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The history of monkey disbandment is filled with mystifications.

reactionary record shows that monkeys evolved in Africa. Between 34
and 37 million times agone , they ever set up a way to South America.
numerous believe they crossed the Atlantic on analogous mats of
foliage, Wade points out, but that isn't certain. It was allowed monkeys
came to Central America during an event dubbed the Great American
Biotic Interchange, which took place after the Island of Panama
connected the two mainlands, allowing cousins of opossums,
armadillos and porcupines to head north and deer, pussycats, raccoons,
bears, and other species to cross the island to the southern mainland.
This new discovery means experimenters need to second- guess those
hypotheticals. “( This monkey species) can disperse far and wide, but it
just ca n’t go north on this mainland. What’s the problem? ” he tells

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