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Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Chapter 6

Design of axially Loaded


Chapter 6 0
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

6.1. Buckling Length of Columns and end restraint:

The effective length of a column was defined as the distance between points of zero
moment in the column, that is, the distance between inflection points. In steel specifications
the effective length of a column is referred to as KL, where K is the effective length factor. K
is the number that must be multiplied by the length of the column to obtain its effective
length. Its size depends on the rotational restraint at the ends of the column and upon the
resistance to lateral movement provided.
Table 4.3 of the E.C.P. gives recommended effective length factors for columns with well-
defined end conditions. This table reproduced here as table 5.1.

Table 6.1. Buckling Length Factor for columns with Well Defined end conditions:

For conditions (a), (b), (c) and (e) the lower end of the column is fixed.
Column condition (a) is approached when the top of the column is integrally framed to a
heavy girder many times more rigid than the column itself.
Condition (c) is the same as (a) except that in this case the top of the column is allowed to
translate. This condition can be realized for columns in an un-braced frame with heavy beam
members. Similarly, condition (f) is approached for column in a pinned base frame with
heavy beam.

Chapter 6 1
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Example 6.1:
Select the lightest I- section that can be used as a column with length = 10 m and the design
force is 200 ton. The column has hinged end connections along the strong axes, while it is
provided with lateral support at the mid-height along the weak axes.


Lx = 1000 cm ix > 1000/180 = 5.56 cm

Ly = 500 cm iy > 500/180 = 2.78 cm
To choose an economic section, it is recommended to select an I-section with ix=2 iy
For IPE ix = 4 iy For HEA ix = 3 iy For HEB ix = 2iy
Assume Fc = 1.2 t/cm² Arequred = 200/1.0 = 200 cm²

Choose HEB-450
A=218 cm² ix = 19.1 cm iy = 7.38 cm
Bf = 300mm tf = 26mm h = 450mm tw = 14 mm

Check of compactness:
Flange compactness
C = (bf – tw – 2tf)/2 = (30 – 1.4 – 2*2.6)/2 = 11.7 cm
C/tf = 11.7/2.6 = 4.5 < 14.8 Safe
Web compactness
dw = h – 4tf = 45 – 4*2.6 = 34.6 cm
dw / tw = 34.6/1.4 = 24.7 < 41.3 Safe

Check compression stresses:

Lx/ix = 1000/19.1 = 52 < 180 safe
Ly/iy = 500/7.38 = 67.8 < 180 safe (controls)
Fc = 1.4 – 0.000065(67.8)² = 1.11 t/cm²
Fc = 200/218 = 0.917 t/cm² safe and economic


Chapter 6 2
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Example 6.2:
Determine the maximum compressive strength of a built-up I- section (web 600*6 + 2Flange
PLs 200*6). The column has length = 6 m. and has hinged end connections along both its
two axes.

Solution: Lx = Ly = 600 cm

Properties of the gross section:

A (gross) = 60*0.6 + 2*20*0.6 = 60 cm²
Ix (gross) = 32834 cm4 ix (gross) = 23.4 cm
Iy (gross) = 800 cm4 iy (gross) = 3.65 cm

Allowable compression stresses:

Lx/ix(gross) = 600/23.4 = 25.6 < 180 safe
Ly/iy(gross) = 600/3.65 = 164 < 180 safe (controls)
Fc = 7500/(164)² = 0.277 t/cm²

Check of compactness:
Flange compactness
C = (bf – tw – 2Sweld)/2 = (20 – 0.6 – 2*0.6)/2 = 9.1 cm
C/tf = 9.1/0.6 = 15.1 > 13.5 Slender flange section
Web compactness
dw = tw– 2Sweld = 60 – 2*0.6 = 58.8 cm
dw / tw = 58.8/0.6 = 98 > 41.3 Slender web

Effective section:
Effective flange:
For un-stiffened flange under compression ψ = 1.0 and Kσ =0.43
λ¯ρ = (b¯/44t)* (Fy/Kσ)^1/2 = (9.1/44*0.6)(2.4/0.43)^1/2 = 0.814
ρ = (λ¯ρ - 0.15 - 0.05ψ) / λ¯ρ ² = (0.814 - 0.15 - 0.05) / (0.814) ² = 0.925
be = ρ b¯ = 0.925*91 b(flange effective) = 0.925*91 + 0.6 +0.6*2 = 186mms
Effective web:
For un-stiffened web under compressionψ = 1.0 and Kσ = 4
λ¯ρ = (b¯/44t)* (Fy/Kσ)^½ = (58.8/44*0.6)(2.4/ 4)^½ = 1.725
ρ = (λ¯ρ - 0.15 - 0.05ψ) / λ¯ρ ² = (1.725 - 0.15 - 0.05) / (1.725) ² = 0.57
be = ρ b¯ = 0.57*58.8
Non-effective web = (1- 0.57)*58.8 = 25.3 cm
Effective area = 43.14 cm²

Maximum compressive strength:

C = Fc*A(effective) = 0.277*43.14 = 12 ton
Chapter 6 3
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

6.2. Buckling Length Coefficient "k" for Columns in Rigid frames:

Should the columns be part of a continuous frame, it is often advantageous to make a

more detailed analysis. This is also desirable for columns in frames braced against side-
sway. In statically indeterminate structures side-sway occurs where the frames deflect
laterally due to the presence of lateral loads or unsymmetrical vertical loads or where the
frames themselves are unsymmetrical.
Side-sway can be prevented by provided diagonal bracing or rigid shear walls to frame
structures (refer to figure 5.1 for frames prevented from side-sway). The columns will be
prevented from side-sway and provided with some rotational restraint at their ends.
The E.C.P. Specification states that K = 1.0 should be used for columns in frames with
side-sway inhibited unless an analysis shows that a smaller value can be used. K = 1.0 is
often quite conservative.

The buckling lengths for a column in rigid frame is obtained from the alignment charts
given in the E.C.P., Figure 5.2.
The charts present a practical method for estimating K. One chart was developed for
columns braced against side-sway and the other one for columns subject to side-sway. The
subscripts A and B refer to the joints at the two ends of the column. G is defined as;
∑ /
G = I c Lc
∑ I g / Lg
Σ indicates a summation of all members rigidly connected to that joint.
Ic is the moment of inertia and Lc the unsupported length of a column section.
Ig is the moment of inertia and Lg the unsupported length of a girder.

“G” values for column with different base connections:

1-For column ends supported by hinged connection to a footing, G is theoretically infinity,
but, it may be taken as '10' for practical designs.
2-For column ends rigidly attached to a footing, G may be taken as 1.0.

Multipliers for rigidly attached members:

For beams with far end hinged or fixed, the beam stiffness (Ig/Lg) multiplied by a
factor given as follows;
Beam end condition hinged Fixed
Side-sway prevented (Ig/Lg) * 1.5 (Ig/Lg) * 2.0
Side-sway permitted (Ig/Lg) * 0.5 (Ig/Lg) * 0.67

To determine a K value for a particular column, the following steps are taken:
1. Select the appropriate chart (side-sway prevented or side-sway permitted.
2. Compute G at each end of the column and label the values GA and GB as desired.

Chapter 6 4
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

3. Draw a straight line on the chart between the GA and GB values and read K where the line
hits the center K scale.

Figure 5.1. Frames prevented from side-sway by applying

diagonal bracing or shear wall

Figure 6.2. Alignment chart for buckling length factor (K) of columns in
rigid frames
Chapter 6 5
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil


When we have a non-braced frame with beams rigidly attached to columns, it is safe
to design each column individually using the side-sway uninhibited alignment chart to obtain
the K factors (which will larger than 1.0).

A column cannot buckle by side-sway unless all of the columns on that story buckle by side-
sway. This is meant that, the columns cannot support or brace each other because, if one gets
ready to buckle, they all supposedly are ready to buckle. In some situations, however, certain
columns in a frame have some excess buckling strength. If, for instance, the buckling loads
of the exterior columns of the non-braced frame not been reached when the buckling loads of
the interior columns are reached, the frame will not buckle. The interior columns in effect
will lean against the exterior columns; that is, the exterior columns will brace the interior
ones. For this situation shear resistance is provided in the exterior column which resists the

To account for the fact that a strong column (or column with low axial force) will brace a
weak column (or column with high axial load) a modification for the K factor (for the strong
column) according to the E.C.P., shall be considered;

K¯i = [(ΣPc / Pci) * (Ii / Σ (Ii/Ki²)] ½ > 0.79 Ki

Pci = Ai Fc
K¯i & Ki = The modified value and the value determined from the alignment
charts for buckling length factor respectively.
Ai & Ii = Cross section area and moment of inertia for the considered
Fc = The allowable compression stresses.
Pci = The axial compressive strength of the i-th rigidly connected
ΣPc = The axial compressive strength of all columns in a story.

Chapter 6 6
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Example 6.3:
Determine the effective lengths of each of the columns of the frame shown. The exterior columns are HEA-
300, the interior columns are HEB-300, beams, 7m span are IPE-450, and beams 10m span are HEA-450.
a) Consider joint “j” is roller support.
b) Consider the frame is braced against side sway.
c) Consider joint “j” is hinged support.

3 E H
7 10 7

Stiffness factor
Member Shape I L I/L
AB HEA-300 18260 400 46
BC HEA-300 18260 300 61
DE HEB-300 25170 400 63
EF HEB-300 25170 300 84
GH HEA-300 18260 400 46
HI HEA-300 18260 300 61
BE, CF & HJ IPE-450 33740 700 48
EH & FI HEA-450 63720 1000 64

G factors for each joint:

Joint Σ (lc/Lc) / Σ (lg/Lg) G
A hinged base 10
B (46+61)/(48) 2.2
C 61/48 1.27
D hinged base 10
E (63+84)/(48/64) 1.31
F 84/(48+64) 0.75
G hinged base 10
H (46+61)/(64+48*X) 0.79(case b & c), 1.2(case a) (X=1.5 [case b &c], X=0.5 [case a])
I 61/64 0.95
Column K factors from chart:
Column GA GB K (case ”a”) K(case “b”) K (case ”c”)
AB 10 2.22 2.2 0.91 0.91
BC 2.22 1.27 1.55 0.82 1.55
DE 10 1.31 2.0 0.87 0.87
EF 1.31 0.75 1.3 0.76 1.3
GH 10 0.79(1.2) 1.8 0.85 0.85
HI 0.79(1.2) 0.95 1.3 0.76 1.27

Chapter 6 7
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil


The segments of built-up columns with cross sections such as those shown in Fig.4.4
must be interconnected so that they will act as parts of a truss rather than as individual
columns. They may be joined by single lacing (Fig. 4.4.a) or by double lacing (Fig. 4.4.b).
At the ends and at intermediate points where it is necessary to interrupt the lacing (to add
gusset plates), the open sides are connected with plates (Fig. 4.4.d). These plates are called
batten plates or tie plates. Lacing is sometimes omitted, with the segments connected by
battens (Fig. 4.4.e). Lacing may be replaced by perforated cover plates (Fig. 4.4.f) in
members of bridge trusses.

Fig. 5.3. Different types of latticed and batten columns

Fig. 6.4. Effect of shear on column buckling

The lacing or battens in a column must carry the shear forces which develop when the
column bends. The shear V is shown in Fig. 4.5, which shows a portion of a bent column. It
can be found that
V = P sin θ= P tan θ = 0.02 P

Chapter 6 8
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

6.4.1 Design Lacing of Compression Members: Design force in lacing bars:
Force in lacing bar = ± (0.02P + Q) / 2 cos θ
Where: P & Q is the compression force and shear force in the column
θ, is the angle of inclination of the lacing bars.
The required section of lacing bars shall be determined by using the permissible stresses for
compression and tension members given before. Angle of inclination of lacing bars:

As far as practicable, the lacing system shall not be varied throughout the length of the
compression member. Lacing bars shall be inclined at an angle of 50° to 70° to the axis of
the member where a single intersection system is used and at an angle of 40° to 50° where a
double intersection system is used. The maximum un-supported length of the compression
member between lacing bars shall be determined in such that the slenderness ratio of each
component part, between consecutive connections (lz/rz) shall not be more than 50 in
bridges and 60 in buildings or 2/3 times the slenderness ratio of the member as a whole about
the x-x axis, whichever is the lesser. Slenderness ratio of lacing bars:

The ratio (kl/r) of the lacing bars shall not exceed 140. For this purpose the effective
length (kl) shall be taken as follows:
1- In bolted or riveted connections: the length between the inner end bolts or rivets of
the lacing bar in single intersection lacing and 0.7 of this length for double intersection
lacing effectively connected at the intersection.
2- In welded connections: the distance between the inner ends of effective lengths of
welds connecting the bars to the components in single intersection lacings, and 0.7 of
the length for double intersection lacing effectively connected at the intersection. Batten plates at the ends of compression members:

Laced compression members shall be provided with batten plates at the ends of the
lacing system, at points where the lacing system is interrupted, and where the member is
connected to another member.
The length of end batten plates measured between end fastenings along the
longitudinal axis of the member shall be not less than the perpendicular distance between the
centroids of the main components. The length of intermediate batten plates shall not be less
than 3/4 of this distance, as shown in Figure 5.7.
The thickness of the plates shall not be less than 1/50 of the distance between the
innermost lines of welds or bolts.

Chapter 6 9
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Figure 6.5. Laced Compression Members

Chapter 6 10
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Figure 6.6. Battened Compression Members

Chapter 6 11
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

6.4.2 Battening of Compression Members: Batten Plates Arrangement:

The battens shall be spaced and proportioned uniformly. The number of battens shall be such that the
member is divided into not less than three bays within its actual center to center of connections. Battens may
be plates, channels or other sections. In battened compression members, the slenderness ratio (lz/rz) of the
main component shall not be greater than 50 in bridges and 60 in buildings or 2/3 times the maximum
slenderness ratio of the member as a whole, whichever is the lesser. Straining Action in Batten Plates:

The member as a whole can be considered as a vierendeel girder, or intermediate hinges may be assumed at
mid distances to change the system into a statically determinate system.
Battens shall be designed to resist simultaneously the following forces;
Longitudinal shear force = Q.d / n.a
Moment = Q.d / 2n
d = the longitudinal distance center to center of battens.
a = the minimum transverse distance between the centroids of welding or bolt groups.
Q = the transverse shear force (considered as 2% of the force in the member).
n = the number of parallel planes of battens. Dimensions of Batten Plates:

End battens shall have an effective length of not less than the perpendicular distance between the
centroids of the main components. Intermediate battens shall have an effective length of not less than 3/4 of
this distance, but in no case shall the length of any batten be less than twice the width of the smaller
component in the plane of the battens, see Fig. 5.6.
The thickness of batten plates shall be not less than 1/50 of the minimum distance between the
innermost lines of connecting welds, bolts, or rivets.

6.4.3 Equivalent slenderness ratio of battened or latticed compression members:

The capacity of battened or latticed compression members is reduced by increasing the slenderness
ratio (ly/ry), Fig. 5.6 as follows;

i For members with lacing bars and batten plates at their ends:
(Ly/ry) correctred = ([ly/ry]² + [lz/rz]²) ½

ii For members with batten plates only:

(Ly/ry) correctred = ([ly/ry]² + [1.25 lz/rz]²) ½

iii. For members connected in both directions by lacing bars or batten plates, correction for the
slenderness ration (ly/ry) and (lx/rx) shall be required.

Chapter 6 12
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Example 6.4:
Design a latticed column carries 150 ton (I) and has Lx=Ly=L=10m. The proposed cross
section is four angles forming a box 500*500 mms. Use steel ST 37 and bolts 20mm
diameter. Design the lacing bars.

45 lz
x x

500 a
Assume Fc = 1 t/cm²
A (required for 1 L) = 150/4*1 = 37.5 cm²
Use 4-Ls 150*150*14 (A= 40.3 cm² e = 4.21 cm Ix = 845 cm4)
Check compactness:
B/t = 150/14 = 10.7 < 14.8 O.K.
Cross-section properties:
Ix = Iy = 4*[845+40.3(25 – 4.21)²] = 73121.5 cm4
Ix = iy = (73121.5/4*40.3)^½ = 21.29 cm ≈ 0.428 * 50
Check of compressive stresses:
Lx/ix = Ly/iy = 1000/21.29 = 47 < 180 safe
Iz = 0.2*150 = 3 Lz = 2b = 2*(50-2*8.5) = 66cm
Lz/iz = 66/3 = 22 < 60 < 2/3*47 O.K.
(Lx/ix) corrected = (Ly/iy) corrected = [(47)² + (22)² ]^½ = 52
Fc = 1.4-0.000065(52)² = 1.22 t/cm²
Fc = 150/4*40.3 = 0.93 < Fc safe

Design of lacing bars:

D.F. = ± 0.02*150/2 cos 45 = ± 2.12 ton
L = a / cos 45 = 33/0.707 = 46.7 cm
tmin = l/50 = 46.7/50 =~ 1cm
b > 3 ø > 6cm use lacing bars 60*12mms
Check as compression member:
Ix = 6*(1.2)³ / 12 = 1.008 cm^4 A= 6*1.2 = 7.2cm² ix = 0.37
Lx/ix = 126 < 140 safe
Fc = 7500/(126)² = 0.47 t/cm² fc= 2.12/7.2 = 0.29 < Fc safe
Check as tension member:
Anet = 7*1.2 – 2.2*1.2 = 4.56 ft = 2.12/4.56 = 0.46 t/cm² < 1.4 safe

Chapter 6 13
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Example 6.5:
Design a battened column carries 130 ton (I) and has Lx=Ly=L=10m. Use two channels. Use
steel ST 37. Design the batten plates.
y b

d lz
x x


30-2.81*2=24.4 a = 24.4

Assume Fc = 1 t/cm² A (required for 1 channel) = 130/2*1 = 65 cm²
Use two channels no 320
A= 75.8 cm² e = 2.6 cm Ix = 10870 cm4 Iy = 567 cm4
bf = 100 mm tf = 17.5 mm tw = 14 mm
Check compactness:
C/t = (100-14-17.5) / 17.5 = 3.9 < 14.8 O.K.
dw/tw = (320 – 4*17.5)/14 = 17.85 < 41.3O.K.
Cross-section properties:
A = 2*75.8 = 151.6 cm2 Ix = 2*10870 cm4 ix = 12.1
Iy = 2*[597+75.8(10/2 + 10 – 2.81)²] = 24504 cm4 iy = 12.6
Check of compressive stresses:
Lx/ix = 1000/12.1 = 82.6 < 180 Ly/iy = 1000/12.6 = 78.5 < 180 safe
Iz = iy of one channel = 2.81
Lz > 2/3 (Ly/iy) < 52.33 & < 60
Lz < 52.33*2.81 < 147cm take Lz = 100cm
Lz/iz = 100/2.81 = 35.5
(Ly/iy) corrected = [(78.5)² + (1.25*35.5)²]^½ = 90
Fc = 1.4-0.000065(90)² = 0.87 t/cm² fc = 150/2*75.8 = 0.85 t/cm² < Fc safe
Design of batten plates:
Depth of first batten b1 > a > 24.4 take b1=25cm
Depth of intermediate batten b > ¾ a > ¾ * 25 cm take b=20 cm
Thickness of batten t > 200/50 > 4mm take t = 10mm
d = b + Lz = 15 + 100 = 115 cm
Q = 0.02 P / 2 = 1.3 ton Mx = Q/2 * d = 74.75 Qy = Q/2 * d/2 = 3.74 ton
Check of stresses:
Fbc = Mx / Zx = 6*Mx/ (b^2 t) = 6*74.75/ (20*20*1) = 1.12 t/cm² < 1.4 safe
qy = Qy/ A = 3/2 * 3.74/(20*1) = 0.28 < 0.84 t/cm² safe

Chapter 6 14
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

6.5 Design of Base Plates

We are looking for design of concentrically loaded columns. These base plates are connected using
anchor bolts to concrete or masonry footings
The column load shall spread over a large area of the bearing surface underneath the base plate

The design approach presented here combines three design approaches for light, heavy loaded,
small and large base plates

Design parameters for base plate

Chapter 6 15
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

Exercise Sheet for Design of Axially Loaded Columns

1- Determine the column load of an IPE-400 with length 6m. The column is pin ended along the strong
axis, while the lateral bracing along the weak axis is provided as follows;
a) Lateral bracing is provided at the ends.
b) Lateral bracing is provided at the mid-length.
2- Select a pair of channels with single lacing bars to support an axial load of 160 tons. The column is
8m long with both ends pinned. Design the lacing bars.


3- A battened column is composed of 4-angles. The column is 10m long with both ends pinned and
carries a force = 200 tons. Select suitable 4-angles and design the batten plates assuming welded



4- Determine the effective lengths of each of the columns of the frame shown if side-sway is permitted.
The exterior columns are HEA-500, the interior columns are HEA-600, beams, 6m & 5m, spans are
IPE-400, and beams 13m span are IPE-600.
a) Support A is hinged support.
b) Support A is roller support.

5 A

6 13 5

Chapter 6 16
Design of Axially Loaded Columns
Design of Steel Structures Third Year Civil

5- For the shown frame;

Ibeam = Icolumn . C
The high of the columns = 6.0 m. 5 B
The base connections are hinged.

a-Find the buckling length factor for 6

columns AB and BC.
b-Design the column AB assuming
that lateral bracings around the weak 10 m 7m
axis are provided at the ends A&B
and at mid high. Axial compression
force = 150 ton. And the bending
moment is neglected.

Chapter 6 17
Design of Axially Loaded Columns

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