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Good afternoon,

After infonning us that there may be additional documents between Larry Keefe and Vertol
responsive to your request that we may have missed, the Office of Open Government ("OOG")
conducted a further investigation to identify, locate, and collect the missing records. To this end,
we met with Mr. Keefe again, who suggested that we search for the keyword "Heat" within his
personal email account at 191keefe@gmail. com. Wehadpreviously searched this account for
records responsive to your request, but the search yielded no such records.
According to Mr. Keefe, "Heat 19" was a "call sign" given to him years ago by a former military
official for use in their communications. The keyword search led us to discover another email
address belonging to Mr. Keefe-heatl9. heatl9@gmail. com. OOG was unaware of this email
address and had not previously searched it for responsive records. The Gmail account for the
"Heat 19" email address was not in Mr. Keefe's name. The name on the "Heat 19" account was
"Clarice Starling"-a related "call sign" used by Mr. Keefe in his previous, private work with
people in the military community. According to Mr. Keefe, he created and sometimes used this
account while in private law practice to communicate via email in this setting.
After discovering the "Heat 19" email address, OOG conducted a search for responsive records
involving this address. This search yielded the records we are producing now. Please note that
we are producing all records we could locate with the "Heat 19" email address that pertain to the
Martha's Vineyard flight, even records that fall outside the date range and scope ofyour request.
If you believe there are other responsive records we may have missed, please let us know so that
we can attempt to trackthem downandprovide themto you.

Open Government
Gmail Clarice Starling <>


Clarice Starling <> Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 3:12 PM

To: "jlmontgomerie (null)" <jlmontgomerie@aol. com>

Any ETAon draft ?

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2022, at 14:31, jlmontgomerie (null) <jlmontgomerie@aol. com> wrote:

Good copy received


James L. Montgomerie
+1. 503. 970. 2827
www.vscglobal .corn

On Aug 26, 2022, at 1:13 PM, Clarice Starliny <heat19. heat19@gmail. com> wrote:

Lt. Gen. Wurster gave me that call sign.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2022, at 14:05, Clarice Starling <heat19. heat19@gmail. com>


This is the email channel to use.

Sent from my iPhone

Gmail Clarice Starling <>


Clarice Starling <> Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 2:51 PM

To: "jlmontgomerie (null)" <jlmontgomerie@aol. com>


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2022, at 14:31,jlmontgomerie (null) <> wrote:

Good copy received


James L. Montgomerie

On Aug 26, 2022, at 1:13 PM, Clarice Starling <> wrote:

Lt. Gen. Wurster gave me that call sign,

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 26, 2022, at 14:05, Clarice Starling <heat19. heat19@gmail. com>


This is the email channel to use.

Sent from my i Phone

Gmail Clarice Starling <>

Draft Invoice language

Clarice Starling <> Sun, Aug 28, 2022 at 5:51 PM
To: jlmontgomerie <>

See signal.

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 28, 2022, at 15:55, jlmontgomerie <jlmontgomerie@aol. com> wrote:


My suggested drift for invoice

Short and sweet


James L. Montgomerie
www.vscglobal .corn

Draft Invoice language

For Transportation Services, (Insert Dates) including management, aircraft, crew, maintenance, logistics,
fuel, coordination and planning, route preparation, route services, landing fees, ground handling, and other
program expenses
Gmail Clarice Starling <>


Heat 19 <> Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 9:58 AM

To: James Montgomerie <Jlmontgomerie@aol. com>
Cc: Apple Account <>

VS proposes to provide to FDOT transportation-related, humanitarian relocation services (hereafter the "Services").

This proposal contemplates the ongoing delivery of these Services to FDOT, on an ongoing, month-to-month basis, in the
form of separate relocation projects (hereafterthe "Project"or 'Projects").

Each Project will have its own scope and characteristics.

For each Project, VS shall submit a pre-performance proposal for FDOTreview and approval, and VS shall invoice FDOT
for payment upon the completion of each Project.

The proposed Services include, but are not limited to, the management, aircraft, crew, maintenance logistics, fuel,
coordination and planning, route preparation, route services, landing fees, ground handling and logistics and other
Project-related expenses.

Aircraft options include, but are not limited to those which can carry up to eight passengers, up to twenty passengers and
up to 65 passengers.

This first Project (hereafter "Project 1"), shall involve the relocation of individuals to the state of Massachusetts or other,
proximate northeastern state designated by FDOTbased upon the extant conditions.

The estimated total price for all Services related to Project 1 is an amount between and
Gmail Clarice Starling <>


jlmontgomerie (null) <jlmontgomerie@aol. com> Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 1:09PM

To: Clarice Starling <heat19. heat19@gmail. com>


James L. Montgomerie
www.vscglobal. com


To: Florida Department of Transportation

Email: xx@dot. state. fl. us

From: James L. Montgomerie

Date: 01 September 2022

Pages: Two (2) Pages in Total

Caution: The information in this message and all following pages is Company PROPRIETARY, confidential and the property ofVertol Systems Company, Inc. (VSC) Ifthe
readerofthismessageisnotthe intendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatanyuse,dissemination,orreproductionofthismessageis prohibitedwithoutVSCwritten
consent. The legal privilege and confidentiality attached to this message is not considered waived, lost, orvitiated by reason of mistaken delivery to the recipient, and as
suchlegalprivilegeandconfidentialityareherebyexpresslyreserved. Ifyouhavereceivedthismessageinerror, pleasenotifyVSCimmediatelybytelephoneorfacsimile
and destroy the original message. VSCwill reimburse you reasonable cost ofsuch notification. Thankyou.

Dear Sir

Vertol Systems Company, Inc. (VSC) based in Destin, Florida was formed in 1995 to provide
specialized helicopter and aircraft solutions specific to customer's and organization's unique
requirements. VSC own and operate a global fleet offixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft with more
than 27 years and tens ofthousandsof hours safelyflown. For nearly 3 decadesVSC has provided
unparalleled aviation operations, maintenance, and training support to commercial clients, US
Government, US Military, and Partner Nations.

VSC proposes to provide to FOOT transportation-related, humanitarian relocation services

(hereafter the "Services")

This proposal contemplatesthe ongoingdeliveryofthese Servicesto FDOT, on an ongoing, month-

to-month basis, in the form of separate relocation projects (hereafter the "Project" or 'Projects").

Each Project will have its own scope, characteristics and requirements.

For each Project, VSC shall submit a pre-performance proposal for FDOT review and approval,
and VSC shall invoice FDOT for payment upon agreement of each Project.

The proposedServicesinclude, but are not limited to, the management, aircraft, crew, maintenance
logistics, fuel, coordination and planning, route preparation, route sen/ices, landing fees, ground
handling and logistics and other Project-related expenses.

Aircraft options include, but are not limited to those which can carry up to eight passengers, up to
twenty-five passengers and up to 65 passengers.

This first Project (hereafter "Project 1"), shall involve the relocation of individuals to the state of
Massachusettsor other, proximate northeastern state designated by FDOTbased upon the extant

The estimated total price for all Services related to Project 1 is an amount between $445, 000. 00
and $525, 000. 00 subject to FDOT approval.


PO BOX 727 Destin. FL 32540 Phone: 850.424. 5223 . Fax: 850.270.6777 ·www. vscglobal. com
Page two of two FDOT/VSC 1 September 2022

VSC will utilize the State of Florida payment process and pay the assessed Transaction Fee of

Please contact me directly if you have further questions or concerns.

Many thanks


James Montgomerie
Vertol Systems Company, Inc.
+1. 850. 424. 5223


PO BOX 727 Destln, FL 32540 Phone: 850. 424. 5223 . Fax: 850. 270. 6777 www. vscglobal. com
Gmail Clarice Starling <heat19. heat19@gmail. com>


jlmontgomerie (null) <jlmontgomerie@aol. com> Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 3:23 PM

To: Heat 19 <>


To: Paul Baker

State Purchasing Administrator
Florida Department of Transportation

Email: paul. baker@dot. state. fl. us

From: James L. Montgomerie

Date: 15 September 2022

Pages: One (1) Pages in Total

Caution: The information in this message and all following pages is Company PROPRIETARY, confidential and the property of Vertol Systems Company, Inc. (VSC) Ifthe
readerofthismessageis nottheintendedrecipient,youareherebynotifiedthatanyuse, dissemination,orreproductionofthismessageis prohibitedwithoutVSCwritten
consent. The legal privilege and confidentiality attached to this message is not considered waived, lost, or vitiated by reason of mistaken delivery to the recipient, and as
suchlegalprivilegeandconfidentialityareherebyexpresslyresen/ed.Ifyou havereceivedthis messagein error, pleasenotifyVSCimmediatelybytelephoneorfacsimile
anddestroytheoriginalmessage.VSCwillreimburseyou reasonablecostofsuchnotification.Thankyou.

Dear Sir

Further to our proposal of 6 September 2022, VSC proposes the following two additional
humanitarian projects.

The proposed Humanitarian Services include, but are not limited to, Project management, aircraft,
crew, maintenance logistics, fuel, accommodation, coordination and planning, route preparation,
route services, landing fees, ground handling and logistics and other Project-related expenses.

These two projects will operate between 19 September and 3 October 2022

Project 2, shall involve the facilitation of the relocation of up to fifty (50) individuals to the State of
Delaware or other, proximate northeastern state designated by FDOT based upon the extant

Project 3, shall involve the facilitation of the relocation of up to fifty (50) individuals to the State of
Illinois or other, proximate northeastern state designated by FDOT based upon the extant

The price for Services related to Project 2 is $425,000.00, and Project 3 is $525,000.00, for a total
price of all service of $950, 000.00, subject to FDOTapproval.

Please contact me directly if you have further questions or concerns.


James Montgomerie
Vertol Systems Company, Inc.
james. montgomerie@vscglobal. com


PO BOX 727 Destin, FL 32540 . Phone: 850.424. 5223 . Fax: 850.270.6777 . www.vscglobal. com

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