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Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop on

Proceedings of the 5th

Dependable Control IFAC Workshop
of Discrete on
Dependable of the 5th
Control IFAC Workshop
of Discrete on
Available online at
May 27-29, 2015. Cancun, Mexico
Dependable Control
May 27-29, 2015. of Discrete
Cancun, MexicoSystems
May 27-29, 2015. Cancun, Mexico
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-7 (2015) 085–090
Model repair of Time Petri Nets
Model repair of
of Time Petri
Petri Nets
temporal Time
anomalies Nets
with temporal
with temporal anomalies

F. Basile ∗ P. Chiacchio ∗ J. Coppola ∗
∗ ∗
F. Basile ∗∗ P. Chiacchio ∗∗ J. Coppola ∗∗

F. Basile P. Chiacchio J. Coppola

Dip. Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Ingegneria elettrica e Matematica
∗ Dip. Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Ingegneria elettrica e Matematica
∗ applicata, Univ. diIngegneria
Dip. Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Salerno, Italy.elettrica e Matematica
applicata, Univ.
(email: {fbasile,jcoppola}
applicata, Univ. di
di Salerno,
Salerno, Italy.
(email: {fbasile,jcoppola}
(email: {fbasile,jcoppola}
Abstract: In this paper the model repair of Time Petri net models with temporal anomalies is considered
assuming In this
the paper
nominal themodel
model repair of and
Time Petri net models
timed with temporal anomalies is considered
Abstract: In this paper the modelisrepair known of TimeanPetriobserved
net models sequence
with temporal is given. The nominal
anomalies model
is considered
is updatedthat
assuming that the
online, nominal
if the durations
the nominal model is
model isofknownknown
systemand and an observed
activities change
an observed timed sequence
timed their initial is given.
is given. The
The does nominal model
not, without
nominal model
is updated
updated online,
modifying if
if the
the structure
online, the of durations
the PN of
durations system
of systemmodel activities change
but just
activities while
while their
change initial
the firing
their instant
instantof does not,
not, without
transitions. The
approach the structure
requires the of
solutionthe PN of anominal
Mixed-Integermodel but just
Linear extending
Programming. the firing interval ofdoes transitions. without
modifying the structure of the PN nominal model but just extending the firing interval of transitions. The
approach requires
requires the solution
the solution of a Mixed-Integer
of a Mixed-Integer Linear
Linear Programming.
© 2015, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Time Petri Nets, Discrete Event Systems, Identification, Process Mining
Keywords: Time Petri Nets, Discrete Event Systems, Identification, Process Mining
Keywords: Time Petri Nets, Discrete Event Systems, Identification, Process Mining
1. INTRODUCTION be due to different reasons: workers start handling activity dif-
1. be due
due to different reasons:
reasons: workers
degrade,start handling activity dif-
ferently, tosystem
components workers
of external
handling activity
of external
etc. The occurrence of one of these
ferently, system components degrade, action of external agents, circumstances modifies
Automated modeling of discrete event processes/systems from etc. The
Automated modelingofoftheir discrete eventisprocesses/systems from the
the The occurrence
etc. system
dynamic asof
occurrence one
one asof
ofwell ofthe these
these circumstances
duration modifies
of the activities
circumstances modifies of
external observation behavior a challenging problem system
Automated modeling of discrete event processes/systems from the system dynamic as well as the duration of the activities dynamic
and as as well
consequence as the
the duration
nominal of the
model activities
needs of
to be
external observation of their behavior is a challenging problem of
that received a lot of attention in the last decade. This the system
external observation of their behavior is a challenging problem the system and as consequence the nominal model needs to be and as consequence the nominal model needs to be
has received
that been
received aa lot
addressedlot ofofbyattention
the Discrete
attention in
in the
last decade.
decade. (DESs)
This problem
problemand modified.
has been addressed by the Discrete Event Systems (DESs) and modified.
The model repair technique has been introduced for the first
has Management
been addressed by the Systems
Discrete communities,
Event Systems under(DESs)different
and The
approaches Management
and names - Systems Systems communities,
DES Identification in Giuaunder Seatzu The model
anddifferent time in Fahland
model repair
repairand technique
and van derhas
technique Aalst been introduced
(2012). In such for
for aathe first
Workflow Management
approaches and names - DES
Identification in
Giua and Seatzu timenew
the in Fahland
model (i.e. the derhas
van “repaired”
Aalst been(2012).
is In such
(2005), and Process mining in IEEE
approaches and names - DES Identification in Giua and Seatzu the Task Force on Process time in Fahland and van der Aalst (2012). In such a work,
one) is obtained adding
Mining and
and Process
(2005), (2012) and van
Process mining in
der Aalst
mining IEEE (2014).Task Force
Force on
TaskAlthough Process
Processare new the new
new model
model (i.e.
subprocesses to the
(i.e. the “repaired”
“repaired” model
model one) in the manner that
is obtained addingthe
several (2012)
proposed and van
approaches der Aalst
in each (2014).
community, Although much there
remainsare new
new subprocesses
resulting model
subprocesses to
to the
the nominal
nominal behavior
model in
in the
the manner
it is
manner as that
that the
several (2012) and
proposed van der in
approaches Aalst
each (2014).
community, Although much there
remainsare resulting
as possible model
to thefits the
original observed
one. When behaviorthe and
nominalit is as
model similar
is a
to be done regarding the modeling of
several proposed approaches in each community, much remains logical timed discrete event resulting model fits the observed behavior and it is as similar
to be done regarding the modeling of timed discrete event as possible
PN to the the
model, original
adding one.of When
new the nominalresults
subprocesses modelinisthea
to be done regarding the modeling of timed discrete event logical as possible to the original one. When the nominal model is a
processes/systems. logical PN
adding PN model,
of new
model, the
the adding
adding of
of new
Hence, newthe subprocesses
structure ofresults
subprocesses in
in the
the original
results the
The explicit consideration of time is crucial for the specification adding net is of new
changed. transitions. Hence, the structure of the original
The explicit consideration of time is crucial for the specification adding
net is of new transitions. Hence, the structure of the original
The the verification
explicit considerationof some ofDESs
time issuch crucialas communication
for the specification pro-
and the verification of some DESs such net ispaper
This changed.focuses on temporal anomalies for Time Petri Nets
and the circuits,
verificationor real-time
of some systems.
DESs suchTwoas as communication
main techniques were
communication pro-
pro- This
developed circuits,
from or real-time
Petri Nets systems.
(PNs): Two
timed main
PNs techniques
(Ramchandani, were (TPNs)
This paper
paper focuses
focuses Goalon
on temporal
of this paper
temporal anomalies
anomalies is thefor Time
Time Petri
formodel repairNets
Petri for
developed circuits,
from orPetri
Nets systems.
(PNs): Two main
timed PNs techniques
(Ramchandani, were timed (TPNs)DESs models.that Goal
can of this temporal
exhibit paper is the
anomalies. repair
Temporal for
developed and time
from PNs Petri(Merlin,
Nets (PNs): 1974).timed In thePNs first, a fixed firing (TPNs) models. Goal of this paper is the model repair for
(Ramchandani, timed DESs
anomalies that the
regard can exhibit temporal anomalies. Temporal
1974) and time PNs (Merlin, 1974). In the first, aa the
duration and is time PNs
associated (Merlin,
with each 1974).
transition In the first,
while, in fixed
fixed firing
second, timed DESs
firing anomalies that can duration of activities:
exhibit temporal they occur
anomalies. Temporalwhen
the firing is associated
duration of with
a each
transition transition
t can while,
assume in
any the second,
value of a an execution regard
of an the duration
operation hasof a activities:
anomalies regard the duration of activities: they occur when they
different occur from when
the firing isduration
associated of with each transition
a transition t can assume while,any in the second,
value of a an execution
nominal one. Inof an
Cook operation has
et al. (2001) aaand
Rogge-Soltidifferentandfrom Kasneci the
the interval
firing I(t).
duration an execution of an operation has duration different from the
given interval I(t). of a transition t can assume any value of a (2014) nominalmethodologies
one. In Cook ettoal.detect
one. In Cook et al.
and Rogge-Solti
and anomalies
and haveKasneci
given interval
Process mining I(t).
aims to discover, monitor and improve real presented; (2014) methodologies
instead, in this to detect
a methodology anomalies have been
to modify the
Process mining aims toknowledge
discover, monitor andlogs.improve (2014) methodologies
real presented; to detect temporal anomalies have been
processes by extracting from
Process mining aims to discover, monitor and improve real nominal event An event instead,
model on thein this paper
basispaper a methodology
of theaobserved to
anomalies modify
is given.the
processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. An event presented; instead, in this methodology to modify the
log is a collection of sequential events
processes by extracting knowledge from event logs. An event The and information about nominal model on the basis of the observed anomalies is given.
log nominal model on the basis of the observed
problem of modifying the nominal model as consequence anomalies is given.
log is
the is aa collection
system; event of
collection logs
of sequential
can be events
sequential used toand
events and information
information three about
about The problem
the system;
process event
system;mining:event logs logs
i) can
discovery be
can be -used -usedthe to
model conduct
to conduct of the three
three types
types is of
The probleminof
changes ofthemodifying
system behavior
modifying the
the nominal
nominal model
has been as
as consequence
consequence in the
of process
obtained starting from i) discovery the model of the system is of
of DES in the system
identification behavior
too, and has
in been investigate
particular it has in the
of process mining: i) event
discoverylogs,-withoutthe model any ofothertheknowledge
system is treated of changes
field of inDES in identification
the system behavior
Cabasino et al. too, and
hasin been
In such
a work, hasinbeen
itanomalies the
of the starting
system; ii)from event
conformance logs, without
obtained starting from event logs, without any other knowledge treated-any
an other
existing knowledge
process field of DES identification too, and in particular it has been
of to are in
in Cabasino
called faults andet al.
al. (2014).
et the model In such
suchisaa presented
repair work,
work, anomalies as the
of the
the system;
model is compared
system; ii)
ii) conformance
with an event
conformance log of --the
checking an existing
an same
existing process
process treated
are called
of and
the the
model of
a is
logical presented
PN system: as the
model is
if compared
compared as with
recorded an
with an in event
eventthe log
log of of the
conforms same
the same to process
the model
process to are
to occurrence called faults and the model repair is presented as the
and viceif versa; as
iii) recorded
enhancement the - log,
an conforms
existing to
process the model
model identification
identification of of
of a the
the faulty
faulty model
firing sequence
model of
of a
a logical
logical aPN
PN system:
system: the
check if reality, as recorded in the log, conforms to the model model cannot occurrence of a faulty
be generated by firing sequence
the nominal model(i.e.,ofa the
system)that is
is vice
vice versa;
andextended versa; iii)
iii) enhancement
or improved enhancement -- an
using information an existing
existingabout process
process the model
actual occurrence of a faulty firing sequence (i.e.,ofa the
sequence that
is extended or improved using information about the actual cannot
associated be generated
to the by
unobservablethe nominal
firings model
of fault system)
transitions, is
process recorded in some event log.
is extended or improved using information about the actual associated cannot be generated by the nominal model of the system) is
process recorded in some event log. must
associated to
to the
the unobservable
be opportunely added and firings
unobservable linked to
firings of fault
of the
fault transitions,
nominal modelthat
transitions, of
process recorded in some event log.
Model repair is a particular case of enhancement; it consists in must the be
to obtain added
the and
faulty linked
model. to the
Hence, nominal
also in model
this case,of
must be opportunely added andmodel.
linked to the nominal model of
modifying repairtheis aa particular
isnominal modelcase
caseof of
ofaa enhancement;
system as consequence it
it consists
consists of in
in the the structure
system, to obtain the faulty Hence, also in this case,
modifying repairthe particular
nominal model of enhancement;
system as consequence of the system, toofobtain the nominal
the faulty model
model. is changed.
Hence, also in this case,
the occurrence of the observation
model of of discrepancies between the of the
the occurrence the nominal
the observation a system
of as consequence
discrepancies between the the structure
structure from
of the nominal
nominal model
the Fahland model
and van
is changed.
der Aalst (2012) and
system nominal and the system observed
the occurrence of the observation of discrepancies between the Cabasino behavior, in
system nominal behavior and the system observed behavior, in Differentlyet al. from Fahland
(2014), this and focuses
paper van deron Aalst TPNs and (2012) and
the manner
system nominalthat behavior
the modified and the model system completely
behavior,the Differently from
in Cabasino Fahland and focusesvan deron Aalst (2012) and
aCabasino et al.
method etofal.model (2014), this
repair paper
that does not on TPNs
change and presents
the manner
manner that
that the
the modified
modified model
model completely describes
named anomalies,
completely describes the
the (2014), this paper focuses TPNs the andstructure
observed behavior. These discrepancies, named anomalies, can aa method method of of model
model repair repair thatthat does
does not not change
change the the structure
observed behavior. These discrepancies, named anomalies, can
2405-8963 © © 2015,
2015 IFAC
IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)85 Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peer review©under
2015 responsibility
IFAC 85 Control.
of International Federation of Automatic
Copyright © 2015 IFAC 85
DCDS 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Cancun, Mexico F. Basile et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-7 (2015) 085–090

of the nominal model but modifies the firing interval of the from the enabling belongs to the interval I(tj ); moreover, an
nominal transitions. This is possible since temporal anomalies enabled transition must fire if the upper bound of I(tj ) is
modify the durations of system activities but do not affect their reached, thus enforcing urgency. 
initial instant.
Given a set S, |S| denotes the cardinality of S.
Contribution of this paper is the formulation of a Mixed-
Integer Linear Programming Problem (MIPP) to repair the
given nominal TPN model of a system on the basis of an 2.2 Assumptions
observed timed sequence, in which temporal anomalies are
detected. Such temporal anomalies are modeled by an extension Assumption 1. (Observed system properties). The observed sys-
of the firing interval of the nominal transitions, i.e. an extension tem is modeled by a TPN system with the following assump-
of the lower and/or upper bound of the firing time of each tions
nominal transition. (1) Free labeled nets, i.e., there is an isomorphism between
the label set E and the transition set T . Observing the
2. NOTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS evolution of a net, it is common to assume that to each
transition t is assigned a label, and the firing of t is an
2.1 Background on Petri nets event that generates the label as observable output. This
assumption restricts to free labeled nets the net subclass
For a complete review on Petri nets the reader can refer to Mu- considered in the proposed approach, but it allows to
rata (1989). A Place/Transition net (P/T net) is a 4-tuple N = speak of event observation as well as of firing of transi-
(P, T, Pre, Post), where P is a set of m places (represented tions without any difference. As more it implies that the
by circles), T is a set of n transitions (represented by boxes), firing of each transition can be directly observed.
Pre : P × T → N (Post : P × T → N) is the pre (post) (2) Single-server firing semantic (more details in Seatzu et al.
incidence matrix. Pre(p, t) = w (Post(p, t) = w) means (2013)), i.e., no concurrent firings of the same transition
that there is an arc with weight w from p to t (from t to p); are possible.
C = Post − Pre is the incidence matrix. A marking is a (3) Enabling memory policy of timed transitions, i.e., when
function m : P → N that assigns to each place of a net a a new marking is reached and a timed transition is not
nonnegative integer number of tokens, drawn as black dots. It is enabled, the elapsed time is reset. 
useful to represent the marking of a net with a vector m ∈ Nm .
For a better presentation of the approach proposed in this paper
A net system S = N, m0  is a net N with an initial marking
the definition of timed firing sequence σ is needed. At this aim,
m0 . A transition t is enabled at m iff m ≥ Pre(·, t) and this is
it is useful to formally represent all those transitions that fire at
denoted as m[t. An enabled transition t may fire yielding the
the same time τq .
marking m = m + C(·, t) and this is denoted as m[tm .
Definition 2. (Timed firing sequence). A sequence
A firing sequence from m is a sequence of transitions
σ = (T1 , τ1 ) . . . (Tq , τq ) . . . (TL , τL ) ,
σ = t1 . . . tk such that m t1 m1 t2 m2 . . . tk mk , and
this isdenoted as m[σmk . An enabled sequence σ is denoted where Tq is the set of transitions fired at time τq and τ1 <
as m σ, while tj ∈ σ denotes that transition tj belongs τ2 · · · < τL denote firing time instants is called timed firing
to the sequence σ. A marking m is said to be reachable sequence. The position q the couple (Tq , τq ) occupies in the
from m0 iff there exists a sequence σ such that m0 [σm . sequence is called time step, so (T1 , τ1 ) is associated with step
R(N, m0 ) denotes the set of reachable markings of the net 1, (T2 , τ2 ) is associated with step 2 and so on; the number of
system N, m0 . Given a sequence σ it is denoted with |σ| its triples (Tq , τq ) in σ is called length L = |σ| of the timed firing
length. The function σ : T → N, where σ(t) represents the sequence.
number of occurrences of t in σ, is called firing count vector of The notation m[σm is used to denote that m is reached from
the firing sequence σ. As it has been done for the marking of a m by firing σ. 
net, the firing count vector is often denoted as a vector σ ∈ Nn .
Definition 3. (Timed Language). Given a TPN system S =
Note that, if a sequence is made up of a single transition, i.e.,
N, m0 , I, its timed language, named L(S), is defined as the
σ = tj , then the corresponding firing count vector is the j-th
set of timed firing sequences generated by S from the initial
canonical basis vector denoted as ej .
marking m0 . 
If m0 [σm, then it is possible to write in vector form
  The marking the system reaches after the firing of all the
m = m0 + Post − Pre · σ = m0 + C · σ , (1)
transitions in Tq is called mq .
which is called the state equation of the net system.
This paper focuses on the context of automated manufacturing
Definition 1. (Time Petri net system,(Seatzu et al., 2013)). Let I systems, where a control architecture interacts with a plant
be the set of closedintervals with a lower bound in Q and an according to a scan time faster than the time evolution of the
upper bound in Q ∞. A Time Petri net (TPN) system is the
system. In this context the multiple firing of a transition at the
triple S = N, m0 , I, where N is a standard P/T net, m0 is same time has no sense. This motivates the next assumption.
the initial marking, and I : T → I is the statical firing time
interval function which assigns a firing interval [lj , uj ] to each Assumption 2. A transition can fire once in the same time
transition tj ∈ T . instant.

It is assumed that there is a start-up transition that fires only The set Tq is made up of nq = |Tq | transitions whose firing is
once at time zero producing tokens considered by the initial observed at the same instant τq . The firings of these transitions
marking. A transition tj can be fired at time τ if the time elapsed are enabled either by a marking mk reached at a time τk < τq

DCDS 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Cancun, Mexico F. Basile et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-7 (2015) 085–090 87

t5 t5
t3 T3 t4
t1, [1,3] t5, [2,2] t1, [1,3] t5, [2,2] t1, [1,3] t5, [2,2]
t2 t6
… … … … … …
t1 t3
 
t2, [1,4] t3, [1,3] t4, [0,0] t6, [0,2] t2, [1,4] t3, [1,3] t4, [0,0] t6, [0,2] t2, [1,4] t3, [1,3] t4, [0,0] t6, [0,2] τ0 τ1 τ2 τ3 τ   ≡ 
… … … m0 m1 m2 m3 m q
3 3 3

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Fig. 1. (a)-(c) Evolution of the net system; (d) enabling and firing time of each transition of the net: for timed firings of transitions,
dots represent the enabling instant, the arrow points individuate the firing instant and the length of the arrows coincides with
the firing duration value; diamonds individuate enabling and firing instants for immediate firings of transitions; (e) firing
sequence for T3 .

or by the firing of another transition fired at τq with null firing of concurrent transition firings. Hence, firing of transitions in
duration. Tqim can be considered occurred in nimq substeps; each substep
Definition 4. (Firing Duration). Given a timed transition tj is denoted qs , with s ∈ [2, nim q + 1]. Finally, it holds that
fired at q-th step, enabled at k-th step, so that mk [tj , let mk  nim
Tqim = s=2 q
Tqim .
be the first marking that enables tj since its previous firing, s

the function δ(tj , k, q) : T × N × N → Q returns the time As shown in Fig. 1(e), the marking reached after the firing of
elapsed from the enabling of tj at τk until its firing at τq , i.e. transitions in the last of these subsets corresponds to mq ; as
δ(tj , k, q) = τq − τk .  more the firing sequence associated to T3 = {t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 } is
shown. In detail, T3t = {t3 , t5 }, T2im = {t4 , t6 }; as more,
From now on, δ(tj , k, q) is referred as the firing duration of the
T32 = t4 , T33 = t6 . In figure, triangles indicate the
transition tj ∈ Tq from the marking mk . When δ(tj , k, q) = 0 firing of timed transitions that leads to the reaching of the first
the firing of tj at τq is called immediate, otherwise, when marking m31 , while diamonds indicate the immediate firings
δ(tj , k, q) > 0 the firing of tj is called timed. of transitions in T3im .
Let m0 be the initial marking of the system, the set of candidate
markings for the enabling of a transition tj ∈ Tq can be 3. PROBLEM FORMULATION
formally defined as M(tj , q) = mk | ∃σT , σT , σ = σT σT ,
   Temporal anomalies can be modeled as an extension of the
 k [σT mq , with tj ∈ σT , k < q : τk + lj ≤ τq ≤
m0 [σT m
firing interval of the transitions. As far as the observed behavior
τk + uj , having cardinality |M(tj , q)|. of a system where temporal anomalies occur, the firing of
The set Tq can be partitioned into the couple of sets (Tqt , Tqim ): transitions at an unexpected time with respect to the model
is observed. The firing of a transition tj occurred at time τq
Tqt = {tj ∈ Tq | ∃k, mk ∈ M(tj , q)} is the set of transitions
is enabled by a marking mks reached at a time τk ≤ τq : a
fired at τq with timed firing, with cardinality ntq = |Tqt |; temporal anomaly occurs when τq is such that τq − τk ∈ / I(tj ).
q , is the set of transitions
Tqim = Tq \ Tqt , with cardinality nim In particular if τq is lower than τk + lj an early firing of tj is
fired at τq with immediate firing. observed while if it is grater than τk + uj a delayed firing of tj
The firing of transitions in the set Tqt is concurrent, however occurs.
each firing can have been enabled at a different marking. As In practice a large set of malfunctionings can be modeled as
example consider the system of Fig. 1(a)  and assume  that temporal anomalies (a slowing down of a conveyor belt speed
the sequence σ=({t1 }, τ1 ) ( t2 , τ2 ) ( t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 , τ3 ) is due to the wear, a shorter duration of a work phase due to an
observed. At step 3, on the basis of the nominal model of the incorrect handling of the operator, a casual change in a timer
system, the set T3 can be decomposed in the couple (T3t = duration, etc.) while there are some other malfunctionings, as
{t3 , t5 }, T3im = {t4 , t6 }). for example breakdowns or changes in work phase sequence,
As shown in Fig. 1(d), the firing of t5 and t3 have been enabled that cannot be modeled just extending the transition firing
at m1 (Fig. 1(b)) and m2 (Fig. 1(c)), respectively but, since the interval. To model this kind of faults, the net structure must be
firing duration of t5 from m1 is equal to 2 while δ(t3 , 2, 3) = 1, changed. However, in this paper only temporal anomalies are
their firings are observed at the same time τ3 . considered.

Denote by mq1 , the marking reached by firing of transitions Goal of this work is to opportunely modify the transition firing
belonging to Tqt , i.e., with reference to the example of Fig. 1, intervals, every time that the occurrence of a temporal anomaly
is detected during the system observation, in the manner that
after the firing of transitions {t3 , t5 } ∈ T3t marking m31 is
the obtained system is able to generate the observed language.
The approach is based on the formulation of a MIPP.
On the other hand, the firing of transitions in Tqim may be
sequential as well as concurrent. Given the set of transitions 4. TEMPORAL ANOMALIES MODELING ALGORITHM
Tqim , these transitions can fire in any order, that, anyway, can
include concurrent transition firings. Denote mqs , with s ≥ 2 The algorithm shown in Fig. 2 describes the steps to execute to
the marking reached after the immediate firings of transitions. repair the system model on the basis of the current observation.
Given the firing sequence associated to the set Tqim , it can Let N, m0 , I nom  be the nominal model of the system. Ini-
be considered made up of the union of nimq disjoint subsets tially it is assumed that the current model of the system,

DCDS 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Cancun, Mexico F. Basile et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-7 (2015) 085–090


Assume the nominal model as

t1, [3,3] t2, [0,1] t1, [3,3] t2, [0,1]
the current one: S:=<N,m0,Inom>
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Evolution of the net system of Example 1.
Observe a new couple (Tq,τq)
A system exhibits an anomalous behavior at time τq if some
σ:= σ (Tq,τq) unexpected (early as well as delayed) firings occurs at τq .
Given the observed couple (Tq , τq ), the set of fired transitions
Is an anomaly no Tq can be partitioned in 2 subsets: Tqu - the set of transitions for
occurred? which an unexpected firing occurred at time τq ; Tqn = Tq \ Tqu
- the set of transitions for which the firing at time τq is coherent
with the current model.
Determine the interval extension
The set Tqu characterizes the anomalous behavior of the system
Assume =<N,m0,Iext> as at time τq .
the current model: S:=
The firings of each transition tj ∈ Tq is enabled by a marking
mks reached at a time τk ≤ τq : if a temporal anomaly has
Fig. 2. Temporal Anomalies Modeling Algorithm. occurred then τq is such that τq − τk ∈
/ I(tj ). Consequently, a
transition tj belong to Tqu iif
(S in Fig. 2), coincides with the nominal one (thus S =
N, m0 , I nom ). Then, the observation starts: any time a new
mks = m0 + (Post − Pre) · σ ks ≥ Pre(·, tj )
couple (Tq , τq ) is observed, the current timed firing sequence   
σ is extended, queueing (Tq , τq ) to the previous observations σ  2.1
(initially σ = ε, i.e., it is the empty sequence). τ q − τk ∈/ I(tj )
Successively it is tested if any anomaly has occurred or not, 2.2
thus it is verified if the current model S of the system is
where σks is the the timed firing sequence obtained terminating
able to generate the observed sequence σ. If not, a temporal
σ at the substep ks and σ ks : T → N is its firing count vector,
anomaly has occurred for sure, so the procedure to determine
with σ ks (tj ) the number of occurrence of tj in σks .
the extended firing interval starts, otherwise a new observation
starts. Hence, to test if an anomaly has occurred it is needed to
compute an enabling instant, named τk , for the firing of tj at
The current model of the system S is repaired on the basis
τq . Since σprev ∈ L(S), it is possible to compute τk , selecting
of σ and the repaired model S̃ = N, m0 , I ext  is assumed the marking mks from the set of markings candidate for the
as the current model of the system: it will be used to test the enabling of tj by means of the Algorithm 1. When, more than
occurrence of a new anomaly. one candidate marking is obtained, Algorithm 1 will choose the
In Subsection 4.1, it is shown how to determine if an anomalous oldest one: this is coherent with the concept of urgency, stated
behavior has occurred. Logical conditions to determine the in Definition 1, i.e. a transition tj must fire if a time equal to its
extension of the firing time interval when an anomaly has firing interval upper bound uj is elapsed from its enabling.
been detected at time τq are presented in Subsection 4.2, then
in Subsection 4.3 it is shown how these conditions can be Algorithm 1: Selection of mks .
transformed into sets of linear constraints. Finally the MIPP
to obtain the repaired model S̃ of the system is presented in
Section 4.4. Step 1: Let τprevj be the time of the last firing of tj before τq :
if it does not exist, i.e. tj fires for the first time at τq ,
then τprevj := 0;
4.1 Testing of anomalous behavior Step 2: Collect in the set, named Men (tj , q), each marking
mks reached at a time τk such that τk ≥ τprevj and
Let S = N, m0 , I be the current model of the system, with τk : τq −τk ≤ lj , for which condition (2.1) holds. The
N = (P, T, Pre, Post), that generates the nominal language markings in the set Men (tj , q) are candidate markings
L(S). for the enabling of tj ∈ Tq .
For each timed firing sequence σ = σprev (Tq , τq ) such that: Step 3: Choose mks as the oldest marking of Men (tj , q) thus
mks ∈ Men (tj , q) and ks = min∀ks s.t. mk ∈Men (tj ,q) ks .
• σprev ∈ L(S);
• σprev is a subsequence of σ, of length q − 1;
The following example better clarifies as the occurrence of an
an anomaly has occurred if σ ∈
/ L(S). anomalous behavior is tested.
The current model of the system generates the observed behav- Example 1. Consider the system of Fig. 3(a) and the observed
ior until the step (q − 1), i.e., until the time τq−1 , and it must be timed firing sequence σ = σprev (Tq , τq ) such that σprev =
tested if an anomalous behavior has occurred at the step q, i.e., ({t1 , t2 }, 3) and (Tq , τq ) = (T2 , τ2 ) = ({t1 }, 7). The initial
at time τq . marking of the system, m0 , is the one shown in Fig. 3(a).

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To test if an anomaly has occurred at time τ2 = 7, it is necessary C1

to verify if t1 belongs to T2u , i.e., if condition 2 holds. a h1B c
Algorithm 1 is executed to compute the enabling instant of the h1A
C2 t1,[1,1.3] t3,[2,2]
firing of t1 at time τ2 : the last firing of t1 before τ2 occurs b h2B d t7,[0,0] t6,[1.7,2]
at time τ1 = 3, consequently τprev1 = 3; the set Men (t1 , 2) 1 h2A 2
is composed by the markings m11 , shown in Fig. 3(b), and 1.3 1.7 t5,[0,0]
2 3 t2,[1,1.3] t4,[3,3]
m12 , equal to m0 , since both markings satisfy condition (2.1)
and are reached at the time τ1 such that τ1 = τprev1 and, (a) (b)
τ1 < τ2 − l1 = 4, since l1 = 3; marking m0 ∈ / Men (t1 , 2)
since τ0 = 0 < τprev1 . Since step 11 precedes step 12 (see Fig. 4. (a) System of the case study: two cars going towards
Section 2.2), m11 is selected as the enabling marking of the right and returning; (b) TPN modeling the nominal behav-
firing of t1 at time τ2 , consequently τk = τ1 = 3. ior of the system.
Since τq − τk = 7 − 3 = 4 ∈ / I(t1 ), also condition (2.2) holds Proof. Proof follows from the results presented in Proposition
and hence t1 ∈ T2u , thus an unexpected firing of t1 has occurred 1. 
at time τ2 . 
4.3 Transformation of logical conditions into linear constraints
4.2 Determining of the extended firing interval
Applying the rules presented in Basile et al. (2013) the logical
conditions used in this paper are transformed into a set of
Let S = N, m0 , I be the current model of the system, with linear constraints. As for example, the logical condition (3) is
N = (P, T, Pre, Post), that generates the nominal language transformed in the following set of linear constraints

For each timed firing sequence σ = σprev (Tq , τq ) such that:  τq − τk − uj + K1 rd > 0

 τq − τk − lj − K1 re < 0

• σ∈/ L(S); ∆uj − (τq − τk − uj ) + K1 rd ≥ 0
• σprev ∈ L(S); (5)
 ∆lj − (τk − τq + lj ) + K1 re ≥ 0
• σprev is a subsequence of σ, of length q − 1; 
 r d + re = 1

rd , re = {0, 1}
the problem is to determine the extended firing interval I ext
such that I ext (tj ) = [lj − ∆lj , uj + ∆uj ], with ∆lj ≥ 0 where K1 is a real number such that K1 > max((τq − τk −
and ∆uj ≥ 0, in the way that the resulting system S̃ = uj ), (τk − τq + lj )), and rd (re ) is a boolean dummy variable
N, m0 , I ext  generates the language L(S̃) that includes σ. such that when rd = 1 (re = 1) the first and third (second
and fourth) equations of (5) are redundant. As more, the fifth
Notice that L(S̃) ⊇ L(S), since the net structure is the same equation of (5) imposes that when rd = 1, re = 0 and vice
and transition firing intervals have been extended. versa.
Proposition 1. (Unexpected firing of tj at τq ). Let tj be a tran-
The same rules can be applied to condition GA (Tqu ) to obtain
sition belonging to the set Tqu , i.e. an early or a delayed firing
the corresponding set of linear constraints: from now on, with
of tj occurs at τq , enabled at time τk by the marking mks . The
an abuse of notation GA (Tqu ) is used to indicate both the logical
unexpected firing of tj at τq is modeled by an extension of the
condition (4) and its corresponded algebraical linear system.
firing interval of tj if there exists a value ∆lj ∈ Q or a value
∆uj ∈ Q for which the logical condition named Gun (tj , q, k)
4.4 Determining of the repaired model
holds, with
Gun (tj , q, k) : The repaired model of the system is obtained solving the
following algebraical linear system.
IF τq − τk > uj THEN ∆uj ≥ τq − τk − uj ,
(3) |σ|
ELSEIF τq − τk < lj THEN ∆lj ≥ τk − τq + lj . 
G(σ) = GA (Tqu ) (6)
Proof. Since an enabled timed transition must fire in a time q=1
belonging to I(tj ) from its enabling, condition (3) imposes that Since in general the solution of G(σ) is not unique, to select
1) in the case of a delayed firing (i.e. τq −τk > uj ) an extension one among these solutions a performance index is given and,
∆uj has occurred to explain the firing of tj in a time greater solving an appropriate MIPP, a TPN system that minimizes the
than uj while 2) in the case of an early firing (i.e. τq − τk < lj ) considered performance index is determined.
an extension ∆lj has occurred to explain the firing of tj in a  
time minor than lj .  In particular if f ∆l, ∆u is the considered performance in-
dex, where ∆l, ∆u ∈ Qn are, respectively the vectors of the
Proposition 2. (Anomalous behavior of the system at τq ). The
extension of the lower and upper bounds firing times of the
firing time extension I ext justifies the anomalous behavior of
nominal transitions, then the MIPP can be formally stated as
the system at time τq if the following logical condition named
GA (Tqu ) holds with 
min f ∆l, ∆u

s.t. G(σ)
GA (Tqu ) :
 Different choices can be made for the cost function, in particu-
Gun (tj , q, k) lar if the cost function is chosen as
∀tj ∈Tqu
f ∆l, ∆u = 1Tn · ∆l + 1Tn · ∆u , (8)

DCDS 2015
May 27-29, 2015. Cancun, Mexico F. Basile et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-7 (2015) 085–090

Table 1. Meaning of transitions of the case study. online, if the durations of system activities change while their
initial instant does not, without modifying the structure of the
Transition Event PN nominal model but just acting on the firing interval of nom-
t1 (t2 ) C1 (C2) has arrived at a (b). inal transitions. Such an approach can be used in the context of
t3 (t4 ) C1 (C2) has arrived at c (d). model repair as a first repairing step, as example for systems
t5 Both cars have arrived at destination.
where the observed temporal anomalies under a fixed threshold
t6 Both cars have returned in their home position.
t7 Cycle starts again.
must not be considered as a fault, but only as an effect of system
the solution minimizes the extension of the firing interval I(tj )
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A mixed-integer linear programming approach for the auto-

mated modeling of temporal anomalies in timed discrete event
systems modeled by PNs has been proposed. The nominal
model of the system, assumed to be known, can be updated


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