SykkelParts, Inc. GAP Analysis

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GAP Analysis Template

Gap Analysis: The process of assessing the difference in performance between how things are and how the company wanted them to be and describing a vision
for how to bridge the gap between the As-Is and the To-Be).

Project Name: Gap Analysis Team 3 Team Responsible: Team 3

Narrative Summary of the Case Study:

SykkelParts, Inc. executive management team has asked Project Team 3 to make recommendations on how the company can improve performance metrics in
five identified areas. A recent industry benchmark study shows the company falling behind their competitors in all Key Performance Indicators. The benchmark
study, customer complaints of rude and unhelpful call center sales staff and market study results that show poor brand awareness in the bike parts market are
all implicated in a drop in sales over the last three quarters. Analysis would need to be done on the data from the benchmark report and KPI’s measured from
new customers and contracts acquired and analysis of the data were used to develop vision for bridging the gap.

The immediate focus is on the call center and training needs. The call center is the first line of interactions with customers. Further study to uncover reasons for
the call centers’ poor performance, and tailoring an immediate correction should result in decreased complaints and increased sales. Once the surveys and
interviews are completed, a training course will address the customer service issues and lack of understanding company policies and procedures. An analysis of
the marketing department’s current branding campaigns may require an investment in new branding and a collaboration with the call center teams to increase
brand awareness. Training on customer care, company policies and procedures, sales strategies and expectations, and brand promotion will result in a top-notch
call center, satisfied customers and increased sales.

Performance Current State (As-Is) Implications of the As-Is. End Goal (To-Be) Vision for Bridging the Gap (How) Est Timeline
Issue #

#1. -Unhappy customers -Continue to see poor 20% performance -Design and conduct formal 3 months
Customer customer satisfaction, which improvement in customer customer surveys
-Customers’ not being
complaints can impact sales. survey data desired over
served via call center -Analyze current data looking for
of rude or current state.
-Decline in company trends to further explain
unhelpful -Looking into if team morale reputation in the bike parts customer complaints
call center could be a potential international market
sales and problem leading to poor Improved call center -Determine if there are different
support -Risk losing customers to training = better service levels of customer dissatisfaction
teams. customer service. competitors and customer relationships based on different call center
= improved call center sales and support teams
-Using additional company
morale (variances in the international
resources to address issues
which may result in extra
costs (a business necessity) -Conduct a survey of current staff
and their feelings on customer
interactions and complaints.

-Training courses on guidelines or

procedures for positive customer

-Creation of job aids or

supplemental job support

#2. Lack of -Employee survey shows -Poor sales Goal is to have 100% -Trainings on current policies and 3 months
awareness employees lack awareness employees appropriately procedures.
-Unhappy customers as they
of call center of call center company knowledgeable on all
are not receiving consistent -Anonymous evaluation of
company policies. position relevant policies.
services. employee knowledge.
-Result creates “unhelpful”
-Unhappy staff, as they may -Evaluation of training to see if it
call center/customer
be unsure of what their tasks was effective.
-Identify higher performing call
-High turnover rate. center staff for early intensive
training and placement as team

#3. Drop in -Sales and revenue reports -Company layoffs or cutting Improve sales by 10% over -Strategy to increase sales 1 year
sales in the show extent that sales have costs next fiscal year.
-Create measurement tools to
last 3 dropped
-Loss of company-wide
-Company wide impact of revenue monitor progress.
drop in sales over last 3
-Using company resources to -Longevity bonuses
reverse downward sales
-Increase incentives
-Looking at longevity of trend
current call center staff

#4. Recent -Analysis of data through -New companies with better Improve brand awareness -Marketing to work on brand 6 months to
market market study. branding acquiring contracts. to reach future customers. promotion 1 year
study shows
-Mature online presence -Employees model the brand
lack of
not reaching market through interaction with
customers. “Living out” the brand
or knowledge of the brand to the

#5. -Analysis of the -Loss of revenue and Move to the top quartile in -Setting goals on the number of 6 months to
SykkelParts benchmarking initiative customer contracts. at least half of the KPI new customer interactions each 1 year
falls below data. indicators in the quarter.
-Executive management
the top benchmark initiative
-Losing market share to unaware of drop of KPIs and -Junior rep mentoring- high sales
other industry leaders own standing in the industry performance with lower
performing staff.
industry -Company has lost control
leaders in all of KPIs internally. -Identify which half of the KPIs to
KPIs. increase to above the top quartile
and once identified, strategic plan
to increase

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