template

DO NOT BEGIN ANY SECTIONS in NEW PAGES except for biblio. Write
all content consecutively (including Section 1 after Abstract)

When a graphics is too big to fit in landscape, make it portrait in a

different page (an exceptional resource for readability of high-density
plots or pictures).

All tables and figures MUST BE REFERRED TO as part of the main

content by NUMBER. Every figure (pic, screenshot, graphic) or table
should be have a caption right below the graphics, reading Figure
number or Table number. Numbers should be correlative (for figures
and tables independently) and they must be checked very carefully for
correctness and completeness before submitting your paper.

You must cite your references at the end of the paper, for example:

Author (Surname, Initial) Title in Italics, Publisher, Year of Publication

Y. Pang, ‘Entity-Centric Operations Modeling for Business Process

Management – A Multidisciplinary Review of the State of the
Art’, International Journal on Software and Information Systems,

References contained within the text of the paper should say (Pang,
2013)  For web references, you may choose to cite the date the page
was retrieved before providing a web link.

Be prepared to deliver all your figures and graphics ELECTRONICALLY

in the resolution required on the check-list document accompanying
this one (this is a one-sheet check-list that you need to turn SIGNED
on the day of Capstone Module examination).

Please, do not change the margins set in this template. Adjust all text
to margins provided here.

Notice that font sizes MUST BE USED AS GIVEN BELOW – DO NOT

CHANGE them – Make sure upper and lower margins are identical …
(use the upper margin on the page below for a reference)


PAPER … And do not narrate it as if you were telling a
story or a process (“I did this and then I did that and I
think that … “).
Do not use the term “Capstone” or “Capstone Project”
in your paper. Do not ever use arguments such as “as
the project was 3 months or too short then there was
no time to … “. This is NOT professional
argumentation for business reading.

Follow closely the instructions given to clear the paper with

your company and get permission to include or exclude the
name of the organization. Use all the advice provided by Ness
Burton on her PPT.

National University of Singapore

Abstract  this is Verdana font size 11 Bold face

** content of abstract in size 10 ** It should be descriptive enough for anyone
reading it to get a quick and clear idea / summary of what the work was and the
results obtained. CANNOT BE LONGER than 10 lines of text or so.

1. Introduction  this is Verdana font size 12 (and so are ALL

section titles)
Include the project background and problem statement

2. Literature Review
Describe the state of the art of the relevant technologies, solutions, etc.

3. Solution: Description of Approach

Include things such as experimentation, research, applied work done,
architecture of the solution, techniques used, tools used, and any other
relevant description that remains as NON-confidential after passing
management approval in the Enterprise / NUS …  this is Verdana font
size 11

4. Discussion
Address VALUE of the work done. Why is it important?

5. Conclusions and Further Work

Bibliography (items should be numbered in order of reference)

At the end of the paper, beginning on a separate page and numbered

Appendix (numbered: 1, 2, … if several are needed)

These should contain things like code -if a must to include-, long tables,
and other miscellaneous things that MUST NOT be part of the core text
in the core sections and should NOT be counted in your 20~30 page
length document.

References MUST be used in the text wherever materials – cannot add

references without being used in state-of-the-art of any other place in the

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