Towards A Diagnosability Technique of P-Time Petri Nets Systems

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CoDIT’16 - April 6-8, 2016, Malta 018

Towards a Diagnosability Technique of P-Time Petri

Nets Systems

Patrice Bonhomme
University François-rabelais, Tours
CNRS, LI EA 6300, OC ERL CNRS 6305
64 avenue Jean Portalis, 37200 Tours, France

Abstract—This paper presents a diagnosability technique of events, associated with a particular behavior of the considered
a P-time Petri net under partial observation. Indeed, the set of plant, the following issue can be addressed: is it possible to
transitions is partitioned into those labeled with the empty string reconstruct with certainty the fault occurrence observing traces
 called silent (as their firing cannot be detected) including the of finite length ? In other words, are the plant observations
faulty transitions and the observable ones. The diagnosability can distinct enough to allow the detection of a faulty event within
be defined as the ability to detect the type of a failure within a
a finite number of steps ? Answering this question is equivalent
finite number of steps after its occurrence - the system is then said
to be diagnosable. The proposed approach is based on the syn- to a priori determining if the considered system is diagnosable
thesis of a modified state observer where the fault transitions are [5], [6], [7], [8]. This paper presents a procedure allowing to
considered as observable allowing the construction of a Sampath- verify this property for systems modeled by P-time PN.
like diagnoser. The novelty of the developed approach resides in
the fact that, although the time factor is considered as intervals,
In the proposed method the set of unobservable transitions
the diagnoser is computed thanks to the underlying untimed is further partitioned into the set of faulty transitions and
Petri net structure of the P-time model considered. Furthermore, the set of regular ones (i.e., they are unobservable and non
the method relies on linear programming techniques and the faulty). The developed approach is based on the synthesis of a
schedulability analysis of particular firing sequences exhibited modified state observer (MSO) which is an estimator automa-
by the analysis of the obtained diagnoser and does not require ton where the fault transitions are considered as observable.
the construction of the state class graph. The obtained MSO is then used to synthesize a diagnoser
automaton inspired by the theory of Sampath [9] which is
checked for indeterminate cycles thanks to a schedulability
analysis procedure based on linear programming techniques.
I. I NTRODUCTION Intuitively, an indeterminate cycle corresponds to the presence
of two cycling sequences of transitions in the system producing
The fault detection [1] becomes a critical issue in numerous
the same observation, such that a fault occurs in the first
systems and particularly for complex man-made systems such
sequence but not in the second one.
as transportation, communication and manufacturing systems
... So, as the safety of both equipment and human operators As opposed to many existing approaches, the proposed
must be preserved, it is necessary to develop analysis and con- technique does not require the state class graph construction
trol techniques which can help administrators to securely make and consequently it is designed to alleviate the state space
their decisions whatever the circumstances are. Associating explosion problem. Indeed, the construction of the modified
a dedicated sensor to each critical component of a complex state observer and its derived diagnoser is based on the analysis
system to monitor its internal state, in order to detect an of the underlying untimed PN of the P-time PN considered.
eventual malfunction is practically impossible due to multiple Thus, thanks to the obtained diagnoser once an indeterminate
reasons. Thus, it is often required to estimate the state in which cycle is detected, the associated firing sequences feasible
the considered system may be given some tangible available on the untimed underlying PN consistent with the current
data called observations. In the classical system theory, this observation will be determined. Then, they will be checked
particular feature has led to the introduction of the state for schedulability allowing to decide if a fault has really
observer notion. occurred in the considered system. In particular, the following
assumptions are made:
Indeed, a state observer can be viewed as an external agent
allowing to estimate the internal state of a system based on 1) the net structure and the initial marking are known,
given measurements. From a discrete event dynamic systems 2) the fault model is known,
perspective and more precisely from a Petri net (PN on short) 3) the underlying untimed PN, of the P-TPN considered
point of view this issue can be similar to the estimation of is bounded,
a PN marking based on the observation of particular events 4) the PN induced by the set of unobservable transitions
associated with observable transitions [2], [3], [4] - they are does not contain circuit of null length,
called observable because their firing can be detected by the 5) the P-TPN considered does not deadlock after the
observer. Thus, being given a trace (or a sequence) of observed firing of any fault transition.
978-1-5090-2188-8/16/$31.00 2016
c IEEE The paper is organized as follows: a brief reminder of the
CoDIT’16 - April 6-8, 2016, Malta 019

basics of untimed Petri nets followed by a formal definition of • P → (Q+ ∪ {0}) × (Q+ ∪ {∞}),
P-time Petri nets is realized in the next section. Section three
• pi → I(pi ) = [ai , bi ] with 0 ≤ ai ≤ bi , with:
covers the procedure of estimation and the construction of the
state observer. The schedulability analysis of the occurrence • P : the set of places of the net N ,
sequence highlighted by the state observer is studied in section
four. In the fifth section a procedure allowing to test the • Q+ : the set of positive rational numbers,
diagnosability of a P-TPN system is given. Section six presents • Ii defines the static interval of the operation duration
an illustration of the developed method and the last section of a token in a place pi .
concludes the paper. It is worth mentioning that the technique
developed in this paper is in the spirit close to the approach A token in place pi will be considered in the enabledness
of [7] but, as mentioned earlier, it does not require the of the output transitions of this place if it has stayed for ai time
construction of the state class graph. units at least and bi at the most. Consequently, the token must
leave pi, at the latest, when its operation duration becomes
II. P ETRI N ETS bi . After this duration bi , the token will be ”dead” and will
no longer be considered in the enabledness of the transitions.
A. Untimed Petri Nets According to the strong firing mode, a transition in a P-TPN,
The reader unfamiliar with Petri nets can refer to is forced to fire unless it is disabled by the firing of another
[10], in the following only the basic notions are recalled. conflicting transition. The semantics of a P-TPN can be defined
A Place/Transition net (P/T net) is a structure N = as a Timed Transition System [2].
(P, T, P re, P ost), where P is a set of m places; T is a set
of n transitions. P re : P × T → N and P ost : P × T → N III. E STIMATION P ROCEDURE
are the pre and post incidence functions that specify the arcs; The goal of the observer is to give the current state estimate
C = P ost − P re is the incidence matrix. The preset and of the system based on the information of the observed traces
postset of a node X ∈ P ∪ T are denoted ◦ X and X ◦ . (sequence of transitions). The state of the observer will consist
A marking is a vector M : P → N that assigns to each in a set of states the model can be in after the current
place of a P/T net a non-negative integer number of tokens, observation. The following set is defined with respect to the
represented by black dots. M (p) is the marking of place p. A observed sequence of transitions ω:
net system N ; M0  is a net N with an initial marking M0 .
A transition t is marking enabled at M if M ≥ P re(·, t). • L(ω) is the set containing all sequences of transitions
A transition t enabled at M may fire, yielding the marking that are consistent with ω, i.e., the set of all possible
M  = M + C(·, t). We write M [σ > to denote that the firing sequences that produce observation ω.
sequence of transitions σ is enabled at M , and we write
M [σ > M  to denote that the firing of σ yields M  . A marking In general, if ω is an observed word, the associated firing
M is reachable in N ; M0  iff there exists a firing sequence sequence σ = ω is not necessarily fireable on the net as
σ such that M0 [σ > M . some unobservable transitions should be interleaved to obtain
a fireable sequence that produce ω.
The set of all sequences that are enabled at the ini-
tial marking M0 is denoted L(N, M0 ) i.e., L(N, M0 ) = Definition 2: Let N = (P, T, P re, P ost) be a net with
{σ ∈ T  |M0 [σ >} with T  the Kleene closure of set T i.e. T = To ∪ Tu . The following operator is defined:
the set of all firing sequences of elements of T of arbitrary
• The projection over To is Po : T  → To defined
length, including the empty sequence . The notation σ  σ
as:(i) Po () = ; for all σ ∈ T  and t ∈ T, Po (σt) =
will correspond to the firing sequence σ  followed by firing
Po (σ)t if t ∈ To and Po (σt) = Po (σ) otherwise (with
sequence σ, i.e., the concatenation operation ; σ  is the prefix
 representing the empty string).
of firing sequence σ  σ. The set of all markings reachable
from M0 defines the reachability set of N ; M0  and is Given a sequence σ ∈ L(N, M0 ), ω = Po (σ) denotes the
denoted R(N, M0 ). Given a net N = (P, T, P re, P ost) and corresponding observed word.
a subset Ts ⊆ T , the Ts -induced subnet of N is the net
Ns = (P, Ts , P res , P osts ) where P res and P osts are the Definition 3: Let N = (P, T, P re, P ost) be a net with
restrictions of P re and P ost to Ts . So, the net Ns is obtained T = To ∪ Tu and ω ∈ To be an observed word.
from N by removing all transitions in T \Ts , it is denoted also L(ω) is defined as L(ω) = Po−1 (ω) ∩ L(N, M0 ) =
by Ns ∠Ts N . Moreover, the set of transitions is partitioned into {σ ∈ L(N, M0 )|Po (σ) = ω}, the set of firing sequences con-
two sets: observable transitions whose firing can be detected by sistent with ω ∈ To ,
an external agent (observer), denoted as To and unobservable Definition 4: Let N = (P, T, P re, P ost) be a net with
transitions whose firing cannot be detected, denoted as Tu with T = To ∪Tu and ω ∈ To be an observed word. C(ω) is defined
T = To ∪ Tu and To ∩ Tu = ∅. as C(ω) = {M ∈ R(N, M0 )|∃σ ∈ L(ω) : M0 [σ > M }, the
set of markings consistent with ω ∈ To .
B. P-time Petri Nets
So, being given an observed word ω, L(ω) is the set of
Definition 1: The formal definition of a P-TPN [11] is sequences that may have fired while C(ω) is the set of markings
given by a pair N ; I where: in which the system may actually be.
• N is a marked Place/Transition net (a P/T net system Definition 5: Let N = (P, T, P re, P ost) be a net with
augmented with a marking) T = To ∪ Tu , the unobservable reachability mapping UR,
CoDIT’16 - April 6-8, 2016, Malta 020

which enables to find the markings reachable from a given B. State observer construction
marking Mi , following the firing of all unobservable sequences
is defined as: UR : Nm → 2N ,
m The following algorithm allows to construct the state
observer, being given a P-TPN and its initial marking M0 .
Mi → UR(Mi ) = {Mj ∈ Nm |∃σu ∈ Tu , Mi [σu > Mj } , First, let define the following sets:
with 2N the power set or the set of subsets of the markings • UPN ODES, the set of unprocessed nodes, i.e., they
of the PN considered. are under investigation,
• PN ODES, the set of processed nodes,
A. State observer
• F TOBS (Ne ), the set of observable transitions fireable
Let Ni and Nj be two nodes of the graphical representation from a given marking of node Ne ,
of the state observer (associated respectively with the states yi i.e., F TOBS (Ne ) =
and yj of the observer) such that there exists a directed arc {ts ∈ To |∃M ∈ SEM (Ne ) ∪ SSM (Ne ) : M [ts >}.
linking Ni to Nj labeled with transition tk ∈ To .
Definition 6: The state observer for the partially observ- Algorithm 1 State observer building
able PN N ; M0 , with T = To ∪ Tu is defined by the 5-tuple UPN ODES ← ∅, PN ODES ← ∅,
(Yso , Eso , fso , y0 , ςso ) where: Create node N0 with SEM (N0 ) = {M0 } and SSM (N0 ) =
UR(M0 ),
• Yso is the set of states of the state observer, UPN ODES ← UPN ODES ∪ {N0 },
while UPN ODES = ∅ do
• Eso = To is the set of observable (events) transitions, Remove a node Ncur from UPN ODES,
• ςso : Yso → 2R(N,M0 ) is a function associating with PN ODES ← PN ODES ∪ {Ncur },
each state yso ∈ Yso a set of reachable markings, Evaluate F TOBS (Ncur ),
for all t ∈ F TOBS (Ncur ) do
• y0 is the initial state of the state observer (associated Create a temporary node Nt ,
with node N0 ) and ςso (y0 ) = SEM (N0 )∪SSM (N0 ), Compute sets SEM (Nt ) and SSM (Nt ),
 if  a node Nj such that Nj ⇔ Nt (Nj ∈
• fso : Yso × Eso → Yso is the transition function UPN ODES ∪ PN ODES) then
defined as : UPN ODES ← UPN ODES ∪ {Nt },
for yl ∈ Yso a state of the observer and end if

ω ∈ Eso a string of observable transitions Create a directed arc from Ncur to Nt labeled with t,
fso (y0 , ω) = yl if ςso (yl ) ∈
/ ∅ where ςso (yl ) = end for
Ml : M0 → Ml ∧ Po (τ ) = ω = SEM (Nl ) ∪ end while
SSM (Nl ).
Definition 7: Given a marking Mi ∈ R(N, M0 )
With the two sets, as in [4], SSM and SEM defined as and a transition tf ∈ To , the set of candidate se-
follows: quences denoted CS(Mi , tf ) is the set of firing se-
quences, composed of the unique final observable transi-
• SEM (Nj ), the Set of Entry Markings of Nj , tion tf , which can occur from Mi , i.e.: CS(Mi , tf ) =
{ |s ∈ Tu ∪ , tf ∈ To : Mi [ >}.
SEM (Nj ) = {Ms ∈ Nj |∃Mu ∈ Ni , tk ∈ To With respect to the timing constraints to be satisfied,
candidate sequences can be in the state possible or impossible.
: Mu [tk > Ms }
As Nu ∠Tu N (i.e., the Petri net induced by the set of
• SSM (Nj ), the Set of Shadow Markings of Nj , unobservable transitions) is not Zeno by assumption, it is
ensured that the time is diverging with regard to the length of
the firing sequences, thus, the set of candidate sequences from
SSM (Nj ) = {Ms ∈ Nj |∃Mu ∈ SEM (Nj ), a marking is necessarily finite (at the instant of observation)
σu ∈ Tu : Mu [σu > Ms } and it can be investigated. The following section addresses the
schedulability analysis of an occurrence sequence.
or equivalently, SSM (Nj ) = UR(SEM (Nj )).
Intuitively, for a given node Ns of the state observer, after Let σ = ta tb tc . . . tq be a firing sequence of length s
the observation of the word ω, the set SEM (Ns )∪SSM (Ns ) (denoted |σ| = s). The j th fired transition of σ will be
represents the set of markings that are consistent with the associated with the j th firing instant [2]. A variable xi will
current observed word (i.e., C(ω)). represent the elapsed time between the (i − 1)th firing instant
Proposition 1: Two nodes Ni and Nj of the state observer and the ith one (with x0 = 0).
will be equivalent (denoted Ni ⇔ Nj ) if and only if, the In a P-TPN, the sojourn time (i.e., the amount of time that
following holds: SEM (Ni ) = SEM (Nj ). a token has been waiting in a place) is counted up as soon
CoDIT’16 - April 6-8, 2016, Malta 021

as the token has been dropped in the place. To compute the the set of non negative vectors (x1 , ..., xq ) such that the first,
firing instants, this approach requires that a token is identified the second, . . . and the q th firing conditions are satisfied. Thus,
by three parameters: the place that contains it, the information a firing sequence σ = t1 t2 ....tq is schedulable if and only if
of its creation instant and of its consumption one. its associated firing space F S σ (q) is non-empty.
Function T OK is defined with this purpose assuming that Thanks to this characterization of a firing sequence, the
a FIFO queuing policy in the net is used in the sequel: Zenoness property can be checked by evaluating the mini-
T OK:N × (N \ {0}) × T  → 2P ), mal duration of the circuit of unobservable transitions under
consideration (for instance, by minimizing the sum of the xi
T OK(j, n, σ) = {p ∈ P |p contains a token created by associated with the considered transitions).
the j th firing instant and consumed by the nth one in firing
sequence σ}. Definition 9: A P-TPN Nr firing schedule, will be a se-

When it is clear from the context σ will be omitted in quence of ordered pairs (ti , xk ) ; transition ti firable at
the notation of T OK(.).When the weight of the P-TPN arcs 
is element of N, T OK(j, n) is a multi-set. For the sake of time ( xk ), obtained from the state reached by starting from
simplicity, only ordinary P-TPN are considered. k=0
Nr initial state and firing the transitions tj , 1 ≤ j < i, in the
Tokens, with the same creation instant, located in different schedule at the given times.
places and involved in the same transition firing may mutually
constrained their sojourn time, the quantities, Dsmin and
Dsmax, are introduced in order to evaluate the contribution of V. D IAGNOSABILITY
these tokens. So, Dsmin represents their availability in order Thanks to the topological and timing structures of the
to participate to this firing and similarly, Dsmax expresses considered P-TPN system, is it possible to detect a fault in
the fact that they all must be prevented from dying. a finite number of steps after its occurrence ? For this purpose
 the notion of modified state observer (MSO) is introduced, it
max (ai ), i | pi ∈ T OK(j, n)
Dsmin(j, n) = , will be the prerequisite for the construction of a diagnoser
else 0 if T OK(j,n) = ∅ in order to solve diagnosability issues. Moreover, the set
 of unobservable transitions is partitioned into two subsets,
min (bi ), i | pi ∈ T OK(j, n) Tu = Tf ∪ Treg where the set Tf includes all the fault
Dsmax(j, n) = .
else + ∞ if T OK(j,n) = ∅ transitions (modeling anomalous or faulty behavior) while
Treg includes all unobservable transitions which correspond
The definition of the following set SEN (q), allowing to to regular events. Furthermore, the set Tf is partitioned into
determine the creation instants of tokens involved in the q th r different subsets Tfi , where i = 1, . . . , r, that models the
firing instant, is also necessary: different fault classes.
SEN (q) = {u|T OK(u, q) ⊂ ( ˚ tq )}. Definition 10: The modified state observer for the par-
To express more simply the obtained results, the definition tially observable P-TPN N with initial marking M0 , T =
of the following coefficients is required: To ∪ Tu and Tu = Tf ∪ Treg is defined by the 5-tuple
 (Ymso , Emso , fmso , y0 , ςmso ) where the key modification for
Dsmin(u, q) if u ∈ SEN (q) its construction, with regard to the state observer of definition
cuq = ,
0 else 6 previously presented is: Emso = To ∪ Tf .

Dsmax(j, k) if T OK(j, k) = ∅ Considering the state observer construction algorithm de-
djk =
+∞ else tailed in section III-B, the modified state observer will be
With, ∀(j, k) ∈ [0, q − 1] × [1, q], j ∈
/ SEN (q) and k = obtained in the same way but with the set F TOBS (Ne )

q, then cjk = 0, and ∀k ∈ [0, q], xk ≥ 0. replaced by the set F TOBS (Ne ) such that:

The following proposition is finally obtained: F TOBS (Ne ) = {ts ∈ To ∪ Tf |∃M ∈ SEM (Ne )
Proposition 2: A sequence of transitions σ = t1 t2 ....tq ∪SSM (Ne ) : M [ts >}.
is schedulable if and only if there exist x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0,...,
xq ≥ 0 such that:
Intuitively, the set of observable transitions of the P-TPN
⎧ considered is augmented with the set Tf of faulty transitions
⎪ c0k ≤ x1 ≤ d0k , k = 1, ..., n

⎪ max (c0k , c1k + x1 ) ≤ x1 + x2 ≤ min (d0k , d1k + x1 )

⎪ (i.e., they are now considered as observable). This modification

⎨ k=2,...,n k=2,...,n
... is also considered for the construction of the modified basis

⎪ j
 reachability graph in the approach of Cabasino et al. [5] for

⎪ max (cjk + xs ) ≤ xs ≤ min (djk + xs ) the diagnosability of bounded PN.
⎩ j=0,...,q−1 j=0,...,q−1
k=q,...,n s=0 s=0 k=q,...,n s=0
Definition 11: A P-TPN N, M0 , I is diagnosable with
In the sequel this system will be denoted as Sσ (q) or simply respect to a projection operator Po if:
Sσ when it is clear from the context.
∀s ∈ Ψ(Tfi ), ∃K ∈ N, ∀r ∈ LG(N, M0 )/s, |r| ≥ K ⇒
Definition 8: The firing space at the q th firing instant,
associated with a firing sequence σ, denoted by F S σ (q) is ∀w ∈ Po−1 (Po (sr)), ∃tf ∈ Tfi : tf ∈ w, with:
CoDIT’16 - April 6-8, 2016, Malta 022

• Ψ(Tfi ) denotes the set of schedulable transitions se- It follows that the property of diagnosability can be tested
quences that end in a faulty event of class Tfi , by analyzing the cycles of uncertain states in Diag(G). Thus,
the following major result, in the untimed case, is reminded:
• |r| denotes the number of events of trace r,
Theorem 1: [9] Let N be a P-TPN with T = To ∪ Tu
• LG(N, M0 ) = {σ ∈ T  |σ ∈ L(N, M0 ) : and Tu = Tf ∪ Treg where the set Tf includes all the fault
F S σ (|σ|) = ∅} transitions while Treg includes all unobservable transitions
which correspond to regular events. Furthermore, the set Tf is
• LG(N, M0 )/s = {s ∈ T  | ss ∈ LG(N, M0 )}
partitioned into r different subsets Tfi , where i = 1, . . . , r, that
Thus, let s be a firing sequence (trace) ending with a fault models the different fault classes. The untimed system consid-
transition of class Tfi and let r be a long enough firing sequence ered is diagnosable if and only if there are no indeterminate
which is a continuation of s. The diagnosability (with regard cycles in the associated diagnoser Diag(G) for any fault type.
to fault class Tfi ) is ensured if any firing sequence having the The previous results are obtained in the untimed case by
same observable projection of firing sequence sr contains also considering the untimed underlying structure of the P-TPN
a fault transition in Tfi . If there are several fault classes, a P- considered. The next proposition build a bridge between the
TPN system will be said to be diagnosable if it is diagnosable time and the untimed structures.
with respect to all fault classes. The diagnosability will be
verified thanks to a diagnoser automaton and the procedure to Proposition 3: Let N, I be a P-TPN with N, M0  its
obtain it from the MSO G, is fully explained and detailed in associated underlying untimed PN. If N, M0  is diagnosable
the book by Cassandras et al. [12]. Intuitively, in our approach with respect to (w.r.t.) a fault class Tfi then N, I is also
each state Si of the diagnoser Diag(G) is of the form: diagnosable w.r.t. Tfi .
• Xj N , when the state Xj of the corresponding MSO Proof : it follows from the fact that the behavior of the P-
is reached after a sequence of events without fault, or TPN considered is included in the behavior of its associated
underlying untimed PN (i.e., the set of feasible firing sequences
• Xj Fk , when the state Xj of the corresponding MSO of the P-TPN considered is a subset of the one of its associated
is reached after a sequence of events containing a fault underlying untimed PN). Indeed, the timing structure can only
of class Tfk . restrict the behavior of the underlying untimed PN model (no
new firing sequences can be generated in N, I).
It can be noticed that as initially no fault has occurred, the
initial node of Diag(G) is labeled with X0 N . Indeed: In the proposed approach, the consideration of the time fac-
tor will lead to the schedulability analysis of all pairs of firing
• If all the states of the MSO G in the current state of sequences (σ1 , σ2 ) associated with an indeterminate cycle of
Diag(G) have label N , then it is sure that no faulty the diagnoser Diag(G). Thus, the firing space of these firing
event has occurred yet. As in [12] such a state will be sequences will be determined and if it is found non-empty
called a negative state, then it means that it exists, for each firing sequence, a firing
• If all the states of the MSO G in the current state of schedule associated with the observation under consideration
Diag(G) have label Fi , then it is certain that a faulty (i.e., σ1 and σ2 are both time feasible or schedulable). The
event of the corresponding class has occurred at some proposed procedure allowing to test the diagnosability of a
point in the past. Such a state will be called a positive P-TPN system, derived from [7] is as follows:
1) Build the modified state observer G of the system,
• If the current state of Diag(G) contains at least one 2) Compute the associated diagnoser Diag(G),
state of the MSO G with label N and at least one 3) Search for the uncertain cycles for any fault class
state of G with label Fi , then a faulty event of class Tfi , ∀i,
Tfi may or may not have occurred in the past. This 4) If there are no uncertain cycles for any fault class
kind of state will be called an uncertain state. Tfi , ∀i, then the system is diagnosable; else for each
fault class Tfi , ∀i having uncertain cycles, verify if
In the latter case, there exist, in the P-TPN considered, such cycles are also indeterminate,
two untimed firing sequences σ1 and σ2 such that Po (σ1 ) = 5) If there are no indeterminate cycles for any fault
Po (σ2 ) (they lead to the same state in Diag(G)) where σ1 class Tfi , ∀i, then the system is diagnosable, else if
contains a faulty transition of class Tfi and σ2 does not. Thus, there are indeterminate cycles for some fault class Tfi ,
the following definitions of uncertain and indeterminate cycles then for each indeterminate cycle, consider all pairs
are recalled: of sequences in G associated with it; for any pair
Definition 12: An uncertain cycle in Diag(G) is a cycle (σ1 , σ2 ) feasible on the untimed underlying PN of
composed exclusively of uncertain states. the P-TPN considered, having the same observable
projection, one containing a fault transition in Tfi
Definition 13: [1] An indeterminate cycle in Diag(G) is an and the other one not, compute F S σ1 (|σ1 |) and
uncertain cycle corresponding to the presence of two cycling F S σ2 (|σ2 |).
sequences of transitions (words) in the system with the same 6) If F S σ1 (|σ1 |) = ∅ and F S σ2 (|σ2 |) = ∅ then
observable projection, such that a fault of class Tfi occurs in the system is not diagnosable with respect to the
the first sequence but not in the second one. fault class Tfi else, let consider the pair (σ1 , σ2 )
CoDIT’16 - April 6-8, 2016, Malta 023

with σ1 containing a fault and σ2 not. As soon as consequently the faulty transition t5 cannot occur. If b2 is
F S σ1 (|σ1 |) = ∅, the faulty transition can be detected. chosen such that b2 ≥ a4 , the system becomes non diagnosable
as σ1 and σ2 becomes schedulable but a control layer must
Indeed, in the Else statement of the last item the following be added to prevent the death of tokens in p2 and p4 .
cases are to be considered: For instance, if I(p4 ) = [1, 3] an example of schedule is:
• F S σ1 (|σ1 |) = ∅, F S σ2 (|σ2 |) = ∅, i.e., the fault never (t1 , 1), (t2 , 2), (t4 , 3), (t1 , 4), (t3 , 5), (t5 , 6) . . . and the system
occur, is clearly non diagnosable with respect to t5 .

• F S σ1 (|σ1 |) = ∅, F S σ2 (|σ2 |) = ∅, i.e., the fault VII. C ONCLUSIONS

always occur and can be therefore detected,
In this paper, a new methodology allowing to analyze
• F S σ1 (|σ1 |) = ∅, F S σ2 (|σ2 |) = ∅, i.e., the firing the diagnosability of systems modeled by P-time Petri nets
sequences associated with the indeterminate cycles are is developed. It is based on the construction of a diagnoser
both non schedulable. inspired from the procedure originally presented by Sampath
in the automata context. This diagnoser is obtained thanks to
VI. I LLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE the synthesis of a modified state observer which is an estimator
where the fault transitions are considered as observable. Fur-
Let consider the P-TPN of Fig.1 with To = {t1 }, Tu =
thermore, both, the modified state observer and the resulting
{t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 } and Tf = {t5 }.
diagnoser are computed on the basis of the untimed underlying
Petri net of the P-time PN considered. This particularity allows
P1 [0,1]
to avoid the combinatorial state space explosion problem
usually associated with the consideration of the time factor
[1,2] [7, infty[ modeled as time intervals. The diagnosability of the system
P3 [0, infty[ P4
is based on the analysis of the set of indeterminate cycles
t3 highlighted by the structure of the obtained diagnoser. Thus,
[1,8] [0,4]
thanks to a schedulability analysis technique, the feasibility
of the candidate firing sequences associated with the indeter-
minate cycles, on the P-TPN considered is verified. To this
t4 t5
purpose, an efficient procedure based on linear programming
techniques is provided.
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{X0 N}
{X1 N}
{X1 N, X1 F}
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