The Warblades - GM Binder

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The Warblades

The Lord's Hunt

The Warblades Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
"A blade is best, when dyed red with blood, and sheathed within Forged by the Original Lord of the Hunt, This weapons is
the body of thine enemy." scattered with symbols depicting old hunts of success, and
-- Darven Void Jr., The Red War triumphs. The blade is adorned with gold and silver filigree,
showing that the warblade was created as an ornament,

more so than a weapon. The Lord's Hunt is a +3 longsword,
Forged from the blood of 400 men, and casted amidst baleful and deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage.
curses and dark arcane arts, a warblade is a special type of Properties. The Lord's Hunt has the following properties:
weapon forged by the victors of bloody battles. While a rare Compass. The wielder can use an action to learn which
art, it is quite possible for anyone with the equipment and way is north.
knowledge to create one of these dark blades, and doing so Confident. The item helps its bearer feel self assured.
will cement them in history for their cruel actions, and with
signs of their actions manifesting as features and curses Hunters Mark. Once per day, the wielder of this Item can
placed on the blades themselves. know the position of any one creature. The wielder knows
this creatures position for 24 hours, so long as they remain
Fallen Planes Victory on the same plane as you. This feature can be use again the
Weapon (dagger), very rare artifact following dawn.
Known as the failed warblade, Fallen Planes Victory is a Curse. While Attuned to The Lord's hunt, the weapon
magic dagger that grants a +1 to attack and damage roles bearer must eat fresh meet once per day, or suffer short term
made with it, and deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage on a madness, and lose the weapons abilities, reducing the swords
hit. abilities to that of a regular longsword.
Insanities Testament Leviathans Cry
Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement) Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
Insanities Testament is one of the most feared Warblades. Leviathans cry is a Cutlass with a hilt designed to look like
This disgusting blade was forged by a mad tyrant and used to an octopus. While not noticeable when looking at it, the hilts
create a totalitarian Warlord territory. However, feeling tentacles tend to move around. This blade was forged from a
invincible, the tyrant became sloppy, drinking all day and couple tentacles cut off of the great Kraken, and used as a
raping his servants, until one man took the Insanities show of surviving one of the most deadliest monsters in
Testament and slit the warlords throat. This man, Vance Muncaelo. The swords whereabouts are unknown, but was
Barclay, Then claimed control of the previous warlords last spotted decades ago within the country of Scotia.
territory and became it's new ruthless dictator. Leviathans Cry is a +3 longsword, and deals an extra 1d4
The blade is black with a set of snakes creating the hilt. necrotic damage.
there is one blood red gem within the pommel. Insanities Properties. Leviathans Cry has the following properties:
Testament is a +3 longsword, and deals an extra 1d4 necrotic
damage. Sentinel. The weapon glows slightly within 150 ft. of a
Properties. Insanities Testament has the following kraken, or leviathan.
properties: Metamorphic The weapon periodically and randomly
alters its appearance in slight ways.
Wicked. While attuned to this sword, the bearer has
increased urges to perform selfish actions. Kraken Slayer. When you hit a kraken with this weapon,
Hungry. The weapons magical properties only function if the kraken takes an extra 3d6 necrotic damage. For the
it has been doused in fresh blood within the past 24 purpose of this weapon, "kraken" refers only to the
hours. monstrosity named kraken, an no other monsters.
Curse. After attacking with this weapon for this first time it
Madness. When you attack a creature with this magical becomes grafted to one of your hands. While the weapon is
weapon and roll a nat 20 on the attack roll, that target has to grafted to you, you cannot drop or sheathe it and you cannot
beat a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, or suffers short term be disarmed. In addition any ability checks you make which
madness (roll on short term madness table) for 1 minute. The require the use of both hands are made with disadvantage.
creature can attempt to save at the end of their turn to break Only a remove curse spell or similar magic can undo the
free of the madness. if a creature has saved against madness grafting.
before, they are immune to its effects for the next 24 hours.
Resilient Madman. If you start your turn with at least 1 hit
point, and are below a quarter hitpoints, you regain 1d8 hit
Curse. While Attuned to Insanities Testament, and
whenever the weapons bearer rolls a natural 1 on an attack
roll, you must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, or
suffer short term madness (roll on short term madness table)
for 1 minute.

Magic Items | Warblades

Tyranny's Downfall Curse. When you draw Wyrmset Grove it cannot be put
Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement) away or dropped until it has damaged a creature. While the
Unlike most of the warblades, Tyranny's Downfall comes weapon is drawn and has not dealt any damage yet, you
across to most as a just warblade, as opposed to the cursed cannot be disarmed. In addition any ability checks you make
clump of metal that it is. Tyranny's downfall was created by which require the use of both hands are made with
the hierarchy of an uprising that happened sometime in the disadvantage.
fourth era, and was created using the blood of many nobles Sirens Voice (Mardy Bumm)
and officials of a corrupt kingdom, with the crown of the king Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
who ruled this terrible nation being forged into the hand Long ago, withing the earlier eras, there lived a king who
guard, its jewels still embellishing the blade. Tyranny's found himself on the cross end of a bard. Infuriated by the
Downfall is a +3 longsword, and deals an extra 1d4 necrotic bards insults and banter, the king rounded up every self
damage. proclaimed bard in his kingdom, and executed them one after
Properties. Tyranny's Downfall has the following another. To forever immortalize his achievement, as well as to
properties: ward off any other bards from entering his kingdom, he
Beckoner. If the sword is separated from the bearer, the crafted a special blade from the bards blood.
bearer instinctively knows the item’s direction and rough The Sirens Voice is very unique in the sense that it looks
distance. This knowledge lasts for 24 hours or until the comparable to if a harp had been designed into a blade, with
item is attuned to someone else, whichever comes first. the neck of the harp being sharpened to slash at its enemies,
and the strings being thin wires capable of slicing through
Enigmatic. Neither examination over the course of a short even bone with relative ease. Sirens Voice is a +3 longsword,
rest, nor identify or similar magics, reveal this item’s and deals an extra 1d4 necrotic damage.
properties. The bearer can learn those properties only Properties. Sirens Voice has the following properties:
through attunement or trial and error.
Focused. The bearer of this item gains a +1 bonus to
The Kings Head. When you hit a creature of the Neutral Constitution saving throws made to avoid losing
Evil alignment, then the damage is doubled. concentration on an ongoing spell.
Curse. While attuned to Tyranny's Downfall attacks
against any creature that's alignment is different then Neutral Songcraft Whenever this item is struck or is used to strike
Evil will deal half damage. a foe, its bearer hears a fragment of an ancient song.
Wyrmset Grove The Bard of Blades. When you roll a nat 20 with Sirens
Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement) Voice, you deal an additional 2d6 force damage as a magic
Amidst the third era, a local kingdom attempted to intrude song plays out.
on the lands of Wyrmset Grove, a collection of druids who Curse. While attuned to Sirens Voice you feel a strong
wanted the land to remain peaceful. To claim the land, the impulse to insult anyone who wrongs you, or anyone you are
kingdom slaughtered the druids of the forest, damaging the opposing in combat. To prevent your loose tongue from
grove and ruining the balance of the life that was there. slipping for 1 hour, you must beat a DC 16 constitution save.
In outrage, a fey being that had possessed the grove as it's
home retaliated by slaughtering the army and using their Alternative Warblades
corpses, and the blood that filled the grove, to forge a Canonically, amidst the realm of Muncaelo and the greater
deterrent, hoping that the fear of the warblades existence Brievary, only 7 successful warblades exist. However, in
would prevent future armies from encroaching on the grove. outside experiences and paradox worlds, more have been
Wyrmset Grove is a +3 longsword, and deals an extra 1d4 created. The following is a good sign on how any new
necrotic damage. warblades could appear and be created. The following blade
Properties. Wyrmset Grove has the following properties: was created from the citizens and beholder blood found in
Fastidious. Once per day, as an action, the bearer can the city of Thar'em'fal after a tyrannical warlord successfully
magically clean themselves, their outfit, and the item itself robbed the city of its treasury, and then burned it to the
of dirt, grime, sweat, and so forth. This power resets at ground.
dawn. Thar'em'fal Heist
Skillful. The bearer gains a +1 bonus to ability checks Weapon (greatsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
using the Nature skill, while the item is on the bearer’s Crafted in a world of paradoxes, the sword was forged by a
person. twisted blade smith, who after successfully claiming a city in
an attempt to heist it's vault, used the corpse of a beholder
No Misses. Whenever you miss an attack while attuned to and the blood of it's denizens to forge this warblade.
Wyrmset Grove, you can add a charge to the blade. You can Thar'em'fal Heist is a +3 greatsword, and deals an extra 1d4
stack up to 4 charges using this method. The next time you necrotic damage.
hit, multiply the damage die by the amount of charges the Properties. Thar'em'fal Heist has the following properties:
weapon has built up, after which the charges return to 0.
Guardian. The item whispers warnings to its bearer,
granting a +2 bonus to initiative.
Metamorphic. The weapon periodically and randomly
alters its appearance in slight ways.
Magic Items | Warblades
Eye of the Beholder. When you attack a creature with this d6 Damage Type
magical weapon and roll a natural 20 on the attack roll, The 1 Acid
damage of the sword changes to a Death Ray. The targeted
creature must succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or 2 Lightning
take 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. The target dies if the ray 3 Fire
reduces it to 0 hit points..
Curse. While Attuned to Thar'em'fal Heist, the weapon 4 Poison
bearer always has a feeling that someone is plotting against 5 Cold
them, and is constantly on edge.
6 Force
Draco's Folly
Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement) Spells. While the sword is on your person, you can use an
During the war of the giants, the dragon god Draco sent an action to cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) from it:
army of 200 Chromatic dragons to attack the home of the delayed fireball blast, dispell magic, or Whirlwind.
Once you
giant king, Asgaurd. Draco believed that the giants wouldn't use the sword to cast a spell, you can't cast that spell from it
be prepared for an all out attack on capital, and that they again until the next dawn.
could demoralize the giants to the point of easily winning the Dragon Slayer. When you hit a dragon with this weapon,
war. Draco, however, was wrong. the dragon takes an extra 3d6 necrotic damage. For the
When the dragon army arrived, they were met with the full purpose of this weapon, "dragon" refers to any creature with
might of the Storm Giants best infantry, the Valkyries, plus the dragon type, including dragon turtles and wyverns.
other powerful giants such as the Giant Gods son; Odin. As Destroying the Sword. A giant attuned to Draco's Folly
the battle waged on, the cooperative teamwork of the giants can use a wish spell to unmake Draco's Folly. The Giant must
quickly outmatched the uncontrollable rampaging of the use the wish spell and beat an DC of 25 with a Charisma
dragon army, and the battle was lost, with Odin slaying check. The sword must be within 30 feet of the Giant or the
Dracos retainer. spell fails. If the Charisma check fails, nothing happens, and
To forever flaunt the defeat of Draco's proud army, the fire the wish spell is wasted. If the Charisma check succeeds, the
and storm giants worked together to forge a blade from the sword is destroyed.
blood of the 200 dragons, and enchant it with some of the
most vile magic known to the Brivary. They had created the
first warblade, aptly named Draco's Folly
Draco's Folly is a magic greatsword that grants a +3 to
attack and damage roles made with it. It scores a critical hit
on a roll of 19 or 20, and deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage
on a hit.
While the sword is not attuned, it reverts to it natural size
of 24 ft. Upon attunement the sword will properly resize itself
in proportion of its wielder. The sword takes 2 days to attune, Draco's Folly
and only deals 2d6 damage (scaled to size) when it is not
Properties Draco's Folly has the following properties:
Language. while attuned, the wielder can speak and write
Sentinel. The weapon glows slightly within 150 ft. of a
chromatic dragon.
Unbreakable. The sword can't be destroyed by normal
Warleader. Any creature within 150 ft. can hear the
weapon bearer.
Draconic Stir (recharge 5-6). When you perform an
attack action, you can choose to add a draconic element to
the attack. Add 1d6 damage to the attack and roll on the
following table to determine the damage type.

Artifacts | Warblade
Iselder's Betrayal (Vampires Vengeance)
Weapon (longsword), Legendary (requires attunement)
During Iselder's tenure within the realm of Muncaelo as a
living demigod vampire, he chose to abuse his newfound
fame by sacrificing his many vampiric followers, and turning
them into a powerful warblade for his own amusement. As a
final touch, he removed the true personality of the body he
had come to possess, and entrapped it within the blade, a
living bane to itself and its kind.
The blade is blood red runes covering it;s sides, and
vampiric features available. there is one blood red gem within
the pommel. Iselder's Betrayal is a +3 longsword, and deals
an extra 1d4 necrotic damage.
Properties. Iselder's Betrayal has the following properties:
Key. Iselder's Betrayal can be used as a key to access the
realm of Blood Haven, being required alongside profound
ritual to access the realm outside all others.
Hungry. The weapons magical properties only function if
it has been doused in fresh blood within the past 24
Sentience. Iselder's Betrayal is a sentient lawful evil
weapon with an Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 15, and a
Charisma of 18. It has hearing and normal vision out to a
range of 60 feet. The weapon communicates by telepathy to a
creature in physical contact with it.
Personality. Iselder's Betrayal contains the personality of
the vampire Lord Huiarnviu Kickshaw, who was entrapped
within the blade after the parasitic entity known as Iselder
took control of his body, and sacrificed many vampires to
forge it. The blade acts as a painful prison for Lord Kickshaw,
and he desires for nothing more than to be free of it, even at
the expense of his own life.
Warding Affect. While you are attuned to this blade,
creatures under the effect of vampirism cannot enter within
15 ft. Of you without your permission. A vampire that starts
its turn within 15 ft. Of you must make a DC 18 Constitution
saving throw or be hurled to the edge of the radius, take 3d8
force damage, and be knocked prone.
Draining Strikes. Whenever you land a successful strike
against a creature that isn't a construct or undead with this
weapon, you gain a number of hit points equal to the necrotic
damage you deal.
The Desecrated (Curse). You cannot enter consecrated
grounds while attuned to this blade. Whenever you stand
upon consecrated grounds, you take 3d8 radiant damage per

Created by Nicholas Hoar

Contributors: J. Zowan

Proofreaders/Balancers: /u/lidanma, David D.D., J.


Art in Order of Appearance

"The Queen of Swords" by Ian Llanas

"Draco's Folly" commissioned from Bonus Action

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