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OPINION Trauma-associated acute kidney injury
Zane B. Perkins a,b, Ryan W. Haines a,c, and John R. Prowle a,c,d

Purpose of review
A summary of recent research into the epidemiology, cause, management and outcomes of trauma-
associated acute kidney injury (AKI). There is an increasing focus on subtypes of AKI to better target
clinical management and future research.
Recent findings
AKI associated with trauma occurs in 20–24% of patients admitted to ICU. On the basis of creatinine and/
or urine output, AKI occurs in the first few days of traumatic illness. Although various associations have
been identified, shock and high-volume blood transfusion are the most consistent risks for development of
trauma-associated AKI. Short-term outcomes appear worse for patients with AKI, but extent of longer term
kidney function recovery remains unknown. Recent research in the general critical care population is
beginning to better inform AKI management; however, currently, preventive and supportive strategies
remain the mainstay of AKI management after trauma.
Well-designed, prospective research is required to better understand the phenotype, pathophysiology and
recovery trajectory of trauma-associated AKI. Only then can potentially unique therapeutic targets be
developed for this common subtype of AKI.
acute kidney injury, critical care, trauma

INTRODUCTION recovers, and survivors of AKI may be prone to

Trauma is a global public health problem, responsi- develop chronic kidney disease (CKD) and late mor-
ble for one in 10 deaths, and the leading cause of life bidity and mortality [9]. As advances in trauma
years lost [1,2]. The WHO estimates that trauma systems and care improve immediate survival, the
causes 5.1 million deaths per year worldwide, and management of organ failure, including AKI, will
is responsible for over 80 million lost disability- likely present a growing challenge to clinicians and
adjusted life years [3]. Although the majority of place an increasing demand on hospital resources.
trauma deaths occur soon after injury, as a result This review aims to summarize the most recent
of exsanguination or central nervous system injury, evidence on trauma-associated AKI and present an
an important group of potentially preventable up-to-date understanding of the epidemiology,
deaths occurs weeks to months later as a result of pathogenesis, and management of the condition.
organ failure [4,5]. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a
common cause of organ failure in trauma patients EPIDEMIOLOGY
who survive their initial injuries. It is a heteroge-
Over the past 15 years, the development and stan-
neous condition comprising a collection of syn-
dardization of consensus definitions of AKI have
dromes that are characterized by an abrupt
decrease in kidney function [6]. Each of these syn-
dromes has a specific cause, pathogenesis, and treat- Adult Critical Care Unit, Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust,
Centre for Trauma Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, cWilliam
ment, and may result in kidney dysfunction that
Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London and
ranges from mild impairment to need for renal d
Department of Renal Medicine and Transplantation, Royal London
replacement therapy (RRT). Overall, trauma patients Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London, UK
who develop AKI suffer worse outcomes than those Correspondence to John R. Prowle, Adult Critical Care Unit, Royal
with normal kidney function, and the condition is London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust, London E1 1BB, UK.
consistently associated with higher mortality rates E-mail:
&& &&
and longer hospital admissions [7 ,8 ]. In addition, Curr Opin Crit Care 2019, 25:565–572
it remains unclear to what degree kidney function DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000655

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Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Renal system

two recent large observational studies of injured

patients in London [13 ] and Paris [14 ] demon-

 Trauma-associated AKI is a common complication of strated an overall AKI incidence of 13%. Approxi-
major trauma, occurring in approximately one in 10 mately 7–8% of patients developed mild AKI, 1–4%
injured patients and one in four of those who require moderate AKI, and 2–3% severe AKI. In addition, a
critical care admission. recent analysis of the United States National Trauma
Databank (n ¼ 988 988) showed a 0.68% incidence
 All stages of AKI are strongly associated with adverse &

patient outcomes, including increased mortality and of severe (stage 3) AKI [15 ]. The majority of cases
longer hospital admissions. (75–95%) of trauma-associated AKI develop within
5 days of injury, with a median time from injury to
 The vast majority of cases are caused by insults meeting AKI diagnostic criteria of 3 days in critical
occurring at, or soon after, the time of injury such as &&
care populations [7 ] and 2 days in general trauma
hypovolaemic (haemorrhagic) shock, rhabdomyolysis & &

or complications of excessive fluid resuscitation or populations [13 ,14 ].

massive blood transfusion.
 Current management of trauma-associated AKI is based CAUSE AND RISK FACTORS
on general principles of AKI management in critical
Several pathophysiological mechanisms may cause
care populations and as yet, has not been tailored to
the unique aspects of the trauma phenotype. AKI in trauma patients. In the vast majority (>90%),
AKI develops within the first few days following
 Research is needed to better understand the unique injury, suggesting that the causal insult occurred
characteristics of trauma-associated AKI, and to at, or soon after, the time of injury [7 ,13 ,14 ].
&& & &

develop targeted prevention and therapeutic strategies

These early causes of AKI include hypovolaemic
that will improve outcomes in this patient population.
shock (generally because of haemorrhage following
trauma), rhabdomyolysis, direct kidney trauma, and
as a complication of massive blood transfusion.
enabled more consistent diagnosis and staging of Although less common, delayed causes of AKI are
this condition in injured patients, and allowed also important, as many cases are potentially pre-
more rigorous study of its epidemiology in trauma ventable. Late causes of AKI include exposure to
populations. nephrotoxic therapies and complications, such as
These definitions include the Risk, Injury, Fail- sepsis and abdominal compartment syndrome.
ure, Loss of kidney function, and End-stage kidney Several clinically measurable factors are markers
disease (RIFLE) [10], later modified to the Acute Kid- of these causal mechanisms and demonstrate a
ney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria [11] and then the strong association with the development of AKI
Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (Table 1). For example, clinical markers of hypovo-
(KDIGO) practice guidelines [12]. Using these defi- laemic shock that are strongly associated with AKI
nitions, trauma-associated AKI has been most thor- include prehospital and admission hypotension
oughly studied in populations of injured patients && & & & &
[7 ,13 ,14 ,16 ,17,18 ], tachycardia [14 ], raised

admitted to critical care units. Two recent systematic & &

admission lactate [13 ,14 ,19], coagulopathy [16 ],

reviews have appraised the existing literature and hypothermia [19], acidosis [17], volume of resusci-
&& &&
pooled the available data in this setting [7 ,8 ]. tation fluid administered [20], volume of blood
The pooled incidence of trauma-associated AKI in products transfused [7 ,13 ,14 ,19,21,22 ,23],
&& & & &&

injured patients admitted to critical care units is and vasopressor requirements [14 ,20]. Many factors

approximately 20–24%. Of these cases, 56–59% associated with AKI may be markers of more than
develop mild (stage 1) AKI, whereas 23–30% develop one mechanism. For example, the presence of a
moderate (stage 2) and 14–18% severe (stage 3) AKI. significant abdominal injury [7 ,23] may indicate

One in 10 patients who develop AKI will require an increased risk of hypovolaemic shock, direct
RRT, corresponding to approximately 2% of the kidney trauma, or abdominal compartment syn-
&& &
total trauma population [7 ,13 ]. drome; and treatment with antibiotics may indicate
The reported incidence of AKI in general trauma &&
sepsis [7 ] or, with certain antibiotics, exposure to
populations is far more variable. This variability is &
nephrotoxins [13 ]. Similarly, a high Injury Severity
because of greater clinical (e.g., differences in the && & & & &
Score [7 ,13 ,14 ,16 ,18 ,21] may act as a marker of
distribution of risk factors and exposures in the the degree of tissue injury, or an increased risk of
study populations) and methodological (e.g., differ- haemorrhage and hypovolaemic shock. The trauma
ences in the timing and criteria used to diagnose literature consistently shows that one of the most
AKI, and how baseline plasma creatinine is important factors associated with AKI is large-vol-
estimated) heterogeneity between studies. However, ume blood transfusion [7 ,13 ,14 ,22 ]. In most
&& & & &&

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Trauma-associated acute kidney injury Perkins et al.

Table 1. Causes, pathophysiological mechanisms, and predictors of trauma-associated acute kidney injury

Cause Pathophysiological mechanisms Clinical markers (predictors)

Hypovolaemia 1) Decreased kidney perfusion secondary to Hypotension (Prehospital/admission)

(Haemorrhagic shock) systemic hypoperfusion Tachycardia
2) Marked changes in glomerular haemodynamics Raised admission lactate
secondary to sympathetic and renin– Acute traumatic coagulopathy
angiotensin–aldosterone system activation Hypothermia
3) Kidney tissue hypoxia/ischaemia Acidosis
4) Microvascular and inflammatory responses to Large volume of fluid resuscitation
ischaemia–reperfusion Volume of blood products transfused
Vasopressor requirements
Rhabdomyolysis 1) Direct myoglobin-mediated proximal tubule Peak serum CK
cytotoxicity Serum myoglobin
2) Intrarenal vasoconstriction-mediated ischaemic Serum phosphate
tubule injury Injury Severity Score
3) Distal tubule obstruction secondary to cast
Direct kidney trauma 1) Kidney destruction or avulsion Significant abdominal injury
2) Devascularization of kidney parenchyma with Haematuria
loss of function
Massive blood transfusion 1) Direct haem-protein-(haemoglobin, myoglobin) Volume of blood products transfused
mediated proximal tubule cytotoxicity
2) Transfusion-related immunosuppression
Nephrotoxins 1) Direct kidney toxicity Administration of nephrotoxic medication [i.e.,
2) Indirect kidney injury secondary to drug-induced aminoglycosides, amphotericin B,
compromise of kidney perfusion angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
3) Tubular lumen obstruction secondary to inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers, non-
precipitation steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
and diuretics]
Sepsis 1) Decreased kidney perfusion secondary to: Pyrexia
Systemic hypotension and efferent arteriole Tachycardia
vasodilation Tachypnoea
Effects of inflammatory mediators on White cell count (low or raised)
microcirculation Hypotension
2) Endothelial and kidney tubular cell inflammatory Raised lactate
injuries Antibiotic administration
Abdominal compartment syndrome 1) External kidney compression by raised intra- Large-volume crystalloid resuscitation
abdominal pressure compromising kidney Significant abdominal injury
2) Kidney interstitial oedema secondary to
excessive crystalloid resuscitation

Risk factors

Older age
Diabetes mellitus
Chronic hypertension
Chronic kidney disease
African race

cases, the volume of blood transfusion is likely a usually multifactorial, with several potential causal
surrogate marker of haemorrhagic (hypovolaemic) insults exerting a combined effect, and it may not be
shock. Regardless, studies have reported the associ- possible to differentiate the individual contribution
ation of blood transfusion over other measures of of each insult.
injury severity with AKI suggesting additional trans- Exposure to iodinated contrast material is
fusion specific risk factors, including transfusion- believed to be an important cause of avoidable
related immunosuppression [24] and/or exposure AKI. However, the evidence to support a causal
to products of haemolysis, plasma free haem, and relationship between current low- or iso-osmolality
iron [25,26]. Overall, AKI following trauma is contrast agents and AKI is weak. Recent studies

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Renal system

suggest that the risk of contrast-associated AKI has with improved kidney preservation and decreased
& &
been overestimated [27 ], and the clinical impor- morbidity [34 ]. However, attempts at kidney pres-
tance of this condition, true toxic effects of contrast ervation must not take precedence over achieving
materials in current use, and justification for limit- rapid haemostasis in the haemodynamically unsta-
ing contrast use have all been called into question ble patient [33 ]. Overall, direct kidney trauma is
[28 ]. Indeed, large meta-analyses of mixed hospital associated with a four-fold to eight-fold increase risk
& &
populations demonstrate no significant difference of developing AKI [13 ,14 ], and devascularization
in the risk of AKI, need for RRT, or mortality, of 25% or more kidney parenchyma is an indepen-
between patients who underwent procedures with dent predictor of long-term kidney dysfunction
IV administration of contrast material and those [35,36].
who underwent procedures without [29 ,30]. A
recent meta-analysis of trauma populations showed
similar results, with a lower risk of AKI in trauma PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
patients who received contrast material compared As trauma-associated AKI is a heterogeneous condi-
to those who did not [7 ]. Certainly, there is no tion with multiple possible causes, several distinct
evidence to justify limiting the use of diagnostic and pathophysiological mechanisms may be at play
therapeutic contrast procedures in trauma patients (Table 1). These mechanisms include marked alter-
because of concerns of contrast-associated AKI. ations to systemic and glomerular haemodynamics
resulting in decreased kidney blood flow and ischae-
mic kidney injury; local and systemic release of
Risk factors inflammatory mediators resulting in a kidney
Trauma may affect any member of society, and inflammatory response with secondary injury to
while the average trauma patient is young with endothelium, microcirculation, and tubular cells;
no comorbidities, some injured patients may have nephrotoxicity; and direct trauma resulting in
preexisting risk factors that make them more sus- devascularized kidney parenchyma (Fig. 1).
ceptible to developing AKI for a given causal insult.
These risk factors are common to any form of AKI;
however, more robust estimates of the magnitude MANAGEMENT
of effect in trauma populations have been reported The latest evidence evaluating aspects of AKI pre-
in recent studies. Important patient factors shown vention and management often include none or
to increase the risk of developing AKI following relatively few critically ill trauma patients. We can
injury are older age (odds ratio (OR) 2.1), diabetes make inferences regarding management from stud-
mellitus (OR 2.4), chronic hypertension (OR 1.8), ies of other AKI subtypes, including postoperative
CKD (OR 3.9), obesity (OR 2.1), and African race AKI, but with the caveat that trauma-associated AKI
&& &
(OR 1.6) [7 ,15 ,31]. Female sex is a recognized risk has unique aspects and often involves a more het-
factor for nonspecific AKI [12]. However, there is erogeneous group of critically ill patients [37]. Early
conflicting evidence on the effect of sex in the in the time course of a trauma patient’s journey
trauma literature, with reports of greater risk in from prehospital management to immediate life-
&& & & &&
women [32], men [7 ,18 ], or no effect [13 ,22 ] saving surgery, the prevention and management
in various recent studies. The true effect of sex on of AKI is secondary. Modern trauma management,
AKI risk is difficult to determine in trauma including permissive hypotension, early use of
populations, as important confounders are not blood products, and damage control surgery, has
evenly distributed between male and female improved prehospital and in-hospital mortality
patient groups. [38,39]. These necessary management steps place
significant demands on kidney function and their
marriage with the recommended approach to pre-
DIRECT KIDNEY TRAUMA vent and manage AKI is often not possible. The
Direct kidney trauma may be caused by blunt or Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes AKI
penetrating mechanisms of injury and severity is guideline provides guidance on best supportive care,
graded (I–V) using the American Association for the but its constituent elements are generally only sug-
Surgery of Trauma Organ Injury Scale [33 ]. Low- gestions with, on the whole, low-quality evidence in
grade (I–III) injuries are confined to the capsule and/ support [40]. This requires clinicians to adapt these
or parenchyma, whereas high-grade injuries involve measures appropriately to individual patients and
the major renal vessels and/or collecting system. clinical scenarios. After the initial 24 h of trauma
There is an increasing trend towards managing kid- management, often when patients are managed in
ney trauma nonoperatively, which is associated critical care, elements of the best supportive care

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Trauma-associated acute kidney injury Perkins et al.

FIGURE 1. Principal pathophysiological mechanisms of acute kidney injury following trauma.

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Renal system

need to be tailored to trauma patients diagnosed use of angiotensin II in patients with shock showed
with or at high risk of AKI. a signal that its use compared to other vasopressors
Volume and choice of fluid therapy require con- may modify the occurrence and severity of AKI and
sideration in the management of trauma patients in offer a potential rescue therapy in refractory
both early resuscitation and in later stages of manage- vasoplegia [51].
ment. Commonly blood products are the preferred Rhabdomyolysis is common in trauma patients
resuscitation choice and crystalloids often avoided with specific management protocols often initiated
[41]. As discussed previously, high-volume transfusion when the creatine kinase level is greater than
requirement is consistently associated with AKI after 5000 U/L. Prevention of AKI associated with rhab-
trauma. Reducing the exposure to blood products domyolysis involves the recognition and treatment
beyond what is necessary during resuscitation seems of the underlying cause (relief of compartment syn-
prudent and despite no prospective evidence, may drome) and maintenance of urine output to limit
plausibly lessen AKI. Restrictive versus liberal transfu- the precipitation of casts in the kidney tubules.
sion targets, in patients who are not actively bleeding, Recognition of compartment syndrome in a sedated
have been shown to be safe in other critically ill polytrauma patient can be difficult and highlights
cohorts, such as cardiac surgery [42]. the importance of secondary and tertiary surveys.
Modern trauma management restricts the use of Current practice involves a protocol-driven
crystalloid therapy in the prehospital and acute resus- approach to achieve a urine output of more than
citation setting [41]. Recent observational research 2 ml/kg/h with the use of loop diuretics and 1.26%
consistently shows increased mortality in patients bicarbonate to achieve urinary alkalinization [52].
with more liberal use of crystalloids during the first The evidence for the use of high-volume haemofil-
24–48 h of admission in adult [43] and paediatric tration or super high flux haemodialysis remains
trauma patients [44]. There is growing evidence that limited to case series [53].
more restrictive use of fluid throughout the time The evidence guiding all RRTs in trauma is
course of critical illness, beyond the initial resuscita- limited but until recently this is true of its use in
tion period, could have the potential to be of benefit critically ill patients in general. Timing of RRT initi-
[45,46] with more liberal fluid approaches over the ation is debated and there remain uncertainties
first 7 days of trauma admission associated with worse despite recent RCTs [54,55]. Often, immediate or
morbidity, including ventilatory days and length of intraoperative RRT to combat the impact of massive
ICU stay [47]. The adoption of more restrictive use of transfusion is required, commonly at higher than
fluid and impact on morality and AKI is being tested standard protocol clearance rates to achieve electro-
in multicentre randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of lyte homeostasis. For this reason, in the most
patients with septic shock (The Conservative vs. Lib- severely injured patients with high burdens of tissue
eral Approach to Fluid Therapy of Septic Shock in injury, frequent venous and/or arterial blood sam-
Intensive Care Trial, CLASSIC, NCT03668236). If pling is required coupled with the rapid availability
ongoing RCTs confirm observational findings, the of RRT, including during emergent surgery. When to
application of fluid restriction to trauma patients will initiate RRT becomes less clear later in the clinical
need appropriate investigation. When fluid is course, when AKI is present, often more than 24 h
required, crystalloids remain a common fluid choice from admission. The ELAIN study (Effect of Early vs.
both prehospitally and during critical care admission. Delayed Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy
The use of balanced solutions compared to isotonic on Mortality in Critically Ill Patients With Acute
saline (0.9% salt solution), especially when larger Kidney Injury), for which 12% of patients in both
volumes are required, is seen as a safer option in early and late groups had the admission diagnosis of
general critical care patients [48,49]. polytrauma, suggested a benefit of early RRT [54].
Hypotensive resuscitation has been shown to The AKIKI (Artificial Kidney Initiation in Kidney
demonstrate a benefit on mortality and a recent Injury), which included no trauma patients but
meta-analysis reported no increase in the incidence 15% of patients in each group had emergency sur-
of AKI when this strategy was applied [50]. There are gery, showed no mortality benefit [55]. Faced with
little data examining blood pressure targets beyond conflicting outcomes and limited numbers of
24 h of traumatic injury. Therefore, clinicians car- trauma patients in trials of RRT, its use in patients
ing for patients after major trauma adhere to gen- for trauma-associated AKI relies on best practice and
eral, recommended perfusion parameters, often a expert recommendation. By using the Acute Dialysis
mean arterial pressure (MAP) of at least 65 mmHg. Quality Initiative recommendations, aspects of
Vasopressors are regularly used in this phase of RRT need to be tailored to the needs of each patient
illness and ongoing research is awaited to help and considered within a supply and demand
guide choice of vasopressors. Most recently, the framework [56].

570 Volume 25  Number 6  December 2019

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