Spring 2023 ENG 381: Technical Communication Syllabus

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ENG 381


Dr. Beardsley
Spring 2023
English 381: Technical Communication
Section 01 – Spring 2023 – Online
Table of Contents
English 381: Technical Communication ................................................................................................................................. 3
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Course Description ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Goals ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Participation & Late Work...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Required Materials ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Optional Materials ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Assignment Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Peer Review Expectations ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Email & Slack Policy ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Western Online Access & Technical Requirements .............................................................................................................. 4
Technical Support ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Brief Assignment Descriptions ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Participation/Homework: 15% .................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Application Packet: 25% ............................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Popular Culture Project: 60% ..................................................................................................................................... 4
a. Project Proposal: 5% .............................................................................................................................................. 4
b. Progress Memo: 10%.............................................................................................................................................. 4
c. Analysis Report: 20% .............................................................................................................................................. 4
d. Social Media Campaign: 25% ................................................................................................................................. 4
Grading Scale .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Student Hours ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
University Writing Center ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Writing Guidelines .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Revision Policy ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Extension Policy...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Feedback ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Course Schedule ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Course Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
Week 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Week 2 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Application Packet.................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Week 3 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Page 1
Week 4 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Week 5 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Popular Culture ʹSocial Media Campaign ............................................................................................................................ 8
Week 7 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Week 8 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Week 9 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Week 10 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Week 11 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Week 12 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Week 13 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Week 14 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Week 15 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Week 16 ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Final Exam ............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
General Course Policies ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Professionalism and Respect
........................................................................................................................................... 14
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities .............................................................................................................................. 14
Academic Integrity ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Incompletes...................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Accessibility Statement
.................................................................................................................................................... 14
Disability Resources Center
.............................................................................................................................................. 14
Students with Disabilities................................................................................................................................................. 15
Title IX............................................................................................................................................................................... 15

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 2

English 381: Technical Communication Student Hours: Simpkins 129
Instructor: Dr. Beardsley In-person and Gather.Town
M 2 – 3 PM, T 11 AM – 12 PM, Th 2 – 4 PM
Email: a-beardsley@wiu.edu
Or by appointment

Introduction Required Materials

From project proposals to social media campaigns, technical x Textbook: Anderson, Paul V. (2018). Technical
communicators are responsible for writing documents that distribute communication: A reader -centered approach
information to the general public. Digital platforms play an essential (9th ed.). Cengage.
role for technical writers. This semester, we’ll discuss the work of Sara x Other readings posted to Western Online
Austin, the 2023 Magliocco, to critically examine monsters in popular x Microsoft Word: available for free here
culture. You’ll apply our understanding of Austin’s work to a topic of x Slack
your choice for a multi-stage project that you’ll work on for most of x Canva
the semester.
Optional Materials
Course Description x Austin, Sara. (2022). Monstrous Youth:
Developing informative, reader-centered technical communication. Transgressing the Boundaries of Childhood in
the United States . Ohio State Press.
Writing, testing, and revising common genres and styles. Writing
Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course. BGS online writing course.
Assignment Overview
1. Participation/Homework: 15%
Pre-Requisite: ENG 180 and 280, or permission of instructor.
2. Application Packet: 25%
3. Popular Culture Project: 60%
a. Project Proposal: 5%
● Analyze audience, purpose, genre conventions, and
b. Progress Memo: 10%
situational constraints for various professional documents
c. Analysis Report: 20%
● Produce effective common workplace documents
● Create deliverables that are usable and persuasive to the d. Social Media Campaign: 25%
● Edit for precision, clarity, conciseness, and accuracy Peer Review Expectations
● Collaborate with others to improve your writing We will workshop major assignment deliverables
● Identify and analyze potential ethical issues, such as the throughout the semester. Specific peer review
confidentiality of information or misinformation guidelines will be provided to ensure you receive
constructive feedback that contributes to your
● Develop a sensitivity to the needs and expectations of
projects’ overall goals.
culturally and linguistically diverse audiences
Peer review drafts are due by 11:59 PM the day they
Participation & Late Work appear on. You will be assigned 2-3 drafts to read
Participation is vital to your ability to understand course material. and respond to. Feedback is due by 11:59 PM the
You will participate in this course on a Monday/Thursday schedule. class day dedicated to peer review and must meet
Materials will be released two weeks at a time on Fridays by 3 PM, the requirements outlined in the peer review
and I will post a Slack announcement about upcoming assignments. assignment. Even if you know there’s more work to
do, turn in a draft; it’s better to turn something in
Discussions: You will be required to participate in 2-4 discussions on time than not turn in anything.
a week in response to course materials. Discussion responses are
due by 11:59 PM the day they appear on. Often, you will be Email & Slack Policy
required to respond to your classmates. Responses are due by I typically respond to emails within 24 hours, M – F,
11:59 PM the next class day. To receive full credit, you must 9 AM – 5 PM. I do check my email after that and on
submit and respond on time. Late Discussion posts will not be the weekends, but not as frequently as I try to keep
accepted. a work-life balance. Please take this response time
into account when reaching out. Additionally, I do
not accept assignments via email
Late work: I don’t accept late work (barring extreme circumstances).
All assignments are due by 11:59 PM, but if you need extra time to
I have Slack set up to notify me when someone
meet a deadline for a final deliverable (Application Packet, Project
posts, and it’s the quickest way to ask me and the
Proposal, Progress Memo, or Analysis Report), please ask. See the rest of the class a question. I encourage you to
Extension Policy on page 6. answer questions for each other.
ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 3
Western Online Access & Technical Requirements
This class does not meet face-to-face or synchronously online. This is an asynchronous online course and is conducted
through Western Online at http://www.westernonline.wiu.edu. Requirements for Western Online are listed on CITR’s
resources page and must be met prior to beginning this course.

Technical Support
Technical support is available through the University Technology (uTech) Support Center
● Phone: (309) 298-8324
● Email: support@wiu.edu
● Website: http://www.wiu.edu/university_technology/

Brief Assignment Descriptions

Assignment sheets and rubrics are available on Western Online, but here are some short descriptions to give you an
overview of the course:
1. Participation/Homework: 15%
Participating in our online course is vital to honing your technical communication skills. Each week, you can
expect to have conversations with classmates via discussion boards and start working toward larger assignments
as homework. All Discussions and Homework assignments are designed to reinforce concepts and build toward
your final projects—they aren’t just busy work.

2. Application Packet: 25%

The first major assignment introduces you to the basics of technical writing. You’ll learn the theory and practice
behind writing and formatting résumés and cover letters and the importance of creating an online presence. The
overall assignment tasks you with putting together an application packet for a job or internship.

3. Popular Culture Project: 60%

The Popular Culture Project is designed to teach technical communication—specifically, demonstrating and
conveying expertise and arguing/advocating for an issue/cause to a non-expert, public audience—via social
media. You'll write a proposal to argue the importance of teaching non-experts about your chosen topic, analyze
how your topic appears in popular culture and is discussed on social media, and create mockups for a social
media campaign. There are 4 assignments, or what we will refer to as deliverables, for this project:
a. Project Proposal: 5%
You will write a 500-1000-word proposal where you state what your topic is, why it’s important, and
what is at stake in presenting the topic inaccurately in popular culture. You’ll indicate what social
media platform(s) you’ll study and use, the texts you’ll analyze, and conduct an initial audience
analysis to establish a plan for your Popular Culture Project.
b. Progress Memo: 10%
In the second deliverable for the Popular Culture Project, you’ll write a progress memo describing
the project's state. The goal is to communicate what you’ve done and what you still need to do
while practicing a common technical writing genre: memos.
c. Analysis Report: 20%
The third deliverable tasks you with analyzing how your topic appears in popular culture (books, TV
shows, podcasts, etc.) and on social media. You’ll analyze social media posts to identify the
platform's "best practices" to use when creating mockups for the next assignment.
d. Social Media Campaign: 25%
The final deliverable requires you to create 5–7 social media posts and write 2 blog posts (one short-
form and one cornerstone content) to teach a general audience about your topic. The social media

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 4

campaign isn't live. Instead, the deliverable is the marketing plan you’d present to your boss before
its launch.

Grading Scale
Assignments will be graded and posted within 14 days after the assignment’s due date. Your grade will be determined
using the following grading scale:

Letter Grade Percentage Explanation

A 90–100% A-Range
A- 87–89% Your employer or client would be extremely happy with this work. The deliverable
is well-written, complete, audience-specific, well-organized, and meets style
specifications. Examples and citations are appropriate, helpful, and well-
developed. The work contains only a few minor grammatical, mechanical, spelling,
or proofing errors.
B+ 84–86% B-Range
B 80–83% Your employer or client would be satisfied with this work. You have not exceeded
B- 77–78% expectations; however, you have met your audience’s needs and specifications.
The deliverable may contain errors or flaws that could be corrected without much
trouble. Overall, it’s well-written with strong organization and development.
C+ 74–76% C-Range
C 70–73% The employer or client would not be pleased with this work and might be reluctant
C- 67–69% to use it because it contains a major problem or several minor ones. Errors may be
distracting or confusing to the reader, important required specifications may not
have been met, or major questions or issues were not addressed well or
appropriately. The amount of effort that will be required to bring the deliverable
to satisfaction is more than the client/employer really wanted to invest, and may
cause some delays.
D+ 64–66% D-Range
D 60–63% An employer or client would find this work unacceptable because of serious
D- 57–59 % problems. The reader must work too hard to understand the document, whether
because of grammar and proofing mistakes or missing/incomplete/inaccurate
information. Additionally, the document fails to meet the requirements of the
assignment. The work would probably be re-assigned to another employee or
F 56% or below F
Your employer would probably suggest you begin looking elsewhere for a job
because the work you produced shows complete disregard or misunderstanding of
the assignment. A client would write a letter of complaint and would not contact
you for future work.

Student Hours
I hold student hours in person (Simpkins 129) and virtually (Gather.Town). Student hours are dedicated to meeting with
students one-on-one or in small groups to discuss questions about the course material, unpack assignment prompts,
brainstorm ideas, strategize for keeping up with coursework, develop researching, brainstorming, and writing skills, and
working with students to get back on track. Even if you don’t have any questions, please feel free to drop by student
hours and chat.

My Spring 2023 student hours are as follows: If my student hours conflict with your class or work
M 2 – 3 PM schedule, send me a message and we can set up an
T 11 AM – 12 PM alternate meeting time.
Th 2 – 4 PM
ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 5
University Writing Center
The University Writing Center (UWC) is your go-to resource at any stage of the writing process! Appointments are
available in three formats: in-person (3rd Floor, Malpass Library or QC Complex 2219), online (real-time with video or
chat and document sharing), and etutoring (asynchronous feedback on an uploaded paper).

You’ll be required to make UWC appointments throughout the semester. Please request that the UWC consultant send
me a copy of the client report after your visit (consultants will need my email, a-beardsley@wiu.edu). Your UWC
appointments contribute to your Participation/Homework grade.

Register and begin scheduling appointments here: https://wiu.mywconline.com

UWC Hours (3rd Floor, Malpass Library) Quad Cities In-Person Hours (QC Complex 2219)

M – Th: 9 AM – 9 PM M, W, F: 9 AM – 12:30 PM

F: 9 AM – 4 PM T: 12:30 – 4 PM

Sun: 2 – 9 PM Th: 5 – 9 PM

Writing Guidelines
As you begin learning about reader-centered communication, you will see that style guidelines depend on a multitude of
factors (audience, publication, etc.). You will choose one citation style (APA, IEEE, or MLA) for formal citations, and we’ll
study how sources are cited on social media. I expect that you work to properly cite sources and learn the requirements
for a citation style. In addition to the required textbook for this course, the Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab is an
excellent resource.

Revision Policy
Because writing is a process, you'll have the opportunity to revise pieces of the Application Packet and Popular Culture
Project deliverables. Revisions are optional, and I encourage you to review my feedback on your final assignment and
choose whether you'd like to revise or not. The due dates for revisions will be announced after the deliverable is graded.
For example, if I release the final deliverable grades for the Application Packet on M 2.20, you’ll receive information
about revising and the due date at that time.

If you receive a C or below, you must meet with me to discuss the assignment before you submit the revised deliverable.

Extension Policy
Extensions aren’t always possible, but just like at a job, sometimes they’re necessary. If you need an extension on the
final deliverable for a major assignment (Application Packet, Project Proposal, Progress Memo, or Analysis Report) you
must message me at least 24 hours in advance. I will provide you with an updated due date at that time. You may not
receive extensions on discussion posts, small homework assignments, or drafts; your colleagues need time to respond to
your work, and we must respect their schedule. Additionally, you cannot receive an extension on your Social Media
Campaign because it takes the place of a final exam.

The feedback I give varies by assignment. I read all Discussions and Homework submissions, but I will only comment on
them extensively if (1) the post directly relates to a component of a major assignment, such as topic selection or a
section draft, or (2) the post doesn't quite meet the requirements of the assignment and you need a bit of guidance to
move forward. I also provide key takeaways from homework assignments in my weekly Slack announcements.

Page 6
Given the nature of this course and the length of assignments, I don't comment on drafts. Instead, you'll peer review
each other's drafts, offering insightful feedback. If you would like to discuss a draft with me, I'm more than happy to set
up a Zoom meeting or answer questions on Slack.

For major assignments, I will use a combination of in-text comments on Western Online, a rubric, and a short,
summative paragraph to provide feedback.

Course Schedule
Subject to Change
This schedule provides an overview of readings and assignments for the entire semester. For detailed assignment
descriptions and supplemental materials (slides, videos, etc.) you must use the weekly modules under Content in
Western Online. If you only look at the homepage, you will miss due dates and directions for the week.

Course Introduction
Week 1
Th 1.19 Introduction to Our Course
x Read This First: Welcome to Technical Communication [Western Online Page]
x Then, read the following Western Online Pages in this order:
o How This Online Course Works
o Slack
o Gather.Town
o Syllabus and Course Calendar

x Discussion – “About Me” Infographic [Post Due Th 1.19; Response Due M 1.23]
x Anderson, Ch. 1, “Communication, Your Career, and This Book”
x Join Slack Workspace + Post a meme/gif to the #random channel
Week 2
M 1.23 What Is the Work of Technical Writers?
● Anderson, Ch. 6, “Organizing Reader-Centered Communications”
● Anderson, Ch. 14, “Designing Reader-Centered Pages and Documents”

● Discussion – The Work of Technical Writers Reading Response [Post Due M 1.23;
Response Due Th 1.26]
● Take Intro Quiz (closes on M 1.30)

Application Packet
Th 1.26 Searching for + Analyzing Job Ads
x Read Assignment 1: Application Packet
x Anderson, Ch. 2, “Overview of the Reader-Centered Approach: Writing for a Job”

x Discussion – Find and Analyze 1 job Ad + Make a T-Chart [Post Due Th 1.26; Response
Due M 1.30]

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 7

Week 3
Cover Letters
M 1.30 x Anderson, Ch. 3, “Defining Your communication’s Goals”
x Anderson, Ch. 7, “Drafting Reader-Centered Communications”
x Review Student Cover Letter Examples

x Discussion – Grade Student Cover Letter Examples [Post Due M 1.30; No Response]
x Cover Letter: Introduction + First Body Paragraph

Th 2.2 Résumés
x Anderson, Ch. 9, “Persuading Your Readers”
x Anderson, Ch. 10, “Developing an Effective, Professional Style
x Review Student Résumé Examples

x Résumé Section
x Discussion – Grade Student Résumé Examples [Post Due Th 2.2; No Response]
x Review the feedback you received on the introduction and first body paragraph of your
cover letter
o Finish your cover letter draft
o Make an appointment at the UWC to receive feedback on your cover letter
ƒ Your appointment can be face-to-face, online (synchronous), or
etutoring (asynchronous)

Week 4
M 2.6 Draft Due ʹApplication Packet Draft
x Review the assignment requirements and rubric while you work
x Anderson, Ch. 15, “Revising Your Drafts”

Th 2.9 Feedback Due ʹApplication Packet Peer Review

Today is dedicated to peer review. Use this time to provide feedback for your classmates.
x Complete Peer Review Activity
x Review Peer Review Guidelines and Expectations (Western Online Page) while you work

x UWC Appointment #1: Cover Letter completed by today
o Have the consultant email the client report to a-beardsley@wiu.edu

Week 5
Lincoln’s Birthday Observed

Th 2.16 Final Draft Due ʹApplication Packet

Finish your Application Packet and submit the final draft as a single PDF.

Popular Culture ʹSocial Media Campaign

The remainder of the semester is dedicated on working on your popular culture-focused project. You can choose to
work on a project about monsters and read Sara Austin’s Monstrous Youth: Transgressing the Boundaries of Childhood in

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 8

the United Statesor you can decide to pursue a topic depicted in popular culture (e.g., law enforcement, computer
hacking, neurodivergence). Either way, this project requires research and reading beyond what’s assigned.

For the final deliverable, you’ll use the website Canva to create a social media campaign. There are resources for using
Canva posted on Western Online. I encourage you to play around and be creative while you design.

Week 6
M 2.20 Introduction to the Popular Culture Social Media Campaign Project
x Project Overview: Popular Culture – Social Media Campaign
x Listen to Dr. Buchanan’s interview with Sara Austin
x Batchelor, “What is Popular Culture?”
x Austin, “Introduction”

x Discussion – Intro to Pop Culture Reading Response [Post Due M 1.23; Response Due
Th 1.26]

Th 2.23 Project Proposals

x Read Project Proposal Assignment Sheet and Rubric
x Anderson, Ch. 23, “Writing Reader-Centered Proposals”

Pop Culture Research: Comics and Graphic Novels

Choose 1
x Austin, Ch. 1, “Enfreakment in 1950s Horror Comics and Teen Horrorpics”
x Benton and Peterka-Benton, “When the Abyss Looks Back: Treatments of Human
Trafficking in Superhero Comic Books”

x Discussion – Reader-Centered Proposals + Topic Ideas [Post Due Th 2.23; Response
Due M 2.27]
x Discussion – Comics and Graphic Novels [Post Due Th 2.23; Response Due M 2.27]

Week 7
M 2.27 Conducting Research + Citing Sources
x Anderson, Ch. 4, “Conducting Reader-Centered Research: Gathering, Analyzing, and
Thinking Critically about Information”
x Anderson, Ch. 5, “Using Six Reader-Centered Research Methods”
x Anderson, Appendix A, “Documenting Your Sources”

Pop Culture Research: Children’s Texts

Choose 1
x Austin, Ch. 2, “Images of Racial Anxiety in 1960s and 1970s Picture Books”
x Midkiff and Austin, “The Disneyfication of Climate Crisis: Negotiating Responsibility
and Climate Action in Frozen, Moana,and Frozen 2

x Discussion – Find and Analyze a Graphic [Post Due M 2.27; Upvote Due Th 3.2]
x Discussion – Children’s Texts [Post Due M 2.27; Response Due Th 3.2]
x Citations Page Draft
x Make an appointment at the UWC to receive feedback on your Project Proposal

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page 9

o Your appointment can be face-to-face, online (synchronous), or etutoring

Th 3.2 Writing Effective Social Media Campaigns

x Anderson, Ch. 22, “Writing Effectively on Social Media at Work

Pop Culture Research: Fiction, TV, and Movies Part I

Choose 1
x Austin, Ch. 3, “Middle-Class Innocence, Monstrous Material Culture, and the Moral
Panics of the 1980s”
x Pick 1 article from Vol. 9 Issue 1 of the Popular Culture Studies Journal
o You cannot choose the editorial introduction, the intro to the special issue, or
anything from the reviews section. The reading must be one of the articles. Post
in the #help Slack channel if you have questions about your article choice.

x Discussion – Find and Analyze a Social Media Post [Post Due Th 3.2; Upvote Due M 3.6]
x Discussion – Fiction, TV, and Movies Part I [Post Due Th 3.2; Response Due M 3.6]

Week 8
M 3.6 Magliocco Lecture: Sara Austin
Today’s class is dedicated to attending the 2023 Magliocco Lecture. An alternative assignment
will be provided on WO for those who are unable to attend in person.

x UWC Appointment #2: Project Proposal completed by today
o Have the consultant email the client report to a-beardsley@wiu.edu

Th 3.9 Final Draft Due ʹProject Proposal

Finish your Project Proposal and submit the final draft as a single PDF.
x Topics must be approved before you can continue with your project

Pop Culture Research: Fiction, TV, and Movies Part II

x Austin, Ch. 4, “Monstrous Families from 1990s Series Fiction to the Post-Twilight Era”
x Austin, Conclusion, “How to Make a Monster (Story)
x Pick 1 article from Vol. 7, No. 2 of the Popular Culture Studies Journal
o You cannot choose the introduction or anything from the reviews section. The
reading must be one of the articles. Post in the #help Slack channel if you have
questions about your article choice.

x Discussion – Magliocco Response [Post Due Th 3.9; No Response]
x Discussion – Fiction, TV, and Movies Part II [Post Due Th 3.9; Response Due M 3.20]

Week 9
The university is closed Mon., March 13 – Fri., March 17

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page

Week 10
You must schedule a 10-20-minute meeting (in-person, video chat, or live Slack chat) with Dr. B for this week to
discuss your Popular Culture Project. The meeting must take place before 4 PM on F 3.24 and goes toward your
Homework/Participation grade.

“Bring” the following to your meeting:

x Assignment prompts and rubrics
x Feedback on assignments that build to final deliverables
x At least 1 question you have about the Popular Culture Project

M 3.20 Work Day: Your Project + Chosen Text

x Review the feedback on your Project Proposal
o If your project was not approved, you have until 11:59 PM to revise and
x Begin reading, watching, or engaging with your chosen text

Th 3.23 Writing Memos

x Read Progress Memo Assignment Sheet and Rubric
x Anderson, Ch. 21, “Writing Reader-Centered Correspondence; Letters, Memos, and

x Discussion – The Role of Reader-Centered Correspondence [Post Due Th 3.23; Response
Due M 3.27]

Week 11
M 3.27 Designing Graphics
x Read Social Media Campaign Assignment Sheet and Rubric
x Anderson, Ch. 12, “Creating Reader-Centered Graphics”
x Anderson, Ch. 13, “Creating Eleven Types of Reader-Centered Graphics”
x Moeggenberg, “20. Inclusion,” Keywords in Design Thinking: A Lexical Primer for
Technical Communicators & Designers

x Discussion – Exploration 1: Images and Social Media [Post Due M 3.27; Response Due
Th 3.30]
x Make an appointment at the UWC to receive feedback on your Progress Memo
o Your appointment can be face-to-face, online (synchronous), or etutoring

Th 3.30 Identifying Best Practices on Social Media Platforms + SEO

x Csutoras, “How to Create Engaging Social Media Content: 12 Tips to Drive Results”
x Disability:IN, “Creating Accessible Social Media Content – GAAD Toolkit
x Sehl, “Inclusive Design for Social Media: Tips for Creating Accessible Channels”
x “What Is Cornerstone Content?”

● Best Practices + Sources Page

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page

Week 12
M 4.3 Writing a Research Report
x Read Analysis Report Assignment Sheet and Rubric
x Anderson, Ch. 24, “Writing Reader-Centered Empirical Research Reports”

x Discussion – Exploration 2: Videos and Social Media [Post Due M 4.3; Response Due Th

Th 4.6 Work Day: Progress Memos + Your Choice Pop Culture Text
x UWC Appointment #3: Progress Memo completed by today
o Have the consultant email the client report to a-beardsley@wiu.edu

Week 13
M 4.10 Final Draft Due ʹProgress Memo
x Finish your Progress Memo and submit the final draft as a single PDF.
Th 4.13 Work Day: Analysis Report + Choice Pop Culture Text
Whether you’re reading a novel, watching a TV show/movie, or engaging with some other text,
you must be finished reading/viewing/listening today.
x Finish reading, viewing, listening, and work on your Analysis Report
x Make an appointment at the UWC to receive feedback on your Analysis Report
o Your appointment can be face-to-face, online (synchronous), or etutoring

Week 14
You must schedule a 10-20-minute meeting (in-person, video chat, or live Slack chat) with Dr. B for this week to
discuss your Popular Culture Project, specifically your social media mockups. The meeting must take place before 4
PM on F 4.21 and goes toward your Homework/Participation grade.

“Bring” the following to your meeting:

x Assignment prompts and rubrics
x Feedback on assignments that build to final deliverables
x At least 1 question you have about the Popular Culture Project

M 4.17 Draft Due ʹAnalysis Report

x Review the Analysis Report requirements while you work

Th 4.20 Feedback Due ʹAnalysis Report Peer Review

Today is dedicated to peer review. Use this time to provide feedback for your classmates.
x Review the Analysis Report requirements while you provide feedback
x UWC Appointment #4: Analysis Report completed by today
o Have the consultant email the client report to a-beardsley@wiu.edu

Week 15
M 4.24 Final Draft Due ʹAnalysis Report
Finish your Analysis Report and submit the final draft as a single PDF.
x Extra Credit: Make an appointment at the UWC to receive feedback on your Social
Media Campaign
o Your appointment can be face-to-face, online (synchronous), or etutoring
ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page
Th 4.27 Draft Due ʹSocial Media Campaign
There are no readings/discussions for today. Use this time to work on your Social Media
x Review Social Media Campaign requirements while you work

Week 16
M 5.1 Feedback Due ʹSocial Media Campaign Peer Review
Today is dedicated to peer review. Use this time to provide feedback for your classmates.
x Review Peer Review Guidelines and Expectations (Western Online Page) while you work
x UWC Appointment #5: Social Media Campaign (Extra Credit) completed by today
o Have the consultant email the client report to a-beardsley@wiu.edu

Th 5.4 Complete Semester Reflection + Course Eval

x The Importance of Completing Course Evaluations [Western Online Page]

● Course Eval
● Semester Reflection

Final Exam
The Social Media Campaign is your final for the course—there is no separate final exam.

M 5.8 Final Draft Due ʹSocial Media Campaign

Submit by 11:59 PM

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page

General Course Policies
Professionalism and Respect
Respect and care should be shown in your behavior whether you’re responding to a Discussion post, participating in
peer review, or completing an assignment. Interactions with me and your classmates should be just as respectful as they
would be in person. Because most of our interactions occur through writing, it’s crucial that you consider your tone and
remember that the person (or people) on the other side of the screen are your colleagues. Disruptive, disrespectful,
threatening, or harassing behavior toward any individual in our class environment will not be tolerated and may result in
dismissal from class. If you feel uncomfortable about any aspect of the class, including class discussions and group work,
please contact me ASAP so we can work on addressing your concerns.

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

Full Policy: http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students.php

Responsible academic conduct is required in this and all other WIU courses. Plagiarism and cheating are serious
infractions subject to University policy on academic integrity. Scholastic dishonesty in any portion of the work for this
course shall be grounds for awarding a grade of F for the assignment or an F for the entire course, and further
disciplinary action may be taken.

It is crucial that you turn in your own work and that you document the sources for ideas that are not your own. If you
are using material or ideas from another source, including the internet and any graphics, and have questions about how
to properly document the material, you should consult a style manual for guidelines. If you remain unsure or if you have
any questions about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, please contact me before the assignment is due.

Please note that turning in work for this class that was prepared for another class or by another individual will be
considered cheating. The policy on plagiarism and cheating applies to all drafts, as well as final products, turned in for
this course.

For the university’s policy on academic integrity, including plagiarism and cheating, refer to

An incomplete (“I”) grade will be given in extraordinary circumstances (i.e., prolonged illness, death in family) at my
discretion. It will not be considered unless the amount of work remaining in the course is limited and you had a passing
grade before the incomplete assignment. The assignment of an “I” requires a written agreement between me and you
specifying the time and manner in which you will complete the required assignments. Failure to adhere to the contract
could result in an F for the missing work.

Accessibility Statement
Students with disabilities: In accordance with University values and disability law, students with disabilities may request
academic accommodations where there are aspects of a course that result in barriers to inclusion or accurate
assessment of achievement. To file an official request for disability-related accommodations, please contact the
Disability Resource Center at 309-298-2512, disability@wiu.edu or in 143 Memorial Hall. Please notify the instructor as
soon as possible to ensure that this course is accessible to you in a timely manner.

Disability Resources Center


ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page

Students with Disabilities

Title IX
University values, Title IX, and other federal and state laws prohibit sex discrimination, including sexual
assault/misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. If you, or someone you know, has been the victim of any of
these offenses, we encourage you to report this to the Title IX Coordinator at 309-298-1977 or anonymously online at:
http://www.wiu.edu/equal_opportunity_and_access/request_form/index.php. If you disclose an incident to a faculty
member, the faculty member must notify the Title IX Coordinator. The complete Title IX policy is available at:

ENG 381-01: Spring 2023 Page


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