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a new symbol b in the Cyrillic, @ in the Glagolithic for

de Montfort and then to the crown of France. By a convention

1890 6,097,210 27,115,425 33,212,635

acre. They were paying this back at the rate of 4% on the

Wild Oats,'' afterwards reprinted in the volume Silver

d'agriculture (see FRANCE), are few, the principal being

subjects. In 1865 he married the Countess Marie, daughter

imperfections there might be, his work was alive; it had body,

complication would remain. The other course is to consider

1814) the Creeks ceded their claims to about one-half of the

1894 27,023,553 24.5 662,036,928 32.4 214,816,920

he recognized no self-beauty (auto to kalon) existing

at Presqu' Isle, now the city of Erie; the English at Fort

while surrounding the central tube is a bursting charge of

countship of Limpourg in 1711. The elder branch of the mediatized

ALBERT III. ( 1443-1500), duke of Saxony, surnamed ANIMOSUS

Control exercised by France and Great Britain. France had,

16%, all the other milk-constituents, namely, sugar, curd and

vicinity great quantities of beets are grown by irrigation.

reaction. With nitrous acid, the primary amines yield alcohols,

in an open boat to the enemy's lines, arriving late in the

finally refused the office of president of the Academy of

against his father. These calamities were keenly felt by

discovered in 1843, was allowed to be used as a public stable

had held its place unchallenged for sixty years. At first,

computed at 5487 sq. m. Pop. (1895) 113,165; (1902, official

connecting together a pair of rings CC. The rings and the

South America was done by the engineer A. Wertheman. He fitted

basilica. Adrian restored the ancient aqueducts of Rome,

ALEXANDER II. (1198-1249), king of Scotland, son of William

was liable to be quickly disproved by the appearance of new

of the Pontifex Maximus, the annual edicts of the praetor,

on which we have indicated a doubt, viz. as to the situation

salts with acids; now, however, it is usual to restrict

residence was reduced to five years. When the interests

Instead of making df vanish, a certain value can be assigned

Mauretania. A network of military routes, constructed and

K. Wood-house.

ALLON, HENRY (1818-1892), English Nonconformist divine,


thin layers of great extent. Coarser accumulations gather

parodies and satirical poems, of which the best examples

careful finish, and for close study of nature. The most

chain. Thence to the St Gotthard the divide runs north-east,

separate khanates fell back under the independent rule of

Boston, his mother a pleasing English actress and his father

Britain, another system has been generally preferred, namely,

designed to prevent the whole of the best land falling to one

she was sold to the comte de Ferriol, the French ambassador at

and An-at by the scribe of Assur-nasir-pal (879 B.C.),

movements, known to Greek tradition as the Ionian Migration

carcases hung up for exhibition, with details of live and dead

them from power and put an end to the pension. Indeed Addison

rate, we may close the history of Aegean civilization proper.

or ``calefactory,'' the common room of the monks. At its

algae, together with a number of papers to which reference is

go and make peace with John, but the king had moved south

or ``highlanders,'' may be added the Malsia of IAbra, who

not more than 10 members be elected in any one year, and

Coryphodontidae, from the lower Eocene of Europe and North

embraced the Protestant faith. He received a prebend in

on both sides, no local incident occurred to precipitate a

in the mosque which covers the site of the temple.

Public sentiment supported the view of the minority, and it

agricultural schools were started between 1850 and 1860 in the

influence over the Bantu-Negro inhabitants, and in the early

water, and extending probably 700 to 1000 ft. beneath its

of communication (which vary according to the length of

wool. In the early days of the 19th century, the usual

have a ``sing-song'' pronunciation. It is often not easy

Henry Howard Brownell (1820-1872) of Rhode Island, author

abbot condescended to dine in the refectory, his chaplains waited

Crimean War he was recalled in order to take the portfolio

Trieste. But if we confine the meaning of the term Alps to

laid down as the nearest approach it should make habitually.

the more remarkable in view of the very important differences

healthiness. Of the suburbs the most picturesque is Mustapha

blood being poisoned by the absorption of the products of

4 The Association, in 1831, was merged in the Royal Geographical Society.

little soda. Table XI., from Warington's Chemistry of the

war, nor the latter to be taken as prize of war. This

evidence, due to the Cretan excavations, a question has arisen

50 or 100 acres 2,021 1,497 3,315 4,517 11,350

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