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92 Chapter

Trivrut at
Basonym of Drug

The stem of Trivrt (Operculina turpethum Linn.) is triangular.

1. Ayer-: yET: 1aTUTraTqaT: 1
Stem of Trivrt is triangular.
2. fwuct-fAf4: uT: TUSAT TRA zI
Trivyt has got triangular stem.
Trivrt stem has got three angles.
4. eraT-t-er gui a t , 3: eayutrad: o
Flowers of Trivrt are funnel shaped.
Properties and Actions
5. fita:-frATrafa vitd taaaqi Wosb t
Trivrt is very useful drug in Oedema.
so.200 N
6. t-teratfa
Trivrt is regarded as one of the safest purgative.

Trivrt is regarded as safe purgative.

8. 4atgyft-FdtTASTAT: FAT I
Trivrt is one of the useful drugs and utilized in many disorders.
Regional Names
English Indian Jalap
Hindi Nisoth
Kannada Bilitigade
Malayalamn Trikolpakonna
Marathi Nishotar
Trivrut 681

Botanical Name
Operculina turpethum Linn.
Operculina -Opening by alid
turpethum- Prom English name
Family-Convolvulaceac (Rcfer Appendix-II for key features) rol
Kula-Trivrut kula
Ganavargikarana (Classical categorization)
Caraka Bhedaniya varga, A.sthpanõpaga varga
Su[ruta Syämadi gaFa
Bh.Pr.Ni Gudücydi varga 193-196
Kingdom Plantae
Class Dicotyledons
Subclass Gamopetalae t 2Donogsd bowoliot kd
Series Bicarpellatae 2 e
Order Polemoniales ode a
Family Convolulaceae
Genus Operculina
Species turpethumn
ineoin siloraniee cale
Trivrit is found throughout India, especially grows in plains.
Bh.Pr.Ni -2 types: 1. Sweta trivrit, 2. Syma trivrit
Ra.Ni -2types: 1. Trivrit, 2. Rakta trivrit

Habit-Perennial twiner with milky juice.
Root- Long, slender, fleshy, much branched..
Stem-Very long twining and twisted together, angled and winged, pubescent, tough
and becomes brown after sometimes.
682 DravyaguFa Vijñna

Leaves-Simple, 5 to 10 cm long, 1 to 7 cm
wide, ovate or oblong more or less pubescent or
both the sides. Petiole is 2 to 5 cm
Inflorescence Few flowered cyme, pe-
duncle stout, 2 to 5 cm long.
Flower -Pedicels 0.5 to 2.5 cm long, stout,
pubescent, slightly thickened upwards. Outer se-
pals 2 cm long, inner sepals are smaller. Corollais
white, 4 to 5 cm long, subcompanulate
Fruit-Capsule, 8 mm in diameter, globose,
enclosed in enlarged brittle imbricate sepals.
Useful part:Mula (Root)
Root is stout, cylindrical 1 to 3 cm diameter Operculina turpethum Silva. MM
surface is reddish brown in colour, having longi-
tudinal furrows. Internally the root shows a thick bark and a central
woody portion which
is twisted and gives a rope like or columnar
appearance; transversely cut portion
shows an
easily separating bark followed by a porous surface of dirty white colour depicting dis-
tinct cortical and vascular zones. The cortex is loaded with a resin of
pale yellowish
colour. On breaking becomes short at bark portion and fibrous in central
Does not have any odour.
woody part.
Phytoconstituents-Root contains a glycoside resin, which includes turpethin (5%),
ether insoluble glycoside, two ether soluble
glycoside namely a -turpethin (8%) b-turpethin
(0.5%). also contains volatile oil, Coumarin,
Scopoletin, Rhamnose, Vanillic acid,
Turpethinic acids C.D,E and Saponins.
Rasadi pancaka b i orfgos bosot ai tivin
Rasa Kau Tikta
Guna Laghu, Ruksa, Tiksna
Vipka Kau wl:0
Virya Usna iwisslo.S awt.i:0ge-a
Prabhava Vircana oldeo
Do_akarma (Action on Do_a)
Vätahara (Bh.Pr.Ni) - because of U_na virya. Kaphapittahara (Ka. Ni): Pittahara
because of Virecana karma and Kapha amaka due to U_na v+rya, Katu vipka and Kau
Tikta rasa.
Trivrut 683

Karma (Actions)
Sw ta trivrit - Recana, Pittajwarahara, Sothahara, Udararögahara. Krimíghna.

Pliharogahara, Pandurogahara, Vranahara, Ku_thghna, Kandughna.

Zyama trivrit Tiksna recaka, Dähavardhaka, Murckara, Bhramaprada,
Kantotkarsanak raka.

Raka trivrit- Recana, Malavi_tambhahäraka

Agrya Karma:

fg yafrtaaAqI(7.7 25/40)
Trivrit (Operculina turpathum R.B.) is best for Virechana (Purgation).
Pharmacological Actions

Purgative, Antiinflammatory, Antibacteorial, Cathartic, Anthelminthic, Cardiac de-

pressant, Laxative, Antipyretic and Spasmodic.

Rogaghnata (Therapeutic ndications)

Sweta trivrit - Vibandha, Sotha, Jwara, Udara röga, Krimi, Pliha rõga. P ndu.
Kustha, Kandu and Vrana.

Sym trivrit -As a T+k_na virecaka karma.

Note -It is considered as inferior variety.
Rakta trivrit - Vibandha

Amayika Prayoga (Therapeutic administration)

1. Ar[as (Piles)

( 25/40)
Powder of 7Trivrit (Operculina turpethum) is mixed with decoction prepared from
Triphala-Amalaki (Emblical
oficinalis), Har+tak+ (Terminalia chebula) and Vibhitaki
(Terminalia belerica) given internally in case of Ar[as (Piles).
2. Kamala (Jaundice)
a14tfagai arfr fr4CTAT: TH: frani(7.A. 16/60)
Triphala (Kwtha (decoction) is mixed with powder of Trivrit (Operculina turpethum)
is efficacious in Kämal (Jaundice).
3. Jwara (Fever)
fAqaTcTTgm:fMR4eNTTE:I(T.A. 3/209)
684 Dravyaguna Vijñna
Trivrit (Operculima turpethum) powder taken with Sugar is useful in Jwara
Jwara origi.
nated by Pitta and Kapha do_a.

Matra (Dosage)
Cürna (Powder) -
1 to 4g
Yoga (Formulations)
SILNo. Name of Yoga Indications
Trivritdi kwätha Vätarakta
Trivritãdi ghrita Antravikra, Prameha
Trivritdi curna Amavta
Trivritdimodaka Agnimndya
|Avipattikara curna Amlapitta, Arsas
In Charaka
Kalpasthana 7th Chapter totally 110 Virechana Yogas are mentioned:
SL.No. Name of Yoga Number
1. Amla aadi Dravya 9b
Saindhava aadi Yoga 12
Gomutra 18
Yashtimadhu 2
Jivakaadi 14
Avaleha 8
Sharkara 4
9 Panaka
10 Rutu Anusara 6
11 Modaka
12 Ghrita
13 Tarpana 2
14 Madya
15 Kanji
16 Shadava 10
Total 110

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