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Philosopher’s perspective about SELF

1. Socrates and Plato

Based on the perspective of Socrates about self, self is not actually recognized by his
own, his social status, his reputation or even the body itself. Self is the soul, according to him.
Socrates means that the soul has this willingness and thinking aspect within oneself.
Similarly, Plato’s perspective was somehow related to Socrates that the self is the soul.
However, Plato’s own perspective was the “self is an immortal soul.” He believed that every
human has a purpose and should do his part or should do his purpose.
2. St. Agustine & Thomas Aquinas
St. Agustine
According to him, “A soul can’t live in this world without a body for it is considered as a
unity of body and self.” Contrary to Socrates and Plato’s perspective, St. Agustine’s
perspective was that self has a soul and soul will never live unless it has a body. Self is
the soul and soul must have a body. St. Agustine’s perspective was more on taking care
of the body as the soul lives in it.
Thomas Aquinas

3. Rene Descartes
Based on the perspective of Rene, self is not just a physical body, but self is a man that has
knowledge to doubt, to understand, to analyze, to question and to reason out. This knowledge’s
independently living in the physical body of a man.
4. David Hume
Based on the perspective of David, self is a man full of all sensation and perception. Man
will only believe what he can see but those are just impressions and ideas that will eventually fall
to imagination. We don’t define the identity of a person base on what we see only.
5. Emmanuel Kant
Based on the perspective of Emmanuel, self is the capabilities of oneself to discovery and
experiences. It is only the self who can explore an experience thing, and no one will do it for
6. Gilbert Rye
Based on the perspective of Gilbert, that the self is understood in the behavior of a man. Self
is the behavior of oneself. In every behavior, it is the definition of a certain man to his self.
7. Merleau-Ponty
Based on the perspective of Merleau, self is embodied to consciousness. Man will not
function unless being commanded by his brain. In other words, self is defined from the
consciousness of a man or from the individual’s awareness.

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