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Based on what I read in the article called Hate Speech on Social Media: Global

Comparisons, I can say that online hate speech is the act of sharing and sending text
messages and posts that contain aggressive and discriminatory thoughts or opinions
against the dignity of a particular person or group. This is usually based on prejudices
such as the type of race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, beliefs, and gender,
among others. Hate speech aims to defame vulnerable people and groups and, above
all, point them out as scapegoats for the problems that are experienced in society.
Nowadays, we can say that the internet has played an essential role in this issue
since it has promoted and spread hate speech. Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and
Twitter have allowed different people a space where these expressions of hate are
spread. This is mainly because the messages from these authors can reach multiple
audiences, make their posts go viral, and, in many cases, provide a layer of anonymity
to the author of said hateful publications.
On the other hand, social networks today have implemented actions to regulate
hate speech. Recently, algorithms have been generated to recognize hateful or
aggressive content. In addition, it is added to technologies such as artificial intelligence
and people who report the content to remove the publications and prevent them from
reaching more public. However, this is not enough since these hate speeches are
usually built on prejudices already installed in society.

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