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Marine Biology 110, 161-163 (~991)

@ Springer-Verlag 1991

Purple photosynthetic bacteria from a tropical mangrove environment

R.R. Vethanayagam
Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai 608 502, Tamil Nadu, India

Date of final manuscript acceptance: Aprii 9, 1991. Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe

Abstract. Purple photosynthetic bacterial strains were growth in the light. They can also utilize sulphide, at even
isolated from m u d samples collected from the mudflats of lower concentrations than those required by PSB.
Pichavaram mangroves (Tamil Nadu, India) in 1989 and Marine purple photosynthetic bacteria from tropical
1990. The presence of two m a j o r groups of photosyn- environments have earlier been successfully isolated (Tru-
thetic purple bacteria was recorded, viz., G r o u p 1: purple per ]970, Ohta et al. 1981, I m h o f f 1983, 1988 a, b). In the
sulphur bacteria (family Chromatiaceae, strains belong- present study, an anaerobic technique was successfully
ing to Chromatium sp.); and G r o u p 2: purple nonsulphur used to isolate tropical strains belonging to the two dom-
bacteria (family Rhodospirillaceae, strains apparently inant groups of purple phototrophic bacteria. The strains
belonging to Rhodopseudomonas sp.). were identified on the basis of cell m o r p h o l o g y and bio-
chemical and physiological analysis (Vethanayagam
1990). In addition, in vivo light absorption spectra of cell
suspensions were recorded to identify the predominant
Introduction photosynthetic pigment and the nature of carotenoids.

The presence of purple bacteria in a "reducing environ-

m e n t " rich in sulphide, which is generally unfavourable Materials and methods
for healthy growth, is very interesting. Such bacteria are
capable of using light to grow, fix nitrogen and produce Mud samples were collected in 1989 and 1990 from the mudflats of
hydrogen gas in this hostile environment. Earlier studies Pichavaram mangroves (Tamil Nadu, India). Four sites (Madai,
Periyakkadavu, Karithurai, and Chinnavaikkal) were selected for
have revealed that strains belonging to Chromatium sp.
the study.
(family Chromatiaceae - purple sulphur bacteria) and From each of these areas, a few grams of wet mud with an
Chloroflexus sp. (family Chloroflexaceae - microfilamen- adhering film of water were brought in presterilized MacCartney
tous green photosynthetic bacteria) occur in this man- bottles to the laboratory within 3 h (to minimize changes in the
grove environment (Krishnamurthy et al. 1986). microflora). The mud was inserted into screw-cap test tubes (35 ml
Purple sulphur bacteria (PSB) range in colour from capacity) with the help of a sterile spatula. The tubes were then filled
to the brim with media and sealed so that they were air tight. The
pink to purple and contain bacteriochlorophyll a as their
medium for PSB (a modification of Pfennig's medium) contained
major pigment. These phototrophic anaerobes require 1.0 g NH4C1, 1.0 g KH2PO4, 1.0 g Na2S (added after autoclaving),
sulphide, which they oxidise to sulphate for growth; CO 2 0.2g MgC12.6H20, 0.2g CaClz-2H20, 1.0g NaHCO3, 0.5g
is the usual source of cell carbon, but they can also utilize ascorbic acid, 2.82 g sodium acetate, 1.0 g yeast extract, and I 1aged
the various organic acids as carbon sources. Purple sul- sea water (ca. 3 mo old). The pH was adjusted to between 7 and 7.5.
phur bacteria are widely distributed in sulphide-rich re- The medium for PNB (also a modification of Pfennig's medium)
contained 1.5 g NH4C1, 1.0 g KHzPO4, 0.2 g MgC12-6 H20, 1.0 g
ducing environments such as mangroves, mudflats, pol-
NaHCO 3, 0.2 g C a C 1 2 - 2 H20, 1.0 g yeast extract, 1.0 g malic acid,
luted waters, etc. 0.5 g ascorbic acid, and i 1 aged sea water (ca. 3 mo old). The pH
Purple nonsulphur bacteria (PNB) range in colour was adjusted to between 6.5 and 7.
from brown to red and also contain bacteriochlorophyll The mud samples were also subjected to Winogradsky's cylinder
a as their major photosynthetic pigment. They have the technique as described by Carr (1969) for isolating photosynthetic
ability to utilize a remarkably wide spectrum of reducing bacteria. The screw-cap tubes and the Winogradsky column were
placed at a radius of ca. 50 cm around a 60 W bulb.
carbon compounds, like malate or succinate, as electron The photosynthetic bacteria were enriched by transfer every
donors and as carbon sources for growth (Mitsui et al. week into fresh medium, using sterile pasteur pipettes. They were
1980, K u m a z a w a and Mitsui ]982). They are also capa- then purified by the agar-shake culture method described by Pfen-
ble of aerobic growth in the dark, as well as anaerobic nig and Truper (1981), a convenient method for creating anaerobic
162 R.R. Vethanayagam: Purple photosynthetic bacteria
[ 418.4

1.8 ~ 478.8
, 1.6
._,~ 0,6-
79i. 8
o o

0 1.4 0 0,4-

1.2 0.2-

1.0 r----- I I i I I

4OO 500 600 700 800 900 400 500 600 700 800 900
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (rim)
Fig. 1. Chromatium sp. Absorption spectrum Fig. 2. Rhodopseudornonas sp. Absorption spectrum

conditions for optimum culture growth. Isolated organisms were sp. was red. The absorption spectrum of Chromatium sp.
then examined for cell morphological characters under a phase (Fig. 1) showed absorption maxima at 854, 799.2, 586.8,
contrast microscope (Nikon). The absorption spectra of these bac- 521,478.8, and 418.4 nm. The absorption spectrum of
teria were also recorded as recommendedby Haskins and Kihara
(1967), to determinethe nature of photosyntheticpigmentspresent. (?)Rhodopseudomonas sp. (Fig. 2) showed maximal peaks
at 848.8,796.8, 589.6, 486 and 371.6 nm.

Both PSB and PNB took ca. 4 d to make their initial
appearance in the screw-cap test tubes. The Winogradsky The main physiological property of purple photosynthet-
column yielded interesting results, in that all forms of ic bacteria is their ability to grow rapidly even under
photosynthetic bacteria appeared as coloured spots on extreme anaerobic conditions by using only visible light
the mud-glass interface after 10 d of incubation. The as their energy source. This characteristic was quite evi-
coloured spots (colonies), which were carefully scooped dent during growth and isolation of our photosynthetic
out and purified by the agar-shake culture method, in- bacteria. Strains belonging to Chromatium sp. and
cluded Chromatium sp. and what appeared to be (?)Rhodopseudomonas sp. were found in all mud samples
Rhodopseudomonas sp. tested and hence were considered to be the predominant
The pure strains of Chromatium sp., when grown in photosynthetic bacterial flora. The Chromatium sp.
the presence of sulphide, formed sulphur globules inside strains were earlier identified from this mangrove envi-
their cells. The sulphur globules appeared evenly distrib- ronment by Krishnamurthy et al. (1986).
uted within the cell. (On storage of the strains for 3 to Medium containing HES is selective for sulphide-oxi-
4 mo in a refrigerator at 4 to 6 °C, sulphur globules disap- dising bacteria such as Chromatium sp. Physiologically,
peared; to restore these globules, cells required feeding those strains which contain sulphur globules inside their
with 0.03% sulphide.) Individual cells were rod-shaped cells must be able to oxidize sulphur further to sulphate
and motile. They did not contain any gas vacuoles. (Pfennig 1977). In Rhodopseudomonas sp. no elemental
The strains of (?)Rhodopseudomonas sp., even when sulphur was formed as an intermediate oxidation prod-
grown in the presence of sulphide, did not reveal any uct.
sulphur globules inside their cells. Individual cells were Chromatium sp. strains comprised rod-shaped, highly
rod-shaped and motile. It was also observed that the cells motile cells with no gas vacuoles. These features also
did not attain a spherical shape in medium below pH 7. form prominent key characters in C. vinosum, C. violas-
Cell suspension color of the Chromatium sp. strains cens, C. gracile, C. minutissimum, C. purpuratum, C.
ranged from purple to pink, and in (?)Rhodopseudomonas tepidum, C. minus, C. okenii, C. weissei, C. warmingii and
R.R. Vethanayagam: Purple photosynthetic bacteria 163

C. buderi ( h n h o f f 1988a). A rod-like cell shape is also Literature cited

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and R. acidophila (Pfennig and Truper 1974). ecological investigation of the facultatively anaerobic purple
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also been observed in cultures of C. buderi, C. minus and marine phototrophic purple bacterium. Syst. appl. Microbiol. 4:
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colour of Rhodopseudomonas sp. cultures was found to Imhoff, J. E (1988a). Anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. In:
Austin, B. (ed.) Methods in aquatic bacteriology. John Wiley &
vary between brownish-red and red. This is in conformity Sons, New York, p. 207-240
with results obtained for cultures of R. palustris and Imhoff, J. F. (1988b). Halophilic phototrophic bacteria. In: Rod-
Rhodobacter sulfidophilus by Truper and Pfennig (1981). riguez-Valera, F. (ed.) Halophilic bacteria, Vol. I. CRC Press,
The absorption spectrum of Chromatium sp. (Fig. 1) Boca Raton, Florida, p. 85-108
revealed the presence of bacteriochlorophyll a. The peak Krishnamurthy, K., Perumal, P., Palaniappan, R. (1986). Photo-
at 521 nm would indicate the presence of the okenone synthetic bacteria from the coastal board ecosystems. Curr. Sci.
series of carotenoids, which give a pink to purple colour Kumazawa, S., Mitsui, A. (1982). Hydrogen metabolism of photo-
(Truper and Pfennig 1981). This is a characteristic feature synthetic bacteria and algae. In: Mitsui, A., Black, C. C. (eds.)
of C. purpuratum, C. minus, C. okenii and C. weissei CRC hand-book of biosolar resources, Vol. 1, Basic principles.
(Imhoff, 1988 a). The absorption spectrum of Rhodopseu- CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, p. 299-316
domonas sp. (Fig. 2) also revealed bacteriochlorophyll a Mitsui, A., and co-authors (1980). Photosynthetic bacteria as alter-
to be the principal photosynthetic pigment. The peak at native energy sources: overview on hydrogen production re-
search, In: Veziroglu, T. N. (ed.) Alternative energy resources,
486 nm indicates the presence of carotenoid spirilloxan- Vol. 8, Hydrogen energy. Hemisphere Publishing Co., Washing-
thin (in the normal spirilloxanthin series), which pro- ton, D.C., p. 3483 3510
duces coloration in the culture (Truper and Pfennig Ohta, Y., Frank, J., Mitsui, A. (1981). Hydrogen production by
198l); this feature is unique to the species R. palustris, marine photosynthetic bacteria: effect of environmental factors
R. sulfoviridis, R. rutila and R. marina ( I m h o f f 1988a). and substrate specificity on the growth of a hydrogen producing
marine photosynthetic bacterium. Chromatiumsp. Int. J. Hydro-
The absorption spectra of PSB and PNB displayed
gen Energy 6:451-460
c o m m o n peak values at, respectively, 854 and 849, 799 Pfennig, N. (1977). Phototrophic green and purple bacteria: a com-
and 797, and 587 and 590 nm. These peak values confirm parative, systematic survey. A. Rev. Microbiol. 31:275-290
the presence of bacteriochlorophyll a in the two groups. Pfennig, N., Truper, H. G. (1974). The phototrophic bacteria. In:
Further electron microscope studies will be helpful in Buchanan, R. E., Gibbons, N. E. (eds.) Bergey's manual of
determining these groups' correct systematic status. determinative bacteriology, 8th edn. Williams & Wilkins, Balti-
This study demonstrates that photosynthetic bacteria more, p. 24-64
Pfennig, N., Truper, H. G. (1981). Isolation of members of the
can be easily isolated from a mangrove environment. families Chromatiaceae and Chlorobiaceae. In: Starr, M. P.,
Such bacteria could contribute significantly to primary Stolp, H., Truper, H. G., Balows, A., Schlegel, H. G. (eds.) The
productivity of coastal seaboards and to food-web dy- prokaryotes. A hand-book on habitats, isolation and identifica-
namics of various tropical coastline ecosystems. tion of bacteria. Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 279-289
Truper, H. G. (1970). Culture and isolation of phototrophic sulfur
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Meeresunters. 20:6-16
Acknowledgements. I am indebted to Prof. K. Krishnamurthy for Truper, H. G., Pfennig, N. (1981). Characterization and identifica-
his supervision and encouragement of this research. I thank the tion of the anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. In: Starr, M. P.,
Director of the Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, and Stolp, H., Truper, H. G., Balows, A., Schlegel, H. G. (eds.) The
the authorities of Annamalai University for providing necessary prokaryotes. A hand-book on habitats, isolation and identifica-
facilities to carry out this work. I also thank Prof. C. Lakshmi- tion of bacteria. Springer-Verlag, New York, p. 299-312
narasimhan, Department of Botany, A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam Col- Vethanayagam, R. R. (1990). Purple phototrophic bacteria from the
lege (Autonomous), India, for providing facilities in his laboratory mangrove environment. Master's thesis, Annamalai University,
for use of the Nikon microscope in this study. Annamalai Nagar, India

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