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New Look Central School, Bhilwara

Unit test – I 2021-22

Class -XI
Subject – English
Time -1:00 Hr. M.M.20
Reading Section
Q.1 Read the following passage carefully-
1. Manbhari (85) lay still on her bed wearing a smile of eternal peace, probably she had a
smooth ride. "she was lucky," set her husband sitting at her beside. I thought, 'Can the
benefit of such a smooth ride be extended to countless others who are languishing in
hospitals with terminal ailments, burdening the already stretched healthcare system or
dumped in a corner of the house in a state of total neglect, with a lot of physical and mental
pain to bear? Can anybody offer and end on the demand of the sufferer when the possibility
of a cure has been extinguished?'
2. Neither the law nor medical ethics require that 'every possible thing be done' to keep a person
alive when the medical procedures and aids only add to his torture. It would also be cruel and
inhumane to prolong his misery and cause financial ruin to the family. There comes a time
when continued attempts to cure are not compassionate, wise or medically sound. There is no
point forcing people to stay alive 'hooked up' to machines, artificially feeding and hydrating
through a nasogastric tube and excretory functions regulated by a catheter and by enemes,
since the existence is vegetative.
3. Many patients need 24 hour care for several months with no prospects of the undisputed
consensus of eminent medical opinion is that there is no prospect whatsoever that a patient
would ever make a recovery from his present condition, but that there is every likelihood that
he will maintain his present state of vegetative existence for a long time, provided that painful
interventions which he is now receiving were continued, what could be the objectives at that
stage? Proponents of euthanasia emphasise that when a person faces unbearable pain or
disability and the dignity in his or her life is lost, it would be noble that the state grants him /
her the rights to choose to have death hastened.
4. It is debatable whether ethics should dictate that death be brought about quickly by
administering a lethal drug rather then prolong torture of stopping artificial feeding and other
treatment. Legalised euthanasia raises the potential for a situation in which families and
society could find themselves better-off financially if a seriously ill or disabled person
'chooses' to die rather than receive long-term care. In India's context since the love & care to
the ageing and ailing is missing, the end of the older family member seems to bring a sense of
great relief to all concerned.
Based on your reading of the passage, choose the correct options- 1×4=4
1. If euthanasia is made legal, it will be...................
a) ethically wrong b)inhuman
c) good for patients leading a vegetative existence d)good for relations
2. The synonym of the word 'eminent' is.............
a) important b)poor c)illustrious d) unimportant
3. Why did Manbhari's husband say he was lucky?
4. Suggest a title for the passage and write it's meaning?
Writing Section
Q.2 In the recent staff meeting, a decision was taken to place an order with M/s Punjab Book Depot, Nai
Sarak, Delhi, for the supply of books for the school library. As the librarian, Lord Mahavira public
school, Panipat, place an order for the supply of the books. 3
Write a letter to the postmaster, Ashok Vihar GPO, complaining about the irregularities in the
delivery of mail in your locality.
Grammar Section
Q.3 Arrange the following sentences to make some meaningful sentences - ½×4=2
a) a spectacular view / a duet / in presents / when they dance / it simply
b) on two days / I eat porridge / and / idlis or dosas / gives me hot / Once a week / my wife
c) brown skinned / The Aborigines / who live / are / in parts of / Australia / people
d) Once given / very seriously / I take it / a task,
Literature Section
Q.4 Read the extract and answer the questions that follows (Do Any Two)- 1×2=2
The sea holiday
Was her past, mine is her laughter. Both wry
With the laboured ease of loss.
(i) What is the significance of the 'sea holiday 'here?
(ii) Explain: The sea holiday was her past, mine is her laughter.
(iii) Who does 'both' here refer to?
Q.5 Answer these questions in not more than 30-40 words (Do Any Three) - 2×3=6
a) Who was John Byro? What did he first lose but finally recover?
b) Comment on the title of Marga's story The address?
c) How does the poet describe the laburnum tree?
d) Give a pen-picture of the narrator's grandfather as he appeared in the portrait?
Q.6 Answer the questions in near about hundred words (Do Any One)- 3×1=3
Describe how the bond of friendship between the author and his grandmother grew strong and then
weak with the passage of time?
How does the story "we are not afraid to die..........." Suggest that optimism helps to endure the direct

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