Class Xi - Grammar

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Do as directed:- (1 x 11 =11)

(a)Please open the door. (Change the Voice) (b) (b)The

student said, “Ma’am, when will the classes begin?”(Begin with : The student asked..
(c) She has been persevering for several years to get this award. (Rewrite the sentence using the
Noun form of the word underlined)
(d)No one can tolerate this.(Turn into an Interrogative sentence)
(e)Samir stood second in the race. He was disappointed.(Join the sentences with a suitable
(f)He is too honest to cheat his parents.(Remove ‘too’)
(g) The Principal, together with her teachers, ____________ in the conference room. (Fill in the
blanks with a verb in agreement with the subject)
(h)The little girl is very sad. She lost her favourite doll yesterday. (Join with a Relative Pronoun)
(i)Why did you not listen to me? (Change the voice)
(j) Herbert consulted his parents before accepting the job offer.(Begin: Herbert did not ………..)
(k)____________ of the people supported the leader but ____________ protested noisily. (Fill in
with suitable determiners)
(l)He got back his property ten years later(Use ‘restored’)
(m)Gold is the glittering metals.(Begin :No)
(n)The Rajputs preferred death to dishonor.(The Rajputs would…)
(o)Notwithstanding the fact that many of his friends voted for him, he failed to be
elected.(Begin: In….)
(p)It was the last time he saw his wife.(Begin: Never…)
(q) Should he see you ,he would be surprised.(Begin: Were…)
(r) He has taken to drinking, forgotten his friends and deserted his family altogether.(Begin:Not
III. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions: (1/2 x 10= 5)

(a) What is the time_____ your watch?

(b) I do not approve ______ your behaviour.
(c) She came and sat _______ me.
(d) Except in emergencies it is customary to make an appointment __________ arriving at a
doctor’s office.
(e) Our body temperature is controlled ________ a centre in the brain known as the temperature
(f) ________ her free time she loves to cook for her family.
(g) A mysterious line appeared _______the spectrum he was looking at.
(h) The dog jumped __________ the gate and charged at the stranger.
(i) When the new moon rises in June, several strange creatures will emerge ______ the depths of
the sea.
(j) One or two litres of new blood transfusion __________ the veins means a new life to a
III. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most
appropriate word from the given options--(½ x8=4 Marks)
Three years ago, fresh (a)__________ of school, I (b) _________ the intimidating task of
choosing a career (c) __________ college started. My uncle, (d) __________ of the elders of the
family, suggested (e) _________ I do a summer job (f) __________ a multinational company
followed by a month of social service with an NGO. He said that (g) __________ that I could
(h)___________ which career to choose.

a) (i) from (ii) out (iii) in (iv) when

b) (i) in (ii) was (iii) have (iv) had
c) (i) for (ii) after (iii) before (iv) as
d) (i) are (ii) was (iii) one (iv) who
e) (i) when (ii) that (iii) which (iv) as
f) (i) in (ii) on (iii) for (iv) at
g) (i) before (ii) then (iii) after (iv) in
h) (i) made (ii) decision (iii) make (iv) decide

IV.. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
incorrect word against the correct blank number. First one has been done as an example—
(4 Marks)

I ignore her and leaned back against the eg. ignore ignored
wall, setting my bags down in the ground. a) ______ ______
I watched a group of women in its early b) ______ ______
twenties walk past. They are clearly c) ______ ______
affluence, each dressed in a different coloured sari d) ______ ______
that shimmered.

V.Rearrange the following words or phrases into meaningful sentences. (2 Marks)

1. is familiar \ properties \ most \ the neem \ medicinal \ to \ people \ for its
2. \ it is \ distinctive curled \ star-shaped \ recognized \ leaves \ by its \ flowers \ and
3.. from all/ craftsmen/ over India /come to/ at the stalls here/ their wares/ sell/
4. food court /can try/ different/ food /One/ from/ regions in India/ at the.
5. cultural /there /performances/ are /folk dances /regular/ including.

VI.Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most
appropriate word from the given options-- 3 Marks

The quality _________(a) quantity of sleep depend among other factors ______(b) the
synchronization _________ (c) the body's internal clock with a sleeping and waking schedule.
a) and, on, of, or
b) and, on, of, or
c) and, on, of, or
VII. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the
incorrect word against the correct blank number. First one has been done as an example—
(4 Marks)

In ancient times there was a rich and powerful king who rule over eg. rule ruled
a vast kingdom. Pratap Singh was her advisor as well as close friend . a) ______ ______
Caravan-loads brought daily wealth of his capital and his kingdom. b) ______ ______
It was well administered by his ministers for guidance of Pratap Singh. c) ______ ______
The only irritation the king sometimes suffered were to see d) ______ ______
the ills of famine, epidemic and wars.

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