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= Last Phase of Struggle for Independence, _ ss ——————— E = T Points to Remember: — ; [Act of 1935, & Provision for the British governed Indian provinces e — and Prineely states to form a federation 1937 Elections held in eleven provinces == Start of the Second world war 1939 Resignation of the provincial ministers of the November 1939 - Indian National Congress. Resolution to end British ath July, 1942 = a rule in India (at Wardha) : ‘Quit India’ resolution of Jawaharlal Nehru 8th August, 1942 — passed with a great majority. Inspirational appeal by Gandhiji in the wake of “Do or Die’ > the ‘Quit India’ resolution “ First satyagrahi of Individual Satyagraha Acharya VinobaBhave . ‘Leader of the school students who contributed to the Shirish Kumar freedom movement at Nandurbar ° os ‘School children who became Shirish Kumar, Laldas, Dhansukhlal, martyrs in the freedom movement Shashidhar Ghanashyam_ *a)... = Jayprakash Narayan, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, Leadership of the ; Chhotubhai Puranik, Achyutrao Patwardhan, Cndernetndivoven cata = ‘Aruna AsafAli, Yusuf Meher Ali, Sucheta Kriplani, in 1942, ‘SM Joshi, Shirubhau Limaye, N.G. Gore, : Yashwantrao Chavan, Vasantdada Patil, Maganlal Bagdi, oe Usha Mehta Oe Groups formed in different parts of the country as part ‘Azad Dasta'-Leader: Bhai , of the underground movement Kotwal, Location: Karjat; ( “Lal Sena’-Leader: General“) Awari, Location : Ni ES aa established in Mumbai by Ae ca Kolkata, Delhi, Pune Parallel Government. Midnapore (Bengal), Ballia and Azamgarh (UP), Purnia (Bihar) (a) Qa Oa *Q) Krantisinh Nana Patil established 2 parallel government in Krantiagrani. G.D, (Bapu Lad) established Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Party ?? founded by Subhash Chandra Bose Subhas! ibhash Chandra Bose founded the “Free India Centre’ in Rash Behari Bose established Netaji’s appeal to the Indian people Azad Hind Government established in by Netaji Japan conquered Andaman and Nicobar Islands Netaji renamed Andaman and Nicobar Islands as Indian National Army captured the Aarakan province in Myanmar Subhash Chandra Bose died in a plane crash ‘The Navy and Airforce soldiers unfurled the tricolour on British warship ‘Talwar’ MASTER KEY QUESTION SET - 9 (A) Complete the following sentences using, was the first Satyagrahi of Individual Satyagraha. (@) Gandhiji (b) Jawaharlal Nehru. Ae Vinobha Bhave (4) Tukdoji Maharaj The nationwide movement of 1942 is also called . (@) AzadDasta —(b) August Kranti (Q LalSena (a) Toofan Sena In November 1943, Japan conquered the islands and handed them over to RENN NETREGS IH Satara (in Maharashtra), 1942 “"Toofan Sena’ ‘Azad Hind Sena. Forward Bloc Germany (1941) Indian Independence League ‘You give me blood and I will give you Independence” October 1943, in Singapore November 1943. ‘Shahid and ‘Swarajya’ 1944 ‘18th August, 1945 48th Feb, 1946 During the Second World War, .. supported America against Japan. @) (©) England © (@ Bhutan ‘The working committee of the congress passed a resolution on 14th July 1942 at soem (a) Wardha () Nagpur (© Pune (4) Amravati On 7th August 1942, the session of the Indian National Congress was held al (a) CrossMaidan — (b) Gowalia Tan (©) FiveGardens ()_ CP Tank ‘At Nandurbar, the school children, under the leadership of ‘carried out a ‘procession holding the tricolour. (a) Aruna Asaf Ali (b) Shirish Kumar (6) Achyutrao Patwardhan (a) SMJoshi In Mumbai, Vitthal Zaveri, Usha Mehta and her ‘companions established a secret transmission centre named .. (a) Azad Dasta (tatsera Russia India (b) Azad Radio (d) Toofan Sena 6 eo _. brought an end \d established @ (10) In Satara district to the British Government an’ Parallel Government (a) _DrRam Manohar Lohia (b) Vasantdada Patil (@) Krantisinh Nana Pati! (a) NGGore (41) At Kundal under the leadership of Bapu Lad wu was established. (a) Toofan Sena (b) _ Indian National Army (©) Azad Hind Sena (@)_LalSena (12). In April 1941, Subhash Chandra Bose founded cows in Germany. (a) August Kranti (6) Azad Radio (©) FreeIndia Centre (d) Toofan Sena (13), Rash Behari Bose was staying in Japan since (a) 1912 (&) 1930 (1915 (a) 1942 (14) In October 1943, Netaji established the Azad. Hind Government if sn. () Malaysia (b) Singapore (©) Africa (@) England (15) TheNavy and Air Force personnel unfurled the Indian tricolor on the British warship named (a) Vikrant () Talwar (0) INS Force (@) INS Prithvi ‘Ans. (1) Vinobha Bhave (2) August Kranti (3) Andamanand Nicobar (4) eleven (5) England (6) Wardha (7) Gowalia Tank (8) Shirish (2) Draw a flow chart for the following: wo Master Key History and Civics (Std, yy “Sa Kumar (9) Azad Radio (10) Krantisint Nay, eu (11) Toofan Sena (12) Free India Cen {13) 1915 (14) Singapore (15) Takoar 2. (B) Identify the wrong pair and comedy wrong one. a) @) Gandhiji - BS or Be ii) Archarya ~ Individual ( Sinoba Bhave Satyagraha (ai) SbirshiKumar = MASSE — Azad Hind Sena (iv) Jay Prakash Narayan ane. icon pair Jay Pralash hac ind a Narayan Correct pair: Jay Prakash ~ Underground Narayan Movement 2) BhaiKorwal - Azad Dasta (ji) General Awari - — Lal'Sena ii) UshaMehta - Azad Radio (iv) NetajiSubhash - Quit India er Chandra Bose ‘Movement a ‘Ans. Wrong pair: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose = Ans. Quit India Movement @ Correct pair: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose - ‘Azad Hind Sena. 2. (A) Do as Directed *(1) Complete the following table. Ans. ) Forward Bloc ‘Subhash Chandra Bose Indian Independence | Rash Behari Bose oy League Toofan Sena Krantiagrani GD. le (Bapu Lad) Ans, @ Gi) ¥ Master Key History and Cis Sp *@) In November 1939, provincial ministers of Indian National Congress gave their resignations. j) England claimed that it was fighting to save Democracy in Europe. The Indian National Congress demanded that if the claim was true then England should immediately grant | freedom to India. England refused to fulfill this demand and therefore the provincial ministers of the Indian ‘National Congress resigned in November 1939. ‘The Indian National Army had to lay down their arms. . On 18 August 1945, Subhash Chandra Bose | died in a plane accident. Due to this, the | phase of the Indian National Army. ‘The Parallel Government became a source of inspiration to the people. ‘The collection of taxes, maintenance of law and order, punishment to criminals, such work ‘was undertaken by the Parallel Government. i) People started accepting the verdict passed by the People's Court appointed by the Parallel Government. ii) Opposition to money lenders, prohibition therefore became a source of inspiration to the people. ‘The proposal of a Federal State in the Act of 11935 was not brought into practice. (The Actof 1935 made a provision for the British {The proposal of the Cripps Mission y, ze rejected. “ | Ans. bes (j) The British Prime Minister Winston Chur Ga sent Sir Stafford Cnp} Bie he put uj Ans. Indians. satisfied with this proposal. om ‘The Indian National Congress rejected & e me proposal since there was no clear mention, Bs complete independence tn (ii) Since there was no mention of the creations e Pakistan, the Muslim League also rejected (it) Cripps Mission. e (6 The Indian National Congress threatened, S start a non-violent movement for the freedee (ii!) ales i | @ After the Cripps mission, the Indian Nation ©) W) Congress decided to start an intense moveme: at for attaining independence. Ans. (i) The Working Committee of the Congre (i) Th passed a resolution on 14 July 1942 at Wardh th ‘The resolution demanded that the British ri im in India be ended immediately and India t given independence. (ii) Wrthis demand was not fulfilled then the Indi National Congress warned to start a no violent movement for the freedom of India, (7) The British Government had to suspend punishments given by the military tribunal () The British Government charged the officers the Indian National Army with treason. (i) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Bhulabhai De Tei Bahadur Sapru these expert lawit defended them. But the military tribunal (5) the officers guilty and they were sentence? life imprisonment. Therefore there was sé Q3. (B) Answer in 25 to 30 words. “Q) What were the contribution of the ab? the “ministers of the Indian National Congr Bo Omese°sererrusuzzass ie por ae of Sus for Independence troduction of basic education, prohibit ; measures undertaken to impos te tion of the Dalits, passing of Acts fto the farmers, etc orw del was the ssi Why was the Cripps Mission rejected? dependence. = wae ng mention ofthe creation of the Muslim League also rejected th Cripps Mission. Sere |} @) What resolution was passed on 14th July 1942 at Wardha? (i) The resolution that was at Wardha demanded that the British rule in India be ended immediately and that India should be given independence. If this demand was not fulfilled the Indian National Congress warned of starting a non- violent movement for the freedom of India (@ What is Individual Satyagraha? Ans. The British Government was constantly neglecting its demands, hence the Indian National Congress decided to start antiwar it was decided that How did Gandhiji address the peop'e pac the ‘Quit India’ resolution was hpnachiahamulcnncnensnmevey one oY anne, from this moment onwards, Conse: 1 ‘woman and behave like children, under the leadership Kumar, carried out a procession hi tricolour flag, The slogan of ‘Vande ‘became furious and opened firing ‘on small children as well In. this fring Shirishkumar, Laldas, Dhansukhlal, Shashidhar and Ghanashyam, became martyrs. jes undertaken by the Underground M {vists disrupted transport _and the government breakdown of ing up of b Read the given passage and answer the question: Asia and in Independence League’ In the pan conquered the territories trolled by the Britis ' Behari Bose, wit formed a battalion of these Indian Prisoners o ‘as named as ‘indian National Army’ (Azad ), Later, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose led Japan? ‘Ans. Rash Behari Bose was staying in Japan since 1915, (2) Which organisation did Rash Behari Bose establish? ‘Ans. Rash Behari Bose had organised the Indian Independence league: {@) How was the Indian National Army formed? ypan conquered which were igh, formed 2 tbattalion of these Indian Prisoners of War It _ was named as the Indian National Army” | The School students also contributed to movement, At Nandurbar, the school childs \ under the leadership of outa} ! procession holding the tricolour The slogan of Vande | : furious and is fring | harand ' ‘Ans. At Nandurbar, leadership of Shirish Kut procession holding the: What was the slogan given to the children? ‘Ans. The slogan of ‘Vande Mataram’ was given to the children. () Name the children who became martyrs in the clash with the police. ‘Ans, The police became furious and opened fire on small children as well. in this firing Shirish Kumar, Laldas, Dhansukhlal, Shashidhar and Ghanashyam became martyrs. Q5. Answer in Brief: *(2)_ How do you find the contribution of Shirish Kumar to be inspirational? School students also contributed to the freedom movement. ‘At Nandurbar, the school children, under the leadership of Shirish Kumar, carried out a procession holding the tricolout. (ii) ‘The slogan of ‘Vande Mataram’ was given (iii) The potice became furious and opened fire on small children as well (iv) In this firing Shirish Kumar, Laldas, Dhansukhlal, Shashidhar and Ghanashyam. ‘became martyrs. (v) The contribution of Shirish Kumar was thus truly inspirational. *@) Why did the British Prime Minister send Sir Stafford Cripps to India? During the Second World War, England | America against Japan. Master Key History and Civies on bast iii) Hence the British Prime Minister yj ay Churchill sent Sir Stafford Cripps to nds *(3) What kind of reaction was seen 4 ‘ spread of news of the arrest of mainte of the Indian National Congress? o "The news of arrest of important leaden Indian National Congress spread out alloy ( the country. (i) The angry mob took out processions at van, places. Even though poli -charged a ( ‘opened firing on the public, yet people we id (iii) The agitators attacked some placesjai, police stations, railway stations, ete, whi symbolised the suppressive policy of & (jv) British. (iv) They tried to take control of Governme offices. In Maharashtra, the young and old struggle with determination and boundless courag ‘V) at places like Chimur, Ashti, Yavali, Maha¢ Gargoti, etc. and made the struggle immortal (@ Why did the provincial ministers of the India National Congress resign in November 1939 Ans. (@) The Second World War began in Europe i (jy 1939. The then Viceroy Lord Linlithgoy “’ declared that India has joined the war on th side of the British. (i) England claimed that it is fighting to sav democracy in Europe. (iii) The Indian National Congress demanded tht if the claim were true then England shoul immediately grant freedom to India. (iv) England refused to this demand a therefore the provincial ministers of the Indi? National Congress resigned in November 19% (5) How did the Quit India ‘movement come int being? Ans. (After the Cripps Mission, the Indian Nation Congress decided to start an intense mover for attaining independence. (3) The Working Committee of the Const _.. Passed resolution on 14 July 1942 at Ward? Gil) The resolution demanded that the British in India be ended immediately and Indit® iven independence, (iv) “If this demand was not fulfiled then ® 7) An » ' 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 t 1 1 ' '

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