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Grammar: Active voice vs.

Passive voice Teacher: Mourad BOUMAHDI

Bank Robbery

The New York police department has just announced that the Heist Bank was robbed
yesterday afternoon. Men in masks entered the bank at 4.30 with guns in their hands. Both
the customers and the bank agents were asked to lie down on the floor and put hands up

After that, the robber who is called ‘the Joker, “left the bank quickly and hurried to a school
bus. The police officer Jason Gregson says that more than 200,000 dollars was stolen yesterday, four men were killed, and
one agent was hurt. Jason Gregson thinks that the robber will be found sooner or later. The bank was closed since yesterday
and it will be open again in two days.

A. Read the text and say if these statements are true or false:
1. The robbers were not wearing masks. “………..…………’’
2. The robbers asked the agents and customers to lie down on the floor. “………..…………’’
3. Only a little money was stollen by the robber. “………..…………’’
4. Nobody was killed or hurt in the bank. “………..…………’’
5. The police will not find the robber. “………..…………’’

B. Complete the table with more examples from the text:

Active Voice Passive Voice

The New York police department has just announced…  the Heist Bank was robbed yesterday afternoon
.  .
.  .
 

C. Study the diagrams bellow and complete the rule.

Ahmed eats Tajine Lisa wrote a book
Use: We use the passive voice when:
 We don’t know the doer of
the action
 The doer of the action is
Abo not important
Tajine is eaten (by Ahmed) ok was written (by Lisa)
Rule: …………….. + be + ………………. + (by Subject)
Subject Object
D. Study the tables bellow and complete the exercises. Pronouns Pronouns
I Me
Present Simple He delivers the letters. The letters are delivered by him. She Her
Past Simple I delivered the letters. The letters were delivered by me. It It
Future Simple she will deliver the letters. The letters will be delivered by her. You You
Modals They must deliver the letters. The letters must be delivered by them . We Us
They Them

E. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice.

Someone built this house 200 years ago.
This house was built 200 years ago (by someone).
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
A thief stole my purse.
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
The police will arrest the robbers.
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
They produce cars in this factory.
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
They serve breakfast at eight o’clock every day.
5. _______________________________________________________________________________
People throw away tones of rubbish every day.
6. _________________________________________________________________________________
They make coffee in Brazil.
7. _________________________________________________________________________________
He must give the message to the right person.
8. _________________________________________________________________________________

F. Based on these pictures, complete the story bellow.

Last week, BMCE Bank, in the city of Ouarzazate, was robbed. …………………………………………………………………………………………….










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