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1. Full stack developer with a result-oriented attitude having 7+ yrs.

experience in developing high-value Java, Python (Django), Spring web
MVC, React JS/ Angular applications.
2. Strong experience in SDLC through build and test.
3. Experience in the development OOPS based enterprise applications
and Responsibility involved in Detail designing, Coding, Client Interaction
4. Willing to learn and adapt to new challenges, self-motivated, and a
quick learner with excellent analytics, diagnostic, and problem-solving
5. Ability to work individually as part of a co-located team or as a part
of a distributed global team.
6. 6.Experience in industries software like financial, GPS-based
applications, CRM software, Inventory management.


Coforge Pvt Ltd. (Technical Analyst): June 2021 - Till Date

Project: Santander Bank

Description: - I have managed the Santander credit card module and
Common Component module
Roles: -
• To support Production Support for customer.
• Maintained Technical Document of Module.
• Code development in Angular for the Net banking app.
• Code development for backend Spring Boot, Microservices handled
DevOps things

Technology Used: -
• FE - Angular
• BE- Spring Boot, Microservices, Spring Web MVC, Spring Security
• Others- Git, Jira
• Tools- VS Code, IntelliJ Idea, Eclipse, Postman
Metacube Software Pvt Ltd. (Sr Software Engineer)
June 2018- June 2

Project: Deposit Book (Jan-2019 to June2021)

Description: - Deposit book is a financial platform for connecting high

volume investors to banks.

• Code handled for FE in React JS
• Code handle for BE for API in Python Django
• Interaction with the client to handle project requirements.
• Deployment FE on AWS.
• Mentorship of the trainee.

Technology used:
• FE - React JS, Redux
• BE- Python Django, Postgres
• Deployment: -AWS
• Others- SMTP, Reporting, Git, Jira, Mail trap, Webpack
• Tools- VS Code
• Communication Tools- Slack, Hangout

Project: CheckMarx (Mercedes-Benz dealer Management

System) (June 2018 – Jan 2019)

Description: - It's a simple dealer and franchise management system.

CheckMarx is a tool that provides a facility to identify code failure for
security reasons. It provides a report based on the type of security
needed to implement in code. According to the report, we worked on
solutions for the security code of the project.
Code handled for JSP and JAVA
Validate security checkpoints with CheckMarx tools

Customer: MBUSA

Technology used:
SP, Servlet, jQuery, JDBC, Log4j, SLF4J, DB2, Maven

Yusata Infotech Pvt Ltd. (Software Engineer) June 2018- June 2021

Project: Freight and Transport Management System (October 2016 June 2018)

Description: - Software provides services to manage transportation of cargo (container, non-container)

across different regions. Through this system, cargo owners can make a request to book a truck to ship cargo,
against this request transporters give their quotes and when booking is confirmed by the cargo owner, they
ship the cargo to a particular place. it's a GPS-based live tracking system.

Customer: Dubai Trade Roles:

• Code handled for FE in Angular and React JS
• Code handle for BE for API in Spring Boot
• Interaction with the client to handle project requirements.
• Code Review
• Handled JIRA
• Team management
• To train fresher for project

Tools & Technology:

Spring Boot, Bootstrap, jQuery, JDBC Template, Hibernate, Log4j, SLF4J, Oracle, Angular,
Maven, Soap/Rest web services

Project: YLOG (August 2016 - October 2016)

Description: - YLOG supports GPS, using that Administrator can trace all vehicles and drivers in real-time. A
vehicle log is used to trace vehicle positions. An administrator can easily dispatch trips and can schedule them
according to the drivers. During trips, the administrator can know the position of the Vehicle and Driver.

Customer: Yusata InfoTech Pvt Ltd.


• Code handled for FE in JSP

• Code handle for BE for API in Spring Web MVC Deployment.
• Code Review
• Handled JIRA
• Team management
• Mentorship for trainee

Technology Used: Spring Web MVC, JSP, Easy UI, jQuery, JDBC Template, Log4j, SLF4J, Oracle

Project: NLMIS (June 2015 - August 2016)

Description: - This project is for NGOs in Nigeria which provide vaccination to health facilities (Store). N-LMIS
keeps a record of the Management of medical logistics. Nigeria NGOs has internet problems, so they want a
system that can keep a record of transactions in the local system and when internet connectivity is available
it will sync data to the main server. When the User changes his system then fetch data to the server and sync
all data to the local system.

Customer: Clinton Health Access Initiative Nigeria

• Code handled for FE in JSP
• Code handle for BE for API in Spring Web MVC
• Interaction with the client to handle project requirements.
• Code Review
• Code handle with JavaFX for desktop application
• Build management for executable files for desktop

Tools & Technology: Spring Web MVC, JSP, Easy UI, jQuery, JDBC Template, Log4j, MySQL,

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