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ADMISSION NO: 140545462983

June, 2017


The undersigned certify that he has read the project titled modification and manufacture of
manually operated coconut de husking machine, In the fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering of Dar es salaam Institute of

…………………..…………………………. ……………………………..
Signature Date
(Project supervisor)



I, Ally Ngereza (140545462983), declare to the best of my knowledge that this project which is
the part of the module to be covered in the award of Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering is my
own work and has neither been copied from anywhere nor presented in any Institution of higher
learning for any award. Some of the information I have exhausted from various books, lecture
notes and other being browsed from internet.

……………….………………………. ……………………………..
Signature Date



This project work is on the modification and manufacturing of manually operated coconut de
husking machine. This is the machine designed to remove the outer shell of the coconut. Coconut
de husking in developing country like Tanzania is mostly carried by using a sharp edged object
like knife. Apart from using a lot of time to de husking coconut, using sharp edged object like
knife is dangerous as it may lead to injury.
This machine intends to overcome those problems. A manually operated machine is designed
and it possess a cycling type paddling mechanism which is attached to the base of the machine,
with the help padding drive is given to gears. Paddle with chain gear will give to drive to small
chain gear sprocket, small chain gear sprocket is attached with large wheel, and large wheel will
give drive to the smaller wheel with the help of belt drive, which is connected to gears. Barrel
rotates in opposite direction with the help of these gears. Coconut with untapped husk is placed
in between barrels.

This report involves literature review, methodology, data collection and data analysis. Through
literature review the currently de husking methods and different coconut de husking machine
were reviewed. In methodology various methods to achieve the project are discussed and through
data collection the data were collected from VETA, SIDO and Gerezani in order to observe the
available coconut de husking methods and the advantage and disadvantage of each method.
Various parts were designed after analyzing the data collected.
Using the above data, various methods of force application for the de husking coconut had been
considered and preliminary designs made. The development of this machine will bring to an end
of using sharp object to de husking coconuts.


I would like to extend my gratitude sincere thanks to those who in one way or another have
contributed to the successful completion of my project (senior project II), it is not easy to
mention all of them, but just to mention few. I would like to take this opportunity to express my
thanks to my supervisors Dr.kaena for devoting his valuable time and patience for guiding me to
successful completion of this project, Dr.Malifedha (Project Coordinator) for his needful
assistance from the beginning of the project, and Mechanical Department lecturers for their co
linear guidance and corrective on successful completion of the project.
Lastly but not the least I would like to thank everyone who enabled me to accomplish this


CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................. i
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................ ix
LIST OF SYMBOLS ............................................................................................................................ xi
CHAPTER ONE.................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem statement ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Project objective ............................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.1 Main objective ........................................................................................................................ 2
1.3.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Significance of the project. ............................................................................................................. 2
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Coconut ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Coconut structure .......................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Types of coconut............................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.1 Tall Coconut ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.3.2 Dwarf Coconut ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.4 Coconut Production ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.4.1 Coconut Production in Tanzania .............................................................................................. 8
2.5. Coconut de husking machines. ...................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 Diesel Coconut de husking machine. ....................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Hydraulically operated de husking machine .......................................................................... 10
2.5.4 Manually Operated Coconut de husking machine .................................................................. 12
2.6 Material selection ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.6.1 Machine Frame ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.6.2 De husking barrel .................................................................................................................. 14
2.6.3 Sprocket and Chain ............................................................................................................... 14
2.6.4 Bearing ................................................................................................................................. 14
CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................. 15
METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................................. 15

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 15

3.2 Literature Review......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Data Collection ............................................................................................................................ 15
3.4 Analysis of Data ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Preparation of Technical Drawing ................................................................................................ 15
3.6 Manufacturing of Prototype......................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................... 16
DATA COLLECTION ........................................................................................................................ 16
4.1 Observation ................................................................................................................................. 16
4.1.2 Size of coconut ...................................................................................................................... 16
4.1.3 Thickness of coconut outer layer ........................................................................................... 16
4.2 Literature review ......................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.1 Method used to de husking coconuts .................................................................................... 16
4.2.2 Material for coconut de husking machine.............................................................................. 16
4.2.3 Force require to de husk a coconut ....................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER FIVE ................................................................................................................................. 22
DATA ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................. 22
5.1 Design specification ..................................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Conceptual development ............................................................................................................. 22
5.3 Selection of best alternative......................................................................................................... 22
5.3.2 Alternative B ......................................................................................................................... 24
5.4 Determining the weight factor ..................................................................................................... 27
5.5.3 Summary............................................................................................................................... 29
5.6 Designing calculations ................................................................................................................... 29
5.6.1 Main technical specifications ...................................................................................................... 29
5.6.2 Determination of the power required to de husking coconut. ................................................... 30
5.6.3 Driving mechanism ..................................................................................................................... 32 From Pedal to shaft .................................................................................................................. 32 From Shaft to barrel ................................................................................................................ 32
5.7 Power transmission by Chain ........................................................................................................ 33
5.7.1 Length of chain from the Pedal to shaft A ................................................................................. 33
5.7.2 Length of chain from the shaft A to Barrel ................................................................................ 34
5.7.3 Average speed of chain. .............................................................................................................. 34
5.8 Spur gear........................................................................................................................................ 34
5.9 Design of the shaft.......................................................................................................................... 35
5.10 Diameter of the shaft with barrels ............................................................................................... 39


5.11 Design of key ................................................................................................................................ 41

5.11.1 Key failure due to shearing force ............................................................................................. 42
5.11.2 Key dimension ........................................................................................................................... 42
5.12 Design of Bottom frame ............................................................................................................... 43
5.13. Rear supporting legs ................................................................................................................... 44
5.14 Front supporting legs ................................................................................................................... 45
5.15 Top frame ..................................................................................................................................... 45
5.16 De husking barrels with sharp edges on its surface .................................................................... 46
5.17 Coconut holder............................................................................................................................. 46
5.17.1 Holder diameter ........................................................................................................................ 46
5.17.2 Holding handle .......................................................................................................................... 47
5.17.3 Holder frame ............................................................................................................................. 48
5.18 Shaft ............................................................................................................................................. 48
5.19 Manufacturing Process of Coconut De Husk Machine ........................................................... 49
CHAPTER SIX.................................................................................................................................... 51
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................................... 51
6.0 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 51
6.1 Recommendation ........................................................................................................................... 51
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 52
APPENDICES ..................................................................................................................................... 53

List of figures

FIGURE 1.1 DE HUSKED COCONUT (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.COM/COCONUT) .................................................................................... 1
FIGURE 2.1: STRUCTURE OF COCONUT(HTTPS://WWW.COKER.EDU/STATIC) .............................................................................. 4
FIGURE 2.2: COCONUT (HTTPS://WWW.COKER.EDU/STATIC) ................................................................................................. 5
FIGURE 2.3: TALL COCONUTS (WWW.WIKIPEDIA/ZANZIBARCOCONUT) ..................................................................................... 6
FIGURE 2.4: DWARF COCONUTS ( WWW.INDIANCOCONUT.COM) ............................................................................................ 7
FIGURE 2.5: MAJOR COUNTRIES GROW COCONUT ............................................................................................................... 8
FIGURE 2.6: DIESEL COCONUT DE HUSKING MACHINE ........................................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 2.7: HYDRAULIC OPERATED DE HUSKING MACHINE ................................................................................................. 11
FIGURE 2.8: ELECTRICAL COCONUT DE HUSKING MACHINE ................................................................................................... 12
FIGURE 2.9: MANUALLY OPERATED COCONUT DE HUSKING MACHINE ..................................................................................... 13
FIGURE 3.1:COCONUT DIMENSIONAL AXES ...................................................................................................................... 18
FIGURE 3.2: COCONUT SPECIMEN ................................................................................................................................. 19
FIGURE 3.3: SHEAR FORCE READING IN THE UT ................................................................................................................ 20
FIGURE 5.1 SKETCH OF CONTROLLED THREE SHARP KNIVES COCONUT DE HUSKING MACHINE ........................................................ 23
FIGURE 5.2 SKETCH OF CHOPPING COCONUT DE HUSKING MACHINE ...................................................................................... 24

List of tables

TABLE 4.1: PARTS AND PROPOSED MATERIALS .................................................................................................................. 17
TABLE 4.2: DIMENSIONS OF THE COCONUT WITH HUSK....................................................................................................... 18
TABLE 4.3: DIMENSIONS OF THE DE HUSKED COCONUT ....................................................................................................... 19
TABLE 5.1 AVERAGE MARKS FOR ALTERNATIVE A .............................................................................................................. 24
TABLE 5.2 AVERAGE MARKS FOR ALTERNATIVE B .............................................................................................................. 25
5.3.3 ALTERNATIVE C ................................................................................................................................................ 26
TABLE 5.3 AVERAGE MARKS FOR ALTERNATIVE C .............................................................................................................. 27
TABLE 5.4 WEIGHT FACTOR ......................................................................................................................................... 28
TABLE 5.5 RANKING THE DESIGN ALTERNATIVE ................................................................................................................. 29

List of abbreviations


B.Eng. Bachelor of Engineering
DSM Dar es Salaam
http Hypertext transfer protocol
In Inches
Kg Kilogram
Kg/h Kilogram per hour
Mm Millimeter
ME Mechanical Engineering
NTA National Technical Award
N Newton
SIDO Small Industries Development Organization
VETA Vocational Education and Training Authority
www World wide web
DIT Dar es Salaam institute of technology
Eqn Equation

List of Symbols

T Torque Nm
P Power Watt
F Force N
L Length Mm

τs Shear stress N/mm2

Syt Yield tensile stress N/mm2
Sut Ultimate tensile stress N/mm2

Chapter One



1.1 Background
Coconut de husking machine is a machine manufactured purposely for removing the coconut
outer layer or shell from coconut to obtain de-husked coconut.
Coconut is large oval brown seeding shape, up to 15" long and 12" wide of a tropical palm
consisting of a hard shell lined with edible white flesh and containing a clear liquid. It grows
inside a woody husk surrounded by fiber.
The coconut is smooth on the outside, yellowish or greenish in color. Within the outer shell is a
fibrous husk one to two inches (2.5 to 5cm) thick. The inner shell is brown and hard, surrounding
the white coconut meat. Coconut husks are the rough exterior shells of the coconut. This outer
shell or husk has to be removed for the usage of coconut (B.N Nwankwojike, March 2012)

Figure 1.1 De husked coconut (

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

1.2 Problem statement

The matter of de husking coconut using local methods gives the impression of being difficult to
de husking coconut which result to the wastage of time approximately 30 coconut per hour, poor
product finish and unsafe working condition which can cause injury due to the use of sharp
objects like knives, Bush knife, Axe and Pickaxe.
The main problems of existing machines were arrangement of sharp edges on barrel ,length of
sharp edge was too small, also power required to be applied to de hust the coconut was too small.

1.3 Project objective

1.3.1 Main objective

The main objective is to modify and manufacture of the coconut de husking machine which will
be safe to the users and increase ability to de husking a coconut.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

1. To examine the existing de husking methods, the existing coconut de husking
machine and other machine with similar mechanism related to the project.
2. To select material to be used in manufacturing a coconut de husking machine.
3. To design and prepare engineering drawing of the parts and the machine to be
4. To manufacture machine parts and to assemble the coconut de husking machine.
5. To test manufactured prototype

1.4 Significance of the project.

On manufacture this type of coconut de husking machine it will help the coconut farmers to
benefit the following:
Coconut de husking machine provide the service of remove the outer shell/layer of coconut to
get the coconut seed or fruit
Main significances are the follows:
1. To reduce time were coconut farmers wasting during de-husking their coconuts.
2. To facilitate the use of less manpower and force.
3. To de-husk many coconuts in reasonable time.
4. Easy to use (do not need high operating skill

Chapter Two



2.1 Coconut
Coconut is a large fruit and an abundance of health benefits must have been refreshed and
nourished people since olden times.
Many historic records show varying accounts of the origin of the coconut. The word coconut was
first mentioned in an English print in 1555 coined by Spanish and Portuguese explorers who saw
what resembled a coco (monkey face) in the fruit of the tall trees found in the tropical islands
they visited. These were probably looking at the three distinct round holes at surface of the large
hard fruit.
Coconuts are believed to have originated in South Asia particularly in the Ganges Delta In India
though there are studies which point towards South America where fossil evidence prove that
coconuts also grew there in prehistoric times. Fossils in New Zealand also prove that the palm
thrived along this country's coast 15 million years ago. The oldest fossils however were
discovered in Kerala, South India and Khulna, Bangladesh.
Other documented accounts debate on the exact origin but one thing agreed upon by most
coconut history experts is that these sturdy fruits have travelled across the world either through
human intervention with seafaring explorers bringing the large fruits back to their countries from
the island they visited. The proliferation of trees especially along sandy coastlines could most
likely also be due to the light, fibrous husk of the mature fruit that allows it to float and survive
immersion in salt water thus allowing them to drift along ocean currents and grow where they are
eventually deposited.
In modern days, coconuts are known by botanists as Cocosnucifera. These impressively tall
fruit-bearing palms are extensively grown and utilized in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia
and Polynesian islands. These trees are also found in South America, India, Hawaii and Florida.
Known in Sansrit as kalpavriksha or "tree which gives all that is necessary for living" because
virtually all parts of the plant have valuable uses. Even across Asia, especially in the Philippines
where coconut is one of the most harvested agricultural products, it is regarded by the farmers,
manufacturers and consumers as the "tree of life" indicating the consistency of its value across
different nations.From the roots to the leaves, the coconut tree has been used as a wood source,

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

fuel, fiber and raw material for a multitude of products from handicrafts, décor, gardening
medium, ropes, nets and much more.
For most people though, its infinite culinary uses of the coconut water, milk meat, sugar and oil
that have propelled it to its present day importance as an agricultural product.

2.2 Coconut structure

The coconut has three main layers such as the Exocarp, the Mesocarp, and the endocarp. The
Exocarp and Mesocarp make up the husk of the coconut, which is the outer most part. The
Mesocarp is also made of fibers called coir, which has many traditional and commercial uses. If
you were to go to the local market, not in a tropical region, you would find coconuts with their
Exocarp removed. The edible part of a coconut is called the endosperm (endocarp), which is the
fleshy interior space that surrounds a hollow center. The hollow space referred to is usually filled
with air or coconut water. On the shell of the coconut there are three germination pores or eyes
that are the doorways for the roots of the embryo to go through and split the husk of the fruit to
sprout the coconut Palm tree . (Foale & K.V., 2005)

Figure 2.1: Structure of coconut(

Chapter Two

Coconut water is mostly found in the immature coconuts rather than the fleshy endosperm. These
young coconuts containing water are called tender coconuts. This water is mildly sweet and
depending on the size of the coconut, there could be 300 to 1,000 ml of water in it. a young
coconut usually has a softer green endosperm and resembles gelatin more than a mature coconut.
When the coconut becomes mature the outside husk turns from green to brown and will
eventually fall from the tree when the time is right. The endosperm of a matured coconut is thick,
hard, and its water is somewhat bitter.

Figure 2.2: coconut (

2.3 Types of coconut
Types of coconuts are classified according to their trees, which are:-

2.3.1 Tall Coconut

Tall coconut trees (or typica) are a fast-growing, naturally cross-pollinating group that today has
a great economic value for its oil and fiber production. They can grow more than 50 centimeters
(1.5 feet) annually, they flower and have their first fruits at 6-10 years of age and have an
economic life of between 60-70 years. Tall coconuts grow to between 20-30 meters (65-100
feet). The fruits of the tall coconut are oblong and angular with a thick fibrous husk that floats
really well but is difficult to crack into and contains relatively little milk: this type of fruit is
called nui kafa in the Samoan language of Polynesia. The tall trees bear fruit all year round and
average 40 nuts per year, with an average copra (coconut meat) production of some 200 grams (7
ounces) per nut.

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Figure 2.3: Tall coconuts (www.wikipedia/Zanzibarcoconut)

2.3.2 Dwarf Coconut
Dwarf coconut trees (or nana) usually grow to 8-10 meters (26-32 feet) tall after twenty years,
and start flowering in the third year when less than one meter (~3 feet) tall. Dwarf trees bear fruit
seasonally, average about 80-100 nuts a year but with only 80-100 grams (3-3.5 ounces) of copra
per nut. They have a productive life of some 30-40 years. Dwarf trees account for only about 5%
of the total coconut palms in the world. Dwarf coconut fruit (called nui vai in Polynesia) are
round and often brightly colored with a higher quantity of coconut milk protected by a thinner
husk. Dwarf forms are found near human habitations; they are considered a more highly
domesticated form that is descended from tall forms.

Chapter Two

Figure 2.4: Dwarf coconuts (

2.4 Coconut Production
Coconut (Cocos) it grows in more than 80 countries in southern and south-western Africa, with a
total production of 61 million tons per year, Latin America and Asia. "Cocos" is old
Spanish/Portuguese language and means "grinning face" which refers to the facial expressions at
the "top" of the coconut's hard shell from which it sprouts. The Philippines is the largest
producer followed by Indonesia and India, but also Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Ivory
Coast, Tanzania and Brazil are major producers of coconuts . (Organization, 2009)

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Figure 2.5: Major countries grow coconut


2.4.1 Coconut Production in Tanzania

The total coconut Palm (coco nucifeira) population in Tanzania is about 22.6 million trees
growing, on 24000 hectares. Presently a bigger proportion, i.e., about 95 percent of coconut
acreages is grown farmer by smaller holder to farmer. Plantations are estimated to be between
500,000 and 550,000 hectares (veltick, 1992)
The importance of the crop in the agricultural sector and national economic as a whole is based
on its role as a cash crop to farmers and source of edible oil to both the natural and urban
population in the country. On longer term perspective, coconut has potential of earning foreign
exchange through the export of copra, oil and other products.

Chapter Two

Coconut trees plot play an important role in farming system as long as the coastal belt of
Tanzania where about 70% of coconut is intercropped with food crops. On average, a farmer in
the coconut growing areas maintains about 225 Palm trees.
In Dar es Salaam and coastal Regions farming land is still available and percent of coconut is in
the young age group, where as in Tanga region there is low percentage of coconuts in the young
age group. Replanting of coconut is available and common practice by most coconut growers,
however, small-scale coconut farmers do not normally cut down their old, nonbearing palms.
Whenever it is done, replanting of aged coconut fields by small farmers is no systematic and is
done at any age growth stage of the coconut palm regardless of whether the yield is economical
or not. This situation leads to low productivity, stagnating output and it’s this threading the
development of coconut industry.
This paper presents preliminary findings of coconut replacement model that aims at determining
the right time for coconut replacement. Replacement of old coconut trees at the right time will
ensure a stable level of coconut productivity and also enable to raise their incomes.

2.5. Coconut de husking machines.

There are several machine which used to de husking coconut, those machine are as follows:

2.5.1 Diesel Coconut de husking machine.

This machine peel off coconut husk from coconut fruit to obtain de husked coconut fruit via
hydraulically controlled de husking device and Diesel Engine as power supply. An operator
requires handling the machine during the de husking process.
Description of this machine is the following:-
1. The capacity of this machine is 300 nuts per hour
2. Machine weight is 250kgs
3. It operated by one person
4. The power supply is Diesel Engine
5. Machine size (l×w×h)=(1.30×1.20×1.40m)

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Figure 2.6: Diesel Coconut de husking machine


2.5.2 Hydraulically operated de husking machine

It is easy to operate and repair and is capable of de-husking a coconut within 10 second. It is a
safe and reliable machine that uses high tensile steel cutting blades to make the de husking
process quick and efficient. The de-husker may be powered by a mounted electric motor, a
gasoline or diesel-fueled engine, or even by a tractor's hydraulic system. If continuously
operated, the machine can de-husk over 2500 coconuts in an 8-hour day. The only required
maintenance involves a daily check of the nuts and bolts and oiling twice a day. This process
takes about 10 minutes. Blade sharpening is not necessary, and they should last for years.

Chapter Two

Figure 2.7: Hydraulic operated de husking Machine


5.3 Electrical coconut de husking machine

This machine is useful to the coconut estates and co-operatives, coconut growers and coconut
processing factory. The machine can be providing faster work rate and less human labor.
The usefulness and application of this machine are as follows:
1. Does not require the use of human force as in normal. Instead it involves the use of
electrical power.
2. It is user friendly rapid and safe
3. Small enough to be either carried by two workers or rolled in to place.
4. Remove husks of various shapes and sizes.
5. Can be operated by one regardless of the age.
6. Simple maintenance.
7. Does not require lengthy training.
8. Portable.
9. Uses single phase 2HP electric motor.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

10. De husking about 500 to 700 nuts per hour depending on the skill of the user.
11. Faster, easier and safe.

Figure 2.8: Electrical coconut de husking machine


2.5.4 Manually Operated Coconut de husking machine

Husk crashing Mill
Decorticator armed with revolving discs that tear or cut through the husk longitudinally, freeing
the nut from its outer covering and leaving the latter in the best possible condition for the
subsequent extraction of its fiber. This decorticator is fed from a hopper and is made of a size
and capacity to husk from 500 to 1,000 nuts per hour.

Chapter Two

Figure 2.9: Manually operated coconut de husking machine


2.6 Material selection

Material selection is of utmost importance to ensure that the components to be fabricated have
the desired performance requirements. Since different components of the coconut de husking
machine would be subjected to varying forms and the degree of stresses strains, torque and
frictional effect.
The materials to be used for fabrication will be selected after a careful study of the desired
physical, mechanical and chemical and even aesthetic characteristics of a number of proposed
materials. For this project, due economic considerations and availability of raw materials, low
and medium carbon steel is mostly likely to be used for machine frame and de husking barrel
while cast iron will be chosen for the gear (Khurmi. & Gupta., 2004).

2.6.1 Machine Frame

The machine frame supports the other parts of the coconut de husking, as well as providing
balance. It is subjected to the direct weight or load of other members of the machine (hence
compressive forces) and also to torque and vibration from the de husking barrel. The desired
material should be of high rigidity, hardness, adequate toughen, malleable, ductile and low
tensile strength.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

2.6.2 De husking barrel

The barrel is to be punched with sharp edges on its surface. It rotates (powered by a pedal
mechanism) hence generate torque. Though hardness of the barrel is desired because of the
intended penetration and abrasion, the ductility of the barrel material should be adequate to retain
a rigid shape (cylindrical) when in use.

2.6.3 Sprocket and Chain

The sprocket, attached to the barrel, should be rigid and hard. Cast iron can be chosen for this
purpose as the sprocket would be subjected to tension forces from the chain as well as torque and
speed variations from the pedaling mechanism.

2.6.4 Bearing
Bearing is used on both end barrels, in order to mate the barrel to the frame and support motion.
The material has to withstand the reaction (shearing force) generated when abrasion occurs
between the de husking barrel and the coconut, as well as withstand the generated torque. (Das
& Moorhy, 2005)

Chapter Three



3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes about the methods and procedures that are required to follow for the
successful completion of the modification and manufacture of manual operated corn shelling
machine. The following procedures will be taken to accomplish this project;-

3.2 Literature Review

In this area, Literature Review gives an overview of the related topics or act as a stepping stone
of the project. It gives the information on the progress of the various types of the existing husting
technology, existing machines and its mechanisms. This information is mainly obtained through
browsing various internet websites, reading related engineering books, through the information
obtained the gap is discovered so that further action can be taken to bridge the gap.

3.3 Data Collection

These are the information which will be gathered from different sources concern with the project
which is of more importance in developing the project. From the main three method of collecting
data; collecting data by interviewing, observation and questionnaires, two methods will be used
to collect data; interviewing and observation.

3.4 Analysis of Data

The collected data will be analyzed so as to make sure that the design is correct and optimal

3.5 Preparation of Technical Drawing

All technical drawing will be prepared in details so as to help in manufacturing process of the

3.6 Manufacturing of Prototype

The prototype will be manufactured as per designing and technical drawings.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT



4.1 Observation
In this area, Observation gives the information on the size of coconut and the thickness of
coconut outer layer. This information is mainly obtained through visiting coconut plantation of
Mr. James Mussika at Kibaha maili moja, through the information obtained it lead the design of
machine to be more understandable.

4.1.2 Size of coconut

The size of both Dwarf and Tall coconut are measured in Length and diameter.
1. Length of coconut (200mm – 300mm)
2. Diameter of coconut (120mm – 160mm)

4.1.3 Thickness of coconut outer layer

1. Dwarf coconut (15mm - 30mm)
2. Tall coconut (25mm – 50mm)

4.2 Literature review

In this area, Literature Review gives an overview of the related topics or act as a stepping stone
of the project. It gives the information on the progress of the various types of coconuts, structure
of coconut and the existing coconut de husking machine or Method. This information is mainly
obtained through browsing various internet websites, reading related engineering books, through
the information obtained the gap is discovered so that further action can be taken to bridge the

4.2.1 Method used to de husking coconuts

The most method used to de husking coconut in daily life is the use of sharp object like bush
knife to de husking coconut. This method mostly it can de husking one coconut for more than
two minutes but also the whole process of de husking it depend with the experience of person
who perform the process.

4.2.2 Material for coconut de husking machine

After studying existing machine, the following are proposed materials for different parts of the
machine to be designed, although is not the final choice.

Chapter Four

Table 4.1: Parts and proposed materials


Machine Frame Mild steel(Low carbon steel) – • Malleable and ductile
0.05% to 0.25% Carbon • Low tensile strength
• Cheap and easy to form
De husking Barrel Medium carbon steel • Good wear resistance
- 0.29% to 0.54% • Balance ductility and
Gear Cast iron • Good manufacturability
• High endurance
to withstand dynamic
• High Tensile strength
prevent failure against

4.2.3 Force require to de husk a coconut

The dimensions of the mature coconut are very much significant as far as the machine design is
concerned. Various farms and sites were visited to comprehend the band of dimensions involved
in the mature coconut. Some coconuts from Andaman and Nicobar Islands are very big when
compared to the areas thrived with coconuts in India like Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The machine
has been designed to overcome a large range of coconut sizes, with equal importance to
productivity. Various places in and around Tamil Nadu and Kerala have been considered
predominately to arrive at a conclusion on the size of coconuts. The dimensions have been
measured using an external caliper. Majority of coconuts appear to have the dimensions such that
the Y and Z direction dimensions are almost identical. However the critical and concerning
dimension for this machine design is the dimension X.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Figure 3.1:Coconut dimensional axes

The dimensions of the coconuts collected from various places have been coalesced and few
dimensions are presented in ascending order in the below table. The dimensions in the first row
represent the smallest coconut with husk and the dimensions in the last row represent the
maximum size coconut with husk.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2014) Volume 13, No 2, pp 183-219

Table 4.2: Dimensions of the coconut with husk

No. X-axis(mm) Y- Z-axis(mm)

1 121 113 109
2 157 146 142
3 182 161 165
4 246 218 214
5 276 230 227
6 287 269 263

Chapter Four

Table 4.3: Dimensions of the de husked coconut

No. X-axis(mm) Y- Z-axis(mm)

1 97 86 86
2 114 98 96
3 125 115 109
4 147 129 125
5 162 135 134
6 132 124 122

Based on the above data, the Stroke length of the Pneumatic Cylinders involved in the De
husking Unit and Crown removal unit has been derived.
In addition to the above, some data on the loads acting on the coconut to de husk it are required.
The husk is removed from the Machine through the shear force exerted by the fixed toothed
rollers in the machine. So, in relation to that the amount of shear load required to de husk the
coconuts has been determined. Both dry and mature coconuts of various sizes are tested
experimentally in the Standard Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The mechanical properties of
the coconut fiber are studied from the works for this purpose.

Figure 3.2: Coconut specimen

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Figure 3.3: Shear Force reading in the UT

The Shear load required to de husk the mature coconut of different sizes are listed below
Shear Load required to de husk mature coconuts

No. Dimension in X- Shear Load

axis (mm) (kN)
1 128 0.32
2 145 0.35
3 178 0.39
4 212 0.45
5 248 0.52

Similarly the Shear load required to de husk the dry coconut of different sizes are listed below.
Shear Load required to de husk dry coconuts

No. Dimension in X- Shear Load

axis (mm) (kN)
1 133 0.24
2 154 0.26
3 174 0.29
4 208 0.36
5 252 0.42

Chapter Four

It is evident from the table that the load required for de-husking the dry coconut is higher than
the load required for de-husking the mature coconut. Also, graphs are plotted for both dry and
mature coconuts in such a way that X-Dimension of the coconut is taken as an independent
parameter in X-axis and the shear load is taken along the Y-axis. This is due to the fact that the
shear load varies based on the size of the coconut. The graphs are shown below.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) (2014) Volume 13, No 2, pp 183-219

Coconut X-direction Dimension (mm)

Graph between X-direction dimensions of the dry coconut and shear load to de-husk the coconut.

Coconut X-direction Dimension (mm)

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT



5.1 Design specification

In order to obtain high efficiency and reliable, the machine will be designed based on the
following consideration;
1. The machine should be able to move from one place to another.
2. The machine should be able to de husking different varieties, shapes and sizes of coconut.
3. The equipment should be made with readily available materials.
4. The capacity should be higher compared to local method.

5.2 Conceptual development

Design process has some stages to consider. The early stage is conceptual development, this deal
with development of varieties of the design where the optimal solution is found. In this chapter
several designs have been developed and the best alternative is selected. The major reasons for
their differences is the, capacity of the machine, efficiency of the machine and other parameters
which will assist in obtaining the optimal solution that will solve the project statement of the

In order to obtain the optimal design solution of the coconut de husking machine, the following
are considered to add major impact so as to achieve better solution with optimal safety,
ergonomics, capacity, cost, durability and other factors.

1. Source of power
2. Material used
3. Layout of the machine

5.3 Selection of best alternative

The design alternatives are as follows
1. Alternative A – Controlled three sharp knives coconut de husking machine
2. Alternative B - Chopping coconut de husking machine
3. Alternative C - Barrel with sharp edges on its surface coconut de husking machine,
pedal powered.

Chapter Five

Figure 5.1 Sketch of Controlled three sharp knives coconut de husking machine Advantages
1. More safety to use than alternative B
2. It has better efficiency of operation than alternative B
3. More ergonomically friendly than alternative B
4. Low cost of manufacture Disadvantages
1. Low Maintainability

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Table 5.1 Average marks for Alternative A

Interviewee Safety Maintainability Efficiency of Operation Ergonomics Cost
1 3 3 4 5 2
2 4 2 3 4 1

3 4 2 4 3 2

4 3 1 3 4 1

5 4 3 3 4 1
Average 3.6 2.2 3.4 4.0 1.4

5.3.2 Alternative B
Chopping coconut de husking machine. This coconut de husking machine consists of the
frame, a holding and revolving mechanism, a lifting mechanism, and a de husking mechanism.
Only one operator was required to operate the machine. A coconut was seized by the holding
mechanism before lifted up and de husked. The revolving mechanism enables the operator to
rotate the nut radials and de husked the remaining portion. Remaining fibrous was taken out
manually after that.

Figure 5.2 Sketch of Chopping coconut de husking machine

Chapter Five Advantages
1. High maintainability than alternative A
2. It require low cost of manufacture than alternative C Disadvantage
1. It’s not safe to use
2. Low efficiency of operation
3. Low Ergonomically friend compare to alternative A and C

Table 5.2 Average marks for Alternative B

Interview Safety Maintainability Efficiency of Ergonomics Cost

1 3 2 3 3 1
2 4 3 3 4 2
3 4 2 3 3 2
4 3 3 4 3 1
5 4 2 3 4 2
Average 3.6 2.4 3.2 3.4 1.6

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

5.3.3 Alternative C

Figure 5.3 Sketch of Barrel with sharp edges on its surface coconut de husking machine,

Barrel with sharp edges on its surface coconut de husking machine, pedal powered.
This machine consists of cycling peddling mechanism and barrel with sharp edges on its surface
as the key for de husking process. In this machine the operator has to start peddling, with the
help padding drive is given to gears. Paddle with chain gear will give to drive to small chain gear
sprocket, small chain gear sprocket is attached with large sprocket gear, and large sprocket gear
will give drive to another large sprocket gear with the help of chain drive, which is connected to
gears. Barrel rotates in opposite direction with the help of these gears. Coconut with untapped
husk is placed in between barrels. Round coconut shell is removed by hand after the operation
and separated fiber material is collected in sack.

Chapter Five

Table 5.3 Average marks for Alternative C

Interviewee Safety Maintainability Efficiency of Operation Ergonomics Cost

1 5 4 4 4 3
2 4 3 4 5 3
3 4 4 4 4 4
4 5 3 4 4 3
5 4 4 5 4 4
Average 4.4 3.6 4.2 4.2 3.4 Advantages
1. More safe than both alternative A and B
2. It has good maintainability
3. It has high efficiency of operation
4. More ergonomically than both alternative A and B Disadvantages
1. High cost in Manufacture

5.4 Determining the weight factor

This was done by interview different people based on the objective of the project to determine
the weight of each pre-selected factors

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Table 5.4 Weight factor

Interview Safety Maintainability Efficiency Cost Total(n)

of Ergonomics
1 4 5 4 4 4
2 5 4 5 4 4
3 4 5 5 4 4
4 4 4 5 4 4
5 5 5 5 3 5
Total 22 23 24 19 21 108
Factor(F) 0.204 0.213 0.222 0.176 0.194

Weight factor (F) =

Chapter Five

Table 5.5 Ranking the design alternative


Total weight

Rank order
Safety Maintainability Efficiency Ergonomics Cost

Weighting 0.204 0.213 0.222 0.176 0.194
A Weight 3.6 2.2 3.4 4.0 1.4
Score 0.734 0.469 0.755 0.704 0.272 2.934 2
B Weight 3.6 2.4 3.2 3.4 1.6
Score 0.734 0.511 0.71 0.598 0.31 2.863 3
C Weight 4.4 3.6 4.2 4.2 3.4
Score 0.898 0.767 0.932 0.739 0.66 3.996 1

5.5.3 Summary
The best alternative is the one which scored the highest point by considering the rank order
starting from the lowest to the highest total weight as it shown in the table 5.4 above. From the
table the design C is the best alternative with rank order number 1.

Therefore from the table above the best alternative is ALTERNATIVE C which is Barrel with
sharp edges on its surface coconut de husking machine.

5.6 Designing calculations

Having selected the best alternative ;( i.e. alternative C), It is necessary to perform design
calculations for proper selection of the sizes of the various components of this machine.

5.6.1 Main technical specifications

The selection of the pedal mechanism and its sprocket depends on the work to be performed in
the intended machine.
 Capacity rate of the machine- 30 coconut/hour
 Feed 1 coconut
 Mass of 1 coconut range between 0.4kg -0.7kg
Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

 Rotation speed of the shaft with de husking barrels-24rev/min

 Types of the bearings- 4 Pillow block ball bearing.
 Drive-Chain
 Construction-Fabricated(bolted/welded and Riveting)
 Material-Steel(mild steel& cast iron)
 Power source-Pedaling mechanism
 Capacity rate of the machine-45coconut/hr
 Size of the machine- 1200mm x 380mm x 1300mm

5.6.2 Determination of the power required to de husking coconut.

From the data collection
Shear force/load of outer layer of coconut 360N
Radius of de husking barrels is 40mm
Number of sharp edges on barrels 10 (Are going to chop the coconut at same time so each sharp
edge consist of 360N)

Power of d husking coconut is 360W/0.36kW

F=m …………………………………………………………….………..(5.2)
From equation of motion,
v = u + at

Since the barrel is running at approximately constant speed by the time the de husking begins.
The initial speed (u) is zero.

Chapter Five

a = …………………………………………………………………...(5.3)

Substituting equation 5.2 into equation 5.3 above,


We know that the speed in angular velocity N is given by;

v= ……………………………………………………………….(5.4)

Where, r is the radius of the de husking barrel

Therefore, equation 5.4 becomes;

For 1 second,
F=m ……………………………………………………………………...(5.5)

This is the total load of the de husking barrel as the de husking is in progress, the torque T due to
this process is given by,
T = F r ..................................................................................................................................... (5.6)

Substituting equation into equation,

T=m r

T= .........................................................................................................(5.7)

The power P required to drive this torque is given by:

P= ………………………………………………………………………...(5.8)
Where angular speed is given by;

= …………………………………………………..........(5.9)

Through substituting equation 5.8 into equation 5..9, P becomes,


But Torque T is given on equation 5.7 above,

P= ……………………………………………………………………………..(5.10)

N is the average speed of the de husking barrels in rpm, approximated to be 50 rpm.
r is the radius of coconut barrels in m (0.04m)
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P= x

P = 360Watts
This is the power required to de husking a coconut at an average speed of 50 rpm
5.6.3 Driving mechanism From Pedal to shaft
From Pedal in sprocket of 36 teeth to shaft A with sprocket of 20 teeth
Note, the chain drive used have been obtained from used bicycle where:
Number of teeth, large sprocket (T1) = 36 teeth
Number of teeth, small sprocket (T2) = 20 teeth
Pedal length (R) = 200 mm
Tangential force acting on the crank pedal is 100 N
The riding speed of the driver sprocket (N1) is 50 rpm
If the speed of the driver is given, then the from the gear ratio we can calculate the speed of the
driven sprocket,
Using Velocity ratio of the chain;
= ………………………………………………………………………………..……….(5.11)

N2 = 90rpm From Shaft to barrel
From Shaft A with sprocket of 20 teeth to shaft B with sprocket of 36 teeth.
Number of teeth on the sprocket (T3) = 20 Teeth
Number of teeth, on sprocket (T4) required because N4 which is the speed of sprocket in the shaft
with de husking barrel has already determine by the power of de husking coconut

N4 = 24
By velocity ratio of the chain

Chapter Five


5.7 Power transmission by Chain

Fig 5.4 Sprocket and chain mechanism

= Number of teeth on the driver sprocket,

= Number of teeth on the driven sprocket,
p = Pitch of the chain, and
x = Centre distance.
The length of the chain (L) must be equal to the product of the number of chain links (K) and the
Pitch of the chain (p). Mathematically,
L = K.p

5.7.1 Length of chain from the Pedal to shaft A

=36 Teeth
=20 Teeth
p = 15.88mm
x = 400mm

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= + + ……………………………………………………….(5.13)

= +

K = 78.28
L = K.p

The length of chain from Pedal to shaft A is 1244mm

5.7.2 Length of chain from the shaft A to Barrel

T3 = 20 teeth
T4 = 36 teeth
P = 15.88mm
X = 350mm

K= +

K = 72.1955
L = K.p ……………………………………………………………………………(5.14)

The length of chain from shaft A of sprocket with number of teeth 20 to shaft B with number of
teeth 36 is 11475mm.

5.7.3 Average speed of chain.


= 476m/s

5.8 Spur gear

Two 54 teeth spur gears are used for the power transmission from driver barrel to the driven
barrel. The radial and tangential force acting on the 54 teeth gear used in the driver and driven
toothed barrel are calculated below.

Chapter Five

Both the gears forms a gear train which rotate both the barrel at the same rpm.
Gear parameters of the 54 teeth gear
Gear Teeth, Z = 54
Module, m = 2.5
Pitch circle Diameter = mZ = 135mm
Speed of rotation of the gear N= 24 rpm
Power = 360 Watts
α=Pressure angle of the gear = 20°
Self weight of the gear = 0.61kg = 6.1N
Torque transmitted by the gear

= = 143.24Nm
Tangential force act on spur gear


Where; T-torque on the gear

D-outside diameter of the gear.
= 2.122kN

The tangential force act on spur gear is 2.122kN

5.9 Design of the shaft

Torque on the shaft
The shaft is required to deliver power of 360 watts, hence from the equation;
The torque is given below,


P = Power delivered to the driven sprocket
N = Speed of the shaft

T = 143.24Nm

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This is equivalent to 143240 Nmm.

but D = 80mm
T = 143240Nmm

Fig 5.5 Sprocket in the shaft and bearing

Force acting on the sprocket

Since the sprocket is mounted at the middle of the shaft, therefore maximum bending moment at
the centre of the sprocket.

M= =
Let d = Diameter of the shaft.
We know that equivalent twisting moment,

We also know that equivalent twisting moment (Te),


say diameter is 50mm

Consider the Material used for shaft design is carbon steel of grade 40C8, 45C8, 50C4, and
50C12. For the design purpose 40C8 is selected.
Chapter Five

The mechanical properties for this steel shaft are as follows:

Ultimate tensile strength, Sut =560-670MPa
Yield strength, Syt= 320MPa
Maximum permissible working stress for transmission shaft according to American Society of
Mechanical Engineering (ASME) code for the design of transmission shaft is taken as 84MPa.
Maximum permissible shear stress, τs may be taken as 42MPa for shaft with allowance for

Upward force = Downward force

Ra + Rb =3.581KN
Take the moment from Ra
For Bending moment
We know that MA – MB = 0 because the distance (length) is 0
MC = (RA×0.18)
= 1.7905KN ×0.18
MC = 0.3223KNm

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Fig 5.6: (FBD) Free body diagram (SFD) Shearing force diagram (BMD) Bending
moment diagram

Chapter Five

5.10 Diameter of the shaft with barrels

Fig 5.7. Barrel with sharp edges in the shaft

F = 2.124kN
Take moment about V2
But C1=C2=C3=C4=C5=360N

Since the forces are in Equilibrium,
Sum of all the forces acting Downwards = Sum of the forces acting upwards

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

The loads acting in the Horizontal plane are solved below.

Taking Moment about H1

Since the forces are in Equilibrium,

Sum of all the forces acting Downwards = Sum of the forces acting upwards

Resultant Force on the Bearing 1 = B1 =

Resultant Force on the Bearing 2 = B2 =

By assuming that, the machine is working for 8 hours of service per day; then the recommended
bearing life is 20000 hours.[Bhandar, 1994]. The bearing life is expressed as;

Bearing Life = …………………………………………………………...(5.20)

N = 24
Rpm Operating Period = 8hours

Bearing Life = = 28.8 million of revolution

From the load –life relationship as expressed below;
L = (C/P)

Chapter Five

C = Dynamic load capacity (N)
P = Equivalent dynamic load (N)
J = 3 (for ball bearings)

Therefore, C =

For bearing B, H1 =

For bearing C, C =
From the catalogue of bearing selection under the deep groove ball bearing with shaft diameter
of 20mm, it is found that the dynamic load capacity is below is 7280N and bearing designation
of 204. [SKF General Catalogue, 1991]

5.11 Design of key

The material for the key was selected to be mild steel.
Considering the figure bellow

Fig 5.8 Forces act ing on the key

The key is subjected to two failures i.e. shearing and compression.

Let, FC = Force due to compression
FS = Shearing force due to the torque

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Fig 5.9 Keyway and Key Size Dimension Reference

5.11.1 Key failure due to shearing force

FS = ………………………………………………………………….....(5.20)

Where, T = Transmission torque (Nmm)

d = Shaft diameter (mm)

FS = Tangential force (N)

The shear area will occur in a plane AB and the shear stress is given by;
Shear stress,


Where; Length of the key

b = width of the key

From equation (l) and (m) we have, shear stress; …………………………………(5.22)


We have from the shaft design, the maximum allowable stress of the shaft equals to
72.45N/mm2. Therefore, for safe design the stress due to key should be less than the maximum
allowable key stress. [Khurmi & Gupta, 2005]

5.11.2 Key dimension

The type of key designed is rectangular flat bar sunken key.
Consider the sketch below;

Chapter Five

Length of the key,

= 1.5d = 1.5 x 20 = 30mm

Width of the key, b


Thickness of the key, h


From the standard, the dimension of the key is given as b = 5mm, h = 3.66mm and ranges
between 20 to 80 for the shaft with diameter between 17mm to 22mm, shown in appendix C.
Therefore, key dimension were taken as;

b = 5mm
h = 3mm

5.12 Design of Bottom frame

The bottom frame carry all the mass of the machine because it has got the place for sitting
bicycle and four supporting legs which carry the top frame with two barrels on top of it.
Material used on design this frame is mild steel and size of this frame is 1200mm x 380mm x
280mm. More dimension are shown in detail drawing no 1

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Fig 5.10. Sketch drawing of bottom frame

5.13. Rear supporting legs
There are two supporting legs which are placed in the side which the bicycle frame is kept and it
welded to the Bottom frame at its corner. The dimension for this supporting legs are 800mm x
50mm. The detailed drawing for this legs is in drawing number 2

Fig 5.11. Sketch drawing of rear supporting legs

Chapter Five

5.14 Front supporting legs

There are two supporting legs which are welded in the front corners of the top frame and it
welded to the Bottom frame at its corner. The dimension for this supporting legs are 800mm x
40mm. The detailed drawing for this legs is in drawing number 3

Fig 5.12. Sketch drawing of front supporting legs

5.15 Top frame

On this top frame is where the two de husking barrel is going sit and connected with the bearing.
So the designing must consider the hole to fixing the bearing. The dimension of this top frame is
400mm x 380mm x 50mm and is made by mild steel. The detailed drawing of this top frame is
drawing number 4

Fig 5.13. Sketch of Top frame

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5.16 De husking barrels with sharp edges on its surface

They are the fixed at the top of the top frame with the pillow block ball bearing which it will help
these two barrels to rotate at opposite direction. The dimension of these barrels is 420mm long,
20mm for the diameter and Large diameter it has 80mm and 20 sharp edges on each barrel. The
detailed drawing for this barrel it is in drawing number 5

Fig 5.14. Sketch of barrel

5.17 Coconut holder

Used to hold the coconut to stay in one position during the de husking of coconut because the
coconut will have the tendency of shaking during the de husking of coconut. This coconut de
husking holder it consist of three parts which are Holder diameter, holding frame, holding handle
and spring.

5.17.1 Holder diameter

This holder diameter is used to provide a little support to the coconut in order for the coconut to
stay in one position. The dimension of this coconut holder is 200mm diameter but it only
squeeze the coconut to stay on its position The detailed drawing of this holder diameter is
drawing number 6

Chapter Five

Fig 5.15. Sketch of holder diameter.

5.17.2 Holding handle

Used to hold the coconut diameter by using the spring which have the stiffness of 10N. The
detailed drawing is at drawing number 7

Fig 5.16. Sketch of holding handle

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

5.17.3 Holder frame

Used to hold the holding handle and the spring

Fig 5.17. Sketch of holder frame

5.18 Shaft
This shaft is connected with the sprocket at the centre in order to help by the chain to transmit
motion from the pedal to the barrel but it mounted on the two pillow block bearing. The
dimension of this shaft is 20mm diameter and 420mm length. The detailed drawing is at drawing
number 7

Fig.5.18. Sketch of the shaft

Chapter Five

5.19 Manufacturing Process of Coconut De Husk Machine

Table 5.6: Operation sequence of manufacturing a coconut de husk machine

1 Cutting and bending Hack saw, welding Hacksaw blade, 5hrs

the pipes of Φ24mm machine with its tape measure,
to make a frame and accessories and and welding
handles of the pipe bending machine with
machine machine its accessories

2 Cutting, facing and Power hacksaw Power hacksaw 2hrs

turning a round rod and lathe machine blade and
of Φ50mm and turning tool
80mm long to make
front wheels

3 Cutting and bending Power shear Shear blades 2hrs

a metal plate to machine and
make a front wheel manual bending
hanger machine

4 Turning to Φ190mm Turning machine Turning tool 3hrs

a metal plate of and hobbler and gear cutting
6mm thick and machine tool
cutting gears to
make gear drums
5 Cutting two metal Hacksaw, Drilling Hacksaw blade, 3hrs
flat bars of machine, milling drill bits,
40×300mm, milling, and grinding milling tool and
drilling and grinding machines grinding disk
them to make the
brackets of the brush

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6 Facing, Turning, and boring Lathe machine Centre drill, turning 6hrs
the plates tool and boring tool

7 Assembling the machine, Spraying Ring spanner, fix 8hrs

covering the wheels with machine spanner, pliers and
rubber covers (using araldite Allan key
glue) and finally spraying the
machine with paint.

Chapter Six



The modification and manufacture of coconut de husk machine is completed. During the
designing, different factors such as compatibility, machine portability, complexity of the
mechanisms, husking efficiency and the cost of manufacturing the machine were properly
analyzed from which the optimum design was selected. Base on the optimum design selected, all
parts of the machine were designed to contribute on making coconut de husk machine. Different
parts were designed involving calculations and other parts were designed on basis of shape and
size of machine so as to reach the optimal design of the machine.
But this machine can be used as a study for the further research in design and manufacture of
coconut de husk machine which will be safe for the user to de husk coconut at the rate which is
30 coconut per hour.
The technical drawings for each part were prepared to help in manufacturing of the machine.
The prototype of coconut de husk machine was manufactured and tested.

6.1 Recommendation
Machine design is a continuous process, as it has no particular end point as improvements are
necessary as long as the machine is in operation. Thus any other kind of modification which
would appear to improve the performance, operations, cost and servicing are well encouraged.
The machine is designed from parts which can easily be dismantled to allow easy maintenance or
replacement if any, by using temporary fasteners.
I recommend that, The further research of power and force require to de husking coconut before
the design and manufacture of coconut de husking machine.
Lastly the cost of machine should also be of affordable price.

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT


1. B. N. Nwankwojike, O. Onuba, U. Ogbonna “Development of a Coconut De husking

Machine for Rural Small Scale Farm Holders” International Journal of Innovative
Technology & Creative Engineering (2045-8711) Vol.2 No.3 March 2012.
2. Foale, M.A “The Coconut Palm in: Chopra”, V.L. and Peter K.V. edited Handbook of
Industrial Crops. Haworth Press, New York, 2005.
3. Food And Agriculture Organization (2009), “Production Year book” for 2010
4. J.B.K Das, P.L Srinivas Moorhy, Design of Machine Elements, Sapna Book House,
Edition: 2005.
5. Khurmi R. S. and Gupta J. K. (2004),” Machine Design, 4th Edition”, Eurasia Publishing
6. Khurmi, R.S and Gupta, J.K. A (2005) “Text of Machine Design”, Eurasia Publishing
House (PVT) Ltd, Ram Nagar,New Delhi-110058.
7. Veltick. T 1992, Export Promotion and development of coconuts and by product in
8., 5/12/2014.
9., 4/12/2014.
10., 13/12/2014.




There are three types of costs that have been considered under this cost estimate, these cost includes;
 Material cost
 Labor cost
 Machining cost
 Overall cost
The considered cost in this design is roughly estimated based on the construction of the whole machine.
The parts like bearings, bolt and nuts, angle iron and mild steel pipe should be purchased from the dealers
and manufacturers according to the design specifications. The material cost is approximately based on the
datasheet and the cost of the material from the local markets.
Table: Project cost estimation sheet

S/N Description Quantity Price Subtotal

1 Angle Iron 50mm x 50mm 10 @4000/= 40,000/=
2 Mild steel plate 1000mm x 1 @2,550/= 35,000/=
300mm x 2mm
3 Shaft (Ø45mm x 420mm) 2 @25,000/= 50,000/=
4 Bearing + Pillow block 4 @15000/= 60,000/=
5 Bolt and nuts M10 x 20 16 @400/= 6,400/=
6 Mild steel sheet-2438mm x 2 @15,000/= 30,000/=
1219mm x 5mm
7 Spur gear 2 @40000 80000/=

8 Rear and front sprocket 2 @10000 20000/=

9 Chain 1000mm 1 @5000 5000/=

10 Bicycle frame and chair 1 @35000 35000/=

11 Manufacture of Sharp edges 40 @1500 60000/=

Total 421,400/=

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Therefore, the total material cost is T. Sh 421,400/=


Manufacture of this project was performed at GEREZAN workshop so labor cost is compute at the same
place. Payment is calculated as;
Labor cost = 30% of material cost
Labor cost =

Labor cost = 126,420/=

Therefore, the labor cost is T.Sh 126,420/=
Fabrication and machining cost as taken from the same workshop, payment estimates is calculated as;
Fabrication and machining cost = 20% of material cost

The fabrication and machining cost is T.Sh 84,280/=

The overall cost is taken as 40% of the labor cost plus machining and fabrication cost.
Overall cost = 40% x (Labor + fabrication and machining cost)

= 84,280/=
The overall cost is T.Sh 84,280/=
The total cost of the coconut de husking machine is taken as the summation of material cost, labor cost,
fabrication and machining cost plus overall cost.
T.Cost = (material cost + Labor cost +Fabrication and machining cost + Overall cost)
= 421,400 +126,420+ 84,280+84,280
= 716,360/=
Therefore, the total cost is T.Sh 716,360/=



Table: Proportions of standard parallel tapered and gib head keys

Shaft diameter Key cross-section Shaft Key cross-section
(mm) up to and Width Thickness diameter Width Thickness
including (mm) (mm) (mm) up to (mm) (mm)

6 2 2 85 25 14
8 3 3 95 28 16
10 4 4 110 32 18
12 5 5 130 36 20
17 6 6 150 40 22
22 8 7 170 45 25
30 10 8 200 50 28
38 12 8 230 56 32
44 14 9 260 63 32
50 16 10 290 70 36
58 18 11 330 80 40
65 20 12 380 90 45
75 22 14 440 100 50

Project Work for Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Students, DIT

Table: Y – bearings, series YAR2, YAJ2

Basic load Fatigue Mass Designation

Principle dimensions ratings load
Dynamic Static Selected
Mm N N Kg
12 24.2 40 27.4 12 11.5 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.11 SKF YAR
15 24.2 40 27.4 12 11.5 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.099 SKF YAR
17 24.2 40 27.4 12 11.5 0.3 7350 4750 140 0.088 SKF YAR 203
20 24.2 47 31.0 14 12.7 0.6 9800 6550 196 0.14 SKF YAR 204
25 28.2 52 32.1 15 14.3 0.6 10800 7800 232 0.17 SKF YAR 205
30 33.7 62 38.1 18 15.9 0.6 15000 11200 355 0.28 SKF YAR 206
35 39.7 72 49.2 19 17.5 1.0 19600 15300 455 0.41 SKF YAR 207
40 46.1 80 49.2 22 19.0 1.0 23600 19000 560 0.55 SKF YAR 208
45 51.8 85 49.2 22 19.0 1.0 25500 21600 640 0.60 SKF YAR 209
50 56.8 90 51.6 22 19.0 1.0 27000 23200 695 0.69 SKF YAR 210
55 62.5 100 55.6 25 22.5 1.0 33500 29000 865 0.94 SKF YAR 211
60 69.1 110 65.1 26 25.4 1.5 40500 36000 1060 1.30 SKF YAR 212
65 75.6 120 68.3 27 25.4 1.5 44000 40000 1180 1.65 SKF YAR 213
70 82.5 125 74.6 28 30.2 1.5 46500 45000 1320 1.90 SKF YAR 214
80 87.1 140 82.6 30 33.3 2.0 54000 55000 1530 2.80 SKF YAR 216
90 101.4 160 96.0 36 39.7 2.0 73500 73500 1960 4.10 SKF YAR 218
100 112.5 160 108.0 40 42.0 2.0 95000 93000 2320 5.65 SKF YAR 220


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