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Jalan Banda Aceh-Medan Km. 280,3 Buketrata, Lhokseumawe, 24301 PO.BOX 90
Telp (0645) 42785. Faksimile 42785, Laman :


Mata Kuliah : Academic Writing Program Studi : TI
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa / 28 Juni 2022 Semester : II
Dosen : Mahlil, S. Pd., M.A Sifat Ujian : Hybrid
Kelas : TI 2A, TI 2B Waktu : 08.00-9.30

1. Make a paragraph based on clustering below with the topic of TV and Kids. Make sure that you
write a topic sentence, supporting sentences and examples

Topic Sentence : The impact of television for kids in this global era.
Paragraph :
In this era, the development of technology increase sharply. The main example is the
television content right know who have a big impact for kids. The content in the television can be
usefull and can be useless. So based on this situation there are 5 impact that we must get carefully
to protect our kids from bad habbits. First, advertising promotes materialism. Advertising in the
television it’s not false at all. But we must watch our children habbit to don’t be a consumtive
person. There are so many materials that advertised in the televisions and it’s so general. That’s
mean not all material is for children used. So this is main of parent’s responsibility to get focused on
their children. Second, violent. It’s so many action in the television show the violent action. For the
example is murder and fighting. Maybe some film show the fighting to take care for weak person
like superhero scene. But the parents must control their children to control their sense too. The
worst case if the parents doesn’t controll their children, they’re feel like the violence is normal so
they have to do that bad habbit too. So the parent must watch their children to take care of them.
Third, replace Social Interaction. In this global era, as we see that the development of techonology
make our social sence decrease. In this case many children don’t want to play outside with their
friends and just want to watch a television. The parent must make sure all must balanced so the
social interaction don’t be decrease. Fourth, TV watcher avoid excercise. The overwatch of television
can make everyone are lazy. The children can be like that too. If they’re watch television to much
they don’t want to get any exercise in the outside wuth their friend. The growth is unbalanced too so
the parent must take care about their children exercise. Fifth, show poor role model. It’s so many
example about this case. For the example is criminals are glorified. Many of children think that the
justice in this world are same like there is no big impact for someone that have a criminal so they
punished hardly. If the parent didn’t monitor their childrent, that can show bad sense for their
children about how to look this world. Based on that example, all of the parent must monitor for
what their children watch in the television to minimize the negative impact for their children.
Jalan Banda Aceh-Medan Km. 280,3 Buketrata, Lhokseumawe, 24301 PO.BOX 90
Telp (0645) 42785. Faksimile 42785, Laman :

2. Write at least 150 words.

Describe general trend (overall) between 2012-2017
Describe the graph in detail
Describe conclusion

Based on that graph illustration, we can see the graph of wildlife population with the red line

that’s mean of bears populations, the yellow line that’s mean of dolphins populations, and the green line

that’s mean of whales population. In the horizontal line, we can see the development of 5 years, 2012

until 2017. In the vertical line, we can see how much the population it is. First, we can see bears

development, in 2012 – 2014 start from 0 – 70 populations. The population of bears rise gradually, in

2014 – 2015 the population grow significantly, in 2015 – 2016 the populations of bears increase slightly

but it’s go up considerably in 2017. Second, we can see dolphins development. In 2012 – 2013 the

population go down substantianally, it’s started from 150 - 70 populations. This always continued until

2015 the populations still go down moderately. In 2015 – 2016 the populations still increase slowly and

in 2016 – 2017 the populations still increase slowly too. Third, we can see whales development. Start

from 80 – 55 it’s decrease steadily. In 2013 – 2014 the graph shows the increase of whales population

significantly but in 2014 – 2015 it’s go down gradually. Between 2013 – 2015 we can see that in 2014 it

reaches a peak. In 2015 – 2016 the graph shows increase of the population slowly but In 2016 – 2017

the populations go down slowly too. Based on the graph we can conclude that the development of bears

populations is increase sharply start form 2012 they start from 0 population and in the end of 2017 the
Jalan Banda Aceh-Medan Km. 280,3 Buketrata, Lhokseumawe, 24301 PO.BOX 90
Telp (0645) 42785. Faksimile 42785, Laman :

populations are 180 populations. For dolphins graphs we can see that the populations of dolphins are

increase streeply, it's started in 2012 there are 155 populations and in the end of 2017 the last

populations counted are 5 populations. For whales graph the development shows the populations

increase slowly. Started from 2012 the populations of whales are 80 populations and in the end of 2017

the populations of whales is 75. But between 2013 – 2015, in 2014 the graph shows the populations it

reaches a peak.

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