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Summer Internship Project Report Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degrees of Master of Science in Geology


(Roll No: 19GG05016)
MSc. Geology (Second Semester)

Under the Guidance of

Dr. Dipanjan Bhattacharjee
Assistant Professor, Department of Geology
IGNTU- Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh-484887


Village:-Lalpur, Amarkantak, District:- Anuppur, State:- Madhya Pradesh,
India- 484887
Dr. Dipanjan Bhattacharjee
Email: Assistant Professor
Mob: +91 9971477654 Department of Geology


This is to certify that Mr. NIHAL, M.Sc. Geology (First Year), SEOCS, IIT
Bhubaneswar, Odisha 752050, has successfully completed summer internship in online mode
during the month of June, 2020 under my supervision.
Variation of channel widths of streams
- . The work is
original and has not been submitted in part or full for any degree or diploma of this or any
other university as per best of my knowledge.

I wish him all the best for his future endeavours.

Dr. Dipanjan Bhattacharjee

Assistant Professor,
Department of Geology

I hereby declare that the summer internship project entitled Variation of channel widths of
Neo- submitted to the
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Odisha 752050, is a record of original work done
by me under the guidance of Dr. Dipanjan Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Department of
Geology, IGMTU-Amarkantak and this project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of
requirement for the award of degree of master of science in Geology.
This report has not been previously submitted for any Examination / Institutes / Universities.
The information submitted in this report is true and original to the best of my knowledge.

MSc-first year (2nd Semester)

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Dipanjan Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor,
Department of Geology, IGNTU-Amarkantak for accompanying and guiding us during the
summer internship project and also arranging the best knowledgeable guidance as a mentor with
Ph.D. scholar Mofid Ali and Sirjan Srivastava.

I am very thankful to Mofid bhaiya and Sirjan bhaiya for their help during the summer internship

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Yengkhom Kesorjit Singh, Assistant
Professor, SEOCS, IIT Bhubaneswar for arranging best guide for my summer internship

Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for their constant support and encouragement
throughout my life.

MSc-1st year (2nd Semester)
Table of Contents
ABSTRACT: ..............................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER:1 ............................................................................................................................. 10

1.1 INTRODUCTION: ..........................................................................................................10

1.1.1 Central ....................................................................11
1.1.2 Neo tectonic activity ..................................................................................................13
1.2 TARGET RIVERS IN CENTRAL INDIA: ...................................................................................14

CHAPTER.2 ............................................................................................................................. 16

2.1 CONTROLS ON THE CHANNEL WIDTH OF RIVERS: ................................................................ 16

2.2 PRINCIPLE AND METHODOLOGY: ........................................................................................16
2.3 METHODOLOGY: .........................................................................................................18
2.3.1 For observed width calculation: .................................................................................18
2.3.2 Method for calculated width: .....................................................................................23
2.3.3 Method for observed slope calculation:......................................................................25

CHAPTER:3 ............................................................................................................................. 28

3.1 TEMUR RIVER: ..............................................................................................................28

3.1.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison: for width comparison data of Temur river go to
the table no 1 in appendix. ..................................................................................................28
3.1.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Temur river: ......................................................29
3.2 DUDHI RIVER: ...............................................................................................................31
3.2.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison of dudhi river: For width comparison data of
Dudhi river go to the table no 3 in appendix. ......................................................................31
3.2.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Dudhi river: For slope comparison data of Dudhi
river go to the table no 4 in appendix..................................................................................32
3.3 DENWA RIVER...................................................................................................................35
3.3.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison of Denwa river: For width comparison data of
Denwa river go to the table no 5 in appendix. .....................................................................35
3.3.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Denwa river: for slope comparison data of Denwa
river go to the table no 6 in appendix..................................................................................36
3.4. SHAKKAR RIVER: .............................................................................................................39
3.4.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison of Shakkar river: go to the table no 7 for width
comparison data of Temur river in appendix.......................................................................39


CHAPTER:4 ............................................................................................................................. 39

4.1 GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE OF ALL RIVERS DIVIDED INTO ZONES: .............................................43
4.2 ARC GIS IMAGE OF ALL RIVERS DIVIDED INTO ZONES.......................................................... 44

CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................. 45

RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: ...................................................................................................45

Temur river: .......................................................................................................................45
Dudhi river: .......................................................................................................................45
Denwa river: ......................................................................................................................45
Shakkar river: ....................................................................................................................45

APPENDIX: ............................................................................................................................. 46

TEMUR RIVER DATA: ..............................................................................................................46

Table 1: Tenur river width comparison data: ......................................................................46
Table 2: Temur river slope comparison data:......................................................................48
DUDHI RIVER DATA: ...............................................................................................................51
Table 3: Dudhi river width comparison data. ......................................................................51
Table 4: Dudhi river slope comparison data........................................................................55
DENWA RIVER DATA ...............................................................................................................60
TABLE 5: DENWA RIVER WIDTH COMPARISON DATA: ............................................................... 60
Table 6: Denwa river slope comparison data. .....................................................................64
SHAKKAR RIVER DATA ............................................................................................................69
Table 7: Shakkar river width comparison data: ...................................................................69
Table 8: Shakkar river slope comparison data: ...................................................................74

REFERENCES: ........................................................................................................................80
List of figure:
Figure 1. Map showing the study area in the Central India Tectonic Zone. The study area is
present towards the son narmada south fault (after Roy & Prasad, 2003). ..................................11
Figure 2. Map showing study area which is in the south side of the Narmada river and present
towards the south side of Son Narmada South Fault. (Naganjaneyulu and Santosh, 2010). ........12
Figure 3. Google Earth image of target rivers present in the Central India Tectonic Zone. ........14
Figure 4. ARC GIS image of target rivers present in the area of Son Narmada South fault. .......15
Figure 5. Temur river divided into zones ...................................................................................28
Figure 6.Width comparison graph of Temur river......................................................................28
Figure 7. Slope comparison graph of Temur river plotted between observed slope and calculated
slope .........................................................................................................................................29
Figure 8.Arc GIS image of temur river divided into three zones. ...............................................30
Figure 9. Google Earth image of Temur river divided into three zones ......................................30
Figure 10.Longitudinal profile of Temur river. ..........................................................................30
Figure 11.Width comparison graph of Dudhi river divided into three zones. .............................. 31
Figure 12. Arc GIS image of Dudhi river divided into three zones. ............................................32
Figure 13.Slope comparison graph Dudhi river divided into three zones ....................................33
Figure 14. Arc Gis image of Dudhi river Divided into zones. ....................................................33
Figure 15. Google Earth image of Dudhi river Divided into zones. ............................................33
Figure 16.Longitudinal profile of Dudhi river............................................................................34
Figure 17.Width comparison graph of Denwa river ...................................................................35
Figure 18.Arc GIS image of Denwa river divided into two zones ..............................................36
Figure 19.Slope comparison graph of Denwa river divided into three zones .............................. 37
Figure 20. Google Earth image of Denwa river divided into three zones ....................................37
Figure 21.Figure 20.Arc GIS image of Denwa river divided into zones .....................................37
Figure 22.Longitudinal profile of Denwa river ..........................................................................38
Figure 23.Width comparison graph of Shakkar river.................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 24.Google Earth image of Shakkar river divided into zones. ...........................................40
Figure 25.Arc GIS image of Shakkar river divided into three zones. ..........................................40
Figure 26.Slope comparison graph of Shakkar river divided into three zones............................. 41
Figure 27.Google Earth image of Shakkar river divided into three zones ...................................42
Figure 28.Arc GIS image of Shakkar river divided into three zones ...........................................42
Figure 29. Longitudinal profile of Shakkar river........................................................................42
Figure 30.Google Earth image all target rivers divided into zones. ............................................43
Figure 31.Arc GIS image of all target rivers divided into zones. ................................................44

List of Tables:

Table 4: Dudhi river slope com

Table 8

The stream power model generally considers the bed rock incision rate as a function of slope of the river
reaches, and river discharge. But field based studies provided ample evidences of the influence of the spatial
changes in rock uplift rate and erodibility on the variation of channel slope and width as well. Considering
width/depth ratio to be constant for a natural river, Finnegan et al., 2005 represented width of drainage as a
function of its discharge and slope as in the following expression:


W=width of river channel, Q=function of discharge, S=channel slope, n=roughness, a=width-to-depth


Based on this model expected width of the rivers flowing across Son-Narmada-South Fault (SNSF), a major
component of the Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ), has been calculated for the actual discharge and slope.
The expected widths of the rivers, for different reaches, were compared with the actual widths, measured from
satellite imageries, to identify the zones of narrower channel width which could be a result of rapid river
incision. The Zone of incision may be the manifestation of neo-tectonic activity leading to rapid uplift or
lithological variation. But, in this case, the effect of climatic variation can easily be ignored, as the climate
cannot vary along the selected drainages which are no longer than 100 km in length. Based on the outcome of
the study, a linear zone parallel to the SNSF has been identified which shows distinct rate of river incision with
respect to its surroundings. This zone is suspected to be the manifestation of axial uplift of the area related to
active tectonics.
In geological perspective, a fault is considered as active if it has moved during last 10 Ka (Epoch-
Holocene). It is considered that most of our landscapes were produced during the last 1.65 Ma, i.e. in the
Quaternary Period. Any fault that has moved in this period may be considered as potentially active. However, it
is often difficult to prove the activity of faults in the absence of historical earthquakes. Identifying aseismic
activity of domains which have potential to be activated at seismic rate, i.e. potentially earthquake-producing
fault movements, remains a challenge. Tectonic geomorphology is a subject that enlightens us about aseismic
tectonic processes through the application of geomorphic principles to tectonic problems. It has a great
utilization value. It allows us to use geomorphology as a tool to evaluate the history, magnitude and rate of
tectonic processes. Geomorphic record, defined as a set of landforms and Quaternary deposits present at a site
or in an area, generally encompasses the last few thousand years to around 2 Ma time period. Investigation of
geomorphic records provides the basic data necessary for understanding the role of active tectonics behind the
development of landforms in the area under study. Keeping all these things in mind, a geomorphological
approach was taken up to examine fluvial response to the tectonic activity, if any, in the Son-Narmada South
Fault Zone (SNSF), as described in detail below. Steam-power model of river incision has been used in the
present study, as a tool for exploring the dynamics of fluvial erosion of bedrock. Assuming constant channel
width-to depth n, Finnegan et al., 2005 proposed a model to predict spatial patterns in
erosive potential when incorporated in a stream-power calculation. They concluded that bedrock channel width
varies with both discharge and river slope, and that scaling channel width with only discharge, as is common,
underestimates unit stream power in areas where rivers steepen downstream. Based on this aforesaid model
expected width of the rivers flowing across SNSF have been calculated for the actual discharge and slope. The
expected widths of the rivers, for different reaches, were compared with the actual widths, measured from
satellite imageries, to identify the zones of narrow channel width which could be a result of rapid river incision.
The Zone of incision may be the manifestation of neo-tectonic activity leading to rapid uplift or lithological
selected drainages which are no longer than 100 km in length.
The rocks present in the study area are Deccan basalt, Upper Gondwana group of rocks, Mahakoshal group of

Figure 1. Map showing the study area in the Central India Tectonic Zone. The study area is present towards the son narmada south
fault (after Roy & Prasad, 2003).

The Narmada-Son Lineament (NSL) is one of the most prominent geomorphic features in Central India,
which, divides the Indian Peninsula into two parts, northern and southern India. The area covers a range of
diverse formations viz. alluvial, Deccan traps, Gondwana, Vindhyan and Mahakoshal group of rocks with
different ages. Geologically the area is divided into two parts, Vindhyan and Gondwana. The Vindhyan are
exposed in the northern part and Gondwana are exposed in the southern part. Here the Mahakoshal group of
rocks are non-magnetic and reasonably higher density of rocks which are exposed and intruded in between the
Vindhyan and Gondwana rocks during the crustal resetting processes, which, may cause changes in magnetic
field in the central part near Tala-Barhi area. Based on magnetic data, the area can also be divided into two
parts, the northern part containing higher magnetic values (upto 900 nTesla) and the southern part with the
values upto (-1000 nTesla). The resettlement process may cause the separation of Vindhyan and Gondwana
rocks because of the two existing active faults viz. Son Narmada North Fault (SNNF) and Son Narmada South
Fault (SNSF). (Ghosh and Singh, 2013)

Figure 2. Map showing study area which is in the south side of the Narmada river and present towards the south side of Son Narmada
South Fault. (Naganjaneyulu and Santosh, 2010).

The Narmada Son Lineament (NSL) in central India is one of the most prominent lineament that divides the
Indian Peninsula into two parts, northern and southern India (Ghosh and Singh, 2013). The Son-Narmada rift
developed in parallel to the Satpura trend during late Cretaceous.
The Son-Narmada fault (SNF) zone has a Precambrian ancestry which separates Vindhyan basin to its
northwards and the Gondwana belt southwards. In both northern and southern regions of the Son-Narmada
lineament, vertical block movements have been reported. Due to these movements, the Bijawar group of rocks
within the SNF zone got uplifted during the time of sedimentation in Vindhyan Supergroup (Kothyari and
Rastogi, 2013).
Along the marginal faults of Cambay basin, the Deccan traps have been down faulted (3000 5000m); throw
being more in eastern marginal fault has resulted in asymmetric graben structure (Kothyari and Rastogi, 2013).
The Son-Narmada fault/lineament and Tapi north Fault have ENE-WSW trend and control the course of main
drainage system. The Son-Narmada-Tapi (SONATA) zone extends WNW up to the shore of the Arabian Sea.
SONATA defines Narmada rift valley and Satpura horst. Tapi Fault marks the southern boundary of the Satpura
range and northern boundary of Tapi alluvium (Kothyari and Rastogi, 2013).
The Narmada graben is displaced by 20 30 ma long multiplicity of transverse tear faults. Narmada fault zone is
divided into two parts, namely, Son-Narmada north fault (SNNF) and Son-Narmada south fault (SNSF)
(Kothyari and Rastogi, 2013).
1.1.2 Neo tectonic activity: Neo tectonic activity in Jabalpur area includes seismic activity and development of
young geomorphic features. These features include development of strath terraces with huge Pleistocene
alluvial cover all along the river course and formation of gorges ( 100m deep) with steep vertical wall and
development of 10m high waterfalls. Incision and steepening of Narmada river floor with vertical wall probably
formed due to vertical tectonic movement of Narmada faults during 60 40 ka (kilo annum) (Kothyari and
Rastogi, 2013).
1.2 Target rivers in central india:

Figure 3. Google Earth image of target rivers present in the Central India Tectonic Zone.

These all rivers are tributaries of Narmada river and present south side of Narmada river and flowing towards
south to north
We chose four rivers that are flowing from south to towards north
(1). Temur river
(2). Dudhi river
(3). Denwa river
(4). Shakkar river
These, all rivers flowing from south to towards north and all are the tributary of Narmada river.
Figure 4. ARC GIS image of target rivers present in the area of Son Narmada South fault.
2.1 Controls on the channel width of rivers:
The role of bedrock-channel incision on the evolution of mountainous topography has become a central concept
in geomorphology (e.g., Seidl and Dietrich, 1992; Burbank et al., 1996).

2.2 Principle and methodology:

Manning equation -section average water


R=hydraulic radius
S=bed slope

Hydraulic radius:


For rectangular channel:

width-to-depth ratio(a)=
W=bank full width

From equation (3) and (4), equation (1) will be

equation (5) derived here for a rectangular channel, is valid for all rivers where W and R are linearly related.
From mass conservation
The flow discharge can be expressed as-

With the help of equation (3), (4) and (5), we get

Thus channel width naturally increases with discharge and decreases when slope steepens. This is valid for all
The width of river channels(W) that depends on channel slope(S), river discharge(Q), roughness, and channel
width-to-depth ratio(a).
2.3.1 For observed width calculation:
i. Given data extract in arc GIS
ii. Drag and drop point values data and drainage network data
iii. Unselect the point values data from table of content. Only select drainage data

iv. Go to drawing tool select line and select line

v. Make 1000 mt segment on the main stream of target river.

vi. Unselect all points from table of content.

vii. Click on select element tool.

viii. Select all segments

ix. go to drawing tool. And Click on convert to graphics.

x. Convert line graphics

Select layers sours data- point values data
Output shape file feature- location of file
Click on automatic delete option, Click ok
xi. Go to arc tool box then conversion tools then To KML then layer to KML double click.
xii. Layer: choose the segmented file
Output file: choose file location Click ok

xiii. Drag and drop the converted KML file into the Google Earth
xiv. Also make a KML file of drainage network for identification of study area, drag and drop into
the google Earth
xv. In the google Earth select add to place mark tool and put place marks with numbering for every
segment then you will not confuse in segment numbers
xvi. Choose measurement tool Then select line.

xvii. Calculate width of each segment five times in different -2 places and averaged it
xviii. This is observed width of river channel
2.3.2 Method for calculated width:
I. Go to arc GIS
II. Click on clear selected feature

iii. Unselect the drainage point and segment point data and select point values data only in the table
of content
iv. Go to selection then interactive selection method then add to current selection

v. Click on select features tool

vi. Select only those point which are very near to segment
vii. Unselect all data from table of content except point values data
viii. Right click on point values data
ix. Click on open attribute table then select selected point values table
x. Export this table in text file
xi. Convert this text file in excel sheet
xii. In excel sheet right click on grid code then go to sort then custom sort and choose grid code
lowest to highest.
xiii. Check grid code values they should be in increasing order
xiv. Insert first column and give segment number also check the given segment number is true or not
in arc GIS by identity tool.

2.3.3 Method for observed slope calculation:

I. Go to arc GIS
II. Unselect all drainage data and segmented data. Only select point values data
III. Click on clear selected features
IV. Go to selection then interactive selection method and then add to current selection
V. Click on select features tool
VI. Select all points of main stream of target river also check flow accumulation should be in
increasing order
VII. After selection of all points of main stream right click on point values data in the table of
VIII. Open attribute table and choose selected point values table
IX. Export the table in text file
X. Convert this text file into excel sheet
XI. Right click on grid code go to sort then custom sort
XII. Choose grid code lowest to highest
XIII. Insert first column and give point numbering
XIV. Calculate distance between two points using coordinates X Y and also calculate cumulative
XV. Draw longitudinal profile with the help of cumulative distance and elevation
XVI. Paste cumulative distance and elevation in the origin software
XVII. Go to analysis tool then go to mathematics then interpolate/extrapolate then open dialog
XVIII. Check book sheet name,
arrange total distance in multiple of 1000
Number of point should be more then 1 after divide the whole distance by 1000.
Output: select<new:new XY> then Click ok

xix. Copy: interpolate(X1)-distance(1000mt)

Interpolate(Y1)-elevation in excel sheet

xx. Paste these values in new excel sheet, Calculate elevation difference and
slope =elevation difference/1000
xxi. Paste this slope in that excel sheet where we need the value of slope
xxii. Replace zero value of slope by the minimum value of slope
xxiii. This is the observed slope
3.1.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison: for width comparison data of Temur river go to the table
no 1 in appendix.
In fig no 5 river is divided into three zone with the help of fig 6.

In the fig no 6 blue points are showing the values of observed width and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated width.
We divided the Temur river into three zones on the basis of changing the orientation of observed width and
calculated width. Like we can divide the river into zones when both observed and calculated width graph does
not follow the same trend.

Figure 6.Width comparison graph of Temur river Figure 5. Temur river divided
into zones

In zone 1 river width is same as expected, in zone 2 river is narrower than expected and in zone 3 river is wider
than expected. In the width comparison graph blue colored points are for observed width and brown colored
points are for calculated width.
3.1.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Temur river:
For slope comparison data of Temur river go to the table no 2 in appendix.

Figure 7. Slope comparison graph of Temur river plotted between observed slope and calculated slope

In the fig no 7 blue points are showing the values of observed slope and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated slope.

In zone 1 observed slope is very gentle than expected. In zone 2 also observed slope is very gentle than
expected but in zone 3 observed and calculated slope is same as expected.
In the above graph blue points are for the observed width and brown colored points for calculated width.
Figure 8.Arc GIS image of temur river
Figure 9. Google Earth image of Temur river divided into three zones
divided into three zones.

Figure 10.Longitudinal profile of Temur river.


3.2.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison of dudhi river: For width comparison data of Dudhi
river go to the table no 3 in appendix.
In the fig no 11 blue points are showing the values of observed width and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated width.

Figure 11.Width comparison graph of Dudhi river divided into three zones.

In zone 1 river width is same as expected, in zone 2 river width is narrower than expected and in zone 3 river
width is wider than expected.
We divided the Dudhi river into three zones on the basis of changing the orientation of observed width and
calculated width. Like we can divide the river into zones when both observed and calculated width graph does
not follow the same trend.
Figure 12. Arc GIS image of Dudhi river divided into three zones.

3.2.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Dudhi river: For slope comparison data of Dudhi river
go to the table no 4 in appendix.
In the fig no 13 blue points are showing the values of observed slope and brown co lor points are showing the
values of calculated slope.

In zone 1 observed slope is very gentle than expected, in zone 2 at some place slope is same as expected and at
some place observed slope is gentle than expected and in 3 slope is same as expected
Figure 13.Slope comparison graph Dudhi river divided into three zones

Figure 14. Google Earth image of Dudhi river Divided into zones.
Figure 15. Arc Gis image of Dudhi
river Divided into zones.
Figure 16.Longitudinal profile of Dudhi river.
3.3 Denwa river

3.3.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison of Denwa river: For width comparison data of
Denwa river go to the table no 5 in appendix.

Figure 17.Width comparison graph of Denwa river

In the fig no 16 blue points are showing the values of observed width and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated width.
Here in zone 1 observed width is same as expected, in zone 2 observed width is narrower than expected.
We divided the Denwa river into two zones on the basis of changing the orientation of observed width and
calculated width. we can divide the river into zones when both observed and calculated width graph does not
follow the same trend.
Figure 18.Arc GIS image of Denwa river divided into two zones

3.3.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Denwa river: for slope comparison data of Denwa river
go to the table no 6 in appendix.

In the fig no 19 blue points are showing the values of observed slope and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated slope.

In zone 1 slope is same as expected and in zone 2 observed slope is gentle than expected and after segment no
91 the graph is showing Dam area where we can calculate the exact data by this method.
Figure 19.Slope comparison graph of Denwa river divided into three zones

Figure 20. Google Earth image of Denwa river divided into three zones
Figure 21.Figure 20.Arc GIS image of Denwa river
divided into zones
Figure 22.Longitudinal profile of Denwa river
3.4. Shakkar river:

3.4.1 Excel sheet data for width comparison of Shakkar river: go to the table no 7 for
width comparison data of Temur river in appendix.

Figure 23.Width comparison graph of Shakkar river

In the fig no 23 blue points are showing the values of observed width and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated width.

Here in zone 1 observed width is same as expected, in zone 2 observed width is narrower than
expected and in zone 3 observed width is wider than expected.

We divided the Shakkar river into three zones on the basis of changing the orientation of observed width and
calculated width. we can divide the river into zones when both observed and calculated width graph does not
follow the same trend.
Figure 24.Google Earth image of
Figure 25.Arc GIS image of Shakkar river divided into three zones.
Shakkar river divided into zones.

3.4.2 Slope comparison data and graph of Shakkar river: Go to the table no 8 in appendix for
slope comparison data of Shakkar river.
In zone 1 and zone 3 slope as same as expected but in zone 2 slope is very gentle than expected and calculated
slope is very steep.
In the fig no 26 blue points are showing the values of observed slope and brown color points are showing the
values of calculated slope.
Figure 26.Slope comparison graph of Shakkar river divided into three zones.
Figure 27.Google Earth image of Shakkar river divided into Figure 28.Arc GIS image of Shakkar river divided into three zones
three zones

Figure 29. Longitudinal profile of Shakkar river

4.1 Google Earth image of all rivers divided into zones:

Figure 30.Google Earth image all target rivers divided into zones.

Yellow colored lines are the transition line between two zones. The area between the black color lines will be
4.2 Arc Gis image of all rivers divided into zones

Figure 31.Arc GIS image of all target rivers divided into zones.

Black colored lines are the transition line between two zones. The area between the blue lines will be the uplifted area in
Results and conclusion:
Temur river: In zone 1 river width is same as expected, in zone 2 river is narrower than expected and in
zone 3 river is wider than expected.
In zone 1 observed slope is very gentle than expected. In zone 2 also observed slope is very gentle than
expected but in zone 3 observed and calculated slope is same as expected.
So from above data we can say the Uplifted area will be in zone 1 and in zone 2 if not any other reasons for
slope steepens and variation in widths.

Dudhi river: In zone 1 river width is same as expected and in zone 2 river width is narrower than expected
and in zone 3 river width is wider than expected.
In zone 1 observed slope is very gentle than expected, in zone 2 at some place slope is same as expected and at
some place observed slope is gentle than expected but in zone 3 slope is same as expected
So from the above data we can say the Uplifted area will be in zone 1 and zone 2 if not any other reasons for
slope steepens and width variation.

Denwa river: In zone 1 width is same as expected but in zone 2 expected width is wider than observed
In zone 1 observed slope and calculated slope is same as expected but in zone 2 observed and calculated slope is
not following the same trend. Here observed slope is narrower than expected.
So from the above data we can say the uplifted area will be in zone 2.

Shakkar river: Zone 1 width is same as expected but in zone 2 width is narrower than expected and in zone
3 width is wider than expected.
In zone 1 and zone 3 slope is same as expected but in zone 2 observed slope is very gentle than expected. Here
calculated slope is very steep as compare to observed slope.
So from above data we can say the uplifted area will be in zone 2.
The other reasons for steepness of slope may be like climate change due to heavy rain fall, Changing the
lithology of bed rock and tectonic activities etc.

Temur river Data:

Table 1: Tenur river width comparison data:
seg no channel width(W) SLOPE(S) area_A K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) W=K*Q^(3/8)*S^-(3/16)

seg 1 11.902 0.00100 6782400 0.008940281 12.07613378

seg 2 15.29 0.01107 8436600 0.016611089 8.349654729
seg 3 13.668 0.00893 10194300 0.013283841 9.333412121
seg 4 9.334 0.00500 11010600 0.007905795 10.70980059
seg 5 10.228 0.00400 22735800 0.006330101 14.65680239
seg 6 9.73 0.00500 25056000 0.006054493 14.57787317
seg 7 10.46 0.00180 26818200 0.005236244 18.1205309
seg 8 11.828 0.00306 27900000 0.006448242 16.63907426
seg 9 10.788 0.00314 31768200 0.005629027 17.38468133
seg 10 14.564 0.00474 33404400 0.008054081 16.40302026
seg 11 13.024 0.00426 34318800 0.006990144 16.9011945
seg 12 14.744 0.00500 35402400 0.00805907 16.59546895
seg 13 22.096 0.00162 58725900 0.008083893 24.79432283
seg 14 17.824 0.00338 63184500 0.007286644 22.18895006
seg 15 20.086 0.00400 65165400 0.008375742 21.7535075
seg 16 23.26 0.00200 68269500 0.008369853 25.2087341
seg 17 26.29 0.00400 69771600 0.010685561 22.31785226
seg 18 27.55 0.00389 77239800 0.010720241 23.31181975
seg 19 32.76 0.00211 79530300 0.011249073 26.41716951
seg 20 33.22 0.00557 82632600 0.013483061 22.34962651
seg 21 25.824 0.00343 84575700 0.009488951 24.68678007
seg 22 34.846 0.00400 86719500 0.013054054 24.21400787
seg 23 29.51 0.00400 89293500 0.010934477 24.48106656
seg 24 19.42 0.00700 92004300 0.007902728 22.29109
seg 25 28.686 0.00300 93806100 0.009886523 26.31998035
seg 26 24.622 0.00400 94328100 0.008937564 24.98982989
seg 27 23.896 0.00300 226089900 0.005921476 36.60617412
seg 28 34.084 0.00500 226891800 0.009282723 33.30690782
seg 29 36.422 0.00200 231108300 0.00829614 39.82418027
seg 30 49.986 0.00200 343189800 0.009816714 46.1893027
seg 31 46.168 0.00200 345691800 0.009042235 46.31529353
seg 32 46.64 0.00100 347536800 0.008005404 52.84871597
seg 33 43.014 0.00100 348716700 0.007373651 52.91592845
seg 34 32.182 0.00600 356387400 0.007656768 38.12647544
seg 35 42.546 0.00100 357334200 0.007226962 53.40256407
seg 36 41.976 0.00500 360268200 0.009612209 39.61293201
seg 37 26.836 0.00100 365571000 0.004519635 53.86089206
seg 38 39.744 0.00300 370440900 0.008183936 44.05229151
seg 39 57.724 0.00100 370904400 0.009669036 54.15423001
seg 40 43.708 0.00200 398581200 0.008115406 48.85509031
seg 41 31.328 0.00500 408870900 0.006841396 41.53814431
seg 42 41.344 0.00300 413303400 0.008170937 45.89863523
seg 43 53.25 0.00100 414735300 0.008553729 56.47071238
seg 44 52.66 0.00400 419164200 0.010926298 43.71867198
seg 45 53.9 0.00200 420727500 0.009806896 49.85587628
seg 46 45.854 0.00300 526509000 0.008275806 50.26041615
seg 47 36.438 0.00100 527810400 0.005347186 61.81421658
seg 48 41.964 0.00300 536940900 0.007518214 50.63156342
seg 49 45.07 0.00100 539502300 0.006559792 62.32418793
seg 50 51.52 0.00100 541279800 0.007489325 62.40111118
seg 51 47.472 0.00100 546418800 0.006876468 62.62262282
seg 52 45.81 0.00600 546847200 0.009282477 44.7667461
seg 53 54.134 0.00100 654607800 0.00732786 67.01192314
seg 54 68.322 0.00100 655760700 0.009242321 67.05615701
seg 55 62.258 0.00100 657321300 0.008414504 67.11595594
seg 56 52.402 0.00100 661426200 0.007065898 67.27282469
seg 57 62.028 0.00200 662720400 0.0095177 59.11734125
seg 58 78.072 0.00100 676462500 0.01043888 67.84229611
seg 59 80.648 0.00100 687928500 0.01071556 68.27125385
seg 60 92.986 0.00400 689774400 0.016006216 52.69726119
seg 61 87.442 0.00200 691123500 0.01320778 60.05503013
seg 62 97.648 0.00300 692192700 0.015905175 55.6908743
seg 63 93.768 0.00100 694668600 0.012413322 68.52132723
seg 64 45.094 0.00500 753181200 0.007831381 52.2323501
seg 65 49.988 0.00300 753643800 0.00788658 57.49581103
seg 66 59.018 0.00100 764686800 0.007536646 71.03387199
seg 67 86.632 0.00100 765106200 0.011060702 71.04847919
seg 68 62.022 0.00100 815458500 0.007731612 72.76706188
seg 69 51.202 0.00900 833095800 0.009559756 48.58467194
seg 70 67.404 0.00300 834021900 0.010237746 59.72283992
seg 71 126.074 0.00100 835239600 0.015575657 73.42404297


Table 2: Temur river slope comparison data:

seg no area_A width SLOPE K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) S=(W^(-16/3))*(Q^2)*(K^(16/3)

seg 1 6782400 11.902 0.00100 0.008940281 0.001057868

seg 2 8436600 15.29 0.01107 0.016611089 0.000430328
seg 3 10194300 13.668 0.00893 0.013283841 0.001142684
seg 4 11010600 9.334 0.00500 0.007905795 0.010409802
seg 5 22735800 10.228 0.00400 0.006330101 0.027251185
seg 6 25056000 9.73 0.00500 0.006054493 0.043192043
seg 7 26818200 10.46 0.00180 0.005236244 0.033641267
seg 8 27900000 11.828 0.00306 0.006448242 0.018902974
seg 9 31768200 10.788 0.00314 0.005629027 0.040038915
seg 10 33404400 14.564 0.00474 0.008054081 0.008932216
seg 11 34318800 13.024 0.00426 0.006990144 0.017111032
seg 12 35402400 14.744 0.00500 0.00805907 0.009396493
seg 13 58725900 22.096 0.00162 0.008083893 0.002988835
seg 14 63184500 17.824 0.00338 0.007286644 0.010882005
seg 15 65165400 20.086 0.00400 0.008375742 0.006120465
seg 16 68269500 23.26 0.00200 0.008369853 0.003071735
seg 17 69771600 26.29 0.00400 0.010685561 0.001669769
seg 18 77239800 27.55 0.00389 0.010720241 0.001594223
seg 19 79530300 32.76 0.00211 0.011249073 0.000671037
seg 20 82632600 33.22 0.00557 0.013483061 0.000672492
seg 21 84575700 25.824 0.00343 0.009488951 0.002699072
seg 22 86719500 34.846 0.00400 0.013054054 0.000574028
seg 23 89293500 29.51 0.00400 0.010934477 0.001476792
seg 24 92004300 19.42 0.00700 0.007902728 0.014603909
seg 25 93806100 28.686 0.00300 0.009886523 0.00189556
seg 26 94328100 24.622 0.00400 0.008937564 0.004329189
seg 27 226089900 23.896 0.00300 0.005921476 0.029174939
seg 28 226891800 34.084 0.00500 0.009282723 0.004421301
seg 29 231108300 36.422 0.00200 0.00829614 0.003220127
seg 30 343189800 49.986 0.00200 0.009816714 0.00131238
seg 31 345691800 46.168 0.00200 0.009042235 0.002034267
seg 32 347536800 46.64 0.00100 0.008005404 0.001947473
seg 33 348716700 43.014 0.00100 0.007373651 0.003019084
seg 34 356387400 32.182 0.00600 0.007656768 0.014816897
seg 35 357334200 42.546 0.00100 0.007226962 0.003360609
seg 36 360268200 41.976 0.00500 0.009612209 0.003670808
seg 37 365571000 26.836 0.00100 0.004519635 0.041080026
seg 38 370440900 39.744 0.00300 0.008183936 0.005194035
seg 39 370904400 57.724 0.00100 0.009669036 0.00071144
seg 40 398581200 43.708 0.00200 0.008115406 0.003621519
seg 41 408870900 31.328 0.00500 0.006841396 0.022510246
seg 42 413303400 41.344 0.00300 0.008170937 0.005238256
seg 43 414735300 53.25 0.00100 0.008553729 0.00136779
seg 44 419164200 52.66 0.00400 0.010926298 0.001482698
seg 45 420727500 53.9 0.00200 0.009806896 0.001319402
seg 46 526509000 45.854 0.00300 0.008275806 0.004893825
seg 47 527810400 36.438 0.00100 0.005347186 0.01675639
seg 48 536940900 41.964 0.00300 0.007518214 0.008166295
seg 49 539502300 45.07 0.00100 0.006559792 0.005633371
seg 50 541279800 51.52 0.00100 0.007489325 0.002778569
seg 51 546418800 47.472 0.00100 0.006876468 0.004380932
seg 52 546847200 45.81 0.00600 0.009282477 0.005306309
seg 53 654607800 54.134 0.00100 0.00732786 0.003121072
seg 54 655760700 68.322 0.00100 0.009242321 0.000905072
seg 55 657321300 62.258 0.00100 0.008414504 0.001492897
seg 56 661426200 52.402 0.00100 0.007065898 0.003789858
seg 57 662720400 62.028 0.00200 0.0095177 0.001547775
seg 58 676462500 78.072 0.00100 0.01043888 0.000472819
seg 59 687928500 80.648 0.00100 0.01071556 0.000411247
seg 60 689774400 92.986 0.00400 0.016006216 0.00019351
seg 61 691123500 87.442 0.00200 0.01320778 0.000269641
seg 62 692192700 97.648 0.00300 0.015905175 0.000150118
seg 63 694668600 93.768 0.00100 0.012413322 0.000187692
seg 64 753181200 45.094 0.00500 0.007831381 0.010948324
seg 65 753643800 49.988 0.00300 0.00788658 0.006327473
seg 66 764686800 59.018 0.00100 0.007536646 0.002686779
seg 67 765106200 86.632 0.00100 0.011060702 0.000347276
seg 68 815458500 62.022 0.00100 0.007731612 0.002344634
seg 69 833095800 51.202 0.00900 0.009559756 0.006803124
seg 70 834021900 67.404 0.00300 0.010237746 0.001573548
seg 71 835239600 126.074 0.00100 0.015575657 5.59502E-05
Avg K=0.009071083

Dudhi river Data:

Table 3: Dudhi river width comparison data.
segment Area_A channel width SLOPE K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) W=K*Q^(3/8)*S^-(3/16)

seg 1 8943300 8.13 0.00100000 0.005505273 26.49598137

seg 2 11715300 14.8 0.03800000 0.017913837 14.823182
seg 3 13490100 17.37 0.00100000 0.01008194 30.91178068
seg 4 16335900 21.5 0.08500000 0.026716272 14.43879453
seg 5 17658900 12.8 0.00300000 0.008251993 27.83040122
seg 6 44752500 15.75 0.02000000 0.010225091 27.63641456
seg 7 46601100 18.18 0.03000000 0.012543119 26.0049883
seg 8 51003000 19.34 0.01200000 0.01086312 31.94259883
seg 9 54437400 25.762 0.02200000 0.015820577 29.21632573
seg 10 55897200 23.602 0.01700000 0.013673721 30.96923178
seg 11 59312700 41.42 0.01400000 0.022629696 32.83974027
seg 12 59951700 35.566 0.00400000 0.015301912 41.70207356
seg 13 90090000 34.236 0.00800000 0.014398216 42.66214451
seg 14 91565100 42.152 0.00800000 0.017619713 42.92276619
seg 15 94066200 45.518 0.00500000 0.017246559 47.35317017
seg 16 96144300 49.292 0.00500000 0.018524094 47.74278918
seg 17 96761700 41.918 0.00800000 0.017162918 43.82054464
seg 18 100179900 42.278 0.00500000 0.015645109 48.48464073
seg 19 100962000 47.888 0.00800000 0.019297313 44.5244119
seg 20 101871000 59.716 0.00800000 0.023982868 44.67431745
seg 21 197245800 62.926 0.00400000 0.017321618 65.17934596
seg 22 199274400 60.194 0.00900000 0.019216724 56.20075899
seg 23 200146500 80.572 0.00500000 0.023000407 62.8516899
seg 24 201141900 79.958 0.00600000 0.023575007 60.85250085
seg 25 220248900 60.168 0.00600000 0.017146531 62.95897241
seg 26 221297400 65.586 0.00300000 0.016383446 71.82476546
seg 27 221735700 47.43 0.00100000 0.009635289 88.31951854
seg 28 223378200 50.772 0.00200000 0.011713242 77.77061009
seg 29 243396900 45.002 0.00800000 0.013037462 61.93085893
seg 30 279713700 92.9 0.00100000 0.017298086 96.35760274
seg 31 280345500 71.268 0.00600000 0.018552944 68.92076217
seg 32 282717000 71.944 0.00400000 0.017303098 74.6000396
seg 33 294148800 64.612 0.00300000 0.014506437 79.91361096
seg 34 294966900 73.684 0.00300000 0.016526027 79.99688589
seg 35 376535700 103.948 0.00300000 0.021273996 87.66685146
seg 36 470528100 67.81 0.00100000 0.01038901 117.1083661
seg 37 470889900 87.274 0.00100000 0.01336719 117.1421257
seg 38 477595800 81.584 0.00100000 0.012429604 117.7649419
seg 39 486941400 82.314 0.00400000 0.016145674 91.47151014
seg 40 488065500 92.744 0.00500000 0.018952365 87.79923872
seg 41 489738600 95.124 0.00100000 0.014356662 118.8789501
seg 42 501767100 83.686 0.00200000 0.014253044 105.3449033
seg 43 512554500 90.16 0.00100000 0.013377082 120.9263248
seg 44 515528100 120.45 0.00500000 0.024113989 89.6202369
seg 45 520868700 86.26 0.00200000 0.014487034 106.8312496
seg 46 521760600 102.09 0.00200000 0.017134625 106.8998119
seg 47 527463900 117.788 0.00100000 0.017289354 122.2336029
seg 48 528027300 81.81 0.00100000 0.012003565 122.2825471
seg 49 548982000 95.936 0.00300000 0.017045414 100.9816329
seg 50 674620200 86.348 0.00200000 0.013161281 117.7124675
seg 51 675990900 79.802 0.00100000 0.010672986 134.1516917
seg 52 677812500 143.22 0.00100000 0.019135402 134.2871402
seg 53 679222800 104.412 0.00100000 0.013939456 134.3918495
seg 54 686337300 80.86 0.00100000 0.010753062 134.9180127
seg 55 688562100 110.768 0.00100000 0.014712472 135.081851
seg 56 708299100 67.192 0.00100000 0.008830521 136.5210418
seg 57 709324200 86.236 0.00200000 0.012899264 119.9477214
seg 58 748781100 78.108 0.00100000 0.010053388 139.3963534
seg 59 749735100 67.186 0.00100000 0.008643474 139.4629272
seg 60 752149800 63.65 0.00600000 0.011444258 99.78818066
seg 61 754925400 84.526 0.00600000 0.015176781 99.92611195
seg 62 757520100 93.398 0.00100000 0.01196919 140.0042261
seg 63 758446200 103.87 0.00100000 0.013305106 140.068387
seg 64 762184800 128.642 0.00100000 0.016447889 140.3269033
seg 65 763245000 127.606 0.00100000 0.016306926 140.4000696
seg 66 764571600 142.574 0.00200000 0.020734886 123.3692776
seg 67 765144000 127.322 0.00100000 0.016255479 140.5309643
seg 68 766057500 158.688 0.00100000 0.020250981 140.5938579
seg 69 767592000 183.964 0.00010000 0.015233824 216.6667405
seg 70 776898000 126 0.00200000 0.018214916 124.1114107
seg 71 778157100 236.754 0.00100000 0.030036346 141.4225184
seg 72 779963400 151.918 0.00100000 0.019256679 141.5455332
seg 73 780462000 207.996 0.00200000 0.030016925 124.3246146
seg 74 782017200 162.722 0.00100000 0.020605832 141.6851876
seg 75 783460800 150.614 0.00100000 0.019059384 141.7832124
seg 76 795188700 151 0.00100000 0.019002057 142.5754201
seg 77 795943800 157.68 0.00300000 0.024372829 116.0750826
seg 78 797234400 172.97 0.00100000 0.021745832 142.7128556
seg 79 797970600 162.632 0.00100000 0.02043906 142.7622615
seg 80 800060400 153.75 0.00200000 0.021983013 125.4862819
seg 81 802935900 202.926 0.00100000 0.025443823 143.0947379
seg 82 803572200 143.802 0.00100000 0.018025221 143.1372515
seg 83 804857400 224.496 0.00100000 0.028123153 143.2230566
seg 84 842298300 184.008 0.00100000 0.022661413 145.6860796
seg 85 844151400 183.05 0.00100000 0.02252486 145.8061909
seg 86 845659800 150.666 0.00100000 0.018527502 145.9038384
seg 87 849457800 176.34 0.00100000 0.021648243 146.1492238
seg 88 850202100 235.52 0.00100000 0.028903935 146.197232
seg 89 851465700 189.48 0.00200000 0.026466336 128.4511199
seg 90 853596000 154.7284 0.00100000 0.018960527 146.4158099
seg 91 854005500 163.4 0.00100000 0.02001955 146.4421463
seg 92 858308400 143.76 0.00200000 0.020020039 128.8372576
seg 93 859568400 152.72 0.00100000 0.018665548 146.7991363
seg 94 860799600 188.878 0.00100000 0.023072418 146.8779513
seg 95 862814700 166.174 0.00200000 0.023096019 129.0905011
seg 96 864211500 209.974 0.00100000 0.025611382 147.0959957
seg 97 878007600 101.35 0.00100000 0.012288869 147.9722195
seg 98 878812200 181.376 0.00100000 0.021984611 148.0230552
seg 99 882729000 95.226 0.00100000 0.011523125 148.2701094
seg 100 883675800 114.46 0.00100000 0.013845029 148.3297264
seg 101 884394000 237.084 0.00100000 0.028668837 148.3749226
seg 102 886349700 243.114 0.00100000 0.029373659 148.4978782
seg 103 902529900 135.08 0.00300000 0.019918342 121.6763572
seg 104 903909600 104.51 0.00100000 0.012534614 149.5943564
seg 105 913312800 120.55 0.00100000 0.014402401 150.1760455
seg 106 918615600 201.186 0.00100000 0.023984053 150.5024314
seg 107 921075300 187.024 0.00100000 0.022273408 150.6534255
seg 108 925958700 124.5 0.00100000 0.014797812 150.9524587
seg 109 927219600 108.034 0.00100000 0.012834146 151.0295093
seg 110 927826200 213.322 0.00100000 0.025335861 151.0665538
seg 111 1263710700 186.804 0.00100000 0.019759152 169.6235736
seg 112 1269003600 182.63 0.00100000 0.019287394 169.8896436
seg 113 1269528300 188.68 0.00100000 0.01992324 169.9159821
seg 114 1272902400 273.142 0.00100000 0.028813122 170.08519
seg 115 1283886900 155.484 0.00200000 0.018617926 149.8382695
seg 116 1284885000 101.55 0.00200000 0.012156231 149.8819408
seg 117 1287873900 306.718 0.00100000 0.032213414 170.8326344
seg 118 1290945600 183.91 0.00100000 0.019298114 170.9853151
seg 119 1292531400 208.92 0.00200000 0.024953572 150.2158032
seg 120 1350984600 262.48 0.00100000 0.027077111 173.9250891
seg 121 1352618100 232.108 0.00100000 0.023933125 174.0039203
seg 122 1354383900 128.528 0.00100000 0.0132463 174.0890693
seg 123 1355470200 94.108 0.00200000 0.0110417 152.9181203
seg 124 1360496700 229.036 0.00100000 0.023564986 174.3833011
seg 125 1362294900 213.594 0.00100000 0.021965312 174.4696979
seg 126 1363702500 150.944 0.00100000 0.015516579 174.537278
seg 127 1365994800 138.18 0.00100000 0.014195536 174.6472402
seg 128 1570580100 182.018 0.00100000 0.017745646 184.0309504
seg 129 1589507100 216.122 0.00100000 0.020976139 184.8594949
seg 130 1591146900 208.394 0.00100000 0.020218264 184.9309875
seg 131 1611315900 137.26 0.00300000 0.016285889 151.2170841
seg 132 1620823500 169.79 0.00200000 0.018629635 163.5219689
seg 133 27674028000 343.55 0.00100000 0.011421228 539.6913731


Table 4: Dudhi river slope comparison data.

segment no Area_A width Observed slope S=(W^(-16/3))*(Q^2)*(K^(16/3)

seg 1 8943300 8.13 0.001 0.545101205

seg 2 11715300 14.8 0.038 0.038318526
seg 3 13490100 17.37 0.001 0.021630294
seg 4 16335900 21.5 0.085 0.010168232
seg 5 17658900 12.8 0.003 0.188844892
seg 6 44752500 15.75 0.020 0.401269434
seg 7 46601100 18.18 0.030 0.20242125
seg 8 51003000 19.34 0.012 0.174336394
seg 9 54437400 25.762 0.022 0.043039591
seg 10 55897200 23.602 0.017 0.072390948
seg 11 59312700 41.42 0.014 0.004059501
seg 12 59951700 35.566 0.004 0.009347899
seg 13 90090000 34.236 0.008 0.02586673
seg 14 91565100 42.152 0.008 0.008811721
seg 15 94066200 45.518 0.005 0.006173357
seg 16 96144300 49.292 0.005 0.004217002
seg 17 96761700 41.918 0.008 0.010136822
seg 18 100179900 42.278 0.005 0.010381226
seg 19 100962000 47.888 0.008 0.005425061
seg 20 101871000 59.716 0.008 0.001701826
seg 21 197245800 62.926 0.004 0.004825615
seg 22 199274400 60.194 0.009 0.006240945
seg 23 200146500 80.572 0.005 0.001329469
seg 24 201141900 79.958 0.006 0.00139864
seg 25 220248900 60.168 0.006 0.007641446
seg 26 221297400 65.586 0.003 0.004870695
seg 27 221735700 47.43 0.001 0.027543494
seg 28 223378200 50.772 0.002 0.01944091
seg 29 243396900 45.002 0.008 0.043922952
seg 30 279713700 92.9 0.001 0.001215182
seg 31 280345500 71.268 0.006 0.005018577
seg 32 282717000 71.944 0.004 0.004853226
seg 33 294148800 64.612 0.003 0.009320266
seg 34 294966900 73.684 0.003 0.004650725
seg 35 376535700 103.948 0.003 0.001209365
seg 36 470528100 67.81 0.001 0.018431851
seg 37 470889900 87.274 0.001 0.004805632
seg 38 477595800 81.584 0.001 0.007082591
seg 39 486941400 82.314 0.004 0.007020878
seg 40 488065500 92.744 0.005 0.003733043
seg 41 489738600 95.124 0.001 0.003283567
seg 42 501767100 83.686 0.002 0.006825804
seg 43 512554500 90.16 0.001 0.00478671
seg 44 515528100 120.45 0.005 0.001033157
seg 45 520868700 86.26 0.002 0.006258024
seg 46 521760600 102.09 0.002 0.002556603
seg 47 527463900 117.788 0.001 0.001218459
seg 48 528027300 81.81 0.001 0.008530538
seg 49 548982000 95.936 0.003 0.003943169
seg 50 674620200 86.348 0.002 0.010440893
seg 51 675990900 79.802 0.001 0.015962688
seg 52 677812500 143.22 0.001 0.000709301
seg 53 679222800 104.412 0.001 0.00384285
seg 54 686337300 80.86 0.001 0.015338859
seg 55 688562100 110.768 0.001 0.002881649
seg 56 708299100 67.192 0.001 0.043856853
seg 57 709324200 86.236 0.002 0.011622908
seg 58 748781100 78.108 0.001 0.021959955
seg 59 749735100 67.186 0.001 0.049161669
seg 60 752149800 63.65 0.006 0.066015862
seg 61 754925400 84.526 0.006 0.014649546
seg 62 757520100 93.398 0.001 0.008662017
seg 63 758446200 103.87 0.001 0.004926441
seg 64 762184800 128.642 0.001 0.001589926
seg 65 763245000 127.606 0.001 0.001664613
seg 66 764571600 142.574 0.002 0.000924526
seg 67 765144000 127.322 0.001 0.001692904
seg 68 766057500 158.688 0.001 0.000524307
seg 69 767592000 183.964 0.000 0.000239322
seg 70 776898000 126 0.002 0.001845226
seg 71 778157100 236.754 0.001 6.40491E-05
seg 72 779963400 151.918 0.001 0.000685799
seg 73 780462000 207.996 0.002 0.000128541
seg 74 782017200 162.722 0.001 0.000477915
seg 75 783460800 150.614 0.001 0.00072452
seg 76 795188700 151 0.001 0.000736254
seg 77 795943800 157.68 0.003 0.000585581
seg 78 797234400 172.97 0.001 0.000358613
seg 79 797970600 162.632 0.001 0.000499083
seg 80 800060400 153.75 0.002 0.000676908
seg 81 802935900 202.926 0.001 0.000155188
seg 82 803572200 143.802 0.001 0.000975591
seg 83 804857400 224.496 0.001 9.09822E-05
seg 84 842298300 184.008 0.001 0.000287806
seg 85 844151400 183.05 0.001 0.000297235
seg 86 845659800 150.666 0.001 0.000842573
seg 87 849457800 176.34 0.001 0.000367319
seg 88 850202100 235.52 0.001 7.86189E-05
seg 89 851465700 189.48 0.002 0.000251552
seg 90 853596000 154.7284 0.001 0.000744896
seg 91 854005500 163.4 0.001 0.000557453
seg 92 858308400 143.76 0.002 0.00111476
seg 93 859568400 152.72 0.001 0.000809867
seg 94 860799600 188.878 0.001 0.000261498
seg 95 862814700 166.174 0.002 0.000520151
seg 96 864211500 209.974 0.001 0.000149849
seg 97 878007600 101.35 0.001 0.00752606
seg 98 878812200 181.376 0.001 0.000338323
seg 99 882729000 95.226 0.001 0.01060693
seg 100 883675800 114.46 0.001 0.003984713
seg 101 884394000 237.084 0.001 8.21191E-05
seg 102 886349700 243.114 0.001 7.2142E-05
seg 103 902529900 135.08 0.003 0.00171818
seg 104 903909600 104.51 0.001 0.006771828
seg 105 913312800 120.55 0.001 0.003228334
seg 106 918615600 201.186 0.001 0.000212672
seg 107 921075300 187.024 0.001 0.000315575
seg 108 925958700 124.5 0.001 0.002794116
seg 109 927219600 108.034 0.001 0.005970452
seg 110 927826200 213.322 0.001 0.000158748
seg 111 1263710700 186.804 0.001 0.000597769
seg 112 1269003600 182.63 0.001 0.000679995
seg 113 1269528300 188.68 0.001 0.000571976
seg 114 1272902400 273.142 0.001 7.99496E-05
seg 115 1283886900 155.484 0.002 0.001641954
seg 116 1284885000 101.55 0.002 0.015948996
seg 117 1287873900 306.718 0.001 4.40996E-05
seg 118 1290945600 183.91 0.001 0.000677983
seg 119 1292531400 208.92 0.002 0.000344313
seg 120 1350984600 262.48 0.001 0.000111366
seg 121 1352618100 232.108 0.001 0.000215097
seg 122 1354383900 128.528 0.001 0.005044212
seg 123 1355470200 94.108 0.002 0.02663603
seg 124 1360496700 229.036 0.001 0.000233636
seg 125 1362294900 213.594 0.001 0.000339911
seg 126 1363702500 150.944 0.001 0.002169631
seg 127 1365994800 138.18 0.001 0.003487291
seg 128 1570580100 182.018 0.001 0.001060412
seg 129 1589507100 216.122 0.001 0.000434605
seg 130 1591146900 208.394 0.001 0.000528848
seg 131 1611315900 137.26 0.003 0.005028339
seg 132 1620823500 169.79 0.002 0.001636457
seg 133 27674028000 343.55 0.001 0.011121485

Denwa river data

seg no Area_A channel width SLOPE K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) W=K*Q^(3/8)*S^-(3/16)

1 5585400 7.65 0.001 0.006180393 15.1417607

2 11935800 8.76 0.004 0.006903527 15.52258689
3 13681800 11.35 0.031 0.012475917 11.12895585
4 15540300 14.04 0.034 0.014970011 11.47297377
5 17047800 19.11 0.111 0.024568753 9.514995621
6 18090900 19.27 0.011 0.015707074 15.00781472
7 20625300 13.138 0.061 0.014056542 11.43356808
8 21877200 18.846 0.03903709 0.018139458 12.70942508
9 24508800 22.054 0.03596291 0.020031542 13.46802802
10 36940500 24.93 0.04229193 0.020013914 15.23776528
11 39375900 28.368 0.02270807 0.019787962 17.53713585
12 40372200 26.03 0.002 0.011406079 27.91700375
13 40977000 26.824 0.01429379 0.01690095 19.41527052
14 50706900 25.196 0.0072978 0.012920519 23.85517895
15 55018800 30.12 0.00740841 0.015022311 24.52727224
16 56536200 27.926 0.006 0.01325225 25.77805489
17 73115100 31.004 0.005 0.012911359 29.37492738
18 200549700 50.218 0.00298611 0.013004944 47.23696014
19 201399300 47.364 0.00801389 0.014736599 39.31715854
20 202275000 45.028 0.00094073 0.009360068 58.8484008
21 203096700 44.164 0.00105927 0.009372783 57.64091246
22 204100200 51.824 0.003 0.013344425 47.50748875
23 218197800 58.034 0.008 0.017516325 40.52943396
24 221235300 41.312 0.003 0.010320864 48.9656131
25 298295100 48.44 0.002 0.010026629 59.09900835
26 300176100 53.67 0.002 0.011083034 59.23848464
27 302120100 40.3 0.007 0.010500103 46.9507461
28 307866600 45.544 0.001 0.008180789 68.10311691
29 311535000 46.12 0.001 0.008247536 68.40629834
30 312419700 59.428 0.001 0.010616081 68.47908161
31 339644700 63.736 0.001 0.011034445 70.65865054
32 433846800 63.996 0.001 0.010107685 77.45191721
33 479493000 68.556 0.001 0.010429227 80.41265007
34 481313700 75.232 0.003 0.014042753 65.53621746
35 486141300 51.733 0.004 0.010153551 62.32764518
36 503657100 59.662 0.001 0.0089104 81.9090018
37 504603900 73.452 0.001 0.010962186 81.96670916
38 505506600 65.838 0.004 0.012734014 63.24735034
39 508123800 69.568 0.001 0.010355497 82.18065523
40 509898600 63.828 0.004 0.012305267 63.45286078
41 511134300 62.514 0.00075638 0.008811309 86.78964277
42 513367200 63.658 0.00124362 0.009833234 79.19315108
43 514474200 56.07 0.002 0.009460462 72.50187683
44 515969100 51.118 0.004 0.009811292 63.73509829
45 599007600 70.232 0.001 0.009828741 87.41141445
46 600624000 51.174 0.001 0.007154402 87.49979365
47 603414900 61.562 0.002 0.009784189 76.96954339
48 619874100 74.102 0.008 0.015119781 59.95362672
49 623590200 65.836 0.005 0.012272501 65.62380044
50 641999700 62.908 0.001 0.008577887 89.71324847
51 643007700 66.206 0.007 0.012994877 62.32412727
52 661619700 68.098 0.001 0.009181343 90.73172831
53 664211700 57.95 0.012 0.012431828 57.02292425
54 664563600 98.134 0.001 0.01320895 90.88291106
55 665149500 74.674 0.02297288 0.018084337 50.5123825
56 667709100 61.832 0.00402712 0.010787717 70.11561969
57 668274300 72.154 0.011 0.015193699 58.09355177
58 676164600 77.344 0.004 0.013413534 70.53658603
59 677259000 123.898 0.001 0.016558891 91.53012754
60 787798800 98.6 0.004 0.016147579 74.69654558
61 788344200 111.826 0.001 0.014118038 96.89457829
62 789060600 94.91 0.009 0.018084898 64.19880394
63 791782200 85.122 0.001 0.010729134 97.05282325
64 792442800 106.744 0.001 0.013450254 97.08318026
65 797375700 94.28 0.001 0.011852118 97.30936685
66 808106400 71.096 0.001 0.008892922 97.79839511
67 808686900 69.634 0.001 0.008707705 97.8247341
68 824770800 69.468 0.001 0.008623028 98.5498578
69 826587000 72.132 0.001 0.008946327 98.63118186
70 850647600 59.65 0.001 0.007319043 99.69816237
71 855607500 81.194 0.0007859 0.009501722 104.53281
72 884766600 85.234 0.0032141 0.012827019 81.28645022
73 902138400 81.12 0.001 0.009736447 101.9197763
74 902879100 73.016 0.001 0.008761066 101.9511486
75 921211200 82.54 0.001 0.009829462 102.7225346
76 924282000 76.082 0.003 0.011118993 83.7042431
77 930877200 71.87 0.002 0.009708589 90.55710838
78 931898700 73.482 0.001 0.008713 103.1678281
79 936241200 76.62 0.001 0.009069258 103.3478459
80 938807100 65.158 0.004 0.009991665 79.77391605
81 980183700 69.218 0.001 0.00805339 105.140812
82 981618300 63.864 0.001 0.007426388 105.1984923
83 993177000 85.542 0.001 0.00990363 105.6613167
84 1000917900 76.092 0.001 0.008783944 105.9693924
85 1001571300 56.19 0.006 0.009074165 75.75012702
86 1008440100 51.068 0.001 0.005878683 106.2673408
87 1013681700 62.174 0.001 0.007143248 106.4741362
88 1015759800 52.448 0.002 0.006856862 93.56954806
89 1017466200 96.43 0.006 0.015480876 76.19871724
90 1020672900 66.308 0.001 0.007598598 106.7489205
91 1027329300 173.992 0.001 0.019890154 107.0094547
92 1057863600 135.562 0.005 0.02072687 80.00834279
93 1119808800 153.246 0.001 0.016961341 110.5248608
94 1120374000 153.031 0.012 0.026984524 69.37383015
95 1121544000 138.308 0.001 0.015299111 110.5890537
96 1121678100 140.078 0.0003971 0.01303056 131.5036734
97 1124925300 116.866 0.0006029 0.011743912 121.7324644
98 1130247900 107.78 0.002 0.013537584 97.3930664
99 1132100100 121.634 0.001 0.013407512 110.9782402
100 1134210600 117.984 0.001 0.012996098 111.0557786
101 1194113700 178.576 0.001 0.019294386 113.2200008
102 1197170100 152.466 0.001 0.016457526 113.3285863
103 1212935400 0.001 0
104 1214366400 0.001 0
105 1214401500 0.001 0
106 1214432100 0.001 0
107 1214461800 0.001 0
108 1214492400 0.001 0
109 1250949600 0.001 0
110 1258413300 0.001 0
111 1258967700 0.001 0
112 1293697800 0.001 0
113 1299371400 0.001 0
114 1323012600 0.001 0
115 1324841400 0.001 0
116 1361563200 0.001 0
117 1371744900 0.001 0
118 1399987800 0.001 0
119 1402191000 0.001 0
120 1404284400 0.001 0
121 1406342700 0.001 0
122 1409661900 0.001 0
123 1413406800 0.001 0
124 1440040500 0.001 0
125 1454950800 0.001 0
126 1459222200 0.001 0
127 6019693200 0.001 0


Table 6: Denwa river slope comparison data.

seg no area_A channel width SLOPE K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) S=(W^(-16/3))*(Q^2)*(K^(16/3)
seg 1 5585400 7.65 0.001 0.006180393 0.03814284
seg 2 11935800 8.76 0.004 0.006903527 0.084562917
seg 3 13681800 11.35 0.031 0.012475917 0.027913053
seg 4 15540300 14.04 0.034 0.014970011 0.011582252
seg 5 17047800 19.11 0.111 0.024568753 0.002692228
seg 6 18090900 19.27 0.011 0.015707074 0.002899902
seg 7 20625300 13.138 0.061 0.014056542 0.029072115
seg 8 21877200 18.846 0.039 0.018139458 0.004775072
seg 9 24508800 22.054 0.036 0.020031542 0.002591454
seg 10 36940500 24.93 0.042 0.020013914 0.003061861
seg 11 39375900 28.368 0.023 0.019787962 0.001746653
seg 12 40372200 26.03 0.002 0.011406079 0.002904924
seg 13 40977000 26.824 0.014 0.01690095 0.002549491
seg 14 50706900 25.196 0.007 0.012920519 0.005451689
seg 15 55018800 30.12 0.007 0.015022311 0.002477201
seg 16 56536200 27.926 0.006 0.01325225 0.003915364
seg 17 73115100 31.004 0.005 0.012911359 0.003749313
seg 18 200549700 50.218 0.003 0.013004944 0.002154563
seg 19 201399300 47.364 0.008 0.014736599 0.002968634
seg 20 202275000 45.028 0.001 0.009360068 0.003921712
seg 21 203096700 44.164 0.001 0.009372783 0.004384025
seg 22 204100200 51.824 0.003 0.013344425 0.001886633
seg 23 218197800 58.034 0.008 0.017516325 0.001179124
seg 24 221235300 41.312 0.003 0.010320864 0.00742679
seg 25 298295100 48.44 0.002 0.010026629 0.005776999
seg 26 300176100 53.67 0.002 0.011083034 0.003385965
seg 27 302120100 40.3 0.007 0.010500103 0.015808759
seg 28 307866600 45.544 0.001 0.008180789 0.008549178
seg 29 311535000 46.12 0.001 0.008247536 0.008186587
seg 30 312419700 59.428 0.001 0.010616081 0.002129886
seg 31 339644700 63.736 0.001 0.011034445 0.001733124
seg 32 433846800 63.996 0.001 0.010107685 0.002767089
seg 33 479493000 68.556 0.001 0.010429227 0.002341464
seg 34 481313700 75.232 0.003 0.014042753 0.00143728
seg 35 486141300 51.733 0.004 0.010153551 0.010804291
seg 36 503657100 59.662 0.001 0.0089104 0.005420596
seg 37 504603900 73.452 0.001 0.010962186 0.001794929
seg 38 505506600 65.838 0.004 0.012734014 0.003229067
seg 39 508123800 69.568 0.001 0.010355497 0.002431758
seg 40 509898600 63.828 0.004 0.012305267 0.003876203
seg 41 511134300 62.514 0.001 0.008811309 0.004352011
seg 42 513367200 63.658 0.001 0.009833234 0.003985405
seg 43 514474200 56.07 0.002 0.009460462 0.007876435
seg 44 515969100 51.118 0.004 0.009811292 0.012972359
seg 45 599007600 70.232 0.001 0.009828741 0.003212501
seg 46 600624000 51.174 0.001 0.007154402 0.017475953
seg 47 603414900 61.562 0.002 0.009784189 0.006582583
seg 48 619874100 74.102 0.008 0.015119781 0.002584319
seg 49 623590200 65.836 0.005 0.012272501 0.004914647
seg 50 641999700 62.908 0.001 0.008577887 0.006639526
seg 51 643007700 66.206 0.007 0.012994877 0.005071603
seg 52 661619700 68.098 0.001 0.009181343 0.004620253
seg 53 664211700 57.95 0.012 0.012431828 0.011011001
seg 54 664563600 98.134 0.001 0.01320895 0.000664051
seg 55 665149500 74.674 0.023 0.018084337 0.002856059
seg 56 667709100 61.832 0.004 0.010787717 0.007874128
seg 57 668274300 72.154 0.011 0.015193699 0.003462205
seg 58 676164600 77.344 0.004 0.013413534 0.002447156
seg 59 677259000 123.898 0.001 0.016558891 0.000198914
seg 60 787798800 98.6 0.004 0.016147579 0.000909884
seg 61 788344200 111.826 0.001 0.014118038 0.000465624
seg 62 789060600 94.91 0.009 0.018084898 0.001118722
seg 63 791782200 85.122 0.001 0.010729134 0.002012892
seg 64 792442800 106.744 0.001 0.013450254 0.000602934
seg 65 797375700 94.28 0.001 0.011852118 0.001183733
seg 66 808106400 71.096 0.001 0.008892922 0.005477659
seg 67 808686900 69.634 0.001 0.008707705 0.006128381
seg 68 824770800 69.468 0.001 0.008623028 0.006456242
seg 69 826587000 72.132 0.001 0.008946327 0.005305505
seg 70 850647600 59.65 0.001 0.007319043 0.015478983
seg 71 855607500 81.194 0.001 0.009501722 0.003024036
seg 72 884766600 85.234 0.003 0.012827019 0.002495864
seg 73 902138400 81.12 0.001 0.009736447 0.003378284
seg 74 902879100 73.016 0.001 0.008761066 0.005931918
seg 75 921211200 82.54 0.001 0.009829462 0.003211245
seg 76 924282000 76.082 0.003 0.011118993 0.004991957
seg 77 930877200 71.87 0.002 0.009708589 0.006860611
seg 78 931898700 73.482 0.001 0.008713 0.006108544
seg 79 936241200 76.62 0.001 0.009069258 0.004933057
seg 80 938807100 65.158 0.004 0.009991665 0.011771276
seg 81 980183700 69.218 0.001 0.00805339 0.00929563
seg 82 981618300 63.864 0.001 0.007426388 0.014322477
seg 83 993177000 85.542 0.001 0.00990363 0.003085048
seg 84 1000917900 76.092 0.001 0.008783944 0.00584998
seg 85 1001571300 56.19 0.006 0.009074165 0.029513068
seg 86 1008440100 51.068 0.001 0.005878683 0.049812515
seg 87 1013681700 62.174 0.001 0.007143248 0.017621993
seg 88 1015759800 52.448 0.002 0.006856862 0.043838922
seg 89 1017466200 96.43 0.006 0.015480876 0.001708994
seg 90 1020672900 66.308 0.001 0.007598598 0.012674194
seg 91 1027329300 173.992 0.001 0.019890154 7.48334E-05
seg 92 1057863600 135.562 0.005 0.02072687 0.000300346
seg 93 1119808800 153.246 0.001 0.016961341 0.000175003
seg 94 1120374000 153.031 0.012 0.026984524 0.000176496
seg 95 1121544000 138.308 0.001 0.015299111 0.000303351
seg 96 1121678100 140.078 0.000 0.01303056 0.000283528
seg 97 1124925300 116.866 0.001 0.011743912 0.00074945
seg 98 1130247900 107.78 0.002 0.013537584 0.001164955
seg 99 1132100100 121.634 0.001 0.013407512 0.000613256
seg 100 1134210600 117.984 0.001 0.012996098 0.000724152
seg 101 1194113700 178.576 0.001 0.019294386 8.80103E-05
seg 102 1197170100 152.466 0.001 0.016457526 0.000205536
seg 103 1212935400 0.001 0
seg 104 1214366400 0.001 0
seg 105 1214401500 0.001 0
seg 106 1214432100 0.001 0
seg 107 1214461800 0.001 0
seg 108 1214492400 0.001 0
seg 109 1250949600 0.001 0
seg 110 1258413300 0.001 0
seg 111 1258967700 0.001 0
seg 112 1293697800 0.001 0
seg 113 1299371400 0.001 0
seg 114 1323012600 0.001 0
seg 115 1324841400 0.001 0
seg 116 1361563200 0.001 0
seg 117 1371744900 0.001 0
seg 118 1399987800 0.001 0
seg 119 1402191000 0.001 0
seg 120 1404284400 0.001 0
seg 121 1406342700 0.001 0
seg 122 1409661900 0.001 0
seg 123 1413406800 0.001 0
seg 124 1440040500 0.001 0
seg 125 1454950800 0.001 0
seg 126 1459222200 0.001 0
seg 127 6019693200 0.001 0
Shakkar river data

Table 7: Shakkar river width comparison data:

seg no area_A observed width slope K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) W=K*Q^(3/8)*S^-(3/16)
SEG 1 5834700 4.16 0.001 0.003306255 12.50330627
SEG 2 12413700 5.62 0.009 0.005080937 10.99158738
SEG 3 12925800 9.96 0.01279369 0.009473807 10.44726811
SEG 4 14713200 18.6 0.01600158 0.017575323 10.51665337
SEG 5 15356700 15.64 0.01020473 0.013366734 11.62731259
SEG 6 16068600 13.2 0.017 0.0122051 10.74732823
SEG 7 17853300 17.51 0.01471646 0.015147984 11.48680451
SEG 8 20552400 22.76 0.01328354 0.018321885 12.3444013
SEG 9 21140100 15.06 0.022 0.013186031 11.34955429
SEG 10 23473800 14.66 0.013 0.01118226 13.02783702
SEG 11 33493500 26.88 0.018 0.0190736 14.0044006
SEG 12 35041500 23.5 0.011 0.014948943 15.62159233
SEG 13 36108900 23.36 0.009 0.014151027 16.40411468
SEG 14 37467000 28.34 0.009 0.016931755 16.63281645
SEG 15 39676500 26.36 0.005 0.013805504 18.9740942
SEG 16 57160800 30.5 0.01042931 0.015988617 18.95644354
SEG 17 62474400 29.6 0.00757069 0.014133227 20.81221512
SEG 18 77949000 20.14 0.013 0.009794785 20.43301704
SEG 19 80529300 27.44 0.007 0.011738356 23.22976195
SEG 20 83087100 21.02 0.003 0.007581722 27.55070937
SEG 21 84176100 28.22 0.003 0.010129114 27.68557101
SEG 22 87408900 21.28 0.012 0.009766405 21.65233846
SEG 23 125892900 27.82 0.004 0.009062393 30.50578016
SEG 24 127197900 24.24 0.004 0.007865727 30.62398123
SEG 25 140436900 30.68 0.005 0.010002459 30.48010841
SEG 26 151139700 25.54 0.00192465 0.006772826 37.47303968
SEG 27 153066600 28.6 0.00407535 0.00868844 32.71087508
SEG 28 158728500 42.08 0.004 0.012566559 33.27570489
SEG 29 181595700 33.68 0.01 0.011355532 29.47355388
SEG 30 182860200 28.8 0.003 0.007727838 37.03415002
SEG 31 184302000 27.52 0.003 0.007362663 37.14338271
SEG 32 226008900 30.64 0.003 0.007593673 40.09634288
SEG 33 226663200 26.68 0.003 0.006605081 40.13983343
SEG 34 237553200 35.94 0.003 0.008742346 40.85244152
SEG 35 238257000 49.18 0.003 0.01194969 40.89778721
SEG 36 239750100 65.72 0.003 0.015931191 40.99371089
SEG 37 242546400 53.8 0.002 0.01203448 44.42453171
SEG 38 242910000 49.08 0.006 0.013482359 36.17483706
SEG 39 253960200 60.34 0.001 0.011649792 51.47010367
SEG 40 255486600 41.36 0.004 0.01033246 39.77816267
SEG 41 256401000 54.24 0.001 0.010434576 51.65505322
SEG 42 258054300 48.66 0.005 0.01262808 38.29152889
SEG 43 286316100 69.64 0.004 0.016669702 41.5144067
SEG 44 287116200 43.62 0.002 0.009159192 47.32563312
SEG 45 334071900 51.22 0.003 0.010963768 46.42454599
SEG 46 338745600 83.5 0.002 0.016478853 50.35323989
SEG 47 339660900 68.34 0.003 0.014537614 46.71429173
SEG 48 341426700 64.04 0.002 0.012601084 50.50232255
SEG 49 343688400 61.62 0.004 0.013773557 44.45734263
SEG 50 359302500 66 0.003 0.013746957 47.70954499
SEG 51 359874000 55.38 0.007 0.01351302 40.72569125
SEG 52 360492300 45.88 0.011 0.012177231 37.44059908
SEG 53 375312600 44.44 0.003 0.009106193 48.49591015
SEG 54 381934800 52.78 0.003 0.010744437 48.81503968
SEG 55 382707900 40.1 0.005 0.008976891 44.39012109
SEG 56 384378300 36.88 0.007 0.008779347 41.74424503
SEG 57 385099200 37.5 0.001 0.006193577 60.16690218
SEG 58 387690300 34.16 0.002 0.006408836 52.96715504
SEG 59 389071800 34.94 0.004 0.007455006 46.57392396
SEG 60 413540100 38.95 0.003 0.007696151 50.29233453
SEG 61 414195300 45.74 0.005 0.009940337 45.72597578
SEG 62 422262900 30.6 0.001 0.004882338 62.28185191
SEG 63 425697300 31.06 0.001 0.004940701 62.47133059
SEG 64 428075100 30.3 0.007 0.006927532 43.46423352
SEG 65 429923700 28.72 0.001 0.004551585 62.70319785
SEG 66 430951500 24.58 0.002 0.004432149 55.11063878
SEG 67 431518500 20.14 0.004 0.004133528 48.41795631
SEG 68 439334100 21.52 0.003 0.004156755 51.44649329
SEG 69 440424000 25.36 0.007 0.005736586 43.93024792
SEG 70 441196200 18.22 0.001 0.002859641 63.31474054
SEG 71 442509300 27.8 0.007 0.0062774 44.00813242
SEG 72 443651400 37 0.001 0.005795101 63.44663835
SEG 73 463577400 34.24 0.004 0.006841072 49.7367631
SEG 74 519221700 24.42 0.003 0.004430458 54.77280698
SEG 75 523375200 39.24 0.00763448 0.008456589 46.11069824
SEG 76 526112100 31.5 0.00636552 0.006548247 47.80280986
SEG 77 526833000 35.26 0.002 0.005896551 59.42266978
SEG 78 571581000 35.74 0.002 0.005796869 61.26733151
SEG 79 573518700 40.12 0.001 0.00570697 69.85914466
SEG 80 579788100 34.86 0.001 0.004938572 70.1445457
SEG 81 580631400 27.94 0.001 0.003956068 70.18278771
SEG 82 581608800 34 0.016 0.008091235 41.75726416
SEG 83 1427964300 31.94 0.006 0.00451564 70.28838538
SEG 84 1431292500 33.9 0.007 0.004928984 68.34554109
SEG 85 1433373300 40.38 0.004 0.005283453 75.94801253
SEG 86 1434820500 30.46 0.001 0.003072068 98.52966591
SEG 87 1437183900 55 0.003 0.006811704 80.23702429
SEG 88 1438643700 47.96 0.001 0.00483222 98.62803677
SEG 89 1442774700 80.33 0.004 0.010484907 76.13443273
SEG 90 1447421400 90.34 0.00557239 0.012532559 71.632195
SEG 91 1448737200 50.22 0.00042761 0.004303552 115.9624954
SEG 92 1450451700 36.8 0.001 0.003696444 98.93082872
SEG 93 1454741100 46.98 0.001 0.00471377 99.04044001
SEG 94 1456405200 63.1 0.001 0.006328467 99.08291002
SEG 95 1457550000 45.62 0.002 0.005208823 87.03292796
SEG 96 1458450900 46.58 0.001 0.004669174 99.13507743
SEG 97 1462296600 61.26 0.001 0.006134634 99.23302298
SEG 98 1463576400 53.94 0.001 0.005399831 99.2655823
SEG 99 1467250200 61.96 0.001 0.006196869 99.35894851
SEG 100 1468084500 69.3 0.002 0.00789123 87.26828498
SEG 101 1471810500 61.24 0.002 0.006966808 87.35127682
SEG 102 1473043500 73.5 0.002 0.00835891 87.37871138
SEG 103 1514101500 51.78 0.001 0.005118043 100.5370277
SEG 104 1515281400 56.8 0.001 0.00561259 100.5664003
SEG 105 1516608000 82.52 0.004 0.010571046 77.5727478
SEG 106 1519569000 72.86 0.001 0.007191906 100.673016
SEG 107 1519908300 114.66 0.001 0.011316977 100.6814451
SEG 108 1604268900 100.7 0.001 0.009739811 102.7417259
SEG 109 1612920600 141.82 0.002 0.015589268 90.40233893
SEG 110 1616706900 116.82 0.005 0.015234821 76.19873806
SEG 111 1619568000 64.7 0.001 0.006235619 103.10806
SEG 112 1621746900 73.84 0.002 0.008100115 90.5875366
SEG 113 1625031000 78.22 0.001 0.007529128 103.2383463
SEG 114 1652832900 97.42 0.001 0.009317776 103.8971839
SEG 115 1653557400 89.14 0.001 0.008524431 103.9142598
SEG 116 1655827200 84.4 0.001 0.008066996 103.9677272
SEG 117 1656326700 66.78 0.002 0.007267914 91.30709953
SEG 118 1672169400 85.74 0.001 0.008164947 104.3513381
SEG 119 1673064000 89.16 0.001 0.008488928 104.3722698
SEG 120 1674955800 82.46 0.001 0.007847694 104.4165109
SEG 121 1677522600 84.26 0.001 0.008014396 104.4764874
SEG 122 1678551300 96.8 0.001 0.009205023 104.5005082
SEG 123 1681056900 100.3 0.001 0.009532516 104.558977
SEG 124 1681668900 88.92 0.002 0.009622544 91.82849801
SEG 125 1685460600 108.2 0.001 0.010273248 104.6616066
SEG 126 1686348900 98.96 0.001 0.009394083 104.6822884
SEG 127 2218257000 138.8 0.001 0.011888718 116.0171969
SEG 128 2219725800 152.2 0.001 0.01303324 116.0459983
SEG 129 2221116300 165.25 0.001 0.014147419 116.0732534
SEG 130 2222134200 130 0.005 0.015047397 85.85189798
SEG 131 2224412100 159.6 0.001 0.013656115 116.1378117
SEG 132 2232092700 206 0.001 0.017603545 116.2880279
SEG 133 2241529200 224.4 0.001 0.019145588 116.4721442
SEG 134 2246679900 181.4 0.001 0.015463555 116.5724355
SEG 135 2249471700 194.8 0.001 0.016598114 116.6267358
SEG 136 2250999900 155.4 0.001 0.013237629 116.6564413
SEG 137 2254125600 184.8 0.001 0.015733856 116.7171601
SEG 138 2255511600 187.2 0.001 0.015934519 116.7440673
SEG 139 2258869500 197.75 0.001 0.01682315 116.8092131
SEG 140 2259640800 181.4 0.001 0.015430234 116.8241684
SEG 141 2280666600 227.2 0.001 0.019259063 117.2306293
SEG 142 2287013400 203.8 0.001 0.017257521 117.3528622
SEG 143 2290054500 202.8 0.002 0.019546495 103.1019734
SEG 144 2291268600 267.6 0.003 0.02782389 95.57321298
SEG 145 2292777000 180.8 0.001 0.015295467 117.4636797
SEG 146 2295405900 132 0.001 0.011162247 117.5141681
SEG 147 2296420200 152 0.001 0.012851367 117.5336382
SEG 148 2296989000 148.4 0.002 0.014287046 103.2189387
SEG 149 2300474700 104.14 0.001 0.008799055 117.6114132
SEG 150 2302360200 87.4 0.001 0.007382381 117.6475524
SEG 151 2303519400 97.98 0.001 0.008274476 117.6697615
SEG 152 2308974300 94.24 0.001 0.007951574 117.7741782
SEG 153 2309500800 89.1 0.001 0.00751724 117.7842482
SEG 154 2310471900 90.36 0.001 0.007622343 117.802818
SEG 155 2311530300 78.64 0.001 0.00663256 117.8230516
SEG 156 2312526600 71.3 0.001 0.006012526 117.8420928
SEG 157 2313270900 67.6 0.002 0.006490899 103.4927034


Table 8: Shakkar river slope comparison data:

seg no area_A observed width Observed slope K=W*S^(3/16)*A^-(3/8) S=K^(16/3)*Q^2*W^(-16/3)
seg 1 5834700 4.16 0.001 0.003306255 0.35397
seg 2 12413700 5.62 0.009 0.005080937 0.32209
seg 3 12925800 9.96 0.01279369 0.009473807 0.01651
seg 4 14713200 18.6 0.01600158 0.017575323 0.00076
seg 5 15356700 15.64 0.01020473 0.013366734 0.00210
seg 6 16068600 13.2 0.017 0.0122051 0.00568
seg 7 17853300 17.51 0.01471646 0.015147984 0.00155
seg 8 20552400 22.76 0.01328354 0.018321885 0.00051
seg 9 21140100 15.06 0.022 0.013186031 0.00487
seg 10 23473800 14.66 0.013 0.01118226 0.00693
seg 11 33493500 26.88 0.018 0.0190736 0.00056
seg 12 35041500 23.5 0.011 0.014948943 0.00125
seg 13 36108900 23.36 0.009 0.014151027 0.00137
seg 14 37467000 28.34 0.009 0.016931755 0.00052
seg 15 39676500 26.36 0.005 0.013805504 0.00087
seg 16 57160800 30.5 0.01042931 0.015988617 0.00083
seg 17 62474400 29.6 0.00757069 0.014133227 0.00116
seg 18 77949000 20.14 0.013 0.009794785 0.01404
seg 19 80529300 27.44 0.007 0.011738356 0.00288
seg 20 83087100 21.02 0.003 0.007581722 0.01270
seg 21 84176100 28.22 0.003 0.010129114 0.00271
seg 22 87408900 21.28 0.012 0.009766405 0.01316
seg 23 125892900 27.82 0.004 0.009062393 0.00654
seg 24 127197900 24.24 0.004 0.007865727 0.01392
seg 25 140436900 30.68 0.005 0.010002459 0.00483
seg 26 151139700 25.54 0.00192465 0.006772826 0.01487
seg 27 153066600 28.6 0.00407535 0.00868844 0.00834
seg 28 158728500 42.08 0.004 0.012566559 0.00114
seg 29 181595700 33.68 0.01 0.011355532 0.00491
seg 30 182860200 28.8 0.003 0.007727838 0.01147
seg 31 184302000 27.52 0.003 0.007362663 0.01485
seg 32 226008900 30.64 0.003 0.007593673 0.01259
seg 33 226663200 26.68 0.003 0.006605081 0.02650
seg 34 237553200 35.94 0.003 0.008742346 0.00594
seg 35 238257000 49.18 0.003 0.01194969 0.00112
seg 36 239750100 65.72 0.003 0.015931191 0.00024
seg 37 242546400 53.8 0.002 0.01203448 0.00072
seg 38 242910000 49.08 0.006 0.013482359 0.00118
seg 39 253960200 60.34 0.001 0.011649792 0.00043
seg 40 255486600 41.36 0.004 0.01033246 0.00325
seg 41 256401000 54.24 0.001 0.010434576 0.00077
seg 42 258054300 48.66 0.005 0.01262808 0.00139
seg 43 286316100 69.64 0.004 0.016669702 0.00025
seg 44 287116200 43.62 0.002 0.009159192 0.00309
seg 45 334071900 51.22 0.003 0.010963768 0.00178
seg 46 338745600 83.5 0.002 0.016478853 0.00013
seg 47 339660900 68.34 0.003 0.014537614 0.00039
seg 48 341426700 64.04 0.002 0.012601084 0.00056
seg 49 343688400 61.62 0.004 0.013773557 0.00070
seg 50 359302500 66 0.003 0.013746957 0.00053
seg 51 359874000 55.38 0.007 0.01351302 0.00136
seg 52 360492300 45.88 0.011 0.012177231 0.00372
seg 53 375312600 44.44 0.003 0.009106193 0.00478
seg 54 381934800 52.78 0.003 0.010744437 0.00198
seg 55 382707900 40.1 0.005 0.008976891 0.00860
seg 56 384378300 36.88 0.007 0.008779347 0.01355
seg 57 385099200 37.5 0.001 0.006193577 0.01245
seg 58 387690300 34.16 0.002 0.006408836 0.02075
seg 59 389071800 34.94 0.004 0.007455006 0.01853
seg 60 413540100 38.95 0.003 0.007696151 0.01172
seg 61 414195300 45.74 0.005 0.009940337 0.00499
seg 62 422262900 30.6 0.001 0.004882338 0.04427
seg 63 425697300 31.06 0.001 0.004940701 0.04155
seg 64 428075100 30.3 0.007 0.006927532 0.04795
seg 65 429923700 28.72 0.001 0.004551585 0.06435
seg 66 430951500 24.58 0.002 0.004432149 0.14831
seg 67 431518500 20.14 0.004 0.004133528 0.43031
seg 68 439334100 21.52 0.003 0.004156755 0.31323
seg 69 440424000 25.36 0.007 0.005736586 0.13113
seg 70 441196200 18.22 0.001 0.002859641 0.76754
seg 71 442509300 27.8 0.007 0.0062774 0.08110
seg 72 443651400 37 0.001 0.005795101 0.01775
seg 73 463577400 34.24 0.004 0.006841072 0.02930
seg 74 519221700 24.42 0.003 0.004430458 0.22292
seg 75 523375200 39.24 0.00763448 0.008456589 0.01805
seg 76 526112100 31.5 0.00636552 0.006548247 0.05887
seg 77 526833000 35.26 0.002 0.005896551 0.03235
seg 78 571581000 35.74 0.002 0.005796869 0.03543
seg 79 573518700 40.12 0.001 0.00570697 0.01926
seg 80 579788100 34.86 0.001 0.004938572 0.04164
seg 81 580631400 27.94 0.001 0.003956068 0.13594
seg 82 581608800 34 0.016 0.008091235 0.04788
seg 83 1427964300 31.94 0.006 0.00451564 0.40279
seg 84 1431292500 33.9 0.007 0.004928984 0.29455
seg 85 1433373300 40.38 0.004 0.005283453 0.11621
seg 86 1434820500 30.46 0.001 0.003072068 0.52376
seg 87 1437183900 55 0.003 0.006811704 0.02248
seg 88 1438643700 47.96 0.001 0.00483222 0.04677
seg 89 1442774700 80.33 0.004 0.010484907 0.00300
seg 90 1447421400 90.34 0.00557239 0.012532559 0.00162
seg 91 1448737200 50.22 0.00042761 0.004303552 0.03710
seg 92 1450451700 36.8 0.001 0.003696444 0.19525
seg 93 1454741100 46.98 0.001 0.00471377 0.05339
seg 94 1456405200 63.1 0.001 0.006328467 0.01110
seg 95 1457550000 45.62 0.002 0.005208823 0.06269
seg 96 1458450900 46.58 0.001 0.004669174 0.05617
seg 97 1462296600 61.26 0.001 0.006134634 0.01310
seg 98 1463576400 53.94 0.001 0.005399831 0.02587
seg 99 1467250200 61.96 0.001 0.006196869 0.01241
seg 100 1468084500 69.3 0.002 0.00789123 0.00684
seg 101 1471810500 61.24 0.002 0.006966808 0.01329
seg 102 1473043500 73.5 0.002 0.00835891 0.00503
seg 103 1514101500 51.78 0.001 0.005118043 0.03443
seg 104 1515281400 56.8 0.001 0.00561259 0.02105
seg 105 1516608000 82.52 0.004 0.010571046 0.00288
seg 106 1519569000 72.86 0.001 0.007191906 0.00561
seg 107 1519908300 114.66 0.001 0.011316977 0.00050
seg 108 1604268900 100.7 0.001 0.009739811 0.00111
seg 109 1612920600 141.82 0.002 0.015589268 0.00018
seg 110 1616706900 116.82 0.005 0.015234821 0.00051
seg 111 1619568000 64.7 0.001 0.006235619 0.01201
seg 112 1621746900 73.84 0.002 0.008100115 0.00595
seg 113 1625031000 78.22 0.001 0.007529128 0.00439
seg 114 1652832900 97.42 0.001 0.009317776 0.00141
seg 115 1653557400 89.14 0.001 0.008524431 0.00227
seg 116 1655827200 84.4 0.001 0.008066996 0.00304
seg 117 1656326700 66.78 0.002 0.007267914 0.01061
seg 118 1672169400 85.74 0.001 0.008164947 0.00285
seg 119 1673064000 89.16 0.001 0.008488928 0.00232
seg 120 1674955800 82.46 0.001 0.007847694 0.00352
seg 121 1677522600 84.26 0.001 0.008014396 0.00315
seg 122 1678551300 96.8 0.001 0.009205023 0.00150
seg 123 1681056900 100.3 0.001 0.009532516 0.00125
seg 124 1681668900 88.92 0.002 0.009622544 0.00237
seg 125 1685460600 108.2 0.001 0.010273248 0.00084
seg 126 1686348900 98.96 0.001 0.009394083 0.00135
seg 127 2218257000 138.8 0.001 0.011888718 0.00038
seg 128 2219725800 152.2 0.001 0.01303324 0.00024
seg 129 2221116300 165.25 0.001 0.014147419 0.00015
seg 130 2222134200 130 0.005 0.015047397 0.00055
seg 131 2224412100 159.6 0.001 0.013656115 0.00018
seg 132 2232092700 206 0.001 0.017603545 0.00005
seg 133 2241529200 224.4 0.001 0.019145588 0.00003
seg 134 2246679900 181.4 0.001 0.015463555 0.00009
seg 135 2249471700 194.8 0.001 0.016598114 0.00006
seg 136 2250999900 155.4 0.001 0.013237629 0.00022
seg 137 2254125600 184.8 0.001 0.015733856 0.00009
seg 138 2255511600 187.2 0.001 0.015934519 0.00008
seg 139 2258869500 197.75 0.001 0.01682315 0.00006
seg 140 2259640800 181.4 0.001 0.015430234 0.00010
seg 141 2280666600 227.2 0.001 0.019259063 0.00003
seg 142 2287013400 203.8 0.001 0.017257521 0.00005
seg 143 2290054500 202.8 0.002 0.019546495 0.00005
seg 144 2291268600 267.6 0.003 0.02782389 0.00001
seg 145 2292777000 180.8 0.001 0.015295467 0.00010
seg 146 2295405900 132 0.001 0.011162247 0.00054
seg 147 2296420200 152 0.001 0.012851367 0.00025
seg 148 2296989000 148.4 0.002 0.014287046 0.00029
seg 149 2300474700 104.14 0.001 0.008799055 0.00191
seg 150 2302360200 87.4 0.001 0.007382381 0.00488
seg 151 2303519400 97.98 0.001 0.008274476 0.00266
seg 152 2308974300 94.24 0.001 0.007951574 0.00328
seg 153 2309500800 89.1 0.001 0.00751724 0.00443
seg 154 2310471900 90.36 0.001 0.007622343 0.00411
seg 155 2311530300 78.64 0.001 0.00663256 0.00864
seg 156 2312526600 71.3 0.001 0.006012526 0.01458
seg 157 2313270900 67.6 0.002 0.006490899 0.01939

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