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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary feat of computer science, set to become a core component

of all modern software over the coming decades. This presents a threat but also an opportunity. AI would

be deployed to augment both defensive and offensive cyber operations. Additionally, new means of

cyber-attack would be invented to take advantage of the particular weakness of AI technology.

The digital revolution has already changed how people live, work and communicate. But the

same technologies are creating new challenges for citizens worldwide. From election meddling to data

breaches and cyber-attacks, events have shown that technology is changing how we think about privacy,

security, and Democracy.


Hardly a day passes without a news story about a high-profile data breach or a cyber-attack costing

millions of dollars in damages. The International monetary fund places Cyber-attacks in the range of the

US $(100-250) billion annually(data referred from International monetary fund analysis). Malware,
phishing, and crypto-jacking are some of the examples of cyber-attack .To avoid such cyber-attacks cyber

security was introduced in the world of AI. Cyber security consists of technologies, processes and

controls designed to protect the system, networks, programs and data from cyber-attacks.

[Data referred from


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One of the essential purposes of AI is to automate the tasks that previously would have required human

intelligence. Automating the tasks using robotic machines has enabled MNCs to complete their

tremendous projects in almost no time and cutting labor costs has maximized their profit at the same time

automation have resulted in massive increase in unemployment.(Data referred from




jobs.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0NVXWCBywXOEdP2U-hvZYO )

Artificial Intelligence robotics have played an essential role in making human life easier and more

efficient. Various robots created using AI which made humans’ life easier were:

 UNIMATE – Unimate was the first industrial robot, the robotic arm, and the robot that did the

work once done by humans.

 Auto Pilot – Lawrence Sperry 1912 invented technology that enabled an airplane to fly


[Data referred from

history ]

Although robotic intelligence played a dominant role in making humans life more accessible many

such cases were reported which forged us to think that whether AI is beneficial or scary for our future.

Here are some examples of such Machines :

 In 2016, Hanson robotics brought the robot Sophia into the world. This humanoid is famous

for its controversial statements. “The Tonight Show” where Sophia stated: “this is a good

start for my plan to dominate human race.

 HAN – Han is an another humanoid from Hanson Robotics with destructive thoughts. At a

rise convention in Hong Kong said their goal is to take over the world by 2029. So humans

have seven years in their hands before robots begin their global domination.

 Alice and BOB – Alice and bob are two Facebook bots who developed their secret

language.. The bots were originally intended to mimic human speech but instead they made a

language more convenient for both of them

[Data referred from ]

Such Phases of AI really scares us as this could even destroy human race.

No doubt AI has many positive impacts on the life of humans, but Events such as cyber-crime,

unemployment, and robots intentions to dominate humans really forces us to think About does AI ensures

a safe and efficient future for human being. The answer is no but that doesn't mean that we should not use

AI in the future, consistent development in the field of AI and sustainable use of AI could help to make

our Future more efficient and safe.

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