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Python Project Overview

From the point of the user:

1. First he/she opens the program a window opens.
2. The program asks for the name of the user.
3. Then it asks do you want to scan or create a QR code:
4. Then it will ask for the input which one has to be done:
a) Scan:
i) A scanner opens and it show the output (scanning is
done either via webcam/as an image-input from sir.).
b) Create:
i) Asks for name, mobile number / any other info, etc.
ii) And coverts it into a QR code and shows
iii) After that he/she can save the QR code
iv) A number will be given to open the file.
v) If we give the number wrong it will not open.
5. Then it will start repeating the same thing of 3 and 4.
6. After this the user will see a display with see in a app.
7. Atlast a thankyou will be shown.
8. If the user clicks the thank you button it comes out of the
9. The user can give any data and get converted to a QR code(input
from sir- confirmation).
From the point of me:
1. The UI is made of the tkinter.
2. The scanning is done with the help of google lens (it can
redirect/take a pic of the QR code and scan it with help of google
lens.- input from sir.)
3. For creating we can get the data from the user and store it the
4. Then with data from the SQL/dictionary a QR code is created with
the help of google.
5. Then the QR code is shown to the user.
6. A number is generated from 1 to100000 to secure the data.
7. The generated number is added to a list/dictionary.
8. The number last generated is check in the list
9. If the number last generated has already been generated then again
it is made to generate a new number.
10. The user can scan it and get the data by entering the generated
11. The produced number is stored in dictionary as a value for the
name for the future reference.

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