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If I were a Mattel employee, I would have been encouraged by the CEO's comments about

following up on restructuring. Even though the speech was about downsizing, which resulted in

the loss of approximately 2200 jobs, it inspired. The address urged the staff members to work

together in coordination and cooperation. However, there was a more practical approach to

express the same to the staff. In his address, the CEO did not explain the rationale for the

restructuring or what is anticipated to happen in the future. His follow-up message to the staff

did not include this information. Everything must be made known to everyone to achieve the

goal in a flat organization. Employees will feel puzzled and upset when there is a reduction. As a

result, informing people and removing any uncertainty before requesting their commitment is

essential. In other words, if he had explained the rationale for the restructuring and the precise

plans for the future, the speech would have been improved.


The CEO of Mattel's choice is explained in the case study. Mr K, the CEO of M, decided to

eliminate 2200 employees after suffering a severe financial loss. He also decided to explore a

new company sector. According to a statement made by a financial analyst, this move would

have been made ten years ago. The product structure is the most appropriate organizational

structure for the company if Mattel launches a new entertainment division named film alongside

its toy product line. It is usually a good idea to have a product organization structure when

introducing a new product line to an organization. By doing so, confusion and complexity would

be reduced, and focusing on each product line would be easier. Additionally, this enables the
business to satisfy client requests without imploding and better target the market. This would

make the functional responsibilities of each department significantly more transparent.


Mattel can change its structure to be more successful and efficient. The organizational chart

describes how responsibilities and jobs are distributed among the staff members and how they

are coordinated. The organizational structure evolves as the workforce grows. The matrix

structure is the most practical organizational structure in this situation. Entertainment now

incorporates films, video games, and television shows as the new business branch. Equal weight

and priority should be given to all three product lines. This would make it easier for the

organization to express its goals without misunderstanding. Functional objectives can be

connected with every product line. Additionally, the organization's utilization of human

resources may be successful and coordinated with each product line. Furthermore, matrix

architectures may be used to keep specialists on board for the duration of each product cycle.

This would encourage all employees in the company, regardless of role, to collaborate and

engage. These are the benefits that employing matrix organization in Mattel would offer.


I have seen situations when physical noise, such as background noise or the noise of other groups

that are louder than us, interferes with conversation. I have also encountered situations when

different kinds of noise can make it difficult to speak clearly. I was a part of one such situation.

We were a group of 5 members and had to work on a project. The three members, including me,

were quite serious about the project. However, the other two members became a distraction for

us. They talked and communicated about irrelevant things. The noise detracted my and my team
members' ability to communicate. The distraction-causing noise came from individuals

conversing about unrelated topics, becoming side-tracked by their phones, and being interrupted

by friends. When such a situation occurs, it becomes difficult for the team members to

communicate because of distractions. The primary mode of communication was verbal. Because

of verbal communication, it became more challenging to communicate as everyone was

physically present. Each mode of communication has its level of information richness. It is said

that verbal communication has a high level of information richness. Group chats, emails, and

verbal conversations are the primary contact forms. The verbal conversation may be quite rich

if there are no outside interruptions.


Researchers in a leadership function has identified five forms of power. These include expert

power, reward power, legitimate power, coercive power, and referent power. Leaders use these

powers to influence their teams or group (Luneneberg, 2012). I believe that I do have expert and

reward power. My belief that you have the power to bestow rewards like recognition, promotion

favours, and access to financial and other resources underlies my concept of reward power. The

source of my expert power is my belief that I possess exceptional knowledge, skills, or expertise.

In contrast, the source of my information power is my conviction that I possess or have access to

information that is important to me. I believe that I have a combination of both of these powers.

Though I am not much of an expert, I need to obtain higher levels of these forms. I can improve

this through practice, maintaining my credibility, and being confident. Furthermore, I need to

gain knowledge to enhance my expert power.

Through inspiration and motivation, transformational leaders help their people see the future

(Anderson, 2017). There are four dimensions of transformational leadership. Inspirational

motivation is the degree to which a leader conveys a compelling vision that motivates and

inspires others to perform above expectations. Individualized attention refers to the extent to

which a leader considers each follower's needs and serves as a mentor, trainer, or guide for the

follower. Leaders who want an idealized influence uphold the strict commitment to

organizational standards and inspire their teams to give their all-in favour of productive

organizational outcomes by providing an excellent example. A leader must encourage creativity,

innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving to stimulate intellectually. I believe that I will

respond to intellectual stimulation because it means that you challenge myself by considering

how things can be different. In my opinion, this dimension of transformational leadership is

suitable because leaders who consider "how can we improve" or "maybe there is a better

approach" are interested in hearing from their people and fostering intellectual stimulation to

identify answers.

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