UNIT-1 Introduction, Classification, Components

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UNIT-1_RBT_Introduction, Components

History of Robot
The word 'robotics' was first used in Runaround a science
fiction short story published in 1942, by Isaac Asimov. But it
was not used until 1956 that a real robot came into existence.
Joseph F. Engelberger is known as the ‘Father of Robotics’. In
1956, George C. Devol, Norman Schafler and Joseph F.
Engelberger made a serious and commercial effort to produce
a robot. They started a firm named Unimation and succeeded
in building the 1st robot named Unimate used by General
It basically used to extract die-castings from die casting
machines and to perform spot welding on auto bodies,
including loading and unloading machine tools, both tasks
being particularly hateful jobs for people.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Laws of Robotics
Asimov proposed three "Laws of Robotics"
Law 1: A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm
Law 2: A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings,
except where such orders would conflict with a higher order law.
Law 3: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not conflict with a higher order law.
Robotics is an applied engineering science that has been referred to as a
combination of machine tool technology and computer science. It
includes machine design, production theory, micro electronics, computer
programming & artificial intelligence.
Robots improve the quality of life by
freeing workers from dirty, boring,
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
dangerous and heavy labor.
An over view of Robotics
Robotics is defined as the science of designing and building Robots which are
suitable for real life application in automated manufacturing and other non-
manufacturing environments to execute one or more tasks automatically with
speed and precession.
Industrial Robot is defined as an automatic, freely programmed, servo-
controlled, multi-purpose manipulator to handle various operations of an
industry with variable programmed motions. In fact, robotics are man-made
mechanical devices that can move by themselves, whose motion must be
modeled, planned, sensed, actuated and controlled, and whose motion
behavior can be influenced by “programming” by Robotics Industries
Association (RIA).

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Progressive Advancements in Robots
✓First Generation 1956 ( repeating, nonservo,
pick and place, or point to point kind) , in present
80% robots are of this kind.
✓Second Generation 1980 (addition of sensing
devices , path control capabilities).
✓Third Generation 1992 (On-line computations
and control, artificial vision, and active
force/torque interaction with the environment).
✓Fourth Generation 2000 ( true android or an
artificial biological robot or a super humanoid
capable of its own clones).

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Automation and Robotics
Automation and robotics are two closely related technologies. In an industrial
context, Automation as a technology that is concerned with the use of
mechanical, electronic, and computer-based systems in the operation and
control of production Examples of this technology include transfer lines. There
are obviously crossovers between the two. Robots are used to automate some
physical tasks, such as in manufacturing. However, many types of automation
have nothing to do with physical robots. Also, many branches of robotics have
nothing to do with automation.
Reasons for Automation: Reduce labor cost, Mitigate the effects of labor
shortages, Reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tasks, Improve
worker safety, Improve product quality, Reduce manufacturing lead time,
Accomplish processes that cannot be done manually, Reduce unit cost.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Types of Automation
Automation is categorized into three types,
✓ Fixed Automation in which the
sequence of processing operations is
fixed by the equipment configuration.
✓ Programmable Automation in which
products are made in batch quantities
ranging from several dozen to several
thousand units at a time. For each new
batch, the production equipment must
be reprogrammed and changed.
✓ Flexible Automation it is an extension
of programmable automation.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Levels of Automation
1) Device level
2) Machine level
3) Cell or system level
4) Plant level
5) Enterprise level

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Basic Elements of Automation
1) Power 2) Program of instructions 3) Control system.
Power: To accomplish the automated process
1. Driving the manufacturing process itself
2. Loading and unloading the work unit.
3. Material transport between operations.
Automation Power;
1. Control unit
2. To actuate the control signal.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Basic Elements of Automation
Program of instructions:
Work cycle program, steps to perform the required processes to get the final
product and the process parameter (s) changes in each setup. (Example make a
bolt or nut). Decision making in the programmed cycle
1) Operator interaction
2) Different part or product styles processed by the system
3) Variations in the starting work units
Control System:
the control system causes the process to accomplish its defined function.
1) Open loop control system
2) Closed loop control system (direct measuring system and indirect measuring
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Automation systems
Automation of Manufacturing Systems Examples:
✓ Automated machine tools that process parts,
Transfer lines that perform a series of machining
✓ Automated assembly systems,
✓ Manufacturing systems that use industrial robots
to perform processing or assembly operations,
✓ Automated material handling and storage
systems to integrate manufacturing operations,
✓ Automatic inspection systems for quality control.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Fixed Automation (transfer lines)
It is the automation in which the sequence of processing or
assembly operations to be carried out are fixed by the
equipment configuration (integrated in a piece of
equipment). Therefore, it is difficult to automate changes
in the design of the product. It is used where high volume
of production is required Production rate of fixed
automation is high. In this automation, no new products are
processed for a given sequence of assembly operations.
Features: i) High volume of production rates, ii)
Relatively inflexible in product variety (no new products
are produced), (iii) Relatively inflexible in
accommodating product variety,
Example: Automobile industries.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Programmable Automation (NC, CNC, Robots)
In which the equipment is designed to accommodate
various product configurations in order to change the
sequence of operations or assembly operations by
means of control program loaded into the equipment. It
is employed for batch production of low and medium
volumes. For each new batch of different configured
product, a new control program corresponding to the
new product is loaded into the equipment. This
automation is relatively economic for small batches of
the product.
Features: i) High investment in general purpose, ii)
Lower production rates than fixed automation, iii)
Flexible to deal with variations and changes in product
configuration, iv) More suitable for batch production.
Ex: Industrial robot, NC machines tools… etc.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Flexible Automation (FMS)
A computer integrated manufacturing system which is an extension of programmable
automation is referred as flexible automation. It is developed to minimize the time loss
between the changeover of the batch production from one product to another while reloading.
The program to produce new products and changing the physical setup i.e., it produces
different products with no loss of time. This automation is more flexible in interconnecting
work stations with material handling and storage system.
Features: i) High investment for a custom engineering system, ii) Medium Production rates,
iii) Flexibility to deal with product design variation, iv) Continuous production of variable
mixtures of products.
Example: Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Fixed Vs. Flexible Automation
Fixed Automation Flexible Automation
1. It is defined as, the automation in which the 1. It is defined as a computer integrated manufacturing
sequence of processing or assembly operations system which is an extension of programmable
to be carried out are fixed by the equipment automation.
configuration. 2. In this, different types of programs can be loaded
2. In this, a fixed sequence of simple operations into the equipment to produce products with new
are integrated in an equipment. or modified configurations and with no loss of
3. It is used for high volume production. time.
4. No new products are processed for a given 3. It is used for batch production of medium
sequence of assembly operations. volume.
5. It is not flexible to accommodate changes in 4. The production of new products is possible.
the design of the product. 5. It is flexible to accommodate variations in the
6. If product life cycle completes, the equipment design of the product.
becomes obsolete. 6. A continuous production of various products can
7. Production rate is high. be processed on the equipment.
8. The cost of unit is low. 7. Production rate is moderate.
8. Cost of the unit is high.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Programmable Vs. Flexible Automation
Programmable Automation Flexible Automation
1. It is defined as, the automation in which the 1. It is defined as a computer integrated
equipment is designed to accommodate various manufacturing system which is an extension of
product configurations, in order to change the programmable automation.
sequence of operations by means of control 2. In this, also different types of programs can be
program. loaded into the equipment to produce products
2. In this, different types of programs can be with new configurations and with no loss of
loaded into the equipment to produce products time.
with new configurations. 3. It is used for batch production of medium
3. It is used for batch production of low and volume.
medium volumes. 4. The production of new products requires a
4. The production of new products requires a long short setup time.
setup time. 5. A continuous production of various products
5. The products are produced in batches and after can be processed on the equipment with less
completion of one batch, the equipment is setup time.
reprogrammed and re-setup for next batch. 6. Its production rate is moderate.
6. Its production rate is low. 7. The cost of unit is high, compared to
7. The cost of unit is high, compared to fixed programmable automation.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
CAD / CAM in Automation
CAD/CAM is a term which means computer aided design and computer
aided manufacturing. It is the technology concerned with the use of digital
computers to perform certain functions in design & production.
CAD: - CAD can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in
the creation modification, analysis OR optimization of design.
CAM: - CAM can be defined as the use of computer system to plan,
manage & control the operation of a manufacturing plant, through either direct
or in direct computer interface with the plants production resources.
CAD/CAM technology has been applied in many industries, including
machined components, electronic products, and equipment design and
fabrication for chemical processing. CAD/CAM involves not only the
automation of the manufacturing operations but also the automation of
elements in the entire design-and-manufacturing procedure.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Types of Robots
The types of robots are: -
1) Mobile robots
2) Industrial robots
3) Autonomous robots
4) Remote-controlled robots
5) Virtual robots
Types of Robots
Mobile Robots
Mobile robots are able to move, usually they perform
tasks such as searching.

They are of 2 types: -

1) Rolling robots:- Rolling robots have wheels to move

around. They can quickly and easily search. However
they are only useful in flat areas.
2) Walking robots:- Robots on legs are usually brought in
when the terrain is rocky. Most robots have at least 4
legs; usually they have 6 or more.
Types of Robots
Industrial Robots
• Most of these robots perform repeating tasks
without ever moving.
• Most robots are working in industries.
Especially dull and repeating tasks are suitable
for robots.
• A robot never grows tired; it will perform its
duty day and night without ever complaining.
Types of Robots
Autonomous Robots
• Autonomous robots are self-supporting.
• They are run by a program that gives them the
opportunity to decide on the action to perform
depending on their surroundings.
• At times, these robots even learn new
behavior. They start out with a short routine and
adapt this routine to be more successful at the task
they perform. The most successful routine will be
Types of Robots
Remote-Controlled Robots
• In case a robot needs to perform more
complicated yet undetermined tasks an
autonomous robot is not the right choice.
• Complicated tasks are still best performed by
human beings with real brainpower.
• A person can guide a robot by remote
control. A person can perform difficult and
usually dangerous tasks without being at the
spot where the tasks are performed.

Dante 2, a NASA robot designed to explore

volcanoes via remote control.
Types of Robots
Virtual Robots
• Virtual robots don’t exits in real life. Virtual
robots are just programs, building blocks of
software inside a computer.
• A virtual robot can simulate a real robot or
just perform a repeating task.
• Search engines use such kind of robots. They
search the World Wide Web and send the
information to the search engines.
Applications of robot
1. Material Handling In these applications, the robot grasps an object e.g., a
machined component, with the help of a gripper, and moves it to another
location, say, on a conveyor belt.
2. Processing Here, the robot uses a tool, e.g., an electrode, rather than a
gripper in order to perform some processing task, say, welding.
3. Assembling These tasks are more complex than other two, as the robot has
to assemble small and complex products, e.g., an electrical switch and small

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1. Machine loading, where robots supply other machines with
parts, or remove the processed parts from other machines.
In this type of work, the robot may not even perform any
operation on the part, but rather it facilitates material and
parts handling and loading other machines within the
context of a task.
2. Pick and place operations, where the robot picks up parts
and places them elsewhere. This may include palletizing,
simple assembly where two parts are put together (such as
placing tablets into a bottle), placing parts in an oven and
removing the treated parts from the oven, or other similar

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

3. Welding, where the robot, along with proper set-ups and
a welding end effector, is used to weld parts together.
This is one of the most common applications of robots in
the auto industry. Due to their consistent movements,
robotic welds are very uniform and accurate. Welding
robots are usually large and powerful.
4. Painting is another very common application of robots,
especially in the automobile industry. Since maintaining a
ventilated but clean room suitable for humans is difficult
to achieve, and because compared to humans, robotic
operations are more consistent, painting robots are very
well-suited for their job.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

5. Inspection, inspection of parts, circuit boards, and other
similar products is also a very common application for
robots. In one application, a robot was equipped with an
ultrasonic crack detector, was given the CAD data about the
shape of an airplane fuselage and wings, and was used to
follow the airplane’s body contours and check each joint,
weld, or rivet.
6. Sampling with robots is used in the agriculture industry as
well as in many other industries. Sampling can be similar to
pick and place and inspection, except that it is performed
only on a certain number of products.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

7. Assembly tasks usually involve many operations. For
example, the parts must be located and identified,
they must be carried in a particular order with many
obstacles around the set-up, they must be fit together,
and then assembled.
8. Manufacturing by robots may include many different
operations such as material removal, drilling, de-
burring, laying glue, cutting, and so on. It also includes
insertion of parts such as electronic components into
circuit boards, installation of boards into electronic
devices, and other similar operations. Insertion robots
are very common and are extensively used in the
electronic industry.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

9. Medical applications are also becoming
increasingly common. As an example, is to assist
a surgeon in total joint replacement operations
(cutting the head of the bone, drilling a hole in
the bone’s body, reaming the hole for precise
dimension, and installation of the manufactured
implant joint) can be performed with better
precision by a robot.
10. Assisting disabled individuals has also been tried
with interesting results. Much can be done to
help the disabled in their daily lives (perform
simple tasks such as placing a food plate into the
microwave oven or placing it in front of the
disabled person).
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
11. Hazardous environments are well-suited for
robotics. Because of their inherent danger, in these
environments humans must be well-protected
(Servicing in a radioactive environment). However,
robots can access, traverse, maintain, and explore
these areas without the same level of concern.
12. Underwater, space, and inaccessible locations can
also be serviced or explored by robots. So far, it is
still impractical to send a human to other planets,
even Mars, but there have been a number of
rovers that have already landed and explored it.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Loading and unloading

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Pick and place palletizing robot

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Welding robot

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Painting robot

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Inspection robot

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Assembly robot

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Drilling robot

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Gluing and Gasketing robot

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Medical surgery robots

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Robots assisting disabled individuals

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Industrial applications

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Industrial Robots

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Classification of robots
Three common methods of classifying robots are by the types of control
system used, the type of actuator drive used, and the shape of the work
envelope or configuration. The vast majority of today’s commercially
available robots possess one of the basic configurations for positioning the
hand of the robot.
1. Cartesian coordinate configuration (3P)
2. Cylindrical configuration (PRP)
3. Polar / Spherical configuration (P2R)
4. Articulated or Jointed-arm configuration (3R)
5. SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly / Articulated Robot Arm) two
(or three) revolute joints that are parallel and allow the robot to move in a
horizontal plane, plus an additional prismatic joint that moves vertically.
Prismatic joints are denoted by P, revolute joints are denoted by R, and spherical joints are
denoted by S.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Cartesian configuration (3P)
Robots with Cartesian configurations consists of
links connected by linear joints (P). Gantry robots
are the example of cartesian robots(3P).
Advantages: 1. Ability to do straight line insertions
into furnaces, 2. Easy computation and
programming, 3. most rigid structure for given
Disadvantages: 1. Requires large operating volume,
2. Exposed guiding surfaces require covering in
corrosive or dusty environments, 3. Can only reach
front of itself, 4. Axes hard to seal

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Cartesian robot applications
Applying adhesive to
a pane of glass

Transferring ICs from a pallet to a

Applications: holding location

✓ pick and place work,

✓ assembly operations,
✓ handling machine tools,
✓ arc welding.

Transferring & Stacking

Camera monitoring of products
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Cartesian coordinate

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Cylindrical configuration
Robots with cylindrical configuration have one
rotary ( R) joint at the base and linear (L) joints
succeeded to connect the links.
Advantages: 1.Can reach all around itself, 2
rotational axis easy to seal, 3.relatively easy
programming, 4.rigid enough to handle heavy loads
through large working space, 5.Good access into
cavities and machine openings.
Disadvantages: 1.Can not reach above itself,
2.Linear axes is hard to seal, 3.won’t reach around
obstacles, 4.Exposed drivers are difficult to cover
from dust and liquids

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Cylindrical configuration
Used extensively in medical research and
mechanical industries
✓DNA Screening
✓Drug Development
✓Spot welding

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Cylindrical configuration

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Polar or Spherical configuration
Polar robots have a work space of
spherical shape. Generally, the arm is
connected to the base with a twisting
(T) joint and rotatory (R) and linear (L)
joints follow.
Advantages: Fully capable of 360 degree
rotation, long horizontal reach

Disadvantages: Can’t reach around

obstacles, short vertical length, small work
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Polar or Spherical configuration
Applications: Used extensively in the car
manufacturing industry.
✓ Load and unload parts,
✓ handling machine tools,
✓ spot welding, diecasting,
✓ fettling machines,
✓ gas welding,
✓ Spot welding.
✓ arc welding.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Polar or Spherical configuration

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Articulated or Jointed-arm configuration
A robot with at least 3 rotary Jioints.
Advantages: 1.All rotary joints allows for
maximum flexibility, 2. Any point in total
volume can be reached, 3.All joints can be
sealed from the environment, 4.Fast
movement with little payload
Disadvantages: 1.Extremely difficult to
visualize, control, and program, 2. Low

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Articulated or Jointed-arm configuration

Applications: mostly used

for welding as it mimics
human movements

1.Assembly operations,
3.Weld sealing,
4.Spray painting,
5.Handling at die casting
or fettling machines.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Articulated or Jointed-arm configuration

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm)

A robot with at least 2 parallel rotary joints.

Advantages: High speed, High axis is rigid,
Large work area for floor space, Moderately
easy to program.
Disadvantages: Limited applications, Two way
to reach point, Difficult to program off-line,
Highly complex arm.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm)
Testing a calculator.
Camera observes
1. Pick and place work, Stacking lightweight
2. Assembly operations.

Multi Function

Precision assembly

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm)

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Classification by control system
Here, control mean two things, one is motion control strategy (whether
a robot is servo controlled or not), and the other one is how the
motion path is achieved (point-to-point or continuous).
With respect to robotics, the motion control and path control system
used to control the movement of the end-effector or tool.
1. Servo/Non-servo Control robots (open loop and closed loop)
2. Motion control robots (Point-to-point (PTP) control, Continuous-
path (CP) control, Controlled-path robot)

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Servo Control Robots (closed loop)
Full servo control is necessary to achieve good precision under heavy load
conditions, and to carry out complex tasks with confidence. commands
are sent to the arm drives to move each axis to the requisite amount.
The actual movement is monitored for both displacement and velocity
and compared with the command signal. The difference between the
command and the action, defined as the error, is used as feedback to
the controller to enable further commands to be modified accordingly.
Most electric and hydraulic robots are servo controlled. The majority of
industrial robots today are servo controlled.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Non-servo Control Robots (open loop)
Pneumatic robots are usually non-servo controlled. In this case, a
command signal is sent and it is assumed that the robot arm
reaches its intended position. Non-servo control is adequate where
position control of light loads only is required. However, if velocity,
acceleration, and torque are to be controlled or if the movement
against heavy loads is necessary then non-servo control is usually
not possible.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Motion Control
Motion Control In Point-To-Point (PTP)
motion control, the robot arm moves from
one desired point to the next without
regard to the path taken between them.
The actual path taken may be the result of
a combination of arm link movements
calculated to provide the minimum travel
time between the points. Point-to-point
control is widely used for assembly,
palletizing, and machine-tool
loading/unloading. Spot-welding robots also
use point-to-point control.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Motion Control
Continuous Path (CP) control, a robot moves
along a continuous path with specified
orientations. For example, for welding two
metal parts along a straight line or a
specified curve, CP control is used. Signals
from the sensors located at the joints are
constantly monitored by the robot controller
for appropriate motion control.
Controlled-path robot, the control equipment
can generate paths of different geometry such
as straight lines, circles, and interpolated curves
with a high degree of accuracy. All controlled-
path robots have a servo capability to correct
their path.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Types of robot arms & workspace

Workspace is the volume within which

the manipulator can perform its
function. Work volume depends upon
✓ Arm configuration
✓ Degree of freedom
✓ Size of the links
✓ Design of joints
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Main Components of Industrial Robots
Configurations Advantages Disadvantages
3 linear axes, easy to visualize, rigidCan only reach front of itself, requires long
Cartesian coordinates structure ,easy programming. room space.
2 linear axes +1 rotating can reach all
Cylindrical coordinates
around itself ,reach and height axes rigid,Can’t reach above itself, base rotation axis
rotational axis easy to seal. as less rigid, linear axis is hard to seal.
1 linear + 2 rotational axes is rigid, large2 ways to reach point ,difficult to program
SCARA coordinates work space area for floor space. offline, highly complex arm.
Spherical coordinates
1 linear + 2 rotational axes , long horizontalCan’t reach around obstacles, short vertical
reach. length.
Revolve coordinates 3 rotational axes can reach above or
Difficult to program off-line , most complex
below obstacles. manipulator.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Main Components of Industrial Robots
The main components of the industrial robot are,
1. Manipulator or arm
2. End effector
3. Drive mechanism or actuators
4. Custom features (Sensors, transducers)
5. Control Unit (Controller, Processer, Software)
Manipulator or rover or arm: Main body of the robot which
consists of the two sections one is Body-Arm section (for positioning
the object) and other is Wrist assembly section (for orientation of
the object). Robot manipulator are formed with links, the joints, and
other structural elements. Links are rigid members, joints provide
relative motion (linear, rotary) most of them are designed with 5 or
6 degrees of freedom.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Main Components of Industrial Robots
End effector: This part is connected to the last joint (hand) of a manipulator that
generally handles objects, makes connections to other machines, or performs the
required tasks (welding torch, a paint spray gun, a glue laying device, or a parts
Actuators: Actuators are the ‘‘muscles’’ of the manipulators. The controller sends
signals to the actuators, which, in turn, move the robot joints and links
(servomotors, stepper motors, pneumatic actuators, and hydraulic actuators).
Sensors: Sensors are used to collect information about the internal state of the
robot or to communicate with the outside environment (major senses of sight,
touch, hearing, taste, and speech, robots are equipped with external sensory
devices such as a vision system, touch and tactile sensors, speech synthesizer, and
the like that enable the robot to communicate with the outside world).

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Main Components of Industrial Robots
Controller: The controller receives data from the computer, controls the motions of the
actuators, and coordinates the motions with the sensory feedback information. It will
measure the change in the joint angle through the feedback sensor attached to the joint (a
potentiometer, an encoder, etc.). When the joint reaches the desired value, the signal is
Processor: The processor is generally a computer, which works like all other computers, but
is dedicated to this purpose. In some systems, the controller and the processor are
integrated together into one unit. In others, they are separate units. In some systems, the
controller and the processor are integrated together into one unit. In others, they are
separate units.
Software: Three groups of software programs are used in a robot. 1. Operating system that
operates the processor. 2. Robotic software that calculates the necessary motions of each
joint based on the kinematic equations of the robot. 3. Collection of application-oriented
routines and programs developed to use the robot or its peripherals for specific tasks such
as assembly, machine loading, material handling, and vision routines.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Architecture of industrial robot
A: Tool, B: Wrist, C:Forearm, D: Elbow, E: Upper Arm, F: Shoulder Joint,
G: Base, H: Waist
A robot under study is made up of
several links connected serially by
joints. The robot’s DOF depends on
the number of links and joints, their
type, and kinematic chain of the
robot. Links of the robot are coupled
by kinematic pair or joint. Joint
couples two links and provide physical
constraint on the relative motion
between links. Kinematic chain is a
series of links connected by joints.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Different types of joints are used in robots
Type of Joints Description
1. Prismatic Joint (P) Constituting purely linear motion along the joint
axis (1 DOF).
2. Revolute Joint (R) Constitute purely rotation motion along the joint
axis(1 DOF).
3. Screw Joint (PR) Constitute a simultaneous rotation and linear
motion along a joint axis (2 DOF).
4. Spherical Joint (3R) slide causing a revolving movement (3 DOF).
5. Planar Joint (2PR) Constituting one rotary and two sliding motions
(3 DOF).
6. Cylindrical Joint (PR) Constituting one rotary and one sliding motion (2
7. Twisting Joint (R) Constituting one rotary motion along axis (1
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Position & Orientation Axis, DOF
Most of the robots possess five or six DOF and those are
used to position the object and orientation of the object

Positioning the object: 3 DOF located in the arm are

1. Rotational traverse : Left-and-right swivel of the
robot's arm about a base.
2. Radial traverse : In-and-out motion relative to the
3. Vertical traverse : Up-and-down motion of the arm
of the robotic system.

Orientation of the object: 3 DOF located in wrist are

1. Pitch : Up-and-down movement of the wrist
2. Yaw : Right-and-left movement of the wrist.
3. Roll : Rotation of the hand.
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Position & Orientation axis, DOF

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Degrees of Freedom
Consider an open kinematic chain shown in figure below.
Here, the first link (can only rotate about joint 1 (J1) with
respect to ground) is connected to the ground by a joint at A
and it contributes one degree of freedom. Link 2 can rotate
about joint 2 (J2) with respect to link 1, contributing another
The DOF is also equal to the number of links in the open A two – DOF planar manipulator –
two links and two joints. Thus, for
kinematic chain. For example, in the figure, the open the two-link, in turn 2-DOF
kinematic chain manipulator with two DOF has two links and manipulator in the above figure,
two variables are required to
two joints. The variable defining the motion of a link at a define location of end-point,
joint is called a joint-link variable. Thus, for an n-DOF point D
manipulator n independent joint-link variables are required
to completely specify the location of the end-effector in
Functions of an end effector
An industrial robot has to
interact with its
surroundings then the end
effector becomes a bridge
between the computer
controlled arm and the
world around it.
The ideal gripper design
should be analysed from
independent solutions to
the three considerations as
shown in the figure.
Requirements and Challenges of End Effectors
The end-effector is external to the manipulator and its DOF do not combine with
the manipulator's DOF, as they do not contribute to manipulability. Different end-
effectors can be attached to the end of the wrist according to the task to be
executed. These can be grouped into two major categories:
1. Grippers
2. Tools
Grippers are end-effectors to grasp or hold the workpiece during the work cycle.
The applications include material handling. machine loading-unloading,
pelletizing, and other similar operations. Grippers employ mechanical grasping,
magnetic, vacuum, bellows or others. The proper shape and size of the gripper
and the method of holding are determined by the object to be grasped.
Some times the end-effector is a tool rather than a gripper. For example, a cutting
tool, a drill, a welding torch, a spry gun, or a screwdriver is the end-effector for
machining, welding, painting, or assembly task, mounted at the wrist endpoint.
Requirements and Challenges of End Effectors
The tool is usually directly attached to the end of the wrist. Sometimes, a
gripper may be used to hold the tool instead of the workpiece. Tool changer
devices can also be attached to the wrist end for multi-tool operations in a work

Some fingered grippers for holding different types of jobs

Requirements and challenges of end effectors
✓It must reliably grasp and hold an object, secure stable positioning
(location), and not distort or otherwise damage an object.
✓An end effector must feature high strength combined with small overall
dimensions and low mass.
✓What deserves particular attention is that the joint used to link the end
effector to the robot wrist must be reliable.
✓For this reason, the end effectors of robots designed for batch production
must comply with additional requirements. Namely, they must grasp a
variety of parts, which differ in mass, size, and shape; lift closely spaced
parts; be amenable to easy and fast replacement both manually and
✓Sometimes there is a need to automatically adjust the clamping force on a
part depending on its mass.
✓Efforts have been made in the last years to design end effectors capable of
grasping and palletizing randomly oriented parts.

B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com

Determination of the end effectors
The right end effector for dexterous manipulation gives the maximum
response for the given amount of effort in terms of performance, flexibility
and cost. In order to select the right end effector, different aspects should be
considered such as:
✓ Stroke
✓ Grip force
✓ Speed
✓ Form factor
✓ Weight
✓ Material
✓ Repeatability
✓ Sensing
B.N.Dhanunjayarao, Email: dhanunjayborra@gmail.com
Basic characteristics of robot
1. Payload / The load carrying capacity
2. Reach
3. Speed of motion and cycle time
4. Robot Movement and Precision (Resolution, Accuracy and
5. Robot Work Envelope/ work volume
6. Number of degrees of freedom
7. Compliance
8. The mobility

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